F34797 Rev B

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  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    TROY, OHIO 45374-0001

    937 332-3000

    www.hobartcorp.com FORM 34797 R. B (Ag. 2006)



    ML-132394 ML-132291

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    ML-132410 ML-132372ML-132411 ML-132373

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B


    2 HOBART, 2006

    TABle OF COnTenTs

    GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................. 3

    INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................... 3

    OpERATION .......................................................................................................................................... 4Proo ........................................................................................................................................... 4

    Rtardi ......................................................................................................................................... 4

    Cotrols - Stadard Proofr............................................................................................................. 5

    Advacd Cotrols - Rtardr/Proofr............................................................................................ 7

    Oprati Paramtr Stp........................................................................................................... 14

    Cstomizd Opratio................................................................................................................... 16

    MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................. 18

    Lit Blbs..................................................................................................................................... 18

    St Dow ..................................................................................................................................... 18Clai ........................................................................................................................................ 18

    Srvic ad Parts Iformatio ....................................................................................................... 18

    TROuBLeShOOTIng ........................................................................................................................ 19

    Srvic ad Parts Iformatio ....................................................................................................... 19

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    OpeRATiOn And CARe OFMOdels Hp pROOFeRs &

    HpR pROOFeR/ReTARdeRs

    sAve THese insTRuCTiOns


    T hP Proofr ad hPR Proofr/Rtardr cabits proof racks of do prodcts dr cotrolldtmpratrs ad midity prior to baki. Tr ar two to coos from. T stadard proofrs arqippd to proof do oly. Proofr/Rtardrs radally taw froz do. T rtardrs opratlik a rfrirator by kpi t itrior cool, wic also provids a xcllt viromt for storido. T coolr tmpratr slows t yast frmtatio procss ad prvts t do from risi.T Atomatic Rtard/Proof fatr adds t xibility of prorammi tims to rtard ad atomatically

    proof i o opratio.

    T hP Proofrs ad hPR Proofr/Rtardrs offr a iq modlar dsi, allowi for a wid varity ofsizs i bot stadard ad pass-tro modls. Ty ca b ordrd as o-, two-, or tr-sctio roll-i or roll-tro modls. All hP Proofr ad hPR Proofr/Rtardr cabits av asy-to-cla stailssstl itrior ad xtrior pals.

    It is sstd tat yo toroly rad tis maal ad carflly follow t istrctios providd.


    Modls hP Proofrs ad hPR Proofr/Rtardrs mst b istalld by atorizd hobart Bakry Systmstraid srvic tcicias.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B




    T followi pas covr t opratio procdrs for t varios cotrol optios of t hP Proofr adhPR Proofr/Rtardr cabits. T cotrol pals com i two coratios: stadard proofr adproofr/rtardr.

    pROOFinGCotrolld tmpratr ad midity i t proofr promots yast frmtatio, wic rats as adcass t do to ris. Proo taks from 45 to 60 mits, dpdi o t prodct. A tmpratrstti of 95F (35C) ad midity at 85% ar typical bt will vary slitly, dpdi o t prodctbi proofd. To dry-proof, st t midity to t lowst stti. T cart blow is oly a id. Askyor do spplir for tcical prodct rports to st p yor ow cart.


    Temper atu re % Hu midity P roof T ime Minutes

    R olls 95F (35C ) 85% 55 min.

    French C rust B read 14 oz. 90F (32C ) 90% 45 min.

    French C rust B read 10 oz. 90F (32C ) 85% 45 min.

    B agels 85F (29C ) 85% 50 min.

    C roissants 75F (24C ) 70% 30 min.


    T rtard fatr radally taws froz do. St t tmpratr btw 36F ad 38F (2C to 3C) for bst rslts. Tawi froz do at rtardr tmpratrs taks approximatly 6 orsmiimm. Rtardi slows t yast frmtatio procss, rdcs as formatio ad iibits t dofrom risi. Tis also provids a xcllt viromt for stori do prodcts p to 48 ors bykpi t do itrior cool. Do sold ot b rfroz aftr tawi.

    It is likly tat codsatio will form if prodct is placd dirctly ito t proofr from t rtardr. Forbst rslts, allow t prodct to rac room tmpratr bfor placi ito t proofr.

    uits qippd wit ato mod will slowly ad atomatically bri t proofr p to tmpratr witotrmovi t prodct from t it.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    COnTROls - sTAndARd pROOFeR

    pROOF MOde

    On/OFF - Prss to start/stop t proof mod.

    TeMp up ordOwn ARROw - Prss to st ttmpratr.

    TeMp windOw - Displays t crrttmpratr.

    %HuMidiTy up ordOwn ARROw - Prss tost t midity.

    %HuMidiTy windOw - Displays t crrtmidity.

    nOTe: W t actal midity is lss ta 26%,t midity widow will sow 25%. W t actal

    midity is ir ta 25%, t midity widow willsow t actal midity. To viw t tmpratror midity st poit, toc t p or dow arrowoc.

    TiMeR nuMBeR

    up ARROw - Prss to slct a timr(1 tro 4).

    sTART/sTOp - Prss to start/stop t slctdtimr.

    TiMeRs upor

    dOwn ARROw - Prss to st tdsird tim o t slctd timr.

    TiMeRs windOw - Displays t ors admits rmaii o t slctd timr.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B




    T proof fatr allows tawd do to ris by radally icrasi t tmpratr ad midity oft do.

    1. Prss t On/OFF btto to start t proof mod. TOn/OFF Idicator Lit is lit.

    2. etr t dsird tmpratr by prssi t uP or

    DOWn arrow xt to t TeMP widow. T smallOn dot locatd i t lowr rit corr of t TeMPwidow will lit if t actal tmpratr is blow tst tmpratr ad t it is calli for at.

    3. etr t dsird midity by prssi t uP or DOWnarrow xt to t %huMIDITY widow.

    4. etr t dsird tim. (S etri Tim blow.)

    nOTe: For bst rslts, allow t proofr to rac st tmpratr ad midity bfor ptti prodcti. Proof at lowr tmpratrs ratr ta ir tmpratrs.

    etrg Tm

    Tr ar for idividal timrs tat ca b sd for timd opratios. Timrs r idpdtly ad willot start or stop a opratio.

    1. Prss t uP arrow btto xt to t TIMeR nuMBeR widow to slct o of for timrs. Tmbr will b displayd i t TIMeR nuMBeRwidow.

    2. etr t dsird tim by prssi t Up or DOwN

    arrow xt to t TIMeRS widow.

    3. Prss t START/STOP btto to activat t timr.T small On dot locatd i t lowr rit corr of t

    TIMeR nuMBeR widow bliks to idicat t timr isri.

    4. W t timr xpirs, a bpr sods ad t timrmbr ass i t TIMeR nuMBeR widow. PrssSTART/STOP to silc t bpr.

    5. If mor ta o timr is dd, slct aotr timr ad tr t dsird tim. To bi ttimi cotdow o t timr yo wat to r, slct t timr ad prss t START/STOP btto.T START/STOP btto oly starts or stops t timi opratio for t timr sow i t TIMeRnuMBeR widow.

    6. W mltipl timrs ar i s, t timr mbr will as o t scr as ac o tims ot.

    7. Prvios tim sttis rmai i t timrs til cad.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    AdvAnCed COnTROls - ReTARdeR/pROOFeR

    T Rtardr/Proofr as svral optios to coos from t cotrol pal.

    Maal Proof Opratio

    Maal Rtard Opratio

    Atomatic Rtard ad Proof Opratio


    On/OFF - Tr o/off t stp mod.

    TeMpeRATuRe up ordOwn ARROw - Prss tost t tmpratr lvl.

    TeMpeRATuRe windOw - Displays t crrttmpratr. Displays st tmpratr w biadjstd.

    HuMidiTy up ordOwn ARROw - Prss to st t

    midity lvl.

    HuMidiTy windOw - Displays t crrt midity.Displays st midity w bi adjstd.

    TiMeR nuMBeR ARROw - Prss to slct a timr(1 to 4).

    TiMeR sTART/sTOp BuTTOn - Prss to start/stopt timr.

    TiMeRs up ordOwn ARROw - Prss to st tdsird tim.

    TiMeRs windOw - Displays t ors ad mits

    rmaii o t timr.ARROw BuTTOns - us wit LCD opratio.

    lCd pAnel - Displays all stp optios of t Proofr,Rtardr, or atomatic Rtard/Proofr opratio.


    To tr t opratio mod, prss On/OFF btto

    (S Fi. 1).

    OpeRATiOn MOde:

    T LCD pal displays tr optios aftr tOn/OFF btto is prssd (S Fi. 2).

    Fg. 1

    Fg. 2

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B




    Prss t "PROOFeR" opratio arrow btto (S Fi. 2).

    etr t dsird tmpratr (65F - 115F) by prssi p or dow arrow btto.

    etr t dsird midity (25% - 95%) by prssi p or dow arrow btto.

    etr t dsird tim for timr. (If it is timd ot, bpr is plsd ad timr mbr ass.)

    Aftr tri dsird tim ad prssi t timrSTART/STOP btto, t LCD displays mssa"PROOF TIMIngoooo" to idicat t proof opratiois ow ri wit timrs (S Fi. 4).

    To stop t proof timr opratio, prss START/STOPbtto. To stop t proof opratio, prss "ChAngeMODe" arrow btto or On/OFF btto.

    nOTe: It is ormal to otic tat o proofr fa prairdct kps ri for 20 mits to cool dowaftr t proof opratio is cacld.

    LeD is o idicati t

    it is ri.

    Fg. 3

    Fg. 4

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B




    Prss t "ReTARDeR" opratio arrow btto (S Fi. 2).

    etr t dsird tmpratr (34F - 50F) by prssi p or dow arrow btto.

    etr t dsird tim for timr. (If it is timd ot, bpr is plsd ad timr mbr ass.)

    nOTe: Rtard opratio dos ot offr midity cotrol. A xd midity val is sd for tis

    opratio.nOTe: Dfrost cycl ca b st by tri t Paramtr Stp Mod. S cart for dfalt val. Dridfrost cycl activ, t LCD ass "DeFR" at t bottom lft corr.

    etr t dsird timr ad prss timr START/STOP btto. T LCD displays mssa"ReTARDeR TIMIngoooo" to idicat t rtardopratio is ri wit timr (S Fi. 5 adFi. 6).

    To stop t rtard timr, prss timr START/STOPbtto. To stop t rtard opratio, prss "ChAngeMODe" arrow btto or On/OFF btto.

    LeD is o idicati t

    it is ri.

    Fg. 6

    Fg. 5

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    ReTARdeR/ pROOFeR (Ato Mo)

    Tis opratio will pt Rtard ad Proof i o opratio. T atomatic Rtard/Proof opratio ca bprorammd for itr a sil day or sv days. (S cart for t paramtr val stp.) Aftr oopratio cycl (Rtard ad Proof) is isd, t it ow rs Proofr mod. To rsm t xt dayproram, t oprator mst o to Rtard/Proofr Mod ad prss Start Rtard/Proofr arrow btto.

    not: Rst priod ad Rcovr tim ar stp tims bfor t it trs t proof sta. (S cart

    for t dfalt val.)T oprator mst slct ChAnge MODe arrow btto, ReTARDeR/PROOFeR arrow btto, tprss Start Rtard/Proof arrow btto to rsm t proram for t xt day.

    Follow t stps blow to proram atomatic Rtard/Proof opratio.

    Af tr prssi Rviw/edi tSttis, t xt scr ot LCD is sow r (SFi. 8).

    Rviw or dit w sttis.

    Prss r to ca day.

    I Fi. 8, t LCD displays "7 DAY PROgRAM" bcas t paramtr P15 val is st to 1.

    not: Tis stp is for srvic oly. If sil day proram is prfrrd, s Oprati Paramtr Stp toca P15 val to 0.

    If day is ot corrct, t prss Ca DAY? arrow btto. T LCD xt scr displays t optioto slct days as sow blow.

    us t arrow bttos to ca

    day. T slct neXT btto orarrow btto to st t clock.

    To tr t Rtard/Proofopratio, prss Rviw/editSttis arrow btto (SFi. 7).

    Fg. 7

    Fg. 8

    Fg. 9

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    not:Prorammi is basd o proof cc comtoTim/Day. T proram always starts wit Sdayas t rst day for prorammi. To activat t proram, slct t arrow btto as sow blow

    Prss r to dit tim.

    If tim is corrct, t prssneXT btto or arrow btto.If tim is ot corrct, slct tSt CLOCK? arrow btto toca tim.

    If t proram o Sday isactivatd, tis scr will display(S Fi. 12).

    T xt LCD scr displaystim tat t proram will b

    compltd for proofi (SFi. 13).

    Prss neXT btto or arrowbtto.

    Prss r to activat ordactivat t proram.

    Oprator also as t coic toskip t proram o tat day byprssi neXT btto or arrowbtto (S Fi. 11).

    Prss r to procd to

    xt scr.

    etr t dsird tim w tocomplt Proo by prssi"hors" ad "Mits" arrowbttos. Kp i mid tat or

    or mit is cad by oarrow btto. If t dsirdors or mits is missd, kpprssi t arrow btto tilt dsird tim is racd.

    Prss neXT btto or arrowbtto.

    Ca ors.

    Ca mits.

    Fg. 10

    Fg. 11

    Fg. 12

    Fg. 13

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    Follow t LCD istrctios tostp t Rtard tmpratr.Prss t up or Dow arrowbtto to slct dsirdtmpratr (S Fi. 14 adFi. 15).

    Aft r tr i t Rtar dtmpratr, prss neXT bttoor arrow btto to o to t Proofstp as sow i Fi. 16 adFi. 17.

    Oprator ca tr dsird tmpratr, midity, adtimr to d proof opratio. Tis is t d of Rtardad Proof cycl (for o day).

    Fg. 14

    Fg. 15

    Fg. 17

    Fg. 16

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    T xt scr sows tproram for t scod day aftrt neXT btto is prssd (SFi. 18).

    Aftr a 7-day proram is isd,t LCD displays t fialmssa as sow i Fi. 19.

    T oprator as two optios,itr to rviw/dit w caor o back to otr opratiooptios (maal Rtard ormaal Proof) by prssiChAnge MODe arrow btto.Otrwis, t ato Rtard/Proof opratio will start aftrt arrow btto is prssd assow i Fi. 19.

    Prss r to activat or

    dactivat t proram.

    Aai, t LCD displays a coic of t xt day proram by activati or dactivati t proram btto.To skip t xt day, t xt day proram mst b iactiv. T prss neXT btto. If xt day proramis activatd, t procd wit similar stps as sow i scr sot Fi. 11 tro Fi. 17.

    Fg. 18

    Fg. 19

    Prss r to activat

    t ato Rtard/Proof.

    Prss r to o to

    maal Rtard or Proof.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    OpeRATinG pARAMeTeR seTup

    Prss ad old t TIMeR nuMBeR arrow btto.

    Prss On/OFF btto. (S Fi. 20).

    Fg. 20

    Aftr tr i paramtrstp mod (Fi. 21), t LCD

    pal sows fctio of acparamtr ditio. For moriformatio of paramtr val,s t paramtr val cartto drstad ac paramtrval.

    Fg. 21

    Prss p or dow btto

    to tr w val.

    Prss p or dow btto to

    slct paramtr mbr.

    LCD displays fctio or

    ac paramtr mbr.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    Denitions and Default Values for Retarder Proofer

    /* P0 Softwar Vrsio nmbr

    /* P1 Farit or Clsis

    /* P2 Tmp Offst for Calib. Mi. 0 Max. 30, 15 is zro offst

    /* P3 hm Offst for Calib. Mi. 0 Max. 30, 15 is zro offst

    /* P4 Miimm Tmp for Proof 65F

    /* P5 Maximm Tmp for Proof 115F

    /* P6 Miimm hmid for Proof 25%

    /* P7 Maximm hmid for Proof 95%

    /* P8 Dmmy (dd)

    /* P9 Prat witot midity Prst T=105F, Tim ot aftr 15 mi. If Timr Start/Stop btto is ot prssd

    aftr 30 sc, t it will o to Proof opratio.

    /* P10 Miimm Tmp for Rtard 34F

    /* P11 Maximm Tmp for Rtard 50F

    /* P12 Rst Tim Mi. 5 mi. Max. 480 mi.

    /* P13 Rcovry Tim Mi. 30 mi. Max. 480 mi.

    /* P14 1=AM/PM, 0 = Military Tim/* P15 1= 7Day, 0= Sil Day

    /* P16 Dfrost evry xx (ors) Max. 10 rs.

    /* P17 Dfrost FOR xx (mits) Max. 60 mi.

    nOTe: P10 tr P17 ar for t Rtardr Proofr oly.

    Default Parameter Values

    101 /* P0 Softwar Vrsio nmbr

    1 /* P1 1=Farit, 0=Clsis

    15 /* P2 Tmp Offst for Calib.

    15 /* P3 hm Offst for Calib.

    65 /* P4 Miimm Tmp for Proof

    115 /* P5 Maximm Tmp for Proof

    25 /* P6 Miimm hmid for Proof

    95 /* P7 Maximm hmid for Proof

    0 /* P8 not sd

    1 /* P9 Prat 1= disabld, 0=abl

    34 /* P10 Miimm Tmp for Rtard

    50 /* P11 Maximm Tmp for Rtard

    30 /* P12 Tim for Rst Tim

    60 /* P13 Tim for Rcovry

    1 /* P14 1=AM/PM, 0 = Military

    0 /* P15 1= 7Day, 0= Sil Day

    6 /* P16 Dfrost vry x ors

    10 /* P17 Dfrost tim x mits

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    CusTOMized OpeRATiOn

    T hP Proofr ad t hPR Proofr/Rtardr cotrols av t capability of bi cstomizd to t yorow prsoal ds si t stp mod.

    nOTe: Bfor tri t stp mod, rad all t istrctios to mak sr yo ar compltly clar owat to do. If yo d assistac, plas call yor atorizd hobart Bakry Systms Srvic ofc.

    etrg st Mo

    1. Prss ad old t TIMeR nuMBeR arrow btto. Wil prssi t TIMeR nuMBeR arrowbtto, prss t On/OFF btto.

    2. A zro will appar i t TIMeR nuMBeR display.

    3. Rlas bot bttos.

    4. Yo ar ow i stp mod.

    Changing Items in Setup Mode

    1. T mbr i t TIMeR nuMBeR display is t stp mbr. T otr display widows willlit p, dpdi o wat itm is bi cad.

    2. To ca t stp itm bi displayd, o to tat display ad s t arrow bttos to t lft oft display to adjst t stti.

    3. To ca t stp mbr, prss t Up or DOwN arrow to t lft of t TIMERS display.

    4. To xit t stp mod, prss t On/OFF ad TIMeR nuMBeR arrow btto oc to t back toormal opratio.

    nOTe: Tr may b stp mbrs i t stp mod tat do ot prtai to yor particlar proofr. Doot attmpt to st ts. Skip tm ad o to t xt appropriat mbr.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    st G

    Setup Hints

    Dri Rst Priod, t it dos ot at, cool or circlat air; tis allows t do to "rst."

    Dri Rcovry Tim, t it slowly ats p ad adds midity, brii t it to t prsttmpratr ad midity ad ito t proof sta of t atomatic rtard/proof procss.

    st nmbr st itm

    1 Drs Farit

    2 Tmpratr Offst (0= -15F/C, 15= 0F/C, 30= +15F/C)

    3 hmidity Offst (0= -15%Rh, 15= 0%Rh, 30= +15%Rh)

    4 Miimm proof tmpratr tat ca b st

    5 Maximm proof tmpratr tat ca b st

    6 Miimm proof midity tat ca b st

    7 Maximm proof midity tat ca b st

    9 Prat Disabld (1=Disabld, 0=eabld) (hP oly)

    10 Miimm rtard tmpratr tat ca b st (hPR oly)

    11 Maximm rtard tmpratr tat ca b st (hPR oly)

    12 Rst priod (hPR oly)

    13 Rcovry priod (hPR oly)

    14 Military or stadard tim (hPR oly)

    15 Daily/Wkly (1= 7 Day Cycl, 0= 1 Day Cycl)16 Dfrost Rfriratio qipmt vry xx ors (Max. 10 ors)

    17 Dfrost Rfriratio qipmt for xx mits (Max. 60 mits)

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B





    evry 6 mots av atorizd srvic prsol cck rfriratio coils (cla if rqird), air dctdrai, atr plat ad spray ozzl. Oil t fa motor (if rqird).

    liGHT BulBs

    Rplac lit blb(s) wit 40-watt icadsct appliac-typ blb(s) OnLY.

    sHuT dOwn

    1. Rmov all rmaii prodct.

    2. Tr off proofr.

    3. Cla t proo cambr. (S Clai blow.)


    1. usi a cla clot moistd i warm, soapy watr, was t stailss stl itrior of t cabit.Ris wit clar watr ad dry wit a cla clot.

    2. Cla t otsid daily wit a cla, damp clot.

    3. us car w clai arod ssitiv itrior parts, sc as probs ad ssors.

    4. Do ot s clars cotaii rit, abrasiv matrials, blac, ars cmicals or cloriatdclars. Do ot s stl wool o stailss stl srfacs. nvr spray dow t proofr wit watr,stam or powr was.

    5. B catios wit w or improvd clai formlas; s oly aftr bi wll tstd i a icospicios


    seRviCe And pARTs inFORMATiOn

    Cotact yor atorizd hobart Bakry Systms Srvic ofc for ay rpairs or adjstmts dd otis qipmt.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B




    pROBleM CORReCTive ACTiOn

    Maci will ot tr o. 1. Mak sr tat t powr cord is pld i.

    2. Vrify tat t mai powr spply is o.

    3. Cotact yor local hobart Bakry Systm Srvic ofc.

    Maci will ot at p. 1. Vrify tat t tmpratr is st proprly.2. Cotact yor local hobart Bakry Systm Srvic ofc.

    Maci will ot midify air . 1. Vrify tat t midity is st proprly.

    2. Vrify tat t watr spply is trd o to t qipmt.

    3. Cotact yor local hobart Bakry Systm Srvic ofc.

    Maci will ot cool. 1. Vrify tat t tmpratr is st proprly.

    2. Cotact yor local hobart Bakry Systm Srvic ofc.

    seRviCe And pARTs inFORMATiOn

    Cotact yor atorizd hobart Bakry Systms srvic ofc for ay rpairs or adjstmts dd o

    tis qipmt.

  • 7/29/2019 F34797 Rev B



    20FORM 34797 R B (Ag 2006) pRinTed in u s A