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Descripción de F1000

Citation preview


Recomendacin de artculos

Cada mes, F1000Prime publica ms de 1,500 recomendaciones de los mejores artculos publicados de Biologa y Medicina ofreciendo adicionalmente un comentario experto del 2% de los artculos ms relevantes indexados en PubMed. Ms de 3,700 revistas han sido cubiertas.

Casi 6,000 expertos contribuyen con F1000Prime, formando el grupo ms grande de expertos nominados por sus pares en Biologa y Medicina. La facultad deF1000Prime, entre otros, incluye 9 ganadores del Premio Nobel, lo que signifi ca que sus usuarios pueden confi ar en la credibilidad y en la calidad de su contenido

Herramientas de F1000Prime

F1000Prime cuenta con herramientas para ayudar a los investigadores a descubrir, valorar, compartir y discutir artculos relevantes a su trabajo.

Estas herramientas incluyen:

- Pginas y alertas personalizadas

En menos de un minuto, los usuarios pueden crear contenido personalizado de artculos relevantes a su investigacin cubriendo todo F1000Prime y todo PubMed.

Los usuarios solo deben ingresar unas cuantas palabras clave para comenzar, la exactitud de F1000Prime para conocer los intereses de sus usuarios, aumenta con el tiempo y con la interaccin de los usuarios.

- F1000Journal Clubs

F1000Journal Clubs es una herramienta en lnea que ayuda a los investigadores a crear,

organizar y compartir las conclusiones de sus journal clubs. Es gratis para todos los suscriptores de F1000Prime.

Organizador de reuniones en lnea

Extractor de fi guras de PDF para crear presentaciones automticamente

Bsqueda integrada de F1000Prime y PubMed

lista corta de artculos y sistema de votos entre los miembros del grupo

Capacidad de subir y guardar documentos audiovisuales

Herramientas para escribir, comentar y compartir los resultados del Journal Club


F1000Primes Smartsearch ayuda a los investigadores a descubrir rpidamente artculos altamente relevantes para los intereses de cada investigador, el sistema se actualiza y perfecciona entre ms se interacta con l.

Una bsqueda de SmartSearch comienza con un artculo que represente un rea de inters especfi ca y crea una bsqueda rpida cubriendo todo PubMed ahorrndole tiempo al


Los usuarios pueden interactuar con los resultados de la bsqueda, indicando si los artculos son relevantes o no, para mejorar la precisin de los resultados a travs del tiempo.


Lejos de los pases con comunidades cientfi cas ms densamente establecidas, echo de menos la frecuencia con que uno all se ve expuesto a la opinin de colegas sobre este o aquel trabajo publicado recientemente. Conocer la opinin de los pares sobre la marcha del conocimiento

cientfi co ayuda a planifi car la investigacin propia. Por eso valoro a f1000, porque nos

acerca la opinin de muchos expertos hasta mi pantalla.

Dr. Jorge Casal

IFEVA CONICET - Universidad de

Buenos Aires, Argentina


F1000Research is a completely original Open Access publishing program across biology and medicine. We published our first articles whilst in beta-phase since July 2012 and we are now on our new platform since January 2013.

F1000Research addresses the major issues afflicting scientific publishing today by offering immediate publication, transparent peer review (post publication) and full data deposition

and sharing. F1000Research accepts all scientifically sound articles, ranging from single findings, case reports, protocols, replications, and null or negative results to more traditional articles.

The problems with current approaches to publishing novel scientific research are well documented. It no longer makes sense to wait months or years to read, comment, or build upon another labs

work, and the standard closed, pre-publication peer review process has been extensively criticized. Furthermore, there is a growing recognition that the raw data behind novel findings need to be

shared (barring any privacy concerns) to enable re-use and ensure reproducibility.

F1000Research is working to address all of these issues.

Information Pack Contents:

Our advisors

Summary of our publishing model:

Types of article

Pre-refereeing checks

Refereeing process


Citation and indexing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our advisors

Advisory Panel

F1000Research has a prestigious international Advisory Panel of more than 200 of the most eminent names in biology and medicine

Editorial Board

We also have over 1000 international experts as members on our Editorial Board.

Issues addressed by our publishing model

In brief, F1000Research provides an alternative to current (and we believe outmoded) scientific publishing approaches by addressing four of the main issues in scholarly communication

(see Appendix 1 for a summary diagram):

1. Unnecessary publication delays F1000Research submissions are published immediately, following a brief internal review.

2. Unattributed, closed peer review F1000Research provides a rapid, formal, and completely open peer review process, post-publication.

3. Inflexibility of article types A wide range of research findings, including null/negative and

replication/refutation findings are encouraged.

4. Lack of primary data All submissions must include the raw data behind any results.

F1000Research also provides a forum for the publication and refereeing of separate data articles.

We invite submissions from all areas of biology and medicine. F1000Research uses the Gold Open Access model, i.e. with article processing charges (APCs) that are highly competitive with the other major open access publishers (for details, please see http://f1000research.com/


We also use the most open of the standard Creative Commons licences (CC-BY; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) as the default for submissions, which leaves copyright of the content with whomever was the copyright holder (usually the author or institution) and

enables text mining. We aim to ensure that all data associated with the articles is published under a CC0 licence (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), which avoids problems of

attribution stacking when combining multiple datasets for further analysis.

Types of article

F1000Research publishes the following types of articles:

a. Research Articles

b. Data Articles

c. Case Reports

d. Method Articles

e. Study Protocols

f. Articles from Posters

g. Short Research Articles

h. Correspondence Articles

i. Commentaries/Opinion Articles

j. Reviews/Systematic Reviews

For full details of our author guidelines, please go to http://f1000research.com/author-guidelines.

Pre-refereeing checks

All submissions to F1000Research go through a rapid initial check by the in-house editorial team before being published. Our editorial team will check the appropriateness of the article (including content, quality, tone and format), ensure it is intelligible and that it is written in good English.

If a submission fails our initial checks, it will be returned to the authors to address the issues, and if they are not addressed satisfactorily, the article will not be accepted. If our in-house editorial team

have concerns but are not completely sure whether to accept a submission, we will contact a relevant member of the

Editorial Board for advice.

Any article that passes these initial checks will be published and clearly marked as awaiting peer review until the first review is provided.

Refereeing process

Authors are asked to suggest 5 potential referees for their article, which are then

checked by the in-house editorial team to ensure there are no obvious conflicts.

We ask referees to inform us (within days) whether the work seems

scientifically sound. They have three options: Approved; Approved with Reservations; and Not Approved. We also ask referees (particularly if they select one of the latter two statuses) to provide

a more detailed referee report. Both the status and the report are displayed with the article, together with the referee name(s) and affiliation(s). See http://f1000research.com/articles for examples of how the referee status and reports are displayed.

Registered users (i.e. those we can verify as research scientists or clinicians) who provide their full name and affiliation for public display are also able to comment on the article or on any referee report at any time.


Authors are strongly encouraged to make appropriate amendments suggested by the referees. The authors can discuss any referee comments openly on the site with the reviewers.

All versions of an article are accessible, each with their own DOI (digital object identifier) and may be cited individually. The most recent version is displayed as the default.

Every article will be indexed by the CrossMark Identification Service.

CrossMark is a new service that provides a way of viewing the history of an article and any linked publications. All our articles will carry the CrossMark logo, which (when clicked on) will

make readers aware of newer (or older) versions of the article, as well as of all referee reports and associated articles.

Citation and indexing

Standard citation approaches are not sufficient for F1000Research articles because:

The referee status of an article will change after publication

An article may have many versions as it is adapted in response to the referee comments it has received

After discussion with our Advisory Panel, major indexing services and others, we have adapted the current system of citation to include an indication of the referee status and the version of an


This citation includes three additional elements, placed in square brackets, immediately after the article title (to avoid them being accidentally removed on copying):

Article version number

Details of the referee review status, i.e. number of Approved, Approved with Reservations and Not Approved

A shortened hyperlink to a page that shows the current referee status of the article

Example article citation:

Smith A, Jones B

Cellular networks controlling Th2

polarization in allergy and immunity

[v3; ref status: Approved 1, Not

Approved 1, http://f1000r.es/123456]

F1000Research 2012, 1: 23

DOI: 10.3410/f1000r.2012-23.v3

Once an article has received either 2 Approved statuses, or 2 Approved with Reservations and one Approved status, the article will be indexed currently in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus,

Embase and Google Scholar and the status of the article will change to Indexed (see example below).

Example citation once indexed:

Smith A, Jones B

Cellular networks controlling Th2

polarization in allergy and immunity

[v3; ref status: Indexed, http://f1000r.


F1000Research 2012, 1: 23

DOI: 10.3410/f1000r.2012-23.v3