E WASHINGTON TIMES FRIIU DErEInER 12 lO F THE MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC WORLDS I I l STAVO SALVTNI son of T- rvmi whose wrong ideal of Shakea Otnalto wan to well presented h ro long MO la to come to America play the Moor rtjr NtTHBRaOLB has beta toctw- in Kaglaad oa Ta novation of the iini No performer forcl ihsptajrod the orgeat need for IU laa- e ELEANOR ROB9OK tboogn n r Madge Carr Cooke la an her own stage debut quite by nt In fact hiring home gift with r pencil ski had been brought up with xpecUtlon of an artist she was sixteen she lived at tb- s TH of Charity Convent In New York I in the latter part of the time not once pee her Mother who was phiy- Jie In tho JTrawley stock company in m Fraadaco Becoming lonely aDd riiouick she ao entreated ber motber ilow her to go to San Francisco that r nt was thinly given and the girl i out atone across the continent oa trip in a sleeping car Just as she PT rived Gladys Wallis reaigned from h Frawley company red a new In- K lilt who was expected to take her i p failed to appear Miss Robaoaa- mother half Jestingly suggested that Ji r daughter try a part Bobaoa- v rather pleased with the novelty of ilf Idea sad the manager coaaeated- inrJiaps became there was nothing else fnr him to do On twentyfour hours notice the young girl learned bar first n K nue role and played it with enough v s to keep a place In the in th next two weeks she learned and ten parts mad then went on a Short tour to Honolulu When abe re- turned abE had ouita given up her ex rotations of studying graphic art lid was embarked oa the outer which baa now landed her la the Madbon Square Theater as a star o TOUSTOTS Resurrection la not a succeed as a drama la spite of the food opinion of the critic It la the old story nt the rsspQtial difference between tile methods of the aid those of tba dramatist Resurrect toa In Tolstoys hands waa a magnificent preachment re liovd by oceaaional flaahea of narrative for it ac- T ill t t Ii- I flayed it DOYel lilt e r his mere ro tY meat rr her dr e- t becoming nil aid he- r eo pan r > ¬ < the younger who has been hunting with Emperor William In Prince Hencke von for Beta in Shasta is arranging to take a company to Berlin in January to play at one the royal playhouses F- MOVEXJBTO OF STARS Mra Lang try will wing before the American pub lic a new play called The Cross Ways J Hartley Manners Mr Manafleid act at the Herald Square Theater till January 17 when be will go to Dos ton Mr Sothera will appear at the Garden Theater on December 29 aa Hamlet Mr Willard gave pleasure to many persons last Thursday afternoon by a performance of David GarrIck and oa aeri Thursday be wilt give one of the most delightful of his embodiments Prof Ooodwlllle in Mr Beanies fine play The Professors Love Story Miss Marie Wainwrigbt is acting Lady Isabel and atmc Vice In Bast Lynne That excellent coocdUn fiJward Terry is u visit South Africa Mr Goodwins en- gagement at the Knickerbocker Theater will terminate oa January 24 1903 Mrs Leslie Carter la acting in Brooklyn She will appear la Chicago December 15 LouIe James and Frederick Warde are acting in theaters in Texaa Mr Hackett will appear in Boston oa December presenting The Crisis Good Judgment and good taste appear to prevail la Baltimore for lime perform- ances attracted but little attention there Mme Dash la now in Philadelphia Oa December 16 she will act la Chicago John Craig has been acting John Storm in The Chriatian and his perform aeee is macL comaended Mrs Patrick Campbell devotes this week to Wash- ington Miss Croaman lately drew more than 17000 in one week at the Philadel- phia Academy of Music William Gil- lette will appear In Philadelphia next week Kiss Edith Wynne Matt bison ha met with much success In Boston with the morality of BverymaF sad Hart Conway of Chicago manifested Ma originality by producing the piece in that dty Alice Fischer acts this week la St Louie presenting Mrs Jack Antonio Marjort an Italian tragedian purposes to illumine the Bowery Wil- liam Winter j DoDD rrek J DaM COQIJ IAN gill baa > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ K H SOTHERN la to have a coun try estate in Wales oa tko west elope at Mount Saowdfia the highest mountain la Great Britain The property embracea scabs aa well aa the Cbaletand where Mr gotten has apeat Ma- vaeattona for several The price Pall Is 16000- K C CARTON author of Lord and Lady Alp bile eompleted a dy which la to be aiwatace by Mr- i Charfe Prohnaa at a Criterion Thea- ter London about the middle of January MARIE CAH1LL wlU Irate her stellar debut In January IB a lox comic opera Nancy Brown to bit written by George j H Broadherst and Frederic Rankin tour and a New irk engagement will follow that of Mabelle Gllman at the Bijou Theater Jennie Yeaotftaa has succeeded Mlas CAn In the cut of Sally la Oat Alley LS THEATRE of devotes Ita Jaest lapse almoat qty to itrostra- tioas and oacriptloaa of La Cbato Wee which la heralded a the trlamaft of optimism in against toe vogite of ayaaohoadrUMal plays made popular by the aataraltetic school of drama that bras under Aa reins and the TheatreLibre MANAGER MAUI tTAMLVr haa aa- nounvad that at the of the present Robert ItaataV will go to Manila and thence to Aasjtntta SB a araflaaatonal tour KATHRYN KIODsm will prowaee a new play An life tea an Lye at Syra- cuse N Y oa Christmas Day TIM MURPHY bagan his present sea son with a tour through the His receipta have aurpaaaed all previous ree- orta Mr Murphy ia booked for tins Con Theater St Louia Christmas week but haw ordered Ma tear after that weep to be rearranged that he may play re turn Mtgagementa in Southern efUea present he te appearing aa Jason Oreea In Old Innocence Dorothy Sherrod to again his costar I J tel e 0 hew I I DanIel V Arthur wilt ca Ibm I r ILl II I I At 2000 con envo- rre direct Mies s err Part rescues pro- longed rr lose maon rrs ee attn I ¬ ¬ A SECRET OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC- A NOVEL OF MUTINY AND MYSTERY W BERT FOSTER By I ropYWOW W IfkUMC A MTOSatr THIS aiwnr WAS HOCV nuDAT oounutS- YNOPSIS F PREVIOUS IRVTAUJIBirnL Howard niornc Barvanl atodeat sad of wealthy Boatoa iMppiag an- nt I n Jercli I i n in the So i PaeBk Tt ume h had heen the intimste Mmi sari rAleatijI clerk of Mr Kimlit had lift me tuiiiiv hefore under aaapieloa of- vinjt tikiu o w from the vault where ii juentljr found while the vault rnlarjceii Mr I ixiercliB t- uh an lii Itanm that be leek cogs en Just Vernaades which heiirn Irm At the time the Wry inty JTIII later the flm receives V009 i 11 oiii t rfimlmrae tin n for the thrtiixli tua pcjouble nKl xeace i Oaptan- ii liner i the Taida om of the arms li I rui4 iiie draft ha imt shipwrecked wl kunrtl to Vs v made a laOmflel- ire i af t t tram an uncharted sad t the sun who not the money rd llrn Jctrrmta tu iiIa on her ntiirn trip and endiwoCJ naff- Httai Mr I mtenliff turna to hint packer of oWK which he had tiirtwd Howard flnd that it content a bill later Ui than that i Uea ear r Hf Mi i efU a plot to roil Ua btner that Mr Mr IniiavliCf patt- I wh lial Jen hia lath uaetirri iiefiil to nr nan it the bottom of it Howard UP mla whirh a soda that I rd l aptain baatdaoow datkfhter- ll i jrri iu ir in wousd nile He tncvn inn if AIM ell OM of the by iit Iti met a head of aaother i to he the ink father raaned Be is- usKustc l t hnd that he hat a lillfnr iamn CartT loin Ki rem of lass he aM- i jitet aboard Howard Mies tin t IIL ataterooB aad throws awe lark too Sydney bat Row r unabi tn oaceal ink wMfaioa to C tUr is x ber aa aarf pfefarfkeO C r- r i in leaf to Howard ia the able after Dinner tar and Howard knocks him out of- bis dir Outer ha Ana to hia hip packet t AIM yooraatf said i coldly aad take your band V that thing la year poeket Aa aa yes try to draw it am Me rn brash Lone In year body Monvktoa looked tata the ethers faee and quailed His aaaars retarned ta their normal sr ttlon You WIlT he apeHUrad You thief Then These stood ao Ill thank yin Sot to aaaty that term to me agala he aasi ao aaletly that Moncktaa It had he not boss aa ataarly beside himself with raze I repeat H yoa are a tMatt aaa of a thief he hJseed Instantly leaped fairly the cabin table sad ssualagly frHh the urn motion leaded his cleaeaed tat on the of Monektoas chit The fellow went dowa like a leg aad lay there without stirring said at that very dramatic point Captain hastily down the stairway this abets this gentlemen b demanded A low row la mr aabta What did yea strike lira far Mr Thorc- Tboraa was sliest Payacr had Xocktta Into a chair bat awtther he nor wttHa to reply Moncktoa himself was atlU too to explain What ia it I domed aa answer sir crl d the oM aaaa with dignity This ia my here Yea are a pap eenger Mr Thor hat you also my Yea attacked another of my ga sa lush an set ia aa laoaft- tr jne 1 ben vow t4Wtoa Caatata Lathner geld T um 1 rraaaairH the Malta a pub J DC ton lIt that prtJflally IIiIIIIIIII mol hefts ear friend hip t ya a r ill lit kept taa oj oJ loll f InJiDf k Ja- m Idlr r ad nude err would What Sea hiD re petit t A a adopted a his era f rthre tta flier a l yearn a the lease ace Pan try g r tin was newer rely d lips II the over a aryl and M a ton tail r a tt new n dun whin hi t Vi he lei tic l r ked ha t the tic uses yak t Itt drab v rewarded case away from ear Mrs bees wtazesd The Thor tout L tamp tar seem dared hewn ysse- f Thorn h sour timer < > > < < > j of the Impressionist sort and composed tine a great man Oa the stage the plot dramatic sequence and it haa ao dramatic finality dome of the separate scea s suck aa the one la the jury room whore Prince Neklvdoff attempts to prevent the con- demnation of Maalova and the final tare where the reaarreettaa the trleted girl front the d ptha of her ig aaaUay ia accomplished prodadax a stuns effect upon the audience The combined efforts however of the Tol atoiaanta and the Ibaenians of Paris cannot prevail over the ultimate vertlet of the public The piece may be wlta draws ID a few days The anther of the Adaptation Henri BataUle a scholar of wealth and who has identifted himself with the Ibaeaian case having translated more than OLe of the Norwegian mas tars plays and he wen the organizer in a financial sense of the Theatre IOeuvre Every of succeeding cow giver to rib adaptation of Resur- rection by a generous management The part Neklodoff wee ad- mirably played by at Doaway and of Maatova by Mine Bady The scenery was very carefully deet ned RICHARD MAK8TIKU has owaed that he 11 a great help If rot a aeeeoaity la committing a lot part to memory to walk bareheaded la the open all In teaming Ida parts Mr Manafleid has always gone down to hia summer home whets he coold et outdoors and i be free at same time from Inter ruptkra But la the summer colony at Yew London where rile cottage ia the habit haa grown ap of going about bare- headed a custom to which the actor yielded and which has taken ao strong a hold upon him now tbat last fall he waa unable to get the lines of Julius Caesar Ito hia bean through a hat It to sincerely to be hoped that Mr Maaafleld will saver have to loam a part m the winter months a- 7RBDERJCK WARD has sent forth m a pamphlet into speech on trio allij of the ChurcTi and the stage union of which he approves I by a who is at tile eo I lei ere lilacs the e Doe great master same tech chance- s a that Berths 00 dad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Red I tae a meeaeat aoapectod that yen looted upon it ao race I would laws re- ataKbwd myself great tIM UM prow ocatloa might have bees I gave you no provocation la tile rat place snarled Moncktoa Not tin yea had tipped me out of my chair I hoard you call ate a thief air tatermpted the captaia sersttty You can Mop aalet- Ho to a thief exclaimed Monckton- wUdly end his father coq before him It was only the night I came aboard tile Naida that be snatched something from my hand red I basest seta It Yea said Theme quickly a aaak- of liquor Its at the bottom of tile East River You came aboard too drunk to know your right hand from year left top commanded Captain Latimer sternly Thia discussion has gone far enough YOUd better go sari got aome- thtag on that jaw of yours Ufore it aqft Monckton end aa for tarnlag to Thome I thank to keep quiet for a bit Let us all cool before we discuss this further You are altogether too quick with yoar tea sir Theme tented oa his heel and wont to tie shin He cone consumed with rage mostly at his own hotheaded stupidity for allowing htmooK to to rinse into ueb a disgraceful acone When Captain Latteor hoard the full particulars of tho trouble from his two oncers he to Thome tend frankly admitted that he red lodged elm too harahly Bat I eaaaot understand year attl laic toward young Mbaektoa You have aearcoiy treated him deeoatly since JM Joined aa- If you kaew him aa well aa I Cap tats Latimer yon would not bo ao oar priced ai my avoidance of nor would you care to have your daughter make tile acquaintance of a man of oath charac on said the captain sternly into tats a alr I forbid It Your la unpardonable Thorns sprang up to a rage Very welt ho said later view hi ouite at aa cad believe Ttla- w my Privet shin air Ho held the door open for the paaa out sad for days tile scarcely spoke to each other Latlmer osomed to shire her fathers feollaga aad Thorae found himself fairly eoampaaloaleos aboard the brig CHAirrn TIL AJoot- In this state of attain Thome b gas to take more or lees notice of- Jeaaop the sailor from whose account of Ma meeting with Vdgar Thorn the yoaag near had gained such hope had before bees frleadlr t htaa sad in the dog watch which te the oae time during the day sailors are comparatively tree had eueetfooed rim minutely about the string Island on which he had been tat and concerning the straagcr Individual Jkd rescued and carried him to Ne Zea tad Jeaaop had agreed to aoeom- pany Thome on his voyage of exptora lion providing Captain Lather would release him at Auckland bimoelf eat off from the so of tile tetra to a groat again at Theme tatted with are sailor He beat mil hla own I Toyajgo and dosed that Jaaam beets of loao aoaawrtac a i rloaoa woo I tou- r 1 terN drag la- ter Oar t H old- Ie w fee hUt deal uet qpoa far Ju t l s late pet liar you dew vest intro Dont you my dashbters nice Mine Thus tee C I a mar S et K phis ink acne lice o sea ¬ ¬ a adviaor Between theta the hors wee weathered they a long list of articles to be par chased ta addition to the general pro visioning of the craft Thorae was and laW out with the aid cl the their course from Auckland to the vicinity of the mysterious tel nab Aa to the crow sad brat they weak depend upon ctrveuaetaao a If its all the same to you Mr Thorae said Jeaaop on one occasion I wish Tom Shields was apia along Tom was the Cockney sailor who bad beta aboard the Raids whoa Thome Joined her t RivermouthJ If Caps Latlmer would lot him go ho be worth a good deal to you How Hs been a good bit about this ere ocean He was cast away twice oa Ute elands aa knows eli shoat earn though be never hoar toll of this tame 1 waa- oo I doat think Captaia Lathaor would let mo have two men said Thorae Don this ShloUa want to go with Ho wouldnt tick sots if be got a chase to leave the brig replied Jeaaop Why WelL be aa I atot one o AtwoiTa crowd thati aid Jeaaop turned away Thorns treasured those la Ida memory Ho had aottcod with growing concern disaffection among the sail ora And that was at the bottom of it be did not doubt Writ he did aot know war that the officers of the brig viewed his own friendliness with Jeaaop with suspicion The gulf which separ- ates the cabla sari the cocas te well sigh aa impassible aa tbat mentioned in Holy Writ as lying between the two coa- dlttons of mans soul tn the hereafter When there te any trouble aboard ship It te seldom that any of the crew openly aide with the officers The captain sad mates are the sailors swan enemies ao Jack Tar believe too often with good reaaoa iced whether the men ap- prove of all their leaden do or not they seldom stand out against them The cook usually remains neutral Oa the Haw the cook Thus had sailed with Captain Latlmer for twenty years and loved Sydney though she had been hia owa child The sallos did not trust Toalo ADd Thome faaoceatly enough waa causing by his familiarity with sop doubts to arise la the mlado of Cap tails LaU add bia officer One er two lithe outbreaks had already seeM red aad affairs between those before the abaft the mainmast wino v ry trained Thorae coatinned to avoid the oaHeen Including Sydney and his fellowpas auger he seldom appeared at the tom mod table taking moot of ate mode in rib owa cabin and paying Tonio some thing extra for his trouble When DOt abut tote his private quarters he Weed the deck gloss or conversed with the sailor whoa they were off duty Thus far the Naida has experienced a remarkably pleasant voyage But BOW tutee ma lato regular Cape Horn weather- It war dangerous to hug the coast in the gale which bunt over thorn whet oil Tierra Visage ao they tiered for the aoutaeant and ran some hays out of their course before the ntora fin- ally It paaad sari tile brig cone pat on tents agala But first gale but a mild taste of whet war in tiers for her days after she too Capo another pie icon aa T trio MaJda oa scads orl so- ot tile r tot r Ate J del Three all f Re to- eappo charts wound men aft worse the ice aft her Skit mtsetlfead pawl stud t > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ j blow like a aHot courser The prang a tea ptaaka in ber old bull time too tad that time on the Clank of the liaaua war heard for of every day There te flat will take the heart out of a tatter late the sound of the pumpa Tho laak dld not jtala thorn but the old ling coo badly strain- ed and nobody fca w what the next blow would do to her The crew became more reckless thin ovn and the officers had more difficulty ia controlling them Monckton stayed klow most of time during the weather But Thorae whose muaclea of and cool head made Him of raloaMe assistance turned to with the men red worked as hard aa any of them ADd hte std wt appreciated for tile brig monad by- aa small a crew aa tV Jaw allowed another result f Captain Latlmers Yet Thane had himself In shall of dignified aHaaea through which neither captain nor oncers could Ucak mask aa Why appreciated into kelp Miss Lattmer dad try the attempt ended disastrously Finding Thorae leaning the port rail day after the force of the second tempest had spent Itself she broke the by saying pleasantly You make a very good sailor for H green head Mr Tuorae You seem to take to It very naturally I believe 1 told you when I drat came aboard that 1 thought there was a streak of salt water in me somewhere be re turned floating It was the Rest time she had put herself out to speak to him in two weeks and he was determined to show her he felt no resentment Yes rather said you were as good aa two men in some things By the lime you get to Auckland and start on your real voyage you will know considerable about seafaring mattera Yet 1 began by being woefuly pick you know That Is nothing Father ells tbat may mm who make tile of sailors are seasick at tint Why you tiers a much letter sailor than Mr Monckton al- though he was not ill at all expression of Thomes lave changed Instantly at the mention of- Moncktons name Yes he said coldly and the which followed wee actually palatal Sydney Hushed warmly It angered her that the mere mention of Carter Monet toss name should have boon received In- such a manner Mr Thome aba eaM hastily I think you do Mr Moaektoa aa Injus- tice tn in thinking of bun as you acting ao toward him Indeed responded Thorno and for aa instant Ma oleo fairly lured taco here I do she said sUH store settled I do not think It honorable tn you to Judge him so harshly because of what may have been his foraer conduct A great many men wild oats But Thorn waa too disgusted to listen quietly How could aay womaa speak of a man like Monckton ao leniently He forgot for the moment that Sydney LaU mer war entirely unfamiliar with Monk tons true character The fellow bad been extremely careful to keep his bet ter qualities uppermost Excuse me Miss Latlmer he said Aa you consider me so lacking In honor I will relieve you of my presence Mr Monckton is coming yonder 1 see he will doubtless be mach pleasanter com pasy H bowed formally red turned ab- ruptly He did not look back and therefore Hailed to sea that Sydney in surd of greeting Moacktoa turned also sad hastened below leaving tile other passenger looking attar her ia great amazement M OOOTUHgaE AID OOaVURm rUY rOle to the lied f ate boat over one I heat The d- ud I young I easy foam a- part nothing say wee eeOiomT lactase a lee pane sow KILL K ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MRS PATRICK CAMPBELL IX- BEHSOKS AuTIT JBAJnTTS Mrs Patrick Campbell and her com- pany last night at the Columbia Theater occupied their talents with K F Ben- sons comedy Aunt Jeaaate a plaaa- aot bat rather inconsequential west Play and players wore viewed by an aa- dieaco of somewhat ambler prnp ortloas Living and were heartily engaged by frequent laughter intermittent ap plauae and coattaued haadclapplaff after the final curtain Aunt Jeaaaie was amalfeotly acceptable either for the than with which It war presented the oceaaional flashes of wit which bespeak Mr Bensons connection with the play Or tile relief to bo found tn Its contrast with Ute other offerings of the week at this theater Aa outllao of the plot te not aecoraary to an understanding of the oatertata moat It te aomcieot to know that the three embody modern Saglish life tn the country aad at the As cot races that Mrs Campbell becomes a seeming flirt to prevent the marriage of her supposititious niece to a man whoa put has been particularly offensive that thte effort te entirely aacceocful and that tbe others of the company ap- pear la characteristic society roles Mr Vaughn Olaser however whose lee acting in The Joy cf Living te one of the features of thus engagement was aot W the cast Tbe production was well mounted sad acceptably enacted but tbe effect waa marred by the pronounced BagHah mannerisms of some of the Jeanie te not a strong play treat any po nt of view Yet the aa- dlence which paaaed Judgment oa Jt teat night received it gladly and enjoyed It greatly Howl much would Mn Campbells triumph have been thea in a fine comedy like Leasing Minna von Barnhelm or The School for Scandal Hither of them or say one of a dozes ether comedies would offer this excel- lent actress twice the scope for her tal eats and establish her twice aa firmly in the regard of her American A D A than those by d at D- Aunt later attracMd The Joy metes so- ciety audi- ences ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CITIZENS TO KEET COURT OFFICIALS Reception in Honor of Jus- tice A M Gould Arraagemeata for the reception in- hoaor of Hoa Ashley Gould the new Jostle of the Supreme Court of the Dis- trict of Columbia and Morgan H Beach his aueceasoi in the oaVe of United States Attorney for the District of Co- lumbia have been about computed and invitations were today seat to over a thousand of the most prominent business and professional men of the city Secretary Berry Bulkley acting for tile Bnainesa Meaa Aaaociatloa la pur auacco of their wekldetoed policy of giving the people of the city aa to meet new weal ofldato aa they may be appointed bee arranged all of the detain The roeepMea will be held Thursday evening next at oclock at the Barton Fifteenth Street northwest near H Street The house WIll bo baaiaomely decorated for the occasion a sumptuous repeat wed sad an excellent aches tra will enliven tile evening Among those who have been Invited to take then positions In the reception line are the Commiaakmera of the Dis trict of Columbia the presidents of the Medical Association the Medical Society and the Board of Education the presi- dent of the Bon Association Del the presidents of the following dttaena as- sociations Mount Pleasant Cittaeaa Association Brightwobd Avenue Asso- ciation East Washington Association North Capitol and Ecklngtoa Associa- tion Northwest Citizen Aaaoelation Takoma Part Citizens Aaaodatlon Georgetown Cltiaena Association South west CiUaeaw Association the tia Citizens Association sad the Board of Trade Included ia the list of invited meats of the District of Columbia the Justices of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia end the entire Bar Ape ciatloa i IlL I t are the Justice of tile Court f oppor- tunity An cue Sapreme ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = 4 I t Mothe Goose Sugar Loaf Rhymes Lifctte msB Mnflfett basket did tuft A I With pure wholesome rm glad when I get it When its gone I regret it Theres no purer bread iboad m- ULmm mm S to- t CifiM SnHal THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY THE HUB FURNITURE CO GREAT DISPLAY OF ROCKERS FANCY CHAIRS Etc Surpass anything that ever been afaovn Prieea way down flJS for Cobbler Seat Rocker Worth 3 0 2 5 for polished Saddle Seat Roekor Worth J4J56 475 for very tine highly poiiahed Boeker Wort f7 0 L7S far pretty Corner Chair Worth 06 On Credit If You Desire THE HUB FURNITURE CO Formerly WASH B WILLIAMS Corner 7th and D Streets N W e c I 0 a 0 t a 1 t I Her IJI t i t i I u 1 i 2I WuiIat I 1 a e It c I has it- t m s e t is th- Y 7 t ti hwtawn C- r4P N44 + + ° = OM 6 MMtMy ay i rs 500 Vose Upright Piano 200Prrliapa this very minute are thinkinx nk a for hrfat- iiiaa and ii nothing to prevent you owning if deal if you tsar ailvantaiff ot 8xrial Christ nuw uffcring Herei- n a ver 1iano dark meeA- VIKM 7 13 oc- tavix 3 striwta- cuntiououa a high grad utrument in every part Uular and ia- rl condition maa ally Th we ask ia only WOO Ifs than half original coat and thin to- lii li i j tiny lurlu J Btiiol one tun- iu ni l fi the ptivtfgc of uyitu r your piano in eatr inatall- mmts of J muslin Factory Warerooms F 6 SMITH toifacfwr 1225 feirilvsib Aiew W P VAN WICKLE manager you bow R would bro to Rave fiasco I irefully i lpript liar excellent woo i Bradbury l i three T ore die I this hinrea l a v best eA ro e faire the years per > < ± CHRISTMAS CAKES GALORE Are ready lee your aeUctioB at Holmes bakery In these pnnlucta of our skill wv do aa with the fell that our will the best products uf the haieri Our ltcs Pie and Pantry an Made from the beat matrrUla into clean wkokaoate delicioaa food Ho5nies Sons Bakery Corner Pint trod 8t e S- nKWaV hilt caret clt6frHf often knowledge receive kill F sneers < The coldwave flag Jf 31 means zero wetiiher I icy moisture Itiden I of winter in earn I Hi eat To Catarrh suffer J era there ia nothing cheering in J all this for return cold i weather the o Catarrh appear blinding headaches dttrinesa a stuffy about the nose that difficult chest pafats and aa the disease a discharge of nauseating matter from the throat nose keens one con- tinually hawking and a most disgusting disease The foul mucous are con back into the stomach contaminate Ute blood and is distributed throughout the body and it then becomes a systemic persistent disease that must treated blood for it ia beyond tho reach of sprays washes powders or ex- ternal treatment of any SS soon deus the system of all Catarrhal matter And the blood of the irritating poisons thus effectually checking the further serious far reaching disease Look out in winter for cold stirs the blood and causes excessive secretion of mucus and to life all the slumbering poisons that maker Catarrh the most abominable of all diseases S S S the blood in such perfect order that no alarm and the change front the neat of summer to the ngors ot winter produce no hurtful us y i have Catarrh and one Physicians will advise without charged Swift Specific Ce Atlanta Ga j MEDICAL 31 YEARS PRACTICE LOOK CUT pO- RmRRH l WI and the m ee g and 9 S f SS C waved ca The Dr SHADE fa a be pin d 1 di mable i > < ¬ Tot MAKE SO 1OSTAU WIlD TOU mxK- PEC1AU9T IK WA8HIXOTON Special attention to sad nenmus and raUnfeal affect i os rat turn pU s bladder dueuca all akin and blood diseases cared without mettrry or pot Mb No matter what your trouble may ta- ax tai or physical coacult Dr tree t dtauge Both was strictly cvnfitlermal Cor- ner IStb and G CX IEJLTHE2MAW- tqwrt Specialist fn the cf all a- of s private nature Nervous Debility 8k in i CeotaffioM Blood Picaaje say cu i for life CoMrititloa bin 9O2 F St H W DERMATOLOGY HAIR Moles Warts and all disfiguring bfenish removed fofever experience treating the write JOHN HWbOOBUBYVr 11 th 4 FvSte N W WataiwahM TCO C W AL c dniciir for the cents Be sure to W ALlllir litfuat1 l others Your rv irit cf th for 9Hui 10 cents tr p rkute to THi 4ALTi i CHEMICAL WAslFN TLX U C FAVORITE SMALL COST FOR HEAT You for Coal to boon and GAS HEATERS ran Rot plenty of best and the cost of fuel w u few cats a day Tn ecuii- o using a iaa Heater is widest BUS UPPLUICE EXGHAH6E 142 New York Ave orftf Wind Bm in Around Cwrs aiidWfifews A MAt WILL ItTT I WEATHZKSIKIPSM sad windows bare per foot COFFEE 32c rj HACfF2 C ATLANTIC TEA CO Corn or Seventh and E WASHINGTON DRESSED BEEF and SOUTHDOWN LAMB AT THE STAII3 OF THOS T IEAK 34 to 5i Center Market Mb 9 Wholesale Row laajiiiiniia ewdiaOr iartttd vlfaoat to SGLT TH OLDEST AND WNOgg LOCAt1ill given train d mach Ie Shade di FACE I e I t yor7 I fr 1 I POWDERS give you al get ill ro I FOR WEAlS WOMEN beat th the belt k Meg I I t C8n- I SOWEUSIii 8ce NINTII CO I SON rbematlera seem Y eta cure da e i TIE boyars d Ail lie Ida lee u i 1 ALE S 1d- t tins rt rs ceders l iIERCES RESCRIPTION 1 pay dill ltd bays ire Pit DE r does can Hatdwm- sty s- riISSIONAL r uhlip- rf > < > = +


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rvmi whose wrong ideal of ShakeaOtnalto wan to well presented

h ro long MO la to come to Americaplay the Moor

rtjr NtTHBRaOLB has beta toctw-in Kaglaad oa Ta novation of the

iini No performer forclihsptajrod the orgeat need for IU laa-


ELEANOR ROB9OK tboogn n rMadge Carr Cooke la an

her own stage debut quite bynt In fact hiring home gift with

r pencil ski had been brought up withxpecUtlon of an artistshe was sixteen she lived at tb-

s TH of Charity Convent In New YorkI in the latter part of the time

not once pee her Mother who was phiy-Jie In tho JTrawley stock company in

m Fraadaco Becoming lonely aDdriiouick she ao entreated ber motberilow her to go to San Francisco thatr nt was thinly given and the girl

i out atone across the continent oatrip in a sleeping car Just as she

PT rived Gladys Wallis reaigned fromh Frawley company red a new In-

K lilt who was expected to take heri p failed to appear Miss Robaoaa-

mother half Jestingly suggested thatJi r daughter try a part Bobaoa-v rather pleased with the novelty ofilf Idea sad the manager coaaeated-inrJiaps became there was nothing elsefnr him to do On twentyfour hoursnotice the young girl learned bar firstn K nue role and played it with enoughv s to keep a place In the

in th next two weeks she learned andten parts mad then went on a

Short tour to Honolulu When abe re-

turned abE had ouita given up her exrotations of studying graphic art lidwas embarked oa the outer which baanow landed her la the Madbon SquareTheater as a star

oTOUSTOTS Resurrection la not a

succeed as a drama la spite of the foodopinion of the critic It la the old storynt the rsspQtial difference between tilemethods of the aid those of tbadramatist Resurrect toa In Tolstoyshands waa a magnificent preachment reliovd by oceaaional flaahea of narrative










DOYel lilt


rhis mere

ro tY meat

rr herdr e-






eo pan





the younger who hasbeen hunting with Emperor William InPrince Hencke von forBeta in Shasta is arranging to take acompany to Berlin in January to playat one the royal playhouses


MOVEXJBTO OF STARS Mra Langtry will wing before the American public a new play called The Cross Ways

J Hartley Manners Mr Manafleidact at the Herald Square Theater

till January 17 when be will go to Doston Mr Sothera will appear at theGarden Theater on December 29 aaHamlet Mr Willard gave pleasure tomany persons last Thursday afternoonby a performance of David GarrIck andoa aeri Thursday be wilt give one ofthe most delightful of his embodimentsProf Ooodwlllle in Mr Beanies fineplay The Professors Love Story MissMarie Wainwrigbt is acting Lady Isabeland atmc Vice In Bast Lynne Thatexcellent coocdUn fiJward Terry is uvisit South Africa Mr Goodwins en-

gagement at the Knickerbocker Theaterwill terminate oa January 24 1903 MrsLeslie Carter la acting in Brooklyn Shewill appear la Chicago December 15LouIe James and Frederick Warde areacting in theaters in Texaa Mr Hackettwill appear in Boston oa Decemberpresenting The Crisis Good Judgmentand good taste appear to prevail laBaltimore for lime perform-ances attracted but little attention thereMme Dash la now in Philadelphia OaDecember 16 she will act la ChicagoJohn Craig has been acting John Stormin The Chriatian and his performaeee is macL comaended Mrs PatrickCampbell devotes this week to Wash-ington Miss Croaman lately drew morethan 17000 in one week at the Philadel-phia Academy of Music William Gil-

lette will appear In Philadelphia nextweek Kiss Edith Wynne Matt bison hamet with much success In Boston withthe morality of BverymaF sad HartConway of Chicago manifestedMa originality by producing the piece inthat dty Alice Fischer acts this weekla St Louie presenting Mrs JackAntonio Marjort an Italian tragedianpurposes to illumine the Bowery Wil-liam Winter


DoDD rrek













K H SOTHERN la to have a country estate in Wales oa tko west elope atMount Saowdfia the highest mountain laGreat Britain The property embracea

scabs aa well aa the Cbaletandwhere Mr gotten has apeat Ma-

vaeattona for several The pricePall Is 16000-

K C CARTON author of Lord andLady Alp bile eompleted ady which la to be aiwatace by Mr-

i Charfe Prohnaa at a Criterion Thea-ter London about the middle of January

MARIE CAH1LL wlU Irate her stellardebut In January IB a lox comic opera

Nancy Brown to bit written by Georgej H Broadherst and Frederic Rankin

tour and a New irk engagementwill follow that of Mabelle

Gllman at the Bijou Theater JennieYeaotftaa has succeeded Mlas CAn Inthe cut of Sally la Oat Alley

LS THEATRE of devotes ItaJaest lapse almoat qty to itrostra-tioas and oacriptloaa of La CbatoWee which la heralded a the trlamaftof optimism in against toe

vogite of ayaaohoadrUMal playsmade popular by the aataraltetic schoolof drama that bras under Aareins and the TheatreLibre

MANAGER MAUI tTAMLVr haa aa-nounvad that at the of the present

Robert ItaataV will go to Manilaand thence to Aasjtntta SB a araflaaatonaltour

KATHRYN KIODsm will prowaee anew play An life tea an Lye at Syra-cuse N Y oa Christmas Day

TIM MURPHY bagan his present season with a tour through the Hisreceipta have aurpaaaed all previous ree-orta Mr Murphy ia booked for tins Con

Theater St Louia Christmas weekbut haw ordered Ma tear after that weepto be rearranged that he may play return Mtgagementa in Southern efUea

present he te appearing aa JasonOreea In Old Innocence DorothySherrod to again his costar







DanIel V Arthur wilt caIbmI









direct Miess


rescues pro-longed











THIS aiwnr WAS HOCV nuDAToounutS-

YNOPSIS F PREVIOUS IRVTAUJIBirnLHoward niornc Barvanl atodeat sad

of wealthy Boatoa iMppiag an-

nt I n Jercli I

i n in the So i PaeBk Ttume h had heen the intimste Mmi sarirAleatijI clerk of Mr Kimlit had liftme tuiiiiv hefore under aaapieloa of-

vinjt tikiu o w from the vault whereii juentljr found while the vault

rnlarjceii Mr I ixiercliB t-

uh an lii Itanm that be leekcogs en Just Vernaades which

heiirn Irm At the time the Wryinty JTIII later the flm receives V009

i 11 oiii t rfimlmrae tin n for thethrtiixli tua pcjouble nKl xeace


ii liner i the Taida om of the armsli I rui4 iiie draft ha imt shipwrecked

wl kunrtl to Vs v made a laOmflel-ire i af t t tram an uncharted

sad t the sun who not the moneyrd llrn Jctrrmta tu

iiIa on her ntiirn trip and endiwoCJ naff-Httai Mr I mtenliff turna to hintpacker of oWK which he had

tiirtwd Howard flnd that it content a billlater Ui than that i Uea ear

r Hf Mi i efU a plot to roil Ua btnerthat Mr Mr IniiavliCf patt-

I wh lial Jen hia lath uaetirri iiefiilto nr nan it the bottom of it Howard

UP mla whirh a soda that I rdl aptain baatdaoow datkfhter-

ll i jrri iu ir in wousd nile He tncvninn if AIM ell OM of the by

iit Iti met a head of aaotheri to he the

ink father raaned Be is-

usKustc l t hnd that he hat a lillfnr iamnCartT loin Ki rem of lass he aM-

i jitet aboard HowardMies tin t IIL ataterooB aad throws awe

lark too Sydney bat Rowr unabi tn oaceal ink wMfaioa to C tUr is

x ber aa aarf pfefarfkeO C r-r i in leaf to Howard ia the able after

Dinner tar and Howard knocks him out of-bis dir Outer ha Ana to hia hip packet

t AIM yooraatf saidi coldly aad take your bandV

that thing layear poeket Aa aa yes

try to draw it am Me rn brashLone In year body

Monvktoa looked tata the ethers faeeand quailed His aaaars retarned tatheir normal sr ttlon

You WIlT he apeHUrad Youthief

Then These stood aoIll thank yin Sot to aaaty that term

to me agala he aasi ao aaletly thatMoncktaaIt had he not boss aa ataarly besidehimself with raze

I repeat H yoa are a tMatt aaaof a thief he hJseed

Instantly leaped fairlythe cabin table sad ssualagly frHh theurn motion leaded his cleaeaed taton the of Monektoas chit

The fellow went dowa like a leg aadlay there without stirring said at thatvery dramatic point Captain

hastily down the stairwaythis abets this gentlemen

b demanded A low row la mr aabtaWhat did yea strike lira far MrThorc-

Tboraa was sliest Payacr hadXocktta Into a chair bat awtther henor wttHa to replyMoncktoa himself was atlU too toexplain

What ia it I domed aa answersir crl d the oM aaaa with dignity

This ia my here Yea are a papeenger Mr Thor hat you alsomy Yea attacked another ofmy ga sa lush an set ia aa laoaft-tr jne

1 ben vow t4Wtoa Caatata Lathnergeld T um 1 rraaaairH the Maltaa pub J


tonlIt thatprtJflally IIiIIIIIIII


heftsear friend


t yaa


lit kept taa


oJ loll f

InJiDf k Ja-m












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away fromear

Mrs bees wtazesd





















of the Impressionist sort and composed

tine a great man Oa the stage theplot dramatic sequence and ithaa ao dramatic finality

dome of the separate scea s suck aathe one la the jury room whore PrinceNeklvdoff attempts to prevent the con-demnation of Maalova and the finaltare where the reaarreettaa thetrleted girl front the d ptha of her igaaaUay ia accomplished prodadax astuns effect upon the audience Thecombined efforts however of the Tolatoiaanta and the Ibaenians of Pariscannot prevail over the ultimate vertletof the public The piece may be wltadraws ID a few days

The anther of the Adaptation HenriBataUle a scholar of wealth and

who has identifted himself withthe Ibaeaian case having translatedmore than OLe of the Norwegian mastars plays and he wen the organizerin a financial sense of the TheatreIOeuvre Every of succeedingcow giver to rib adaptation of Resur-rection by a generous managementThe part Neklodoff wee ad-mirably played by at Doaway andof Maatova by Mine Bady Thescenery was very carefully deet ned

RICHARD MAK8TIKU has owaedthat he 11 a great help If rot aaeeeoaity la committing a lot part tomemory to walk bareheaded la the openall In teaming Ida parts Mr Manafleidhas always gone down to hia summerhome whets he coold et outdoors and

i be free at same time from Interruptkra But la the summer colony atYew London where rile cottage ia thehabit haa grown ap of going about bare-headed a custom to which the actoryielded and which has taken ao stronga hold upon him now tbat last fall hewaa unable to get the lines of JuliusCaesar Ito hia bean through a hatIt to sincerely to be hoped that MrMaaafleld will saver have to loam a partm the winter months a-

7RBDERJCK WARD has sent forthm a pamphlet into speech on trio allij

of the ChurcTi and the stageunion of which he approves

I by a who is at tile









great master same










Red I tae a meeaeat aoapectod that yenlooted upon it ao race I would laws re-ataKbwd myself great tIM UM prowocatloa might have bees

I gave you no provocation la tilerat place snarled Moncktoa Not

tin yea had tipped me out of my chairI hoard you call ate a thief air

tatermpted the captaia sersttty Youcan Mop aalet-

Ho to a thief exclaimed Monckton-wUdly end his father coq before himIt was only the night I came aboard tileNaida that be snatched something frommy hand red I basest seta It

Yea said Theme quickly a aaak-of liquor Its at the bottom of tileEast River You came aboard too drunkto know your right hand from year lefttop commanded Captain Latimersternly Thia discussion has gone farenough YOUd better go sari got aome-thtag on that jaw of yours Ufore itaqft Monckton end aa for

tarnlag to Thome I thankto keep quiet for a bit Let us all cool

before we discuss this further Youare altogether too quick with yoar teasir

Theme tented oa his heel and wont totie shin He cone consumed with ragemostly at his own hotheaded stupidityfor allowing htmooK to to rinse intoueb a disgraceful acone

When Captain Latteor hoard the fullparticulars of tho trouble from his twooncers he to Thome tend franklyadmitted that he red lodged elm tooharahly

Bat I eaaaot understand year attllaic toward young Mbaektoa You haveaearcoiy treated him deeoatly since JMJoined aa-

If you kaew him aa well aa I Captats Latimer yon would not bo ao oarpriced ai my avoidance of nor wouldyou care to have your daughter make tileacquaintance of a man of oath charac

on said the captain sternly

into tats a alr I forbid It Yourla unpardonable

Thorns sprang up to a rageVery welt ho said later

view hi ouite at aa cad believe Ttla-w my Privet shin air

Ho held the door open for thepaaa out sad for days tile

scarcely spoke to each otherLatlmer osomed to shire her fathersfeollaga aad Thorae found himselffairly eoampaaloaleos aboard the brig

CHAirrn TILAJoot-

In this state of attain Thome bgas to take more or lees notice of-Jeaaop the sailor from whose accountof Ma meeting with Vdgar Thorn theyoaag near had gained such hope

had before bees frleadlr thtaa sad in the dog watch whichte the oae time during the daysailors are comparatively tree hadeueetfooed rim minutely about thestring Island on which he had been tatand concerning the straagcr Individual

Jkd rescued and carried him to NeZea tad Jeaaop had agreed to aoeom-pany Thome on his voyage of exptoralion providing Captain Lather wouldrelease him at Auckland

bimoelf eat off from the soof tile tetra to a groat again

at Theme tattedwith are sailor He beat mil hla own I

Toyajgo and dosed that Jaaam beetsof loao aoaawrtac a i rloaoa woo


tou-r 1








hUt deal

uet qpoa far Ju










Dont you my dashbters





a marS

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a adviaor Between thetathe hors wee weathered they

a long list of articles to be parchased ta addition to the general provisioning of the craft Thorae was

and laW out with the aid clthe their course from Aucklandto the vicinity of the mysterious telnab Aa to the crow sad bratthey weak depend upon ctrveuaetaao a

If its all the same to you MrThorae said Jeaaop on one occasionI wish Tom Shields was apia alongTom was the Cockney sailor who bad

beta aboard the Raids whoa ThomeJoined her t RivermouthJ If CapsLatlmer would lot him go ho beworth a good deal to you

HowHs been a good bit about this ere

ocean He was cast away twice oa Uteelands aa knows eli shoat earn thoughbe never hoar toll of this tame 1 waa-oo

I doat think Captaia Lathaor wouldlet mo have two men said ThoraeDon this ShloUa want to go with

Ho wouldnt tick sots if be got achase to leave the brig replied Jeaaop

WhyWelL be aa I atot one o AtwoiTa

crowd thati aid Jeaaop turnedaway

Thorns treasured those la Idamemory Ho had aottcod with growingconcern disaffection among the sailora And that was at the bottomof it be did not doubt Writ he did aotknow war that the officers of the brigviewed his own friendliness with Jeaaopwith suspicion The gulf which separ-ates the cabla sari the cocas te wellsigh aa impassible aa tbat mentioned inHoly Writ as lying between the two coa-dlttons of mans soul tn the hereafter

When there te any trouble aboard shipIt te seldom that any of the crew openlyaide with the officers The captain sadmates are the sailors swan enemiesao Jack Tar believe too often with

good reaaoa iced whether the men ap-prove of all their leaden do or not theyseldom stand out against them Thecook usually remains neutral Oa theHaw the cook Thus had sailed withCaptain Latlmer for twenty years andloved Sydney though she had been hiaowa child The sallos did not trustToalo ADd Thome faaoceatly enoughwaa causing by his familiarity withsop doubts to arise la the mlado of Captails LaU add bia officer One ertwo lithe outbreaks had already seeMred aad affairs between those before

the abaft the mainmast wino v rytrainedThorae coatinned to avoid the oaHeen

Including Sydney and his fellowpasauger he seldom appeared at the tommod table taking moot of ate mode inrib owa cabin and paying Tonio something extra for his trouble When DOtabut tote his private quarters he Weedthe deck gloss or conversed with thesailor whoa they were off duty

Thus far the Naida has experienced aremarkably pleasant voyage But BOWtutee ma lato regular Cape Horn weather-It war dangerous to hug the coast inthe gale which bunt over thorn whetoil Tierra Visage ao they tiered forthe aoutaeant and ran some hays outof their course before the ntora fin-ally It paaad sari tile brig cone pat on

tents agala But first galebut a mild taste of whet war in

tiers for her days after shetoo Capo another pie

icon aa T trio MaJda oa scads





tot r

















her Skitmtsetlfead

pawl stud t







blow like a aHot courser Theprang a tea ptaaka in ber old bulltime too tad that time on

the Clank of the liaaua war heard forof every day

There te flat will take theheart out of a tatter late the sound ofthe pumpa Tho laak dld not jtalathorn but the old ling coo badly strain-ed and nobody fca w what the next blowwould do to her The crew becamemore reckless thin ovn and the officershad more difficulty ia controlling them

Monckton stayed klow most oftime during the weather ButThorae whose muaclea of and coolhead made Him of raloaMe assistanceturned to with the men red worked ashard aa any of them ADd hte std wtappreciated for tile brig monad by-aa small a crew aa tV Jaw allowedanother result f Captain Latlmers

Yet Thane had himself Inshall of dignified aHaaea through whichneither captain nor oncers could Ucakmask aa Why appreciated into kelp MissLattmer dad try the attempt endeddisastrously Finding Thorae leaning

the port rail day after the forceof the second tempest had spent Itselfshe broke the by saying pleasantly

You make a very good sailor for Hgreen head Mr Tuorae You seem totake to It very naturally

I believe 1 told you when I drat cameaboard that 1 thought there was a streakof salt water in me somewhere be returned floating It was the Rest time shehad put herself out to speak to him intwo weeks and he was determined toshow her he felt no resentment

Yes rather said you were as good aatwo men in some things By the limeyou get to Auckland and start on yourreal voyage you will know considerableabout seafaring mattera

Yet 1 began by being woefuly pickyou know

That Is nothing Father ells tbatmay mm who make tile of sailorsare seasick at tint Why you tiers a muchletter sailor than Mr Monckton al-though he was not ill at all

expression of Thomes lavechanged Instantly at the mention of-Moncktons name

Yes he said coldly and thewhich followed wee actually palatal

Sydney Hushed warmly It angered herthat the mere mention of Carter Monettoss name should have boon received In-

such a mannerMr Thome aba eaM hastily I

think you do Mr Moaektoa aa Injus-tice tn in thinking of bun as you

acting ao toward himIndeed responded Thorno and for

aa instant Ma oleo fairly lured tacohere

I do she said sUH store settledI do not think It honorable tn you to

Judge him so harshly because of whatmay have been his foraer conduct Agreat many men wildoats

But Thorn waa too disgusted to listenquietly How could aay womaa speak ofa man like Monckton ao leniently Heforgot for the moment that Sydney LaUmer war entirely unfamiliar with Monktons true character The fellow badbeen extremely careful to keep his better qualities uppermost

Excuse me Miss Latlmer he saidAa you consider me so lacking In honor

I will relieve you of my presence MrMonckton is coming yonder 1 see hewill doubtless be mach pleasanter compasy

H bowed formally red turned ab-ruptly He did not look back andtherefore Hailed to sea that Sydney insurd of greeting Moacktoa turned alsosad hastened below leaving tile otherpassenger looking attar her ia greatamazement






over one













eeOiomTlactase a













BEHSOKS AuTIT JBAJnTTSMrs Patrick Campbell and her com-

pany last night at the Columbia Theateroccupied their talents with K F Ben-

sons comedy Aunt Jeaaate a plaaa-

aot bat rather inconsequential westPlay and players wore viewed by an aa-

dieaco of somewhat ambler prnportloas

Living and were heartily engagedby frequent laughter intermittent applauae and coattaued haadclapplaff afterthe final curtain Aunt Jeaaaie wasamalfeotly acceptable either for thethan with which It war presented theoceaaional flashes of wit which bespeakMr Bensons connection with the playOr tile relief to bo found tn Its contrastwith Ute other offerings of the week atthis theater

Aa outllao of the plot te not aecoraaryto an understanding of the oatertatamoat It te aomcieot to know that thethree embody modern Saglish

life tn the country aad at the Ascot races that Mrs Campbell becomes aseeming flirt to prevent the marriage ofher supposititious niece to a man whoaput has been particularly offensivethat thte effort te entirely aacceocfuland that tbe others of the company ap-pear la characteristic society rolesMr Vaughn Olaser however whose leeacting in The Joy cf Living te one ofthe features of thus engagement was aotW the cast Tbe production was wellmounted sad acceptably enacted but tbeeffect waa marred by the pronouncedBagHah mannerisms of some of the

Jeanie te not a strong playtreat any po nt of view Yet the aa-dlence which paaaed Judgment oa Jt teatnight received it gladly and enjoyed Itgreatly Howl much would MnCampbells triumph have been thea ina fine comedy like Leasing Minna vonBarnhelm or The School for ScandalHither of them or say one of a dozesether comedies would offer this excel-lent actress twice the scope for her taleats and establish her twice aa firmlyin the regard of her American


than those by d

at D-



attracMd The Joy

metes so-












Reception in Honor of Jus-

tice A M Gould

Arraagemeata for the reception in-

hoaor of Hoa Ashley Gould the newJostle of the Supreme Court of the Dis-

trict of Columbia and Morgan H Beachhis aueceasoi in the oaVe of UnitedStates Attorney for the District of Co-

lumbia have been about computed andinvitations were today seat to over athousand of the most prominent businessand professional men of the city

Secretary Berry Bulkley acting fortile Bnainesa Meaa Aaaociatloa la purauacco of their wekldetoed policy ofgiving the people of the city aa

to meet new weal ofldato aa theymay be appointed bee arranged all ofthe detain

The roeepMea will be held Thursdayevening next at oclock at the BartonFifteenth Street northwest near HStreet The house WIll bo baaiaomelydecorated for the occasion a sumptuousrepeat wed sad an excellent achestra will enliven tile evening

Among those who have been Invited totake then positions In the receptionline are the Commiaakmera of the District of Columbia the presidents of theMedical Association the Medical Societyand the Board of Education the presi-dent of the Bon Association Del thepresidents of the following dttaena as-sociations Mount Pleasant CittaeaaAssociation Brightwobd Avenue Asso-ciation East Washington AssociationNorth Capitol and Ecklngtoa Associa-tion Northwest Citizen AaaoelationTakoma Part Citizens AaaodatlonGeorgetown Cltiaena Association Southwest CiUaeaw Association thetia Citizens Association sad the Boardof Trade

Included ia the list of invited meats

of the District of Columbia the Justicesof the Court of Appeals of the Districtof Columbia end the entire Bar Apeciatloa





are the Justice of tile Court



An cue












Mothe Goose Sugar Loaf RhymesLifctte msB Mnflfett

basket did tuftA I With pure wholesome

rm glad when I get itWhen its gone I

regret itTheres no purer bread

iboad m-

ULmm mmS


t CifiM SnHal



GREAT DISPLAY OFROCKERS FANCY CHAIRS EtcSurpass anything that ever been afaovn Prieea way down

flJS for Cobbler Seat Rocker Worth 3 02 5 for polished Saddle Seat Roekor Worth J4J56475 for very tine highly poiiahed Boeker Wort f7 0L7S far pretty Corner Chair Worth 06

On Credit If You Desire


Corner 7th and D Streets N W

e c I 0 a 0 t a

1 t

I Her

IJIt i





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ti hwtawn C-

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OM 6 MMtMy ay i rs

500 VoseUpright Piano

200Prrliapathis very

minute arethinkinx nk

a for hrfat-iiiaa and iinothing to preventyou owning if

deal if youtsar ailvantaiff ot

8xrial Christnuw uffcring Herei-n a ver

1iano dark meeA-

VIKM 7 13 oc-

tavix 3 striwta-cuntiououa

a high gradutrument in everypart Uular and ia-

rl conditionmaa ally T h

we ask iaonly WOO Ifs

than half original coat and thin to-lii li i j tiny lurlu J Btiiol one tun-

iu ni l fi the ptivtfgcof uyitu r your piano in eatr inatall-mmts of J muslin


F 6 SMITH toifacfwr1225 feirilvsib Aiew

W P VAN WICKLE manager


R would bro to Ravefiasco

Iirefully ilpript






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besteA ro






Are ready lee your aeUctioB at Holmes bakeryIn these pnnlucta of our skill wv do aawith the fell that ourwill the best products uf the haieri

Our ltcs Pie and Pantry an Madefrom the beat matrrUla into clean wkokaoatedelicioaa food

Ho5nies SonsBakery

Corner Pint trod 8t e S-

nKWaV hilt








The coldwave flag Jf 31

means zero wetiiher I

icy moisture Itiden I

of winter in earn I Hieat To Catarrh suffer Jera there ia nothing cheering in Jall this for return cold i

weather the oCatarrh appear blinding headachesdttrinesa a stuffy about the nosethat difficult chestpafats and aa the disease adischarge of nauseating matter from thethroat nose keens one con-tinually hawking and

a most disgusting diseaseThe foul mucous are con

back into the stomachcontaminate Ute blood and isdistributed throughout the body and itthen becomes a systemicpersistent disease that must treated

blood for it ia beyond thoreach of sprays washes powders or ex-ternal treatment of any

S S soon deus the system of allCatarrhal matter And the bloodof the irritating poisons thus effectuallychecking the furtherserious far reaching disease

Look out in winter forcold stirs the blood and causes excessivesecretion of mucus and to lifeall the slumbering poisons that maker

Catarrh the mostabominable of alldiseases S S S

the blood insuch perfect orderthat

no alarm and the change frontthe neat of summer to the ngors otwinter produce no hurtful

us y i have Catarrh and onePhysicians will advise without charged

Swift Specific Ce Atlanta Ga j





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fS SC waved





a be pind


di mable






PEC1AU9T IK WA8HIXOTONSpecial attention to sad nenmus

and raUnfeal affect i osrat turn pU s

bladder dueuca all akin andblood diseases cared without mettrry or potMb No matter what your trouble may ta-ax tai or physical coacult Dr tree t

dtauge Both was strictly cvnfitlermal Cor-ner IStb and G

CX IEJLTHE2MAW-tqwrt Specialist fn the cf all a-

of s private nature Nervous Debility 8k in i

CeotaffioM Blood Picaaje say cu ifor life

CoMrititloa bin 9O2 F St H W


HAIRMoles Warts and all disfiguring

bfenish removed fofeverexperience treatingthewrite JOHN HWbOOBUBYVr1 1 th 4 FvSte N W WataiwahM

TCO CW AL cdniciir for the

cents Be sure to W ALlllir litfuat1 lothers Your rv irit cf th for9Hui 10 cents tr p rkute to THi 4ALTi iCHEMICAL WAslFN TLX U C



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GAS HEATERSran Rot plenty of best and the cost of

fuel w u few cats a day Tn ecuii-o using a iaa Heater is widest


142 New York Aveorftf

Wind Bm in Around

Cwrs aiidWfifewsA MAt WILL ItTT

I WEATHZKSIKIPSMsad windows bare perfoot


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laajiiiiniia ewdiaOr iartttd vlfaoatto


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POWDERS give youal





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the belt kMeg


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1 ALE S 1d-t tins rt rs ceders l



pay dill



Pit DE rdoes


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