t t F I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 17 1909 IT PILES Quickly Cured Instant Relief Permanent CureTrial Package Mailed Free to All In Plain Wrapper- We want every man and Woman suffering from the excruciating torture of plIes to just send tleir name and address to us and get by return mail 111 free trial package of the most ef- fective j and positive cure ever known lor this disease Pyramid Pile Cure The way to prove what this great remedy will da in your own case Is to just fill out free coupon and send to as and you will get by return mall a tree trial treatment of Pyr mid Pile Cure Then after you have proven to yourself what it can do you will gQ to the druggist and get a 50 cent box Dont undergo an operation Op- erations ¬ are rarely a success and of ¬ ten lead to terrible consequences Pyramid Pile Cure reduces all in- flammation ¬ makes congestion irrita ± tcbins sores and ulcers disap ¬ pearand the piles simply quit For sale at all drug stores at 50 cents a box FREE PACKAGE COUPON I Fill out the blank lines below with your name and address cut out t coupon and mall to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY 151 Pyramid Bids Marshall Mich A trial pacK- age of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent you at once by mall FREE In plain wrapper Name Street I I City and St- ateSPECIAL I T a I I DINNER TODAY 3Sc The Peerless CafeI Nick Apostle Mana- gerMcHUGHS I MAMMOTH GROCERY Just arrived Cranber- ries ¬ Currants Mince > Meat Raisins Lemon Peel Citron Orange Aj Peel New Mackerel New Buckwheat Maple Syrup Pigs Feet all kinds of Cereals Apples Oranges Calif Peaches Lemons Bananas See our Bargain Coun- ter ¬ Dewey Coffee the King of Coffees fresh from our own roaster Try our Blended Tea Phones 1627 1628 and 1629 IIII What Income Have You Curing Usability resulting from Illness or accident Will It defray your expenses If not see n- Continental Casualty Co Edw jJSnlpper Dist Manager 45ThIesen Bldg c C Read The Journals Want Ads and profiferebyt- a + SERVICES THEMISSIONT- he bible school meets as usual this afternoon at 315 Special programme Every one invited Usual serviceIn the evening at 730 Good singing by the chorus and preaching by the Rev Mr R W Simpson The Mission The free night school will be start ¬ ed Monday evening Those wishing- to join will please be on hand at 730 sharpSERVICES TODAY I The order of services at the various churches in and near Peul cola today rill be as follows CATHOLIC- St Michaels urchFlrst Mass at 7 a m Childrens Mass 9 a m Last Mass 1030 a m Rosary Vespers and Benediction 5 oclock p m Sacred Heart ChurchCor Jackson and 9th Ave Rev Patrick Turner Pastor Prof Henry Seel Organist Sunday service 7 a m Low Mass 930 a m High Mass and Sermon Spe- cial ¬ musical program each Sunday 5 p m Rosary Litany and Benediction Baptism by appointment Confessions Saturdays- Eve of Feasts 1 to 6 Week Day Mass each day at 7 oclock- St Josephs Church OrJer of services- at St Josephs church until further no ¬ tice Sundays 7 a m Low Mass and In- struction ¬ 9 a m Sunday School 10 a m High Mass and Instruction S p m Vespers Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament- Confession Saturday evenings from 4 p m to 9 p m Also on the evenings be- fore ¬ Holy Days of Obligation and 1st Fri days Baptisms on Sundays at 1 p m and 4 p rn1 or by appointment Mass on week day at 8 L ra BAPTIST First Baptist Cnurch Rev Thos M Callaivay Pastor reaidencelH W Gads den street Sunday School at 930 a m E D Begs Supt Preaching servi- ce11amandbpm BYPU7PPr- ayer m services Wednesttay evening at 800 Baraca class meets every Sunday morning at 930 oclock All are cordially invited to attend all services East Hill Baptist Church Between Gadsden and Jackson streets on 13th avenue J W Senterfltt pastor Preach ¬ ing every Sunday at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday School every Sunday at 945 a m Prayermeet ¬ ing every Wednesday night at 75 p m B Y P U every Sunday at 645 b m West Hill Baptist Church 1012 West Jackson Rev W M WhttHeld late of Columbus Mlss pastor Sunday School 1000 a m Preaching service 1100 a m B Y P U S00 p m Young men are cordially Invited to visit the Baraca class of the First Baptist church at 330 a m Sundays We wel- come ¬ all EPISCOPAL Christ Church Rev G Monroe Royce rector in chnrJc- Superintendent of Sunday school Mr W K Hyer- Organist Mr William Packham B MusThe Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity 730 a miloly Communion 1100 a mchoral Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev Monroe Royce 730 m Musical Service at which MIss Margaret McClay will Ing There will bo specIal Instrumental music Visitors and friends are cordially wel- comed ¬ There are free seats at all ser- vices ¬ St Katharines Church Davis and Cer- vantes Sts 3lev William B Allen Rec tar Harry E Hoppen Sunday School Supt Holy Communion 730 a m Sunday School 930 a m Morning prayer and sermon 11 a m- St Johns Church Warrlnoton Fla Evening prayer and sermon 7 p m METHODIST- First Methodist ChurchHannah Hall over automobile garage on West Romana street Services 11 a m and 730 p m Rev C W Gavin pastor Te hone I 1404 030 a m Sunday SchooL Gadsden Street Methodist Church Rev B C Moore pastor Seivices 11 a en and 730 p m Sunday School 930 a m W It Bennett Superintendent The Young Men Baraca class of the Gadsden Street Methodist Church meets every Sunday morning at 930 oclock All young men over the age of 16 years are cordially Invited The Philathea Class of Gadsden Street Sunday School meets every Sunday morn Ing at 930 oclock as a part of the reguar organization but In a Class Room of Its Own A sincerely cordial invitation Is extended to all young ladies not other- wise ¬ affiliated The Philathen Class motto- is We Do Things Come and help us do them you will find the pleasure mu- tual ¬ Mr Ed Campbell Teal tier I Busy Peoples Class A Class In con ¬ nection with the Gadsden Street Sunday School for adult persons ivKo lo not have time to properly prepare the lesson during the week meets at 930 a m Methodist Mission ChurchCor 11th avenue and DeLeon streets Preaching- on the first and third Sunday nights at 730 p m at Muscogee wharf M E church by the pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 330 p m E T Briggs Supt Rev Geo W Carpenter Pastor M E Mission At Fort Barrancas Sunday October 17 1909Song service and sermon bv Rev R W Simpson In charge of the Mission Pensacola Fla At M E Church Corner of Yard Wall Sunday October 17 1309 Sunda > School opens 1030 a m- At 1030 p nv 011 service and regu ¬ lar M E church services conducted by the pastor Rev E W Roberts 730 p m Tuesday October 1J 1909 song service anti sermon by Rev J W- Senterllt pastor East Hill Baptist Church Pensacola Fla Song service every Friday night be- ginning ¬ at 730 p m At Gymnasium at Fort Barrancas Wednesday October 20 19097O p m sons service and services The public is cordially invited to at ¬ tend all of above services PRESBYTERIAN- First Presbyterian Church East Chase StreetRev Julian S Slbley pastor Sabbath School 943 a m Bible class 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 7 30 p in Prayer meeting Wednesday at 730 p m New City Mission 12th St and 13th AvenueC F Zeek Superintendent Sabbath School 330 p m Prayer meet- ing ¬ Friday at 730 pnL- UTHERAN CHURCH German Lutheran Churchiv J F W Reinhardt Pastor Sunday school 9 a m German service 1880 a in English service 7 p ra Church meeting after close of English service SALVATION ARMY Salvation ArmyHall tOVa West Gov- ernment ¬ St Adjutant and Mrs Grim shaw in charge Junior services 20 p m Salvation Army meeting S 31D Ser- vices ¬ every night excepting Monday at S p m A cordial welcome will be ex- tended ¬ to all- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH First Christian ChurchEast Chase St Sunday School 913 a in J A Wilson Superintendent Preaching at 1100 a in and 7J5 p in by the pastor Thorn Ljnnox Prayer meeting each Wednesday even- ing ¬ at 745 A cordial invitation is extended to aU- to attend any of our servIce The Church of Chrlst Cor Jackson and AVcaniz Sts Bible School 945 a m and f prirhins at 11 a m ami 730 p In by V T STracy Prayer meeting JVednes 1 I day at 745 p m and meeting Friday at 730 p m All are Invited UNIVERSALIST CHURCH First Universalist Church East Chase street Sunday School 10 a In T P C U at 630 p m CHURCH OFCHRIST SCIENTISTS First ChurcH of Christ Scientist Rooms 1214 Masonic Temple Services Sunday 11 a m Wednesday 3 p m BARRACA UNION The following churches are represented- In the Barraca Union and have class ses- sion ¬ every Sunday morning at 930 a m Presbyterian East Chase street W B Ferris Teacher First Methodist Hannah Hall West Romana street J A KIrkpatrick First Baptist Church North Palafox Street Mrs BIckerstaff teacher Gadsden Street Methodist Church Mies Edith Lusk teacher Young Mens Christian Association 415- P m ra- p m J H Sherrill teacher- All young men are cordially Invited to attend one of those services Y M C A Y M C A Palafox and Belmont streets Open week days 9 a m to 10 p m Open Sundays 3 p m to 6 p m Free public reading room Visitors welcomE at all times Bible Teachers Training Class Thursdays S p m Words To Freeze The Soul Your son has Consumption His case is hopeless These appalling words were spoken to Geo E Ble ¬ vens a leading merchant ot Spring ¬ field N C by two expert doctors- one a lung specialist Then was shown the wonderful power ofDr Kings New Discovery After three weeks- use writes Mr Elevens he was as well as ever 1 would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy Infallible for Coughs- and Colds its the safest surest cum of desperate Lung diseases on earth 50c and 100 For sale by all drug ¬ gists guarantee satisfactipn Trial bottles tre- ePhosphobest for Indi- gestion ¬ 50 cents Ask drug ¬ gist for free sample COMPTROLLERS REPORT- The following report of Comptroller- John G Ward was submitted to tha city council at its meeting of Wednes- day ¬ October 13 and Was ordered re ¬ ferred to the finance committee Pensacola Fla Oct 9 190D To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil ¬ of the City of Pensacola Fla Gentlemen Please find below statement of receipts and disbursements for the month of Sep- tember ¬ 1909 with a detailed statement of expenses for the month Cash on hand Septem ¬ her 1st 1909 4927019 RECEIPTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1909 From Fines Costs and pound fees S 235227 I From Taxes 125516 From Back Taxes 18770 From Licenses 7225 From Water Receipts 52468 From IHEceilaneous Sources 12442631683469- Total f 6610488 DISBURSEMENTS Warrants paid 3164182 Interest on Bonded Debt 300 53164482 Balance cash in Treasury 3446006 EXPENSES FOR SEPTEMBER 1909 Department of Public Safety Police Protection Salaries of Marshal Deputy and Police 4 28336 Patrol expenses 5070 Station house expen ¬ ses 3785 Feeding Prisoners 25782 Stock Pound expenses 5343 Incidentals Feed etc 3349 Repair and Additions 7500 334204 Charities Salary Physician 5000 Care of Paupers 7E10 Hospital Expenses 2400 Medicines 25204 40414 Fire Protection Salaries Chief and Em ¬ ployees S 204530 Telegraph Alarms Re- pairs ¬ and Additions 7900 Rent of Truck and Engine Houses 11500 Rent of Fire Hy ¬ drants 84000 Incidentals Feed etc 28294 Apparatus and Ma- chinery ¬ 9175 S 345399 Total Dept Pjublic Safety S 720017 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Cleaning Street 9450 Lighting Streets 147795 Sprinkling Streets 19262 Sidewalks and Cross- ings ¬ 356355 Cleaning and Flushing Sewers 9ES2D Removal and Disposal- of t Garbage 59250 Public Buildings Re- pairs and Additions 15794 Incidentals Feed etc 6815 New City Map 27750 Expenses Engineers Oflire 43935S 785032 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Salaries of Inspectors 45500 f Salary of Physician 5000 Salary of Clerk 1500 Incidentals 1379 53379 DEPARTMENT OF GENL EXPENSES Salaries of omcers 5 116666 Legal Expenses 15000 Incidentals 459403 177605 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES I Expenses Board of Bond Trustees 7665 Parks and Squares 7500 s Storm Sewer Zarra go sa St 24590 Civic League S SOOOGSi9755 WATER DEPARTMENT- General Office Expen- ses ¬ 47598 Operating Expense 1202654 167864 Total Expenses for September 1993653 Respectfully submitted JXO G WARD Comptroller SLIGHTLY COLDER WITH SNOW When you see that kind of a weath- er ¬ forecast you know that rheumatism weather is at hand Get ready for it now by getting a bottle of Ballard Snow Liniment Finest thing made for rheumatism chilblains frost bite sore and stiff joints and muscles all aches and pain6 25c 50c and 100- a bottle Sold by W A DAlemberte drug ¬ gist and apothecy 121 S Palafox St For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 DONT HATCH CHICKS- We ship baby chicks to any point in the e S Canada or Mecvo and guar- antee ¬ safe arrival You cannot beat our prices Five baby chick < any kind only S cents each We aia pIoneers lu tow prices for poultry CULVER POULTRY FARM 5111 State St Bcnscu Neb 1750 F O B DETROIT MAGNETO Gas Lamps Generator and Tube Horn IncludedOf Course 5 Passengers L 1 30 Horse Power 4 IO8inchWIieeIBase 32x3y inch Tires Weight Equipped 2150 lbs 16000 Now in Use eI II i LAST YEARS SNSATION There Will Be No U 191O Model STUDEBAKER EMF 30 VERY YEAR JUST ABOUT THIS TIME the newspapers are full of startling announcements of new models This year its Our World beatlng 1910 Models Last October it was Our World beating 1909 Model If you read ono you have read them all ¬ they are all alike in that they protest the later model b a won ¬ der while tacitly admitting that its predecessor was about the worst that over happened THE IMPRESSION LEFT IN YOUR MIND is that you were a suckec to buy a car from that maker last year He promised you life- long service from itnow he proclaims it obsolete Under a thin disguise he confesses he ouncoed you offers no redress anti makes your car only a few months old practically worthless in the secondhand market where you had hoped to sell it for at least a fraction of the price you paid him YEAR AFTER YEAR THE SAME PROMISES are made by the same makersand year after year they are compelled to admit be ¬ tween the lines that their promises have not been fulfilled Look up your old files read the ads of 100S 1907 and back TO their beginning Youll surprisedand disgusted at their similarity All agree in admitting past failures and in predict ng future success Reminds one of nothing so much as a cor neredand therefore penitentconfidence man who unblush- ingly I confesses past offenses but protests he Will do better in the futureif given another chance WED HATE TO HAVE TO ADMIT that our engineering force of a few months ago was so deficient in the science of designing and making motor carsour product of the past twelve months so defectivethat radical changes were necessary to produce a salable carl- STUDEBAKERS WOULD HIDE THEIR HEADS in shame if called upon to confess they had sold to a confiding trusting customer- cars that one yearor five yearslater had to be branded and by the maker a failure and openly discredited by another model differing in many Important features WOULDNT THAT BE EVIDENCE of rank incompetencesome- might say bad faith Wouldnt it indicate that promises made had not been fulSied And wouldnt it prove to a reasoning man that promises now made would be as worthless DONT MISUNDERSTAND US Of course improvements will be made from time to time constantly in automobile building as lu every other department uf human endeavor as long as the world lasts The perfect car will never arrive But only where the engineering force was woefully deficient in the fundamentals o r the art will radical changes be necessary IF YOU BUY AN AUTOMOBILE from a hairbrained inventor or an unscientific experimenter because some newfangled idea of his caught your eye you have surely no right to expect satisfactory service You pay for the privilege of trying out his theories and you get all you deserve STUDEBAKERS HAVENT THAT KIND of an engineering force Wont tolerate an inventor in the place Inventors are mostly folks who think theyve found something that wasnt lost Scientists had It filed away ready when wantedout 01 the way of foolish folk who dont always know how to apply simple prin- ciples ¬ Burn their own fingers and other peoples money- A CHINAMAN ONCE SAID to an Oriental who criticized his sari J Yes I suppose my clothes do look queer to youthey are not like yours Yours look funnier to meyesbeg pardon But had you considered that my mod > of dress is the result of more centuries of experience and of observation than your race can trace its history ftack I suppose thousands of years ago my countrymen made a light suit do for summer and a heavy one for winter regardless of intermediate variations in the weather Now we put on several lignt coatsor fewand we add to 01 take off as the weather changes I see you are still experiment ¬ ingyesbeg pardon LIKE THE WISE ORIENTALand Chinese are proverbially honest too Studebakers did all their experimenting years before they thought of offering the first automobile to the public Sent their engineers to Europe and scoured the world for talent Not satisfied with the rednlts they decided that no engineer no no factory could successfully manufacture more than one model- a car so good it would outclass any other car of its own typo and at its own price WALTER E FLANDERS we considered the greatest manufacturing producer in the automobile industry by long odds Had our eyes on him for years When he began the manufacture of EMF 30 Studebakers watched him closer than ever Here was the car for which we had been looking to fill out our line the car which best suited to the needs of the greatest number of buyers who want a serviceable economical touring car would- be most in demand and have the longest life STUDEBAKERS STILL CAUTIOUSCouldnt afford to lend their name to any but a product of sterling quality purchased halt the output of the factoryand watched Not only our own ex- p ¬ rtsbut 6000 buyers put these cars to the most gruelling1 tests And we were satisfied well enough satisfied to invest millions in this car and its future BOUGHT OUT FLANDERS ASSOCIATES so that this man and his unequalled organization would be available to Stud jbkers alone and that we might control the entire output of this car wkica we believe has no equal in its class SEPTEMBER WAS LARGEST MONTH in our history October or ¬ ders from dealers fifty per cent in excess of possible output November ditto Decemoer we hope to more nearly approacn the demand by Increased factory facilities that will then be avall able Its been a wonderful Year for Studebakers and for EMF 30 RESULTS HAVE BEEN MOST GRATIFYING No other car has made such a record of satisfaction in owners hands they are unanimously enthusiastic Every owner brings tea prospects EMF 30 WAS IN ADVANCE of its time two years at least That it was is proven by the fact that all the 1910 models now being so loudly touted are as nearly as a copyist can copy imitations outwardly at teast of lM- FStudebakerAutomobile 38 Co snl HD I TUIS EARS STANDARD I SUT WHAT ASSURANCE HAVE YOU that these m v models radically different from their immediate predecessors any better than those their makers now admit were wrong Its there any other car of this cla b that has been perfected standardized- to the point where its makers believe it cannot be materially im- proved ¬ and customers can absolutely rely on it Does not Studebaker EMF 30 stand alone in this regard FOR EXAMPLE If a certain designer a year ago in frantic efforts to discredit the tremendous efficiency ot EMF JO motor with its large valves advocated small valves and if that same designer now by putting larger valves in his 19W model has admitted his error does it not stand to reason that he is still at fault in those several other leatures where his car differs from the successful satisfactory unchanging EMF 30 AND IF ANOTHER RIVAL MAKER believed and protested for years that a twocylinder motor was just as goodas economi- cal ¬ as xibleas a four and if that maker in an effort to com- pete ¬ with EMF 30 now turns to roursis there any good reason to suppose he has in so short a time learned to design- a motor of the type to which he was so recently a convert THE HISTORY OF THIS INDUSTRY does not record a single in- stance in which a designer turned from a horizontal two to fl vertical four and produced anything out an abortion in hits first years model- IT t HAS NEVER BEEN NECESSARY to advertise that EMF 30 has been improved in any detail in order to create a demand for the product It has always been in excess of the supply Of course changes have and will be made Sometimes theyll be im ¬ provementsmore often not Mostly theyll be in the interest of simplifying or facilitating manufacture because some design- ers ¬ and some customers differ in matters of taste and preference HERES A CASE IN POINT afew weeks ago EMF 30s began to come through with dropped front axles Formerly had boea straight Straight axle is lighter and stiffer better But con- vention ¬ said a front axle ought to be curvedlooked better Didnt make a pennys difference in cost difference in strength ao small it couldnt be computed pleased customers so it went MORE RECENTLY A UU DOOR was substituted for the proyious design in the touneau Just a case of change in style of ladf5 hats Was the latest thing in doorswhy shouldnt J5MF 30 the most uptodate car there is have it Sure THEN AGAIN THE CLUTCHOne of the smoothest most etllcim1 ever put In any car had proven a trifle too sensitive of adjust- ment ¬ for lazy owners Those who had the knack got splendid re suits Those who couldnt or wouldnt bother trying didnt lie suit was bad for the gearsalso the motor So a slight change- in design was made so i isnt so sensitive now For our own use wed rather have it the original way but wo dont drIve em all- COMPARE THESE TRIFLING ALTERATIONS CUlt raaTTjr call them iminovements nifh those vital changes other makers are announcing in their season models Then decide which oat- is safest for you to put your money ineven if values were equal which they are not FACT IS EMF HAS SET A PACE others find it impossible to fol ¬ lowa pace in quality and pricein every day serviceability sad allaround efficiency PERHAPS EMF 30s GREATEST RECORD of satisfaction hits been in the matter of tiles Undoubtedly this car is the mouc economical on tires of any car in its class Other cars sailing for 1250 to liiOO weigh 500 to 750 pounds more These are too heavy for standard 32x3 12inch tires thats why some oC them are now forced to put on bnstardsize tires Doesnt ben ¬ efit the buyer anyonly obligates him to pay more for the re- placements ¬ All the makers agree it would be unjust to nfcer to put heavier or larger tires on EMF 30 Shes over tired now according to her actual weight and tire makers tables IS EMF 30 TOO LIGHTis the natural question after TeadiEK the above The answer is in her wonderful record of perform- ance ¬ in hands of over 6000 owners and in several special test Pathfinding for Glidden Tour Pilot In Giiddon Munffey Re- liability ¬ Run and a hundred others ARE COMPETING CARS TOO HEAVY The answer again is 111 their recordsall announcing Improved laiO lodel Out of their own mouths are they not convicted Ask owners abotik tire consumption remember the owner pays the freight over every mile he drives on eery pound of unnecessary weight put there by the maker in his willingness to stint and save cost OH materials Anybody can make a heavy caronly rirstcla de- signers ¬ can make light ones JUST A FEW WORDS MORE You are in the market for a car else you wouldnt have read this tar Perhaps youre one of those who have been unable to get an EMF 30 oversold all sea- son ¬ Wish we could promise quicker deliveries cant Wont lie about It so cant Fifty cars every working day coming out now but demand increasing faster than we can idd buildings and equipment Another million now being spent in additions But we cant make all the cars in the world Anti EMF 30 is first choice of well posted buyers YOU SIMPLY CANTGET EMF 30S the day you order them Your local dealer may if he happens to have a carload en route or another customer wholl sell you his place in the line and wait be able to accommodate youbut thats the exception General- ly ¬ youll have to wait two or three weeksmaybe more After New Years itll be 90 to 120 days same as always beforE Only way is to get the order in now get a place in the line and set your car as soon as possibleso you can enjoy its comforts 111 Winter as well as its pleasure in Spring and Summer VE FEEL LIKE APOLOGIZINGto ourselves for this ad which seems so unnecessary under the conditions But we felt we owed It to our friends to explain the Studebaker policy which is aoc like others and to assure you theres no use waiting for a lilfl model for we dont make cars that way Changesare made tlw minute the necessity arises dont wait till the end of the year Dont make season morleJg dont make the kind > f car we have to be ashamed of regularly once a year Proud of EMF 10 al the time And the one we sell you will be just as good ae the one we sold 5 our neighbor a year agoit It isnt you know theres the Studejak guarantee hack of it to mak it so Pensacola Auto Company 39 East Garden Street t t

F I PILES Cured Quickly SERVICES 1750ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00328/0153.pdf · Cure Then after you have proven to yourself what it can do you will gQ to the druggist

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Page 1: F I PILES Cured Quickly SERVICES 1750ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00328/0153.pdf · Cure Then after you have proven to yourself what it can do you will gQ to the druggist


tF I



Instant Relief Permanent CureTrialPackage Mailed Free to AllIn Plain Wrapper-

We want every man and Womansuffering from the excruciating tortureof plIes to just send tleir name andaddress to us and get by return mail

111 free trial package of the most ef-fectivej and positive cure ever knownlor this disease Pyramid Pile Cure

The way to prove what this greatremedy will da in your own case Isto just fill out free coupon and send toas and you will get by return mall atree trial treatment of Pyr mid PileCure

Then after you have proven toyourself what it can do you will gQto the druggist and get a 50 cent box

Dont undergo an operation Op-erations


are rarely a success and of ¬

ten lead to terrible consequencesPyramid Pile Cure reduces all in-flammation


makes congestion irrita± tcbins sores and ulcers disap ¬

pearand the piles simply quitFor sale at all drug stores at 50

cents a box


Fill out the blank lines below withyour name and address cut outt coupon and mall to the PYRAMID

DRUG COMPANY 151 PyramidBids Marshall Mich A trial pacK-age of the great Pyramid Pile Curewill then be sent you at once bymall FREE In plain wrapper

NameStreet I

ICity and St-







3ScThe Peerless CafeINick Apostle Mana-




GROCERYJust arrived Cranber-



Currants Mince> Meat Raisins Lemon

Peel Citron Orange

Aj Peel New MackerelNew Buckwheat MapleSyrup Pigs Feet allkinds of Cereals ApplesOranges Calif PeachesLemons Bananas

See our Bargain Coun-


Dewey Coffee theKing of Coffees freshfrom our own roasterTry our Blended Tea

Phones 1627 1628 and 1629


What Income Have You

Curing Usability resulting from Illness oraccident Will It defray your expensesIf not see n-

Continental Casualty CoEdw jJSnlpper Dist Manager

45ThIesen Bldgc


Read TheJournals WantAds and profiferebyt-

a +



he bible school meets as usualthis afternoon at 315 Specialprogramme Every one invited

Usual serviceIn the evening at 730Good singing by the chorus andpreaching by the Rev Mr R WSimpson

The MissionThe free night school will be start ¬

ed Monday evening Those wishing-to join will please be on hand at 730


I The order of services at the variouschurches in and near Peul cola todayrill be as follows

CATHOLIC-St Michaels urchFlrst Mass at

7 a m Childrens Mass 9 a m LastMass 1030 a m Rosary Vespers andBenediction 5 oclock p m

Sacred Heart ChurchCor Jackson and9th Ave Rev Patrick Turner PastorProf Henry Seel Organist

Sunday service 7 a m Low Mass930 a m High Mass and Sermon Spe-cial


musical program each Sunday 5 p mRosary Litany and Benediction Baptismby appointment Confessions Saturdays-Eve of Feasts 1 to 6 Week Day Masseach day at 7 oclock-

St Josephs Church OrJer of services-at St Josephs church until further no ¬

ticeSundays 7 a m Low Mass and In-


9 a m Sunday School 10 am High Mass and Instruction S p mVespers Rosary and Benediction of theBlessed Sacrament-

Confession Saturday evenings from 4p m to 9 p m Also on the evenings be-fore


Holy Days of Obligation and 1st Fridays

Baptisms on Sundays at 1 p m and 4p rn1 or by appointment

Mass on week day at 8 L ra

BAPTISTFirst Baptist Cnurch Rev Thos M

Callaivay Pastor reaidencelH W Gadsden street Sunday School at 930 am E D Begs Supt Preaching servi-ce11amandbpm BYPU7PPr-

ayermservices Wednesttay evening at

800 Baraca class meets every Sundaymorning at 930 oclock All are cordiallyinvited to attend all services

East Hill Baptist Church BetweenGadsden and Jackson streets on 13thavenue J W Senterfltt pastor Preach ¬

ing every Sunday at 11 a m and730 p m Sunday School everySunday at 945 a m Prayermeet ¬

ing every Wednesday night at 75 p mB Y P U every Sunday at 645 b m

West Hill Baptist Church 1012 WestJackson Rev W M WhttHeld late ofColumbus Mlss pastor Sunday School1000 a m Preaching service 1100 a mB Y P U S00 p m

Young men are cordially Invited to visitthe Baraca class of the First Baptistchurch at 330 a m Sundays We wel-come



Christ Church Rev G Monroe Roycerector in chnrJc-

Superintendent of Sunday school MrW K Hyer-

Organist Mr William Packham BMusThe Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity

730 a miloly Communion1100 a mchoral Morning Prayer and

Sermon by the Rev Monroe Royce730 m Musical Service at which

MIss Margaret McClay will IngThere will bo specIal Instrumental

musicVisitors and friends are cordially wel-


There are free seats at all ser-vices


St Katharines Church Davis and Cer-vantes Sts 3lev William B Allen RectarHarry E Hoppen Sunday School Supt

Holy Communion 730 a mSunday School 930 a mMorning prayer and sermon 11 a m-

St Johns Church Warrlnoton FlaEvening prayer and sermon 7 p m

METHODIST-First Methodist ChurchHannah Hall

over automobile garage on West Romanastreet Services 11 a m and 730 p mRev C W Gavin pastor Te hone

I 1404 030 a m Sunday SchooLGadsden Street Methodist Church

Rev B C Moore pastor Seivices 11 aen and 730 p m Sunday School 930 am W It Bennett Superintendent

The Young Men Baraca class of theGadsden Street Methodist Church meetsevery Sunday morning at 930 oclockAll young men over the age of 16 yearsare cordially Invited

The Philathea Class of Gadsden StreetSunday School meets every Sunday mornIng at 930 oclock as a part of the reguarorganization but In a Class Room of ItsOwn A sincerely cordial invitation Isextended to all young ladies not other-wise


affiliated The Philathen Class motto-is We Do Things Come and help usdo them you will find the pleasure mu-tual


Mr Ed Campbell Teal tierI Busy Peoples Class A Class In con ¬

nection with the Gadsden Street SundaySchool for adult persons ivKo lo not havetime to properly prepare the lesson duringthe week meets at 930 a m

Methodist Mission ChurchCor 11thavenue and DeLeon streets Preaching-on the first and third Sunday nights at730 p m at Muscogee wharf M Echurch by the pastor

Sunday School every Sunday at 330 pm E T Briggs Supt Rev Geo WCarpenter Pastor M E Mission

At Fort Barrancas Sunday October 171909Song service and sermon bv RevR W Simpson In charge of the MissionPensacola Fla

At M E Church Corner of YardWall Sunday October 17 1309 Sunda >School opens 1030 a m-

At 1030 p nv 011 service and regu ¬

lar M E church services conducted bythe pastor Rev E W Roberts

730 p m Tuesday October 1J 1909song service anti sermon by Rev J W-Senterllt pastor East Hill Baptist ChurchPensacola Fla

Song service every Friday night be-ginning


at 730 p mAt Gymnasium at Fort Barrancas

Wednesday October 20 19097O p msons service and services

The public is cordially invited to at ¬

tend all of above servicesPRESBYTERIAN-

First Presbyterian Church East ChaseStreetRev Julian S Slbley pastorSabbath School 943 a m Bibleclass 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and7 30 p in Prayer meeting Wednesdayat 730 p m

New City Mission 12th St and 13thAvenueC F Zeek SuperintendentSabbath School 330 p m Prayer meet-ing


Friday at 730 pnL-

UTHERAN CHURCHGerman Lutheran Churchiv J F

W Reinhardt PastorSunday school 9 a mGerman service 1880 a inEnglish service 7 p raChurch meeting after close of English


Salvation ArmyHall tOVa West Gov-ernment


St Adjutant and Mrs Grimshaw in charge Junior services 20 p mSalvation Army meeting S 31D Ser-vices

¬every night excepting Monday at

S p m A cordial welcome will be ex-tended


to all-

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCHFirst Christian ChurchEast Chase StSunday School 913 a in J A Wilson

SuperintendentPreaching at 1100 a in and 7J5 p in

by the pastor Thorn LjnnoxPrayer meeting each Wednesday even-


at 745A cordial invitation is extended to aU-

to attend any of our servIce

The Church of Chrlst Cor Jackson andAVcaniz Sts Bible School 945 a m and

f prirhins at 11 a m ami 730 p In byV T STracy Prayer meeting JVednes

1 I

day at 745 p m and meetingFriday at 730 p m All are Invited

UNIVERSALIST CHURCHFirst Universalist Church East Chase

street Sunday School 10 a In T P CU at 630 p m

CHURCH OFCHRIST SCIENTISTSFirst ChurcH of Christ Scientist

Rooms 1214 Masonic Temple ServicesSunday 11 a m Wednesday 3 p m

BARRACA UNIONThe following churches are represented-

In the Barraca Union and have class ses-sion


every Sunday morning at 930 a mPresbyterian East Chase street W B

Ferris TeacherFirst Methodist Hannah Hall West

Romana street J A KIrkpatrickFirst Baptist Church North Palafox

Street Mrs BIckerstaff teacherGadsden Street Methodist Church Mies

Edith Lusk teacherYoung Mens Christian Association 415-

P m ra-p m J H Sherrill teacher-

All young men are cordially Invited toattend one of those services

Y M C AY M C A Palafox and Belmont

streetsOpen week days 9 a m to 10 p m

Open Sundays 3 p m to 6 p m Freepublic reading room Visitors welcomEat all times Bible Teachers TrainingClass Thursdays S p m

Words To Freeze The SoulYour son has Consumption His

case is hopeless These appallingwords were spoken to Geo E Ble ¬

vens a leading merchant ot Spring ¬

field N C by two expert doctors-one a lung specialist Then was shownthe wonderful power ofDr KingsNew Discovery After three weeks-use writes Mr Elevens he was aswell as ever 1 would not take allthe money in the world for what itdid for my boy Infallible for Coughs-and Colds its the safest surest cumof desperate Lung diseases on earth50c and 100 For sale by all drug¬

gists guarantee satisfactipn Trialbottles tre-

ePhosphobest for Indi-gestion


50 cents Ask drug¬

gist for free sampleCOMPTROLLERS REPORT-

The following report of Comptroller-John G Ward was submitted to thacity council at its meeting of Wednes-day


October 13 and Was ordered re ¬

ferred to the finance committeePensacola Fla Oct 9 190D

To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-cil


of the City of Pensacola FlaGentlemenPlease find below statement of receipts

and disbursements for the month of Sep-tember


1909 with a detailed statementof expenses for the monthCash on hand Septem ¬

her 1st 1909 4927019

RECEIPTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1909From Fines Costs and

pound fees S 235227 IFrom Taxes 125516From Back Taxes 18770From Licenses 7225From Water Receipts 52468From IHEceilaneous

Sources 12442631683469-Total f 6610488

DISBURSEMENTSWarrants paid 3164182Interest on Bonded

Debt 300 53164482

Balance cash inTreasury 3446006

EXPENSES FOR SEPTEMBER 1909Department of Public Safety

Police ProtectionSalaries of Marshal

Deputy and Police 4 28336Patrol expenses 5070Station house expen¬

ses 3785Feeding Prisoners 25782Stock Pound expenses 5343Incidentals Feed etc 3349Repair and Additions 7500 334204

CharitiesSalary Physician 5000Care of Paupers 7E10Hospital Expenses 2400Medicines 25204 40414

Fire ProtectionSalaries Chief and Em ¬

ployees S 204530Telegraph Alarms Re-


and Additions 7900Rent of Truck and

Engine Houses 11500Rent of Fire Hy¬

drants 84000Incidentals Feed etc 28294Apparatus and Ma-


9175 S 345399

Total Dept PjublicSafety S 720017

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSCleaning Street 9450Lighting Streets 147795Sprinkling Streets 19262Sidewalks and Cross-


356355Cleaning and Flushing

Sewers 9ES2DRemoval and Disposal-

oftGarbage 59250

Public Buildings Re-pairs and Additions 15794

Incidentals Feed etc 6815New City Map 27750Expenses Engineers

Oflire 43935S 785032

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHSalaries of Inspectors 45500 fSalary of Physician 5000Salary of Clerk 1500Incidentals 1379 53379

DEPARTMENT OF GENL EXPENSESSalaries of omcers 5 116666Legal Expenses 15000Incidentals 459403 177605


Bond Trustees 7665Parks and Squares 7500 sStorm Sewer Zarra

go sa St 24590Civic League S SOOOGSi9755

WATER DEPARTMENT-General Office Expen-


47598Operating Expense 1202654 167864

Total Expenses forSeptember 1993653Respectfully submitted

JXO G WARDComptroller

SLIGHTLY COLDER WITH SNOWWhen you see that kind of a weath-


forecast you know that rheumatismweather is at hand Get ready for itnow by getting a bottle of BallardSnow Liniment Finest thing madefor rheumatism chilblains frost bitesore and stiff joints and muscles allaches and pain6 25c 50c and 100-a bottle

Sold by W A DAlemberte drug¬gist and apothecy 121 S Palafox St

For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855

DONT HATCH CHICKS-We ship baby chicks to any point in

the e S Canada or Mecvo and guar-antee


safe arrival You cannot beat ourprices Five baby chick <any kindonly S cents each We aia pIoneers lutow prices for poultryCULVER POULTRY FARM5111 State St Bcnscu Neb


MAGNETO Gas LampsGenerator and Tube HornIncludedOf Course

5 PassengersL 1

30 Horse Power4


32x3y inch Tires

Weight Equipped 2150 lbs

16000 Now in Use eI II i


of startling announcements of new models This year its OurWorld beatlng 1910 Models Last October it was Our Worldbeating 1909 Model If you read ono you have read them all ¬

they are all alike in that they protest the later model b a won ¬

der while tacitly admitting that its predecessor was about theworst that over happened

THE IMPRESSION LEFT IN YOUR MIND is that you were a suckecto buy a car from that maker last year He promised you life-long service from itnow he proclaims it obsolete Under a thindisguise he confesses he ouncoed you offers no redress antimakes your car only a few months old practically worthless inthe secondhand market where you had hoped to sell it for atleast a fraction of the price you paid him

YEAR AFTER YEAR THE SAME PROMISES are made by the samemakersand year after year they are compelled to admit be ¬

tween the lines that their promises have not been fulfilledLook up your old files read the ads of 100S 1907 and back TO

their beginning Youll surprisedand disgusted at theirsimilarity All agree in admitting past failures and in predictng future success Reminds one of nothing so much as a corneredand therefore penitentconfidence man who unblush-ingly


confesses past offenses but protests he Will do better inthe futureif given another chance

WED HATE TO HAVE TO ADMIT that our engineering force of afew months ago was so deficient in the science of designing andmaking motor carsour product of the past twelve months sodefectivethat radical changes were necessary to produce asalable carl-

STUDEBAKERS WOULD HIDE THEIR HEADS in shame if calledupon to confess they had sold to a confiding trusting customer-cars that one yearor five yearslater had to be brandedand by the maker a failure and openly discredited by anothermodel differing in many Important features

WOULDNT THAT BE EVIDENCE of rank incompetencesome-might say bad faith Wouldnt it indicate that promises madehad not been fulSied And wouldnt it prove to a reasoningman that promises now made would be as worthless

DONT MISUNDERSTAND US Of course improvements will bemade from time to time constantly in automobile building as luevery other department uf human endeavor as long as the worldlasts The perfect car will never arrive But only where theengineering force was woefully deficient in the fundamentals orthe art will radical changes be necessary

IF YOU BUY AN AUTOMOBILE from a hairbrained inventor or anunscientific experimenter because some newfangled idea of hiscaught your eye you have surely no right to expect satisfactoryservice You pay for the privilege of trying out his theoriesand you get all you deserve

STUDEBAKERS HAVENT THAT KIND of an engineering forceWont tolerate an inventor in the place Inventors are mostlyfolks who think theyve found something that wasnt lostScientists had It filed away ready when wantedout 01 the wayof foolish folk who dont always know how to apply simple prin-ciples


Burn their own fingers and other peoples money-

A CHINAMAN ONCE SAID to an Oriental who criticized his sariJ Yes I suppose my clothes do look queer to youthey are not

like yours Yours look funnier to meyesbeg pardon Buthad you considered that my mod > of dress is the result of morecenturies of experience and of observation than your race cantrace its history ftack I suppose thousands of years ago mycountrymen made a light suit do for summer and a heavy onefor winter regardless of intermediate variations in the weatherNow we put on several lignt coatsor fewand we add to 01take off as the weather changes I see you are still experiment ¬

ingyesbeg pardon

LIKE THE WISE ORIENTALand Chinese are proverbially honesttoo Studebakers did all their experimenting years before theythought of offering the first automobile to the public Senttheir engineers to Europe and scoured the world for talentNot satisfied with the rednlts they decided that no engineer nono factory could successfully manufacture more than one model-

a car so good it would outclass any other car of its own typoand at its own price

WALTER E FLANDERS we considered the greatest manufacturingproducer in the automobile industry by long odds Had oureyes on him for years When he began the manufacture ofEMF 30 Studebakers watched him closer than ever Herewas the car for which we had been looking to fill out our linethe car which best suited to the needs of the greatest number ofbuyers who want a serviceable economical touring car would-be most in demand and have the longest life

STUDEBAKERS STILL CAUTIOUSCouldnt afford to lend theirname to any but a product of sterling quality purchased haltthe output of the factoryand watched Not only our own ex-

rtsbut 6000 buyers put these cars to the most gruelling1tests And we were satisfied well enough satisfied to investmillions in this car and its future

BOUGHT OUT FLANDERS ASSOCIATES so that this man and hisunequalled organization would be available to Stud jbkers aloneand that we might control the entire output of this car wkicawe believe has no equal in its class

SEPTEMBER WAS LARGEST MONTH in our history October or¬

ders from dealers fifty per cent in excess of possible outputNovember ditto Decemoer we hope to more nearly approacnthe demand by Increased factory facilities that will then be avallable Its been a wonderful Year for Studebakers and forEMF 30

RESULTS HAVE BEEN MOST GRATIFYING No other car hasmade such a record of satisfaction in owners hands they areunanimously enthusiastic Every owner brings tea prospects

EMF 30 WAS IN ADVANCE of its time two years at leastThat it was is proven by the fact that all the 1910 modelsnow being so loudly touted are as nearly as a copyist can copyimitations outwardly at teast of lM-


Co snlHD



radically different from their immediate predecessors anybetter than those their makers now admit were wrong Its thereany other car of this cla b that has been perfected standardized-to the point where its makers believe it cannot be materially im-proved


and customers can absolutely rely on it Does notStudebaker EMF 30 stand alone in this regard

FOR EXAMPLE If a certain designer a year ago in frantic effortsto discredit the tremendous efficiency ot EMF JO motorwith its large valves advocated small valves and if that samedesigner now by putting larger valves in his 19W model hasadmitted his error does it not stand to reason that he is still atfault in those several other leatures where his car differs fromthe successful satisfactory unchanging EMF 30

AND IF ANOTHER RIVAL MAKER believed and protested foryears that a twocylinder motor was just as goodas economi-cal


as xibleas a four and if that maker in an effort to com-pete

¬with EMF 30 now turns to roursis there any good

reason to suppose he has in so short a time learned to design-a motor of the type to which he was so recently a convert

THE HISTORY OF THIS INDUSTRY does not record a single in-

stance in which a designer turned from a horizontal two to fl

vertical four and produced anything out an abortion in hits firstyears model-


HAS NEVER BEEN NECESSARY to advertise that EMF 30has been improved in any detail in order to create a demandfor the product It has always been in excess of the supply Ofcourse changes have and will be made Sometimes theyll be im¬provementsmore often not Mostly theyll be in the interestof simplifying or facilitating manufacture because some design-ers


and some customers differ in matters of taste and preference

HERES A CASE IN POINT afew weeks ago EMF 30s beganto come through with dropped front axles Formerly had boeastraight Straight axle is lighter and stiffer better But con-vention


said a front axle ought to be curvedlooked betterDidnt make a pennys difference in cost difference in strengthao small it couldnt be computed pleased customers so it went

MORE RECENTLY A UU DOOR was substituted for the proyiousdesign in the touneau Just a case of change in style of ladf5hats Was the latest thing in doorswhy shouldnt J5MF 30the most uptodate car there is have it Sure

THEN AGAIN THE CLUTCHOne of the smoothest most etllcim1ever put In any car had proven a trifle too sensitive of adjust-ment


for lazy owners Those who had the knack got splendid resuits Those who couldnt or wouldnt bother trying didnt liesuit was bad for the gearsalso the motor So a slight change-in design was made so i isnt so sensitive now For our ownuse wed rather have it the original way but wo dont drIveem all-


call them iminovements nifh those vital changes other makersare announcing in their season models Then decide which oat-

is safest for you to put your money ineven if values wereequal which they are not

FACT IS EMF HAS SET A PACE others find it impossible to fol¬

lowa pace in quality and pricein every day serviceability sadallaround efficiency

PERHAPS EMF 30s GREATEST RECORD of satisfaction hitsbeen in the matter of tiles Undoubtedly this car is the mouceconomical on tires of any car in its class Other cars sailingfor 1250 to liiOO weigh 500 to 750 pounds more These are tooheavy for standard 32x3 12inch tires thats why some oC

them are now forced to put on bnstardsize tires Doesnt ben ¬

efit the buyer anyonly obligates him to pay more for the re-


All the makers agree it would be unjust to nfcerto put heavier or larger tires on EMF 30 Shes over tirednow according to her actual weight and tire makers tables

IS EMF 30 TOO LIGHTis the natural question after TeadiEKthe above The answer is in her wonderful record of perform-ance


in hands of over 6000 owners and in several special testPathfinding for Glidden Tour Pilot In Giiddon Munffey Re-


Run and a hundred others

ARE COMPETING CARS TOO HEAVY The answer again is 111

their recordsall announcing Improved laiO lodel Outof their own mouths are they not convicted Ask owners abotiktire consumption remember the owner pays the freight overevery mile he drives on eery pound of unnecessary weight putthere by the maker in his willingness to stint and save cost OH

materials Anybody can make a heavy caronly rirstcla de-


can make light ones

JUST A FEW WORDS MORE You are in the market for a carelse you wouldnt have read this tar Perhaps youre one of thosewho have been unable to get an EMF 30 oversold all sea-son


Wish we could promise quicker deliveries cant Wontlie about It so cant Fifty cars every working day coming outnow but demand increasing faster than we can idd buildingsand equipment Another million now being spent in additions

But we cant make all the cars in the world Anti EMF 30is first choice of well posted buyers

YOU SIMPLY CANTGET EMF 30S the day you order themYour local dealer may if he happens to have a carload en routeor another customer wholl sell you his place in the line and waitbe able to accommodate youbut thats the exception General-ly


youll have to wait two or three weeksmaybe more AfterNew Years itll be 90 to 120 days same as always beforE Onlyway is to get the order in now get a place in the line and setyour car as soon as possibleso you can enjoy its comforts 111

Winter as well as its pleasure in Spring and Summer

VE FEEL LIKE APOLOGIZINGto ourselves for this ad whichseems so unnecessary under the conditions But we felt we owedIt to our friends to explain the Studebaker policy which is aoclike others and to assure you theres no use waiting for a lilfl

model for we dont make cars that way Changesare made tlwminute the necessity arises dont wait till the end of the yearDont make season morleJg dont make the kind >f car we haveto be ashamed of regularly once a year Proud of EMF 10al the time And the one we sell you will be just as good ae theone we sold 5 our neighbor a year agoit It isnt you know theresthe Studejak guarantee hack of it to mak it so

Pensacola Auto Company

39 East Garden Streett
