7 1- rII i TWOS 1 OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JUNE 4 1908 i y p n J 1 I tr- I I 61 i Veterinary Surgeon Office opposite Tompkins Livery Stab- leEPGDERRANTYS tad r T p F M 1 r ICEa j f I Best Quality I Prompt Set vice- Lowest I i Price 4 1 1 Buy from the t BL EWAGONS- I OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO s MEFFERT TAYLOR r Phone 34 4 r- r I V r WBRt MACKAY I p FUNERAL DIRECTORS l ° Undertakers and Embalmers i r D E Mc VER ALFRED E OWEN- i UndertaKes to Fine Caskets and Burial Robes 1 AH Work Dons by Licensed En- oalm k is and Fully Guaranteed I k 4 T I I t IceMcellce f I 1- l 4 QUALITY RIGHT r A 4e DELIVERY RIGHT 1 PRICE RIGHT d fi FLORIDA PACKING ICE CO l t a BENJAMIN IN CHARG- Er iI f 6 J i = > HiLups I I C- j tradorandBuilcler- P L n = and Specifications Furnished If Upon Request t J J29Soath FbirdStcct- OCA I i I Fla Phone 30 I r OCALA PRESSIKS CLU- BJ I- j i V I J u FORT Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods I pressed and Cleaned on Short No- tice 1 and Delivered Promptly tob All transient work not called f for charges within thirty days will be sold for L t r OOD 4 I AtBI2 Load for f k CASH- i i H SEYMOUR i Phone JS5 1- q 1 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS i J I oio e Conventions held every Mon- day ¬ evening In Castle Hall over Pey ¬ c Beers store 9A cordial welcome to vis- iting ¬ t knights H M Hampton C C w Chas K Sag K of R and S t r t y I 00 F- Lodge r T luJa No 22 t I O O F meets every Tuesday even- ing ¬ r In Yon es Hall Visiting brothers always welcome- J F Thompson N G M Nip Little Secretary I Keep your eye on our show win- dows ¬ The Bazaar Store j- fe r k i t V r i > i 3d iIilt- Ih J COUNTY COMMISSIONERS f1- I Official Report of the Proceedings at the June Meeting of the Board Tuesday June 3 A D 1908 I Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on this date Present Hon John L Edward chairman J R Matthews S R Pyles N A Fort C W Turner Minutes of last regular and special meeting read and approved Commissioner Pyles reported that- on i account of illness in his family lets committee had not made invest- igation as to treatment of convicts- at E P Rentzs camp and asked fur ther time- It was ordered hat the former ac ¬ tion of the Board with reference to the appointment of J H deBrass be rescinded that the said Brass he recommended to the Governor for appointment as mark and brand in ¬ spector district No6 Mr TV E Allen appeared before the Board and made a statement in the interest of Mr Cassells who was damaged while crossing a bridge near McIntosh whose claim for damages- was refuse by the Board at its for- mer ¬ meeting1 Mr Allen requested that the Board rescind its action and pay Mr i Cassells the actual damage The request was refused Mr Allen then requested that a J road overseer be apointed in the Mc- Intosh district and recommended that- R C Stephens be authorized to re ¬ pair the clay roads in said district j which request was granted The bdnd and contract of E L An dfrson and N H Boswell contractors- to harden the punnellon and Ocala road to intersection of Stokes Ferry read was presented to the Board exe ¬ cuted and was accepted and copy of the same delivered to Mr N H Bos wellUpon motion of Commissioner Tur- ner ¬ the resignation of R C Douglass i as mark and brand inspector district- No 16 was accepted and the Board recommended to the Governor the ap- pointment ¬ of R S Shortridge for said district The petition heretofore filed re ¬ questing the Board of County Com ¬ missioners to close the present road between Juliette and Dunnellon and to have the Ocala Martel Cotton Plant and Juliette road xtonded on direct line from railroad crossing at Juliette to Northwest corner of the West Coast Farm thence south on quarter section line to Dunnellon- was 1 upon motion of Commissioner Mathews granted Upon motion Conraiissioners Pyles Fcrt and Mathews were appointed a special committee to look into and re- port ¬ to this Board the condition of j he Sims family with reference to get t1 g homes etc A petition heretofore filed by Black Falany requesting a permit to sell liquors wines and beef in election district No 24 corning up for hearing- and it appearing to the Board that due and legal noticeof su6h aplica tion had been published ini the Dun ¬ nellon Advocate as required by law and it further appearing that no ob- jections ¬ have been interposed by any- one why the said permit should not- e granted it was upon motion order- ed ¬ that the said Back Falany be granted a permit > to sell liquors vines and beer in district No 24 Ma- r on county Florida The Commissioners appointed to lay- out the Ocala and Leesburg public road filed their report which was laid over until the next regular meet- ing ¬ of the Board Mr S J McCully presented a peti tion asking for the formation of a iifw election district as follows Commencing at the northeasi cor ¬ ner bf section one township fourteen range twenty thence west to north ¬ west corner of section four thenc suth to southwest corner of section twentyone thence west to northwest t corner pf section twentynine thence 4outh to southwest corner of section thirtytwo township fourteen range twenty thence south to southwes corner of section five township fif then range twenty thence east to southeast corner of section one thence north to northeast corner of section- cne township fifteen range twenty thence north corner of section one township fourteen range twenty to point of beginning Said district to be known and > numbered- as fellowship district No4 with vot- ing ¬ place to be in the southeast cor ¬ ner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter section twenty seven township fourteen range twenty on V M Seckingers place Petition aid over until the next reg- ular ¬ meeting of the Board Mr J L V Hudgins filed a peti tin requesting the Board to form a- new election district as follows Commencing at the southeast cor- ner ¬ of section sixteen township six- teen ¬ south of range twenty east thence north to northeast corner of section nine township fifteen south range twenty east thence west to northwest corner of section eleven township fifteen south of range nine ¬ teen east thence south to southwest corner of section fourteen township sixteen south range nineteen east thence east to point of beginning Said district to be No 33 with vot iftg place jat Leroy oi Petition filed and laid over until next regular meeting- of the Board The report of the commissioners on the road known as the Belleview and Salzwedle road was taken up and re ¬ port granted 7 Commissioner Mathews having file hIs report with the Board with refer- ence ¬ 1 to work done upon Ocala anr- Dunnellon road from Dunnellon to- t t < > < r where it intersects with the Stokes ferry road which is as follows June 2 1908 Mr Chairman and Gentleman of th- eroardI visited the hard road that- is v now in construction at Dunnellon yesterday I measured up 11880 feet c 2VI miles of said hard road that Is Tearing completion I measured the width of the road in several places and found the hard surface to be 10 ft and 6 in wide AVith a pick and shovel I dug through the hard surf- ace at what I considered an average thickness of the road in the center and found it to be 9 inches thick The stumps and trees are not all removed from the out edges of the road yet but is being rapidly done The material used in the hardening- of this road is a poor grade of clay of which I very much regret but the contractors tell me that after a thor- ough ¬ search I nothing better is ob- tainable ¬ Respectfully J M Mathews Com The following order was made It was upon motion ordered that an ad ¬ vance payment be made to the con ¬ tractors Anderson and Boswell as the payment under the contract 1400 in accordance with report as filed by Commissioner Mathews A petition was filed asking that the public road be opened leading from Smoak Postoffice to the town of Mar- tin ¬ described as follows Commencing where the Fairfield- and Smoak Postoffice road intersects the discontinued Flemington and Ocala road in section twentyfour township thirteen range twen and running in a southeasterly direction- on the road bed of the said Fleming ton and Ocala road through sections twentyfour twentyfive and twenty six of township thirteen range t and through and to the south boundary of section six township fourteen range twentyone thence east on section line dividing sections six seven five eight four nine three cnd ten of township fourteen range twentyone to the northwest corner- of lot one town of Martel thence youth through street 210 yards to the intersection of the Martin anj Anthony road Petition laid over un ¬ til the next regular meeting of the Board- Ed I Richardson an imbecile was or- dered ¬ to be taken to the poor farm and the assistance with which the Edard has heretofore been given him was ordered discontinued- The t Board thereupon approved bends for carrying firearms and or ¬ dered licenses issued as follows George R Johns R M Long Charles J Rast James H N Holford d Thomas H Barwell The following notary bonds were I approved T L Dekle with J G Ferguson and J G Dekle as sureties N S Priest with Charlton Priest and C A Martin as sureties Sam ucr R Hall with Loren Squier and Fred A Hall sureties The Clerk of the Court presented his payrolls for witnesses serving in the Circuit Court which were approv- ed ¬ by the Board The following persons presented ap- plications ¬ for pensions Their claims ware examined and approved as fol ¬ lows W N Tucker Rhoda A McClure Benjamin Brinson Lew M Baldwin Elmira Wood James L Beck F M Townsend The Board having agreed to have the gas fixtures put in the Court- House the following letter was filed for information Ocala Florida May 30th 1908 The Board of County Commissioners Marion County Fla Gentlemen- We We to confirm the price made you by our Mr C W Hunter L e that of one dollar and fifty cents net per thousand cubic feet for gas con ¬ sumed in the Court House at Ocala Florida Very respectfully Citizens Gas Company Per C t W Hunter The Board thereupon adjourned un ¬ til tomorrow morning at eight oclock Wednesday June 3rd 1908 Board met pursuant to adjourn- ment ¬ All members present- A communication was received from Mrs William Hocker President of the V omens Civic League requesting that the Court House janitor be in ¬ structed to thoroughly cleanse the two public drinking fountains round the square every Monday morning The request granted and so ordered A petition was filed by Commission- er Fort requesting the Board to grant- a public neighborhood road viz Beginning at a point on the Electra and Saw Grass public road in the rrwi4 of section 23 township 15 range 24 running in a northwesterly direc ¬ tion to Lynne postoffice in section 9 township 15 range 24 Also a publi neighborhood road beginning at a point in the nw14 of nwof section 14 township 15 range 24 Running in a westerly direction to Lynne post cffice The above petitions were granted by the Board as requested A committee of Kings Daughters appeared beore the Board and req- uested ¬ that an appropriation of 500 per month be made for the mainte- nance i of Mrs Marshall a very needy person and who is unable to help her- self ¬ The request was granted Petition asking for county hard road from the intersection of Bellevlew Candler road and North Lake Weir to the Baptist church located on tne Chautauqua Grounds was filed and laid over until next meeting of the Beard H M Hampton appeared before the Beard and requested that the Board relieve the Sheriff of amount charged against him on account of the ninety < Pontinued on Third Page < YCr I 8 ROBINSON President- S H BLITCB Manager J c BOOZER Asst Muagert5 GEO J BUTCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL J i BANK OCALA FLA I I tj- J 1 i F J f j I i I Our Best Attention t Everything of a banking nature entrusted to our care Vvj i receives our best attention We shall be glad to 13 have a share of your business i J f- ID E McIVER GEORGE HacMAY MclVERDEALERS 1- NFURNITURE MaeKA 1- i AND HOUSEHOLD 6OODS 1V i I I furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rugs Carpets Mat lIDS Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed k Linen Pictures Portiere and Lace Curtains j JV t- t V s f I J- I Ij > Harness Saddles Trunks iSnit Cases and Satchels f j l v m BUILDING MATERIAL i f V Oils Life Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Cement f I i Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goods i- I f ttt r H f I CONTRACTORS AN08UILDERSI j l I I I Call on or rite us for prices i i 1- I McIver MacKayOCA- LA I t I FLORIDA f- I L f- I B HSEYMOUR K MacPHERSON 1 i- I Marion Development Cop I l DEALERS I- NReal r I I > v Estate and Building Materiali I b i fc- WOOD LUMBER j SHINGLES SAND v l I I j iJ PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD LOTS FOR SALE CASH OR EASY TERMS- I V I f- I P 0 Box 715 Phode 129 Ocala Florida 1 I t f Pure Foot Meat Market A A A Mathews Prop J E Bankston Mgr I TI I J- I Wholesale and KetailDealerinf I 1 l v li3 I I FRESH AND SMOKED FLORIDA AND WESTERN MEATS I I n x V A Complete Stock of Meats of All kinds 1 x kj- t on Band at All Times f STALLS I 3 CITY MARKET f r 1 t TELEPHONE 132 I f i S L > BITTING j f REAL ESTATE l Ocala Florida

F I ICEa Everything Vvj - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00863/0451.pdf · 7 1-rII i TWOS 1 OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JUNE 4 1908 i y p n J 1 I tr-I

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Page 1: F I ICEa Everything Vvj - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00863/0451.pdf · 7 1-rII i TWOS 1 OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JUNE 4 1908 i y p n J 1 I tr-I


rII i





n J 1





61 i VeterinarySurgeon

Office oppositeTompkins Livery Stab-







ICEa j


IBest Quality

I Prompt Setvice-


i Price4 1

1 Buy from the



r Phone 344




I p



Undertakers and Embalmersi


i UndertaKesto

Fine Caskets and Burial Robes1

AH Work Dons by Licensed En-

oalmk is and Fully Guaranteed I

k4 T

I It

IceMcellcef I













6 J i=> HiLupsII C-




n = and Specifications FurnishedIf Upon Request


J J29Soath FbirdStcct-OCA

I i

I Fla Phone 30I





i V


J u FORT Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goodsI

pressed and Cleaned on Short No-tice1 and Delivered Promptly

tob All transient work not called ffor

chargeswithin thirty days will be sold for



r OOD4 IAtBI2 Load for f

k CASH-i i


Phone JS51-

q 1


oio e Conventions held every Mon-day


evening In Castle Hall over Pey ¬

c Beers store 9A cordial welcome to vis-iting


t knights H M Hampton C Cw Chas K Sag K of R and S

t r


y I 0 0 F-



T luJa No 22t

I O O F meets every Tuesday even-ing

¬r In Yon es Hall Visiting brothers

always welcome-J F Thompson N G

M Nip Little SecretaryI

Keep your eye on our show win-dows


The Bazaar Store j-


rk i tV ri >i 3d




I Official Report of the Proceedings atthe June Meeting of the Board

Tuesday June 3 A D 1908 I

Board of County Commissioners metin regular session on this datePresent Hon John L Edwardchairman J R Matthews S RPyles N A Fort C W Turner

Minutes of last regular and specialmeeting read and approved

Commissioner Pyles reported that-on i account of illness in his familylets committee had not made invest-igation as to treatment of convicts-at E P Rentzs camp and asked further time-

It was ordered hat the former ac ¬

tion of the Board with reference tothe appointment of J H deBrass berescinded that the said Brass herecommended to the Governor forappointment as mark and brand in ¬

spector district No6Mr TV E Allen appeared before

the Board and made a statement inthe interest of Mr Cassells who wasdamaged while crossing a bridge nearMcIntosh whose claim for damages-was refuse by the Board at its for-mer


meeting1 Mr Allen requestedthat the Board rescind its action andpay Mr i Cassells the actual damageThe request was refused

Mr Allen then requested that aJroad overseer be apointed in the Mc-

Intosh district and recommended that-R C Stephens be authorized to re ¬

pair the clay roads in said districtj which request was granted

The bdnd and contract of E L Andfrson and N H Boswell contractors-to harden the punnellon and Ocalaroad to intersection of Stokes Ferryread was presented to the Board exe ¬

cuted and was accepted and copy ofthe same delivered to Mr N H BoswellUpon

motion of Commissioner Tur-ner


the resignation of R C Douglassi as mark and brand inspector district-No 16 was accepted and the Boardrecommended to the Governor the ap-pointment


of R S Shortridge for saiddistrict

The petition heretofore filed re ¬

questing the Board of County Com ¬

missioners to close the present roadbetween Juliette and Dunnellon andto have the Ocala Martel CottonPlant and Juliette road xtonded ondirect line from railroad crossing atJuliette to Northwest corner of theWest Coast Farm thence south onquarter section line to Dunnellon-was


upon motion of CommissionerMathews granted

Upon motion Conraiissioners PylesFcrt and Mathews were appointed aspecial committee to look into and re-port


to this Board the condition ofj he Sims family with reference to gett1 g homes etc

A petition heretofore filed by BlackFalany requesting a permit to sell

liquors wines and beef in electiondistrict No 24 corning up for hearing-and it appearing to the Board thatdue and legal noticeof su6h aplication had been published ini the Dun ¬

nellon Advocate as required by lawand it further appearing that no ob-jections


have been interposed by any-one why the said permit should not-

e granted it was upon motion order-ed


that the said Back Falany begranted a permit > to sell liquorsvines and beer in district No 24 Ma-r on county Florida

The Commissioners appointed to lay-out the Ocala and Leesburg publicroad filed their report which waslaid over until the next regular meet-ing


of the BoardMr S J McCully presented a peti

tion asking for the formation of aiifw election district as follows

Commencing at the northeasi cor ¬

ner bf section one township fourteenrange twenty thence west to north ¬

west corner of section four thencsuth to southwest corner of sectiontwentyone thence west to northwest tcorner pf section twentynine thence4outh to southwest corner of sectionthirtytwo township fourteen rangetwenty thence south to southwescorner of section five township fifthen range twenty thence east tosoutheast corner of section one thencenorth to northeast corner of section-cne township fifteen range twentythence north corner ofsection one township fourteen rangetwenty to point of beginning Saiddistrict to be known and> numbered-as fellowship district No4 with vot-ing


place to be in the southeast cor ¬

ner of the northwest quarter of thenorthwest quarter section twentyseven township fourteen rangetwenty on V M Seckingers placePetition aid over until the next reg-ular


meeting of the BoardMr J L V Hudgins filed a peti

tin requesting the Board to form a-

new election district as followsCommencing at the southeast cor-


of section sixteen township six-teen


south of range twenty eastthence north to northeast corner ofsection nine township fifteen southrange twenty east thence west tonorthwest corner of section eleventownship fifteen south of range nine ¬

teen east thence south to southwestcorner of section fourteen townshipsixteen south range nineteen eastthence east to point of beginningSaid district to be No 33 with votiftg place jat Leroy oi Petition filed andlaid over until next regular meeting-of the Board

The report of the commissioners onthe road known as the Belleview andSalzwedle road was taken up and re ¬

port granted 7

Commissioner Mathews having filehIs report with the Board with refer-ence


1 to work done upon Ocala anr-Dunnellon road from Dunnellon to-


< > <r

where it intersects with the Stokesferry road which is as follows

June 2 1908Mr Chairman and Gentleman of th-

eroardI visited the hard road that-is


now in construction at Dunnellonyesterday I measured up 11880 feetc 2VI miles of said hard road that IsTearing completion I measured thewidth of the road in several placesand found the hard surface to be 10ft and 6 in wide AVith a pick andshovel I dug through the hard surf-ace at what I considered an averagethickness of the road in the centerand found it to be 9 inches thick Thestumps and trees are not all removedfrom the out edges of the road yetbut is being rapidly done

The material used in the hardening-of this road is a poor grade of clayof which I very much regret but thecontractors tell me that after a thor-ough


search I nothing better is ob-


RespectfullyJ M Mathews Com

The following order was made Itwas upon motion ordered that an ad ¬

vance payment be made to the con ¬

tractors Anderson and Boswell as thepayment under the contract 1400in accordance with report as filed byCommissioner Mathews

A petition was filed asking that thepublic road be opened leading fromSmoak Postoffice to the town of Mar-tin


described as followsCommencing where the Fairfield-

and Smoak Postoffice road intersectsthe discontinued Flemington andOcala road in section twentyfourtownship thirteen range twen andrunning in a southeasterly direction-on the road bed of the said Flemington and Ocala road through sectionstwentyfour twentyfive and twentysix of township thirteen ranget and through and to the southboundary of section six townshipfourteen range twentyone thenceeast on section line dividing sectionssix seven five eight four nine threecnd ten of township fourteen rangetwentyone to the northwest corner-of lot one town of Martel thenceyouth through street 210 yardsto the intersection of the Martin anjAnthony road Petition laid over un ¬

til the next regular meeting of theBoard-


Richardson an imbecile was or-dered


to be taken to the poor farmand the assistance with which theEdard has heretofore been given himwas ordered discontinued-


Board thereupon approvedbends for carrying firearms and or ¬

dered licenses issued as followsGeorge R Johns R M Long

Charles J Rast James H N Holford dThomas H Barwell

The following notary bonds wereI approved

T L Dekle with J G Ferguson andJ G Dekle as sureties

N S Priest with Charlton Priestand C A Martin as sureties Samucr R Hall with Loren Squier andFred A Hall sureties

The Clerk of the Court presentedhis payrolls for witnesses serving inthe Circuit Court which were approv-ed


by the BoardThe following persons presented ap-


for pensions Their claimsware examined and approved as fol¬

lowsW N Tucker Rhoda A McClure

Benjamin Brinson Lew M BaldwinElmira Wood James L Beck F MTownsend

The Board having agreed to havethe gas fixtures put in the Court-House the following letter was filedfor information

Ocala Florida May 30th 1908The Board of County Commissioners

Marion County FlaGentlemen-

WeWe to confirm the price madeyou by our Mr C W Hunter L ethat of one dollar and fifty cents netper thousand cubic feet for gas con ¬

sumed in the Court House at OcalaFlorida Very respectfully

Citizens Gas CompanyPer C t W Hunter

The Board thereupon adjourned un ¬

til tomorrow morning at eight oclockWednesday June 3rd 1908

Board met pursuant to adjourn-ment


All members present-A communication was received from

Mrs William Hocker President of theV omens Civic League requestingthat the Court House janitor be in¬

structed to thoroughly cleanse the twopublic drinking fountains round thesquare every Monday morning Therequest granted and so ordered

A petition was filed by Commission-er Fort requesting the Board to grant-a public neighborhood road viz

Beginning at a point on the Electraand Saw Grass public road in therrwi4 of section 23 township 15 range24 running in a northwesterly direc ¬

tion to Lynne postoffice in section 9township 15 range 24 Also a publineighborhood road beginning at apoint in the nw14 of nwof section14 township 15 range 24 Runningin a westerly direction to Lynne postcffice

The above petitions were grantedby the Board as requested

A committee of Kings Daughtersappeared beore the Board and req-uested


that an appropriation of 500per month be made for the mainte-nance


of Mrs Marshall a very needyperson and who is unable to help her-self


The request was grantedPetition asking for county hard road

from the intersection of BellevlewCandler road and North Lake Weirto the Baptist church located on tneChautauqua Grounds was filed andlaid over until next meeting of theBeard

H M Hampton appeared before theBeard and requested that the Boardrelieve the Sheriff of amount chargedagainst him on account of the ninety

<Pontinued on Third Page<



8 ROBINSON President-S H BLITCB Manager J c BOOZER Asst Muagert5




I tj-

J 1

i FJ


jI iI

Our Best Attention t

Everything of a banking nature entrusted to our care Vvji receives our best attention We shall be glad to 13have a share of your business

i Jf-






i II

furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rugs Carpets MatlIDS Linoleums Blankets Comforts Tableand Bed k

Linen Pictures Portiere and Lace Curtains j







Ij >

Harness Saddles Trunks iSnit Cases and Satchels fj




Oils Life Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Cement f


Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goods i-

If ttt





Call on or rite us for pricesi


McIver MacKayOCA-LA

I tI







Marion Development CopI l DEALERS I-


I I>


Estate and BuildingMateriali I

bi fc-


lII j iJ



I f-

IP 0 Box 715 Phode 129 Ocala Florida 1

It f

Pure Foot Meat MarketA

A A Mathews Prop J E Bankston MgrI



Wholesale and KetailDealerinf I 1 l v





x V A Complete Stock of Meats of All kinds 1

x kj-t

on Band at All Timesf




f i



Ocala Florida