GLOBAL NEWS INFORMATION September - October, 2012. Issue # 6

Eyes Wide Shut

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September - October, 2012. Issue # 6

Warning! If you are of a delicate mindset, have unmovable beliefs and ideas, trust everything you see in the newspapers and hear on TV and are not open to a world of possibility then do not proceed reading any further. However, if you are open minded, you may find this publication interesting, stimulating, a breath of fresh air and informative.

(All articles are published under the fair use provision)

Editors Forward: The truth can be stranger than fiction and this is something that I have discovered to be very true. Though some of the articles published may seem to contain some pretty far out information I simply ask that you try to discover things by researching yourself, rather than letting someone else do the thinking for you. I merely want to share and pass on knowledge, the aim being to provide information to others that they will rarely if ever come across through the controlled media machine. Don’t believe anything you read here as being true, no one can ever tell you the truth, it is something that has to be realised by the individual. My understanding is based upon my own personal research and studies, which has helped me to join many different dots together to form my own picture.

The Control systemToday we are entering a new period in time when the veil that has hidden the global cabals of the elites, the real power brokers on this planet, is slowly being lifted. At no other point in human history have people had availability to information previously beyond their grasp but also a way to communicate that information with others. This has awoken

many to the tyranny and corruption being experienced today and the fight for the truth in the information war is in full swing.

The Machiavellian tactics, being used by the globalist elites to divide and conquer mankind, setting man against man using lies and deceit, is still in use today and has origins thousands of years old. When you are conscious of this fact then so much of what is played out before our eyes becomes much clearer. The use of national, cultural, ethnic, and religious differences, which have been deliberately instilled into the minds of men is arguably one of their main tools of control by pitting man against man, rather than the true instigators of the problem to begin with. Tyranny and corruption is a virus on society that will only grow and infect every aspect of our lives, it never stands still.

In modern times this control system is derived through a wide spanning global network of organisations that includes the international central banking cartels, the setting up and funding of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund(IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation(WTO), Round Table groups like the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission. They include the European Union, ASEAN, the African Union, control over big pharma’, big agra’, the oil industry, and the main stream corporate media to list but some of the major players. All of which have immense influence dictating policy over national governments for the aim of bringing in a New World Order, a single system of total control over the peoples of this planet, ultimately a one world government.

It is time to stop being naïve, uninformed and blind to the world around you. Time to stop blaming your neighbour (fellow man) for the woes we face in these difficult and unusual times, to stop being so easily manipulated by the powers that

be so that they can further their agendas. Time to WAKE UP!

By The Drewid, September, 2012


HEADS UP: Pollution in the AirOne of the issues covered in the very first edition of this publication was the phenomena of chemtrails (chemical aerosols sprayed in the atmosphere), which this year alone have dramatically increased in number and frequency. More and more, almost on a daily basis now, I can see the remnants of them in the skies above beautiful Chiangmai.

Before continuing I would just like to mention for those new to this subject what the fundamental difference is between a normally occurring contrail of an aeroplane and a chemtrail.

A contrail, which is an abbreviation of the words condensation trail, is made up of water vapour condensing into minute droplets or ice crystals from the engines of an aircraft at high altitudes, exceeding 26,000 feet, with temperatures below -40 degrees C. Humidity, air temperature and altitude all need to be just right for this to happen. The affect is that a regular contrail will gradually disappear behind the aircraft within a short space of time, a few minutes or so.

This fact is often overlooked to explain away the very existence of chemtrails, also known as persistant contrails, which by their very nature are essentially

different, as they can be found at varying altitudes, air temperatures and humidity levels that will not allow the formation of a condensation trail in the sky. Chemtrails can remain in the sky for extremely long periods, from several hours to weeks, depending on the altitude sprayed, their composition and the prevailing winds.

Scientific analysis of the compounds found to make up a chemtrail include some very dangerous substances such as Aluminium Oxide, Barium, Lithium, Strontium, biological and viral agents and even nano-particles.

The adverse effects of these harmful substances cannot be understated, not only on people but all living organisms. Chemtrails nutralise the Ph levels of soils thereby not allowing plant life to grow and prosper. They kill of insects, as has been seen with the huge decline in bee populations over recent decades. Additionally, in humans prolonged exposure can result in a wide variety of illnesses and medical problems. Around the globe strange new ailments are being seen by doctors, perhaps the most worrying is something called morgellons. Areas that have experienced heavy chemtrailing are showing infant mortality rates sky-rocketing, in some cases a ten-fold increase. Other respiratory problems have also shown a dramatic increase of up to four or five times since the late 1970s.

After years of ridiculing such things as chemtrails as mere conspiracy theory, and out-and-out official denial using the controlled corporate media that they even existed, government agencies are now confirming

that in fact chemtrails do exist under the guise of geo-engineering programmes, which I personally think is another deception. I find it very disturbing that a previously secret programme of spraying toxic and harmful particles into the atmosphere is still going un-reported and when it is covered the official narrative is one of helping mankind, when the evidence is to the contrary. How can known toxic agents in the air we breathe possibly be good?

One could argue that such sinister operations would never be knowingly carried out by our representatives and officials, but with the declassification of documents it is clear that agencies of government do in actual fact have little regard for the health and well being of its citizens in carrying out secret experiments on populated areas. For example, a decade or so ago the British government admitted that secret spraying experiments took place over populated cities throughout the UK from the 1940s until 1970s. ____________________________


It is obvious that this is still continuing today when you look up and see the ugly grid-like patterns of freshly laid chemtrails in the skies overhead, trailing away over great distances slowly falling to earth.

The ever increasing amounts of data being collected by independent researchers and

scientists, information revealed through freedom of information acts, declassification of previously secret documents, or leaked information from inside whistleblowers will never be openly debated by the authorities. The evidence at hand and scientific foundations upon which the argument is built can overpower the official narrative (lies) being told concerning this issue. No longer is it the case of ‘if’ aerosol spraying is going on over many populated areas worldwide, as it is apparent to anyone who just spends a little time and effort investigating this phenomenon that in actual fact it is.

The real question now to be asked is no longer “What”, but rather “Why”. I have my own views on that and I’ll leave you to investigate and draw up your own conclusions.

By The Drewid, September, 2012

Follow up links:http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience




IN YOUR WATERI have personally known about the hazards of sodium fluoride for almost 2 years now and prior to that I didn’t really know anything about it, apart from that it was in toothpaste and apparently good for your teeth. For many people this is a commonly held belief, however, many will be surprised to discover that it is actually a falsehood.

Spending this last few weeks playing devil’s advocate against my own stance on sodium fluoride, that it is a toxic substance and harmful to

human health, I put in an applied effort to dig up a scientific, peer reviewed independent study to try and find any health benefits of fluoride and I came up empty handed. It is possible to find ‘official government’ sites promoting fluoride, though they do not link to any peer reviewed research and only cherry picks selected sections of articles which do not show the whole picture.____________________________


During my weeks of searching I did unearth a multitude of articles, reviews and papers outlining the potential harmful health effects of sodium fluoride, added to our water supply, the food chain, in toiletries and cosmetics. There is overwhelming information that cites research outlining many health hazards of this substance.

Taking a brief look at the history of fluoridated water one will first learn that it was the Soviets and the Nazis who first implemented this practice on the inmates of their concentration camps. The scientists of that era realised that when sodium fluoride was added to the water supply the prisoners were much easier to control. This is due to the fact that sodium fluoride, among other harmful things, is a neurological-toxin (poison of the brain). I’ll repeat that so it is clear: fluoride is an accumulative neurological-toxin! It has the effect of making people who consume it extremely docile, reticent, non-resistant, easy to control and silent.

After the end of the Second World War the Western powers wanted to introduce the practice of fluoridating water supplies on their populations, for the same reasons the Soviets and Nazis did, but they needed some way of selling the idea to the public.

The first major experiment on fluoridating water supplies was carried out in 1945 on 2 Michigan cities -Grand Rapids and Muskegon- Grand Rapids with fluoride and Muskegon without. Even before the experiment came to an end the authorities declared there was a drop in the number of tooth cavities in the fluoridated population and so started the myth that today is accepted as fact that fluoride is good for teeth.


It is important to know that when the research was finally completed it showed that the cavity rate in Muskegon also fell by the exact same figure. The conclusion was that it was the improvement in the diet of citizens, namely milk and cheese consumption that accounted for the decline in tooth decay in both cities. In fact, the research document was quickly hidden away so that scientists were not able to review it and the public and media would never see the actual results. However, one scientist (chemist) took action under the freedom of information act and uncovered the real facts of this document. _______________________________

_______________________________Over the decades many official and independent studies have been conducted on fluoride and none has shown any kind of benefit for human health. Even in recent weeks it was publically announced that Harvard University carried out a review of over two dozen previous studies concerning fluoride and IQ levels and agreed with the conclusions, that in fact it does lower the IQ levels.

Some other documented health problems, aside from the previously mentioned neurological effects, connected with fluoride include dental fluorosis (discolouration and pitting of the tooth enamel), various types of cancer, and bone diseases. You will be shocked to find that sodium fluoride is also used in many other processes and is also a waste product of industry, such as in aluminium production, uranium mining operations (radioactive fluoride!), it is a main ingredient in rat poison, in pesticide and insecticide production, it is also found in some pharmaceuticals such as Prozac and finds its way into the majority of toothpastes and mouth washes on the market. You can also buy fluoride supplements for kids and it has even been included in baby formula!

Instead of industry spending thousands of dollars to safely dispose of this highly toxic chemical it is actually being sold to regional water authorities where the unsuspecting populace consumes it in unregulated amounts. It is impossible to gauge the amounts an individual ingests when fluoride is added into water supplies.

Here are some quotes from distinguished professionals and organisations for you to mull over.

“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical” Dr. Dean Burk PhD (34 years at the national cancer institute)

“The American Medical Association is not prepared to state that no harm will be done… The AMA has not carried out any research work, either long term or short term, regarding the possibility of any side effects…” Dr. Flanagan, Asstistant Director of Environmental Health, AMA.

“It is toxic to the brain, kidneys, bones, teeth, causes bone and other cancers at levels far lower than those permitted in water and has no known positive impact on human health despite oft-repeated but deeply flawed research claims to the contrary. Recent re-evaluation of the original research and other data make it clear that fluoride in any amount is a cumulative biological poison.” Dr. Rima, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation

"E.P.A. should act immediately to protect the public, not just on the cancer data, but on the evidence of bone fractures, arthritis, mutagenicity and other effects."Dr. William Marcus, Senior Toxicologist at E.P.A.

“I am appalled at using water as a vehicle for drugs… Fluoride is a

corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis… Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable” Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of

the American Medical Association

These are just a few of the many professionals that have spoken out about this issue, though many of you will be unaware of this as fluoride is a subject rarely covered in the MSM (main stream media) unless it is a PR piece promoting its use. It is not all bad news as the peoples of the following countries have either banned or abandoned the use of fluoride in the water supplies. They are Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy. In Britain approximately 60% of local authorities fluoridate their water (admitted) while in the US it is over 90%.

So what is the real reason that many governments add this neurological-toxin to the water supplies? One thing’s for sure it’s not for dental health.

By The Drewid, September, 2012


Donning my baseball cap and adding my tuppence-worth.   I am of the same generation of people who analysed his books whilst at school (George Orwell)

....some of these people are now of age and position. Much of the populace is not of age nor position and have never read the books ...let alone analysed

their content.  

Over the last decade I have seen the accumulated wisdom and warnings set in print and on paper go the same way

as indentations on clay tablets, stone carvings and cave-paintings.  Most modern people 'gawk' at them ...very much in the same way as the augmented apes 'gawked' at the ruined Statue of Liberty in the film 'Planet of the Apes' ....Now I find myself rather displaced because I 'gawk' at the 'gawkers'.  

Natural disasters, economic crises, social revolution, violent conflict, 'inhuman' abuse, political lies ....people just 'gawk' because they have no comprehension ...I 'gawk' at them because I am profoundly 'dumbfounded' by their incomprehension.   I 'gawk' at the augmented apes, 'gawking' at concepts beyond their SELF.  The modern human, the augmented ape, fears nothing more than a threat to their augmentation ....the authorities know this because they built and instilled the mindset ....because working for and buying augmentation sets you above the lower strata -the animals- (every management level player knows this technique!). 

In my honest opinion, we are enthralled by biblical-scale mages who machine systems beyond our comprehension whilst we are fed the superstition of consumerism, augmentation, conflict ....we have not progressed there are just more of us!

(a reader’s mail)_______________________________

NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASHIn the US over the last twelve months the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has purchased, at time of print, a massive total of 1.6 Billion rounds of ammunition! Is the federal government gearing up for massive civil unrest?

Vaccinated children 500% more disease!

(NaturalNews) Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children. They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children.

Originally, the recent still ongoing study compared unvaccinated children against a German national health survey conducted by KiGGS involving over 17,000 children up to age 19. This currently ongoing survey study was initiated by classical homoeopathist Andreas Bachmair.

However, the American connection for Bachmair's study can be found at VaccineInjury.info website that has added a link for parents of vaccinated children to participate in the study. So far this ongoing survey has well over 11,000 respondents, mostly from the U.S.A. Other studies have surveyed smaller groups of families.

Nevertheless, the results were similar. Of course, none of these studies were picked up by the MSM (mainstream media). None were funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) or any national or international health agency or medical profession

group (http://healthimpactnews.com).

They don't dare compare the health of unvaccinated children to vaccinated children objectively and risk disrupting their vaxmania (vaccination mania). The focus for all the studies was mostly on childhood illnesses occurring as the children matured.

Dramatic, debilitating, or lethal vaccine injuries were not the focus since so few, five percent or less, actually get reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Injury Reporting System) in the U.S.A. for various reasons including:

* It's a complicated system that takes time from a doctor's practice.* Most parents don't know about it.* Only adverse reactions that occur immediately after vaccinations are considered.* Since VAERS is voluntary, most doctors don't want to incriminate themselves with vaccination injuries and maintain their denial of vaccine dangers.

Consequently, even the most terrible adverse reactions are minimally acknowledged, while long term negative health issues resulting from vaccines are not even considered relevant.

Different surveys summarized

The childhood diseases usually posed to respondents by the independent surveys involved asthma, reoccurring tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies, eczema, ear infections, diabetes, sleep disorders, bedwetting, dyslexia, migraines, hyperactivity, ADD, epilepsy, depression, and slower development of speech or motor skills.In 1992, a New Zealand group called the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) surveyed 245 families with a total of 495 children. The children were divided with 226 vaccinated and 269 unvaccinated. Eighty-one families had both vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

The differences were dramatic, with unvaccinated children showing far less incidence of common childhood ailments than vaccinated children (http://www.vaccineinjury.info/images/stories/ias1992study.pdf).

From a different survey in the South Island New Zealand city of Christchurch, among children born during or after 1977, none of the unvaccinated children had asthma events where nearly 25% of the vaccinated children were treated for asthma by age 10 (http://www.vaccineinjury.info/images/stories/ias1992study.pdf).

Many of the comments from non-vaccinating parents to VaccineInjury.info for the ongoing Bachmair survey mentioned vaccination danger and developing true immunity naturally were concerns (http://www.vaccineinjury.info).

A PhD immunologist who wrote the book Vaccine Illusion, Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, has gone against the dogma of her medical training and background. She asserts that true immunity to any disease is not conferred by vaccines. Exposure to the disease, whether contracted or not, does (http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org).

Perhaps the most informal grass-roots survey going on now is by Tim O'Shea, DC, author of Vaccination is Not Immunization. He simply has non-vaccinating parents email him with comparisons of their children's health to friends and families they know with vaccinated children. That and more is available on his site (http://www.thedoctorwithin.com).Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036220_vaccinated_children_disease_allergies.html#ixzz27gNZXwTL___________________________________




I have heard people say so often over the last two decades that if what I was saying was true the media would be reporting it. When you have worked inside the mainstream media and seen it at work from the other ‘side’ that statement threatens death by laughter.

The biggest suppressor of truth by journalists is not censorship, but sheer, undiluted ignorance of what is really happening in the world and how everything connects to a specific goal. Then comes censorship, which takes the form of both executive censorship and, by far the worst, self-censorship.

Mainstream journalists are not on the whole hired for their intelligence and knowledge of the world as it really is. They are hired as compliant repeaters of the official and corporate line. Report events within the strict parameters of ‘acceptable’ perception and you’ll do fine. You may even be seen to have ‘made it’ by getting your own show like former Israeli lobbyist, Wolf Blitzer, former CIA intern Anderson Cooper or pseudo-journalist Piers Morgan.

But expose conspiracies to destroy America, like Lou Dobbs, or, as with Amber Lyons, expose the outrages in a country like Bahrain which sponsors programming on your network, and one way or another the door comes into view ...

... I remember watching some of Dobbs' shows during speaking trips to the United States and wondering how long CNN would allow him to continue to call out the North American Union and other aspects of the Cabal agenda. Not for much longer was the answer and Dobbs announced in 2009 that he was resigning after a near 30-year career at the network.

The corporate media is structured in basically two ways. Mostly you have the pompous and delusional ‘quality journalism’ operations like CNN and the BBC which ludicrously claim to be impartially reporting events.

Then, especially in the United States, you have apparent polarity ‘news’ stations like Fox News (‘The Right’) and MSNBC (‘The Left’) whose role it is to perpetuate the illusory ‘choice’ of two-party politics.

Fox supports the Republicans and MSNBC supports the Democrats, but the key point, of course, is that both support and

promote the system in which ‘Republicans’ and ‘Democrats’, as with 'Labour' and 'Conservative' in the UK, are merely masks on the same face.

David Icke

SOLAR: A POWER OF THE NOWWith the ever increasing costs of fossil fuels, which are tightly controlled through the monopoly of the international oil cartels, alternative sources of energy have been largely suppressed for commercial development. Man’s hunger for energy is inexhaustible and the daily lives of billions of people worldwide rely on electricity for our basic survival. All but a few

"The Council on Foreign Relations is "the establishment." Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship."

Former Congressman John Rarick 1971

alternative means to generate this type of energy are available in the public domain, one of the most popular and perhaps most well know is solar energy.

The power of the Sun

Throughout human history mankind has understood the importance of the Sun, as a giver of all life, to provide us with light and heat, without which it would be impossible to farm and grow crops. Ancient civilisations and cultures even worshiped and made sacrifices to the sun gods, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, the list is extensive. In more modern times, scientists and inventors have realised also that there is an abundant form of energy to be tapped into. Modern solar technologies can use the radiated light and heat of the Sun and convert it into electricity. This type of solar power is known as active solar energy, which is derived from photovoltaic panels.


Using the energy from the Sun is nothing new. In fact, some of the earliest ideas and devises used date back to the mid-eighteen hundreds. I think most of us have at some time or another seen a building with what looks like a square or rectangle shaped mirrored panel on its roof. These photovoltaic devises are commonly known as solar panels and they convert the light and heat from the Sun into usable electricity. There is a misconception that the Sun needs to be shinning brilliantly for them to work, but that is not strictly true. Modern designs and technologies now used in solar panels do obviously work more efficiently when the Sun is not hidden behind cloud cover, but it is only on the most dreary of overcast days that they are found wanting. Using

an array of batteries tucked away in the attic can help alleviate this draw back by storing excess power for future needs.

Why choose solar?

Solar panels have no moving parts, are easy to install and require very little maintenance once up and running. A major benefit of using this type of energy is that it causes zero pollution when operational and an individual array of solar panels on your home could help make you self-reliant for your power needs. This is known as a stand-alone power system, and is independent from the power network. When a solar power system is used in conjunction with the main electrical grid it is not uncommon for the power generating companies to actually buy back your surplus electricity, especially the case in developed countries. A word of caution though, when systems are connected to the main grid they can go down when there is a power cut.

Solar Power Stations

Another method being tried and tested on an industrial scale is the solar power station. By concentrating the rays of the Sun’s light on to a single focal point conventional power systems can be utilised to heat water, drive turbines and generate electricity. This has been achieved in a number of countries using a variety of designs and technologies to provide an alternative way of producing electricity. However, there are a number of drawbacks with these pilot schemes, one being that a huge number of solar arrays covering a vast area are needed.

A final word

Solar power can be a realistic viable alternative to generating electricity instead of burning fossil fuels or using highly dangerous and controversial nuclear reactors to power our everyday lives. The technology has progressed enough that now, more than ever before, solar energy is affordable, cost effective, reliable, and pollution free for our environment. Unfortunately, the lack of international and national initiatives to implement this form of energy makes one think of just how much influence over policy do the big oil cartels actually have.

The Drewid, 2012