Eyes Diseases

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  • 7/28/2019 Eyes Diseases


    Eyes Diseases

    Eyes Diseases


    Hpathy Ezine, August, 2009 | August 29, 2009

    Information about list of common eye diseases, homeopathy medicine, or homeopathictreatment of eye diseases.


    Inflammation or infection of the membrane that lines the eyelids and coats the surface ofthe eye (the conjunctiva), this condition is often referred to as pink eye. It may be

    caused by a virus, bacteria, allergy, or irritation. If caused by an organism, this is highly



    Inflammation of the uvea, which includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid, this is often

    related to an autoimmune disorder, infection, or exposure to toxins. Often, only the iris is

    inflamed. This is called iritis.


    A common inflammation, Blepharitis produces red-rimmed appearance of the margins of

    the eyelids. Its frequently chronic and bilateral and can affect both upper and lower lids.

    Seborrhic Blepharitis is characterized by formation of waxy scales and symptoms ofburning and foreign body sensation. Staphylococcus (ulcerative) Blepharitis is

    characterized by formation of dry scales along the inflamed lid margins. Which also have

    ulcerated areas and may be associated with kerato-conjunctivitis sicca, a dry-eye

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    syndrome. Both types may coexist. Blepharitis tends to recur and become chronic. It can

    be controlled if treatment begins before onset of ocular involvement.

    Corneal ulcers

    Corneal ulcers usually occur when the cornea has been injured and germs enter the

    injured are and cause an infection. The germs may be viral, bacterial, fungal, or may be a

    parasitic infection.


    Diseases of the eye in which close objects are clearly visible while distant objects are

    blurred. Also called nearsightedness.


    The eyes are not aligned together, and eyes point in different directions. One or both eyes

    may turn inward, outward, upward, or downward. The ability of the eyes to focus is not

    fully mature at birth. Strabismus may be constant or intermittent.


    The most common cause of corrective vision loss, a cataract is a gradually developingopacity of the lens or lenses capsule of the eye. Cataract commonly occur bilaterally, with

    each progressing independently. Exceptions are traumatic cataracts, which are usuallyunilateral, and congenital cataracts, which may remain stationary.


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    Diplopia or double vision is defined as seeing one object as two and may be monocular or

    binocular. The sudden onset of diplopia is a dramatic event and therefore a cause forgreat anxiety and concern. For this reason and because of the serious nature of many of

    the cause of diplopia, meticulous attention must be paid to the neuro-ophthalmogicexamination.

    Retinal detachment

    Retinal detachment occurs when the outer retinal pigment epithelium splits from the

    neural retina, creating subretinal space. This space then fills with fluid, called subretinal

    fluid. Retinal detachment usually involves only one eye, but may later involve other eye.Surgical reattachment is usually successful. However, the prognosis for good vision

    depends upon which area of the retina has been affected.


    Photophobia is an eye disorder in which is eye is unusually sensitive to light, and the

    aversion to sun light, which causes extreme discomfort in the vision.

    Homeopathic treatment for eyes disorders

    Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection ofremedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using

    holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be

    regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. Theaim of homeopathy is not only to treat eyes diseases but to address its underlying cause

    and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several

    remedies are available to treat eye diseases that can be selected on the basis of cause,

    sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection andtreatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are

    following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of diseases:

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    Argentum Nitricum chronic ulceration of margins of lids; acute granularconjunctivitis; cornea opaque; photophobia in warm room; great swelling of conjunctiva;

    eye strain from sewing; aching tired feeling in eyes; useful in restoring power to the

    weakened eyes.

    Arsenic album burning in eyes with acrid lacrymation; corneal ulceration; intensephotophobia; oedema around eyes; external inflammation; ciliary neuralgia; better

    external warmth.

    Belladonna throbbing pain in eyes; excellent remedy for conjunctivitis; diplopia;squinting; ocular illusion; spasm of lids, sensation as if eyes were half closed;


    Calcaria carb remarkable medicine for eye diseases; sensitive to light, lacrymation in

    open air and early morning; spots and ulcers on cornea; cataract; chronic dilatation of

    pupil; dimness of vision

    Bryonia Alba pressing, crushing, aching pain; glaucoma; sore to touch and when

    moving them

    Causticum excellent remedy for eye diseases; cataract with motor disturbances;

    inflammation of the eyelids; sparks and dark spots before eyelids; paralysis of ocular

    muscles after exposure to cold.

    Euphrasia catarrhal conjunctivitis; the eyes water all the time; discharge thick andexcoriating; burning and swelling of the lids; free discharge of acrid matter; little blisters

    on cornea; ptosis; opacities.

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    Gelsemium ptosis, eyelids heavy, patient can hardly open them; double vision; orbital

    neuralgia with constriction and twitching of muscles; serous inflammation; retinitis; dimsighted.

    Lachesis defective vision after diphtheria; extrinsic muscles too weak to maintain


    Lycopodium night blindness; ulceration and redness of lids; eyes half open duringsleep; sees only one half of an object.

    Mercurius profuse, burning, acrid discharge; lids red, thick, swollen; parenchymatous

    keratitis; iritis with hypopyon.

    Mezareum ciliary neuralgia after operations; especially after removal of eyeball.

    Natrum mur muscles of the eye weak and stiff; letters run together; asthenopia due toinsufficiency of internal recti muscle; lacrymation; tears stream down on coughing; feel

    bruised with headache in school children.

    Phosphorous cataract; sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil, or

    dust; atrophy of optic nerve; glaucoma; thrombosis of retinal muscles and degeneration of

    retinal cells.

    Physostigma night blindness; increasing myopia; astigmatism; twitching of ocular

    muscles; spasm of ciliary muscles.

    Pulsatilla ophthalmia neonatrum; profuse lacrymation and secretion of mucus; thick

    profuse, yellow, bland discharges; lids inflamed, agglutinated.

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    Rhus Tox swollen, red, oedematous, orbital cellulitis; pustular inflammations;

    photophobia; intensive ulceration of cornea

    Sulphur first stage of ulceration of cornea; burning ulcerations of margins of lids;

    chronic ophthalmia; heat and burning in eyes; cornea like ground glass.