Eye for an Body

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  • 8/10/2019 Eye for an Body


    30 December, 2014

    I just returned home again; I planned to go to the gym but it was already closed, too early (20:15pm) or the norm, but it is due to the !!special days!!"#hus I decided, since I li$e it, to cycle a bit urther, towards the supermar$et and bac$"#he path I use is small without lights and on each side is a ditch; e%entually I came near a smallbridge which in order to cross, you ha%e to slow down because you ha%e to ma$e a hal a circle(let, right, slightly let and straight)"#his part is more !!ci%ili&ed!! regarding being populated by !!humans!!, thus it also has on eachside, no more ditches and pastures, but sidewal$s and houses"

    'ight on the corner in ront o the bridge stood hite guys, just hanging"*ne o them said, while I passed slowly; !!$un je het &ien+! (can you see it)!, on which I replied!!what did you say+, and thus he repeated it more loud as I was already passed them (still withinphysical distance) on which I replied; !!-es, I can see it, %ery clear, I ha%e %ery good eyes!!" #heydidn!t e.pect an actual literal reply, as it was meant to be with his tone o %oice a !!uc$ you, don!tloo$ at us!! remar$"

    /nd thus another yelled !!le$$er he+!! (good nice delicious hey), which doesn!t ma$e any sensein either language regarding this situation, it can be used as a !!!hahaha, you ell on your ass!!

    remar$ or as it is actually meant, li$e eating something good but it indicated that these imbecilescouldn!t respond due to the !surprise! since they elt they were !!intimidating!! and didn!t e.pect acynicliteral reply"

    #he three guys were around my age, all o them hite trash, wore sporti%e clothes whichindicates they are la&y, taller than me as are most utch men and two o them also broader notdue to physical shape, thus strength gi%ing shape; but because o their atness"3uch imbeciles are cowards who only dare to throw random remar$s at random indi%iduals whenthey are with at least three guys"It has happened beore with three hite guys a ew years ago and as well with a group o 412oroccan #ur$ish teens; to which I replied to the latter with much more %ileness"

    6ut I am getting sickby such games; I would li$e to just ta$e !!rights!! in my own hands, without a

    addy 3tate protecting the !!rights!! o e%erybody, e7ually" I you beha%e or tal$ %ery disrespectuland unnecessarily; you should accept the possible conse7uences which might be more than asimple e.change o words"

    8ye or an eye is a 9udean law which you can ta$e literally, but also !abo%ephysical!; or e.ample:erson / hits erson 6 on the mouth, erson 6 loses a ew teeth; erson 6 sues person /"erson / has to pay reparations or erson 6!s endurance o his loss, or the replacement teethand or his psychological suering; all depending on how much erson 6 is going to playa%ictim; how much and in what regards the suering is more than just physical"

    /nd the outcome o erson /!s punishment is depending as well on how much he will be going toplaya %ictim himsel in regards o shame, local public opinion and proclaiming o being the %ictimo a !!stupid act!! or which he had wished not to happen (merely because o the conse7uences)"

    6eore the !8ye or an 8ye! law; the *ld #estament had described cases o !superior! indi%idualswhom had by od in%o$ed curses as a conse7uence or their enemies and told as a threat toothers; that he (I don!t remember the names and numbers) would $ill !!

  • 8/10/2019 Eye for an Body


    eces do not deser%e to lose a eye as a !!just punishment!! ater ha%ing ta$en one o mine, but

    rather, to my standards, should be contained, e.terminated or ensla%ed as being less than cattle