Children’s Miracle Network Hospital’s Extra Life He’s losing all focus and trying hard not to crash. Those who have participated in marathons for charity know this feeling. It’s the point where you either collapse and give up, or keep going until you reach your goal. His back is killing him and his arms are giving in. It’s pitch black outside, yet he’s still going. The light from his TV screen is the only thing keeping him awake. Victor Trevino is not doing a typical marathon. This one does not involve running for extended periods of time or any true physical activity. It involves shooting aliens, flying spaceships, and throwing turtle shells while racing go-karts. “It was a fun experience, but at the same time my eyes felt like they were falling out before I gave in.”, Victor Ramirez said with a grin. That day, Ramirez reached his goal of $200. Extra Life is a nonprofit organization that raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals since 2008. It unites thousands of people around the world that play games and challenges them to raise money through any possible means. It has raised more than $14 million and is increasing that amount each year. The San Antonio Guild is one of the many groups that raise 1

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Children’s Miracle Network Hospital’s Extra Life

He’s losing all focus and trying hard not to crash. Those who have participated in

marathons for charity know this feeling. It’s the point where you either collapse and give up, or

keep going until you reach your goal. His back is killing him and his arms are giving in. It’s

pitch black outside, yet he’s still going. The light from his TV screen is the only thing keeping

him awake. Victor Trevino is not doing a typical marathon. This one does not involve running

for extended periods of time or any true physical activity. It involves shooting aliens, flying

spaceships, and throwing turtle shells while racing go-karts. “It was a fun experience, but at the

same time my eyes felt like they were falling out before I gave in.”, Victor Ramirez said with a

grin. That day, Ramirez reached his goal of $200.

Extra Life is a nonprofit organization that raises money for the Children’s Miracle

Network Hospitals since 2008. It unites thousands of people around the world that play games

and challenges them to raise money through any possible means. It has raised more than $14

million and is increasing that amount each year. The San Antonio Guild is one of the many

groups that raise donations for the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. Roy Medina and a group

of his friends founded the guild in 2014.

“I had participated in charities for the hospital before, but I definitely felt like creating

something new and fun. Not to knock dancing marathons, since we set up booths at them, but I

think that it’s time to come up with something that a more younger generation could get into.”

Medina said this as he looked towards the Extra Life banner. He was holding a meeting that day

in The David Christopher Goldsbury Center for the guild and anyone who showed interest.



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The members of the Extra Life community have found countless ways to help raise

money. They have held bake sales, hosted parties, and asked people directly for donations. Some

of the San Antonio Guild got together and held a fundraiser at a paint ball field. However,

members are also trying to raise money by getting people to donate for every hour they

participate in an event known as Game Day.

Game Day is the big day out of the year that calls for every Extra Life member to stay in

and stream himself or herself online as they play games for 24 hours straight. They don’t have to

just play video games either. Board games, athletic games, or just fun games are included in the

mix as well. It encourages members to gather all of their favorite snacks, invite anyone who

wants to join in on the fun, and try their best to play until they can no longer function. It is also

the last day to give and receive donations before they are turned over to the Children’s Miracle

Network Hospitals.

Trevino remembers when he did his first game day. He had nothing but pizza and soda

that day. His console of choice was a Nintendo Wii. The games in his arsenal were New Super

Mario Bros., Mario Kart Wii, and several other Nintendo favorites. Trevino described how his

hands began to stiffen up while holding the controller, and how he had to keep standing up

whenever his legs fell asleep. Even when everything ached, he kept going for 14 hours. “People

were watching me play online, so I tried my very best to stay enthusiastic. Even when my body

wanted to give in.” Trevino bent his head down and laughed. Then he paused for a moment and

when he looked up again his tone changed. He sounded more serious, “In the end, I’m doing this

for the children that are here right now fighting for their lives. I can only hope that I’m helping in

some way.”



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Of course, game day is not the only day throughout the year that they try to gain

donations and new members. The San Antonio Guild hosts several events that help them to get

their name out there. They’ve hosted movie nights, tabletop gaming tournaments, several video

game tournaments, and fundraising events at local San Antonio restaurants. The guild also sets

up a booth at several conventions such as San Japan, Pax South, Slinging Ink Tattoo Expo, and

even smaller events like volunteer fairs at some of the universities in San Antonio. They hand

out free stuff and hold mini tournaments for prizes. “It’s always cool to see families come up to

the booth and show interest. The kids walk up to play the video games while the parents talk to

us about how they bond by playing with them. It’s great to see them have that in common.”

Medina said.

Extra Life has grown a lot since its conception. It was an idea that started by helping just

one kid, and now millions of children are benefitting from it. It is as simple as pressing buttons

on a controller, but as difficult as trying to stay awake so you can surpass your intended donation

goal. Game Day will begin Nov. 7, 2015, at 8 a.m. Just type in www.extra-life.org or find the

Extra Life San Antonio community page on Facebook and you will find each member’s streams.

“We aren’t trying to hassle anyone or empty their pockets. All we ask for is your time to

hear who we are and what we do for our local children’s hospital. If you care to donate, then

cool. If you care to join, even better,” Medina says as everyone began to leave the meeting. As

the conference room went dark and the doors closed, several other rooms were still filled. Either

they were other charities discussing how to generate donations, or the hospital staff coming

together to discuss new treatments. All of them are trying to make positive differences in their

own ways.
