USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This material was funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrion Assistance Program—SNAP. The Beer Living for Texans and Supplemental Nutrion Assistance Program (SNAP) provides nutrion assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutrious foods for a beer diet. Educaonal programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, naonal origin, age, disability, genec informaon, or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperang. Individuals with disabilies who require an auxiliary aid, service or accommodaon in order to parcipate in any Extension acvity are encouraged to contact the Galveston County Extension Office at 281-309-5059, five days prior to the acvity. Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime MAKE IT FUN! EATING MEALS TOGETHER PROMOTES: Quality time for child and adult interaction! Family dinner provides time to share activities from the day or discuss upcoming events. A food health connection! Eating together provides an opportunity to talk about and model good nutrition and health behaviors. Passing down cultural and family identity! Family dinners provide an opportunity for sharing family stories and creating memories. GET CHILDREN INVOLVED AND MAKE IT FUN! Encourage children to participate in age appropriate tasks: Let children help plan menu ideas and side dishes Take them grocery shopping and let them pick out a new fruit or vegetable to try with dinner Teach them about setting the table Guide them in basic food preparation (as they are de- velopmentally ready for and can safely do) TWO THINGS YOU CAN DO NOW! Make it your mission to have meals as a family three times a week or more. Focus on family interactions during the meal by turn- ing off the TV, video games, cell phones, or other dis- tractions. Source: Informaon from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Dinner Tonight Program & Family Mealme Celebraon. Distributed by: Jymann Davis, Galveston County Extension Agent- Family & Consumer Sciences, Contact: 281-309-5049, Sharon Mitchiner, BLT Program Assistant, Contact: 281-309-5048 Spinach Quesadillas Preparation time: 10 Minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Serves: 4 1 1/2 pounds fresh spinach 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 8 six inch whole wheat tortillas 1/4 cup prepared salsa, drained 1 cup shredded reduced-fat Monterey jack cheese Directions: Place spinach in colander in sink and run water over the greens. Drain and pat dry. Chop the washed spinach. Add vegetable oil to skillet and sauté fresh spinach quickly over medium heat until soft. Place 4 tortillas on a work surface. Spread 1/8 cup of cheese on each tortilla. Top the cheese with 1 Tablespoon salsa, followed by 1/4 cup of cooked spinach. Add another 1/8 cup cheese on top of the spinach on each tortilla. Top with remain- ing tortillas and press firmly. Cook each quesadilla in skillet over medium heat until cheese melts and tortillas are golden brown, about 3 minutes per side. Serve with fresh fruit. Nutrition facts per serving Calories: 300, Total Fat: 11 g, Cholesterol: 25 mg, Sodium: 750 mg, Total Carbohydrate: 47 g, Protein: 18 g, Fiber: 8 g Source: Learn, Grow, Eat & Go Program To schedule or aend nutrional & weight maintenance programs in Galveston County call 281-309-5059 for quesons or to register. For more about Family Mealtime contact: Jymann Davis , M.S., CFCS Galveston County Extensi0n Agent—-281-309-5049 Get weekly Dinner Tonight updates by signing up at http://dinnertonight.tamu.edu/

Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime MAKE IT FUN!

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Page 1: Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime MAKE IT FUN!

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This material was funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program—SNAP. The Better Living for Texans and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid, service or accommodation in order to participate in any Extension activity are encouraged to contact the Galveston County Extension Office at 281-309-5059, five days prior to the activity.

Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime

MAKE IT FUN! EATING MEALS TOGETHER PROMOTES: Quality time for child and adult interaction! Family dinner provides time to share activities from the day or discuss upcoming events.

A food health connection! Eating together provides an opportunity to talk about and model good nutrition and health behaviors.

Passing down cultural and family identity! Family dinners provide an opportunity for sharing family stories and creating memories.

GET CHILDREN INVOLVED AND MAKE IT FUN! Encourage children to participate in age appropriate tasks: Let children help plan menu ideas and side dishes Take them grocery shopping and let them pick out a

new fruit or vegetable to try with dinner Teach them about setting the table Guide them in basic food preparation (as they are de-

velopmentally ready for and can safely do)

TWO THINGS YOU CAN DO NOW! Make it your mission to have meals as a family three

times a week or more. Focus on family interactions during the meal by turn-

ing off the TV, video games, cell phones, or other dis-tractions.

Source: Information from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Dinner Tonight Program & Family Mealtime Celebration. Distributed by: Jymann Davis, Galveston County Extension Agent- Family & Consumer Sciences, Contact: 281-309-5049, Sharon Mitchiner, BLT Program Assistant, Contact: 281-309-5048

Spinach Quesadillas Preparation time: 10 Minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Serves: 4 1 1/2 pounds fresh spinach 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 8 six inch whole wheat tortillas 1/4 cup prepared salsa, drained 1 cup shredded reduced-fat Monterey jack cheese Directions: Place spinach in colander in sink and run water over the greens. Drain and pat dry. Chop the washed spinach. Add vegetable oil to skillet and sauté fresh spinach quickly over medium heat until soft. Place 4 tortillas on a work surface. Spread 1/8 cup of cheese on each tortilla. Top the cheese with 1 Tablespoon salsa, followed by 1/4 cup of cooked spinach. Add another 1/8 cup cheese on top of the spinach on each tortilla. Top with remain-ing tortillas and press firmly. Cook each quesadilla in skillet over medium heat until cheese melts and tortillas are golden brown, about 3 minutes per side. Serve with fresh fruit.

Nutrition facts per serving Calories: 300, Total Fat: 11 g, Cholesterol: 25 mg, Sodium: 750 mg, Total Carbohydrate: 47 g, Protein: 18 g, Fiber: 8 g Source: Learn, Grow, Eat & Go Program

To schedule or attend nutritional & weight maintenance programs in

Galveston County call 281-309-5059 for questions or to register.

For more about Family Mealtime contact: Jymann Davis , M.S., CFCS

Galveston County Extensi0n Agent—-281-309-5049 Get weekly Dinner Tonight updates by signing up at


Page 2: Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime MAKE IT FUN!

USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece oportunidad igual para todos. Este material se desarrolló con fondos proporcionados por el Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP en inglés) del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. (USDA siglas en inglés). El Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP en inglés) ofrece asistencia relacionada con la nutrición para gente con recursos limitados. Estos beneficios le pueden ayudar a comprar comida nutritiva para una mejor dieta. Los programas educativos de la Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Service están abiertos a todas las personas sin distinción de raza, color, sexo, religión, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, información genética o condición de veterano. La Texas A & M University sistema, U.S. Department of Agriculture y los tribunales de Comisionados del Condado de Texas cooperando. Personas on discapaci-dad que necesiten una ayuda auxiliar, servicio o alojamiento para participar en cualquier actividad se anima a contactar con la oficina de extensión del Condado de Galveston en 281-309-5059, cinco días antes de la actividad de extensión.

Extensión Celebra “La Comida en Familia” Lo que es Divertido Comer juntos promueve: Tiempo de calidad para interacción de niños y adultos!

La cena familiar proporciona un tiempo para compartir acti-vidades del día y próximos eventos.

Conexión de salud alimentaria!

El comer juntos es una oportunidad para hablar y mostrar una Buena nutrición y conductas de salud.

Pasando la identidad cultural y familiar! Cenas familia-res ofrecen una oportunidad para compartir historias de la familia y crear recuerdos.

INVOLUCRE A LOS NINOS Y HAGALO DIVERTIDO ! Invite a los niños a que participen en tareas apropiadas para cada edad:

Deje que los niños den ideas y ayuden a planificar el menú y guarniciones

Llévelos de compras y déjelos que elijan una nueva fruta o verdura para usarla en la cena

Enséñelos a poner la mesa

Guiarlos en la preparación de alimentos básicos (de acuerdo a su desarrollo para que puedan hacerlo sin peligro)

DOS COSAS QUE PUEDE HACER 1– Póngase la meta de comer en familia tres veces a la se-mana o mas . 2- Céntrese en la interacción familiar durante la comida apagando la televisión, juegos de video, teléfonos móviles, u otras distracciones.

QUESADILLA DE ESPINACAS Tiempo de Preparación: 10 minutos Cocción: 5 minutos Porciones: 4 Ingredientes:

1½ libra de Espinacas frescas 1 Cucharada de aceite vegetal 8 Tortillas de trigo integral de seis pulgadas 1/4 de taza de salsa preparada 1 taza de queso Monterrey Jack sin grasa Preparación: Coloque las espinacas en un colador en el fregadero y deje correr el agua. Escurra y seque. Ya lavadas pique las espinacas. Añada el aceite vegetal al sartén y saltear las espinacas rápidamente a fuego medio hasta que estén blandas. Coloque las tortillas en una su-perficie plana . Añada 1/8 de queso en cada tortilla, luego añada una cucharada de salsa, 1/4 de taza de espinacas cocidas. Añada otro 1/8 de queso encima de las espinacas en cada tortilla. Luego cubra con el resto de las tortillas y presione firmemente. Cocine cada quesadilla en una sartén a fuego medio hasta que se derrita el queso y las tortillas estén dorados, unos 3 minutos por cada lado. Sirva con fruta fresca. Contenido nutrimental por porción Calorías: 300, Grasa total 11 g, Colesterol: 25 mg, Sodio 750 mg, Total Carbohidratos: 47 g, Proteína: 18 g, Fibra: 8 g

Para programar o asistir a los

programas de mantenimiento de nutrición y peso

en el condado de Galveston como

Caminar a Través de Tejas con caminar & Hablar o

Prepárese y reduzca proporcionalmente

Llame 281-309-5059 para preguntas o para registrarse

Jymann Davis, Familia y Ciencias del Consumidor Agente de Extensión del Condado de Galveston,

Oficina: 281-309-5049, [email protected]

Lilian Mezquida, Agente de Extensión del Condado de Cameron — FCS Oficina: 956-361-8236,

[email protected],

Sharon Mitchiner, Asistente del programa de BLT, Condado de Galveston,

Oficina: 281-309-5048, [email protected]

Septiembre 2015