Maarten Plieger Nils de Reus Maarten Plieger Nils de Reus http://adaguc.knmi.nl/ This project is sponsored by Space for Geo-Information www.rgi.nl Extending GDAL/OGR and Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN UMN MapServer MapServer Providing the building blocks for a Providing the building blocks for a geospatial infrastructure geospatial infrastructure

Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer

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Page 1: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer

Maarten Plieger

Nils de Reus

Maarten Plieger

Nils de Reus


This project is sponsored bySpace for Geo-Information


Extending GDAL/OGR andExtending GDAL/OGR and

UMN UMN MapServerMapServer

Providing the building blocks for a Providing the building blocks for a

geospatial infrastructuregeospatial infrastructure

Page 2: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008


• Overview on the datasets

• UMN MapServer and GDAL / OGR

• Extending the GDAL driver

• Extending the OGR driver

• Patching UMN MapServer

• ADAGUC Web Portal

• Overview on the datasets

• UMN MapServer and GDAL / OGR

• Extending the GDAL driver

• Extending the OGR driver

• Patching UMN MapServer

• ADAGUC Web Portal

This project is sponsored bySpace for Geo-Information


Page 3: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008


GOME OGOME O3 3 in ArcGIS Explorer in ArcGIS Explorer -- using WMSusing WMS

• Datasets

• Soil Moisture


• NO2, CH4, CO, O3

• Datasets

• Soil Moisture


• NO2, CH4, CO, O3

• Goal: Provide data through OGC Services

• Instruments



• Sciamachy

• Instruments



• Sciamachy

Page 4: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

Datasets -> GISDatasets -> GIS





















& many others



Page 5: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

UMN MapServer and GDAL/OGRUMN MapServer and GDAL/OGR

• UMN MapServer

• Developed by the University of Minnesota (UMN)

• Supports WMS, WFS, WCS, WMC, Filter Encoding, SLD, GML, SOS

• Data can be accessed using GDAL/OGR

• Fast renderer

• Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)

• Raster datasets; over 70 formats supported

• Used by many software products:• ESRI ArcGIS, GRASS, OpenEV, Quantum GIS

• Used in UMN Mapserver for raster access

• OGR Simple Features Library

• Vector datasets; over 20 formats supported

• ESRI Shapefiles, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial

• Used in UMN Mapserver for vector access

• Part of the GDAL library

• UMN MapServer

• Developed by the University of Minnesota (UMN)

• Supports WMS, WFS, WCS, WMC, Filter Encoding, SLD, GML, SOS

• Data can be accessed using GDAL/OGR

• Fast renderer

• Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)

• Raster datasets; over 70 formats supported

• Used by many software products:• ESRI ArcGIS, GRASS, OpenEV, Quantum GIS

• Used in UMN Mapserver for raster access

• OGR Simple Features Library

• Vector datasets; over 20 formats supported

• ESRI Shapefiles, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial

• Used in UMN Mapserver for vector access

• Part of the GDAL library

Page 6: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

Services with UMN MapServerServices with UMN MapServer

UMN MapServer

ADAGUC Raster Files ADAGUC Vector Files












ImagesImages VectorVector RasterRaster


Page 7: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

GDAL ADAGUC Raster driverGDAL ADAGUC Raster driver

• Based on existing NetCDF3 driver from Denis Nadeau and Frank Warmerdam

• Convert between ADAGUC files and formats supported by GDAL

• Uses NetCDF4/HD5 and UDUNITS libraries

• Climate and Forecast 1.2 conventions

• Features the ADAGUC metadata model

• Metadata is copied and updated where needed

• Additional metadata can be supplied using an NCML file

• For backwards compatibility: NetCDF3 output

• The driver is available from the OSGEO wiki on http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ADAGUC

• Based on existing NetCDF3 driver from Denis Nadeau and Frank Warmerdam

• Convert between ADAGUC files and formats supported by GDAL

• Uses NetCDF4/HD5 and UDUNITS libraries

• Climate and Forecast 1.2 conventions

• Features the ADAGUC metadata model

• Metadata is copied and updated where needed

• Additional metadata can be supplied using an NCML file

• For backwards compatibility: NetCDF3 output

• The driver is available from the OSGEO wiki on http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ADAGUC

Page 8: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

• gdalinfo file.nc

• gdalinfo ADAGUC:file.nc:TMTNO2

• gdalinfo ADAGUC:file.nc:TMTNO2:time=10

• gdal_translate –of AAIGRID ADAGUC:file.nc:TMTNO2:time=10 out.asc

• gdalinfo file.nc

• gdalinfo ADAGUC:file.nc:TMTNO2

• gdalinfo ADAGUC:file.nc:TMTNO2:time=10

• gdal_translate –of AAIGRID ADAGUC:file.nc:TMTNO2:time=10 out.asc

GDAL: Variables and timeGDAL: Variables and time

Page 9: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

OGR ADAGUC Vector driverOGR ADAGUC Vector driver

• Reads the ADAGUC vector format

• Convert ADAGUC to ESRI shapefiles:• ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" out.shp adagucinputfile.nc

• ADAGUC files can not be created from OGR formats:• The ADAGUC format expects four vertices for each tile

• Most vector files contain polygons with lots of vertices

• The driver is available from the OSGEO wiki on


• Reads the ADAGUC vector format

• Convert ADAGUC to ESRI shapefiles:• ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" out.shp adagucinputfile.nc

• ADAGUC files can not be created from OGR formats:• The ADAGUC format expects four vertices for each tile

• Most vector files contain polygons with lots of vertices

• The driver is available from the OSGEO wiki on


Page 10: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

UMN MapServerUMN MapServer

• Supports WMS and WCS time• Although not supported by most GIS clients…

• Very active and helpfull mailing list• Questions and problems are usually answered within the hour

• High performance• One of the fastest renderers

• A few minor issues solved• Filenames with a ‘:’ in the filename were incorrectly interpreted when using WCS

• Metadata needed by GDAL was not passed by UMN MapServer

• Patches will be submitted on the UMN MapServer site

• Current issues• Currently no information can be queried about a certain locationwhen using WMS Time• This will be solved by the developers soon

• Supports WMS and WCS time• Although not supported by most GIS clients…

• Very active and helpfull mailing list• Questions and problems are usually answered within the hour

• High performance• One of the fastest renderers

• A few minor issues solved• Filenames with a ‘:’ in the filename were incorrectly interpreted when using WCS

• Metadata needed by GDAL was not passed by UMN MapServer

• Patches will be submitted on the UMN MapServer site

• Current issues• Currently no information can be queried about a certain locationwhen using WMS Time• This will be solved by the developers soon

Page 11: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

ADAGUC Web PortalADAGUC Web Portal

• Features:

• Combining services from different institutes

• KNMI and VU data are accessible in the same portal

• Overlay layers from different services

• WMS Time support

• For compatibility with other clients used as little as possible

• GetFeatureInfo

• Support for Legends

• Map Resizing

• WCS or WFS access where applicable

• Direct access to the original ADAGUC files

• Used techniques:

• HTML, CSS, XML, PHP, JSON, AJAX and JavaScript

• Uses JavaScript libraries

• ExtJS

• WebmapJS• Custom made

• Features:

• Combining services from different institutes

• KNMI and VU data are accessible in the same portal

• Overlay layers from different services

• WMS Time support

• For compatibility with other clients used as little as possible

• GetFeatureInfo

• Support for Legends

• Map Resizing

• WCS or WFS access where applicable

• Direct access to the original ADAGUC files

• Used techniques:

• HTML, CSS, XML, PHP, JSON, AJAX and JavaScript

• Uses JavaScript libraries

• ExtJS

• WebmapJS• Custom made

Page 12: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

ADAGUC Web PortalADAGUC Web Portal

WMS GetCapabilities

WMS GetMap

WMS GetFeatureInfo

WMS GetLegendGraphic

Page 13: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

Download data from the PortalDownload data from the Portal

• Download the original file,

or convert to your favorite GIS format using OpenGIS

• Download the original file

• Raster files are downloaded using WCS

• Vector files are downloaded using WFS

• Depending on the datatype, which service is needed?• The right service is automatically selected

• Download the original file,

or convert to your favorite GIS format using OpenGIS

• Download the original file

• Raster files are downloaded using WCS

• Vector files are downloaded using WFS

• Depending on the datatype, which service is needed?• The right service is automatically selected

WCS DescribeCoverage

WFS MetadataURL


Page 14: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

WFS ServiceWFS Service

• Select Bounding Box

• Viewing window or Custom bounding box?

• Only GML available as output format

• Researching the possibility to export directly into ESRI shapefiles

• Select Bounding Box

• Viewing window or Custom bounding box?

• Only GML available as output format

• Researching the possibility to export directly into ESRI shapefiles

Page 15: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

WCS ServiceWCS Service• Optimal parameters are automatically set

• Select a Bounding Box• native bounding box• view window• custom?

• Resolution• Use width and height • or resx and resy?

• Support for WCS time

• Choose your favorite GISformat

• Optimal parameters are automatically set

• Select a Bounding Box• native bounding box• view window• custom?

• Resolution• Use width and height • or resx and resy?

• Support for WCS time

• Choose your favorite GISformat

Parameters derived from DescribeCoverage

Page 16: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

Open IssuesOpen Issues

• GDAL ADAGUC driver

• Supports currently only the dimensions lat, lon and time

• Support for other dimensions like ‘height’ can be added

• OGR ADAGUC driver

• Reads the whole source NetCDF file in to memory

• Should only read the parts that are needed…

• UMN MapServer

• WMS GetFeatureInfo does not yet return data when querying on time layers

• Support for x and y (2D) data is easy

• Support for x, y, time and height is tricky

• Not many GIS clients out there that support WMS time

• GDAL ADAGUC driver

• Supports currently only the dimensions lat, lon and time

• Support for other dimensions like ‘height’ can be added

• OGR ADAGUC driver

• Reads the whole source NetCDF file in to memory

• Should only read the parts that are needed…

• UMN MapServer

• WMS GetFeatureInfo does not yet return data when querying on time layers

• Support for x and y (2D) data is easy

• Support for x, y, time and height is tricky

• Not many GIS clients out there that support WMS time

Page 17: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008

• ADAGUC NetCDF4 used with GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer

• Web Portal communicates with the server using purely OpenGIS services

• Third parties can setup their own services using the building blocks created within the ADAGUC project

• The demonstrated atmospheric datasets are now very well accessible to GIS users!

• ADAGUC NetCDF4 used with GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer

• Web Portal communicates with the server using purely OpenGIS services

• Third parties can setup their own services using the building blocks created within the ADAGUC project

• The demonstrated atmospheric datasets are now very well accessible to GIS users!


Page 18: Extending GDAL/OGR and UMN MapServer


[email protected]

ADAGUC Workshop 2008
