Expresso March 2014

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Human Rights Issue

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sa express employee magazine march 2014

human rights month

2 expresso | march 2014

contents03 Message from the CEO

04 Customer Feedback

05 New Cars for Sales

06 ACSA Permit Rules


08 Aviation Day

10 Staff Briefing

11 Top Ten Work Values

12 Rebates News

14 Sudoku

15 March Birthdays

talk to expressoExpresso is all about you. We want to know what you think, what you’re doing and what you’d like to share with the rest of SAX. Send your input to [email protected]. Please send us your favourite recipes, holiday pictures and any interesting company news. We would love to share them with everybody.

08 0610


3expresso | march 2014

Dear fellow SAX employees

On behalf of the SA Express Airways SOC (SAX), I’m pleased to say that the airline is the exclusive travel partner for this year’s Metro FM Music Awards.

The partnership is taking place during an important year in our country. This year, SAX turns 20. Like our country, the airline was born in 1994. We will be commemorating these important milestones through a variety of activities with 50 million fellow South Africans and the hundreds of millions of friends of the new South Africa.

Like South Africa, we will be taking stock of all the progress we’ve made in the last 20 years. While the last 20 years haven’t been a bed of roses, there is still plenty to celebrate. The company’s financial and operational resilience has grown. During the last two decades, this resilience has seen us weathering many storms including the turbulence of the aviation industry which has claimed scores of competitors and, most recently, the impact on the travel business occasioned by the global financial crisis.

We are proud to have joined hands with Metro FM especially in support of the Annual Music Awards, a sponsorship property that has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years. We are also pleased to sponsor an event taking place in KwaZulu-Natal. KZN is one of the markets that we’ve identified for our growth strategy. A year ago, we launched the Durban – Harare and Durban – Lusaka routes. And last November, we launched the Johannesburg – Pietermaritzburg route to add to our growing destination list. Alongside the expansion of our route network has been the increase in our engagement with various stakeholders in the province.

Similarly, it is heartening to have to work together in a mutually beneficial commercial partnership with a fellow SOC. We look forward to many more years of exploring future collaboration ventures with the SABC.

For now, please enjoy the SAX ride as We (continue to) Fly For You!


4 expresso | march 2014

To whom it may concern,

I would like to sincerely thank and commend

the staff on my recent flight from Johannesburg to

Gaborone who found and kept my iPhone for me.

My life is on that phone, and I was extremely happy last night

when I checked in on my return flight, only to discover that my

phone had been handed in and put in the SA Express safe.

It is just wonderful that you take care of us and our

possessions. I will most certainly fly with you again and

recommend to you colleagues and friends alike.

Kind regardsLindy Barbour

Dear Sir, I travelled from Harare recently and would like to send my appreciation for all the help I was given after being neglected at Harare Airport by their ground staff. I am a Silver

Card Holder and a wheel chair passenger, and was the last passenger to board. I travel backwards and forwards to Harare from Durban frequently and have always found SA Express to be excellent. Bronwyn asked me to fill in a form of complaint for the Zimbabwe authorities, which I duly did. Thank you for the excellent help I received. Yours sincerelyValerie Nangle

customer feedback

Dear Customer Care Recently when I boarded your flight between

Cape Town and East London, I was in dire straits emotionally. The reason for my Cape Town visit had been a shoulder operation which turned out to be quite traumatic. What compounded my problem was the fact that I am seriously claustrophobic, and the MRI scan that I had had at the hospital had intensified these feelings.

I cordially asked the flight attendant, Michelle Greeff, if it would be possible for her to move me to a more comfortable seat, should it so happen that the person seated next to me be of significant height or size. Without any hesitation, Michelle reacted with warmth and genuine assuredness that I should wait at the back of the plane until all of passengers had boarded. Thereafter, she explained that because the plane wasn’t fully booked, she would be able to allocate a suitable seat to me. Just before take-off she showed me to a seat where I didn’t experience any claustrophobic tendencies whatsoever.

Michelle’s very unselfish behaviour, her genuine concern for her passengers’ feelings and concerns, and her willingness to assist impressed me greatly. My deepest appreciation to Michelle and SA Express for a most pleasant flight back to East London.

Kind regardsWidor du Toit

Dear Editor

I would like to send a special

thanks to Leon at your George

Airport Office for all the effort and help he extended

to my daughter, Caroline, in order to help her make her

connection onto the London SAA flight. Leon, thank you very

much indeed.

Kind regardsEvert Abendanon

5expresso | march 2014

The Head Office parking lot was abuzz with activity as the Sales Team recently collected their new SAX branded vehicles. Expresso spoke to Thuli Fihla, Divisional Manager: Sales.

How did the idea come about to get company vehicles for the sales team?Our job in Sales is to maximise revenue and grow passenger numbers. To build a great sales team, you need a capable team as well as sales force support initiatives such as resources and tools that empower good decision making and increase efficiency. With the inclusion of cars, we have empowered the Sales team to focus on their core function without worrying about other external forces.

How many cars did you get?There are six leased VW Polo sedans; five for Head Office and one in Cape Town. We could not have done this without the support of the company. We are really privileged to work in a company that understands the importance of the Sales team and supports us by providing us with the tools of the trade. This will drive the team to perform even harder so that the return on investment is measurable. We are truly grateful for this enormous show of support.

What do you plan to achieve with the branded vehicles?The return on investment is great as we literally have a moving brand that can create a number of impressions on a daily basis. Since the sales people are constantly on the road, our brand will be more visible and recognised by the members of the public. Marketing was very much instrumental in the branding of these cars and the view was that it is a cost effective manner of getting our brand to the public. We are also excited about the potential new business that the branded vehicles will bring.

How will the addition of the cars benefit the organisation?Our clients are the key source of revenue for SA Express. We need our salespeople out there to develop and nurture customer relationships – that is what drives sales. Our sales people are on the road four to five times a week. So by giving them the tools of the trade, we are empowering them to perform and increase the revenue and passenger growth.

Do you think that the cars will give us a competitive advantage in the market?Most certainly. Our core functionality is retention and business development. If you look at the competitive landscape seven years ago and compare it to today, you’ll notice that there is more competition. We’ve got competition from premiums to low cost carriers, and the number of customers has grown. Plus price sensitive customers are now using other modes of transport or looking at alternative ways of fulfilling meetings. The branded vehicles bring a new element into our strategy and will make brand SA Express more visible and accessible. It is important for us to constantly look for innovative ways of enhancing our brand, as well as increasing our market share.

How will you monitor that the cars are used for business? In all sales environments, teams have log books to log their travel for all customers visited; the same will be implemented for the Sales team.

sales team receive branded cars to

boost their trade

company news

6 expresso | march 2014

ACSA is the landlord of OR Tambo International Airport and is responsible for its overall security, including access control. ACSA has signed a SLA (Service Level Agreement) with each of the companies operating at the airport. The SLA is binding on all airport stake holders. It compels all companies operating at the airport to ensure that their employees comply with ACSA rules.

The SLA also addresses permit rules; therefore the following is expected from each and every SAX employee:

• Wear your permit visibly at all times.• Your permit must be worn at chest height.• You are not to share your permit with others.• Do not allow tail-gating.• You are expected to cooperate if you are stopped by security in order to check your permit.• You may be subjected to searches at any given time when you are airside.• Obey the permit rules at all times.• Do not take your cell phone to airside if you are not permitted to do so.• Do not take items from airside that may lead to your permit being confiscated by security.• If security is inconsistent in doing their duties at any check point, please report them to ACSA management.• Do not argue with or prevent the security officers from performing their duties. • SAX can and will discipline all employees who fail to adhere to the above, based on the outcome of an internal investigation.

If an ACSA permit is confiscated for one reason or another, the following procedure must be followed:

• The SAX employee must immediately inform their immediate supervisor/manager.• The immediate supervisor/manager must inform SAX security department/safety department.• The SAX employee must go to the ACSA permit office and obtain an ACSA appeal form.• The SAX employee must make an appointment with the SAX Security/Safety office in order to complete the ACSA appeal

form after the issue of the permit being confiscated has been investigated.• The ACSA appeal form must be completed by Security/Safety and signed off.• SAX ER/HR will become involved in the process if a disciplinary enquiry needs to be convened.• The SAX employee must appear before the ACSA disciplinary committee for return of the confiscated permit.

acsa permit rules

company news

7expresso | march 2014

After months’ of considerable investment, SA Express will launch the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) approach capability, which will significantly enhance the passenger experience on the newly introduced Johannesburg – Pietermaritzburg route.

The new GNSS approach capability, which comes into operation this month, will enable SA Express flights to land in Pietermaritzburg smoothly under most weather conditions.

Until now, flights have had to be diverted to land in, or take off from Durban during bad weather, which has caused inconvenience to our passengers. We have listened to the feedback from our passengers, and are happy to report back with good news.

Since launching the route last November, SA Express has invested considerable resources – time, money and training of personnel – into procuring the GNSS technology and securing the requisite regulatory approval from the Civil Aviation Authority of South Africa. The airline can now assure all of its passengers that it has done all that it can to ensure that it complies with all applicable standards and requirements, especially safety, and that these improvements will make flying with SA Express an even more pleasant experience.

The newly implemented GNSS capabilities will apply to all aircraft and offers SA Express increased capability on many existing and future routes.

We look forward to offering a better and more reliable service to our valued passengers with our newly implemented GNSS capabilities. We would also like to thank all of our passengers for their feedback, patience and understanding while we were implementing these new innovations.

company news

sa express launches its own global navigation satellite system

8 expresso | march 2014

events, people & places

SA Express hosted an aviation career day on 4th February as part of its “back to school” campaign to identify future pilots at Ponelopele Oracle High School in Ivory Park, Tembisa. The initiative forms part of our Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programmes. It was started last year at Fumana High School in Katlehong and targeted Grade 11 and 12 Maths and Science learners on Mandela Day. This year’s career day also afforded learners of Ivory Park a deeper understanding of the numerous career opportunities in the aviation industry.

Speaking at the career day, Inati Ntshanga, SA Express CEO, said: “We are pleased to be making available the opportunities of the aviation industry to learners in Ivory Park. We are based in the City of Ekurhuleni and are committed to giving back to this community. Hopefully, through this career day, we will be able to inspire, identify and support future pilots and engineers who will shore up our strong credentials of the most transformed airline in South Africa. Our pilot complement far surpasses that of our peers and it’s through resolute commitment to training that we are now in a position to make more pilots available to sister airlines. This wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t deliberately prioritise this aspect of the business. As part of our commitment to making a difference, we will be encouraging our employees to contribute their skills and time to their communities throughout 2014.”

The aviation career day signals our strong intent to create awareness of the industry among disadvantaged communities in South Africa. SA Express helps connect small and bigger cities and through identifying more pilots, it can better service these areas.

The event also formed part of our commitment to supporting the Department of Basic Education’s “back to school” campaign. “This is a start of a journey in the partnership with this Ekurhuleni community and the education fraternity. We are not fly-by-nights! We are here to make a difference to the community though education. For now, this humble gesture will include distributing scientific calculators, stationery and aviation booklets to encourage learners to pursue careers in aviation. Through this gesture, we are saying: ‘We care!’ We want you to know we are not indifferent to your daily struggles,” said Mr Ntshanga.

Mr Ntshanga also indicated that the involvement with the Ekurhuleni community will continue and that our CSI programme will be rolled out to other parts of the city to create awareness of aviation opportunities. “In coming months, we will further engage with this Ekurhuleni community to ensure that we continue to look for imaginative ways of identifying pilots in the area. Our aspiration is to deepen our engagement with the community of Ekurhuleni. We want to be actively involved in the lives of the people of this community. We want to be part of your success and want to grow with you.”

“Our philosophy is that community upliftment is at the heart of our values and we believe real development will only come when we join hands with like-minded partners; both state and non-state actors. This is why we found Ponelopele High School an ideal partner,” concluded Ntshanga.

sa express hosts aviation day in ivory park

9expresso | march 2014

events, people & places

10 expresso | march 2014

events, people & places

staff briefing

11expresso | march 2014

If you are interested in getting ahead in your career, it’s important to know exactly what employers look for – in addition to relevant skills – when hiring and promoting employees. Research has shown that the following are the top ten values that employers look for in employees:

1. Strong Work Ethic Employers value employees who

understand and possess a willingness to work hard. In addition to working hard it is also important to work smart. This means learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding ways to save time while completing daily assignments.

2. Dependability and Responsibility Employers value employees who come to work on time, are

there when they are supposed to be, and are responsible for their actions and behaviour. Being dependable and responsible as an employee shows your employer that you value your job.

3. Possessing a Positive AttitudeEmployers seek employees who take the initiative and have

the motivation to get the job done in a reasonable period of time without dwelling on the challenges that inevitably come up in any job. A positive attitude also makes the job more pleasant and fun to go to each day.

4. Adaptability Employers seek employees who are adaptable and flexible in

completing tasks in an ever changing workplace. Being open to change and improvements provides an opportunity to complete work assignments in a more efficient manner. Adapting personal behaviours to accommodate others is part of what it takes to work effectively as a team.

5. Honesty and Integrity Employers value employees who maintain a sense of honesty

and integrity above all else. When working for an employer they want to know that they can trust what you say and what you do.

6. Being Self-Motivated Employers look for employees who require little supervision

and direction to get the work done in a timely and professional

manner. Once a self-motivated employee understands his/her responsibility on the job, they will do it without any need for encouragement from others.

7. Motivated to Grow and Learn In an ever-changing workplace, employers seek employees

who are interested in keeping up with new developments, learning new skills, techniques, methods, and/or theories through professional development as it helps to keep the organisation at the top of its field. Keeping up with current changes in one’s field of expertise is vital for success and increased job security.

8. Strong Self-Confidence A self-confident employee is not afraid to ask questions on

topics where they feel they need more knowledge. Self-confident employees can also admit their mistakes. They recognise their strengths as well as their weaknesses and are willing to work on the latter.

9. Professionalism Employers value employees who exhibit professional behaviour

at all times. Professionals look, speak, and dress accordingly to maintain an image of someone who takes pride in their behaviour and appearance. Professionals complete high quality work and are detail oriented.

10. Loyalty Employers value employees who exhibit their loyalty to the

company and make an important contribution during their time with the company.

the top ten work values employers look for


12 expresso | march 2014

The Rebates team has created a presentation to provide SAX employees with more information on our rebates system.

SAX Rebate Concessions

• Concessions are on an individual basis, per person• Dress code is smart casual• An SAA Rebate ticket cannot be accepted on SAX• Rebates are valid for 12 months (Jan 14 – Dec 14) with no carry over• Five working days are required for both domestic and regional travel• SAX employees qualify after three months of service• New employees qualify for induction within three months of service• Requests must be sent to [email protected]• Emergency requests are limited to death and hospitalisation, for staff and immediate family• Nominations are changed only in January• Dependent children up to the age of 21 years are included


rebates news

SAA Rebate Concessions

Employee Level ID00 ID90 Total

Exco 3 2 5 per person

Management / Non Management

2 2 4 per person


Employee Level ID00 ID90 ID75

Exco 5 5 Unlimited

Management / Flight Deck Crew

4 5 Unlimited

Non Management 3 5 Unlimited

Pensioners/ Widow/Widowers

1 0 Unlimited

Contractors 0 4 Unlimited

More than 10 years service

+1 +2 0


13expresso | march 2014


• Concessionsareonanindividualbasis,perperson• Limitedtoemployee’simmediatefamilyandcompaniononly• Dresscodeissmartcasual• ASAXRebateticketcannotbeacceptedonSAA• Validfor12months(Jan14–Dec14)withnocarryover• NodirectcontactwithSAARebatesdepartment–AllrequestsshouldbechannelledviaSAXRebates• Sevenworkingdaysarerequiredforbothdomesticandinternationaltravel• SAXEmployeesqualifyaftersixmonthsofservice• Dependentchildrenuptotheageof18yearsareincluded

Other Airlines Concessions

• Allbookingsareonstandbywithnoupgradetobusinessclass• Limitedtoimmediatefamilyonly• Dresscodeissmartcasual• Nodirectcontactwithotherairlines–allrequestschannelledviaSAXRebates• Sevenormoreworkingdaysarerequiredforbothdomesticandinternationaltravel• Dependentchildrenuptotheageof18yearsareincluded• Marriagecertificaterequired• Mangoaccommodatesbiologicalparents

What restrictions apply on my rebates?

We do not get IDs on the following airlines:• AirMauritius• SingaporeAirlines• Qantasairlines• KLMandAirFrancePermanent EmbargoesSAAhasapermanentembargoonJohannesburgto:• HongKong• Beijing• Sydney• NewYork

Temporary EmbargoesAirlinesmayhaveembargoesoncertainroutesduringtheir“PeakSeason”,sopleasecheckwiththerebatesoffice.


Airline Minimum Service ID TYPE ALLOCATION PER YR

Delta 1 year ID95 – Economy / ID50 Business Class


Mango 6 months ID90 - Economy 3

All other airlines 1 year ID90 - Economy Unlimited


14 expresso | march 2014


1 4

7 1 6 2 3

8 5 9

2 9

7 1 6 3 5

7 6

1 4 3

8 4 9 5 6

8 1

8 5 9 7

6 3

1 5 2 9

3 7 9

8 7 4

9 7 6

7 4 2 9

3 6

9 8 6 2

5 8 3 2

2 5 7 8


4 8 7

1 9 4 6 8

9 5 1


4 6 8 2

8 3 7 6

3 9

2 1

9 3 7 4

1 8 3

5 7 2 3 1 9 4 6

4 7 2

6 5 1 2

3 6

2 8

15expresso | march 2014



MASEMULA TQ Cabin Services 01SELEPE I Cape Town Cabin Services 01MEINTJIES C Cape Town Flight Operations 01GIYAPERSAD S Durban Flight Ops 01KRAUSE GJ Flight Operations JHB 01NAIDOO Y Line Maintenance JHB 01CALITZ M Quality Management 01KUBHEKA NP Technical Training 01SIKHUTSHWA T Flight Operations JHB 02NDLOVU DB GaboroneAirport 02MHLONGO KN Bloemfontein 03MLANGENI ES Cabin Services 03WOLFAARDT A Finance 03BADENHORST JR Line Maintenance JHB 03NGWENYA KE Occ Operations 03RAMASHAMOLE MB Supply Chain Management 03RAMONTI DR Workshops 03COETZER M Cape Town Flight Operations 04KGOMO KF Heavy Maintenance 04OBERHOLZER F Heavy Maintenance 04MDLULI CV Line Maintenance JHB 04MAHLANGU FN Cape Town Cabin Services 05JOHANNES SI Cape Town Line Station 05ENGELS D Flight Operations JHB 05PHALA ET Planning 05CALDERHEAD PA Durban Flight Ops 06LADIELLIS P Flight Operations JHB 06DLAMINI NN Human Capital 06KOETAAN CC Crew Admin Training & Plan-


ALLERS AL Marketing Brand & Production 07ALLANBY DB FLIGHT OPERATIONS 07

PRETORIUS M Flight Operations JHB 08

VAN DYK HJ Flight Operations JHB 08

BECK J Bloemfontein 09MEKOA AM Bloemfontein Cargo 09LOOTS D Flight Operations JHB 09THOMAS B Gabs Office African Expan &


MARTHEZE RE Cape Town Cabin Services 10FERREIRA C Cape Town Flight Operations 10KIESER WJ Cape Town Line Station 10MOTSHEKGA RM Flight Operations JHB 10KABINI JL Line Maintenance JHB 10COX PA PE Line Station 10MTSWENI GPP Sales 10VAN DER MERWE E Flight Operations JHB 11THAMAE PP PMO 11

NGWENYA TN Risk and Compliance 11MATHEBULA T Technical Logistics 11REBOLA VS Cabin Services 12MAPHETO JR Supply Chain Technical 12BUTLER BG Cape Town Flight Operations 13VAN DER WESTHUI-ZEN JJ

Cape Town Flight Operations 13

GOVAN B Flight Operations JHB 13CHOTHIA A Technical Training 13DYANI Y Cabin Services 14FINLAYSON MB Durban Flight Ops 14MASIPA KM Revenue Managemnt 14KEAGILE LL Cabin Services 15SITSHINGA VP Cabin Services 15VENTER RF George 15DE BEER CE Heavy Maintenance 15NDABENI LJL Line Maintenance JHB 15MASEKO TK Occ Operations 15MKHIZE S Pietermaritzburg 15FISHER D Information Technology 15RUDOLPH FG Cape Town Flight Operations 16MAMATEPA TM Supply Chain Management 17BUITENDAGH TGH Flight Operations JHB 18MARIVATE NV Information Technology 18MACLOBO AM Walvis Bay 18VILAKAZI MM Cabin Services 19MALOA TP Cabin Services 19SMIT N Flight Operations JHB 19MONAMOTSANE KM Bloemfontein 20STRATING H Line Maintenance JHB 20DUBE SJ Richards Bay 20

SEBOKO DR GaboroneAirport 20THAGAME P GaboroneAirport 20NALA LP Airport Operations: DBN 21VAN VUUREN JJ Cape Town Occ 21SAMLAL D Engineering/ Costing group 21RAOLANE K Heavy Maintenance 21MOTEA TK Revenue Managemnt 21MANGANYI KO Finance 21PILA MM Technical Training 21KUNENE KTC Africa Expansion & Alliances 21RASOOL R Cabin Services 22JADEZWENI LJ Cape Town Cabin Services 22HARRIS C Customer Care 22WESSELS SJ Flight Operations JHB 22MASHEGO C Heavy Maintenance 22MKENTANE NL Legal 22VAN DER WEST-HUYZEN E

George 23

OLIVIER M George 23NYEMBE SS Occ Operations 23MOGAKI ND Cabin Services 24KUMALO B Cabin Services 24HAASBROEK SF Line Maintenance 24MODISE RM PMO 24NYAWO LN Sales 24RAMMUTLA T Cabin Services 25ENGELBRECHT C Cabin Services 25DEMPSTER DN Cape Town Line Station 25RADEBE M DBN Occ 25MANTAMBO LMB Flight Operations JHB 25ADAMS MRX Heavy Maintenance 25MFISA SN Planning 25GOWAN HN Technical Logistics 25SEEMA KL Technical Training 25MASHA PK Airport Operations: JHB 26AMOD CM Finance 26MANSON BL Cape Town Flight Operations 27HOLDERNESS FJ Cape Town Flight Operations 27MAVUSO BS Finance 27BROWN DHM Technical Executive 27MASHANGWANE MRS PMO 27MAFEKA NM Cabin Services 28MABUZA JL Information Technology 28ADAMS B Durban Cabin Services 29MNGUNI MW Flight Operations JHB 29BUTLER NC Cabin Services 30THERON J Disabilities 30CLARK C Durban Cabin Services 30MAPOSA D Flight Operations Indirect 30MPONGO SD Technical Training 30NDIKANDIKA N CPT Ramp Management 31SHILLINGTON TK Cape Town Flight Operations 31VAN ZYL BB Cape Town Flight Operations 31

