Export o 365 User Info

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  • 8/18/2019 Export o 365 User Info


    Param($migrationCSVFileName = "migration.csv")

    function O365Logon{

    #Check for current open O365 sessions and allow the admin to either usethe existing session or create a new one

    $session = Get-PSSession | ?{$_.ConfigurationName -eq 'Microsoft.Exchange'}

    if($session -ne $null){

    $a = Read-Host "An open session to Office 365 already exists. Do you want to use this session? Enter y to use the open session, anything elseto close and open a fresh session."

    if($a.ToLower() -eq 'y'){

    Write-Host "Using existing Office 365 Powershell Session." -ForeGroundColor Green

    return}$session | Remove-PSSession

    }Write-Host "Please enter your Office 365 credentials" -ForeGroundColor G

    reen$cred = Get-Credential

    $s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUrihttps://ps.outlook.com/powershell -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

    $importresults = Import-PSSession -Prefix "Cloud" $s}

    function Main{

    #Verify the migration CSV file existsif(!(Test-Path $migrationCSVFileName)){

    Write-Host "File $migrationCSVFileName does not exist." -Foregro

    undColor Red Exit}

    #Import user list from migration.csv file$MigrationCSV = Import-Csv $migrationCSVFileName

    #Get mailbox list based on email addresses from CSV file$MailBoxList = $MigrationCSV | %{$_.EmailAddress} | Get-CloudMailbox$Users = @()

    #Get LegacyDN, Tenant, and On-Premise Email addresses for the usersforeach($user in $MailBoxList)

    {$UserInfo = New-Object System.Object

    $CloudEmailAddress = $user.EmailAddresses | ?{($_ -match 'onmicrosoft') -and ($_ -cmatch 'smtp:')}

    if ($CloudEmailAddress.Count -gt 1){

    $CloudEmailAddress = $CloudEmailAddress[0].ToString().ToLower().Replace('smtp:', '')

    Write-Host "$user returned more than one cloud email add

  • 8/18/2019 Export o 365 User Info


    ress. Using $CloudEmailAddress" -ForegroundColor Yellow}else{

    $CloudEmailAddress = $CloudEmailAddress.ToString().ToLower().Replace('smtp:', '')


    $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LegacyExchangeDN -Value $user.LegacyExchangeDN

    $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CloudEmailAddress -Value $CloudEmailAddress

    $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OnPremiseEmailAddress -Value $user.PrimarySMTPAddress.ToString()

    $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MailboxGUID -Value $user.ExchangeGUID

    $Users += $UserInfo}

    #Check for existing csv file and overwrite if neededif(Test-Path ".\cloud.csv"){

    $delete = Read-Host "The file cloud.csv already exists in the cu

    rrent directory. Do you want to delete it? Enter y to delete, anything else to exit this script."if($delete.ToString().ToLower() -eq 'y'){

    Write-Host "Deleting existing cloud.csv file" -ForeGroundColor Red

    Remove-Item ".\cloud.csv"}else{

    Write-Host "Will NOT delete current cloud.csv file. Exiting script." -ForeGroundColor Green


    }}$Users | Export-CSV -Path ".\cloud.csv" -notype(Get-Content ".\cloud.csv") | %{$_ -replace '"', ''} | Set-Content ".\cl

    oud.csv" -Encoding UnicodeWrite-Host "CSV File Successfully Exported to cloud.csv" -ForeGroundColo

    r Green

