EXPLORING THE WORKS OF CHINESE AND JAPANESE WRITERS SUBJECT: ENGLISH 8 GRADE LEVEL/CLASS: 8 | SPECIAL SCIENCE SCHOOL YEAR: 2020-2021 SUBJECT TEACHER: GISELLE MAE Q. RULLAN, LPT|English Teacher INTRODUCTION In this second quarter module, you will demonstrate understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature; value of literal and figurative language; figures of speech and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea development. And as your product, you are expected to transfer learning by composing a “Thank You Card” integrating figures of speech. STANDARDS: In this module, you are expected to: a. Relate content or theme to previous experiences and background knowledge. EN8RC-IIa-2.18 b. Describe the notable literary genres contributed by East Asian writers. EN8LT-IIa-9.1 c. Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales, and short stories. EN8LT-IIa-9.2 d. Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development: -solution -effect EN8G-IIa-9 e. Relate content or theme to previous experiences and background knowledge. EN8RC-IIa-2.18 f. Describe the notable literary genres contributed by East Asian writers. EN8LT-IIa-9.1 g. Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales, and short stories. EN8LT-IIa-9.2 h. Distinguish between and among verbal, situational, and dramatic types of irony and give examples of each. EN8V-IIb-24.1


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In this second quarter module, you will demonstrate understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature; value of literal and figurative language; figures of speech and appropriate grammatical signals
or expressions suitable to patterns of idea development. And as your product, you are expected to transfer learning by composing a “Thank You Card”
integrating figures of speech.
STANDARDS: In this module, you are expected to:
a. Relate content or theme to previous experiences and background knowledge. EN8RC-IIa-2.18
b. Describe the notable literary genres contributed by East Asian writers. EN8LT-IIa-9.1
c. Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales, and short stories. EN8LT-IIa-9.2
d. Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development:
-solution -effect
EN8G-IIa-9 e. Relate content or theme to previous experiences and background
knowledge. EN8RC-IIa-2.18 f. Describe the notable literary genres contributed by East Asian writers.
EN8LT-IIa-9.1 g. Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales,
and short stories. EN8LT-IIa-9.2 h. Distinguish between and among verbal, situational, and dramatic types of
irony and give examples of each. EN8V-IIb-24.1
China is the world’s third biggest country by territory and has the largest population. It is one of the longest-running civilizations on earth with its unique
and attractive culture. It has developed at record speed to become the second largest economy in the world. But do you know anything about their literature?
Dive into this module to have knowledge on their rich cultures and enjoy one of their best literary pieces.
1 1 In this lesson, you will learn more about rich cultures and literature of Chinese, be familiar to the different Chines philosophers. You will also identify whether a
statement is true or false, then list down unique practices of Chinese you practice at home.
Read the discussion on your reference book ECAS 8, page 46-48. CHINESE PHILOSOPHERS
Two Chinese philosophers, Lao Tzu and Confucius, greatly influenced the Chinese way of life. Their teachings became the guiding principles of the Chinese people in conducting their personal lives, family and social relations, political
dealings and in their search to understand the force that controls the universe. 1. Lao Tzu
(6th Century B.C.) Lao Izu, pronounced (lou' dzu'), is the name given to the father of Taoism and
the author of the book called "Tao le Ching" or the Way and lts Power. The Tao Te Ching contains Lao Tzu's words of wisdom. TAOISM
Taoism (dou'izm) is a religion developed from Taoist philosophy. It stresses freedom from desires, simplicity of lifestyle, and understanding the way of the
universe. Taoism is derived from Tao, which means “Path” or "Way." For the early Chinese, the Tao referred to the force that controlled the universe.
2. Confucius (551 8.C.-478 B.C.)
Confucius is one of the truly great men that China has produced. The word Confucius is the Westernized form of his name, which is Kung Futze, KUNG
being his proper name, FU signifying revered, and TZE signifying teacher. The Analects or collected Sayings of Confucius were compiled by his followers
long after his death. In all his teachings, Confucius emphasized the importance of moral conduct. He tried to teach his followers to become true gentlemen, by which he meant
morally and spiritually superior men. CONFUCIANISM
The philosophical ideas taught by Confucius led to the development of Confucianism, a system of belief is observed by most Chinese and concerned
particularly with moral behavior. The Analects of Confucius is a collection of Confucian sayings, contain truth about social relations between and among family members or friends.
Read additional discussion on this on your ECAS 8 book, page 66-67.
DIRECTIONS: Write “TRUE” if the statement is correct and “FALSE” if the statement is incorrect. (1 point each)
1. Chinese covers about 1/5 of the world’s population. 2. The origins of Chinese language are lost, but there is no doubt that it is the most ancient spoken and probably the newest written language still used by
humans. 3. Monosyllabic means that a word has two syllables.
4. Polysyllabic means that a word has two or more syllables. 5. Chinese writing consists of about 50, 000 characters.
6. Chinese is not a tonal language. 7. When we say tonal language, the same word changes in meaning when it is said with an upward or a downward intonation, or with a highj or low pitch.
8. Chinese writing is made up of ideographs. 9. If you wanted to learn Chinese you need to know how to write the 217 signs.
10. Chinese Language is monosyllabic.
List down 5 unique Chinese practices you still practice at
home or in the Philippines.
This lesson will introduce you a sample literary piece of Chinese literature, wherein it is about a story of a child who sacrifice for her parents. Let’s deal more
on this story and find out the experiences the main character had encountered.
2 2 The soul of the Great Bell is a chinese legend by Lafcadio Hearn. This story is all about a young lady who loves her father unconditionally that she sacrificed her
life for her father’s sake. Reading this story made my heart melt. This story may be ancient yet we can still apply the lessons in the present.
PRE-ACTIVITY: DIRECTIONS: Deduce the meaning of the unfamiliar words found in the story by
arranging the jumbled letters. Use the given meaning as your clue in arranging
the letters.
2. (SISVIEM): a written communication.
3. (ILONERVIM): a vivid reddish orange.
4. (HBSTEE): an authoritative order.
5. (NUDRSAE): apart from each other.
“The Soul of the Great Bell”
By: Lafcadio Hearn
Read the story on your ECAS 8 book, page 78-82
The Soul of the Great Bell is a Chinese legend retold in English by Lafcadio Hearn
(1850-1904). Hearn was an American journalist of Irish and Greek parentage
who spent the latter part of his life in Japan. He was so interested in Oriental
culture, especially Chinese and Japanese, that he eventually became a Japanese
citizen and married a Japanese girl. His name as a naturalized Japanese was
Yakuma Koizumi.
DIRECTION: After reading the story, answer the following questions briefly but substantially. (2 pts. each)
1. What did the Son of Heaven want the bell to become? 2. Why do you think the metal workers exerted so much effort for the bell?
3. What was the great disappointment when the bell was finally made? 4. Did Ko-Ngai’s supreme sacrifice work? 5. It is accepted that parents often sacrifice for their children. But you as a child,
what will you be willing to sacrifice for your parents? How will you show them that you love them?
INTRODUCTION Writers use words, phrases, expressions, and grammatical structures to signal
a specific meaning. As a reader these signals help us determine pattern of idea development and so aid us to understand texts better.
3 3 As a writer, we can build and communicate our ideas effectively if we use these
signals appropriately. Study the table below.
1. General to
answering essay type tests, introducing a paper, giving
background to a research paper, or opening paragraphs
fo a discussion.
For example, such,
another case, on this occasion, in this situation,
take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate
2. Claim and Counterclaim
This pattern is usually used in writing arguments. A claim
presents what one thinks is true about a topic based on
knowledge and research; a counterclaim disproves the claim with reasons and
Claim: Clearly, then, in lioght of… it
is necessary to se that, it is clear to me, I believe that,
experts agree. Counterclaim:
this is not true for, on the contrary, critic argue that,
while it may be true, others may say that, a common
argument against this position, it may be true, but/however, if you look at
the facts, it is often thought/imagined/believed
3. Problem
and Solution
information through an expression of a problem,
dilemma, question, or a concerning issue (problem) that can be, or should be
solved or remedied(solution/attempted
would be
the concern is, the
analysis of reasons for, and/or the consequences of an action,
event, or decision.
So, thus, therefore,
all these reasons
5. Effect- Cause/Reason
effect pattern.
as, since, due to, because of, on account of, for the reason
POST-ACTIVITY 1: DIRECTIONS: Use at least two examples in each type of grammatical signals in
your own sentences.
DIRECTIONS: Determine what pattern is used in each item. Write your answer
only. 1. When you mix two primary colors you can for a secondary color, for example
yellow and blue.
2. The problem is people like to talk about other people’s lives, one solution to
that would be minding your own business.
3. Since we cannot go to Baguio during this pandemic, we will just go to Mt.
4. Others may say that pizza is better when it has pineapples but I disagree.
5. Due to this pandemic, some plans were cancelled.
INTRODUCTION Have you been to Japan? As we all know Japan is one of the most developed and
advanced countries in the whole world. Many people are amazed on how the government run the country. It is also a home to some wonderful wildlife. Like
China, Japan also has a rich culture and literature. So this module will introduce you to the literature of Japan and will let you learn a lesson from one of its best
4 4 In this week, you will be dealing about a brief description of Japanese literature
and its culture. You will also answer a short activity about Japan.
SUMMARY OF SALIENT POINTS: JAPAN: The land of the Rising Sun
Read the discussion on your reference book ECAS 8, page 93-96
DIRECTIONS: Identify what is being asked or described in each item. 1. Japan has developed a basic alphabet of only forty-seven characters
2. This is the national theatre of japan. 3. The earliest Japanese literary work.
4. The oldest collection of Japanese poetry. 5. It is the play of the masses. It is less intellectual and more realistic, even
sensational. 6. It is the shortest form of Japanese poetry but the most popular.
7. This is always the setting of Japanese dramas. 8. It tells about the early history of Japan in poetry and shows the profound influence of the Chinese.
9. In the past, it was a play reserved for the nobility, and the audience dressed themselves in ceremonial robes.
10. Puppet play is also called____________.
INTRODUCTION In this lesson, you will discover one great Japanese folklore, wherein it is a folktale written by Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. The story is about the son and
his mother going through the trials given by a cruel ruler who has a hard spot on the elderly people of his land.
5 5 A mother is a symbol of love selflessness and wisdom. In this story, the son
reciprocates his mother’s love by doing something that eventually benefits their
land. Find out what it is. PRE-ACTIVITY:
DIRECTIONS: Deduce the meaning of the unfamiliar words found in the story. Use your dictionary for this activity.
1. despotic 2. barbarous 3. injunction
4. gourd 5. abolished
A Japanese Folklore Read the story on your reference book ECAS 8, page 124-127
POST-ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT: DIRECTIONS: After reading the story, answer the following questions briefly but
substantially. (2 pts. each) 1. If you were the poor farmer, would you have obeyed the proclamation? Why? Why not?
2. What did the old mother do so that her son would be able to find his way back down from the mountain?
3. Is it true that when one ages, he/she becomes useless and irrelevant? Defend your answer.
4. What can the youth learn from the elders? 5. How do your parents show their love for you? How do you show yours for them?
In this lesson, you will be learning the five basic figures of speech. Also, you will be informed on the types of irony and their uses. And for better understanding
you answer an activity about identifying what type of figures of speech the sentence is.
6 6 A figure of speech is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from
its literal definition. It can be a metaphor or simile, designed to make a comparison. It can be the repetition of alliteration or the exaggeration of
hyperbole to provide a dramatic effect. In truth, there are a wealth of these literary tools in the English language. But, let's start out by exploring some of the
most common figure of speech examples.
A figure of speech is a literary device used to create a special effect or feeling by making some type of interesting or creative comparison. Some common types of
figures of speech are simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole. 1. SIMILE
a reference between two concepts is made by using the terms 'like' or 'as'.
compares two unlike objects. EXAMPLES:
1. She looks like a flower but she stings like a bee. 2. George felt as worn out as an old joke that was never very funny in the first
This refers to the art of bringing to life an inanimate object, trait, or action, by associating it with a human quality.
EXAMPLES: 1. The picture in that magazine screamed for attention.
2. The carved pumpkin smiled at me. 3. METAPHOR
used for the purpose of comparison. a figure of speech that implies the meaning of an object with its reference
to another completely unrelated object.
EXAMPLES: 1. You are a diamond in the sky. You shine very bright.
2. My heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill. 4. HYPERBOLE
used for the purpose of exaggeration. it mainly forms the basis of several jokes, is used as a way of insults, or
could simply be used to dramatize a situation.
EXAMPLES: 1. I'm so busy trying to accomplish ten million things at once.
2. Your dog is so ugly, we had to pay the fleas to live on him. TYPES OF IRONY
IRONY a figure of speech in which words are used to express something that is
different from the actual meaning or, at times, is the exact opposite of its intended meaning.
a deviation from the appearance and reality of something or a situation. 1. VERBAL IRONY
-when a character or person says one thing but means the complete opposite. Example:
“Once you’re done with your very important video game, let’s spend some relaxation time answering your assignments, okay?” Mom said.
-when the complete opposite of what is expected occurs. -the audience are certain about the ending but the opposite situation happens.
-such expected turnaround in a plot is commonly used to make the audience laugh and cry.
Example: A fire station is burned down.
3. DRAMATIC IRONY -when a character believes something and the opposite is true.
-the audience knows that the character is working under false beliefs which leads to hilarious or tragic situations.
Example: Suspense is created when a character enters a house and the audience
knows that the killer is in it.
POST-ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT 1: DIRECTIONS: Analyze each sentence and identify if what figure of speech does
each item refer to. 1. The Chinese are like ants who work day and night.
2. The sun is smiling as he watches the children play. 3. The moon is laughing with the stars.
4. She cried one liter of tears because her dog died. 5. You are a diamond in the sky. You shine very bright. 6. Ellenya is like a tiger when she gets angry.
7. Andrew is as handsome as James Reid. 8. The trees are dancing gracefully.
9. She ate five hundred pieces of chicken in three minutes. 10. The flowers screamed in unison when her petals fell.
POST-ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT 2: DIRECTIONS: Analyze each sentence and identify what type of irony is shown in
each item. (2 points each) CHOICES: Verbal Irony Situational Irony Dramatic Irony
1. “Wow your classroom is very clean. You could already plant camote in your
floor.”, said the teacher to the students. 2. The viewers know that the main character in the movie is alive but the characters in the movie do not.
3. “This is the best food I’ve ever tasted, it seems like you put 5 sachets of magic sarap to make it delicious.”
4. The viewers thought that they will end up together at the end of the teleserye but it turned out that the man is gay.
5. The viewers know that she is just acting innocent because she is planning to kill them but the characters in the teleserye do not know that she has evil plans.
6. “This place smells so good! I will die here if I stay longer.” 7. The viewers know that Camila in the primetime serye The Killer Bride is alive
but the characters do not. 8. “This is the best movie I’ve ever watched in my entire life. I will never ever
watch it again.” 9. The viewers thought that Cardo will end this year but they are wrong. 10. “Just keep on playing your video games. Enjoy playing it until you starve!”
Christmas is fast approaching. Christmas is the time of the year when you send
lots of love to people who are important to you. As what the young man did in
The Story of the Aged Mother, show your love to your mother through a thank
you card. Design your own card and write a letter address to your mother. Put
at least 3 figures of speech in your letter and underline them. Your output will
be judged according to the rubric given.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
terms of
thought and
thought was
there are three figures of
there are two figures of
and no integration
of figures of
DIRECTIONS: Reach each item carefully on Column A and look for its match on
Column B. Write ONLY the letter of your answer on the space provided. (2 points
COLUMN A COLUMN B _____1. A type of Irony where a character or person
says one thing but means the complete opposite.
a. irony
by using the terms 'like' or 'as'.
b. verbal
and the opposite is true.
c. dramatic
_____4. A figure of speech that implies the meaning of an object with its reference to another completely
unrelated object.
d. litotes
_____5. The art or practice of using conventional or
traditional objects and signs as a method of revealing or suggesting ideas, ideals, truths, or
otherwise intangible states.
e. simile
_____6. This refers to the art of bringing to life an inanimate object, trait, or action, by associating it
with a human quality.
f. metaphor
_____7. It is a figure of speech in which words are
used to express something that is different from the actual meaning.
g. hyperbole
_____8. A literary device used to create a special effect or feeling by making some type of interesting or creative comparison.
h. situational
_____9. It is a type of Irony wherein the audiences are certain about the ending but the opposite
situation happens.
i. personification
_____10. It mainly forms the basis of several jokes, is used as a way of insults, or could simply be used
to dramatize a situation.
j. Figures of speech
k. symbolism
TEST 2: DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Write only the letter of your
answer. 1. It is the name given to the father of Taoism and the author of the book called
Tao Te Ching. A. Li Po B. To Fu
C. Lao Tzu D. WangWei
2. Tao Te Ching is also called__________________.
A. The Way
3. This is the religion developed from Taoist philosophy.
A. Taoism B. Buddhism C. Christianity D. Dating
4. One of the famous poem made by Lao Tzu is entitled ________________.
A. Way B. Path C. Fire D.
A. Path B. Life
C. Fire D. Water
6. Confucius is the westernized form of his name , which is Kung Fu Tze. What
is Kung in Kung Fu Tze?
A. revered B. emperor C. teacher D.
proper name
7. Confucius is the westernized form of his name , which is Kung Fu Tze. What
is Fu in Kung Fu Tze?
A. revered B. emperor C. teacher D. proper
8. Confucius is the westernized form of his name , which is Kung Fu Tze. What
is Tze in Kung Fu Tze?
A. revered B. emperor C. teacher D. proper
9. It is a system of beliefs observed by most Chinese and concerned particularly
with moral behaviour.
10. It is the collection of Confucian sayings; contain truth about social
relations between and among family member or friends.
A. The Path B. The Life C. The Morals D. The
Asian Literature.
MSA Comprehensive English Handbook