1 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010 by Robert Grauer, Michelle Hulett, and Mary Anne Poatsy Chapter 1 Introduction to Word

Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010

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1Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.

Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010by Robert Grauer, Michelle Hulett, and Mary Anne Poatsy

Chapter 1Introduction to Word

Objectives• Understand how word processors

work• Customize Microsoft Word• Use features that improve

readability• Check spelling and grammar

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 2

Objectives (continued)• Display a document in different

views• Prepare a document for

distribution• Modify document properties

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 3

Word Processing

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 4

The Word Window

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 5

Zoom slider

Rulers Scroll bar

Title barQuick Access Toolbar

View buttonsStatus bar

Word Wrap

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 6

Hard returnsSoft returns

Soft returns

Hard returns

Keyboard ShortcutsKeys Moves Insertion PointLeft arrow One character leftRight arrow One character rightUp arrow Up one lineDown arrow Down one lineHome Beginning of the lineEnd End of linePgUp Up to the previous pagePgDn Down to the next page

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Toggle Switches

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Hard return


Space between words

Page Breaks

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 9

Show/Hide on

Hard page break marker

Page Numbers

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 10

Format Page NumbersPlacement options


Page Numbers (continued)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 11

Start numbering on page

Click to display formatsPage Number

Cover Page

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Cover Page

More cover pages


Customize Word

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Headers and Footers

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 14

Display optionsFields to insert

Header area

Footer area

Formatting options Position options


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 15

Section Breaks

BreaksPage Layout tab

Sections (continued)

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Link to Previous active

Previous Next

Section number


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Spelling and Grammar

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 18

Contextual spelling error

Possible spelling error

Document Views

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 19

Print Layout Full Screen Reading


Web Layout



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Magnification Page view layout

Zoom slider

Save a Document

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 21

Word 97 – 2003

Save as type arrow

Compatibility Mode

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Compatibility Mode

Compatibility Checker

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 23

List of incompatible items

Backup Options

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 24

Check to enable AutoRecover Time between AutoRecover saves

Location of the AutoRecover file

Backup Options (continued)

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Backup option

Document Inspector

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Check for Issues

Printing Options

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Select printer

Number of copies



NextPrevious Zoom

Document Properties

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 28

Document Properties panel


Properties arrow


• Word processors have features that make it easy to create documents.

• Consider both the content and look of the document.

• Create copies of documents and back up changes at every opportunity.

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 29


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 30


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 31

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

32Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.

Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010by Robert Grauer, Michelle Hulett, and Mary Anne Poatsy

Chapter 2Document Presentation

Objectives• Apply font attributes through the

Font dialog box• Control word wrapping• Set off paragraphs with tabs,

borders, lists, and columns• Apply paragraph formats

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 33

Objectives (continued)• Understand styles• Create and modify styles• Format a graphical object• Insert symbols into a document

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 34

TypographyTypeface or font

• Serif• Sans serif• Monospaced• Proportional

Type Style• Regular• Bold• Italic• Bold italic

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Font Attributes

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Special Effects


Font Attributes (continued)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 37

Text Effects

Text Effects


Character Spacing

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PreviewOpenType settings

Change Text Case

• Sentence case• lowercase• UPPERCASE• Capitalize Each Word• tOGGLE case

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 39

Change Case

Text Highlighting

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Text Highlight Color arrow

Word Wrapping

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 41

Date wrapping

Phone number wrapping

Nonbreaking hyphen

Nonbreaking space

Paragraph Formatting• Alignment• Indentation• Tab stops• Line spacing

• Pagination• Borders• Shading

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 42

Tab Selector Icon Type of Tab

Left tab

Center tab

Right tab

Decimal tab

Bar tab

Set Tabs

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 43

Tab selector

Tab position

Show or hide ruler





Leaders Characters

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 44

Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher

Leader characters

Dot leaders

Borders and Shading

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 45

Borders tab

Line style


Line color

Line width

Horizontal Line

Page Border tab

Borders and Shading (continued)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 46

Shading tab Preview

Fill color

Shading options

Bullets and Numbers

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 47

Bullets Numbering Multilevel ListLive Preview Define New Bullet


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Preset columns

Number of columnsSpacing between columns

Column width

Nonprinting Formatting Marks

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 49

Regular spaceNonbreaking spaceRegular hyphen

Nonbreaking hyphenEnd of paragraph Tab

Text Alignment

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 50

Paragraph Indents

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 51

Hanging indent

First line indent

Measurement for indent

Line and Paragraph Spacing

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 52

Line spacingParagraph spacing

Before the paragraph

After the paragraph

Widows and Orphans

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 53

Lines and Page Breaks tabWidow/Orphan Control

Keep with next

Keep lines together


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 54

Styles pane

Styles Dialog Box LauncherQuick Style More

Styles (continued)

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Show Preview

Style InspectorNew Style Manage Styles


Modify Styles

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Style name


Format specifications


Style Pane Options

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Styles to show

Outline View

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Paragraph expanded

Paragraph collapsed

Outline view controls

Graphical Objects

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Sizing handles

Original size graphic

Size group


Lock proportions

Text Wrapping

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Wrap Text

Picture Quick Styles

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Pictures Styles More arrow


Soft Edge Oval


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Cropping handles

Portion to discard Original photograph


Contrast and Brightness

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 64


Symbol gallery

More Symbols


• Typography gives your document a polished, professional look.

• Alignments, indentation, and line spacing make the document readable.

• Styles provide consistency.• Graphics enhance the document.

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 65


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 66


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 67

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

68Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.

Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010by Robert Grauer, Michelle Hulett, and Mary Anne Poatsy

Chapter 3Collaboration and Research

Objectives• Insert comments in a document• Track changes in a document• Acknowledge a source• Create and modify footnotes and


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 69

Objectives (continued)• Insert a Table of Contents and

Index• Add other reference tables• Create cross-references

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 70

Inserting Comments

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Markup balloon

Initials of reviewer

Reviewing Pane

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 72

Reviewing Pane

Reviewing Pane arrow Previous Next

Show Markup

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 73

Show Markup

Tracking Changes

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 74

Track Changes active

Reviewer’s name, date and time of revision

Changed lines

Markup balloonfor deletion

Accept Reject

Markup Views

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 75

Original: Show Markup selected

Deleted text Inserted text

Display for Review arrow

Customize Track Changes

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 76

Track Changes arrow

Acknowledging a Source

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 77

Insert Citation Type of Source

Fields for bibliography

Share and Search for Source

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 78

Master List Current List


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Writing Styles

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 80

Style arrowCommon writing styles

Footnotes and Endnotes

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 81

Footnote textFootnote number

Separator line

Footnotes and Endnotes

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 82

Footnotes & Endnotes Dialog Box Launcher

Table of Contents

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 83

Fancy Formal

Modern Simple


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 84

Fancy Formal

Modern Simple

85Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.

Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010by Robert Grauer, Michelle Hulett, and Mary Anne Poatsy

Chapter 4Document Productivity

Objectives• Insert a table• Format a table• Sort and apply formulas to table

data• Convert text to a table

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 86

Objectives (continued)• Select a main document• Select or create recipients• Insert merge fields• Merge a main document and data


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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 88




Insert a Table

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 89

Insert Table

Size in rows and columns

Select cells for table size

Select a Table

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 90

Table Move handle Design Layout

Insert and Delete

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 91

LayoutInsert commandsDelete

Merge and Split Cells

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 92

Merge Cells Split Cells


Change Height and Width

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 93

Wrapped data

Table Column Width

Table Row Width

Formatting a Table

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 94


Table Tools Design

Styles BordersShading

Live Preview

Table Position and Alignment

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 95


Table alignment options

Custom indent

Text wrapping options

Cell alignment options Text Direction Cell Margins

Sorting and Applying Formulas

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 96

Formula calculates total

Sorted by date

Calculate with Table Formulas

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 97



Formula to calculate total


Number format

Sort Data

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 98

Sorted in ascending order by date

Sorting Data (continued)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 99

Sort by list

Header row selected

Table data selected

Convert Text to Table

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 100

Table Number of columns

Mail Merge

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 101

Merge fields

Mail Merge (continued)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 102

Fields to merge

Mail Merge (continued)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 103

Selecting a Main Document

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 104


Categories of documents

Using the Wizard

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Selecting Recipients

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Header row

Create a Data Source

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 107

Customize Columns

New Entry

New record

Delete Entry

Editing a Data Source

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 108

Name of Data Source

Edit Recipient List


Using an Excel Worksheet

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 109

Select Recipients

Excel Files

Using an Access Database

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 110

Field names

Data in table format

Database Tables and Queries

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 111

Query results

Database table

Match Fields with Database

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 112

Match Fields

Fields in the recipient list

Database fields

Sorting and Filter Records

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 113



Remove check to omit recipient

Additional options

Sorting the Data Source

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 114

Available fields

Sort order Sort Records

Inserting Merge Fields

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 115

Merge field

Available fields in data source


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 116

Documents merged

Merged fields

Merging to E-mail

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 117

Finish & MergeSelect Recipients

Summary• Tables organize information, making

it easy to read and understand.• Mail merges save time and energy

when preparing personalized documents.

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 118


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 119


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 120

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

Figure Captions

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 121


Insert Caption

LabelChart selected

Table of Figures

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 122

Insert Table of Figures

Tab leader style


Table of Authorities

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 123


Mark the selected entry

Mark all entriesto the same casein document

Case denotedby braces

Mark Citation


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 124

Insertion point where page number will display Cross-reference

Reference type



Summary• Collaboration features enable you to

insert comments and track changes in a document.

• Tools, such as footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies, enable you to acknowledge sources.

• Supplemental document components assist readers in finding information.

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 125


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 126


Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 127

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.