Tyler Rapp Julie Hicks Visual Arts: Arts & Society September 18, 2015 Exploring Art Movements A. Cubism A. Dates: 1907-1914 B. Aesthetic Characteristics: A. Two-dimensional objects are a huge focus B. Multiple vantage points C. Subjects of pictures were easy to decipher D. Browns, grays, and blacks in abstract forms (during Analytic Cubism from 1910-1912) E. Not necessarily about nature, but more on geometry and shallow space C. Influences on the Movement: A. Louis Vauxcelles and Braque looked upon each other’s works of art; Vauxcelles saw Braque’s geometry in his art as cubes, which dubbed the name Cubism B. Paul Cezanne—an artist—who was featured in museums that Vauxcelles and Braque visited; Cezanne drew “solid landscapes” C. Sculptures made by those outside of Europe: a museum opened in Paris that featured unique art from around the world—mostly Africa and French Polynesia

Exploring Art Movements

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Exploring Art Movements

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Page 1: Exploring Art Movements

Tyler Rapp

Julie Hicks

Visual Arts: Arts & Society

September 18, 2015

Exploring Art Movements

A. Cubism

A. Dates: 1907-1914

B. Aesthetic Characteristics:

A. Two-dimensional objects are a huge focus

B. Multiple vantage points

C. Subjects of pictures were easy to decipher

D. Browns, grays, and blacks in abstract forms (during Analytic Cubism from


E. Not necessarily about nature, but more on geometry and shallow space

C. Influences on the Movement:

A. Louis Vauxcelles and Braque looked upon each other’s works of art; Vauxcelles saw

Braque’s geometry in his art as cubes, which dubbed the name Cubism

B. Paul Cezanne—an artist—who was featured in museums that Vauxcelles and Braque

visited; Cezanne drew “solid landscapes”

C. Sculptures made by those outside of Europe: a museum opened in Paris that featured

unique art from around the world—mostly Africa and French Polynesia

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D. In 1907, Picasso returned to Paris from abroad with a famous painting that marked

the beginnings of Cubism due to its distortions, many planes, etc.

E. In 1908, Braque made many landscape paintings that included shapes (such as cubes

and pyramids)

F. The relationship between Picasso and Braque sparked an initial startup of the

movement; they would regularly meet and performed art in similar fashions

G. Around this time was the beginning stages of World War I

D. Significant Artists—& Artists’ Works—of the Period:

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Georges Braque

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C. Louis Vauxcelles

E. Works Cited:

A. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/cube/hd_cube.htm

B. http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/cubism/influences

C. http://www.theartstory.org/movement-cubism.htm

D. http://www.pablopicasso.org/cubism.jsp

E. http://www.scarletcanvas.com/uploads/7/7/8/1/7781285/7689607_orig.jpg

F. http://www.mdc.edu/wolfson/academic/ArtsLetters/art_philosophy/Humanities/


B. Dada

A. Dates: 1916-1924

B. Aesthetic Characteristics:

A. Could be performance art, poetry, photos, sculptures, paintings, collages, etc.

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B. Included mockery of the nationalistic attitudes during the time period

C. Nature-like patterns that were multicultural; as opposed to the usual focus on a

specific culture/group

D. Not always very easy to interpret: this is done on purpose to allow viewers of Dada

art to take art in many ways

E. Metaphysical beginnings that was dubbed rebellious against society at the time

C. Influences on the Movement:

A. Initially began as a reaction to World War I

B. Nationalism

C. Rationalism

D. Other art movements: Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, Expressionism

E. Voltaire—a satirist from France—wrote a novella that included some of the initial

literary mockeries of the society at the time that was interpreted into art

F. The culture of the bourgeois was the “normal” way of life of the time—the approach

to opposing that turned into Dada art

G. Technological advancement was not super encouraged at the time; yet people began

to want the progression of society

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D. Significant Artists—& Artists’ Works—of the Period:

A. Hans Arp

B. Kurt Schwitters

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C. Tristan Tzara

E. Works Cited:

A. http://www.theartstory.org/movement-dada.htm

B. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Shirt_Front_and_Fork.JPG

C. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fc/DasUndbild.jpg

D. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Tzara_by_Tihanyi.jpg

C. Pop Art

A. Dates: Mid-1950s-early 1970s

B. Aesthetic Characteristics:

A. Sculptures of popular items in culture

B. Media starts portrayed in some aspect

C. Conveyed a sense of advertisements or cartoons

D. Connections between the soul and nature

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E. Displays a usual acceptance of the popular world

C. Influences on the Movement:

A. Media influences following post-World War II

B. Capital market uprising

C. Analogies between art and the goods produced in capital

D. In 1952, artists in London began to repeatedly meet about mass culture and whether

or not it “belonged” in art

E. Britain was still recovering as well from World War II, like the USA

F. The word “Pop” was defined in a letter from different authors

G. I Was a Rich Man’s Plaything—produced in 1947—marked the beginnings of Pop

Art because it portrayed a mixture of “popular” items (a girl, Coca-Cola, pie, World

War II material, a gun in a man’s hand, and the word “POP!”)

D. Significant Artists—& Artists’ Works—of the Period:

A. Andy Warhol

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B. Roy Lichtenstein

C. James Rosenquist

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E. Works Cited:

A. http://www.theartstory.org/movement-pop-art.htm

B. http://www.warhol.org/exhibitions/2012/15minuteseternal/en/img/art-


C. https://buthainadesigns.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/screen-shot-2013-04-13-


D. http://images.guggenheim-bilbao.es/src/uploads/2012/05/2004-Rosenquist-
