Explicit Dynamics Solutions

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  • 8/6/2019 Explicit Dynamics Solutions


    ANSYS Explicit Dynamics Solutions

    Base on rst princip es, ANSYS exp icit ynamics pro ucts so ve t e conservationequations o mass, momentum and energy using explicit time integration.ANSYS Explicit STR, ANSYS AUTODYN and ANSYS LS-DYNA solutionscollectively o er the ull range o capabilities needed to address complex explicitproblems.

    ANSYS Explicit STRANSYS Explicit STR so tware is the only structural program that is ully integratedinto a uni ed environment capable o incorporating a range o multiphysics

    solutions, including electrical, thermal, mechanical and computational fuiddynamics (CFD).

    The solution method used by ANSYS Explicit STR so tware is based on the robustand time-tested Lagrange solver o the ANSYS AUTODYN analysis program.

    Unifed EnvironmentANSYS Explicit STR technology enables users to complete their analysissigni cantly aster than with any other tool in the industry. Competition andeconomic conditions demand innovative, reliable products that can be designed,manu actured, tested and delivered to customers quickly. At the same time,manu acturing and material costs continually need to be reduced. ANSYSExplicit STR so tware operates within the ANSYS Workbench plat orm,which provides a seamless inter ace to CAD geometry or analysis, automatic

    meshing and parametric design optimization; users can leverage their expertisewithout needing to deal with arcane details o simulation methods. Used withinthe ANSYS Workbench plat orm, ANSYS Explicit STR so tware gives users thedistinct advantage o being able to complete their analyses quickly, allowingmanu acturers to get better quality products to market aster.

    ANSYS Explicit STR and the ANSYS Workbench EnvironmentANSYS Explicit STR so tware uses the same graphical user inter ace (GUI) as thewidely popular ANSYS Mechanical solver and all other analysis systems in theANSYS Workbench environment. This means that, or customers who have usedany o the ANSYS Workbench analysis systems, the learning curve or using anexplicit solution will be signi cantly reduced, urther enabling the use o thistechnology in a timely manner.

    Industry Solutions

    Sport equipment design

    Window closure mechanismCourtesy of MACO.

    Stability of a bottle

  • 8/6/2019 Explicit Dynamics Solutions


    ApplicationsThe ANSYS Explicit STR tool is well suited or solving: Drop tests, such as those found in electronics and consumer goods industries Low- to high-speed mpacts, such as those ound n industries from sporting

    goods to aerospace Highly nonlinear plastic buckling events that occur in many manufacturing

    processes or in the use o products Material degradation and failure, such as those seen in defense and

    homeland security Applications that equire breakable con ac , such as adhesives or spo welds

    o ten ound in electronics and automotive industries Structural problems involving complex contact and interactions

    Problem SetupA key bene t o ANSYS Explicit STR so tware is the workfow advantage ooperating within the ANSYS Workbench environment. While many di erentsimulation processes are possible, below is an example o the typical steps auser might take: Select materials to be used from he ANSYS Workbench ative Engineering

    Data library Generate geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler so tware or use the

    bidirectional, parametric connections to all major CAD systems to importgeometry into the ANSYS Workbench ramework

    The explicit preference option automatically selected by powerful ANSYS

    meshing solutions creates a mesh with reasonably uni orm element sizesthat is well suited or explicit analysis

    Automatically crea e par - o-par con ac with he body interactions tool Fine-tune contact speci cations if desired by utilizing breakable bonds to

    connect parts Load and/or support an assembly and/or parts as usual Solve interactively either in the background or via remo e solution

    manager (RSM) With a single mouse click, reproduce all of these steps if the CAD model is

    changed View progress of a solution in real time using the concurrent post-processing

    capability available in the ANSYS Workbench environment. Explore alternative design ideas via parametric changes to the CAD model or

    Industry Solutions

    Crimping of wiresCourtesy of TYCO Electronics.

    Pressurized water jet impacting adeformable wall

    Lifting lug under tension,impending failure

  • 8/6/2019 Explicit Dynamics Solutions


    ApplicationsANSYS AUTODYN so tware is ideal or solving: Hypervelocity impacts useful in space ehicle designs Oil ell perforations for enhanced extraction Rock drilling under ex reme conditions Meteorite, asteroid and comet impact analyses Aircraft-impact risk assessments for critical structures Blast loadings on structures Drop est simulations Characterizations of materials subjected o highly dynamic loadings

    Designs of protective armor Personnel carrier protection Explosive decommissioning of structures

    ANSYS AUTODYN so tware tightly integrates the pre-processing, post-processing and analysis modules or maximum productivity. The so twarecan be run in serial or parallel mode on the Microso t Windows operatingsystem as well as on Linux systems. Both shared-memory and distributed-cluster systems are supported.

    Compelling FeaturesANSYS AUTODYN so tware has been continually developed over the last 25years to naturally and e ectively handle the nonlinear behavior o fuids andstructures in an integrated ashion.

    A unique and power ul capability o the program is its ability to handle fuidstructure interaction (FSI) and sophisticated material models in the structureand fuid part o a problem.

    ANSYS AUTODYN capabilities exceed all other explicit programs because okey eatures that include: Integrate an coup e of uids, s ruc ures an materia s Multiple solvers, including those for structural analysis, uid ow, gas ow

    and SPH The ability to combine all solution methods in a single problem enabling

    the most accurate and e cient solution possible Finite element (FE) solver for structural analysis

    Industry Solutions

    Drop test of a bottle containing water

    Reinforced concrete beam withloading resulting in failure

    Projectile impacting and penetratingmultilayered armor

  • 8/6/2019 Explicit Dynamics Solutions


    ANSYS LS-DYNAANSYS LS-DYNA technology is the result o a collaborative e ort betweenANSYS, Inc., and Livermore So tware Technology Corp. (LSTC). Introduced in1996, the capabilities and robustness o ANSYS LS-DYNA so tware have helpedcustomers in numerous industries resolve highly intricate design issues. Thepower ul explicit solutions available in the LS-DYNA program have beenavailable to ANSYS Mechanical users rom within the ANSYS Parametric DesignLanguage (APDL) environment. The LS-DYNA solver is available within theANSYS Workbench plat orm with all o the compelling eatures, including CADinter aces and automatic meshing. Input les or LS-DYNA (.k les) can becreated using the same GUI that is o ered in the ANSYS Mechanical programand all other analysis programs rom ANSYS.

    Short duration, solid-to-solid dynamic events with medium to severe loadingsare well suited or the use o ANSYS LS-DYNA technology. Applications, such asimpact, blade containment, stamping and orming, present challenges that areideal or simulating with ANSYS LS-DYNA so tware.

    ANSYS LS-DYNA so tware supports both 2-D and 3-D explicit nite elementsand eatures a comprehensive set o single-sur ace, sur ace-to-sur ace and node-to-sur ace contacts including the automatic creation o contact on sur aces. Theso tware also o ers optional methods or ast solution processing. Symmetricmultiprocessing (SMP) and massively parallel processing (MMP) methods optimizethe per ormance o the program with the use o multiple CPUs and cores todeliver explicit simulation results in a raction o the time o a single CPU.

    The material library or ANSYS LS-DYNA so tware o ers constitutive materialmodels that range rom simple and computationally ast to more sophisticatedmodels or virtually all materials that may need to be modeled with an explicitsolver.

    ANSYS multiphysics solutions are available or customers using ANSYS Structural and ANSYS Mechanical solutions. The two solutions can becombined in the ANSYS APDL environment with ANSYS LS-DYNA so tware

    or problems that bene t rom both implicit and explicit solutions involvingpre-stressing and spring-back, such as stamping operations.

    T e ANSYS A vantageWith the unequalled depth and unparalleled breadth o engineering simulationsolutions, companies are trans orming their leading-edge design concepts intoinnovative products rom ANSYS and processes that work. Today, almost all othe top 100 industrial companies on the FORTUNE Global 500 invest inengineering simulation as a key strategy to win in a globally competitiveenvironment. They choose ANSYS as their simulation partner, deploying theworlds most comprehensive multiphysics solutions to solve their complexengineering challenges. The engineered scalability o solutions rom ANSYSdelivers the fexibility customers need, within an architecture that is adaptableto the processes and design systems o their choice. No wonder the worlds mostsuccess ul companies turn to ANSYS with a track record o 40 years as theindustry leader or the best in engineering simulation.

    Industry Solutions

    Land mine detonating under ageneric armored vehicle resulting in

    loading from blast and soil throw

    ANSYS, Inc.Southpointe275 Technology DriveCanonsburg, PA [email protected]

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    Shock absorber spring showingcomplex contact

    Pressure vessel containing a liquidbeing impacted