Experts to Make Presentations Twenty-eight men and women from ment in St. Louis. All are recognized sixteen states and the District of Co- authorities from local, state or federal lumbia will make the opening presenta- governments, industry, universities or tions at the 24 workshop sessions of the civic organizations. 7lst National Conference on Govern- (Continued on page 579)

Experts to make presentations

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Page 1: Experts to make presentations

Experts to Make Presentations Twenty-eight men and women from ment in St. Louis. All are recognized

sixteen states and the District of Co- authorities from local, state or federal lumbia will make the opening presenta- governments, industry, universities or tions at the 24 workshop sessions of the civic organizations. 7lst National Conference on Govern- (Continued on page 579)

Page 2: Experts to make presentations

To Make Presentations (Continued from page 525)

Each workshop will deal with a sub- ject reflecting the Conference theme, TIME OF CHANGE: TIME OF OPPOR- TUNITY. The sessions will be held at the Chase-Park Plaza Hotel, Monday through Wednesday, November 15-17.

Workshop chairmen all are members of the National Municipal League’s Council or of League committees. Panel members, also with a variety of back- grounds and viewpoints, will assure bal- anced discussions.

Those scheduled to make the presenta- tions are pictured here and on page 525.