M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Unit Size Points Giant River Troll Hag 5 2 2 6 5 6 2 Special 10 Monster 1 255 EQUIPMENT Gnarled Tree Stump, Net of Dead-things A Giant River Troll Hag may be taken as a Bound Monster in games of Storm of Magic, or as a Rare choice in an Orcs & Goblins army. SPECIAL RULES Large Target, Terror, Regeneration, Marsh Strider, River Strider, Scaly Skin (6+), Swamp Breath, Water Wise, Slimy Shanks & Giant River Troll Hag Special Attacks Swamp Breath: As River Trolls have the ability to vomit at will, a Giant River Troll Hag can spew forth a hideously foul mix of swamp gas, mud and bile upon her foes, her increased size and vileness making the attack all the more powerful. is is a Breath Weapon, with a Strength of 3, against which no armour saves are allowed. A unit that takes casualties due to this attack has its Leadership reduced by the number of casualties suffered the next time it takes a Panic test, aſter which it returns to normal. Water Wise: When more than 12" from a water feature of any type (including rivers, marshes, swamps, etc), the Giant River Troll Hag has the Stupidity special rule. If the test is failed, the Troll Hag moves not straight forwards as usual, but towards the nearest water feature. Slimy Shanks: e thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Enemies attempting to attack her in close combat suffer a -1 penalty to their To Hit rolls. is penalty is increased to -2 if the Troll Hag is in or within 12" of any type of water feature. Giant River Troll Hags are hateful and bitter creatures, far larger and more dangerous than their common kin and invested with an innate ability to shape the Winds of Magic as they stir the brackish waters in which they dwell. ey prey upon anything foolish enough to approach them and are oſten used as warnings to teach children not to wander too close to such places, Troll Hags savouring the flesh of children over that of all other creatures. e sight of a Giant River Troll Hag shambling om the water in pursuit of her prey is truly terrifying. Her massive bulk glistens with stinking swamp slime as she heſts a huge, crudely-wrought net stuffed full with entrapped food. Like other Trolls, Troll Hags have a voracious appetite, and will eat anything om the smallest tiddler, such as an indolent Halfling enjoying a post-brunch nap, to the most enormous whopper, and they have even been known to eat Unicorns when food is scarce. All manner of things are therefore to be found within their nets, including writhing bog-octopi, recently captured soldiers, gleaming treasures hauled om the deeps and other, entirely unidentifiable but inevitably rotten morsels. When the Winds of Magic blow especially strong, River Troll Hags have been known to answer the summons of wizards who would bind them to their will. Equally, Orcs sometimes lure them out of their lairs, using live Goblins on the ends of long fishing lines as bait to draw them out om the waters. With their bellies full, the Troll Hag can then be easily convinced to accompany a greenskin horde onto the field of battle, their fearsome nature, massive strength and their ability to cast all manner of curses and hexes upon their foes making them terrible enemies indeed. MAGIC Troll Hags are steeped in hateful magic absorbed over the ages into the stagnant mud in which they lurk. ey have an innate affinity for the magic of ‘dead-things’ and of laying spiteful curses upon those who walk in the dry places beneath the hated sun. ey are Level 1 Wizards and use the Lore of Death. Giant River Troll Hag Experimental Rules

Experimental Rules - kerlin.dekerlin.de/pic/oldhammer/GRTH.pdf · Giant River Troll Hag Special Attacks: A mass of slimy flesh, her movements ponderous and heavy, the Giant River

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Page 1: Experimental Rules - kerlin.dekerlin.de/pic/oldhammer/GRTH.pdf · Giant River Troll Hag Special Attacks: A mass of slimy flesh, her movements ponderous and heavy, the Giant River

M WS BS S T W I A Ld TroopType UnitSize PointsGiant River Troll Hag 5 2 2 6 5 6 2 Special 10 Monster 1 255

EQUIPMENTGnarled Tree Stump, Net of Dead-things

A Giant River Troll Hag may be taken as a Bound Monster in games of Storm of Magic, or as a Rare choice in an Orcs & Goblins army.

SPECIAL RULESLargeTarget,Terror,Regeneration,MarshStrider,RiverStrider,ScalySkin(6+),SwampBreath,WaterWise,SlimyShanks&GiantRiverTrollHagSpecialAttacks

SwampBreath: As River Trolls have the ability to vomit at will, a Giant River Troll Hag can spew forth a hideously foul mix of swamp gas, mud and bile upon her foes, her increased size and vileness making the attack all the more powerful. This is a Breath Weapon, with a Strength of 3, against which no armour saves are allowed. A unit that takes casualties due to this attack has its Leadership reduced by the number of casualties suffered the next time it takes a Panic test, after which it returns to normal.

WaterWise:When more than 12" from a water feature of any type (including rivers, marshes, swamps, etc), the Giant River Troll Hag has the Stupidity special rule. If the test is failed, the Troll Hag moves not straight forwards as usual, but towards the nearest water feature.

SlimyShanks: The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Enemies attempting to attack her in close combat suffer a -1 penalty to their To Hit rolls. This penalty is increased to -2 if the Troll Hag is in or within 12" of any type of water feature.

Giant River Troll Hags are hateful and bitter creatures, far larger and more dangerous than their common kin and invested with an innate ability to shape the Winds of Magic as they stir the brackish waters in which they dwell. They prey upon anything foolish enough to approach them and are often used as warnings to teach children not to wander too close to such places, Troll Hags savouring the flesh of children over that of all other creatures.

The sight of a Giant River Troll Hag shambling from the water in pursuit of her prey is truly terrifying. Her massive bulk glistens with stinking swamp slime as she hefts a huge, crudely-wrought net stuffed full with entrapped food. Like other Trolls, Troll Hags have a voracious appetite, and will eat anything from the smallest tiddler, such as an indolent Halfling enjoying a post-brunch nap, to the most enormous whopper, and they have even been known to eat Unicorns when food is scarce. All manner of things are therefore to be found within their nets, including writhing bog-octopi, recently captured soldiers, gleaming treasures hauled from the deeps and other, entirely unidentifiable but inevitably rotten morsels.

When the Winds of Magic blow especially strong, River Troll Hags have been known to answer the summons of wizards who would bind them to their will. Equally, Orcs sometimes lure them out of their lairs, using live Goblins on the ends of long fishing lines as bait to draw them out from the waters. With their bellies full, the Troll Hag can then be easily convinced to accompany a greenskin horde onto the field of battle, their fearsome nature, massive strength and their ability to cast all manner of curses and hexes upon their foes making them terrible enemies indeed.

MAGICTroll Hags are steeped in hateful magic absorbed over the ages into the stagnant mud in which they lurk. They have an innate affinity for the magic of ‘dead-things’ and of laying spiteful curses upon those who walk in the dry places beneath the hated sun. They are Level 1 Wizards and use the Lore of Death.

Giant River Troll HagExperimental Rules

Page 2: Experimental Rules - kerlin.dekerlin.de/pic/oldhammer/GRTH.pdf · Giant River Troll Hag Special Attacks: A mass of slimy flesh, her movements ponderous and heavy, the Giant River

GiantRiverTrollHagSpecialAttacks:A mass of slimy flesh, her movements ponderous and heavy, the Giant River Troll Hag does not fight in the same manner as other creatures. Rather she casts about, striking her foes mighty blows with her body or any crude implement she can grab hold of. To determine what a Giant River Troll Hag does in each Close Combat phase, pick a unit in base contact with her and roll a D6, applying the result shown on one of the following tables. Which table is used depends on the size of the victim. When fighting characters who are riding monsters, decide whether to attack the rider or mount before rolling on the table.

Smother:The Troll Hag throws her massive, slimy arms about her foe and drags it inexorably to her bosom, there to smother it in her hideous embrace. The target must make an Initiative test to avoid the attack. If it fails, the target takes no damage but may not make any attacks this game turn.

Mother:The Troll Hag takes it upon herself to chastise her foe as if it were a wayward offspring, treating it to a back-handed slap strong enough to stun a Wyvern. The target takes a single Strength 10 hit. If the target survives the attack, it must pass a Toughness test the next time it wishes to make any attacks in close combat in order to do so.

Mither:The Troll Hag bombards the target with a tirade of unintelligible trollish invective, powerful and relentless enough to cow even the most stoic of hearts. The target must pass a Leadership test, or have its WS reduced to 1 for the remainder of the game turn.

SuckoutitsMarrow:Twisting off a limb, the Troll Hag snaps the victim’s bones and takes a deep draft of the sweet marrow within. The target takes D6 Strength 5 hits. For every wound the target loses, the Troll Mother gains one, up to its starting number.

Pickupand…:The Giant River Troll Hag stoops down to grab hold of her terrified victim. The Troll Hag targets a single model in base contact of the controlling player’s choice, and the target must make a single attack to try to fend off her clumsy advances. If this attack causes an unsaved wound, the Troll Hag’s attack fails. Otherwise, the Troll Hag grabs hold of the model and her controlling player rolls a D6 to see what happens next:

D6 Result 1 StuffintoNet:The Troll Hag crams the victim into her net,

to be eaten (or worse) later on at her leisure. The model is removed as a casualty.

2 TossBack:The Troll Hag eyes the writhing morsel skeptically, before deciding to toss it back where it came from like a living missile. The victim is removed as a casualty and D6 Strength 3 hits are inflicted on its unit (saves are taken as normal).

3 SendPacking:The Troll Hag picks her victim up and hurls it towards the nearest body of water, there to serve in her watery lair as her slave for the rest of its mercifully short existence. Trace a line from the Troll Hag to the centre of the nearest water feature (such as a river, marsh or swamp), or if no such feature is present use a Scatter dice to determine a random point on the table edge. Every enemy unit the line passes over must make a Panic test as the screaming foe hurtles through the skies above them to its horrible fate. The model is then removed as a casualty.

4 Squish:The victim is squished to a pulp in the Troll Hag’s clammy grasp. The model is removed as a casualty.

5 Gobble:The Troll Hag stuffs her victim into her slobbering mouth, its muffled cries terminated with a hideous crunch. The model is removed as a casualty.

6 PickAnother:The Giant River Troll Hag stuffs her victim into her net to be consumed later. Treat the attack as if the Troll Hag had rolled the Stuff into Net result, see above, and then choose another victim. The second victim makes a single attack as usual to avoid being picked up – if it fails, roll again on this table to see what the Troll Hag does with it.

CrushwithStump:Enraged by her foe’s attacks, the Troll Hag swings her gnarled tree stump in a wide arc all about her. D6 models in base contact, whether friend or foe and regardless of which unit the player picked as the Troll Hag’s target, suffer a Strength 6 hit, starting at any point her controlling player wishes. Resolve these hits one at a time, working around the Troll Hag’s base model by model. Should the attack strike and fail to wound a type of model that qualifies as a ‘Whopper’ (see the Whopper table for details), the attack is halted and no more hits are inflicted this round.

GrinditsBones:The Troll Hag turns her beady eye upon a specific member of the enemy unit. The Troll Hag’s controlling player may choose a model in the unit, which must make an Initiative test to avoid the attack (no “Look Out Sir!” roll is possible). The model takes a single Strength 7 attack if the test is failed.

WhoppersTableUse this table when fighting Monsters, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots, War Machines and anything else with the Large Target special rule (except buildings), and characters riding any of the above.

D6 Result 1-2 Smother 3-4 Mother 5-6 Mither

TiddlersTableUse this table when fighting anything not covered by the Whoppers table.

D6 Result 1 Suck out its Marrow 2-3 Pick up and… 4-5 Crush with Stump 6 Grind its Bones