Spotlight on SEND appendix Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms and service provision in Newcastle upon Tyne

Experiences of special educational needs and disability ... · Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) ... Newcastle SEND Parent Carer Forum ― especially

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Page 1: Experiences of special educational needs and disability ... · Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) ... Newcastle SEND Parent Carer Forum ― especially

Spotlight on SEND appendix Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms and service provision in Newcastle upon Tyne

Page 2: Experiences of special educational needs and disability ... · Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) ... Newcastle SEND Parent Carer Forum ― especially


1. List of interviews (May to September 2016) ...................................... 1

2. SEND questionnaire for parents/carers ........................................... 2

3. SEND questionnaire for 16—25 year olds ......................................... 10

4. Results: SEND questionnaire for parents/carers ................................ 14

5. Results: SEND questionnaire for 16—25 year olds .............................. 24

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1. List of interviews (May to September 2016)Voluntary and community organisations Contact a Family ― Jacqui Adams, North East & Cumbria Development Manager Newcastle SEND Parent Carer Forum ― especially Sharon Hand, Parent Development Officer Northeast Special Needs Network ― Siobhan O'Neil, Chief Executive plus case worker team Pass it on Parents ― Lucy Liu, Family Support Worker; Jillian Allan, Family Support Worker Skills for People ― Nick Ball, Deputy Chief Executive; Kathy Steele, Independent Support Coordinator

Newcastle City Council Ann Graham, Connexions LLDD Coordinator Judith Lane, SEND Information Advice and Support Service Martin Donkin, Social Work Senior Practitioner (Personalisation Children with Disabilities) Paul Connelly, Transitional Worker Philip Morris, Acting Head of SEN Assessment, Provision and Review Service Sophie Stallworthy, Business Improvement Project Manager

Newcastle and Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group David Jones, Clinical Director Julie Young, Joint Commissioning Manager (Children’s) Sharon Simpson, Joint Commissioning Manager (Children’s) ― Julie Young’s predecessor

NHS Dominic Slowie, National Learning Difficulties Director

Schools Benfield School ― Maria Irving, Deputy Head teacher Hadrian School ― Chris Rollings, Head Teacher; Marian Stokle, Deputy Head Teacher Kenton School ― Andy Clark, Vice Principal; Alyson Barrett, Assistant Principal Sir Charles Parsons School ― Karen Hamilton, Head Teacher Thomas Bewick School ― Diane Scott, Head Teacher

Others Roots and Wings ― Alan Ramsay Sportworks ― Neil Cameron Ifte Khan

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2. SEND questionnaire for parents/carers

1. How old is your child? 0—4 years 5—11 years 12—16 years 17—19 years 20—25 years

2. Which school or college does your child attend?

3. Does your child have an EHC plan or a statement?

EHC plan


If your child currently has a statement, please go to section 4 on page 4

4. If your child has an EHC plan now, did he or she have a statement before?



5. When did your child transfer across from a statement to an EHC plan?




Section 1: General information

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6. During the period of developing the EHC plan for your child… Yes Partly No

a. Did someone explain the aims of the EHC plan?

b. Was the overall process of assessing, planning, drafting and finalising the EHC plan explained to you?

c. Were you allocated a SEN Case Worker?

d. Was the SEN Case Worker role in coordinating the EHC process explained and understood by you?

e. Was there good communication with the SEN Case Worker during the process?

f. Were your views sufficiently taken into account?

g. Did you or your child get the opportunity to fill in section A of

the plan (section A includes ‘My profile’)?

h. Were you informed that you could get impartial support from an Independent Support Worker?

i. Was it explained that you need to agree to the EHC plan

before it is finalised?

j. Did you attend a planning meeting or transfer review meeting?

If you attended, how do you rate the planning meetings or transfer review meeting that was held during the process?

Very satisfied


Neither satisfied or dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied

7. Do you have any suggestions to improve the process for producing the EHC plan?

Section 2: What is your experience of producing and moving to the EHC plan?

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8. About your EHC plan document:

Yes Partly No a. Is it written in a way that is easy to understand?

b. Does it provide enough information to explain

your child’s aspirations?

c. Does it provide an accurate picture of your child’s support needs?

d. Does it sufficiently plan for the short, medium and long term goals of your child?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, do you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve them?

Section 3: What do you think of the EHC plan document itself?

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9. Overall how would you rate the following?

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neither satisfied or dissatisfied

Satisfied Very satisfied NA

Service your child receives at your GP practice

Services your child receives at the hospital

Mental health services (CYPS)


Occupational therapy (OT)

Speech and language therapy (SALT)

The continence service

Your social worker

Short breaks (respite care)

Council-provided social activities (Get Connected)

Other (please say)

Other (please say)

Do you have comments to make about any of the services, or about other services not mentioned above?

Section 4: Tell us about the health and social care services your child receives?

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10. What are your main concerns when your child leaves education or training? Please tick one box on each row

Low concern High concern

a. Finding employment

b. Living independently

c. Being involved in the community

d. Transferring to adult health services

Please share any other concerns you have

11. Do you feel that the EHC plan addresses the following?

Please tick one box on each row Disagree Agree

a. Finding employment

b. Living independently

c. Being involved in the community

d. Transferring to adult health services

12. What support would you most like your child to receive to help prepare for leaving education or training?

Section 5: Your views on preparing for adulthood

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13. Please use up to three separate words to describe your current experience of an EHC

plan or statement Word 1

Word 2

Word 3

14. Have all the support services outlined in your child’s EHC plan or statement been provided? Yes No

If not, please state which services have not been provided

15. What has been the upside about having an EHC plan or statement? 16. What has been the downside about having an EHC plan or statement?

17. What has been the impact on your child having an EHC plan or statement?

Please tick one box on the scale Very negative No change Very positive

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Please explain why

18. Compared to having a statement, how do you rate having an EHC plan?

Please tick one box on the scale Very negative No change Very positive

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Section 6: What is your overall experience of the EHC plan or statement?

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Please explain why

19. What is your experience of the following? Please tick one box on each row

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neither satisfied or dissatisfied

Satisfied Very satisfied NA

Professionals working in a well-coordinated way

Communication about the EHC plan process

Communication about the purpose of the Funding Panel and how decisions are made

Communication during the EHC plan process

Attendance of professionals at the EHC plan meetings (multi-agency, planning or transfer review meeting)

Professionals taking the aims and aspirations of the child and the parents/carers into consideration

Waiting times for services

The plan has enough detail and planning for my child as they grow up and become an adult

Enough flexibility on a support package tailored to my child’s needs

20. What improvements in services do you want to see made which will help your child?

21. Overall do you feel that your child is receiving the support they need in…

Please tick one box on each row Yes Partly No



Social care

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22. Is there anything else you would like to say that hasn’t been covered in this questionnaire?

Would you like to share more? We can call you for a short phone conversation to hear more about the issues you face. If this is of interest please provide your contact details and what time of day is best for a call.

Prize draw If you would like to be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Intu shopping voucher please provide your full name and email address or phone number. The winner will be announced shortly after 30 November 2016.

Join our mailing list If you would like to keep up-to-date with our work please provide your email or postal address.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire

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3. SEND questionnaire for 16—25 year olds 1. How old are you?

16—18 years 19—25 years

2. What school or college do you go to?

3. Do you have an EHC plan or a statement?

EHC plan Statement

4. Were you involved in putting together your EHC plan or statement?

Yes No

5. Do you feel that you were listened to when your EHC plan or statement was made? Please tick one face

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6. What are your main concerns as you become an adult? Please tick one box on each row

Low OK High concern concern

Finding work

Getting your own home

Making your own decisions

Making friends

Having a good social life

Making sure I stay healthy

Other – please say what it is

7. Do you feel that your EHC plan or statement helps with these concerns? Please tick one face

8. Do you feel you need any extra help or support?

Yes No

If ‘yes’ please say what you need

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10. Who would you go to if you needed any extra help or support? Please tick all the boxes that apply

Social worker

Connexions advisor

GP (doctor)


Youth worker


Other – please tell us who

11. How satisfied are you with the support you receive from your…

Please tick one face from each section


Hospital care

Social services

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13. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Would you like to share more? Healthwatch Newcastle can call you for a short phone conversation to hear more about the issues you face. If this is of interest to you please leave your contact details below and what time of day is best for a call.

Prize draw Everyone who completes this survey can be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Intu shopping voucher. The winner will be announced shortly after 15 November 2016. If you would like to take part please provide your full name and email address or phone number.

Join our mailing list If you would like to be added to our mailing list and keep up-to-date with our work please provide your email or postal address.

Thank you for completing this survey

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4. Results: SEND questionnaire for parents/carers

1. How old is your child?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

0—4 years 9.4% 19 5—11 years 40.1% 80 12—16 years 34.2% 69 17—19 years 13.9% 28 20—25 years 2.5% 5

answered question 201 skipped question 0

2. Which school or college does your child attend?

answered question 200 skipped question 1

School or college Number School or college Number Barbara Priestman Academy 1 Otterburn First School 1 Barnsley College 1 Oversands School 1 Benfield School 2 Park view School 2 Benton Park 1 Percy Hedley School 18 Broadwood Primary School 1 Ponteland High School 2 Byker Primary School 1 Priory SEN School Hexham 1 Central Walker C of E Primary School

1 Ravenswood Primary School 2

Christ Church Primary School 1 Real Choice College Consett 1 Collingwood Media Arts College 1 Regent farm first School 1 Cragside Primary School 1 Richard Coates School 1 Dilston College 2 Silverdale School 1 Durham School 1 Sir Charles Parsons School 19 E.S.P.A College 1 South Gosforth First School 1 Excelsior Academy 2 St Bartholomew’s Primary

School 1

Furrowfield School 1 St Charles RC Primary School 2 Gateshead College 4 St Cuthberts Catholic High

School 1

Gosforth Academy 3 St Mary's Catholic School 2 Graingefield Academy Stockton on Tees

1 Stockfield Avenue Primary School


Hadrian School 27 The Grange Learning Centre 1 Hawthorn Primary School 1 Thomas Bewick School 33 Heaton Manor School 3 Thornholme School 1 Hilhop Academy 1 Toral training, Hartlepool 1 Hilton Primary School 2 Trinity Oakfield Academy 8 Hotspur Primary School 1 Tyne Metropolitan College 1 Kenton High School 3 Tyneview School 1 Kingston Park Primary School 1 Walbottle Campus 6 Kirkley Hall Lodge 2 West Denton Primary School 1 Longbenton Community College 1 Westerhope primary School 1 Newcastle College 4 Westfield School 2 North Fawdon primary School 1 Westgate College 3 Northern Counties School 4 Welbeck Academy 1 Oakfield School 1 None 3

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3. Does your child have an EHC plan or a statement?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

EHC plan 76.4% 151 Statement 23.6% 47

answered question 198 skipped question 3

4. If your child has an EHC plan now, did he or she have a statement before?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 50.0% 99 No 24.2% 48 Not applicable 25.8% 51

answered question 198 skipped question 3

5. When did you child transfer across from a statement to an EHC plan?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

2014 9.6% 19 2015 24.4% 48 2016 23.4% 46 Not applicable 42.6% 84

answered question 197 skipped question 4

6. During the period of developing the EHC plan for your child…

Answer options Yes Partly No Response Count

Did someone explain the aims of the EHC plan? 102 30 11 143 Was the overall process of assessing, planning, drafting and finalising the EHC plan explained to you? 93 40 11 144

Were you allocated a SEN Case Worker? 95 14 36 145 Was the SEN Case Worker role in coordinating the EHC process explained and understood by you? 73 33 27 133

Was there good communication with the SEN Case Worker during the process? 71 28 34 133

Were your views sufficiently taken into account? 101 24 13 138 Did you or your child get the opportunity to fill in section A of the plan (section A includes ‘My profile’)? 105 14 17 136

Were you informed that you could get impartial support from an Independent Support Worker? 72 26 41 139

Was it explained that you need to agree to the EHC plan before it is finalised? 116 9 13 138

Did you attend a planning meeting or transfer review meeting? 112 7 15 134

answered question 145 skipped question 56

7. Do you have any suggestions to improve the process for producing the EHC plan?

answered question 49 skipped question 152

Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report

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8. About your EHC plan document:

Answer options Yes Partly No Response Count

Is it written in a way that is easy to understand? 110 26 6 142 Does it provide enough information to explain your child’s aspirations? 102 30 10 142

Does it provide an accurate picture of your child’s support needs? 97 34 11 141

Does it sufficiently plan for the short, medium and long term goals of your child? 88 40 12 140

If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, do you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve them? * 23

answered question 142 skipped question 59

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report 9. Overall how would you rate the following?

Answer options Very dis- satisfied


Neither satisfied or dissatisfied

Satisfied Very satisfied

Not applicable

Response Count

Service your child receives at your GP practice 6 12 53 68 42 10 191

Services your child receives at the hospital 7 6 28 61 55 34 191

Mental health services (CYPS) 9 12 19 20 19 104 182 Physiotherapy 2 9 18 29 13 111 181 Occupational therapy (OT) 6 11 16 34 22 89 178 Speech and language therapy (SALT) 10 15 26 42 35 55 183 The continence service 5 4 15 22 14 123 183 Your social worker 9 3 17 24 32 97 182 Short breaks (respite care) 4 10 7 9 14 133 177 Council-provided social activities (Get Connected) 12 12 19 18 8 107 176

Other (please state below) 3 0 4 1 10 30 48 Other (please state below) 1 0 2 1 1 32 37 Do you have comments to make about any of the services, or about other services not mentioned above? * 66

answered question 191 skipped question 10

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report 10. What are your main concerns when your child leaves education or training?

(Please tick one box on each row)

Answer options Low concern

Little concern

Some concern

Medium concern

High concern

Response Count

Finding employment 27 6 11 25 118 186 Living independently 12 2 23 30 121 187 Being involved in the community 19 4 29 23 114 188 Transferring to adult health services 19 9 32 18 109 187 Please share any other concerns you have 45

answered question 193 skipped question 8

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11. Do you feel that the EHC plan addresses the following? (Please tick one box on each row)

Answer options Strongly disagree Disagree

Neither agree or disagree

Agree Strongly agree

Response Count

Finding employment 35 24 56 16 15 146

Living independently 28 28 52 18 19 145 Being involved in the community 25 23 61 19 18 146

Transferring to adult health services 33 19 57 17 17 143 answered question 149

skipped question 52 12. What support would you most like your child to receive to help prepare for leaving

education or training? answered question 102

skipped question 99

Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report 13. Please use up to three separate words to describe your current experience of an EHC

plan or statement

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Word 1 99.3% 150 Word 2 86.8% 131 Word 3 74.2% 112

answered question 151 skipped question 50

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Word 1

Timetaken Worrying Ok Vague Helpful Happy Feasible Nodifference Wordy Good Helpful Confusing Delayed Generic Good No change Helpful Helpful Ok Good No understanding Good Confidential refreshing Ok Not practical Stressful Good Thorough Non existent Only paper Happy Satisfied Ok Confident Not practical Complicated Relevant Concise Helpful Not practical Supportive Unclear Understand Complicated Not practical Worried Happy Straightforward Support No change Ok Prolonged Disappointing Supportive Disappointed Satisfied Lengthy Documentedneeds General No practical Satisfied Progress Long Long Don’t understand Good work Straightforward Uneducated Difficult Brilliant Good Supportive Fair Emotional Too Stressful Repetitive Informative Difficult collaborative Overhauled Help Useful Adequate Outdated Positive Clear Satisfied Thorough necessary Disrespectful Repetitive Positive waste worried Difficult prolonged Problems Efficient Good Complex confidential Thorough Stressful Frustrating Detailed generic Lengthy Organised Headache Good fair Time consuming Comfortable Fight Happy sufficient Learning Excellent positive Understandable good Helpful Stressful Aim Timeittakes essential Information ok Excellent Essential Battle Informative Pointless School Positive good Weak Horrendous Good Informative Useful Understandable Unsupported Good Clear Involved Security Helpful

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Word 2

Communication Clear understandable Comprehensive Directional Helpful Structured Partnership Notsure Supported Confusing Excellent Updated Informative Understanding Noaction Know-things Confusing Good Worktowards Goodwords Satisfied Irrelevant Coordinated Long No understanding Disenfranchised Pointless Help Applicable Direction Trustworthy Helpful Appropriate Mind-numbing Non understanding Targets achievable Uncertain Supportive Helpful Functional Together Helpful Complicated Non understanding Drawn-out Helpful Disintegrated Content Noaction Scary Organised Great Not bad Paper Understanding Unsupportive Detailed Stressful Nounderstanding Suitable Helpful Informative Good Unclear Reassuring Complex Lengthy Clear Well planned Support Nonunderstanding Support Inaccurate Vague Pointless Long-winded Concise Considerate underfunded Detailed Informative Pitched-low Considerate Comprehensive Stress-free Very happy disintegrated Agree helpful Verygood Professional informative Support understanding Emotional Access pointless Shortterm Helpful Unfollowed Timely professional Statement Reassuring Stressful Worthwhile adequate Good History Stressful Communication satisfied Flawed Frustrating Clarity Detailed school based Nosupport supportive Informative Unenforceable Necessary Unclear Useful Structured Up to date Fair Useless

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Word 3

Unsettling Useless Laborious Support Efficient Useful Involved Wasteoftime Inclusive Important Waiting Verygood Confused Confuse Satisfied No help N/A Bureaucracy Supportive improvement Only paper Invisible Needed Effort Helpful Paper Reliable realistic Information Helpful Paper Involved Good Beneficial Satisfied Waiting Hadtorush Documented Open Advice Appropriate Stressful Helpful Effective Complicated Onlypaper Helpful ineffective Rea Communication Organised Supportive Informative Happy Biased Future Complicated Fair Unsure Stressful improvement time Unknown effort Difficult Lacking On-time Necessary co-ordinated Ignored grateful Frustrating Practical bureaucracy Determined helped Good Understanding communication Helpful Understanding Better Change appropriate Explained well Hard Timely Needed paper-based Holistic nurturing Unregulated Necessary Adequate Notbad Focused Unclear Hearing helpful Supportive Appropriate Inadequate Support Planning Informative Targets Confusing Good Frustrating Understanding Necessary

14. Have all the support services outlined in your child’s EHC plan or statement been


Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 75.0% 117 No 25.0% 39 If no, please state which services have not been provided * 38

answered question 156 skipped question 45

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report 15. What has been the upside about having an EHC plan or statement?

answered question 137 skipped question 64

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report 16. What has been the downside about having an EHC plan or statement?

answered question 106 skipped question 95

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report

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17. What has been the impact on your child having an EHC plan or statement? (Please tick one box on the scale)

Answer options 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Response Count

Impact 1 0 2 0 0 52 23 19 21 15 34 167 Please explain why 101

answered question 166 skipped question 35

18. Compared to having a statement, how do you rate having an EHC plan?

(Please tick one box on the scale)

Answer options Very Negative No

change Very Positive

Response Count

EHC plan 1 0 2 0 2 43 10 10 12 9 6 95 Please explain why 74

answered question 95 skipped question 106

19. What is your experience of the following? (Please tick one box on each row)

Answer options Very



Neither satisfied or dissatisfied


Very satis-fied

Not applicable

Response Count

Professionals working in a well-coordinated way 9 20 34 63 35 7 167

Communication about the EHC plan process 9 20 40 57 29 15 168

Communication about the purpose of the Funding Panel and how decisions are made

19 28 38 37 17 24 162

Communication during the EHC plan process 7 24 26 64 26 20 165

Attendance of professionals at the EHC plan meetings (multi-agency, planning or transfer review meeting)

12 19 27 59 32 18 166

Professionals taking the aims and aspirations of the child and the parents/carer into consideration

12 16 31 59 39 10 166

Waiting times for services 22 32 39 41 17 15 165 The plan has enough detail and planning for my child as they grow up and become an adult

14 24 39 48 25 16 165

Enough flexibility on a support package tailored to my child’s needs

12 18 41 46 32 18 165

answered question 170 skipped question 31

20. What improvements in services do you want to see made which will help your child?

answered question 88 skipped question 113

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report

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21. Overall do you feel that your child is receiving the support they need in…

(Please tick one box on each row)

Answer options Yes Partly No Response Count

Education 123 34 13 170 Health 103 49 16 168 Social Care 73 50 35 158

answered question 170 skipped question 31

22. Is there anything else you would like to say that hasn’t been covered in this

questionnaire? answered question 39

skipped question 162 Monitoring information What is the first part of your postcode? Respondents 136

Postcode area Number Proportion (%) NE2 4 2.9 NE3 27 19.9 NE4 18 13.2 NE5 12 8.8 NE6 25 18.4 NE7 14 10.3 NE9 1 0.7 NE13 6 4.4 NE15 22 16.2 Non NE 7 5.1%

What is your gender?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Female 81.9% 127 Male 18.1% 28 Transgender 0.0% 0

answered question 155 skipped question 46

What is your age?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Under 16 9.2% 14* 16 - 19 1.3% 2 20 - 49 67.1% 102 50 - 59 18.4% 28 60+ 3.9% 6

answered question 152 skipped question 49

* This high figure of parent/carers under 16 years we assume is an error, assuming that some parents have used their child’s age, rather than their own.

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Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 11.6% 18 No 88.4% 137

answered question 155 skipped question 46

Are you a carer?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 83.1% 123 No 16.9% 25

answered question 148 skipped question 53

Are you…?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

A student or in full-time education 12.5% 18 Employed or self-employed 47.2% 68 Not in paid employment 38.2% 55 Retired 2.1% 3

answered question 144 skipped question 57

Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Heterosexual – straight 96.4% 133 Bisexual 1.4% 2 Gay man 0.0% 0 Gay woman – lesbian 0.0% 0 Other 2.2% 3

answered question 138 skipped question 63

What is your ethnicity?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Arab 1.9% 3 Asian or Asian British- Bangladeshi 1.9% 3 Asian or Asian British – Chinese 5.8% 9 Asian or Asian British – Pakistani 3.2% 5 Asian or Asian British – Indian 0.6% 1 Asian or Asian British – other 2.6% 4 Black or Black British – African 0.6% 1 Black or Black British – Caribbean 0.0% 0 Black – other 0.0% 0

White – British 78.1% 121 White and Asian 0.6% 1 White and Black African 0.6% 1 White and Black Caribbean 0.0% 0 White – other 3.9% 6

answered question 155 skipped question 46

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5. Results: SEND questionnaire for 16—25 year olds

1. How old are you?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

16-18 years 58.8% 30 19-25 years 41.2% 21

answered question 51 skipped question 0

2. What school or college do you go to?

School or college name Number Dilston College 1 E.S.P.A College Sunderland 1 Gateshead College 5 Kenton School 1 Newcastle College 15 Percy Hedley 3 Sir Charles Parsons 5 Thomas Bewick 1 Trinity College 2 Tyne Metropolitan College 1 Westgate College 9 Walbottle Campus 1 None 6

3. Do you have an EHC plan or a statement?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

EHC plan 84.0% 42 Statement 18.0% 9

answered question 51 skipped question 0

4. Were you involved in putting together your EHC plan or statement?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 74.0% 37 No 26.0% 13

answered question 50 skipped question 1

5. Do you feel that you were listened to when your EHC plan or statement was made?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Strongly disagree 6.0% 3 Disagree 2.0% 1 Neither agree or disagree 20.0% 10 Agree 46.0% 23 Strongly agree 26.0% 13

answered question 50 skipped question 1

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6. What are your main concerns as you become an adult? (Please tick one face from each row)

Answer options Low concern

Little concern

Some concern

Medium concern

High concern

Response Count

Finding work 8 6 11 6 20 51

Getting your own home 12 8 15 1 15 51

Making your own decisions 6 6 15 10 14 50

Making friends 13 3 12 8 14 50

Having a good social life 9 6 16 3 17 51

Making sure I stay healthy 9 9 15 4 13 50 Other - Please say what it is 8

answered question 51 skipped question 0

7. Do you feel that your EHC plan or statement helps with these concerns?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Strongly disagree 14.6% 7 Disagree 6.3% 3

Neither agree or disagree 29.2% 14 Agree 37.5% 18 Strongly agree 12.5% 6

answered question 48 skipped question 3

8. Do you feel you need any extra help or support?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 46.0% 23 No 54.0% 27 If "yes" please say what you need * 23

answered question 50 skipped question 1

* Open question — see results collated by theme in the ‘Spotlight on SEND’ report 10. Who would you go to if you needed any extra help or support?

(Please tick all boxes that apply)

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Social worker 21.6% 11 Connexions advisor 25.5% 13 GP (doctor) 19.6% 10 Parents 86.3% 44 Youth worker 19.6% 10 Friend 33.3% 17 Other 11.8% 6 Other - please tell us who 13

answered question 51 skipped question 0

Page 28: Experiences of special educational needs and disability ... · Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) ... Newcastle SEND Parent Carer Forum ― especially


11. How satisfied are you with the support you receive from your… (Please tick one face from each row)

Answer options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neither satisfied or dissatisfied

Satisfied Very satisfied

Response Count

GP 7 5 17 11 10 50 Hospital care 6 6 13 11 9 45 Social services 5 10 10 9 4 38

answered question 50 skipped question 1

13. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

answered question 12

Monitoring information What is the first part of your postcode? Respondents 27

Postcode area Number Proportion (%) NE2 1 3.7 NE3 3 11.1 NE4 5 18.5 NE5 5 18.5 NE6 7 25.9 NE7 0 0 NE9 0 0 NE13 1 3.7 NE15 5 18.5 Non NE 0 0

What is your gender?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Male 72.1% 31 Female 27.9% 12 Transgender 0.0% 0

answered question 43 skipped question 8

Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

Heterosexual – straight 95.1% 39 Bisexual 4.9% 2 Gay man 0.0% 0 Gay woman – lesbian 0.0% 0 Other 0.0% 0

answered question 41 skipped question 10

Page 29: Experiences of special educational needs and disability ... · Experiences of special educational needs and disability (SEND) ... Newcastle SEND Parent Carer Forum ― especially


What is your ethnicity?

Answer options Response Percent

Response Count

White- British 85.7% 36 White- Irish 2.4% 1 Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0.0% 0 Any other White background 0.0% 0 Asian or Asian British- Indian 0.0% 0 Asian or Asian British- Pakistani 2.4% 1 Asian or Asian British- Bangladeshi 7.1% 3 Asian or Asian British- Chinese 0.0% 0 Any other Asian background 0.0% 0 Mixed- White and Black Caribbean 0.0% 0 Mixed- White and Black African 0.0% 0 Mixed0 White and Asian 0.0% 0 Any other mixed background 0.0% 0 Black or Black British- Caribbean 0.0% 0 Black or Black British African 2.4% 1 Any other Black background 0.0% 0 Other ethnic groups- Arab 0.0% 0 Any other ethnic group (please say) 1

answered question 43 skipped question 8