EXPERIENCES DURING THE TOUR “The tour was a blast”, my status that caught the eye of many because they don’t expect it was that amazing. The first stop was in Profood Incorporation. The sun above us never put off the excitement as we will see an actual process and manual procedure on how to produce that food snack that we usually crave. The adventure initially started to raw materials storage department, wherein we saw a bulk of empty cans, empty barrels, and empty boxes. These empty cans are used for the finished product, like the Puree and other canned juices. Empty barrels are used for the storage of dried fruits came to be used in the further production. We saw a number of barrels piled up. The place of course must preserve the food to prevent it from toxic chemicals available somewhere else. The empty boxes are used to pack the finished products for export or for delivery to the major clients. After the storage department, we went to the production department wherein we saw a number of laborers who has specialized work like slicing, sorting, peeling, pasteurizing and drying the fruits preparing for further processing. We are also able to visit that cool place where the goods in process were. The workers there are checking for the defective or spoiled goods, classifying dried mangoes for packing and x-ray. In addition, we visited where the fruits from main suppliers are stored. Of course, the unripe fruits are classified from the ripened one and the other kind from the other. Furthermore, the manufacturing area of Pro food was very vast and it has the biggest manufacturing company in Cebu. It was such indeed a zero waste production because we saw in the gallery area, how they mold the seeds of the mangoes into durable yet amazing furniture.

Experiences During the Tour

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EXPERIENCES DURING THE TOURThe tour was a blast, my status that caught the eye of many because they dont expect it was that amazing.The first stop was in Profood Incorporation. The sun above us never put off the excitement as we will see an actual process and manual procedure on how to produce that food snack that we usually crave.The adventure initially started to raw materials storage department, wherein we saw a bulk of empty cans, empty barrels, and empty boxes. These empty cans are used for the finished product, like the Puree and other canned juices. Empty barrels are used for the storage of dried fruits came to be used in the further production. We saw a number of barrels piled up. The place of course must preserve the food to prevent it from toxic chemicals available somewhere else. The empty boxes are used to pack the finished products for export or for delivery to the major clients. After the storage department, we went to the production department wherein we saw a number of laborers who has specialized work like slicing, sorting, peeling, pasteurizing and drying the fruits preparing for further processing. We are also able to visit that cool place where the goods in process were. The workers there are checking for the defective or spoiled goods, classifying dried mangoes for packing and x-ray. In addition, we visited where the fruits from main suppliers are stored. Of course, the unripe fruits are classified from the ripened one and the other kind from the other.Furthermore, the manufacturing area of Pro food was very vast and it has the biggest manufacturing company in Cebu. It was such indeed a zero waste production because we saw in the gallery area, how they mold the seeds of the mangoes into durable yet amazing furniture.Moreover, the food company visit will not satisfy our craving for these delicious delicacies the Philippine has. We visited the main store or the food mart wherein different products are displayed. Not only the foods but also other products like, t-shirts, bracelets, furniture, utensils and more. Definitely, the tour was never been a perfect experience if you cant taste their products. We were given sample food products by them and it was really delicious and I wanted to eat some more. After the first blast, we went to Green Coil Corporation. I dont think the place was environmental friendly and safe to our health because as I breathe in from the raw materials storage department, it was breath-taking and I got dizzy. But then, I saw many powder thingy scattered all around the floor and it was not properly stored. The ceiling has many holes that could possibly wash off the sacks of powder to a useless thing. As we move forward, machines and workers are around. We witnessed how the coils are made. From the mixing, to kneading, stamping, drying and packing, majority of the process was manual. During peak season, they are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 30 days a month, except if it is a holiday. As we went further, we notice a huge oven-like with a train rails that caught my attention it was then the dryer in which, they let the stamped galaxy-shaped coil to dry in a period of 5 hours. Finally, the last stop was in Universal Feed Mill. The place was incredible and we are able to see the huge machinery that automatically produces feed mills. First, we went to the raw materials storage area wherein, the main raw materials are yellow corn. The storage area was full of bulky sacks of corn and other ingredients yet it is clean and health friendly. After the storage area was the part where the raw materials are issued to production we took place. It is where the yellow corn are poured out, hearing the grinding sounds in breaking the corn into pieces and classifying it in accordance how the operator sets the automated machine. We then went to the area where we saw how really the production flows. We went to the computer operation area wherein you can see the computerized process, procedure and how well the production going. Subsequently, we then go to the main plant, we saw the raw materials crushed into pieces, they are pulverize, drudged and crushed up according to the desired size. We traced where these goods are going but then we are down to last process which is packing. Packing is where the sacks are filled with 50 kilograms of pellets according to its kind or sizes. The putting of the sacks in the machine is manual but the machine will automatically fill the sacks approximately 50 kilograms. According to the production supervisor, oftentimes, the 50 kilograms weight sometimes cannot be achieve that why they weight the sacks again manually to ensure the quality they give to the customers. LEARNING IN THE COMPANY VISITEDI learned many things from the companies were visited. First was in Pro food, I really love the ambience of the place. I learned that it is really important to segregate the fruits according to its level of ripeness so that during actual requisition of the raw materials to production, they can easily determine how these raw materials are treated. The work in process area is so spacious that you can easily determine how the workers maneuver over the fruits as fast as they can to be efficient yet effective at all time. I learned that every worker peeling the mangoes is set to peel in a span of 2-3 seconds per mango and slice in a span of 2-4 seconds per mango. As we went further, I saw how is the process of drying the sliced mangoes after being pasteurized. To the waste area, we saw many peels and seeds of mangoes ready for recycling and used to mold furniture and other useful products.One of the most important learning I dont forget is how they can make sure that all the dried mangoes already packed are neither rotten nor defective. Well, Im curious of this thingy that also caught my attention with an image in the monitor of black and white square typed picture. It is the x-ray of the packed mangoes. The X-ray determines if the mangoes are perfectly okay, no defect or rotten dried mangoes are within the packed ones. Once the machine recognizes defective or spoiled goods, it will immediately alarm the laborers inside, like an alarm of emergency. They will not depend only to the machine for checking, the people first check up the dried mangoes one by one before it reaches the amazing x-ray apparatus.Additionally, we are given the opportunity to watch the video presentation where we saw how they got their raw materials. Actually, first and foremost, they have a plantation somewhere in Luzon, Davao and other parts of the Philippines. They graft their trees so that it will yield an incredible and numerous fruits during harvest season. The harvesters are the farmers reside in the place of the plants. They are the one who pick up the green mangoes and deliver it directly to the Manufacturing Company. Three days or less is the period of time they have to wait for the mangoes to ripe. They have to let it stay in a cool and dry place for the maximum preservation. The unripe ones are also reclassified.Second blast was in Green Coil. I learned in the place that it is important to have a cleaner environment to save raw materials because I dont think they exercise that. The operating machines are so dangerous because as I step close to the machine, if a person without much knowledge of the place like me, student will have an accident for not keenly look at the step I step into. Well, incredible things happened also. I learned that one of their ingredients is ipil-ipil leaves and gum, which can be easily found and less expensive. Yes, they have automated machine also but one-half of it needs labor. After the workers count five coils, they have to put it in the running machine wherein the subsequent workers will get it for packing. For the rejected coils, like there was a little breakage or it has unnecessary stamps on it will be sold in the market in a lesser price than that of quality coils.Lastly, was in Unifeeds. I learned that during the time of storms or casualties that causes their supply of yellow corn scarce, the operation will stop and no finished products are produced. This feedmill in Tayod, has been operating for approximately two years now and produces, 950K plus of 50 kilogram sacks of feed mill that will be sold in the market.I also learned that workers there are lesser because majority of the work are the machines work and the role of the people there is to operate how the machine will work for them. IMPORTANCE OF THE TOUR AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVORThese learning and experiences in the educational tour weve been to has a big impact on my life, my career and in myself because the tour is not just only a visit, it is a learning experience that would probably change your perspective in these manufacturing companies.It is not just a business nor for profit they operate, they also think of the people or animals that will benefit their product thats why, quality and safeness is important. Not just safe to us consumers but also to the environment.It has a big impact on my life because, I saw these laborers really doing their best, speeding up their work, maximizing their skills for that incredible goal, to have a delicious food that the people around the world will enjoy. I saw their effort, their passion and love to their work. And I learned that in neither my life, no reason to procrastinate nor being lazy because people out there are busy for the livelihood and sustenance for their respective families. Therefore, I learned that, life is not all about benefiting; its also all about giving your effort, sharing your skills and giving up your sweat, even in a less salary.It has a big impact on my career because as I saw these people are doing their own tasks, my enthusiasm was grown. I want to account these things that they are busy doing. I want to know how the costs of the finished products are being designated. Definitely, it urge me to become a better auditor someday wherein, I will examine their processes; I will suggest improvement for the better manufacturing process. I already have a sneak peak on how these company operated and it is not hard for me to make an audit of their plant on how much is the inventory of this particular department, how much is the work in process, and maneuver to the things I least know to have better understanding for the companys benefit.Most importantly, it has a big impact on myself because, they educational tour was not only for educational purposes but also for personal purposes. In a way that it urges me to become a better worker, boss or an owner of the company I will be working into someday. It made me realized that working with passion and love to the people is one of the marinating ingredients to have the best quality product that surely people will love. Therefore, I conclude that, the experiences and learning we brought from the companies weve visited is not only an ordinary visit of a student to the strange place, it is a visit of the actual challenge that you will take in the future. It is such a wonderful privilege to have a teacher like Sir Cedric Val Naranjo, who lead us to this wonderful journey, to learn and enjoy, to love and to value the importance of every little time and effort. Adelante!