Supporting your body, mind and spirit EXPERIENCE A NEW YOU Find what makes you feel refreshed and renewed 2 RECIPES FOR WELLNESS The ingredients for health can be found in these tips 3 COPING WITH CANCER Andrew Taylor fought cancer in his 20s with Park Ridge support 6 WINTER 2012 Branching Out When is it time to consider a joint replacement? PAGE 4

Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

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Winter 2012 Issue of Experience Magazine - Park Ridge Health

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Page 1: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

Supporting your body, mind and spiritExpEriEncE

a new youFind what makes you feel refreshed and renewed2

recipeS for wellneSSThe ingredients for health can be found in these tips3 coping with cancer

Andrew Taylor fought cancer in his 20s with Park Ridge support6

winter 2012

Branching outwhen is it time to consider

a joint replacement? PAGE 4

Page 2: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

What Renews You?

VoicE oF ExpEriEncE

Be inspired!

Read Andrew Taylor’s story of

resilience in the face of cancer,

and learn more about the support

he received from the team at

the Park Ridge oncology and

infusion center on page 6, or

visit parkridgehealth.org.

Renewal. When you research the word “renewal” you will find many different definitions. My personal favorite, however, talks about renewal as “making something new or as if new again.” Each of us has an activity, a favorite location or even a special person that makes us “feel new again.” For me, spending time outdoors with my wife and

sons makes all the difference.In this issue of Experience, we offer different examples of renewal—whether

making the choice to renew your commitment to healthy eating, or deciding to do something about your aching joints and renewing your passion for tennis. You’ll also find an inspirational story about one young man’s renewed spirit following a devastating cancer diagnosis.

As you read Experience, my hope is that you will find reasons to continue your dedication to making healthy choices for both you and your family. Taking time in this new year to experience renewal will not only help bring you lasting wellness throughout this year; it will continue to inspire you for many more years to come.

Together in health,

Jimm BunchPresident & CEO

This issue’s cover story discusses the options that are available to put the spring back in your step this year, including physical therapy and joint replacement. See page 4.

2 Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org

Page 3: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

Tips to Renew in 2012Julie Palmer, community wellness educator with Park Ridge Wellness, shares some tips to de-stress and “get back to you” this year.

STReTch. When feeling lethargic, stand up, take a deep breath and reach for the sky. Do this three times to feel revived and refocused.

ReST. In 2012, commit to more rest and relaxation. Say no to the typical busy hectic schedule.

By Kirsten Houmann and Haley Donaldson

the healthiest DietIngredIents: •Different types of food •A variety of colors •A sense of exploration

dIrectIons: Science shows simply adding variety and color to your diet can ensure you are consuming a wide variety of nutrients, since there is no such thing as a single perfect food. Putting together a colorful plate can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.

For example, red fruits and vegetables such as beets, red cabbage and cranberries can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Orange fruits and vegetables such as grapefruit, lemons and oranges can reduce the risk of heart disease and boost the immune system. Green fruits and vegetables such as spinach and green pepper can defend against cataracts, macular degeneration and even some birth defects.

recipesStay-trim SecretIngredIents: •A meal plan •Portion awareness

dIrectIons:The key to avoiding weight gain might just be a four-letter word: P-l-a-n. Planning your dinner menu at home or researching the menu options at your favorite restaurant can empower you to make informed and healthier meal choices.

The same applies at the buffet table. When you arrive at a party or cafeteria, scan the food spread first before grabbing a plate. This will help you decide what you really want. As you move through the line, make sure to take note of your portion sizes. Even if everything looks delicious, choose smaller portions, and avoid overfilling your plate. Remember that one serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards, and a serving of fruits or vegetables is about the size of a tennis ball.

Here’s a simple equation to remember: Energy in = energy out. What you consume must equal what you burn off through exercise or your body’s metabolic processes. There are a number of websites, including myplate.gov, that show you exactly how many calories you need each day.

More Movement in Your DayIngredIents:•Pedometer •Weekly walking goal

dIrectIons:Make an effort to get more activity during the day. A pedometer is an inexpensive and interesting way to track your movement. Keep in mind that about 2,000 steps add up to one mile. Make a goal to work up to walking at least five miles—or 10,000 steps—each day. Even if you don’t have time in your schedule for a 30-minute walk or bike ride, movement during the day can add up, even if it’s as simple as parking farther away, scheduling a “walking meeting” or standing up while talking on the phone.

A Cheery, Healthy DispositionIngredIents:•Positive attitude •Deep breaths •Smiles

dIrectIons:Science shows the effects of a positive attitude may in fact impact the way the body heals itself. Studies by Richard Davidson, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin have revealed that people who are calm and content show greater activity in the brain’s left frontal cortex, which leads the body to produce higher levels of certain immunity cells. The cells, called “killer cells,” target viruses and cancer, and are a measure of the strength of the body’s immune system. Just by taking a deep breath and smiling, you may be strengthening your body’s defense against disease and adding years to your life.

find your MotivationPark Ridge Health hosts a variety of free events throughout the year to keep you and your family primed for good health. Find the right one for you at parkridgehealth.org today.

for a healthful year

3Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org

Page 4: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

With joint replacement, return to the activities you love

if walking up stairs is painful with each step, or playing a round of golf with your friends is now almost impossible—you’re not alone. Each year, thousands of Americans are choosing to undergo joint replacement surgery to help them get back to living without pain. And thanks to

surgical advancements in the past 10 years, patients are experiencing longer-lasting results and a faster overall recovery time.

“Now that we are living longer and staying active well into our later years, our joints are experiencing a beating for longer and wearing out while we still want to live our lives as fully active as possible,” says Greg Motley, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon with Southeastern Sports Medicine who completed fellowship training in both arthroscopy and sports medicine.

With the many advancements that have been made to joint replacement materials as well, younger individuals are more frequently undergoing surgery. “Even 10 years ago the expectancy was that a prosthetic joint replacement would only last a maximum of 10 to 15 years,” says Richard Jones, M.D., a Southeastern Sports Medicine orthopedic surgeon

Getting Back to



options to

reduce your pain

Join Richard Jones, M.D., for a FREE

presentation about shoulder surgery

and replacement options. The event

will be held at the Hilton in Biltmore

Park on Thursday, March 1,

beginning at 6 p.m. call

855.prH.LiFE (774.5433)

to register today!

4 Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org

DRink more water to increase energy!BReaThe. Three deep breaths can change your entire outlook.

TuRn off your phone 60 minutes before bedtime, and remove all electronics from your bedroom.

Tips to Renew in 2012(continued):

Page 5: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

A rehabilitation program following joint replacement surgery is instrumental in recovery.

who is also fellowship-trained in arthroscopy and sports medicine. “Today with the newer materials used in a joint replacement, individuals can expect for the replacement to last closer to 20 to 30 years.”

But, if you are experiencing pain and looking into joint replacement, how do you know when “enough is enough”? When is it time to get a professional opinion?

how to tell when it’s time“When joint pain is affecting your daily routine and keeping you from those things that you most enjoy, it’s time to talk to your physician about your options,” Dr. Jones says.

Even though joint pain may be difficult to bear, nonsurgical options should also be considered. Joint replacement is not always the best solution for everyone, according to Dr. Motley.

are there alternatives to Surgery?“Every case for joint replacement is different,” he says. “We have to evaluate each individual for a variety of factors, such as age, weight, activity level and the type of pain he or she is experiencing. There are other options we can consider when treating a patient for joint pain.”

Alternatives to joint replacement surgery include injected medications and arthroscopic procedures. Physical therapy can also play an important role in helping to alleviate joint pain and improve range of motion. Yet, when pain from arthritis or past injuries becomes unbearable, joint replacement may be the best choice.

“I see patients who can barely lift their arms above shoulder level,” says Dr. Jones,

who specializes in shoulder replacement

and the reverse shoulder replacement procedure. “If we can fix the problem before it causes irreparable

damage, these patients can get back to active

lifestyles, without pain constantly interrupting

their daily lives.”

partial replacement is also an optionJoint replacement does not necessarily mean total joint replacement. “Some patients may be better candidates for partial joint replacement,” says Dr. Motley. “If the complete joint does not need to be replaced, a partial joint replacement can be much less invasive and allow for a shorter recovery period following surgery.”

what is recovery like?Recovery following surgery is often a topic of concern, and a reason for many to postpone speaking with their physician about joint replacement surgery. While recovery does take work, it is certainly not impossible and the benefits outweigh the inconvenience.

“Any type of surgery requires a period of recovery and commitment on the part of the patient to follow a rehabilitation plan,” Dr. Jones says. “The recovery period for a total joint replacement is anywhere from three to six months, but in that time you’re making huge strides in getting back to the activities you love.”

“Getting back to you—getting back to your life without constantly having to worry about climbing stairs, bending down to pick up your grandchild or simply getting out of a car because of joint pain—is how I look at the benefits of joint replacement,” Dr. Motley adds. 

Make an appointment

if you’ve made the decision to look into joint replacement and want to learn more about Greg

Motley, M.D., Richard Jones, M.D., and the team at Southeast-

ern Sports Medicine, call 828.274.4555 or visit sesportsmed.com.

“When joint pain is affecting your daily routine and keeping you from those things that you most enjoy, it’s time to talk to your physician about your options.”

— Richard Jones, M.D.

“Getting back to your life without constantly having to worry about ... bending down to pick up your grandchild or simply getting out of a car ... is how I look at the benefits of joint replacement.”

— Greg Motley, M.D.

5Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org 5Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org

have an aTTiTuDe of gRaTiTuDe. Be thankful for something or someone every day.LeT go of what you don’t need, both mentally and physically.

Be eaRTh fRienDLy: reuse and recycle.Do SomeThing foR Someone eLSe; this is always a win-win opportunity.geT ouTSiDe moRe … in any kind of weather!

Page 6: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

in My ExpEriEncE

When 26-year-old Andrew Taylor woke up from gallbladder surgery and found no incisions on his body, he knew something was wrong.Earlier that week, Andrew had

rushed to the Park Ridge Health Emergency Department with trouble swallowing and abdominal pain. Two days later, he was back at Park Ridge for gallbladder surgery. When surgeon David Price, M.D., examined Andrew’s esophagus to rule out the possibility of ulcers, he found that the source of Andrew’s trouble was not his gallbladder.

“Andrew was only in surgery 20 minutes before they came to get us,” says Andrew’s father, Victor Taylor. “We knew something was wrong.”

Dr. Price said he had discovered a 9-centimeter-long mass in Andrew’s esophagus, and had biopsied

it. The next day, Andrew was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer—too advanced for

immediate surgery.

accepting the Diagnosis“I had a lot of thoughts at that point,” Andrew says. “It was like the stages of

grief. I was angry that I had [cancer]. I wondered, ‘Why did this happen to me?’

But acceptance came pretty quickly.”Andrew says that acceptance came when he

met Mikhail Vinogradov, M.D.—or “Dr. V”—and his cancer care team at Park Ridge.

“That’s when I started feeling good about things again,” he explains. “Dr. V and all of his office staff were phenomenal about reassuring me that everything was going to get done, and that they would do everything possible to find out where I was in this process.”

The next step in that process was six weeks of chemotherapy and radiation. Throughout treatment, Andrew’s care team worked around his schedule so he could complete a local internship and keep up with his graduate studies in education.

a Surprising Discovery In September, Andrew traveled to Duke University for surgery to remove the tumor. When the surgeon went in to remove it, he was surprised by what he saw: Andrew’s tumor had shrunk from 9 centimeters long to 1.5 centimeters long.

Andrew received his final chemotherapy treatment before Thanksgiving. His smile says it all: He is positive about his future, and finds strength in the support of his family, his faith, and his friends at Park Ridge Health.

“There’s a chance [the cancer] could come back, but if it does, I know where to go,” Andrew says. “Do I feel that I was led to Park Ridge, and these doctors were placed in my life to heal me through God? Oh yeah … I wholeheartedly believe that I was meant to be at Park Ridge.” 

Andrew Taylor found strength to fight cancer through faith, family and his care team

By Kirsten Houmann

Care from Every Angle

Share your

experienceHave you had an

exceptional Park Ridge

experience? Send an email to

[email protected]

and you may be featured

in a future issue!

I wholeheartedly believe that I was meant to be at Park Ridge.

Park Ridge Oncology and Infusion Center’s Blake Hill, R.N. ( left), and Mikhail Vinogradov, M.D. (right), were with Andrew Taylor (middle) through every step of his cancer diagnosis and treatment.

6 Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org

Page 7: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

wellness classescreation health SeriesFree tuesdays, March 6–April 24, 5:30–6:30 p.m.Park ridge Wellness

department, 50 doctor’s drive, suite 2, HendersonvilleThis class series addresses health from a faith-based perspective through following the “Eight Laws of Health”—Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook and Nutrition. Each participant receives a copy of “CREATION Health Discovery,” a guide to health and harmony.

caLEndar oF EvEnts WinTER 2012

living healthy with a chronic Disease programFreeWednesdays, April 4–May 9, 12:30–2:30 p.m.

the Health Adventure, Biltmore Mall, I-26 exit 33, AshevilleThis course was designed by Stanford University, and is offered around the world. It is taught by Park Ridge Wellness certified course leaders, and is a six-week program with each session lasting approximately one and a half hours. This course is designed to improve self-management skills, leading to a healthier, more enjoyable life for anyone who suffers from a chronic condition.

family-friendly classesengaging Kids in healthy eatingFreetuesday, April 3, 5:30–6:30 p.m.the Health Adventure, Biltmore

square Mall, I-26 exit 33Have you asked yourself, “How do I get my kids to make these healthy changes with me?” Park Ridge Health nutritionist and Kid Power coordinator Haley Donaldson understands it isn’t easy to make changes, but she is here to help. Join her for a motivational presentation designed to help you help your kids! Pre-registration is required by Friday, March 30.

families eating Smarter and Moving More SeriesFreethursdays, April 19–May 10, 10–11 a.m.

the Health Adventure, Biltmore square Mall, I-26 exit 33Bring the whole family and enjoy learning simple solutions to eating smarter and moving more together. You can choose to come to just one or all of the classes in the series.Session 1: Eating Smart at HomeSession 2: Moving More, Every Day, EverywhereSession 3: Eating Smart on the RunSession 4: Moving More, Watching Less

Special community eventsembrace the fabulous you: a conference for the frenzied female$49thursday, Feb. 23,

8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.Lelia Patterson center, FletcherPark Ridge Health is a proud sponsor of this exciting, one-day workshop. This workshop will offer a range of humorous, informative and motivational speakers, including well-known Park Ridge Health physician Krishna Das, M.D., of Hendersonville OB/GYN. Participants will also enjoy fabulous door prizes, networking opportunities, and lunch by Neo Cantina. The cost is just $49, and includes the lunch and program materials. To register, please visit frenziedfemale.com or ask for details by calling 855.PrH.LIFe.

wellness on wheels (w.o.w.) ScreeningsThe Wellness on Wheels (W.O.W.) bus travels throughout Buncombe and Henderson counties to provide free and low-cost health screenings. No appointment required. For a complete calendar of upcoming locations, please visit the Events Calendar on parkridgehealth.org.

5:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

10 a.m.

register nowFor more information or to register for Park Ridge Health community events and classes, please call 855.prH.LiFE (774.5433).

Suffering froM ShoulDer pain? Join Richard Jones, M.D.,

board-certified orthopedic surgeon with Southeastern Sports Medicine, for a FREE

presentation discussing modern advances in shoulder surgery.

Modern advances in Shoulder Surgery

March 1, 20126–8 p.m.

The Hilton at Biltmore Parkcall 855.prH.LiFE (777.5433) to

RSVP for this event today!

spEciaL EvEnt!

7Park Ridge Health parkridgehealth.org

Page 8: Experience Magazine - Winter 2012

Non-Profit Org.U.S. POSTAGE

PAIDPermit No. 62Columbus WI

Brian Stover, D.P.M. • Robert Garreld, D.P.M. • Andrew Rudins, M.D.Richard Jones, M.D. • Daniel Eglinton, M.D. • Keith Maxwell, M.D.

Gregory Motley, M.D. • Christian Estes, M.D., F.A.A.O.S. • Robert Francis, M.D.

Their work would make Da Vinci jealous. The physicians of Southeastern Sports Medicine are proud to provide orthopedic care to our community. Our team of medical professionals specialize in the treatment and care of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints.

We provide comprehensive sports medicine for the athletes, students, and families of Asheville, Hendersonville and Waynesville areas. We also offer Hendersonville and Waynesville areas. We also offer physical therapy to ensure all patients receive exceptional care for a safe recovery.


Park Ridge Health100 Hospital Drive Hendersonville, NC 28792

Visit us: Off Interstate 26, exit 44On the Web:parkridgehealth.orgCall us:855.PRH.LIFE (774.5433)

Park Ridge Health100 Hospital Drive Hendersonville, NC 28792

Experience editor Jennifer A. DeCurtis

Connect with Us! Do you have a question about Experience magazine? Is there something you’d like to see in future issues? Share your thoughts by contacting [email protected].

