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Expeditio brochure.

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EXPEDITIO CenterforSustainableSpatialDevelopment

Expeditio is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and the SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage the overall development of the civil society.

Expeditio was established in 1997. Expeditio head office is based in Kotor (Montenegro) and our branch office is in Belgrade (Serbia).






• �ConcernaboutthespaceandtheenvironmentWe promote an approach to building and spatial planning practices that includes the care for the environment. Construction sector is a major consumer of energy and it is responsible for a high level of pollution. We envision sustainable building and planning practices becoming the norm in architecture, not an exception.

•TakingcareofculturalheritageandlandscapeWe believe that culture is an important resource that contributes to social and economic sustainability of a society.

•RelevanceWe make every effort to understand the real needs of the surroundings in which we live and design our projects accordingly. We strive for project results which are visible, clear and useful to their beneficiaries.

•CooperationandpartnershipsWe believe that the most effective projects result from networking and partnerships between non-governmental, private and public sectors. The media also have an important role.

•CulturaldiversityandhumanrightsWe believe in partnerships that reflect the national, religious or any other diversity.

•ParticipatoryapproachWe believe that a sustainable approach is based on including as many stakeholders as possible. Space is a matter of concern for all people, and they have the right to influence its development. We believe that the stakeholders can develop ownership of the project ideas and results through active participation in projects.

• SustainabilityWe promote sustainable solutions – in social, environmental, economic and cultural sense.

•GendermainstreamingPromotion and implementation of the principles of gender equality is of tremendous importance to us. We believe that gender equality, together with other kinds of equality, forms the basis of social development.

•TransparencyWe strive for achieving the greatest degree of transparency in our work. We regularly publish and disseminate information about all our activities through our website, mailing lists and annual reports. Information about our financial revenues and expenditures is available to the public.

•DiversityoftargetgroupsSince space matters concern all people, our target groups are diverse: children, youth, persons with disabilities, local governments, NGOs, the media ....

•PhilanthropyWe believe that everything we do should be shared with other people. All our publications, documents, research, reviews, photographs, etc. are freely available at www.expeditio.org

Valorization of the vernacular heritage in Montenegro – a pilot area of Zalazi • Promoting the Principles of Sustainable Development in Public Spaces of Boka Kotorska • EKOPlan - Monitoring the application of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro • Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities •Kotor for Children • Gender and Space - Gender mainstreaming of spatial planning processes in Montenegro • Benefit Living: A New Layer of Creative Building and Planning in Montenegro • Educating Children about the Values of Space • SOSTENUTO Thinking Culture as a Factor of Economic and Social Inovation • Reflection of the Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje • Database of Cultural Monuments on the Territory of the Municipality of Kotor • Energy Days in Montenegro • Monitoring the Draft Spatial Plan of Montenegro • The Palaces of Boka Kotorska • Spaces without Barriers • Managing the Space - Promoting European Standards • Look Around - Think About Space! • Skadar Lake - Sustainable Spatial Development • Perast, Grbalj and Godinje - Architectural Workshops • Twentieth-century Architecture and Arts in Boka Kotorska • Ecological Building - Building with Nature • Medieval Towns of Montenegro • Perast - Volunteer Work Camps •Cultural Heritage - Potential for the Development of Boka • A New Durmitor House - Architectural competition

EXPEDITIO projects[selection]

EXPEDITIO awardsandrecognitions[selection]

n First Prize for architectural design of Montenegro national pavilion for EXPO 2015 in Milan (2011)

n Special recognition for the project “Gender and Space - Gender mainstreaming of spatial planning processes in Montenegro”, 20th International Salon of Urban Planning (Niš, 2011)

n Special recognition for the Study of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Kostanjica, 19th International Salon of Urban Planning (Šabac, 2010)

n Certificate for the successful completion of the project “Look Around – Think about Space!” funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction in Podgorica (2006)

n Wild Beauty Award, for contribution to the quality, affirmation and promotion of the tourist offer of Montenegro – A recognition for implementation of the campaign “Look Around – Think about Space!” (2006)

n Acknowledgement at the 13th Salon of Urban Planning - Award for the Architectural Workshop Godinje 2004 (Banja Luka, 2004)

n Publication acknowledgement at the 21st Salon of Architecture for the publication “Three Hundred Years of Solitude” (Belgrade, 1998)

n First Prize at the 6th Salon of Urban Planning in Niš for the best student design project – revitalization of Perast (Niš, 1997)


PalacesofBokaKotorska (Mne, Eng)...StrollaroundKotor–AGuide


(Mne, Eng)...PlanningGuidelinesthatLeadtoSustainableSpatial

Development(Mne)...GenderandSpace (Mne)...BenefitLiving


withDisabilitiesandArchitecturalBarriers, Professor Ph.D. Emir

Fejzić (Mne)...CulturalPracticesofCitizensinBokaKotorska (Mne)...




ESDPEuropeanSpatialDevelopmentPerspective (translation)...The


Conservation...GuidetoPerast(Mne, Eng)...Godinje(Mne)...ANew

DurmitorHouse(Mne)...ThreeHundredYearsofSolitude (Mne, Eng, It)








Headoffice:Škaljari bb, P. O. Box 85 85330 Kotor | Montenegrot. + 382 (0)32 302 520 f. + 382 (0)32 302 521

Center for Sustainable Spatial Development

[email protected]

Branchoffice:Biznis centar GO Savski venacKneza Miloša 4711000 Belgrade | Serbiat. +381 (0)11 7151 857