Is it possible to prove the existence of God? The topic whether God exists or not has been in debate for centuries. It has paved way for three broad groups: believers, agnostics and atheists. Believers, as the name suggests, believe in the existence of there being a Supreme Being while atheists condemn the idea of God in its entirety. Agnostics have taken a nonchalant approach essentially believe that it is improbable for God to exist because His existence cannot be proven. But whether someone believes in the existence of God or not, he would unanimously agree to the idea of God as being someone who is omnipotent and omnipresent. This very concept makes it illogical to prove the existence of God. People look for evidences that would scientifically prove that there is a God. The fallacy with this approach is that it is counterproductive. If God could be scientifically proven to exist and if one could perceive Him in His entirety, he would cease to be a God. If God is infinite in terms of time and space, he cannot possibly be understood by a human brain that in finite by all means.

Existence of God

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Page 1: Existence of God

Is it possible to prove the existence of God?

The topic whether God exists or not has been in debate for centuries. It has paved way

for three broad groups: believers, agnostics and atheists. Believers, as the name

suggests, believe in the existence of there being a Supreme Being while atheists

condemn the idea of God in its entirety. Agnostics have taken a nonchalant approach

essentially believe that it is improbable for God to exist because His existence cannot

be proven. But whether someone believes in the existence of God or not, he would

unanimously agree to the idea of God as being someone who is omnipotent and

omnipresent. This very concept makes it illogical to prove the existence of God.

People look for evidences that would scientifically prove that there is a God. The fallacy

with this approach is that it is counterproductive. If God could be scientifically proven to

exist and if one could perceive Him in His entirety, he would cease to be a God. If God

is infinite in terms of time and space, he cannot possibly be understood by a human

brain that in finite by all means.

This does not mean that there cannot be signs to prove His existence. There are

numerous arguments for the existence of God but they are all based on deductive

reasoning. The complexity in the design of Universe is one such argument. Pack (2007)

posited that watchmakers exercise extraordinary precision in constructing watches so

they are in accordance with the timings of day and night which renders it inevitable for

someone to be controlling the sun, moon and stars. They are ‘steady, constant and

reliable and cannot be an accident of nature that just “happens” to always turn out

exactly the same’ (Pack, 2007).

Page 2: Existence of God

Even if there was a Big Bang that caused the universe to exist in the form it is today, the

cosmological argument insists that there has to be a cause for that explosion. Scientists

do not have any explanation for the sudden outburst of light and matter. Likewise,

humans cannot fathom the mechanisms of nature and can certainly not recreate things

like the human mind. Again, there has to be someone who can.

In a nutshell, if someone wishes to look for signs of God he can find them all around

him. But there has to be some initial element of faith because a hundred percent proof

of God’s existence cannot be provided. Through deductive reasoning the faith can only

be affirmed. As Kreeft puts it, ‘Everyone and everything says in turn, "Don't look to me

for the final explanation. I'm just an instrument. Something else caused me." If that's all

there is, then we have an endless passing of the buck. God is the one who says, "The

buck stops here."’ (1995).

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Kreeft, P. (1995). The first cause argument. Retrieved from


Pack, D. (2007, June 1). The existence of God logically proven. The real truth magazine. Retrieved

from http://realtruth.org/articles/070601-006-teog.html