Exhibits - Limited Impact Review - Airport Land Partners Limited, PDAA 6349 Planning Commission Public Heari ng ( 12/0811 0) em A fVu--vvt Io / / l o) Exhibit Exhibit \ Letter (A to Z) A Proof of Publication, Posting, and Mailings B Garfie ld Cou nty Un ifi ed Land Use Re so lution of2008, as amended c Ga rfield County Comprehensive Pl an of 2000, as amended D Application E Staff Memorandum F Staff Powerpoint G Email from the City of Rifl e, dated August I 0, 20 I0 H Email from Jim Rada, Garfield Cou nty Env ironmental Health, dated July 23, 2010 I Emai l from Dan Rou ss in , Colorado Department of Transportation, dated August 3, 20 I0 J Ema il from the Rifle Fire Protection Di strict, dated August 6, 20 I 0 K Letter from Mountain Cross Engineerin g, In c. (consulting engineer), dated July 29, 2010 L Letter from Eric Rasmu ssen, dated October I0, 201 0 M Letter fro m Brian Condie, dated October 1 5, 20 I 0 N Revi sed PUD Plan 6B, dated December I, 20 I0 5

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Page 1: Exhibits - Limited Impact Review - Airport Land Partners

Exhibits - Limited Impact Review - Airport Land Partners Limited, PDAA 6349 Planning Commission Public Hearing ( 12/0811 0) em A h~ fVu--vvt I o / I ~ / 1» l o)

Exhibit Exhibit \

Letter (A to Z)

A Proof of Publication, Posting, and Mailings B Garfield County Un ified Land Use Resolution of2008, as amended

c Garfield County Comprehensive Plan of 2000, as amended D Application

E Staff Memorandum

F Staff Powerpoint G Email from the City of Rifle, dated August I 0, 20 I 0 H Email from Jim Rada, Garfield CountyEnvironmental Health, dated July 23, 2010 I Emai l from Dan Roussin, Colorado Department of Transportation, dated August 3, 20 I 0 J Email from the Rifle Fire Protection District, dated August 6, 20 I 0 K Letter from Mountain Cross Engineering, Inc. (consulting engineer), dated July 29, 2010 L Letter from Eric Rasmussen, dated October I 0, 201 0 M Letter from Brian Condie, dated October 15, 20 I 0 N Revised PUD Plan 6B, dated December I, 20 I 0


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Page 2: Exhibits - Limited Impact Review - Airport Land Partners

Exhibits - Limited Impact Review- Airport Land Partners Limited, PDAA 6349 Planning Commission Public Hearing (1 0113/201 0)

Exhibit Exhibit Letter

(A to Z) A Proof of Publication, Posting, and Mailings

B Garfield County Unified Land Use Resolution of2008, as amended

c Garfield County Comprehensive Plan of2000, as amended

D Application

E Staff Memorandum

F Staff Powerpoint G Email from the City of Rifle, dated August I 0, 20 I 0 H Email from Jim Rada, Garfield County Environmental Health, dated July 23, 20 I 0 I Email from Dan Roussin, Colorado Department of Transportation, dated August 3, 20 I 0 J Email from the Rifle Fire Protection District, dated August 6, 20 I 0 K Letter from Mountain Cross Engineering, Inc. (consulting engineer), dated July 29, 20 I 0

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Page 3: Exhibits - Limited Impact Review - Airport Land Partners

Planning Commission October 13, 2010 MOL





PDAA 6349 - Text Amendment and PUD Amendment to the Garfield County Airport Industrial Park Complex Planned Unit Development

Airport Land Partners Limited

Brian Condie, Garfield County Regional Airport

I. BACKGROUND The Garfield County Regional Airport (GCRA) serving as authorized agent for Airport Land Partners Limited (ALP) requests approval for a text amendment to the Garfield County Airport Industrial Park Complex Planned Unit Development (PUD). The PUD was previously adopted by the Garfield County Board of County Commissioners through Resolution No. 77-1 and amended through Resolutions 81 -56, 81-186, 85-103, 86-101 and 2001-65.



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The primary purpose of the proposed text amendment is to incorporate three (3) additional uses to some or all of the ten zone districts within the PUD. These land uses included: Extraction, Solar Power Generating System, and Storage Areas and Facilities. A secondary purpose of the proposed PUD amendment is to bring the entire PUD into conformance and consistency with prior resolutions and property lot line adjustments.

The PUD was formally adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) in 1977 by Resolution No. 77-1 . This resolution approved the Garfield County Airport Industrial Park Complex PUD with three (3) conditions dealing with storm drainage, a commercial convenience store, and fire protection. Nine (9) zone districts were identified under this PUD and are as follows:

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1. Residential/Single Family (RISF) 2. Residential/Urban (R/UD) 3. Mobile Home Park (MHP) 4. Commercial/Airport Service (C/AS) 5. Commercial/Convenience Retail (C/CR) 6. Industrial/General Services (1/GS) 7. Commercial/Office Research (C/OR) 8. Recreational/Camper Park (R/CP) 9. Agricultural/Industrial/Open Space (AII/OS)

Planning Commission October 13, 2010 MOL

Resolution No. 81-56 was approved by the BOCC and adopted the rezoning of Agricultural/Industrial and Agricultural/Residential/Rural zoned land outside the Garfield County Airport Industrial Park Complex PUD to Planned Unit Development, thus incorporating this land into the PUD. This zone district amendment restates the nine (9) approved PUD district's conditions, standards, design, and land use criteria.

Resolution No. 81-186 was approved by the BOCC and adopted a Preliminary Plan for Mamm Creek Industrial Park Subdivision within the PUD.

Resolution No. 85-103 was approved by the BOCC and adopted amendments to the zone district tex1, planned unit development plan and certain conditions of approval contained within Resolution No. 81-56. Power cogeneration facilities are added as a land use within the Agricultural/Industrial/Open Space (AII/OS) zone district

Resolution No. 86-101 was approved by the BOCC and adopted an amendment to the zone district text of the PUD.

Resolution No. 2001-65 was approved by the BOCC and adopted amendments to the PUD plan and zone district text, providing for a Public Administration/Facilities (PA/F) zone district. With this amendment, the PUD contains 10 land use districts.

II. REQUEST ALP requests to amend the text and map of the existing PUD. The text amendments proposed include three (3) new land uses; Ex1raction, Solar Power Generating Systems, and Storage Areas and Facilities. These uses are put forth in order to further improve the airport runway and facilities, and surrounding lands.

PROPOSED PUD LAND USES Extraction The use is defined in Article XVI of Garfield County Unified Land Use Resolution of 2008, as amended (ULUR) as "to draw out or forth; hence to derive as if by drawing out; removal of physical matter in a solid or liquid state from its naturally occurring location; the initial step in utilization of a natural resource". The specific benefit of including the Jand use "Extraction" to the Commercial/Office Research District (C/OR}, situated immediately to the north of the GCRA, is to allow for removal of soil materials from ALP property to the airport proper.

ALP seeks to include "Extraction" as a tex1 amendment to the 10 land use districts in order to facilitate long-term development of the PUD. The Applicant states that the "Extraction" land use will allow the removal and adding of soils to properties within the PUD in order to manage long-


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Planning Commission October 13, 201 0 MOL

term site development including roadwork, drainage control, landscape and parcel grading, and preparation.

The amendment proposes that this land use be subject to a Major Impact Review in all zone districts.

P. U. D. Plan: Garfield County Airport Industrial Park Complex



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Solar Power Generating System

Planning Commission October 13, 2010 MOL

The use is defined in Article 16 of the ULUR as a device that "converts the sun's radiant energy into thermal, chemical, mechanical, or electric energy." Included with this use would be associated customary associated facilities necessary for the generation of energy.

ALP seeks to include this land use as subject to Major Impact Review in six (6) zone districts including:

1. Agricultural/Industrial/Open Space (AII/OS) 2. Residential/Single Family (RISF) 3. Residential/Urban (RIUD) 4. Mobile Home Park (MHP) 5. Industrial/General Services (1/GS) 6. Recreational/Camper Park (RICP)

ALP does not propose to include this land use within the following zone districts due to proximity to and potential conflict with GCRA flight operations.

1. Commercial/Airport Service (C/AS) 2. Commercial/Convenience Retail (C/CR) 3. Commercial/Office Research (C/OR) 4. Public Administration/Facilities (PAIF)

Storage Areas and Facilities The use is defined in Article 16 of the ULUR as the "act of storing or state of being stored, specifically, the safe keeping of goods in a warehouse or other depository." ALP seeks to include the land use subject to Limited Impact Review within nine (9) districts including:

1. Agricultural/Industrial/Open Space {AII/OS) 2. Residential/Single Family (RISF) 3. Residential/Urban (RIUD) 4. Mobile Home Park (MHP) 5. Commercial/Airport Service (C/AS) 6. Commercial/Convenience Retail (C/CR) 7. Industrial/General Services (1/GS) 8. Commercial/Office Research (C/OR) 9. Recreational/Camper Park (R/CP)

The Applicant believes that this land use can support the burgeoning gas industry as well as other potential industrial and commercial growth by providing storage space for vehicles, equipment, parts and supplies. The availability of outdoor storage will support general economic development of the community and region. The Applicant also believes that the planning and public review of any proposed "Storage" within these zone districts will ensure that all potential adverse impacts will be identified and mitigated prior to land use change permit approval.

PROPOSED REVISED PUD DOCUMENT The amended PUD text can be found on pages 5-13 of the application.


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Planning Commission October 13, 2010 MOL

The PUD is situated within Study Area 3 of the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2000. The following Goals, Objectives, and Policies apply to the proposed text amendment to the PUD.

4.0 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USES OBJECTIVES: 4.1 To ensure that commercial and industrial development are compatible with

adjacent land uses and mitigate impacts identified during the plan review process.

POLICIES: 4.2 Encourage the location of industrial development in areas where visual, noise,

air quality and infrastructure impacts are reduced.

9.0 NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OBJECTIVES: 9.2 The County through the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning

and Special Use Permit policies, will address future compatibility issues with current mining operations.

9. 3 The County will ensure that mineral extraction activities will not adversely affect the natural environment, including air quality, water quality, wildlife habitat or important visual resources.

10.0 URBAN AREA OF INFLUENCE GOAL: Ensure that development and overall land use policies occurring in the County that will affect a municipality are compatible with the existing zoning and future land use objectives of the appropriate municipality.

Staff Response: The City of Rifle's Land Use Map and Rifle Airport Master Plan identifies the PUD as industrial, light industrial, commercial, mixed use business, and open space. The PUD amendment has incorporated these components along with agriculture and residential land uses which are inconsistent with Rifle's Comprehensive Plan.

IV. REVIEW CRITERIA SECTION 4-201 (8) The ULUR allows for amendments to an approved Planned Unit Development in Section 6-201 (G) Amendment to an Approved PUD and cites the reference requiring an amendment to follow the review process in Section 4-201, Rezoning. Certain criteria must be met to approve a rezoning and are listed in Section 4-201 (B), Rezoning Criteria and listed below;

Section 4-201 (B) Rezoning Criteria. Unless otherwise provided in these Regulations, an application for rezoning must meet the following criteria.

1. No Spot Zoning. The proposed rezoning would result in a logical and orderly development pattern and would not constitute spot zoning.


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Planning Commission October 13, 2010 MOL

Staff Response: The proposed land uses with the PUD text and map amendment do not constitute spot zoning. The existing land uses within the PUD do not change with new uses added to the PUD zone classifications as noted above.

2. Change in Area. The area to which the proposed rezoning would apply has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area.

Staff Response: The surrounding area has changed since the approval of the PUD. This change has been in the direction of office, commercial, industrial, and institutional reflected with the addition of County offices (Sheriff's Complex, Regional Airport Complex, and Road and Bridge facility), Colorado Mountain College, Rifle Generating Station, and the extension the airport runway. These changes are uses that are indicated in the existing PUD.

3. Demonstrated Community Need. The proposed rezoning addresses a demonstrated community need with respect to facilities, services or housing.

Extraction The Applicant indicates that this temporary use is crucial for surrounding area development projects. The ability to excavate soil is necessary to support economical construction activities. A current example is the need for fill material in the reconstruction and extension of the runway at the Garfield County Regional Airport.

Staff Response: The ULUR defines Extraction as:

Industrial Use or Activity. Uses engaged in processing, manufacturing of materials from either extracted or raw materials or from previously prepared materials resulting in a new product designed for wholesale or retail sale.

1. Extraction: to draw out or forth; hence to derive as if by drawing out'~ removal of physical matter in a solid or liquid state from its naturally occurring location; the initial step in utilization of a natural resource; examples include shale and coal mines, gravel pits, timber cutting;

Extraction of soil materials would fall within this definition due to the movement of soil material that is needed for building the airport runway. This type of extraction would also be required to be reviewed through the Major Impact Review process. However, the movement of soil for the purposes of " ... roadwork, drainage control, landscape and parcel grading, and preparation" can be accomplished through other permits and wouldn't need such an in-depth review process such as a Major Impact Review.

Under the ULUR, extraction is not allowed in residential or commercial zone districts. For this reason and since the movement of earth can be managed through other County permits Staff recommends that no extraction be allowed within any residential districts of the PUD more specifically districts Residential/Single Family (R/SF), Residential/Urban (RIUD), and Mobile Home Park (MHP). Staff also recommends not allowing extraction in the Public Administration/Facilities (PNF) zone district since this district contains buildings and any earth movement can be accomplished through a grading permit.


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However, with the close proximity of several of the commercial zone districts to the GCRA it makes sense for extraction to be allowed in the PUD commercial districts including Commercial/Airport Services (C/AS), Commercial/Convenience Retail (C/CR), and Commercial/Office Research (C/OR). Under the URLA, extraction within the rural, industrial, and resource lands (all subareas) are reviewed through the Major Impact Review process. For this reason, Staff supports extraction in the other remaining PUD districts indicated such as Industrial/General Service (1/GS), Recreational/Camper Park (R/CP}, and Agricultural/Industrial/Open Space (A/1/0S).

Solar Power Generating System The Applicant indicates that this land use provides for the addition of "green" energy generating sources for the community and region, enhancing their sustainability. The solar generated electricity can be switched into the nearby power substation and attached electrical grid. The PUD provides access to the large land areas that are needed to support solar generating fields.

Staff Response: The Garfield County Comprehensive Plan of 2000 encourages homeowners to implement solar design in their homes but is silent about the support of larger commercial solar power generating systems. In addition, the ULUR does not allow this land use within residential districts. Therefore, Staff recommends that commercial solar power generating systems not be allowed within any residential zone district (RISF, RIUD, and MHP) of the PUD. The ULUR does allow solar power generating systems within rural, commercial, industrial, and resource lands (subareas: gentle and plateau) districts by Major Impact Review and therefore Staff would support this use within all other districts specified in this application.

Storage Areas and Facilities The Applicant believes that this use supports the burgeoning gas industry by providing storage space for vehicles, equipment, parts and supplies. The PUD provides areas for storage that are separated from higher valued, more visible land uses. The availability of outdoor storage will support general economic development of the community and region.

Staff Response: Storage Areas and Facilities can be further defined as follows: Industrial Use or Activity. Uses engaged in processing, manufacturing of materials from either extracted or raw materials or from previously prepared materials resulting in a new product designed for wholesale or retail sale.

Storage: act of storing or state of being stored, specifically, the safe keeping of goods in a warehouse or other depository", examples include products and open storage of mineral storage piles of gravel, ore and shale;

Under the ULUR, this use is allowed as a use by right in the commercial and industrial zone districts and reviewed through the Limited Impact Review process in the rural and resource lands (subareas: plateau and gentle) districts. Also, the ULUR does not allow this proposed land use within any residential district. Staff supports the Storage and Facilities land use in all zone districts specified through this application with the exception of residential districts (RISF, RIUD, and MHP) since this land use is not compatible with a residential use.


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4. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Intergovernmental Agreements. The proposed rezoning is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and any applicable intergovernmental agreement affecting land use or development or an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan approved prior to filing a rezoning request.

Staff Response: The Comprehensive Plan of 2000 allows the proposed land uses of: Extraction, Solar, and Storage Areas and Facilities. However, Solar Power Generating Systems is not discussed specifically under the Comprehensive Plan but rather solar for residential housing. The Comprehensive Plan also doesn't specifically state which zoning districts these land uses are allowed to occur.

As per an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Rifle and Garfield County, any application within the Area of Influence of a municipality/town will be a referral and allowed to comment on the given application. A referral packet was sent to the City of Rifle.

In the review of this application, the City of Rifle Comprehensive Plan was considered. This Plan shows the area of the PUD as business, commercial, industrial, and open space. The PUD is therefore inconsistent with the Plan since it contains residential areas. The City of Rifle did indicate in their referral response that they are not concerned with the proposed residential uses and if the PUD is annexed to the City of Rifle the PUD would have to reflect their Comprehensive Plan.

5. Original Zone Designation Incorrect. The proposed rezoning addresses errors in the original zone district map.

Staff Response: The original zone designation is PUD and this amendment does not change the PUD zoning district designation and there were no errors in the original zoning districts within this PUD. The added land uses expand what is permitted within each PUD district.

6. Adequate Water Supply. Such an application to rezone a property from one district to another district shall be required to demonstrate the maximum water demand required to serve the most intensive use in the resulting zone district pursuant to Article 7-104 of this Resolution.

Staff Response: A portion of the PUD has potable water and waste water service from the City of Rifle. These services are supplied to the Road and Bridge and Corrections buildings, Sheriff Complex, Airport Complex, and Fire Station. Service to other portions of the PUD is possible through a prior approval with the City of Rifle and payment of appropriate "out of area" rates.

V. REVIEW CRITERIA Section 6-202 PUD Approval Standards Staff Response: This section of the ULUR is not applicable since this application isn't for a new subdivision.


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SECTION 7-704- Standards Within Airport/Heliport Influence Area Overlays The PUD proposes to comply with these standards. Due to the proximity to and potential conflict with GCRA flight operations, the Solar Power Generating System land use will not be allowed within the following zone districts:

1. Commercial/Airport Service (C/AS) 2. Commercial/Convenience Retail (C/CR) 3. Commercial/Office Research (C/OR) 4. Public Administration/Facilities (PAIF)

Staff Response: This section of the ULUR is not applicable since this application but will be addressed with future land use applications that require Limited and Major Impact Reviews regarding this PUD.

VI. REFERRAL COMMENTS City of Rifle (Exhibit G): The City of Rifle has no objection to the proposed PUD changes since it appears that the PUD doesn't affect the intent of the future development as represented by the Airpark Master Plan.

Garfield County Environmental Health (Exhibit H): This department did not have any comments on this application.

COOT (Exhibit 1): This agency did not have any comments on this application.

Rifle Fire Protection District (Exhibit J): This district had comments on the storage of hazardous waste, and water supply for fire protection.

Consulting Engineer (Mountain Cross Engineering) (Exhibit K): This consultant had the following comments: 1. The Applicant requests a waiver from providing an impact analysis as part of the application

materials. The authority to grant this waiver likely rests with the BOCC but since the application proposes to only amend text, this request should be granted.

2. The Applicant proposes that Storage Areas and activities be a subject to a Limited Impact Review in all zone districts including residential districts. Where a Limited Impact Review seems justified in commercial districts, a Major Impact Review seems to be more appropriate for these proposed uses in residential zone districts.

3. Within the Industrial/General Service District, the text appears to be modified by this application to allow, " .... processing natural resources and/or agricultural materials ... " with a Major Impact Review and to allow, "Plant for fabrication of goods from processed natural resources ... " with a Limited Impact Review. It is unclear if these uses were previously allowed or if they have been added with this application. If they have been added with this application, the Applicant should address the inclusion of these uses in the Statement of Objectives and the Proposes text Amendments and Justification.

Colorado Division of Wildlife: No comments received.

Garfield Countv Road and Bridge: No comments received.

County Surveyor: No comments received.


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School District- RE- 2: No comments received.


Planning Commission October 13, 2010 MOL

1. That the hearing before the Planning Commission was extensive and complete, that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard.

2. The proposed text amendment and map amendment to the PUD has been determined to be in the best interest of the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Garfield County.

3. That the application has met the requirements of the Garfield County Unified Land Use Resolution of 2008, as amended. Specifically, the Rezoning Criteria listed in Section 4-201 (B); • No Spot Zoning (meets this criterion) • Change in Area (meets this criterion) • Demonstrated Community Need (meets this criterion) • Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Intergovernmental Agreements (meets

this criterion) • Original Zone Designation Incorrect (meets this criterion) • Adequate Water Supply (meets this criterion)

4. The proposed PUD text and map amendments are consistent with applicable standards of the Unified Land Use Resolution of 2008, as amended, and is in substantial compliance with the Garfield Count Comprehensive Plan of 2000, as amended.

5. The proposed PUD text and map amendment does not conflict with State statutory provisions regulating land use.

VIII. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The Applicant has applied for text and map amendments to an approved PUD. As conditioned, the request addresses the ULUR requirements for approving these amendments. Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval for the proposed PUD amendments to the Board of County Commissioners for the Garfield County Airport Industrial Park Complex with the following conditions:

1. Extraction shall not be allowed in the following zone districts: Residential/Single Family (R/SF}, Residential/Urban (R/UD}, Mobile Home Park (MHP), and Public Admin/Facilities (PNF).

2. Solar Power Generating Systems shall not be allowed in the following zone districts: Residential/Single Family (R/SF), Residential/Urban (R/UD), Mobile Home Park (MHP), Commercial/Airport Service (C/AS), Commercial/Convenience Retail (C/CR}1

,Commercial/Office Research (C/OR), and Public Administration/Facilities (PNF).

3. Storage Areas and Facilities shall not be allowed in following districts including: Residential/Single Family (R/SF), Residential/Urban (R/UD), and Mobile Home Park (MHP).


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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Hi Molly,

Nathan Lindquist [[email protected]] Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:32AM Molly Orkild-Larson RE: Airport Industrial Park Complex PUD text and map amendment

I apologize for not getting back to you earlier, we have not yet annexed this property so are not yet responsible for water and sewer, but are working with the applicants to develop the plan for accomplishing that. Rifle's comments on this are:

The City of Rifle has no objection to the proposed PUD changes, as it does not appear that they have an effect on the intent for future development as represented by the Airpark Master Plan.

Nathan Lindquist Planner

Cily of Rifle 202 Railroad Avenue Rifle, CO 81650 (970) 665-6497 office (970) 456-2183 cell (970) 625-6268 fax

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. <:;F.rom: ~t~~Tc>:--:·-\'Subject: ·Vdate:

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if Molly, (/!' ' f~;~ -~- _>

.!irn..Bal!il Molly Orkild~l arson PDAA-6349 Airport Land Partners PUD Amendment and Text Amendment Friday, July 23, 2010 11:45:45 AM J!m Rada Cjrada®qarfield-CQ!mtv com) vet

i'l'H,have no comments to offer on this application. Thanks for the referral though. ~;\~\_::.:--~' r"::_:--··

i,i:.}Jfh1~ada, REHS !'I~rl:Vi.ionmental Health Manager ~{Garfield County Public Health ~~Ns·W 141h street tti~lfta, co 81650 ~"RHone 970-625-52oo x8113 [li:)~il 970·319-1579 <\\il~x.· · 970·625·8304 i,~,~-' ,-~- . M•Em~il·jrada@garfield-coun!y com ff,iije6 www garfield -couo!y.com



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From: To: Subject: Date:

Roqssjn. panjef Molly Orkjfd-Larson Airport Land Partners PUD amendment Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:58:44 PM

Molly- This doesn't appear to have a major impact to the State Highway system. I have no other comments.

Dan Roussin Region 3 Permit Unit Manager 222 South 6th Street, Room 100 Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-683-6284 Office 970-683-6291 Fax

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From: Kevin Whelan [[email protected]] Friday, August 06, 2010 2:04 PM Sent:

To: Molly Orkild-Larson Cc: Subject:

[email protected]; 'Jason Clark'; 'Chad Harris' PUD admendment- PDAA-6349


I have reviewed the application for a PUD Amendment and Text Amendment for the Airport Land Partners (file number PDAA-6349. The following are the fire district's comments:

1. Page 36 -1" sentence- wording should reflect intent. It appears that it is missing a word that would indicate that the proposed PU D changes do not affect the water supply.

2. PUD appears to address water supply for fire protection adequately. Pg 38 Section 7-104 A# 5 indicates that it has been assessed and is adequate. It references that the water supply will comply with section 7-403 which is not included , but I assume meets the fire code standards. It should be noted that with the county's adoption of the 2009 IRC , all single family homes will probably need to have fire sprinklers installed starting in January, 2013. The fire district does not believe this will affect the quantity of water required but it may affect the pressures. No action is required at this time as this can be addressed at the individual home level or in the system design for this development.

3. Pgs 30-34- VIII Pre-Application Conference Form- is blank. I believe this is intentional but if not please resubmit. 4. Pg 35- Storage Area & Facilities- This addresses a need in the local gas energy industry for storage and

warehouses. The building permit system will address construction requirements but the operational functions may increase hazardous materials storage and handling. Experience has shown that sometimes what will be or can be stored affects the design and construction but this is sometimes determined after a building is constructed. Although no action is required at this time, awareness of the possibility of storage and handling of hazardous materials in this development is important. If this is incompatible to the owners, airport, county planning or zoning it might be best to address this now.

If there are any questions , please let me know! "The Mission of the Rifle Fire Protection District to to Enhance Health and Safety and to Protect the Life , Home and Property of the People We Serve"

Kevin C. Whelan Division Chief/ Fire Marshal Rifle Fire Protection District 1850 Railroad Ave. Rifle, CO 81650 [email protected] Office- 970-625-1243 ext .12 Fax- 970-625-2963 Cell- 970-618-7388


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July 29,2010

Ms. Molly Orkild-Larson Garfield County Building & Planning 0375 County Road 352, Building 2060 Rifle, CO 81650


RE: PDAA-6349, PUD Amendment and Text Amendment: Airport Land Partners

Dear Molly:

This office has performed a review of the documents provided for the PUD Amendment and Text Amendment application of the Airport Land Partners. The submittal was found to be thorough and well organized. The following questions, concerns, or comments were generated:

1. The Applicant requests a waiver from providing an impact analysis as part of the application materials. The authority to grant this waiver likely rest with the BoCC but since the application proposes to only amend text, this request should be granted.

2. The Applicant proposes that Storage Areas and Facilities be a subject to a Limited Impact Review in all zone districts including residential districts. Where a Limited Impact Review seems justified in commercial districts, a Major Impact Review seems to be more appropriate for these proposed uses in residential zone districts.

3. Within the Industrial/General Service District, the text appears to be modified by this application to allow, " ... processing natural resources and/or agricultural materials ... " with a Major Impact Review and to allow, "Plant for fabrication of goods from processed natural resources ... " with a Limited Impact. Review. It is unclear if these uses were previously allowed or if they have been added with this application. If they have been added with this application, the Applicant should address the inclusion of these uses in the Statement of Objectives and the Proposed Text Amendments and Justification.

Feel free to call if any of the above needs clarification or if you have any questions or comments.

Sincerely, Moun in Cross En

826 1/2 Grand Avenue • Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 PH: 970.945.5544 • FAX: 970.945.5558 • www.mountaincross-eng.com

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