EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property 14

EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property · PDF fileTownship 28 &Mh, Range 28 East, Mou'lt DIablo Bale and Meridilln, In DIe County of Kem, SIBle of califomill; ... N 88"23'16'W,

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Legal Description of the Property


ExhlbhAChemicIIl W.... ManlgflMnt, Inc.Ugal Daertption 0101. Proptrty

The South ~lIIf of Section 35 and !he 'Neal: one-MIf of SecUon 36, TownlNp 27 South, R;I. 28eat!, Mount DIablo BaM and Meridian, ace:on:llng 10 the 0fIIcI8I pt. thereof attullted In the County dK-.n, Stat8 of california;

TOGETliER WITH the west one-haIf 01 GoYemrnent lol No. 2 In the Not1tM'est~Government Lot No. 2 In 1M Northeast on~r and the Southwest one-quar1er Of sectton 2,Township 28 &Mh, Range 28 East, Mou'lt DIablo Bale and Meridilln, In DIe County of Kem, SIBle ofcalifomill;

BEG~lNG at the Southwest comer of aeId section 35; thence N 0'"58'35" E, along the westMne of the SoufIwest ClI'llt-qUIrWot saJcl sec:tIon 35, • diItlInoe or 2,639.30 feet 10 the west one­quarter comer of said 5ectIon 35; thencI' N 88"048'35" E, along th8 Nortt1IIne of the SouItwtestone-quarhll' of said S8d1on 35•• dislatlDl of 2,630.52 feet to !tit center onft.qUllttef CCllTlel' ofsaid section 35; !hence contlnulng N aao<48'3S" !. tbJg the North line of the SotAhNR one­quart_ of 8IIid section 35, • diltance of 2.628.98 ,.. to the Eat one-quetter Q)fnef of MIdsec80n 35; lhence N O'·','sr E, 8long the West Mne or ltIa North,,",t OMoquaMr ot saidSedIon 38, • distance of 2.671.81 fee( to the Nottfl'Nest comet of said section 38; thenceS 89"55'21' E, along the NOl'I\ Mne of the NorthWeR one-qualtAlr of Hid SectSon 36, 8 dlttDrK:e of2,6'4.151 feet 10 the North 0/MHlU8l18l' comer d said SectIon 36; lhenct S 005"'4' W, 8Iong !heEast line d lI'Ie Welt one-Mlf of said 5ec:tion 36, a distMt:e of 5,334.92 reet to the South ()fW­

quarter comer 0' said So<:tIon 38; Ihenoe S alt'51'24" w. aiong the SoUttIli'le of Ihe SoulhWestone-qual'ter of said Sflctlon 38, • distance of 2,&45.47 feet to 1M NotthN:It comer of Aid Section2; \htInce 5 O,o~'03' E, along t1Ie East Ilne of the Northeast one-queftet Of said sectlcn 2, 8cIIl1ance of , ,713.83 feet to the $outtI6Ut comer of Government l.ot No. 2 of sald 5ectlon 2;!hence N as-48'37'" W, 8IOng t:ht SOuth ~ne of S8J;d Gover'M1tllt Lol No.2, 8 distInce of 2,825.,gfeet to the Southeast oomer of ItMt West on&-h8lf of aald Government Lot No.2; thenceS 01°46'28" E, along the East lne of the 'Nell one-het of Government Lot No. 1 of NId S«:don2, • distance of 1,308.68 ree1 to the Soulhelet comer of the west one-helf of I8Id GovernmentLot No.1, N:id comer also being 1ha center~erofsaidSadlon2;ltlenotoontinulng

S (l,046'28 E, along Ihe East Mna Of the SouthweSt ona-quartllr of said SectiOn 2, 8 dlsUwlce of2,617.37 fHt to tile South ona-quarter oomer or 58ld SecIIon 2; lMnoe 5 W151744" W, along fieSouth line 01 the SouthWest one-querter of Aid seetion 2, II distance of 2,824.73 feoI to theSouthweItoomer 01 aeJd SectIon 2; thence N 0,°44'5'" W, along the Welt line of Aid Secticn 2,

-_.8·dlstanca·of 5,722:16·Metto·ltle NOI1trweIt·oomerof aIcI·8ection·2,aald·comerblllng ltle-TRtJE---­POINT OF BEG!NNING.

said parcel conta!ns 1,089.44 1ICfeS, l"tltIte Of less.


exhibit ACMmlcaI w.... Man...,.nt, Inc.L..o.c:rtptlon Of the Property

AP a; 074-12().()9014-120.24093-01().05



End of dHcttptlon

Dated: __1'..../_'0--.../_'_" _

By:Mlchaal D. Cranston, PLS 6271



Exhibit B

Legal Description of the Restricted Area


Exhibit BC.......lw-lll ........-m,lnc.


AlIhIIt px1Ion 01 West onH\aJf cI GoYemmelC~ No. 1: In h NorttN...~ and~ItLeI No. 2 In 1M NorIlelllt~ 01 SedIon 2. TOM'IIHp 28~, RInge 28 EIIlIt. Mount Diabloa... and MerIdiIn, lICCI:InIing to 1M 0IIc:iIl PIll lheNOI **"d In 1M County of Kem. s-. cI~.

EXCEPllHG Tl£REFROM alltlM portiorllylng SouttI d V14I cdiIrInlI of Kern County Rc.d No.rn, Ro..ncI MountHl Road•• eo-Ioot wkte rIghklI'-way. per lie Map of County Roed No 724.Sheets 3 and., rec:on:Is In !he ol'ltcl ofte.n eo..'Ity PubIc Wctk& o.p.,,*1t;

s.Id pvperty beI'lg more partjcul.rly descri.t as~

BEGINNING at !he NortheUl: comer d ..1d hc:lIotIIl $«:don 2. --'d NorIlu:M comer -.0 being!he HOI. _ 0lIf'f* oIRld GoYemmonllot No. 2;~ $0"48'03" Eo Ib'Ig IJ'I. Eutlne ofuId S«:tion 2 and Mid Government Lot !'to. 2, • d1Wnce of 1,113.83 feel to fie SotItheastClClfMl' of said Oowmrnent Lcll: No. 2; lhence N W<&nT W, -'on; 1M South 1M of MidGoYemmenl: lot No.2, • dlslanoe of 2.'t1.47 fltet to. poFlt on fle centettlne of said KernCClunty Roecl No. 72"; thence 1UYi'lg !he South line of MId Government Lot No. 2, N3PSToW W, along the OIntertne of UlclKml COunty Road No. 72., • dlRance 0168.51 feet;~ oontInuIng along tI\e said centerflne, IIong • CUNe to lht~ 0Cl"ICaVCl to the~ haYhg • rvdiU* of 450.00 reet. • cen\nll angle 01 24"00'54' and an are~ of188.61 MeC; ltIenoe N 61'"58'42" W,' dilta'lc:e of349.05 fMt ttlftnOI N 59"29'.7 W,' diDnoe or2ef.~ lMl; lhrInce along. curre to tht I'IOfflweaI. conc:eve to the IOUthweIt, Ila\'lng. l'IIdIus of600.00 feet.. centW 'I)Q'- of 1n"HI" and an lite length or 141.59 fwt; tttence N7~''02 W•• cflttlnce of 825.52 feet; ItIenoe leaving thII c.ntenlntl of Aid Kem Coulli)' Roed No. 72",N 0,'.5'36" W. lIIong ItMl WMt 1118 oIlhe feat on"" of the NorthweII CItIeoqulftW of sei1lhctIonli section 2, • distance of 1,080.85 feel to I polnt On tM North IlnI of Aid hctIonal5ec:tion 2, seJd pOll'll beIng &he NorttNteIt oomer Of !he Eat 0I'Ie-hatf of lI'1e 'Nell one-nlllf of NldGooiemmenllot No. 2; U'Ience S 88~·<41· E, along th. NOfth OM Of 1M Nortttweec OI'Ie-quatter orIIIId frK:lIonal Secllon 2, a dlstanoe of 1,312..68 feet to -!he Nol1tl ()M.qUWW comer of aakthc:tiorI* section 2; lhence 5 88':23'18" E. eking th. Nor1h line or the NorV*'Il:~Itef 01MId~ Sec60n 2, • dlllanoe d 2.e2e.4a feet to VI.N~ ClOmlll' of Mid hctionaI5edIon·2.eald·oomar·belng the TRUE·P01NT·OF-BEGINNING.

5ald pwOIl c:ontalns 1<42.31 aaeI, mora Of Ie5s.


Exhibit BCblmlUl w..- llIaftagellMlll, Inc.

l..egaI DHcrlptlon of Rntrtctad Area

APN: Portion Of093-01f).()5 and 093-010-06

End of descripllon

Dated: f//IOI/'o

By~t2lJ-rlLMichael D. Cranston, PLS 5271


Exhib~ 0

legal Description of Waste Management Units


Exhibit 0Chenlkal Wasta Management, Inc.

L.egli DeacrIptIoA orwute Mlneg'NntUnlta


AI that portion 01 the South one-half of section 35. TOWIlItIIp 27 South, Range 28 East, Mounl DiabloBaM end Meridian Ind lhe W.l one-ha!f or Government Lot No. 2 at the Nortl1west one-qlJlrter ofStclIon 2, Township 28 South, Range 28 East, MolJnt DillbIo BaM anet Meridian and Govermlent lot No.201 tI\e Northeast one-qU8llW of SedIon 2, TOWI'lIhlp 28 SouIh, R8nga 28 East, Mount Ollbfo Base MetMericI*l, in IN County of Ketn, S&Itt; of Califomla,~ parUculaJfy detcribect as t::lIows:

BEGINNING • the North ~arter eomlll' of sald s.cuon 2; IIllllC1e N 87"041'~ W lnlo ....SouttlWe:lt on.quan.r of IlIld Sec:llon 35, • cIQnce 01820.10 fMt;: ttMncI S 2"~1'11' W, adIIt.M:t1 of 11.53 r..t to a point on IN North Wne of MId s.ctlon 2: therMlI conthJIngS 24'"31'11" W, Into sald SedIon 35, 8 dlstanee of 301.72 feeC; thence S 3nS'2'" W, • distanceof 110.1' 1M1; 1hltIIoe S lXl-48'5T E,' dlltanee of '.7.14 ,"I; IhlInce S Dr34'35' W, a dilanoeof 80.16 feet; Itlenoe N 7a-4"24" W, • dJltanctl 01 152.97Jeet; thence S 17"'44'4'" W.• distance0( 131.24 tNt; thenoe S 4O"36'OS' E, a diIIaIlce 01184.39 I1Mt; lhIlIQ S ortlr4r W, • tiIt«lceof 70.71 tMc; thence S 47"'5TW E,' dIItanoe of 1&4.27 feel; Ihence S 82"'4''-&' E, •~of 197.Q7 fMt thenoe 8~ E, • dlllanoe of 139.79 Met;~ N ~'54' E, • dlltanceof '.5034 feel; thenoe N 52'OT3O" W•• dIItMce 01 342.OS feet; thence N ~48'51' W••dlttance 0122$.50 flet; then!» N U04-04' E, • dbUnct of 16.63 feet: thence S 85"04r.,' E, adistance of 340.82 feet; ttutnce S se-5tr26' E,. dlstllnoe of 513.&3 feet. Ihenoe S 16'18'53" e, adlstanc» of 265.06 Jeet 10 the Souflwresl COl'llel' of wasta MaNgemenI Unit P-3W; thenoe N00000'00" IE, aJong the West UM of said Unit P.sw, a d1l1tance of 232.00 reet to tho Northweostoomar of Mid unit P-3W; tnenoe Nm3~'W, • di-.ot 01848.39 feet to a poIftt on the NorthliM of MId section 35 from ...mlch the Nol1h~ comer of MId section 36 beatsN 88"23'16' W, • diItMcI of 041.38 feet; lhtnce oontillJlng N W23'16· W Into Aid S«Uon 2, •diItance 011.59 feet; theflCI S en04'3r W, • diatance of 041.32 teet to the North OI'loa-<ILJartercomer of MId section 2, Mid comer being the TRUE POINT CW BEGINNING.

s.Id NorthWftI sector oontlIlns 104.78 acres, ITlOl1l or less.


AIllhat portion 01 ttM South one-hall of section 35, TOo'l'Mhlp 27 SCMJIh, RWige 28 East, Mount DlalbIo8aU.oo Mlrid1all and GovemmInt Lot No. 2 of tile Northeaston~ of s.ctIon 2, Township 28SOUlh. Range 28 Eat. Mounl: DIablo 8ue.nd MIl'ldIan, In 111. County 01 Kern, Sl8te of CIiIforJlll, morepatliculaIty described lIS follows:

COfolMENCIHG at !he North Ol'llt-qllarter comer of MIcI SecIlon 2; thenoe S lllr38'01' E Into sU::ISedIon 35, a distance 01 358.42~ 1'0 ltIe POINT Of BEGINNING; theno8 S 09"09'06' W, •dll~ of 1.66 Ie« to a point on the North line of saicI section 2 from which the North on&-


EXHIBIT 0Legal Descriptions of Waste Management Units (conmued)Page 2

quarter comer or said 5edlon 2 bears N 83~3'16" W, • distance of 359.21 feet; thencecontinuing S om'06" W, a distance of 331.88 feet; tIlence S 52"58'24" E, • distance of 219.20feet; l1ence N eeo44'31' E, a distance of 181.65 feet; thence N 25"43'28" E, a dstanoe of 3ge.27reel; thence N 8P43'48' W, a dlslance of 454.36 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.

Said Burial Cell 8-1W contains 3.60 acal, more or less.


AIllhat portion 01 GoYerMlent Lot No.2 01 the Northeast one-quaftet of 5ectIon 2. Township 28 South,R~ 28 East. Mount 0IabI0 Base and MertdI8n, In the Counly of Kern, State of CIllIftlmIa, mor.particularly described as fobs:

COMMENCING at the North one-quarter comer of said Section 2; thence S 88"23'16" E, alongthe North line of Government Lot No. 2 01 the Nol1heast one-quarter of said 8eclion 2, a dlslanc:eof 41.38 _ thence S 01"31'05" 'E, a d1sta1lCle of 38.53 feet to 1I1e Northwest comer of WasteManagement Unit Pond P.1W, said pOInt being the POINT OF BEGINNING; ttlenceS O~37'17" E, a distance of 3$.33 feet: thence N 82"24'19" E, • dlll8n<le of 76.69 reet; thenceN210t0S'0T E, a distancI of 386.26 feet; IMnce N84°03'10' W, a dlstance of 241.30 feet 10 theNorthwest comer 01 Waste Management Unit Pond P·'W, said point being the TRUE POINT OFBEGINNING.

said Pond P-1W contains 1.38 acres more or less.


AI that por1Ion of Government Lot No. 2 of the Nor1heast one-quatter of Section 2, Township 28 South,Range 28 East, Mount Olllblo BaM and Meridian. In the County of Kern, Slate of CaUtomle, morepartlctJlarty descrfbed as follows:

COMMENCING at the North one-quarter comer of Aid section 2; thence S 88";23'16' E, aJongthe North line of GovemmellC lot No. 2 of Ihe NoItheast~ of eaId section 2, a diatanceof 41.38 feet; thence S 01°31'05" E. a distance of 648.39 feet to the Northwest comer of WasleManagement Unit Pond P-3W; thence N 90"00'00" E, a dlslanoe 01122.00 feet to theNortheast comer of saki Pond p.m; thence S 00"00'00' E, akln9 the East Ilde of said Pond p­m, a dIst8nee of 35.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence N 25"00'25' E, • distance of351.29-1ieet: thenoe S-&3"l:i<tlj··E, a dlSi8iiCi or 163.2i teet thence S24°54'10' W. a distance of485.65 feet; l1enee N 90000'00' W, a distance of 1J9.50 feet lei the Southeast corner of said PondP-3W; thence N 00000:00" E, a dislanc:e of 196.27 feet 10 the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.

said Pond P·2W contains 1.77 aaes. more or less.


EXHIBIT 0Lepi DeralpIlonll ofWlISte Management UnIts (continued)PIi983


Mlhat portion of~ment Lot No. 2 of the Nottheat one-quartef' of s.ctIon 2, Townllhlp 28 South,Range 28 EalII, Mount DIablo Bue and Mericlan, In the County of Kern, Stale of C81ifomill, menpartlculafly described .. follows:

COMMENCING .. the Nor1h one-qual1er corMI' of said sec:tlon 2; thence S 88"23'16' E, along!he North line or Government lot No. 2 of !he Northeast~ of said Secion 2, a dis&lnceof -41.38 feet; tIlenc» S 01~1'06" E, a dIstanc:. of 648.39 feet 10 the Norttiwest CClrnW of wasteMamlgemenl Unit Pond P..:Ni, said point bIlng the POINT OF BEGINNING; thenceN90-00'00" E, along the Nofth .Ide of llaId Pond P..:Ni, • dllt8nce of 122.00 Ieet; tIlen<»S 00°00'00. E, along the East IlIde of saIcf Pond P..:Ni, • dlstanc:e or 232.00 fMt; IhencIN 90"00'00" W, along the South IIde of aid Pond P-3'N, • distance of 122.00 _ thenceN 00000'00" E, along the West~ of laid Pond p.::m. a distance of 232.00 feet to the TRUEPOINT OF BEGINNING.

Said Pond P-3W conIaIns 0.87 acres, mora or leN.


All that portion of Government lot No. 2 of !he Northealt one-quart8r of 8edIon 2, TownshIp 28 South,Range 28 East. Mount Diablo BaISe end MeridIan. In \he County of Kern, State of Catifomla, menparticUarty desaibed as foIloWI:

COMMENCING at the North one-quar18r comer of Mid SeeIIon 2; thence S 88"23'18" E, alongthe Noc1h Ilna of GoYemment Lot No. 2 of the Northeast one-qll8ffer of said section 2, • dlst8noeof 1,312.78 Mt; Ihence S 01'47'14" e. • distance or 127.05 feat 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence N1W3S'04" E, • distance or 123.00 feet thence S 44"20'W e, • dlst8nc:e or 123.05 fMt;thence S 13°17'152" E, a dlttanoe of 1,127.77 fHt; Ihence S 2s-16'31- E, • distance of 409..21feet thence N 7S004'Or W, • distance of 93.14 feet; Ihenoe N58~5'14" W, • diICence Of 172.151feel; thence N 78"28'12" W, • diatanee of 21515.15 feet; thence N 38'01'311" W, • distance of231.23 feet; thence N 57'00'41" W, • distance of 135.91 reet; thence N 42'13'24" W, a distanceof 308.64 feet thance N 60°46'10" W•• d1stenee of 409.04 feet; Ihenoe N 3e"00'13" E, • diGnceof 556.00 feet; lhence N 86~'04" e. a distance of 8.94 feel to the TRUE POtNT OFBEOJNNING.


EXHIBIT 0Legal Descriptions ofW.., Management Units (eontinoed)Page 4


A1llhl1t portlon of Govemment Lot No.2 of the Northea5t one-qU8rter of section 2, Township 28 South,Range 28 East, Mount DiBblo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kem, Slate of Cullfomla, more

.particUlarly described n1tlllows:

COMMENCING at lie Northeast comer of saki Section 2; thence N 88"23'16" W, along I!Ie NorIlline of Government Lot No. 2 of 11M Northeast one-quarter 01 sakl section 2, a distance of 473.31feet; tlence S 00'30'4T E, I dlslance of 143.99 feet to the Northeast comer 0' WasteManagement Unit Pond P·1, said polnt beIng the POINT OF BEGINNING; 1hence S 00"00'00" E,a clstanee of 500.00 feet; thence N 9ttoo'OO" W, a cIIslance of 140.00 1M!; lienee N 00"00'00" E,a distance of 500.00 feet; thence N 90'00'00" E. 8 dltl8nce of 140.00 feet to lie TRUE POINTOF BEGINNING.

SaIcI Pond P-1 con...., 1.61 ecres, more orle$s.


All that J)OI1Ion of Government Lot No. 2 of lie Northeast one-quarter of section 2, Township 28 South,Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Ban and Meridian, In the County of Kern, Slate of caIUomIa, moreparticulaJ1y dMcribed as follows:

COMMENCING at the Northeast comer of Slid Section 2; thence N 88"23'16" W, along the North~ne of Government Lot No. 2 of the Northeest one-quartef' of said section 2, a diIIanoI of 758.42feet; thence S 00'00'00" E. a dlslanoe of 132.04 feet to the NoItheast comer of WasteManagement Unit Pond P-2, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 00'00'00" E,8 dlstanclll of 565.00 feet; thence N 90'00'00" W, a dlalance of 135.00 feet thet'I:e N 00"00'00' E,a distance of 565.00 feet: thence N 90"00'00" E, a distanc:e of 135.00 feet to the TRUE POINTOF BEGINNING.

Said Pond P-2 contains 1.75 acres, more or less.


AI that portion of Government Lot No. 2 of the Nottheast one<Juarter 01 sectlon 2, Township 28 South,Range 28 East, Mount DlabIo Base and Meridian, In the County of Kern, State of C81lfomlll, more

-----::pam='(ij*ty-diiCiitiill'iSfOIlowa: .

COMMENCING at the Northeast comer of said SedIon 2; thence S 00"48'03" E, along 11, Eastline of Government Lot No. 2 of I!Ie Northeast one-quarter of said section 2. a distance of1,108.84 feel; thence N 90°00'00" W. 8 disIance of 574.99 feet to a painton the East Nne of


EXHIBrTDLegal DelcripljclnI of weaae Management UrMls (oon ued)Page 5

Man.,nent Un Pond P-3, Aid~ being the POINT OF BEGill HG; thslceS 05"ST57 ~ II di*nCe <II 85.35 . ncI N 80"00'00" w.• diItance of 185.00 I8eI; Ihn:eN 1rntrV E.II distance of 394.24 _1tIenat S lll1"21'4S' E.. dlltanct of2e8.79 _ thenc:IIIIIS W5T22" e. II dimnce 01261.47 fMt ID TRUE POINT OF BEGIN

S8id Pond P-3 c:onIIIina 1.85 acres, more or Iesa..


AI thIIt portion of GcMmmInt Lot No. 2 of !hi QMoqUIrW of sectIof1 2. TQlWlllh P28 South,RBnge 28 East. McuIt DiIbfo Base and MItllfIM. In the County of Kern. S of C8ifornia. morepatticuIIfly desahd as til

COMM~NG8t !hi Northe8IC comer d Slid Seclion 2; I1ence N se-23"16" W, aJong !he Northof Go'ownment Lot No.2 of the NorIIeaIt one-quarter of uId Sedlon 2, II disI8nce of 433.29

feet; ltIenoe S 00"03'02" W, II dlatllnce of 274.01 r.t ID the Nor1/'Iwest comer of Wan!~ Unit Pond P-.5. aaId point I*ng the POINT OF BEGI NG; thence S W43'46· E.• dIIlIInoe of 175.28 feet; \hence S OlfOOw W, • dlIGnce of 365.00 fMt hnceNeo-ooW W, I <Istanca of 115.00 _ lhenciI N 00"00'00. E, II dIItaneI of 315.00 fMl to !heTRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.

S8Id Pond P-5 contBIns 1.47 8CIIIS, more 0I1es1..


AI that portion of GoYemment Lot No. 2 of \he NorttIeast m.q..w of Section 2, Tawnthip 28 South,Ra~ 28 East, Maune 0iabI0 BaM an<I MoricIlan, In lhe County of Kern, Stale of CIIfomII, morepetlIcularly dnc:rtbed as bRow!:

COMMENCING at the Nor1heaat c:cmer of said Section 2; \hence S 00"48'03" E, along \he Eastline of Government lot No. 2 of the Northeest one-quarlltr of teId seetJon 2, II dl8lance of 713.65feet lhence N 90"00'00" W, a dIstanc:e of 235.78 feet to lhe NoI1tlea&t comer of WasteMenagement Unit Pond P-6, saki point being II. POINT OF seGlN~NG; thenceS 11·18'38" W, 8 dil1anee of 2504.95 tNt; Ihence N Woo'DO" W, " diltlnce of 160.00 feetthence N ~50'38" E, a dlltancl of 251.79 feet; thence N WOO'OO· E, II distance of 180.00 feel10 the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.

SaId Pond P06 contains 0.98 acres, more Of IesI.


EXHIBIT 0legal Desa1ptions ofWasta Management Units (continued)PageS


AI 118t portion 01 Govemrnent lot No. 2 of the Northeast one-q~er of section 2, Township 28 South,Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, In the County of Kern, State of Callfomla, morepartIcuI.... detcllbed lIS foIIowa:

COMMENCING at the Northeut CXlI1ler or NId SectIon 2: thence S 00°48'03' E, along the Eatline or Government lot No. 2 of the Northeast one-quarter of said section 2, • distance of1.108.84 feet thence N 90"00'00" W, • dil1ance of 288.20 fMt 10 the Northeast comer of wasteManagement Unit Pond P.7, HId point be~ the POINT OF BEGINNING; thenceS 13"29'<0' W. a dlslance ot 257.10 feet; thence N 90"00'00· W, • distance at 135.00 tNt:thence N04~'28· E, • dial8nce of 260.80 feel; fiance N goooo'OOO E, a distance cl175.00 teet10 the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.

SaId Pond P-7 contains 0.89 acnas, mont Of less.

Dated: __f_'_',,~/f_D__

By:MIchMI D. Cr.nston, PLS 5271


Exhib~ E

Record. Location, and Quantity of Waste Disposed


Table l'

Waste Management Volume PredominantUnit (cubic yards) Waste Type

P-1 16,835 Tank bottomsDrilling mud

P-2 26,243 Scrubber waterWaste water

P-3 25,253 Scrubber water

P-5 24,757 Scrubber waterwaste water

P-6 14,854 Scrubber water

P-7 17,330 Tank bottomsDrilling mudWaste Water

P-1W 18,320 Drilling mud

P-2W 18,816 Drilling mud

P-3W 1,981 Drilling mud

5-1 500,000 Drilling mud.ContaminatedSoil

B-1W 100,000 Drilling mud,ContaminatedSoil

I This Table is excerpled from the CLOSURE AND POST·CLOSURE PLANS, EMCON Associates (November1985)


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