Exercise 1: Picture Conversation A. Read the dialogue below. B. Describe the picture above. (1-2 minutes) Conversation Material for Beginner #8 FAVORITES W hat are your likes and dislikes? I like watching TV, but I dislike scary movies and spicy food. 029

Exercise 1: Picture Conversation

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Exercise 1: Picture Conversation

A. Read the dialogue below.

B. Describe the picture above. (1-2 minutes)

Conversation Material

for Beginner #8 FAVORITES

W hat are your likes and dislikes?

I like watching TV, but I dislike scary movies and

spicy food.


Exercise 2: Say It! (3 minutes)

Read the following words and sample sentences below.

A. Vocabulary

Vocabulary Sample Sentence

favorite yêu thích

My favorite color is red.

kind loại

What kind of food do you like?

prefer thích hơn (dùng trong câu so sánh) I prefer books to magazines.

like thích

We like Math and Science.

dislike không thích

I dislike cold weather.

B. Useful Expression

What is your favorite __________?


Exercise 3: Role-Play (3 minutes)

Read the dialogues below. Some vocabulary words from the previous exercise are highlighted for your reference.


Tutor What are your favorite colors?

Student Just one – orange.


Student Do you prefer the mall to the beach?

Tutor No. I prefer the beach to the mall.


Student What kinds of food do you like and dislike?

Tutor I like Indian food and I dislike Italian food. And you?

Student I also dislike Italian food. Chinese food is my favorite.


Exercise 4: Answer It! (15 minutes)

Answer the questions from your tutor. Feel free to also ask your own questions.


1. Do you dislike rain?

2. Do you dislike something that you liked before?

3. What do you dislike that your family likes?

4. Do you dislike Mondays?

5. What is something you have disliked since you were young?

Which would you prefer?

1. Do you prefer staying indoors to outdoors?

2. Do you prefer cats to dogs?

3. Do you prefer watching TV to watching movies?

4. Do you prefer morning to night?

5. Which season do you prefer the most?


1. Do you like singing?

2. Do your friends’ likes affect your likes?

3. Is there something you like that your friends dislike?

4. What do you like now that you disliked before?

5. What is something you have liked since

you were young?


1. Do you have a favorite color?

2. Do you know someone who has the same favorite food as you?

3. What is your favorite place?

4. Did your favorite food change as you grew older?

5. Who is your favorite actor or actress?