Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive! Executive Coaching Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I ww.ubalancer.com.au Grow individual capacity to motivate, engage, inspire, connect and deliver positive outcomes

Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

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Page 1: Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive!

Executive Coaching

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I ww.ubalancer.com.au

Grow individual capacity to motivate, engage, inspire, connect and deliver positive outcomes

Page 2: Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I [email protected] I ww.ubalancer.com.au

Executive Coaching

Through my Executive Coaching

journey, I began to understand MY brain, MY reactions, MY leadership strengths (and shortfalls!) and MY patterns; as a result I was pushed out my comfort zone to revitalise my Leadership style and strategy.

By knowing myself better, I now understand others better, which

enables me to communicate more effectively, therefore I am more able

to get the most out of my team (and myself!).

My UBalancer Coach had an

incredible balance of business acumen and real life skills, getting the job done and feeling positive,

guiding while listening. Thank you for helping me to be a better


- K. Phairs, CEO

Logistics and Activation

• 3 - 10 sessions • Initial session 90 mins, remaining sessions 60 mins • Sessions are typically held every 2 – 3 weeks, either face-

to-face or virtually via Zoom • The Survey of Emotional Intelligence (SEI) is administered

at the beginning of the Program to target development needs and then again at the end to measure and reflect on development progress (more information on the SEI on the next page)

• Option to include three way Coaching with line Manager to ensure alignment and transparency

• Executives are purposefully paired with one Coach for the duration of their Program – we have a “Chemistry Call” process so Executives can make an informed decision on who they would like to work with

Introduction and Overview

Executive Coaching is about having someone believe in, challenge, champion and encourage Executives to elevate their thinking, sharpen their communication and transform their leadership behaviours to deliver positive performance outcomes. Executive Coaching provides a safe space for Executives to reflect, learn and strategize. Through high quality questions they generate insight, through exploration of different perspectives they gain clarity, through world-class profiling tools they improve self awareness and by stepping outside their comfort zone they create magic. Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people that produces exceptional outcomes. The Coach’s role is solely to serve the Executive – they have no agenda, no bias and no judgement. What they do have however, is the extensive skills, valuable corporate experience and world-class accreditations to support Executives make the shift from high potential (surviving) to high performing (thriving). We call it a Leadershift. Our unique style of Executive Coaching generates noticeable results in a short amount of time, because we target the development needs of the Executive using validated Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Neuroscience Coaching frameworks and profiling tools as the foundation of every Coaching Program.

Page 3: Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

The Six Seconds SEI is a scientifically validated, practical and action-oriented measure of EQ which supports Leaders to understand, use and improve their EQ skills in the context of life and in their Executive role.

It measures a snapshot of EQ competencies (e.g. consequential thinking, optimism, motivation, empathy) and success factors (e.g. effectiveness, relationships, wellbeing and quality of life) – all critical for leaders who want to connect, engage and inspire their teams.

SEI has been deemed the “best-in-class” worldwide, because of the blend of robust psychometrics, easy practicality and global relevance. Where several other EQ tools provide meaningful feedback, the SEI is unique because it’s not just feedback, it delivers an actionable process framework that equips people to actually use and improve their EQ.

We administer the SEI at the beginning of every Coaching engagement in order to target development needs and again at the conclusion of the Program so we can benchmark and measure development progress. The SEI is a level B Psychometric assessment and must be debriefed by a certified Six Seconds EQ Assessor; of which of all Executives Coaches in the UBS Network are.

Survey of Emotional Intelligence (SEI)

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I [email protected] I ww.ubalancer.com.au





“EQ is a way of recognising, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80

percent of the "success" in our lives” – Joshua Freedman, CEO Six Seconds





Page 4: Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

Why is our style of Executive Coaching so unique?

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I [email protected] I ww.ubalancer.com.au

High Impact Flexible Masterful Measured Affordable We use a powerful, tested

and proven and unique combination of

Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence

coaching frameworks to generate significant and

sustainable results within a short amount of time.

Our coaching is delivered face-to-face and/ or

virtually via Zoom, Skype or Phone. No

geographical limitations means coaching is

available to anyone or any team, no matter where

they are.

Our Coach Network is one of the most highly credentialed and

experienced groups in Australia. All our coaches are International Coach

Federation accredited and participate in a

Supervision Program.

We measure specific leadership competencies,

drivers and success factors both pre and post

to get a validated benchmark and measure

of personal and professional development

from coaching (ROI).

We are dedicated to making the world a better

place by improving the lives of everyone whose

path we cross. So our mission is factored into our pricing structure to

ensure coaching is accessible to all.

Page 5: Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

Executive Coaching is for every one!

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I [email protected] I ww.ubalancer.com.au

Executive Coaching should be a top priority for anyone wanting to: • Grow their leadership effectiveness and performance in their role • Support new hires transition smoothly into a their role • Energise, engage and inspire teams through change or uncertainty • Understand their leadership strengths and opportunities for

targeted leadership development • Improve the dynamic, communication and behaviours of teams • Step outside their comfort zone to realise new possibility • Prepare emerging leaders for future leadership roles • Improve the bottom line of their business • Stop feeling “stuck” in life or their career • Provide meaningful professional development opportunities to their

team • Get support to think outside the box in order to exceed performance


From Students to Emerging Leaders to C Suite Executives – Coaching knows no boundaries, only possibilities.

Page 6: Executive Coaching - UBalancer Solutions...Executive Coaching is not another “how too” course, but rather a powerful alliance between two people thatproduces exceptional outcomes

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive!

Alison Lalieu, CEO

0413 997 495 I [email protected]

Revitalising Leaders & Teams to Thrive I ww.ubalancer.com.au

We’ve only scratched the surface, but if your interest has been sparked or you’d like to discuss pricing, I’d love to chat about how we may be able to support you further!

No boundaries. Only possibilities.