EXECUTIVE BRANCH A2. WHITE HOUSE OFFICE WHAT IS THE FUNCTION? The nerve center of the Executive Office of the President Consists of two wings These

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WHAT IS THE FUNCTION?  The nerve center of the Executive Office of the President  Consists of two wings  These hold the offices of the President’s staff

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EXECUTIVE BRANCH A2 WHITE HOUSE OFFICE WHAT IS THE FUNCTION? The nerve center of the Executive Office of the President Consists of two wings These hold the offices of the Presidents staff WHO IS IN CHARGE? The chief of staff to the President OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WHAT IS THE FUNCTION? In the West Wing Houses 50 men and women who aid the vice president WHO IS IN CHARGE? The Vice President. COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS WHAT IS THE FUNCTION? An impartial group of experts responsible for forecasting economic trends WHO IS IN CHARGE? The Chairman of the Council of the Economic Advisers COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS WHAT IS THE FUNCTION? Aids the president in environmental policy WHO IS IN CHARGE? Three members appointed by the President, approved by the senate NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL The Presidents national security advisor reports presidential orders to the NSC The NSC advises the president in all domestic, foreign, and military matters that relate to national security. Tom Donilon OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION The Office of Administration is a support agencies that provides many auxiliary services to other agencies. Director: Beth Jones OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Headed by a director who is appointed by the president with Senate approval. Second largest agency in size and influence, under the White House Office. Tasked with the preparation of the federal budget, which the President submits to Congress every year. Jack Lew OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY Headed by a director who is appointed by the President with Senate approval. This office prepares an annual national drug control strategy, which the President sends to Congress. The ONDCP coordinated with more than 50 federal agencies on the drug wars. R. Gil Kerlikowske DEPARTMENT OF STATE Responsible for international relations of the United States, equivalent to the foreign ministries of other countries led by the Secretary of State, who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate The current Secretary of State is Hillary Clinton DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Collects taxes Produces coins and bills Borrows money and manages public debt The Department is administered by the Secretary of the Treasury, who is a member of the Cabinet. Timothy Geithner DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Founded as the national Military Establishment; renamed in 1949 Provides military forces to deter war and protect the nations security headed by the United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta(current) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Prosecutes those accused of violating federal law Provides legal advice to the President Represents the United States in Court Operates federal prisons DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR Manages public lands, wildlife refuges, and national parks Operates hydroelectric power plants Helps Native Americans manage their affairs DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR Kenneth L. Salazar DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Assists farmers and ranchers Administers food stamp and school lunch programs Inspects food and ensures quality standards Manage national forests DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Thomas J. Vilsack OFFICE OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT Advise the chief of executive on all matters relating to the nations domestic affairs. Cecilia Munoz OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Presidents major advisor in all scientific, engineering, and other technological matters. Drawn from nations scientific community. John Holdren OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Advises the chief executive in all matters of foreign trade. The trade representative carries the rank of ambassador and represents the President in foreign trade negotiations. Appointed be the President and confirmed by the Senate. Ron Kirk DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SECRETARY JOHN E. BRYSON Promotes international trade, economic growth, and technological development Grants patents and registers trademarks Conducts census Encourages businesses to become more innovative at home and more competitive abroad DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SECRETARY HILDA L. SOLIS Enforces federal laws on minimum wages, maximum hours, and safe working conditions Administers unemployment insurance and workers compensation programs HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY KATHLEEN SEBELIUS Funds healthcare research programs Enforces pure foods and drug laws Administers Medicare and Medicaid Conducts programs to prevent and control disease HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY SHAUN L.S. DONOVAN Operates home financing and public housing programs Enforces fair housing laws VETERANS AFFAIRS Offers health care, disability, education, insurance, and home loan benefits for veterans Researches areas such as aging, women veterans heath concerns, AIDS, post-traumatic stress disorder ERIC K. SHINSEKI Secretary of the VA Retired U.S. Army general HOMELAND SECURITY Prevent terrorism and increase security Secure and manage borders Enforce immigration laws Safeguard and secure cyberspace Ensure resilience to disasters JANET NAPOLITANO Third Secretary of Homeland Security Former Governor of Arizona US DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Mission Serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future. US DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Person in Charge Secretary Ray LaHood The Department of Transportation was established by an act of Congress on October 15, The Departments first official day of operation was April 1, 1967 US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Mission The mission of the energy Department is to ensure Americas security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Person in Charge Secretary Steven Chu US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Mission Administers federal aid to schools Ensures equal access to education Conducts education research Secretary Arne Duncan FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Function Regulates interstate and foreign communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable while ensuring reasonable rates. Person in charge Government FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COMMISSION Function Insures bank deposits, and the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank), which makes loans to help the export and sale of American goods abroad. Person in charge Government FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION Function Administers all federal law dealing with campaign finance. They require the timely disclosure of campaign finance data Place limits on contributions Place limits on campaign expenditures and Provide public funding for several parts of the presidential election process. Person in charge Congress Functions Formulates and administers the nations credit and monetary policy by regulating the money supply, influencing the availability banking system practice FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Person in Charge The federalist Functions Ensure consumer welfare and protects competition by regulating pricing preventing consumers from unfair business practice FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Person in Charge FTC is enforced by EEOC Function Scientific research explore what we cant see with the naked eye NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Person in Charge Congress INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Xenia Cornick Regulates consumer products in order to protect the public from risks of injury from those products by requiring corrective action of items already on the market Establishing labeling standards Advising the public of product recalls Responsible for the day-to-day enforcement of the many antipollution laws Congress has enacted over the years FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION N/A INDEPENDENT AGENCIES By: Brittany White NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS An independent federal agency Supports artists and arts organizations Their goal is to bring the arts to all Americans NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS Created in 1935 Protects the rights of employees and employers Board members were appointed by the president to decide cases of unfair labor practices NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Created in 1950 Promotes the progress of science and engineering through research and education programs Funding source for 20 percent of basic research by colleges and universities NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent federal agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents, promoting transportation safety, and assisting victims of transportation accidents and their families. Their mission is to promote transportation safety by: -Maintaining our congressionally mandated independence and objectivity; -Conducting objective, precise accident investigations and safety studies; -Performing fair and objective airman and mariner certification appeals; -Advocating and promoting safety recommendation; -Assisting victims of transportation accidents and their families. CONTINUED The NTSB has five Board Members, each nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve 5-year terms. A Member is designated by the President as Chairman and another as Vice Chairman for 2-year terms. The Chairmanship requires separate Senate confirmation. When there is no designated Chairman, the Vice Chairman serves as Acting Chairman. Honorable Deborah A. P. Hersman, Chairman Honorable Deborah A. P. Hersman, Chairman Honorable Christopher A. Hart, Vice Chairman Honorable Robert L. Sumwalt, Member Honorable Mark R. Rosekind, PhD, Member Honorable Earl F. Weener, PhD, Member NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was created as an independent agency by Congress in 1974 to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment. The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear medicine, through licensing, inspection and enforcement of its requirements. Mission: - To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials in order to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment. CONTINUED Gregory Jaczko Chairperson of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission OFFICE OF GOVT ETHICS The mission of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is to foster high ethical standards for executive branch employees and strengthen the publics confidence that the Governments business is conducted with impartiality and integrity. OGE is headed by a Director who is appointed to a five-year term by the President. As noted in the organizational chart, in addition to the Office of the Director, OGE is divided into five offices that work in concert to carry out OGE's mission. They are the Human Resources department of the federal government They manage the civil service area of the government OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT They are and independent agency from the federal government Provide assistance Help other countries understand US culture Help us citizens understand other countries cultures PEACE CORPS Aaron S. Williams is the current director SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The US Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the United States federal gov. that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. US POSTAL SERVICE The United States Postal Service (aka USPS, the Post Office or U.S. Mail) is an independent agency of the United States government responsible for providing postal services in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the US constitution.