Example Items French II French II Example Items are a representative set of items for the ACP. Teachers may use this set of items along with the test blueprint as guides to prepare students for the ACP. On the last page, the correct answer, content SE and SE justification are listed for each item. The specific part of an SE that an Example Item measures is NOT necessarily the only part of the SE that is assessed on the ACP. None of these Example Items will appear on the ACP. Teachers may provide feedback regarding Example Items. (1) Download the Example Feedback Form and email it. The form is located on the homepage of Assessment.dallasisd.org. OR (2) To submit directly, click “Example Feedback” after you login to the Assessment website. First Semester 2017–2018 Code #: 8103

Example Items - DISD Assessment Web Items French II ... cuisiné. A la Toussaint, ... A To provide information about a festival B To celebrate Canada’s Independence

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  • Example Items French II

    French II Example Items are a representative set of items for the ACP. Teachers may use this set of items along with the test blueprint as guides to prepare students for the ACP. On the last page, the correct answer, content SE and SE justification are listed for each item. The specific part of an SE that an Example Item measures is NOT necessarily the only part of the SE that is assessed on the ACP. None of these Example Items will appear on the ACP.

    Teachers may provide feedback regarding Example Items. (1) Download the Example Feedback Form and email it. The form is located on

    the homepage of Assessment.dallasisd.org. OR

    (2) To submit directly, click Example Feedback after you login to the Assessment website.

    First Semester 20172018 Code #: 8103


  • EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

    An Administrator Manual, an audio CD and a Student Booklet are included in

    World Languages ACPs. These tests have two main sections. A listening

    section requires the administrator to play the audio CD (and follow along

    using the Administrator Manual) while the students listen and then choose

    the answer shown in the Student Booklet. In the second section, students

    work independently in the Student Booklet.

    For the set of Example Items, the Administrator Manual and Student

    Booklet are merged only for the listening section. For the listening section,

    enclosed in its own box, there is an audio icon. Using speakers on the

    computer, click the icon to play the audio so that students hear a dialogue

    or conversation. The selection is played twice. Students complete the items


  • EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

    For items 1 through 3, you will hear a selection. You will have 1 minute to read the

    questions and answer choices. You will hear each selection twice.

    Administrator Manual:

    After 1 minute, press play to hear Example 1. TRACK 1 [Track 1 plays Example 1 two times. 5-second pause.] [Icon] Student Booklet:

    Based on context, le lendemain means the

    A night before

    B next night

    C day before

    D next day

    What is the first thing they do together?

    A They open presents in the morning.

    B They make different types of dishes.

    C They decorate the Christmas tree.

    D They eat smoked salmon and shrimp.

    What is the speaker explaining?

    A Her favorite holiday and how she celebrates it

    B What her and her family eat during Christmas

    C How her and her friends celebrate the holidays

    D The likes and dislikes between her and her brother

    This finishes the listening section of the test. Complete the rest of the test


  • Use the selection to answer the next four questions.

    Les couleurs et traditions en Martinique

    1 Trs catholique, les ftes de la Martinique sont rythmes par le calendrier chrtien. En dehors des grandes ftes partages avec la Mtropole, vous naurez aucun mal assister une zouk fte patronale dans un village. Elles sont vives et gaies, colores de costumes traditionnels croles et de tissus chatoyants.

    Les Couleurs Et Les Costumes

    2 Si le costume traditionnel nest plus port que pour les grands vnements, les

    martiniquais gardent un souci dlgance pour la vie de tous les jours. Ils savent jouer avec les couleurs vives, tranches avec un blanc clatant pour rappeler leur libration sociale, loin de leur pass desclave.

    3 Petit petit, les esclaves ont commenc acqurir de beaux costumes et de beaux

    bijoux. Les grandes jupes et les jupons sont toujours impeccables, agrments de coiffes.

    4 Alors quil tait mal vu davoir la tte nue, seules les femmes blanches avaient le

    droit au chapeau : les Martiniquaises se coiffrent de beaux carrs de Madras, dont le nouage souffle de nombreux secret.

    5 Les bijoux en or, bien voyants sont une fiert. Le collier-chou, le grain dor, le gros-

    sirop, la chane forat, symbolisent lascension sociale des esclaves. Ils sont un luxe pour ceux qui ne pouvaient investir dans les terres.

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • Les Ftes Traditionnelles

    Costumes traditionnels en Martinique

    6 Lambiance est un tel dpaysement quelle surprend tous ceux qui ont la chance de participer. Nol et Pques se ftent sur la plage, sous le soleil avec chants et plats croles. Plutt que des ufs en chocolat, on dguste Pques le Matoutou, crabe cuisin. A la Toussaint, tout est illumin par des bougies, les cimetires sont dcors de coquillages et de fleurs.

    4 The main purpose of the article is to A explain how slavery disappeared in Martinique

    B describe the traditional clothing and jewelry in Martinique

    C explain the customs and celebrations in Martinique

    D describe the calendar and holidays celebrated in Matinique

    5 What was a common practice in Martinique? A Farming

    B Slavery

    C Dancing

    D Mining

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • 6 How do people in Martinique celebrate Easter and Christmas? A At a party called une zouk

    B At home with friends eating a crab dish

    C With family making French cuisine

    D On the beach under the sun

    7 Many of the celebrations include A shiny and bright fabric

    B traditional French costumes

    C jewelry that symbolize liberation

    D candles and decorative flowers

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • Use the selection to answer the next three questions.

    Accueil / Actualits / Toutes les actualits La Saint-Valentin la tour Eiffel! A loccasion de la Saint-Valentin, la tour Eiffel propose aux amoureux de patiner ou danser sur leur musique prfre et dimmortaliser ce moment privilgi par un mini-clip vido!

    A 57 mtres au-dessus de Paris, 3 soires uniques pour des moments romantiques juste pour 2 1 De 18h 22h, vendredi, samedi et dimanche, les amoureux pourront demander leur

    chanson prfre, puis slancer avec llu(e) de leur coeur pour un pas de deux. Et pourquoi pas oser les patins1 et profiter de la patinoire de 190m2!

    partager largement sur les rseaux sociaux! 2 Et pour conserver intact ce moment particulier ou le partager largement, un mini-clip de

    30 secondes des couples est offert puis transmis par mail, pour tre partag sur Facebook, Youtube, Twitteret pourquoi pas retweet sur le compte du monument@LaTourEiffel si les amoureux en sont daccord.

    3 En clin dil tous ces coeurs qui battront lunisson, la tour Eiffel jettera un pont de

    lumire vers la place de la Concorde et battra au rythme de Phares2, loeuvre lumineuse de Milne Guermont.

    4 Enfin, pour trinquer cette belle soire, le bar de la patinoire propose jusqu 22h00

    boissons chaudes et froides ainsi quune gamme de restauration lgre. 1Les patins sont prts et adapts tous (27 au 45). Des chaises luges accueillent les moins mobiles. 2Retrouvez toutes les informations sur luvre Phares sur www.phares-paris.com

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • 8 In paragraph 4 the word trinquer means A dance

    B toast

    C skate

    D drink

    9 What will the bar offer until 10 pm? A Free champagne

    B Pastries and coffee

    C Hot and cold drinks

    D Dinner entrees

    10 How do couples obtain their mini-clip vido? A Purchase it at a store

    B Get it through email

    C Pick it up free at the kiosk

    D Order it from a website

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • Use the selection to answer the next four questions.

    11 What is the purpose of this article? A To provide information about a festival

    B To celebrate Canadas Independence

    C To schedule summer activities in Canada

    D To advertise the opening of a new park

    12 What is scheduled during the early afternoon? A Thanksgiving mass

    B A yoga class

    C Activities for young people

    D A ceremony of protocol

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • 13 What time does the Thanksgiving Mass begin? A 10 h

    B 12 h

    C 18 h

    D 23 h

    14 The meaning of the word feux dartifice is A fireworks

    B parties

    C ceremonies

    D performances

    EXAMPLE ITEMS French II, Sem 1

    Dallas ISD - Example Items

  • EXAMPLE ITEMS French II Key, Sem 1

    Item# Key SE SE Justification

    1 D 2C Infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in highly contextualized texts, and audio materials describe: holidays, traditions, and customs in the target culture

    2 C 2B Identify supporting details from audio materials that describe: holidays, traditions, and customs in the target culture

    3 A 2B Identify main idea, theme from audio materials that describe: holidays, traditions, and customs in the target culture

    4 C 2B Identify main idea, theme from nonfiction texts that describe: the different cultural events in the community

    5 B 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe: the different cultural events in the community

    6 D 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe: the different cultural events in the community

    7 A 2C Infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in highly contextualized texts that describe: the different cultural events in the community

    8 B 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe holidays, traditions, and customs in the target culture

    9 C 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe holidays, traditions, and customs in the target culture

    10 B 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe holidays, traditions, and customs in the target culture

    11 A 2B Identify main idea from nonfiction texts that describe: about a community cultural events such as art exhibits, concerts, plays, dances, etc.

    12 C 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe: about a community cultural events such as art exhibits, concerts, plays, dances, etc.

    13 A 2B Identify supporting details from nonfiction texts that describe about a community cultural events such as art exhibits, concerts, plays, dances, etc.

    14 A 2C

    Infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in highly contextualized texts and audio materials that describe: about a community cultural events such as art exhibits, concerts, plays, dances, etc.