Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrors Chun-Liang Lin, Hao-Wu Lin, and Chung-Chih Wu Citation: Applied Physics Letters 87, 021101 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1988985 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1988985 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/87/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Influences of resonant wavelengths on performances of microcavity organic light-emitting devices Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 071111 (2007); 10.1063/1.2472541 Stacked white organic light-emitting devices based on a combination of fluorescent and phosphorescent emitters Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 023503 (2006); 10.1063/1.2219725 Microcavity two-unit tandem organic light-emitting devices having a high efficiency Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 111106 (2006); 10.1063/1.2185077 Color tunable metal-cavity organic light-emitting diodes with fullerene layer J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093102 (2005); 10.1063/1.1887830 Microcavity organic light emitting diodes with double sided light emission of different colors J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 764 (2004); 10.1116/1.1722327 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:14:17

Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrors

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Page 1: Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrors

Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrorsChun-Liang Lin, Hao-Wu Lin, and Chung-Chih Wu Citation: Applied Physics Letters 87, 021101 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1988985 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1988985 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/87/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Influences of resonant wavelengths on performances of microcavity organic light-emitting devices Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 071111 (2007); 10.1063/1.2472541 Stacked white organic light-emitting devices based on a combination of fluorescent and phosphorescent emitters Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 023503 (2006); 10.1063/1.2219725 Microcavity two-unit tandem organic light-emitting devices having a high efficiency Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 111106 (2006); 10.1063/1.2185077 Color tunable metal-cavity organic light-emitting diodes with fullerene layer J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093102 (2005); 10.1063/1.1887830 Microcavity organic light emitting diodes with double sided light emission of different colors J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 764 (2004); 10.1116/1.1722327

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Page 2: Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrors

Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having twometal mirrors

Chun-Liang Lin, Hao-Wu Lin, and Chung-Chih Wua�

Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate Institute of Electro-optical Engineering, and GraduateInstitute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10617, Republicof China

�Received 5 January 2005; accepted 25 May 2005; published online 5 July 2005�

Optical characteristics of microcavity organic light-emitting devices �OLEDs� having two metalmirrors are examined. Analyses show that a high-reflection back mirror and a low-losshigh-reflection exit mirror are essential for such microcavity devices to obtain luminanceenhancement relative to conventional noncavity devices. An enhancement of 2 in cd/A efficiencieshas been experimentally achieved for microcavity top-emitting OLEDs using an exit mirrorcomposing thin metal and dielectric capping. The capping layer in the composite mirror plays therole of enhancing reflection and reducing absorption loss, rather than enhancing transmission.© 2005 American Institute of Physics. �DOI: 10.1063/1.1988985�

Incorporation of the microcavity structure into organiclight-emitting devices �OLEDs� is often demonstrated to nar-row emission and improve color purity for displays.1–7 Usinglossless dielectric mirrors, microcavity OLEDs give substan-tially enhanced luminance in comparison with conventionalnoncavity OLEDs.2,3 General complexity of dielectric mir-rors, however, render difficult their implementation into dis-plays. In view of these, microcavity OLEDs using metal mir-rors are more practical for displays.1,5–7 However, due toabsorption �loss� in metals, it is not clear to what degree andunder what conditions one obtains most luminance enhance-ment from such microcavity OLEDs. In this letter, we exam-ine optical characteristics of microcavity OLEDs having twometal mirrors.

Microcavity OLEDs may be considered as a Fabry–Perot cavity embedded with a source as shown in Fig. 1, inwhich E0 represents the free-space electric-field intensity ofthe source, E2 is the electric-field intensity of the outcoupledwave, �R1ej�1 is the complex reflection coefficient of theback mirror M1 �with a reflectance R1�, �R2ej�2 is the com-plex reflection coefficient of the exit mirror M2 �with a re-flectance, a transmittance, and an absorptance of R2, T2, andA2, respectively�, L1 is the source-to-M1 distance, L2 is thesource-to-M2 distance, and L is the total cavity length �L=L1+L2�. Considering both the field redistribution due tocavity and the influence of cavity on the transition rate ofmolecular excited states, one obtains the emission enhance-ment factor Gcav��� �in the forward direction� relative tofree-space emission at a wavelength �:2,3,8

Gcav��� =�E2�2



�0= �1 −

4�R1 sin2��1 − 2kL1


�1 + �R1�2

�� T2�1 + �R1�2

�1 − �R1R2�2 + 4�R1R2 sin2��1 + �2 − 2kL




where k is the wave vector in the organic layer, and �cav and�0 are lifetimes of the molecular excited state in the cavityand in the free space, respectively.

For convenience of analysis, consider an emitter with anintrinsic emission spectrum S��� which is assumed Gaussianwith a peak wavelength �em and a full width at half maxi-mum �FWHM� ��em. According to Eq. �1�, to maximizeluminance from a cavity with a particular pair of mirrors, onemust set the resonance ��1+�2−2kL=2m�, m: Integer� near�em and place the emitter near the antinode of M1 ��1−2kL1=2��, �: integer�. Gcav��� in Eq. �1� describes thesingle-wavelength enhancement �in the forward direction�.Of more practical interest, however, is the spectrally inte-grated enhancement Gint of an optimized microcavity device,as defined in Eq. �2�, relative to emission from a conven-tional noncavity �indeed weak-microcavity� bottom-emittingOLED that has a indium tin oxide �ITO� as the bottom elec-trode and a high-reflectivity top metal electrode:

Gint =� S���Gcav���d��� S���Gcon���d� , �2�

where Gcon��� is the emission enhancement of an optimizednoncavity OLED �i.e., satisfy antinode and resonance condi-tions� as described in Eq. �1�. For such a conventionalOLED, R1 90% �from Al or Ag electrodes� and R2 3%�from the ITO/glass interface� are assumed.

a�Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail:[email protected]

FIG. 1. Schematic diagram showing the structure and characteristics of amicrocavity device.


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Page 3: Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrors

In general, Gint is a function of R1, R2, A2 �T2=1−R2

−A2�, and ��em according to Eqs. �1� and �2�. Since �con, themolecular excited-state lifetime in the conventional noncav-ity device in general differs from �cav, Gint also depends onthe ratio �cav/�con. Experimentally measured �cav/�con, how-ever, is usually close to 1.2,3,9,10 Thus, for a temporary pur-pose, it is set to 1 for first examining influences of otherparameters. Figure 2�a� shows calculated Gint for the lowestcavity mode �m=0,�=0� as a function of R2 with ��em

=60 nm �and �em=520 nm�, R1=0.9–0.5 and A2=0–0.25.Results of Fig. 2�a� indicate that with R1 large enough and A2small enough, one observes Gint�1 as long as M2 �R2� iscarefully designed. Gint drops rapidly with the decrease of R1and the increase of A2. In the ideal �lossless� case of A2=0,Gint as high as 4 may be obtained. Figure 2�b� shows thatnarrower molecular emission spectra better match the peakregion of Gcav��� �FWHM 51 nm in this case�, and thusgive larger enhancement. In Fig. 2, of particular interest isthe value of R2 for achieving maximal Gint in each curve. Itcan be quickly estimated with R2=R1�1−A2�2, which maxi-mizes Gcav��em� /Gcon��em�. True optimal R2 is slightly lowerthan this value, so that FWHM of Gcav��� expands to bettermatch ��em.

Based on preceding analyses, top-emitting OLEDs�TOLEDs�,5–7,11–14 usually showing stronger microcavity ef-fects are then examined. A TOLED usually contains a reflec-tive bottom electrode �M1� and a �semi�transparent top elec-trode �M2� for light outcoupling. To get maximal luminancefrom TOLEDs, the highest possible R1 �bottom electrode�and a R2 �top electrode� matching R1 should be adopted. Inview of this, making the top electrode as transparent aspossible �i.e., R2→0�, as thought in early TOLEDdevelopments,5,11–14 gives luminance only roughly as muchas conventional bottom-emitting OLEDs. Fully transparentelectrodes usually also have issues of high sheet resistance.On the other hand, using semitransparent metals as the topelectrodes provide lower sheet resistance for current conduc-tion and stronger reflection required.

For a semitransparent metal electrode, at the thickness oflarge enough R2, the absorptance A2, however, may becometoo large and degrade luminance enhancement. The top elec-trode structure combining a thin metal and a transparent cap-ping layer �either dielectric, semiconductive or conductive�overcomes such a dilemma. Figure 3�a� shows the calculatedR2, T2, and A2 at 520 nm viewed from a typical organicmaterial for a thin Ag electrode �24 nm� capped with a high-index TeO2 �n 2.2–2.3� of varied thickness.7 Ag is consid-ered as it has relatively larger reflection, smaller absorptionand higher conductivity among metals. R2 is largely modu-lated with the TeO2 thickness, and for a certain range ofthickness, R2 is enhanced and A2 is reduced down to 9%�versus 15% with no capping�. Capping layers with higherindices usually have the advantage of giving stronger modu-lation in optical characteristics and thus possibly higher lu-minance enhancement. To search for combinations ofAg/TeO2 giving optimal luminance enhancement, it is usefulto construct a contour plot of Gint versus Ag and TeO2 thick-nesses �Fig. 3�b��. For a certain range of Ag/TeO2 combina-tions, one obtains maximal Gint of 2.4–2.6. Detailed analy-ses reveal that these conditions are roughly coincident withthose giving high reflection and low absorption. Such find-ings are in contrast with one previous viewpoint that improv-ing light outcoupling from a thin metal electrode with trans-parent capping is due to enhanced transmission.6,7,14

Experiments were conducted on microcavity TOLEDswith a nearly optimized structure of: glass/Ag�80 nm�/m-MTDATA:F4-TCNQ �2 wt % ,20 nm� /�-NPD�25 nm� /Alq3: C545T �1 wt % ,20 nm� /Alq3 �35 nm� /LiF�0.5 nm� /Al �1 nm� /Ag �24 nm� /TeO2 �55 nm�. Ag andAg/TeO2 serve as the bottom anode �M1� and the topcathode �M2�, respectively. Other layers consist of4 , 4� , 4�-tris�3-methylphenylphenylamino�triphenylamine�m-MTDATA� doped with 2 wt % of tetrafluorotetracyano-quinodimethane �F4-TCNQ� as the hole-injection layer,15

�-naphthylphenylbiphenyl diamine ��-NPD� as the hole-transport layer,14 tris-�8-hydroxyquinoline� aluminum �Alq3�doped with the fluorescent dye C545T ���em�60 nm� as the

FIG. 2. Calculated Gint as a function of R2 ��em=520 nm�: �a� ��em

=60 nm; �b� ��em varied.

FIG. 3. �a� Calculated R2, T2, A2 �at 520 nm� of thin Ag �24 nm� cappedwith TeO2. �b� Contour plot of calculated Gint vs Ag and TeO2 thicknessesfor R1=0.9, �em=520 nm, ��em=60 nm, �cav/�con=1.

021101-2 Lin, Lin, and Wu Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 021101 �2005�

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Page 4: Examining microcavity organic light-emitting devices having two metal mirrors

emitting layer, undoped Alq3 as the electron-transportlayer,14 and thin LiF/Al as the electron injection layer.14 Forcomparison, an optimized noncavity bottom-emitting devicewas also fabricated with the structure of: glass/ITO�120 nm�/m-MTDATA:F4-TCNQ �2 wt % ,20 nm� /�-NPD�20 nm� /Alq3:C545T �1 wt % ,20 nm� /Alq3 �40 nm� /LiF�0.5 nm� /Al �1 nm� /Ag �150 nm�. In both devices, layerthicknesses had been determined based on the antinode andresonance conditions near �em of C545T �520 nm�.

Figure 4�a� shows the measured electroluminescence�EL� spectra with relative intensities at viewing angles of 0°,30°, and 60° off the surface normal of the microcavity de-vice, and at 0° of the noncavity device. The microcavitydevice shows a forward Gint of 2.0 �and an enhancement of 4.3 at the 0° resonance wavelength�. Correspondingly, themicrocavity device gives a 2.0 times larger cd/A efficiencythan the noncavity device �30 cd/A versus 14.2 cd/A, Fig.4�b��. Figure 4�c� shows the CIE coordinates �1976 uniformcolor space� of 0°–80° EL of the microcavity device and thatof the noncavity device. The microcavity device shows moresaturated colors than the NTSC green standard and negli-gible color shift with viewing angles, both the desired char-acteristics for displays. Figure 4�d� compares the angular dis-tributions of EL intensity �normalized to the 0° intensity ofthe noncavity device� for both devices. The microcavity de-vice shows more directed emission and enhanced luminancefor 0°–45°. Such characteristics shall be an advantage forsmall- or medium-sized OLED displays, which are mainlyviewed from the forward direction. The external EL quantumefficiency for the cavity device is slightly higher than that ofthe noncavity device �4.1% versus 3.8%�, indicating theforward-direction enhancement results mainly from redistri-bution of emission directions.

Luminance enhancement of 2.0 is lower than the ex-pected value �i.e., 2.5, Fig. 3�b�� assuming �cav/�con�1.We have measured excited-state lifetimes of C545T in the

microcavity device and the noncavity device using the time-correlated single-photon counting technique. Figure 5 showsthe photoluminescence decay curves detected at 520 nm forboth structures. The microcavity structure shows a faster de-cay ��cav 2.6 ns� than the noncavity structure ��con 3.2 ns�, indicating the molecular transition rate be en-hanced in the optimized microcavity structure. Together withGint of 2.5 calculated with �cav/�con=1, the experimentallydetermined �cav/�con 0.8 gives true Gint of 2.0, consistentwith the measured value.

In summary, we have examined emission characteristicsof microcavity OLEDs having two metal mirrors. Generalconditions for obtaining luminance enhancement from suchcavity devices are established. Even higher enhancementmay be realized with clever inventions of emitting materialswith narrower emission and high-reflection mirrors witheven lower absorption.

The authors would like to acknowledge financial supportfrom National Science Council of Republic of China andAixtron Co. One of the authors �C.L.L.� is also grateful forfinancial support from MediaTek Fellowship.

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FIG. 4. �a� Measured EL spectra with relative intensities at 0°, 30°, and 60°off the surface normal of the microcavity device, and at 0° of the noncavitydevice. �b� cd/A efficiencies for both devices. �c� 1976 CIE coordinates of0°–80° EL of the microcavity device and 0° EL of the noncavity device. �d�Polar plots of measured EL intensities �normalized to the 0° intensity of thenoncavity device� for both devices.

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