Linda Mathe: Exam Work

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Linda Mathe: Exam Work

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1st TaskThis was the first task that one of my tutors set for me. He asked the whole class to ‘kindly’ and someone if they would empty their bag so we could photograph the contents.In this task I learned that you can tell a lot just from what someone carries around with them on a comfortable day. This photograph was of a girl’s bag- you can easily tell that the owner is a woman because they usually carry more things in their bags; I can tell that this person likes music a lot, they like to read; I can also tell that they are either a Christian or were trying to found out about the faith.Ultimately, this task taught me how to research in new ways.

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2nd Task

I sent a text to a friend: “Take a photo of the next bus you see and the next food franchise, I would also like you to take a photo of a real-looking fake plant you might see.Thnx”This task was to teach us as young artists and potential graphic communicator to try and pass on a message that was clear without using words- this is usually what you must do in most pieces you make.

I went and took a photograph of a high street shopkeeper.While carrying out this task I found that many people were unwilling to be photographed, for whatever reason.This task taught me to be persistent in what I was looking for-in art in may be difficult to get exactly what you want, but you must be patience and persistent in trying to get it.

3rd Task

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Language and Speech

Questions:1) How many languages are there2) How does language evolve 3) What are the commons words in

language (e.g. Nyama (meat)-interchangeable in African Languages)

4) Difficulty in speech and pronunciation in alien words- or even familiar words e.g. ant-ee-government or ant-eye-government

5) Where can I get info about language (library; language speakers and non-speakers etc)

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1. “The invaluable Ethnologue quotes 6909 living languages, that’s one language for every 862,000 people on earth.Europe, with ¼ of the World’s population has only 234 languages spoken on a daily basis. Although English does well as the World’s business language-at least for the time being- it is only 3rd in the league table of native speakers of a first language, with 328M, only 1m behind Spanish but a long way from the 845M Mandarin speakers.94% of languages are spoken by only 6% of the World’s population, which tells us that there are hundreds of languages with just a few thousand *or hundred+ speakers”.

2. There are many reasons and ways in which language could and does develop: the influx of other cultures and non-native people into the land e.g. the migration of the Israeli people to England caused some words to be borrowed from their Hebrew language into English.The other major reason why language can begin to evolve is: how much a certain word is accepted or not very popular e.g. the word ‘pork’ came into being because the language speakers did not like the idea of eating a ‘pig’, the dirty animal they could see; the popularity of a certain way of talking or even writing can usher in a new era of language e.g. the new craze of ‘text writing’ is so popular, traditional examining boards have to state and outline whether or not it is acceptable to write in such language in the exam’. This is also another way in which language can change, the way something is spelt could lead different people to pronounce it differently, thus birthing a; new word’.

3. I know some words which are interchangeable: smooch and kiss; dinner and supper- these words do not have to mean the same thing initially, but when someone begins to use the words interchangeably e.g. refer to dinner as supper and supper as dinner they then start to be interchanged in sentences. In the modern urban world ‘gas’ can either mean ‘lying to a person’ or ‘causing a person to swell with glee by complementing them’ but the original meaning has nothing very little it can be linked to these two.

4. Rolling the tongue, making strange facial expression, and not sounding anything like the natives- but what really is the difficulty in pronouncing alien words. Apparently, according to experts, English is among the most difficult languages to learn- yet it is the international business language. Getting different words from a certain language, getting the real pronunciation and then trying to get others who do not speak that language to try and pronounce the words. I am not limited to alien languages as there are many words in the languages I speak that the pronunciation significantly differs and yet they are still regarded as the same word because of spelling.

5. The library; language speakers and non-speakers etc are my sources to find out about languages- people are my primary sources because I will be able audibly and visually describe what I observe and discover about different languages.

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This is my illustration of how many languages living languages are one the earth.

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London (City)1) What can I find in the city?2) How can I get around the city without being distracted?3) What kinds of things are hidden that I could venture into

discovering?4) In what kind of places/ areas can I find these hidden things? 5) What kinds of opinions exists about cities- whose can I best trust?6) How could I graphically use information I discover about a certain

city?7) What artists can I research that study the city life, city people, jobs,

buildings etc?

Being a Londoner is: someone who embraces passing tradition.

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1. In the city I can find: buildings (most used exclusively for business, recreation, leisure etc), people (from different cultures, upbringings, with different opinions about the ‘important’ questions in life e.g. religion, life etc), historic & modern attractions (museums, statues, buildings etc)

2. Writing down my journey through the city and documenting where I found something; carrying a map and picking a place to go byrandomly placing my on the map- this could help me discover more about a city because they will probably be places that I have never been, which opens doors for me to discover some things might not have know existed, or information I would not have known had I not visited.

3. Different lifestyles e.g. I didn’t know there were several traveler communities- something I discovered by taking a different bus route. In the city I can discover the non stereotypical aspects, like: the existing racism amidst all the ‘diversity’; the poverty amongst all the job success; the lack of space within all the buildings; the isolation amidst all the personal connections; the depravation even with the prominent rules etc; the many criminal industries that exist, prominently in cities than in the countryside)

4. I can find these ‘hidden things’ by walking in different roads I have never walked, reading the differentiating information available in different areas (maybe neighboring areas); going to the business places where the workers and supporters of the city are –asking them about what they really observe and see in the city.

5. There are conflicting opinions in the city: commercial opinion e.g. restaurants wanting more customers or hotels wanting to advertise themselves to tourist; however other contrasting opinions exist e.g. political opinion which realizes how significant a city is in the political and economic state of the country; the opinion of the police- where they have to put on a strong front because of the rate of crime in certain cities; local opinion- this is by the people who live in the city, who give an unbiased opinion of what they really experience in all the aspect of the city, be it political or financial. I could go and ask all these different kinds of people, so I could understand more than meets the eye in that city, so my work would be a true representation of the reality/ not.

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Visual illustration

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This is a visual illustration idea that I developed from one of the pieces I made in a different project. I used the same colours and the liveliness to make the work jump of the page and not look doormat.I really would like to produce work that stems from my previous work as well as the new techniques I learn for analysing work by other artist. I want my own work to progress from the stage I was in before starting this new journey.

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What caused the 2010 Big Freeze


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My fair lady! Blonde bombshell Beyonceshows off her lighter sideRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1357759/Beyonce-shows-lighter-side.html#ixzz1EEDQDZrS

Dr Sunil Chopra, a consultant dermatologist at the London Dermatology Centre, said: ‘The most effective skin-lightening agents are hydroquinone and kojic acid, creams which patients apply to the skin. The effects are temporary and work by inhibiting the enzyme ... responsible for the skin’s pigment. Both are very popular. I see maybe three people every week who want this procedure.

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Hydroquinone side effects on Google

As stated, hydroquinone is most often used to address issues of hyper-pigmentation on the skin.


Hyper-pigmentation happens when your body over produces melanin in your skin. Melanin is the naturally occurring chemical that causes your skin to brown – usually as a result of tanning. Unfortunately, Hyperpigmentation may be one of the many menopausesymptoms you experience.

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Menopause the musical!

WRITER/PRODUCERIn 2007, she was officially honored by Dixon, IL, President Ronald Reagan’s hometown…


was the 40th President of the United States

John Hanson, American Patriot and First President of the United States(1715-1783)

First president of the USA

He was the heir of one of the greatest family traditions in the colonies and became the patriarch of a long line of American patriots – his great-grandfather died at Lutzen beside the great King Gustavus Aldophus of Sweden; his grandfather was one of the founders of New Sweden along the Delaware River in Maryland; one of his nephews was the military secretary to George Washington; another was a signer of the Declaration; still another was a signer of the Constitution; yet another was Governorof Maryland during the Revolution; and still another was a member of the first Congress; two sons were killed in action with the Continental Army; a grandson served as a member of Congress under the new Constitution; and another grandson was a Maryland Senator. Thus, even if Hanson had not served as President himself, he would have greatly contributed to the life of the nation through his ancestry and progeny.

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The Sea

•Five sea creatures, indigenous to the British sea.•How come the sea has a coast: why does it end where it ends?•Are there rules of the sea, and if so who makes them?•What is the amount of water, approximately in all the earth.•How deep is the ocean?•Are there still seamen that go out to sea: merchants that trade as in biblical times?

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1) Chimaeras: “Chimaeras live in temperate ocean floors below 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) depth”

2) Sturgeon: “it is currently a critically endangered species. There are many sensitive barbels on the facial area”

3) Thick Lip Grey Mullet: aka Chelon labrosus4) Giant Goby: These are especially notable in smaller specimens. in the

breeding season the male is darker than the female.5) It spawns in late spring (as late as June in the English Channel) and hides the

eggs under an abandoned shell; the male guards the eggs.

Waves erode coastline as they break on shore releasing their energy; the larger the wave the more energy it releases and the more sediment it moves. Coastlines with longer shores have more room for the waves to disperse their energy, while coasts with cliffs and short shore faces give little room for the wave energy to be dispersed. In these areas the wave energy breaking against the cliffs is higher, and air and water are compressed into cracks in the rock, forcing the rock apart, breaking it down. Sediment deposited by waves comes from eroded cliff faces and is moved along the coastline by the waves.

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, are published International Maritime Organization (IMO).

There's a whole lot of water on Earth! Something like 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (326 million trillion gallons) of the stuff (roughly 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres) can be found on our planet. This water is in a constant cycle -- it evaporates from the ocean, travels through the air, rains down on the land and then flows back to the ocean. The average depth of the ocean is several thousand feet (about 1,000 meters- 3281 feet).

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Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) is a day that stimulates awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and public action. It is on 5 June. It was the day that United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was from 5–16

June 1972. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972.[1] The first World Environment Day was on 1973. World Environment Day is hosted every year by a different city with a different theme and is commemorated with an international exposition in the week of 5 June. World

Environment Day is in summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere."Stockholm was without doubt the landmark event in the growth of international

environmentalism", writes John McCormick in the book Reclaiming Paradise. "It was the first occasion on which the political, social and economic problems of the global environment were discussed at an

intergovernmental forum with a view to actually taking corrective action."World Environment Day is similar to Earth Day.

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Recent eventsTheme 2010'Many Species. One Planet. One Future', was the theme of 2010 Earth Day. It celebrated the incredible diversity of life on Earth as part of the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. This year's global host, Rwanda – a country of exceptional biodiversity that has made huge strides on environmental protection –leaded the celebrations with three days of keynote events.Thousands of activities were organized worldwide, with beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events and much more. Theme 2009World Environment Day logo for 2009. Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change.The theme for WED 2009 was 'Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change'. It reflected the urgency for nations to agree on a new deal at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen some 180 days later in the year, and the links with overcoming poverty and improved management of forests.WED 2009's host was Mexico which reflected the growing role of the Latin American country in the fight against climate change, including its growing participation in the carbon markets.Mexico is also a leading partner in UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign. The country, with the support of its President and people, has spearheaded the pledging and planting of some 25 per cent of the trees under the campaign. Accounting for around 1.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, the country is demonstrating its commitment to climate change on several fronts.Mexican President. Felipe Calderón stated that the WED celebration will "further underline Mexico's determination to manage natural resources and deal with the most demanding challenge of the 21st century – climate change."Pittsburgh, was selected as the North American host city by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to join World Environment Day-2010.The theme of this year was "Many Species: One Planet, One Future." Highlighting theme "Biodiversity- Ecosystem Management and the Green Economy”.Theme 2008World Environment Day logo for 2008.The host for World Environment Day 2008 was New Zealand, with the main international celebrations scheduled for Wellington. The slogan for 2008 was "CO2,

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The aim of my workThe Organisation has not yet made a theme for 2011. After thinking about it for a bit I thought to make my own theme for the year- I chose to make my theme about water because I was thinking of the little water there is to drink on the earth. Statistics say that only 2-3% of the water on the earth is pure enough to drink.I started thinking along these lines, to alert people to save water- this also ties into many charities that are established in developing countries trying to help the locals to build wells and places where they can get clean water. I know that everyone is aware of the importance of water, but I am aiming to make my ideas persuade people of the importance of saving water, taking into consideration vast amounts of oil ended up in the sea just recently.However, because this theme that I made up is not exactly the theme for this year, I am not going to use the 5th of June in my work but rather the 5th of May- I don't want to confuse people they are to be mistaken and think my work is for the event this year.I want to make two poster outcomes, but I also want to make something else that is not so ordinary. I was thinking along the ideas of t-shirt designing- but for this i don't want to be limited by analysing just one artist’s t-shirts, I want to broaden the horizon so I can design t-shirts for different age groups of people.I would ultimately want to come out with 5 final ideas: two posters and 3 t-shirt prints for three audience groups.The main slogan for my work will be ‘save water, save live’, however I would like to try out new slogans and words related to treating our planet safely- words like life, green, environment etc.

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Examples of previous Artistic Work for Environment Day and like events

I see that most artist use earthy tones and natural colours. The shapes in these pieces are universal, everyone understands them and what they represent- nature, trees, the world, animals etc.These pieces are were all created to WED or for similar events; the one that stands out for me is the blue one, simply because it ha water rain drops and a vast amount of it is not occupied, which represents the large bodies of water like the sea which are not very explored by humans so they are still, peaceful and undisturbed- I could use this in my final work but do the opposite and occupy a lot of space to show something like pollution.I also like the layout of the top left piece, the way the leaves seem to have been blown up into the air from the bottom is an interesting technique I could use is my work

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I like this piece because it has very earthy tones, I also like the fact that it is in another language which I cant read however I still understand what the piece is trying to communicate. This piece represents the coming together of all kinds of people from across the world and the harmony between the people, the animals and the land.This piece says, “Many Species, One Planet, One Future”- it includes everyone.What I really like about this piece is the separation of the blue to half and the bottom browns, this gives the illusion of looking over the horizon- far into the future, where the animals are freely jumping around because they have nothing to fear. The blue also looks like water-which relates to my theme.In terms of informing the reader this piece is not as effective as it could be, the venue and date could be bigger because if it was life sized it would not be very noticeable.I really like the colours used in this piece very much and hope to use them in my work too, especially in my final outcome.

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This poster was made for World Environment Day 2010, to which the theme was ‘Biodiversity’.In this piece the artist really tried to capture the theme by including many varieties of peoples, animals and plants.Again, I really like how the artist has tried to separate the top from the bottom: where the top half is almost all black, but the bottom is occupied by the blue- I think it is effective that the separation is not exactly in the middle as it might be misinterpreted to represent division.Right at the top of the page, the typography arrangement of ‘WED’ and ‘2010’ looks really interesting and I would like to try and use it in my work too.The colour composition in this poster makes it more interesting to look at. Apart from the top and the logos, all the colour is contained in the circle. The circle looks like a magnifying glass which the artist could have used trying to reveal to the audience the just how diverse our planet is if you look closer and pay more attention. These colours are similar to the ones used in the previous piece because, however these ones are more vibrant and seem to have more life in them- they look like a more modern version of the colours in the previous piece, and they seem to be able to communicate to the younger generations more- I want my final outcomes to be able to communicate with everyone.

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I made thus which is influenced by the earthy tones and liveliness of the pieces I have seen made by other artists for this event.This is also a carry on of the illustration I made in the beginning for the discovery I made on languages- I used 3 languages to make the words ‘I am beautiful’ which is supposed to be read in respect to the ‘Africa ‘ on the other side.

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Artist Analysis: Hanako Narahira

Knitwear ArtistThe relevance Hanako has to my work is that she explores the idea of merging of two concepts together in many of her pieces, which is basically what I am aiming to do in my final out come. In my final outcome I have to be able to reveal the current situation of the water crisis, but I also want to show the brighter future that will come from being mindful of our use of water.

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“Jan 05, 2010 – Hanako, a previous graduate of the acclaimed Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, has taken knitwear to another level, by experimenting with colour, pushing the boundaries and employing new, contemporary techniques. Her unique approach to knitwear has certainly set her pieces above the rest!”

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Her previous workKnitwear Madness

“Another Central Saint Martens Talent, Hanako Narahira is a London based Japanese Knitwear master. This super colorful collection has a very Japanese spirit. The collection is inspired by graffiti on the Berlin wall, vivid color, motifs, and trace of time and people.”

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Artist AnalysisSubjective Frame:This is a knitwear piece by the artist Hanako Narahira. The artist is trying to speak through a different kind textile language- the material she uses is not main stream, but it seems as though it sends a message even clearer because of the effective use in colour and lighting.The artwork makes me feel, insecure, unsafe and unsure, because I put myself in the shoes of the person in the picture- she does not seem sure about herself: she doesn't seem to know how she got where she is, where she is going, nor how she is going to get where she is going. The piece reminds me of a modernised classic horror movie, where the eerie lighting creates an unshakeably cold ambience.Others seem to see the same visual effect a ‘scary movie’ imposes on its viewers.Structural Frame:In this piece she used effective lighting, colour on the dress and the hair of the person in the image, she also used a good setting in the surrounding area in that it is just darkness and doesn't give anything away as to exactly where the person is- she wants our imagination to run away with us. The only material/fibre that can be seen in the piece is wool- which emphasises how much of a knitwear artist she really is. The colour of the clothing is so bright and stands out which encapsulates the this eerie display. The clothing is colourful and looks quite childish, which makes me as the audience feel the vulnerability of the person in the image, considering them as a mere child. The backbone of the clothing is made black and looks like a spine, this has a double effect because it makes the person look as though their insides are exposed or that they are a robot (the perfectly sleeked hair also adds to this)- this the n unconventionally changes the meaning of the picture if you look at the person as a robot, because robots have no fear.Therefore this piece gives off two contrasting meanings: one of a lost vulnerable child with so much fear that their insides are exposed; or that of a fearless robot portraying itself in pure innocence (because the material, wool, is very soft, yet the colours are very bold).- the choice lies in the an individual’s mind.Cultural Frame:I can tell that this piece belongs to the modern culture. It reveals that the culture is very divided within itself, but also tries to live harmoniously together in the land that it shares- the contrasting ‘characters’ in the piece have to find away to co-exist even though they cannot be conceived at the same time in the same mind. Post Modern Frame:The meaning of the work today could possibly relate to the craze that has swept the west for the last half a century, where the futuristic has been the way forward. This piece shows how the existence of fearless and the fearsome is the modern reality- where we are obsessed with all things futuristic and yet are terrified as to what will be the events to the end of all of it and whether it involves nuclear robotic wars or not. I don't think it relates to anything I have seen in recent news.

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This to me looks like someone’s inner child- alone and terrified but still holding on to a bit of hope.Someone who is terrified, someone who has lost hope and is holding on to their last hope.The ‘pigtail’ hair cut, the colourful make-up, the innocents in the face all portray a child, but what draws me ore to the conclusion is the use of wool. The knitted clothing make it more evident to me that the artist is trying to portray a child, or a childlike figure. The fact that the skirt is very short suggests that it is a child’s clothing, because it is not short in a provocative manner; the colours of the clothes are dull and bland but because they are portraying a child they seem more brighter because we a people like to think of children as joyous bright people and that they give off a certain light; what is particularly interesting about the use of wool or the fact that the clothes are knitted is that they give a certain softness to the image: the area where she is sleeping looks rough, spiky and uncomfortable, but the clothes counterfeit the rest of the image by adding softness.This piece has made in the recent 15-20 years and belongs to the modern culture; the piece reveals that people in the society are more accepting to artistic interpretations that are not ‘main stream’- that they are willing to experiment as well as search out certain ideas and techniques that they have not seen before- this is both in the case of the artist as well as the audience she is addressing.

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In this piece I see a woman beyond a veil, which is making it hard to see her clearly- this suggests to me that the woman is disguising herself behind the veil of innocence and softness, but in actual fact she is determined in her pursuits, and that she is aggressive (I get this from the fact that she is wearing animal fur).I think what the artist was trying to portray here was that woman are easily disguised in their clothing, that it is part of their masquerade.I don’t think the meaning of this piece can be limited to a certain time period, but it was made or conceived in the past thirty years. This work reminds me of the vintage textile pieces by Christian Dior from the 1940’s because of the classy hair-do and the use of fur.

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I these pieces it is about the material used to tell the story of the little girls; the bright colours and the cut on the clothing look very young- no chic nature intended.I think the use of wool in the pieces show that the girls are not really ‘concerned’ about being fashionable, they look young and a living their life to the full- this kind of presents wool as a liberator. Another factor adding to the meaning of the pieces is the use of colour: the bright colours express the idea that the artist is trying to portray.I think its interesting how I can picture exactly what the artist is trying to get me to picture- the innocence and purity in children- both the pieces exude both the characteristics. This work doesn’t belong to any cultural movement but it is definitely a joining of the old perspective of children in their innocence and the modern way of reminiscence by visually revisiting our memories.

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Hanako Narahira-Artist illustrationThis is my first illustration experiment using Hanako Narahira’s technique of colour and two ideas being branded together.In this piece I used a lot of different coloured wool and more than once used different colours of wool while knitting the same place. I also attempted some of the knitting techniques e.g. Picking up and dropping wool- this is how I managed to make the cross shape at the top and the different coloured lines.I don’t really thing knitting went well for me, however I liked the use of colour and mixing of different colours in the piece because it actually makes the piece look more interesting.I tried to illustrate the merging of clay pots which are solid and cannot be moulded after they are dry with wool which is very easily breakable and can be moulded to the shape of a person of they are wearing it.

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Hanako Narahira- Artist illustration

In this piece I was trying something a little different to knitting, I was experimenting with weaving. What I like about this experiment idea is the colours: they are vibrant and show an outspoken character. What I liked about this work is that the images work as a piece when aligned together as I have done. The image shows colour representing a vibrant youth, also the fact that there is a computer keyboard illustrates the idea of youth, however together a piece the images look like they are representing the coming together of the old and the new. The new being the youthful colour and technology, the old being the dull coloured surface and the wool. I like the background meaning of the piece, because it shows two contrasting elements coming together to meet in the middle which also represents discovery, where the former knowledge meets the knew knowledge.

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Yulia Broskaya

Quill Artist

This artist is relevant to my work in that my work is ultimately going to be produced through the theme of discovery and the form of art that she uses (quilling) is a discovery for me which will allow me to explore new ideas of creating artwork.She is also an artist who everyone can relate to because she creates work open for anyone to interpret: this is the kind of work that I want to produce, work that is not limited to a small group only.

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“Yulia Brodskaya (born in 1983, Moscow) is an artist and illustrator known for her handmade elegant and detailed paper

illustrations. Originally from Russia (Moscow), she is now based in the UK. In 2004 Yulia moved from Moscow to UK

where she continued her education in art, at the University of Hertfordshire, graduating with a Master of Art in Graphics

Communication degree in 2006. Prior to moving to the UK, Yulia Brodskaya became interested in diverse creative

practices, ranging from Textile Painting, Origami and Collage, to more traditional Fine Art practices. Soon after her arrival

to the UK, Brodskaya started working as freelance graphic designer, while studying for the Masters degree in Graphic

communication, but she very quickly switched to the illustration field. However, the graphic design background has an

influence on her art work as most of the pieces have a strong typographic focus:

“Typography is my second love, after paper and I‟m really happy that I‟ve found a way of combining the two. Having said

that, I don‟t want to exclude non-typobased designs, I‟d like to work on different projects.”

(Computer Arts projects issue 133, p87).

Much of Brodskaya‟s work uses an old technique called Quilling, in which ribbons of paper are used to create intricate

designs; however she takes it to an entirely new level. She has swiftly earned an international reputation for her innovative

paper illustrations and was named the „breakthrough star‟ of the 2009 by Creative review magazine (Dec 2009, p32). Her

work for g2 (The Guardian) has been included in D & AD Annual 2009. To describe her craft works Yulia uses the term

„papergrafics‟. In April 2009 Yulia has been invited as a speaker to eighth annual Friends of St Bride Library Conference.

The topic of her talk was „Reviving paper craft: quilling in a new context‟. In her presentation Yulia spoke about how

making creative use of quilling can give this paper craft technique a new life and significance in the context of graphic

communication. She also designed one of the Google Chrome themes Yullia Brodskaya Google Theme.”


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“I believe that one of the main reasons I enjoy the paper craft, is due to my love of the material: paper. Although I've always had a special fascination for paper, it has taken me a while to find my own way of working with it; and then it took a little longer to find out that the technique I have been using so intensively is called quilling - it involves the use of strips of paper that can be rolled, shaped, and glued to the background. Initially, I was concerned about the limitations of the quilling technique and the material from which the work is constructed - paper & card - as it very much dictates what can and cannot be said within the boundaries of the chosen medium. However, this material limitation turned out to be a strength for me: there is the potential to contain thoughts and ideas in unique ways so that the medium can become a significant part of the message. Thus, after working with paper quilling for over three years I am at a point where I don't feel constrained by the technical challenges of the medium; I'm eager to keep experimenting.”Yulia Brodskaya

This is a message I found from the Yulia Brodskaya on the internet through foraging. I was really interested in this piece of text because it sums up the artist and her work i.e. What she does and what she does in for. I understand from this piece that Yulia has been working with paper for a few numbers of years and she is still discovering the art form herself, through experimentation. The relevance this has to my work is that I also need to discover other art forms in my work so trying to experiment this art form is not going to limit to just quilling. I will be able to incorporate other artistic ideas together with her ideas because she hasn't explored it all yet.It is going to be easier for me to create work similar to hers and not be too intimidated too try new ideas because she herself is still trying out new ideas.

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Subjective Frame:I this piece I see that the artist has used cardboard to make up the letters of the typography; the cardboard is essentially the most visible material that has been used. This piece is quilled, the artist Yulia Broskaya who has a particular interest in paper arts. The piece makes me excited, to particularly because of what it says but purely the fact that it is a complete piece made of card, which excites me as an artist to find new material that I could use in my work. I work me a while to realise that the typography read ‘Recycled Card’- so I don't think it is an efficient way of getting important information across. Others also see a piece made of cardboard and they think it is intriguing because they have not seen such work, so it catches their attention.Structural Frame:Obviously the artist used cardboard and glue to quill, and I don't think she used any other materials in this piece, except the fact that the cardboard she used might have been taken from different packaging etc e.g. some might be thinner that others but they are all primarily cardboard. The techniques she used however are a little more intricate and she has used the principles of space , colour composition and she thought about: how much should be going on the page, she has thought about the colours she is using, the shapes she is using, the material she is using, the space she has to make her piece and what he wants to make in her piece. She makes sure that she leaves enough space between the letters to distinguish them, the space that she has left between the letters and the edge make the letters seem like their are together and not randomly placed on the canvas. The use of colour in this piece is what makes it so effective because she uses cardboard for that background as well as the typography and it is how she gets around the fact that they are both so similar that makes it really good: she raises the ‘text’ so that the audience can see the shadows and know that there is something there, she splits some card in the middle and uses the thinner side of the card because the patterns distinguish the letters so well. There is a lot going on, on the page: there are lines intersecting each other and the letters, there arrows points in many direction which makes them all ineffective because they are cancelling each other out (therefore hey are not confusing the audience); the size of the letters though they may look drastically different, she has tried to keep them the same so the audience don't have to strain their eyes to read what the typography says

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Subjective Frame:In this piece you can see a lady with her head on the plate with table cutlery either side if her head. She has a lemon in her hair which is what chefs usually serve with foods like fish. In this piece the lady’s hair swirls to the typography which reads, “Bon Appetit, Darling”.This artwork reminds me of a romantic meal in an exotic place- this is because of the way her hair looks like it is being blown by the wind and also the lemon in her hair which looks a like a flower.When asked others, some people thought the same as me while others said it looks like a lady that has fallen asleep in her plate.Structural Frame:In this piece the artist uses paper rolled up to make the objects in it- I think she glued the pieces of paper on to her canvas.Yulia uses curly swirls a lot in her work- this comes with the territory of the type of art form she works with, but it also looks like her signature in her work. For example the word ‘Bon’ looks like it has wood shavings that have been carved on top of it, this is her signature in all most of her work.This artwork is in black and white, which suggests that the artist is trying to say ‘the idea I am portraying is clear, it is black and white’.Cultural Frame and Postmodern Frame:This artwork does not look like it belongs to a certain era, it does however look exotic which suggests that it was influence by exotic cultures- I particularly think that it reminds me of popular holiday destinations like Spain and Italy, and that where I think the influence can from.This design has nothing that I can relate it with in terms of recent news.

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I this artwork you can easily see how beautiful and intricate the technique Yulia uses is.In this piece what I really like is that fact that the milk actually looks like it is splashing, like someone drew the picture.The swirls are what make this piece really interesting: I know what the artists used to get the swirls but how she got them to look so perfect and look like an image is what really amazes me.I also really like the colour composition I this piece: there a re primarily three colours in this piece (purple, brown and white-these are the colours for the chocolate bar) but I think the way the artist uses only these three colours to make her piece shows just how much work needs to go into her work.

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This something the artist made probably when she didn’t really have anything else to make. The typography reads ‘Ran out of ideas now what’- I think this is healthy for artists, to be able to create work influenced by anything. This artwork is influenced by the fact that she couldn’t think of what else to do.This piece relates to my work because I want to be able to keep working even if I don’t really know what to do next because great ideas can stem from those times I think I would have ran out of ideas.Besides the message of the piece I like the fact the artist contrasts the mood of the words which seem to be relaxed and calm, compared to the bright exuberant colours of the paper she used. I want to be able to use this technique in my future work too.

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This is my first illustration for this artist, I used pictures I took from my Hanako Narahira experiments i.e. The background which is a woollen cardigan and the fill in the top figures which is a picture of a checker bag.The element I think work in this piece are: the separation of the bottom and the top. They colours of the two sides are opposites of one another which was inspired by the work I looked at for previous World Environment Day themes.

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This is an illustration I did in the style of Yulia Brodskaya.After I carven out this swirly shape, I started to think along the lines of shining light through it so is project the image on a darker surface. I turned off all the lights in the room and shone the really bright light through the shape and this is what I created using the images I got.This piece work because you can tell that it is in they style of the artist, but it is not quilling. You can tell that there has been developments to the style of the artist, but the basic have remained the same and unchanged.I really liked the way the light projected the shape, but as you can see in the pictures, the detail of the small swirls is lost. This is the finest the detail could get because the light was breaking up too much by the time it reached the wall which gave it the blurry effect.

Artist illustration- Yulia Brodskaya

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Thing with this as the

Then let it lead you to that live green thing

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The night and dark are all about discovery ...my final piece is in lighter colours because I amSaying something that does not need discovery, its already an uncovered truth- Water needs to be saved

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William rast t-shirt the american flagWilliam rast washe number jersey v-necy- type in william rast t shirt saleASweet talkin bow t-shirt- DiorThen bones and boots- Max six

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This is the first piece I made during my exam time: I think I was a bit nervous in using the computer. In this piece, played around with adjusting the layers on Photoshop and managed to get this effective pink on blue contrast; I also used some of my ‘knitted-effect’ photos- in the typography and at the top. I also managed to incorporate the messy paint brush effect I took from my typography developments

The informative text was really not working here, however I liked the background and the sharp icy effect it was giving. I also like the messy-paint boarder because it made the piece look more professional.I wasn’t sure about the typography though, because it was confusing and looked like it say “20th Wednesday November”, so I gave it up.

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This piece built up to my final t-shirt prints.I started off with the pipe font, which I did not find useful at first, but when I began to use it in a different way and started thinking about the recent oil leakage I started to get a more presentable image of the dripping oil and goo.I also decided to make splashes of water: I created the clean pure water and made it spray from the front pipe so it is more visible; it is also the only pipe spraying pure water to emphasise the small amount there is of pure water.

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I completed the piece during the rest of the space of that time I was sitting in the exam. During the time, I was very nervous as to where I was going to put all the text and writing, but I managed to get it to work by making the more important writing stand out.The text is all spread around the piece- I changed the font because I didn’t think the font I used during the first hours would be appropriate with the colours in this piece.I made the typography with the little studs because it makes the piece look more industrial and have a rusty look.In this piece the background is of the picture I took of the sea: I used this image because it was one that worked the best with the positioning of the industrial pipe thing- the shimmering of the sun is perfectly in the centre of the whole piece, which I thought brings the whole piece together.I liked the colours- only 3- in this piece because they help tone things down: there is a lot going on in this piece- the water ripples, pipes splashing and spewing, the typography in different angles and all sorts- however, because there are only three colours, people can concentrate more on the meaning of the piece rather than all the colours. However something I did not like very much in this piece was that it didn’t look very well finished, e.g. The bottom of the big pipe is a bit jagged and looks unsightly- going over this with an eraser would do the trick and would make it look more presentable.I also used the image I took from the shop in the mid-right because I though the whole piece was all over the place and the writing did not look like it flowed without something there; the space also looked unbalanced, where more was happening on the left than the right, it made to perfect input and addition to the piece.

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This is the first front t-shirt design I made:I took the piece I had previously madeand placed it in the middle of the frontan made the edges blend into the whiteof the t-shirt.I made the rest of the bottom on the t-shirt brown too so there dirty waterseems more, thus sending the messageof just how little of the water is clean.I had to be creative with the name of theevent, I removed the ‘World EnvironmentDay 2011’ writing from the original pieceand placed them higher so that theywere easier to see and read- they willalso let the people automatically knowwhat the piece is about before analysingthe whole picture.I left most of this t-shirt white because Ithought it was more economicallyefficient.I don’t however like the fact that thebrown on the t-shirt has two differentshades, it makes the print look cheap andunprofessional.

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I finally made right the two tone colour problem my work was having, by deepening the apart from that there is nothing else I made changes to

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1. Install low-flow shower and around

your house.

2. Turn off the water when brushing

your teeth, or washing dishes.

3. Only water your lawn or plants at


4. Fill one bucket of water when

washing your car — don't use a hose

5. !Drink Tap Water!

6. Wash your fruits and vegetables in a

bowl instead of running them under a


7. Then use the water from the bowl to

water your garden.

8. Keep a jug of water in the fridge so

you don't have to turn the tap on all

the time.

9. Only run your washer or dishwasher

when it's at full load.

10. Encourage your local schools,

businesses, and government to

develop and promote a water

conversation effort in the community.

10 Things YOU can do

to save water!