Exam Revision

Exam Revision. Exam Details Time 90 minutes (1hour 30 minutes). Six questions! How long per question? Five parts per question. How long for each part?

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Exam Revision

Exam Details

• Time 90 minutes (1hour 30 minutes).• Six questions!• How long per question?• Five parts per question. • How long for each part?• You can take the unix sheet into the exam. • You can READ the exam paper at the start

(before the exam starts – so get there early).

• No questions on History • Basics of commands, redirection, permissions,

processes.• awk, egrep and regular expressions. • Lots of general questions.

pathnames• Special symbols can be used in pathnames.. the directory one level above this../.. the directory two levels above this. the current directory~ this user’s home directory~user a specific user’s home directory* wildcard matching any string? wildcard matching any single


Relative and Absolute Pathnames Revisited


staff usr bin stud etc

Research Teaching Private





xxx02u xxx04u






../../.. /stud

You are here!




~ ~xxx04u

Relative Absolute

. /stud/ug/xxx04u/CUA

Permissions lists• Specify who can do what• There are three kinds of who:

u the user (owner)g members of the user’s groupo others - anyone else

• There are three kinds of what:r readw writex execute

Setting and changing permissions -chmod

• chmod mode pathname is used to alter permissions lists

• Mode specifies a sequence of changes, each of the form who operation permission– who is u, g or o– operation is + (grant) or - (revoke)– permission is r, w or x

• Examples:chmod o-r g-r plan.docchmod u+rwx Admin

The mode can also be a three digit octal number that is interpreted as a sequence of nine bits to set the whole permissions list at once:– chmod 644 progress.txt

644 is 110 100 100 which is interpreted as rw- r-- r--

– chmod 777 progress.txt777 is 111 111 111 which is interpreted rwx rwx rwx

– chmod 400 progress.txt400 is 100 000 000 which is interpreted as r-- --- ---

Setting and changing permissions – chmod (2)

Setting and changing permissions – chmod (3)

• Files are created with a default permission– usually -rw- r-- r--– depends upon the command used to

create the file– set using the umask command

Finding Files• find searches in a directory hierarchy• find <starting directory> -name <filename> -


$ find /usr/share/doc/ -name 'post*' -print/usr/share/doc/postgresql-7.4.13/usr/share/doc/postgresql-7.4.13/html/postmaster-shutdown.html/usr/share/doc/postgresql-7.4.13/html/postmaster-start.html$$ find . -name '*.txt' –print (recently can do without print)

Regular Expressions

• grep “That” poem will only find the string “That” in poem if it has an upper case ‘T’ followed by lower case ‘hat’

• Regular expressions are much more powerful notation for matching many different text fragments with a single expression– i.e. could wish to find “That”, “that”,

“tHaT”, etc.

Regular Expressions (2)

• Search expressions can be very complex and several characters have special meanings– to insist that That matches only at the start of

the line use grep “^That” poem– to insist that it matches only at the end use

grep “That$” poem– a dot matches any single character so that

grep “c.t” poem matches cat, cbt, cct, etc.

• Square brackets allow alternatives:– grep “[Tt]hat$” poem

• An asterisk allows zero or more repetitions of the preceding match– grep “^-*$” poem for lines with only -’s

or empty– grep “^--*$” poem for lines with only -’s

and at least one -– grep “Bengal.*Sumatra” poem for lines

with Bengal followed sometime later by Sumatra

• Many flags to: – display only number of matching lines,

ignore case, precede each line by its number on the file and so forth

Regular Expressions (3)


• Stands for standard output• This is where programs (usually) write any

output they generate. By default STDOUT appears in your terminal window

• If you want to save the output to a file instead, use > – The file will be created– If the file already exists then it will be


• You can also use >> which appends the output onto a file’s contents


• Stderr stands for standard error• This is where programs usually write

error messages. So even if you are redirecting the normal output to a file, you can still see error messages on the screen

• You can redirect STDERR using 2>

Aliases (bash)

• To define shorthand for complex commands

• alias name definition defines an aliasalias hist=historyalias ls='ls -F'

• alias alone shows you current aliases• unalias name removes an alias• unalias –a removes an alias

Killing Processes• Use top• Alternatively, use kill– kill <signal number> <PID>

• E.g. kill -15 25718– “-15” is the signal number – here, it means

“stop the process cleanly” (i.e. close any files it is using)• More about signals later…

– “-9” means “kill the process whatever”• Useful if all else fails!

• killall <signal number> <process name> will send the signal to every process with that name.

Job Control (2)

• jobs allows you to:– Bring a job to the foreground• fg %<job number>

– Run a job in the background• bg %<job number>

– Suspend a job• stop %<job number>

– Terminate a job• kill %<job number>

Control Key Sequences for Processes

• Some control sequences affect processes:– Ctrl-C - kill a process– Ctrl-D - exit a shell (send EOF)– Ctrl-S - suspend or pause the display of

output– Ctrl-Q - resume or continue output

from Ctrl-S


• To add the location of your scripts dir to your path

• echo $PATH• export PATH="$PATH:~/scripts“• echo $PATH

execution permissions

• chmod u+x myScript.sh• to give execution permissions to user. • sh -x myScript.sh; shows which command is

executed. • you can enclose parts of script with

Using awk

• I could then invoke Awk to list all the gold pieces as follows:

• awk '/gold/' coins.txt • This example demonstrates the simplest

general form of an Awk program: • awk <search pattern> {<program actions>}

NR (number of records)

• The next example prints out how many coins are in the collection:

• awk 'END {print NR,"coins"}' coins.txt • This yields: • 13 coins

general form of an Awk program

• the general form of an Awk program to: • awk 'BEGIN {<initializations>} • <search pattern 1> {<program actions>}

<search pattern 2> {<program actions>} ... END {<final actions>}'

• awk '/gold/ {ounces += $2} END {print "value = $" 425*ounces}' coins.txt

• This yields: (note ounces is user defined)• value = $2592.5• Instead of doing it all from the command line• We can do it all from a file, • With the following syntax• awk -f <awk program file name>


• Instead of doing it all from the command line• We can do it all from a file, • With the following syntax• awk -f <awk program file name>• http://www.vectorsite.net/tsawk_1.html#m1


• /The/ • /^The/ • /The$/ • /\$/ • /[Tt]he/ • /[a-z]/ • /[a-zA-Z0-9]/

• For example: /^[^a-zA-Z0-9]/ -- matches what.

• A "|" allows regular expressions to be logically OR-ed.

• For example: /(^Germany)|(^Netherlands)/ -- matches what.

• For example: /wh./ -- matches what.

a (possibly signed) integer number.

• /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/ -- matches any line that consists only of a (possibly signed) integer number.

• /^ Find string at beginning of line. • /^[-+]? Specify possible "-" or "+" sign for

number.• /^[-+]?[0-9]+ Specify one or more digits "0"

through "9". • /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/ Specify that the line ends with

the number.