eWQMS Case Studies WISA Appropriate Technologies Conference Frank Stevens (IMESA)

EWQMS Case Studies WISA Appropriate Technologies Conference Frank Stevens (IMESA)

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eWQMS Case Studies

WISA Appropriate Technologies Conference

Frank Stevens (IMESA)

Presentation Road Map…

1. Brief overview of IMESA2. Municipal Water Quality Background3. eWQMS overview4. Roll-out of eWQMS to WSAs5. eWQMS Case Studies6. Conclusions


IMESA IN A NUTSHELL• Institution of Municipal Engineers of Southern

Africa.• Membership of 820 (Engineers, Technologists,

Technicians, Consultants and Contractors.)• President : Moses Maliba, Council, Exco.• 7 Branches throughout South Africa.• SALGA Recognition• Work closely with IFME, SAICE.• Annual Conference

4 Constraining Issues

• Infrastructure Growth – keeping pace with demands of economy.

• Provision of Guidance, Coaching, Mentorship.

• Address Backlogs.

• Shortage of Experienced persons.

Infrastructure Growth• International Infrastructure

Management Manual.• Working Groups:

– Water, Sanitation and Environment

– Roads, Transport and Stormwater

– Building, Structures and Planning

– Computer Applications

Guidance, Coaching and Mentorship

• IMESA Conference 2007(23 – 26 October 2007)

• Theme :

“Sustainable Municipal Engineering 2010 And Beyond”

• IMESA Journal

• Branch Meetings

• IMESA / DWAF Drinking Water Quality Initiative

• Guidelines :– Low Cost Roads

– Traffic Calming

Shortage of Experienced Persons

• 10 Bursaries per annum.

• Vacation Work.

• Encourage students and young graduates to be involved with IMESA activities.

2. Background to the eWQMS Project

Historical Key Observations: 2004

• Most metros & larger municipalities performing effective DWQM

• Most WSAs do not sufficiently recognize, understand & accept DWQ governance requirements

• Many WSAs have inadequate existing systems, inadequate capacity & inadequate budget for legislatively compliant DWQ

• WSAs need to report DWQ monthly to DWAF • WSAs swamped by data/info requests from Nat. Govt.• No Sector Wide data flow to allow Strategic

Assessment and Management

Overview of National eWQMS Rollout… • Objective is the Effective National Deployment and Use of a

Municipal Water Quality Management Tool• IMESA’s Critical Features of a municipal WQM tool

– Must be useful to & compatible with municipalities – Must meet national and municipal regulatory requirements– Must be proven as robust, reliable, user-friendly– Low cost business model - preferably Open Source System

to satisfy Cabinet directive to Government– Provide real time data flow and reporting– Two way data flow: WSA to DWAF, & DWAF to WSA– Reduce the “Survey Burden” on municipalities

• Municipalities asked to answer > 10 000 financial questions and > 4 000 non financial questions by Nat. Gov. each year

• Piloted by DWAF & IMESA during 2004/5, rolled out across SA in 2006

• Tool Functionality to be Iteratively enhanced by Bottom up Municipal Feedback

3. eWQMS Overview

eWQMS Overview…

• Login/Logout

• Water Quality

• Infrastructure

• Risk Tool Box

• Administration

• Information

Management Dashboard…

Compliance Overview…

Auto Monthly Summary Reports…

Risk Tool Box – E.g. Gap Analysis…

Information and Reference…

4. Roll-Out of eWQMS to WSAs: Achievements To-Date

Perspective Percentage adhering

to all DWQ Criteria:


Percentage adhering

to all DWQ Criteria:

March 2006

Percentage adhering

to all DWQ Criteria:

November 2006

Eastern Cape 24% 53% 71%

Free State 90% 90% 85%

Gauteng 54% 77% 67%

KwaZulu-Natal 36% 50% 86%

Limpopo 33% 55% 55%

Mpumalanga 26% 60% 56%

North West 29% 43% 58%

Northern Cape 20% 20% 45%

Western Cape 47% 63% 77%

National 39% 55% 66%

WSAs Providing Safe DW…

Progress: Monthly WSA data flow via eWQMS…eWQMS

Percentage WSAs Loading DWQ Data













rn C




























Jan 2007

Feb 2007

Mar 2007

Apr 2007

May 2007

Jun 2007

Jul 2007

• Close to 100% National Participation by WSAs• July 2007 (by monthly cut-off date): 122 WSAs

loaded 3419 data sets, 2354 sample sites, 135 auto-reports to some 650 sector partners

5. Case Studies

Case Studies… • Cederberg (WC)

• Using information more effectively • Buffalo City (EC)

• Transparency

• Stellenbosch Municipality (WC)• Continuous proactive improvement

• uMhlathuze Municipality (KZN)• Success despite shortcomings

• eThekwini (KZN)• Assistance with data transfer to National systems

• Strategic Gap Analysis of DWQM• Driving improvement at WSAs

  December 2004 January 2005 March 2005

Area Samples Complied

% Compliance Samples Complied % Compliance Samples Complied % Compliance

Cederberg LM 8 / 22 36% 9 / 22 41% 18 / 19 95%

Citrusdal 4 / 4 100% 4 / 4 100% 3 / 4 75%

Clanwilliam 1 / 5 20% 2 / 5 40% 4 / 4 100%

Elands Bay 0 / 4 0% 0 / 4 0% 3 / 3 100%

Graafwater 3 / 3 100% 3 / 3 100% 3 / 3 100%

Lamberts Bay

0 / 4 0% 0 / 4 0% 3 / 3 100%

Leipoldtville 0 / 2 0% 0 / 2 0% 2 / 2 100%

Cederberg…• Were monitoring BUT not interpreting data • eWQMS assisted with understanding &

communication– Dramatic turnaround in 4 month period

Buffalo City… • Transparency in data submission• Despite numerous DWQ failures WSA ensures

all data is loaded on time• Automatic monthly report read by most of the

management team• Proactively addressing issues of concern (with

DWAF guidance) • Commended by DWAF at recent DWQ

Conference (Sun City, Aug 2007)

Buffalo City…

Stellenbosch… • Implemented DWQM in 1994 • Includes all 19 communities in WSA • Collect 90+ samples from source to consumer per

month• Analyse at SANAS Accredited Laboratory • Data loaded onto eWQMS and outputs assessed

– Failures management informed & actions immediately taken

– Monthly summary reports & quarterly management meeting strategise Way Forward

• Commended by DWAF at recent DWQ Conference (Sun City, Aug 2007)


• E.g. Use alum for treatment need to ensure appropriate residual aluminium levels

• Issue identified and effectively resolved

uMhlathuze… • Relatively small local

authority with capacity issues

• Always manage to load data on time

• eWQMS assists with identifying & addressing DWQ related issues of concern

• Commended by DWAF at recent DWQ Conference (Sun City, Aug 2007)

Umhlatuze Municipality







Drinking Water Quality

Appropriate Parameters

Appropriate Number of Samples

Appropriate Frequency of Monitoring

Appropriate Sample Points

Overall Status

Audit of DWQM


• LIMS used for day-to-day management• Immediately identify and rectify concerns

• eWQMS assists with providing summarised report and data transfer to DWAF systems (e.g. NIS, Regulatory System)• Import script from LIMS to eWQMS• No disruption to day-to-day operations



eWQMSSummary report to

eThekwini management

Data transfer

Data import


Strategic Gap Analysis of DWQM…

• Accessible via eWQMS• Used by WSA for “SWOT

Analysis” cross-check, interactions with Municipal Management and Council

• Input to WSDP• Interaction with DWAF,

DPLG, etc to address weaknesses

• Updated by WSA on eWQMS at any stage

• Examples of use:– Mohokare (FS) to motivate for staff training– Maquassi (NW) appoint WSP to monitoring DWQ

6. Conclusions


• eWQMS key tool in assisting:– WSAs to identify and address key weaknesses

– WSAs to communicate challenges easily to stakeholders

– Regions to prioritise assistance to WSAs

– National to direct strategic efforts to Regions & WSAs

• In order for WSAs to meet legislated requirements – Need monthly monitoring, regular data loading and use

of eWQMS outputs to drive improvement

• Based on WSA and sector feedback and needs– New features added to further enhance eWQMS

Thank You…