ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt: From negligence to participatory development Marwa A. Khalifa Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Urban Planning and Design, 1 El-Sarayat St. Abbasya, Postal code: 11517 Cairo, Egypt Received 16 December 2014; revised 5 March 2015; accepted 17 April 2015 Available online 2 June 2015 KEYWORDS Affordable shelter; Egypt; Housing policy; Informal settlements; Upgrading strategies; Urban poor Abstract The issue of informal settlements represents a key challenge not only in Egypt, but also worldwide. A review of informal settlements upgrading policies shows that governments have moved away from eradication policies to provision, enabling and participatory policies. This shift was motivated by the recognition that informal settlements were not a problem but a solution stim- ulated by the society when the formal housing markets cannot fulfill its demand. In Egypt, despite all efforts to contain the growth of informal settlements, they are steadily growing. This paper aims at mapping the change of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt starting from negligence to contemporary participatory development approaches and housing policies aimed at providing affordable shelter to the urban poor. Additionally, it examines some best practices of informal settlements upgrading projects to find out the influential driving forces affecting the suc- cess of these projects that are suitable for scaling up and replication. Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 1. Introduction Informal settlements represent a universal phenomenon, which many countries suffer from worldwide and Egypt is no excep- tion. It is one of the major phenomena accompanying the accel- erated urbanization process worldwide. They are a result of governments’ failure to provide adequate and affordable shelter to the urban poor. Therefore, informal settlements should not be perceived as part of the countries’ housing crisis but rather as a solution developed by the urban poor under the existing conditions of limited economic resources and bureaucratic con- trol, and when neither the government nor the private sector could provide dwellers with adequate and affordable housing [1]. The vast number of informal settlements with a huge num- ber of inhabited households is evidence that the policy adopted by government agencies and institutions in charge of managing and controlling urban development and housing policy has been largely ineffective. The total land area of Egypt is about one mil- lion sq. km of which only 7.6% is inhabited and cultivated areas (3.5% is the cultivation proportion). Total population is approximately 86.9 million (July 2014 est.) and the population E-mail address: [email protected] Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2015) 6, 1151–1159 Ain Shams University Ain Shams Engineering Journal www.elsevier.com/locate/asej www.sciencedirect.com http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.008 2090-4479 Ó 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt: … · 2017-03-02 · ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt: From

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Page 1: Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt: … · 2017-03-02 · ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt: From

Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2015) 6, 1151–1159

Ain Shams University

Ain Shams Engineering Journal



Evolution of informal settlements upgrading

strategies in Egypt: From negligence to

participatory development

E-mail address: [email protected]

Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.

Production and hosting by Elsevier

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.04.0082090-4479 � 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Marwa A. Khalifa

Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Urban Planning and Design, 1 El-Sarayat St. Abbasya, Postalcode: 11517 Cairo, Egypt

Received 16 December 2014; revised 5 March 2015; accepted 17 April 2015

Available online 2 June 2015


Affordable shelter;


Housing policy;

Informal settlements;

Upgrading strategies;

Urban poor

Abstract The issue of informal settlements represents a key challenge not only in Egypt, but also

worldwide. A review of informal settlements upgrading policies shows that governments have

moved away from eradication policies to provision, enabling and participatory policies. This shift

was motivated by the recognition that informal settlements were not a problem but a solution stim-

ulated by the society when the formal housing markets cannot fulfill its demand. In Egypt, despite

all efforts to contain the growth of informal settlements, they are steadily growing. This paper aims

at mapping the change of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt starting from

negligence to contemporary participatory development approaches and housing policies aimed at

providing affordable shelter to the urban poor. Additionally, it examines some best practices of

informal settlements upgrading projects to find out the influential driving forces affecting the suc-

cess of these projects that are suitable for scaling up and replication.� 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an

open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction

Informal settlements represent a universal phenomenon, whichmany countries suffer from worldwide and Egypt is no excep-tion. It is one of the major phenomena accompanying the accel-

erated urbanization process worldwide. They are a result ofgovernments’ failure to provide adequate and affordable shelter

to the urban poor. Therefore, informal settlements should not

be perceived as part of the countries’ housing crisis but ratheras a solution developed by the urban poor under the existingconditions of limited economic resources and bureaucratic con-

trol, and when neither the government nor the private sectorcould provide dwellers with adequate and affordable housing[1]. The vast number of informal settlements with a huge num-ber of inhabited households is evidence that the policy adopted

by government agencies and institutions in charge of managingand controlling urban development and housing policy has beenlargely ineffective. The total land area of Egypt is about onemil-

lion sq. km of which only 7.6% is inhabited and cultivated areas(3.5% is the cultivation proportion). Total population isapproximately 86.9 million (July 2014 est.) and the population

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1152 M.A. Khalifa

growth rate is 1.84%. Rural inhabitants comprise approxi-mately 56% of the total population, while urban inhabitantsare about 44% [2]. Greater Cairo Region (GCR) is the largest

metropolitan area in Egypt and the world’s 18th largestmetropolitan area, with a total population of 16.4 million(2006 census); GCR includes 19% of the total population in

Egypt [3]. Informal settlements are considered to be the domi-nant mode of urbanization, spreading on urban fringes, eitheron privately-owned agricultural land or on state-owned land

in desert areas. It is estimated that more than 60% of theregion’s population inhabits these areas [4]. Moreover, it is esti-mated that between 1980 and 2025 nearly half of Egypt’s agri-cultural land will be lost to informal settlements in the

absence of planning or the ability to enforce present laws gov-erning the housing development [5].

This paper aims at investigating the change and evolution

of informal settlement upgrading strategies and policies witha focus on the Egyptian context in the period from the 1970sto date. Given the fact that the government’s policy to provide

citizens with affordable and adequate housing was inefficientand was one of the key causes of the emergence and expansionof informal settlements, the investigation of the adopted poli-

cies encompasses both the ones dealing with the causes and thesymptoms, a twin track approach as suggested by Payne [6].Policies targeting the causes are principally discussed in theNational policy for providing low cost (social) housing that

can be afforded by the urban poor, while the ones targetingthe symptoms discuss the upgrading of existing informal settle-ments and controlling its growth.

The structure of this paper is as follows: The followingSection 2 explains the adopted methodology to carry out thisresearch. Section 3 reviews the history of emergence and evo-

lution of informal settlements in relation to political andmacro-economic aspects within the Egyptian context.Section 4 explores the adopted approaches, strategies and poli-

cies of upgrading informal settlements and provision of afford-able housing worldwide. Section 5 is an attempt to map out thechanges of upgrading ideologies within the Egyptian contextand sheds light on some of the best practices of informal settle-

ments upgrading projects in order to identify the key factorsfor success and lessons learned from such projects and finallySection 6 includes the discussion and conclusions.

2. Methodology

To carry out this research, the author has adopted two main

methods. Firstly, the literature review of publications and offi-cial documents is performed to understand the phenomenon ofinformal settlements and investigate the different academic

stances and governments’ responses to the challenge of infor-mal urbanization. Secondly, nine semi-structured interviewswith the representatives of three groups of stakeholders, whohave considerable experience in informal settlements upgrad-

ing efforts and the shaping of related policies in Egypt, havebeen conducted. The stakeholders are: (i) Unit heads at theInformal Settlements Development Facility (ISDF), (ii)

Senior officials at the United Nations Human SettlementsProgramme (UN-HABITAT) Office in Cairo, and (iii)Academic staff members from Ain Shams University, Cairo

University and Alexandria University who have had practicalexperience in informal settlements upgrading projects in Egypt

and have worked with governmental and official organizationssuch as the General Organization for Physical Planning(GOPP), ISDF and UN-Habitat. Interviews were carried out

separately and were conducted as guided conversations. Themain objectives of the interviews were to explore the roles ofthe different actors involved in shaping the policies and imple-

menting the projects of informal settlement upgrading andwhether there is any sort of coordination and cooperationamong them. Additionally, the author draws upon her own

theoretical and practical experience in the field of informal set-tlements upgrading since 2007.

3. Origin and evolution of informal settlements within the

Egyptian context

Informal settlements within the Egyptian context mostly take

one of two forms; (i) expansion on privately-owned agricul-tural land, principally occurring on the urban fringes, and rep-resenting about 80% of informal urbanization, or (ii) squattersettlements on state-owned land, which represents about 15%

of informal urbanization in Egypt [7]. For the former, infor-mality does not stem from ownership rights but rather fromthe illegal conversion of agricultural land to housing as well

as the contravention of building laws and regulations [8].This type is characterized by good building quality and accessto most services, while the latter is characterized by consider-

able variation in building quality, ranging from houses whichare one story high and established from make-shift materialto high quality cement structures, with an average buildingheight of 6–8 floors and generally the access to services is lim-

ited [9]. More details about the formation, typology, character-istics and challenges of informal settlements ‘‘Ashwa’iyyat’’upgrading can be found in [8–11].

The incidence of informal settlements began after WorldWar II and sped up during the 1960s. For a better understand-ing of the emergence and growth of informal settlements in

Egypt, it is worth mentioning the political and macro-economic driving forces that affected the housing provisionin the period prior to the revolution of 1952 and continuing

to date. Prior to 1952 housing was never considered a problem.Housing provision was supplied by the formal and mostly bythe private sector. After 1952, Gamal Abdel Nasser’s socialistgovernment started to implement rules to enforce social jus-

tice. Thus, a series of laws has been issued to control rentsof housing units. Additionally, the public sector assumed amajor role in housing supply through local government and

public housing companies. The issued laws gave residents morerights over their rented properties and limited the power ofproperty owners in dealing with their properties [1]. These laws

resulted in diverting the real-estate market away from rentalhousing to owner-occupied housing and contributed to thedeterioration of the available rental housing stock as propertyowners stopped investing money in maintenance. Thus, many

middle class and low income families were pushed to informalurbanization, which principally took place on agriculturallands at the urban fringes [12]. Another deriving force that

played a significant role in the spread of informal settlementswas the shift in the economy toward industrialization.Massive industrialization during the 1960s created employ-

ment opportunities around large cities, which increasedrural–urban influx to Cairo and to the other cities.

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Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt 1153

In the period from 1967 to 1973 (the war against Israel),financial resources were largely directed to fulfill military needsand all government investments in public housing construction

were restricted. During this period the private sector supply didnot meet popular demand. The supply was mainly luxury unitsfor the upper classes with the majority of properties for sale

rather than rented, and thus residents with low income andmid-dle classes found the informal sector as an appropriate solutionto fulfil their demands [11]. After the victory of 1973, President

Sadat engaged the country in a new direction, namely the OpenDoor Economic Policy (Infitah), distinguished by a larger polit-ical and economic opening to the west and a transformationfrom a state controlled economy toward a liberal market econ-

omy. The implication on the housing policy resulted in dividingresponsibilities between the government and the private sector.The former was in charge only for the construction of low-

income housing, and the later would have major responsibilityfor providing housing units to the middle and upper-classes.Additionally, the state disengaged from the production of rental

housing and maintained the policy of rent control with onlyminor modifications. As both the private and public sectors dis-engaged from the rental housing market, those seeking afford-

able rented units could not find access to the formal housingmarket, as rent values were unaffordable for a large sector ofthe society [1]. Informal settlements became the only affordablesolution to urban dwellers with low or middle incomes.

Furthermore, during the 1970s, the oil boom in the GulfStates attracted many Egyptian workers to work in the neigh-boring oil-producing countries such as Iraq, Kuwait and

Saudi Arabia. After their return, they invested their savings ininformal housing, as the formal housing supply was inadequateto meet their demand. The offered properties by the public sec-

tor were neither sufficient nor affordable.During the ex-President Mubarak era (1981–2011), almost

no more new informal settlements have appeared. However,

the growth of the existing ones has not slowed down in spiteof the fall in population growth rates and the strict measurestaken by the government against illegal urbanization such asthe Military Decrees 1 and 7, which forbids encroachment

on agricultural land. In spite of the good productivity of agri-cultural land, their sale for building was more remunerativethan the revenues from farming, which encouraged farmers

to sell their lands [8]. The government adopted the ‘‘privatiza-tion’’ policy, which dramatically affected the supply of afford-able housing. The role of the public sector lessened to the

extent that in 1991/92, the private sector contributed to 97%of the total investment in housing and 95% of the total valueadded in the housing sector. The informal housing sector wastotally financed by private investment [13]. Between 1986 and

1996, the population growth rate in informal settlementsreached 3.4% per year compared to 0.3% for legal areas,and informal construction growth was estimated to be 3.2%

per year, compared to 1.1% in formal districts [14]. Only since1994, the government has started to pay considerable attentionto develop a program for informal settlements upgrading and

reform the housing national policy, which will be illustrated inSection 5 of this paper.

Last but not least, the 25th January 2011 Revolution in

Egypt, which raised the slogan of ‘‘Better living conditions,Freedom and Social justice’’, was a turning point not onlyfrom a historical, political and social perspective, but alsofor urbanism. Consequently, informal settlements dwellers

have pursued new means of action and put pressure on thegovernment to recognize their rights [15]. After the Januaryrevolution, the political changes that happened and continue

to take place (second wave of the revolution 30th June2013), meant to build an effective democratic system and advo-cate notions such as decentralization, transparency and

accountability which have been missing before [16]. HoweverEgypt, like many other Arab Spring countries, still faces turbu-lence on the economic, political and security levels. This has

led to a great controversy between the different actors andstagnation of the democratic transformation of the country,and consequently development programs in different sectors,where the housing sector is one of them.

Thus, it can be concluded that there were fundamental keyfactors that lead to the existing and accelerated growth ofinformal settlements in Egypt. They can be summarized as


� An imbalance between the demand, resulting from a large

population increase, and the supply of adequate plannedformal land for urban expansion.� The inefficient rent control laws that led to the exit of the

private sector from the housing market.� Directing all resources to the successive wars that Egyptfaced.� A rural to urban influx to large cities.

� Mismatch between housing supply and housing demand.

4. Review of informal settlement upgrading strategies and


As Acioly [17] argued, informal settlements upgrading is not anew idea; countries such as Peru, Indonesia, India and Turkeyalready had adopted such approach to tackle the problems of

informal urbanization since the 1950s. Conducting a review ofpolicies to control and deal with informal urbanization fromthe 1970s to 2000s indicates a radical paradigm shift in the pol-

icy adopted broadly by international agencies. During the1970s, the oppressive ‘‘bulldozer’’ eviction policy predomi-nated. The official state reaction in this period tended towardthe eradication of informal settlements and re-housing the peo-

ple elsewhere, most likely in public housing [18,19]. Adoptedpolicy emphasized land acquisition, land banking and conven-tional housing projects [20]. Many developing countries pur-

sued this approach until research and the internationalexperience started to provide evidence of the failures of theseeradication policies, their deficiencies and the destructive

effects they had on the urban poor.In the 1980s, a gradual shift started to take place to pro-

mote upgrading approaches that minimize the harmful social,economic and environmental impacts derived from eviction

policies, as it maintains the existing social relationships andcommunity cohesion where they exist. Emphasis was on lend-ing policies and integration into housing policies with projects

and programs focusing on tenure legalization, infrastructureimprovements, facilitation of credit to encourage self-helphousing and housing improvement, and social and economic

development. It was believed that the most informal settle-ments would gradually improve their living conditions whenthey have a secure tenure. Additionally, local taxes would be

collected by registering the occupied lands [21]. The upgrading

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programs were combined to produce sites and services projectswhere full tenure of land lots was granted to future residents.Sites and Services projects were to become the new ideology

[17]. Evaluation of such an approach has been carried out inseveral studies. Findings revealed that the land legalizationwas an expensive and time consuming process which precluded

the achievements of projects. Cost recovery could not beaccomplished, as inhabitants faced difficulties in paying theirshare. The impacts of sites and services on institutional and

policy reform were minimal if non-existent and site and serviceprojects never managed to be replicated or scaled up on a lar-ger level [22,23].

During the 1990s, with the emergence of new concepts of

decentralization and privatization, the role of local govern-ments in managing and steering urban development processeshas been broadened. The adopted approach to deal with the

informal urbanization problems shifted from dealing withinformal settlements exclusively to more integration into pro-grams in citywide policies and institutional reforms. The

emphasis was on providing a package of infrastructureimprovements, social services and the physical restructuringof the settlements followed by legalization of tenure and regu-

larization of property rights [24].During the 2000s, the notion of ‘‘integration’’ replaced the

concept of ‘‘upgrading’’. Actions moved toward linking infor-mal urbanization with formal real estate market expansion.

Integration encompasses three basic aspects. Firstly, physicalintegration by directing public investments toward such areas,opening of roads to improve accessibility, enabling the connec-

tion to the infrastructure networks and public services andlinking to the city’s official maps. Secondly, social integrationby adopting specific programs to tackle community needs and

promote social development. Thirdly, juridical integrationthrough properties’ regularization, land titling and resolutionof land tenure issues which complements citywide cadastral

needs to enable property taxes collection [17]. Fig. 1 indicatesthe timeline of changes in policy and informal settlementsupgrading ideology.

1 1 EGP (Egyptian Pound) = 0.14 US Dollar (Exchange Rate

Effective February 13, 2014) (https://www.google.com.eg/?gws_rd=


5. Mapping out the change within the Egyptian context

In order to depict a clear picture of changes in the adoptedpolicies and strategies for upgrading informal settlements, this

paper explores three main strands in this section:

� The national policy of informal settlements upgrading,

which represents the government’s stance is illustrated.� The national housing policy with relevance to providingaffordable housing and corrective measures to improve

access by the urban poor to the formal housing market.� Parallel initiatives for informal settlement upgrading bydonor agencies, private sectors and civil societyorganizations.

Furthermore, the empirical part of this research, the inter-views with the representatives of ISDF, UN-Habitat Cairo

office and Academia assists in clarifying the roles of the differ-ent actors involved in shaping the policies and implementingthe projects of informal settlement upgrading and whether

there is any sort of coordination and cooperation among them.Additionally, given the practical expertise of the interviewees,

the interviews are considered a source for verifying informa-tion that is obtained from official documents and consolidatingthe author’s understanding of the success factors and best

practice for the upgrading of informal settlements projects thattook place in Egypt.

5.1. National policy of upgrading of informal settlements

During the 1970s and 1980s and despite the accelerated growthof informal settlements, the government adopted the policy of

‘‘negligence and utter disregard’’ [25]. Only in the 1990s, gov-ernmental policy started to pay attention to informal areas forboth security and humanitarian reasons. In 1992, the govern-

ment launched a national fund for urban upgrading [26]. In1993, a systematic approach to the upgrading of informal set-tlements all over Egypt was initiated and a national survey toidentify informal settlements was carried out in urban areas. A

total of 1221 areas were identified and classified as either inneed of upgrading (1201 areas) or removal and replacement(20 areas) [27]. Consequently, a massive informal settlements

upgrading program was initiated and a national plan wasdeveloped. The program included two main stages. First stage:1994–2004 Informal Settlements Development Program

(ISDP). This stage mainly aimed at providing infrastructuraland basic services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage,paving the streets, tree-planting and landscaping for informalsettlements as well as developing areas that had deteriorated.

Second stage: 2004–2008 informal settlement belting program(Tahzeem El- Ashwa’iyyat). This stage focused on supportinglocal government in developing detailed plans that can restrict

the growth of informal settlement [12]. By the end of the pro-gram, the ISDP only provided basic urban services which cov-ers the following: electricity, municipal cleanliness, water,

sanitary drainage, and road paving for about 352 informalareas and developed 13 areas of decline with a total cost of3.2 Billion 1EGP [28]. However, the ISDP lacked two main

aspects, which limited its success:

� The concept of community participation in planning orimplementation.

� Legalization of properties and security of tenure.

While the focus was on providing infrastructure and

improving physical condition of the deprived areas, socioeco-nomic aspects were completely ignored [27].

In 2008, a presidential Decree No. 305/2008 was issued and

established the Informal Settlement Development Facility(ISDF), related directly to the Egyptian Cabinet, with the mainobjective of coordinating efforts and finance for the develop-ment of an informal areas program. ISDF has made a signifi-

cant change in the ideology of dealing with informalurbanization by replacing the common terms describing infor-mal urbanization such as ‘‘Slums’’, ‘‘Informal Settlements’’ or

‘‘Ashwa’iyyat’’ by two distinctive terms: ‘‘Unsafe Areas’’ and‘‘Unplanned areas’’. Consequently, policies and strategies havebeen changed with prioritizing intervention for unsafe areas

[9]. Unplanned areas are defined in the Unified Building Law119 # 2008 as ‘‘ areas, which are not subject to detailed plans,

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Figure 1 Timeline of changes in policy and upgrading ideology worldwide (Author based on Acioly [17]).

Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt 1155

land subdivision plans nor compliant with planning, buildinglaws and regulations’’ [29]. On the other hand, unsafe areas

are characterized by posing risks to life, health and tenure orhaving inappropriate housing. These risks might be due to sev-ere deterioration over time, using makeshift materials to build

houses, being located on sites subject to landslides, floods, orhazardous infrastructure e.g. high voltage cables, and riskyhealth conditions due to the lack of safe drinking water or

improved sanitations and industrial pollution. Unsafe areaswere classified into 4 grades of risk, which were orderedaccording to the degree of risk and thus the urgency for inter-vention [30] cited in [9]:

� Grade 1: areas that threaten life including those locatedunder or above sliding geological formations, in floodplain

areas; or under threat from railways accidents.� Grade 2: areas of unsuitable shelter conditions includingbuildings made of makeshift materials, e.g. shacks, sites

unsuitable for building, e.g. solid waste dump sites orruined buildings.� Grade 3: areas exposed to health risks including those lack-

ing accessibility to clean drinking water or improved sanita-tion, located in the vicinity of industrial pollution, orlocated under electrical power lines.� Grade 4: areas of instability due to insecurity of tenure

including areas located on the territory of state-owned land,on sovereign quarters or on the territory of endowments(Awqaf).

According to ISDF’s estimations, unplanned areas consti-

tute 60% of urban areas with average density of 500 per-son/feddan2 and the building height ranges from 4 to 10

2 Feddan: an Arabic term refers to a unit of measurement of

agricultural land, equals approximately 4,200 square meters (World

Bank, 2008)

storeys; mostly they provide a safe residential environmentand need medium or long term maintenance. Unsafe areas,

on the other hand, are estimated to constitute 1% of the urbanareas, with an average density of 200 person/feddan, and thebuilding height ranges from 1 to 2 floors. They do not provide

a safe residential environment and require deliberate interven-tion [28].

ISDF’s policy and approaches differ when dealing with

unsafe areas rather than unplanned areas:

� Unplanned areas require market based mechanisms withpartnership of the private sector, residents and public sec-

tor. Such mechanisms should consider the significance ofconcealed land values through planning and building regu-lations in addition to the benefit of tax collection.

� Unsafe areas require deliberate state intervention toimprove shelter conditions. ISDF’s policy emphasized thatin situ upgrading should be the norm when dealing with

informal settlements. Successful past experiences provedthat upgrading plans do not work if people are uprootedand lose their source of income and social networks [31].

The only exception is in Grade 1 areas, as displacement iscompulsory. People should then be relocated in safe hous-ing provided by the government or get appropriate mone-tary compensation. For Grade 2, intervention alternatives

include the following: (i) in situ housing replacement withdensification or displacement to nearby state owned land,(ii) monetary compensation, (iii) housing rehabilitation or

(iv) credit for housing improvement. For Grade 3, interven-tion alternatives include the following: (i) transfer or con-version of aerial power lines to land cable in cooperation

with concerned Ministries and Governorates, (ii) regulariza-tion of polluting factories in cooperation between theMinistry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry or(iii) the implementation of safe water supply systems and

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sanitation facilities within the plan of the Holding

Company for Water and Wastewater. For Grade 4, inter-vention alternatives include the following: (i) legalizingtenure with charge or (ii) provision of alternative housing


The finance strategy is based on conceiving ISDF as arevolving fund seeking cost recovery with focused grants to

provide citizens with a safe housing environment. Financemodalities include direct credit and grants, as well as linkingcredit to development and commercial banks to facilitate

finance for the private sector. As an incentive, citizens shallreceive market value compensation for properties or be com-pensated for property devaluation as a result of the develop-

ment action [28].

5.2. National housing policy

As illustrated earlier in Section 3 of this paper, housing policies

have failed to address the needs of the whole society and par-ticularly providing affordable shelter to the middle and lowincome classes. Neither the socialism policy of Abdel Nasser

nor the open door economy policy of Al Sadat succeeded insupplying affordable housing to a large strata of the urbandwellers.

In response to the housing problem in Egypt, PresidentSadat introduced the ‘‘New Towns’’ policy in the late 1970saimed at tackling the problems of inadequate supply of hous-

ing and the informal urbanization encroachment on agricul-tural land. However, the main challenge was to relocate thedemographic growth that took place on agricultural land topublic housing on the desert fringes of the city. Most of the

newly developed public housing units were left unoccupieddue to their high prices, the remoteness of these cities andthe inadequate supply of services [12].

From the 1980s, most of the governmental investment wasdirected to the new cities and the provision of housing wasbased on the principle of site and services or self-help [32].

However, this was beyond the ability of the low income strata.In 1996, the government started the ‘‘Mubarak YouthHousing Project’’. Its aim was to provide 70,000 affordable

dwelling units, in a healthy and productive residential environ-ment. The beneficiaries were the youth who belong to thedisadvantaged/low-income groups. The project was completedin December 2000, and its units were distributed in 15 new

cities. Project’s finance was underpinned by the concept ofsocial solidarity, where the state cross-subsidized nearly 40%from the sales of high-income residential areas and dwellings

in both new cities and resorts. In addition, the state offeredsubsidized credit of 15,000 EGP per unit, payable over 40 yearsat 5% interest rate [33]. The project proved a success and has

been replicated in other cities; however, the supply was muchless than the demand.

5.3. Parallel initiatives for informal settlement upgrading andprovision of affordable housing

The Government of Egypt, in an attempt to attract new financ-ing for urban development, has tried to involve other interna-

tional cooperation actors in the upgrading effort [11]. Parallelto the national effort for informal settlement upgrading, there

were some initiatives by donor agencies, the private sector,civil society organisations, charities or religious institutionsfor service provision, sectorial development and housing provi-

sion. Examples include the upgrading of schools in poor andinformal areas as part of the ‘‘100-Schools project’’ imple-mented by the NGO Heliopolis Services sponsored by Mrs.

Suzan Mubarak (Ex. first lady) and the upgrading of youthcenters in poor neighborhoods by the Coca Cola Company[10]. From late 1970s to 2000s, there were several successful

pilot projects in ‘‘sites and services’’ and informal settlementupgrading supported by fund agencies. Examples include HaiEl Salam in Ismailia (1978), Nasseriya in Aswan (1986),Hadayek Zenhom and Manshiet Nasser in Cairo (1998)

among others. There was no sole mode of intervention in suchupgrading projects. Abdelhalim [10] distinguished between 2basic modes of interventions namely ‘‘upgrading’’ and ‘‘rede-

velopment’’. Firstly, upgrading encompasses services provi-sion, sectorial upgrading as well as planning and partialadjustment which maintains most of the urban fabric and

physical structures. ‘‘100-Schools project’’, upgrading youthcenters, Hai Elsalam project and Manshiet Nasser project fitinto the upgrading mode of intervention. Secondly, redevelop-

ment that encompasses on-site redevelopment and relocatingthat entails substantial replacement of the physical setting.Hadayek Zenhom project fits with the later mode ofintervention.

In order to support the government’s effort in the programof ‘‘Shelter for all in Egypt, 1996 – 2001’’ and promoting theconcepts of social solidarity and partnership, in March 1998,

with the support of Mrs. Susan Mubarak an NGO named‘‘Gameyet el Mostaqbal’’ (Society of the Future) was estab-lished to supervise the implementation of ‘‘The Future

Housing Project’’. The board of this NGO is composed ofbusinessmen in real estate, manufacturing and construction.The project is designed to construct 70,000 dwelling units with

an area of 63 sq. m./unit, at an estimated total cost of 2.1 bil-lion EGP, without the cost of land. It is replicated afterward in15 new cities in Egypt. This project has received the Council ofArab Ministers for Housing and Reconstruction Award in

2000 for its innovative approach that integrates architectural,planning, social, economic, cultural, technological, and envi-ronmental dimensions [33].

Another initiative that advocates the concept of communityparticipation in upgrading projects is the ParticipatoryDevelopment Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), which was

launched as an Egyptian-German development measure in2004 and is currently in its third implementation phase(2015). It is jointly implemented by the Egyptian Ministry ofPlanning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) and the

German Development Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of theGerman Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (BMZ) [34]. The PDP focuses on the upgrading

of informal areas in the Greater Cairo Region by introducingand supporting the implementation of participatory method-ologies for urban upgrading with local government and civil

society organizations to improve service provision and thus liv-ing conditions in an integrated manner to alleviate urban pov-erty. Accordingly, the PDP is assisting local actors in

communicating their priority needs and obtaining supportfrom partners on the regional and national levels [35]. ThePDP has implemented 2 pilot projects in Manshiet Nasserand Boulaq el Dakrour, principally focused on the upgrading

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Figure 2 Timeline of changes in housing policy and informal settlements upgrading interventions in Egypt (Author).

Evolution of informal settlements upgrading strategies in Egypt 1157

of infrastructure and community facilities to demonstrate thatsuch methods can work. Fig. 2 indicates the timeline ofchanges in policy and upgrading interventions in Egypt from

the 1970s to date.

6. Discussion and conclusion

Informal settlements are a reality that many developing coun-tries have to cope with. Despite all efforts to contain theirgrowth, informal settlements are steadily growing. Withinthe Egyptian context, in spite of all the efforts exerted to

upgrade informal settlements and improve the living condi-tions of its inhabitants, the magnitude of informal urbaniza-tion proves that the outcomes of such efforts are still far

beyond achieving its objectives. The pace of informal settle-ment growth is much faster than the pace of any upgradingor development efforts; thus no visible improvements can be

recognized on the ground. Simultaneously, the pace of supplyof formal affordable housing is much slower than the pace ofhigh demand by the low-income and middle-income house-

holds. Comparing the trajectory of the international predomi-nant policy of informal settlements upgrading and theEgyptian National Policy of informal settlements upgrading,a wide gap can be recognized. For instance, during the 1980s

‘‘Settlements Upgrading’’, focusing on regularization oftenure, infrastructure improvements and supporting self-helphousing and housing improvement was the predominant inter-

national approach, while in Egypt this approach has been‘‘partially’’ adopted in 1994 with the launch of the ISDP.

Upgrading principally focused on the provision of infrastruc-ture to informal settlements, while almost all other compo-nents of upgrading, such as security of tenure and housing

improvement were neglected. To date, there is no sound impli-cation of the advanced approaches adopted by the interna-tional agencies: ‘‘integration into city wide policies andinstitutional reform’’ during the 1990s or ‘‘connecting with

housing and real estate market expansion’’ during the 2000son the Egyptian National policy for informal settlementsupgrading. The shift from exclusion to integration has not

been revealed in any strategy of governmental institutions orother official structures that provide support and services toinformal areas. On the national level, the adopted policies to

respond to the challenge of informal urbanization encompassa combination of different approaches as well as differentactors. Actors include governmental institutions, donor agen-cies, private sectors, civil society organisations and charities.

Although there is no evidence of sound coordination amongthose actors, no contradiction in their adopted policy andmodes of intervention in informal settlements upgrading and

provision of affordable housing can be recognized. There isno successful sole mode of intervention in informal settlementsupgrading projects. Modes of intervention vary between provi-

sion of services, sectorial upgrading, planning and partialadjustment, on-site redevelopment and relocation of dwellers.Each mode is appropriate under the particular physical,

socioeconomic and environmental conditions that are foundin or affecting the respective informal settlement. Commonfactors of success in upgrading projects that were implementedby the government are the availability of funds and political

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will. Once any of these two factors is terminated, projects cometo halt. As for parallel upgrading initiatives, additional factorsare needed to ensure success. For instance, the PDP that

adopts participatory methodologies for urban upgradingrequires cooperation from local government and active civilsociety organizations to enable the implementation of its

methodology. The pilot projects that have been implementedso far constitute only demonstration cases with no institution-alizing mechanisms to ensure replicability and scaling up of

such experience in the strategy of governmental institutions.Informal settlements upgrading programs should be part ofthe citywide policy reform and institutional building effort,not as separated reform programs. Addressing the informal

urbanization challenge can be a win–win situation for everyoneas improvement programs not only benefit the urban poor, butthe city as a whole. Additionally, effective approaches to infor-

mal settlement upgrading must go beyond addressing thespecific problems of settlement, whether they are inadequatehousing, lack of infrastructure or services, poor accessibility

or severe environmental deterioration and must deal with theunderlying causes of urban poverty. More attention shouldbe paid to land regularization and legalization of tenure,

non-conventional schemes of community financing, integra-tion to housing markets and land supply and finally emphasiz-ing partnership between public, private and communitystakeholders.


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Dr. Khalifa has obtained her BSc. (1995) and

M.Sc. (2000) degrees from ASU, where she

currently acts as an Associate Professor at the

department of urban planning and design

while her PhD (2007) was a joint supervision

between ASU and the University of Sheffield,

UK. She has major interest in informal set-

tlements upgrading, participatory planning

approaches and environmental assessment

and risk reduction. She combines the advan-

tages of having both the theoretical grounds

and practical experience through her consultancy services to national

and international organizations in Egypt related to her area of

expertise. Additionally, since 2007 she has coordinated two interna-

tional cooperation projects related to higher education reform in the

field of participatory planning and natural resources management.