" ' syf Tf n WWffSS ' w 3pppBWS( 1- - w e ailn 'Hlletiii. VOL. VIII. NO. 1167. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 18!4. PRICE 5 CENTS. VH. 6. IRWIN & CO. (Xjlnaitod' orFKK KOK 8ALK FKKTlLlZKItS ittx. dinw a anas (Mflonied UlgH Gride Cains Miliars W r elati prepared t4i lake order fur MwHiifH N. Ottlmnclt kOo 'H VanrttUsMm Insuring prompt deliver) BOILED LUCOL1 afs" This ! tupenot faint Oil. con- suming less pleinent (ban Linseed Oil, and firing a lasting brilliancy to colors. with drift It gives splendid floot snrfaea Lime, Oement.. HBKINMIIHIIU&KM riALMOr- - Fatrfcaat Ctmiua C.'a Crae4 tmt uprr Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Mat Piteit Stun Pip Cntriit Jaraeaa' QUautf, EaajaeJ Bvr taattif Palal KMruialljr tlratKuao Vko.iuu rmi Wm.G.irwin&Go. Wru. U. Irwin. Olaua BntackaU W. M. Qlffard, Thao O. Portar oo. i fur LIMITKIIl Praairtani and Maiianoi VUwPrealdanl HacraUry and Traurnr Andltnr Svigra.r FeLot.or8 Uli CoUlllllKdiOU AtfHllUi oNT ir H Oceanic Steamship Companf, oy BAN KKANlUrj(X). C&U PACIFIC TBAM8FBB 110. 87 Kins Street. Cat Rates in Bsggaga I Baioraga Checked from Hotels and Kal dances direct to destination. Trunks delivered to all Darts ol the citv or ou board steamer tor 25 CENTS EACH. All other freight In accordance, lie sunt and ring us up. BeU 662 IIUl-A- J. H. MrLLS, Bell Til. 331. Mutual Tel. 607. P. O. BOX 321. HONOLULU Carriage Manufactory I2H A 180 KOKT STUKKT Carriage Builder AND RKPAIIIRK. Blickjmitbino IN ALL 1TB UKANCHKB. Orders from the other Islands In BaiieMai, Trtaalag, PaUUag, Etc., Etc., Promptly Attended to W. W. WRIGHT, Pwip. fHnnraaaor to 14. Wept, I Excursion to Waikiki 15 OB32STTS ! Nutice to the OMITII WILL Itl'N k7 Mananar. Public I A (lli:.l' KX. unrnlun to Wulklkl. A lloa ulll front the Old I'lillii'Mrilii'Hliu. Klninlretl. at Kmy Jlnlf Hour imd Kv.ry Hour (dally) to the Htrt-e- t car Teriiilims, Wu. klkl. IM5-l- Pacific Mail S.S. CO. I Canadian-instrali- w Steamship Line and rua OccideDta! aod Oriental S. S Go. Par I0K0HAMA art HONQIONO. titoaiuera ol tha above Uomnanlee will call at Honolulu on their way to the above porta on or aooni ma louowing aaiesi 8tmr "CHINA" November 12, 1S94 Htrar "OUKANIO". ..December 11, 1KM Btmr "CHINA" January 21, 1899 Btiur "OCEANIC"... February 19, lKW Btmr"UHlNA" April 2. IR96 rot 8ANPIANCI8CU steamers of toe abora Companies will nail at Honolulu on their way from Hong kong and Yokohama to the above port on nr about tha following data t Btnir "OGKANIO".. November IB, 1894 Btmr "CHINA" December 31, 1894 Btnir "GAKLIO" ....February 10, 1895 Btmr"PKKU" March 29, 1KUS Rtmr "OABLtO" April 28, 1895 IITIS Or PASSAGE III IS FOLLOWS: to toeo- - ro homm- - AM4 coxa, Onbiu .. lino a 1176 Ob Cabin, round trip 4 monthk . Ob (X Md 60 iiabin, round trip 11 montht. . . tat at lift 2& Kiiropaan Steerage 00 100 00 far Passengers paying full tare will be return fare if auowea 10 porcent off lot within twalv monlba tW Kur KralKhl anil Paawica apply U B. HACKFELD k CO.. iu iieata. Oceanic Steamship Go. rn Australian Hall Serviu For 8uFraaclac: Nati and Fin Al Htaal fiuaiiinii ' " MARIPOSA Of tn Ocvanlc Bteamshlp Company will be due al Honolulu from Bydnavand Ann. land on or about November 15th. And will leave tor tha above port with Malls and PasseiiKers on nr about that data. For Sydae aai Aaoklaaa: I'h- - Nw and Fine Al Btael Btauiehl "MONOWAI" Ol thr Ouaaulo Btfaiusblp Company will ba due Ml Honolulu on or about October 25th, and will tiava Imm Ban prompt deattairti Malls aud Passenger lor tba undaraiKiiad are now preparad tn fHIUUGH TICKETS POINTS IR UNITED STATUS further partlnulara raitardtua Kru(ht or Pamaga apply to Wl. Q. IRWIN A CO., Lti.. Qaatral Agaita. Oceanic Steamship Go. run Tettoi LOCAL. LINK AUSTRALIA. Hoiiulnlr fruiu rt, K Nov. 3. .. I D- -i ill . J rtll. VII... ii . M i Ami '.ii. anove porta. I'ha tasu TO ALL THI a'aT" for S. S. Arrive It. foil with B. F. 10 Jnu Muy iH Mat 25 Jiiiim 15 m 'Si July II! Juy2i Aug 10 Au. 17 Bipt Bipt 14 Oot.fi iwit 12 Nov Nov. THROUGH LINE Cioiii rJnu KranritMi tor Bydney Arrtot iiuihH. MONOWAI AI,AMKI) M illll'OHA tltH'OSA .MAiiir n MOMIW h.-- Hoi Pranniwo. leve tor 6 .. . . J 7 2 H Krom lot Han lifnvf Oct. 251 A LAM KI) A. i n Ntv 22 lHI',l3A,Ni.V.l5 1) IB M Vjnj M'iN'tWAI. Den .Un. 17 I AI.AMhD.V Jm HI ALAMKlM,K.h 1 1 i MA ' POSA F.h 7 MAItll'iHA Mar II I MnNOWAl, Mar 7 Aur II Apr 4 ALAMEDA M M'lMiWAI ALXMKIIA, l, AIAMr.DA ta M II MAI.II'OUA M 'I Jit hll MM OWAI.Mo :i Jil) 4 Al.AMKDt.Juot fj Am 1 I MAItll'OnA Auj 2"! 1 1, Aug '! I) A LAM 'DA 2 MAUII'On.V Ciiiiiidlidaled Soda Water Co,, Dor, allao 4 Tnrt 81s.. IKH.I.ISTMW KlVUtt HimolUln ...Nov ,...I)fl .Keb.2 M(iiti2 MairtiXO ,.Alrll27 Byduay Kranriaco llmuiluln IONUAI MONHWAI ALAMKDA Jni'i'. MOMIW ll'i. 1d HIS Bnuolala, CO.. AksiiU. tiaaiiiHrt ttie above Una, running nounrcilob with tli. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hetwaan Vancouver. B. I)., and Honolulu and Bnra AJFLK DXJH2 A.T HONOLULU On about the date balow sut-d- . via. From Sydney nod Suva, for Victoria and Vancouver, B. O.t Btmr"MIOWKRA" Novembers Btwr"WAKKIMOO" December 2 H i III 17 ol in Threaia Ttekttt temaa troa Bonelala la Caaaat, Ooitaa ntatai aa4 Ctrope riiiuKT AMD rAMiitoia auiktbi U. MiNlCOLL, Montreal, Canada. KODKKT KERB, Winnipeg, Canada M, M. STERN, Ban Francisco, Cal. O. Met BROWN, Vancouver. B. a Wilders Steamship Co. California Fruit Market, ,frfw mmmm t .. it o! i.. TIME TABLE w.U WlLDil, free. B. B. Koaa Ma. Capt. J. A. Kino, Port Bupt Stmr. KIN AU 0LAMB. OtauHattat , Will laara Honolulu at 2 r. a.. Lahalna, Maalaaa Bai auiadav: Mabukona. ruianiRnv. touoniiiir and iha lCawalhanaud pabuahoa tha followlui day, arrtvttif miio ai I.KAVKB HONOLULU Friday Oct. 20 Tuesday Nor. Friday Not. 10 JT a a a a s a . Friday B. or at at Nov. 27 Tuesday Dec 18 Returning leaves Hllo, touching at tau pahoehoaaamadav; Kawalbaa a. m.; 10 a. m.: r. a.; Bay Or. m.; r. m. the following day; at Honolulu rt a. m. Wadnas-day- s and Saturdays. ARKIVKB AT HONOLULU. Wednesday Oct. 24 Baturday Nov. 3 Wednesday Nov. 14 Batdrday Nov. 24 Wednesday Dec. 5 Baturday Dec, 15 Wednesday Dec. 2H AW No Freight will l altar 12 noon on day ol Stmr. CLAUDINE, 0AHES0N, GoavuBdir. Will leave Honolulu every r. m., touching at Kahulul. UBUlUfl uu Returning rmndav mornlUK. wll AW No will 4 r. m. on day ol sailing. responsible Bydney, N. Makena ....Dec. 7 Makena 4 Maalaea Lahalna 8 arriving recalvad salllna. Tuesday at 6 Uuelo. Hana. IVJIHIUUIU arrive at Honolulu ayery Freight ta miaived ftr Consignees must be at the landings to receive their Freight, as we will not bold ourselves alter iimh Krelsht has been landed. While the Company will use due dill- - In handling Live Block, we decline Cnnce any responsibility In case ol tba loss ol same. Tba Company will not be responsible lor Money or Jewelry unless placed In tba cara ol Pursers. TH1Q Hawaiian Investment Co NKQOTIATKS LOANS ON Real Estate & Personal Property STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND BOLD I' you have URAL KSTATK for Hale wr cau Mud )(u a Purchaser If you have HOUBKB FOU KKNT, we can find ieuanta. Geaeral Real Estate Agents 13 and 15 Kaaliuwauu 8'ret, (N.arPuktOitice ) Mutual Telephone 83Q O. A. LONO, NOTARY PUBLIC, 15 Kaanumanu B'let. Telephone (iiu llft'-()- ii "KA MAILE." Mm. lioatdman hag rrmaved the bal- ance of her itoek from Hotel itreet to her private Residence, where the in- tends closing it out at private sale. It it arranged and ready or inspection, and as the intends to retire permanent- ly from business the. Goods will be told regardless oj Host. Via patrons are, cordially invited to pay her a visit. Riuf Up Both Telephones 122 auk - - Baggage Exprosa. "linn al ilimiiiKer'hliiugHfioii JA.MKH pnuoi'K HO YKN KMK iNi CO.. 41 NiHiaiin HHwi riuadtha, PlnmbinQ, etc DKOUKKHY and ULANHWAUK. W.f and Tallinn at IFIiU. Victoria. From Victoria and Vatnouvi-r- , for Suva and Sydney! Blnlr"ARAWA,, ... Btmr"MIOWKKA" .. Btmr "WAHKI MOO" B I)., fl . October i!4 November 24 .December 2i Kor Freight Passage ami all Hrnerai Information, apply to Theo. H. Davies Sz Co., L'd, Aqmttnr the HmmiinH hlnniU. i taraanflos iteingeraiors By Bfary Bteamtir from Ban Kran Cisco with Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Salmon, Poultry, KM. and KUj., Etc. HW-- tt Etc. Regan Vapor sPMlflcGis Engines Lauiit;b ! THE BEST IN THE MARKET Tb canu-- t b- - nirra.ed for uiotlve Iower. -l) FOR UATALOOUE- - JOS. TINKER. l(XH-- tt Bota Agent, Niiuamt m rr.il A. F. Medeiros & Co. Mdrohant 1 Tailors dotal Hu. undar ArltiitfMin Hoial. Latest Patterns in Suitings Kareivrd by Kvu Hlaamar PERFECT FIT OR NO 8ALB. ASSIGNEE'S-:-SAL- E 1 The Entire Stock OF WEN NEK & CO. WILL UKbOLI) Regardless of Cost. Itl-- LESSONS IN Drawing and Painting. D. Howard Hitchcock Drawing and Painting taught by the lat est European method. Claaes every Wed netday and Baturday forenoon from 8 a. m. to 12 noon. VJBW Lessouk lor Private Pupils in spa. nlal lines of work alao givan - The Btudlo will bn open t vlltom every Krlilny atuaioon. City Caiuuaue C'om tWuer King and Bethel r)U - BOTH TELEPHONES 113 ' Fine Carriagen & Civil Driver To l bad at all hour ,J. 8. ANDRADK, IUoh-- U Manag" Order left at tlta Vnclftc fQarrttuurr touiiuiitli' $lor iuIU lie vrumpllu iitttttdrd to. Vutli TtiloplinrioK to. Cement Sidowalks &c Ora nite Curbing Laid KlliiiHt iwn on all kind') ol VI'ONK.CO.Nl IlKIKl PLAHTKIl WOKK lea-hi- m nf iri ui.ri i JOHN K BOWLKR Atlas Assurance Co. or LOITXIOX. 4Hhi:th, iiiooti.iiob 11. W. SCHMIDT A hONS AgrtiU lor Hawaiian Islands, American Union Party. REGULAR NOMINEES. For the Senate: BKOWN, CECIL McCANDLESS, JOHN A. SCHMIDT, H. W. WATEIUIOUSE, HENHV WILDER, WM. C. WRIGHT, JOHN N. For the Representatives : Fourth Raproaentntlvo District GARTER, CHARLES L. NAON'E, D. L. WINSTON, E. C. Fifth Roprosontativo District. CLUNKY, J. C. DAVIS, JAMES II ALU ALAN I, L. K. To the Voters or tuk Hci-uiili- of Hawaii. V, tlio DoU'Knton of (liu Atni'rionn Union I'arty of tlio Island of Oahti, ItopuliHo of Hnwnii, iu Cotironlinn Asttnlli(l, tliln Ulili tiny of October, 18111, ntiiiouiicu mill (leclnro thi'im to Ihi our Principles, and thin tlio Platform of our Party: 1. Wo doclaro iinequi vocally that tbo forouio.it mission of tlio AiiktI-oa- ti Union Party shall cotitiutto to bo utiri'RorVL'd olTort to scutiro tlio iiolitical union of Hawaii with tlio UniW'tl Statcn of Aun'ricn. 2. Wo cordihlly coinmcnd tlio fflluiont, cotiraKi'oit ntitl honornlilo conduct of pnlilic nlTairn y tho olll-cor- n of tlio Provisional Uovurnmont and Koiiubliu of Hawaii. !1. Wo aro jiroud of tho party's policy of iutornal improvomontsaiid dovolopnioiit, and iu witiiOKS point to tlio iiiatiKtiratioii o( oxtiikyi public works, to practical rojnct of similar iiaturo, mid to pl.tus of sottlouiotit lor open latulri. 4. Wo oppose tho (iiiiployiiioul of prison labor iu any muuliauical pur- suit. 5. Wo aro opposed totliootnploy-tnon- t of Asiatics upon any public work. IS Wo doclaro against tho itn- - Iiortatuin of labor or material of tiny by tho Govurniiiotit. 7. Wo recommend that tho Ciov-ornmo- ut at ouch sociiro absolute ownership of nil water front lauds in every harbor throughout tho uroup where tho possi sioti of such lauds by other partieH U detrimental to uecossnry wharfage facilities. 8. Wo favor a revision of tho tax system, whereby all properly, im- proved or unimproved, shall bo tax- ed ou au equitable basis, and recom- mend a consideration of the gradu- ated tax system. 1). Wo favor such legislation as will promote the occupancy of all lands by small holders, and ostor the development of varied in- dustries, believitiK it to be of vital importance that "many acres should Ih for many men. We uk tuai Hawaiiaus have tho opportunity to secure homesteads upon mure favor-abl- e tonus than granted to others. 10. We aro iu hoarty sympathy with the vpirit which actuated the L'overnuieiil in its dispatch of a com missioner to search for European labor for tho indimtrii-.- s of tho Isl- ands; as a further earnest of the in- tent of tho dominant party iu these premises wo refer to the creation of the Labor Commission by the Coun- cils of tho Republic. 11. Wo pledge all the power and iuiluouco this party may possess to aggressive endeavor to bring about at once the restriction of Asiatic itn migration. Iu this connection uu aguiu point to the menace of Asiatic encroachment, and demand legisla live protection fiom tlie.-- e people for Huwaiian, Ameiicau mid European iik cliauics and tradesmen. 12. Wo urge tho enactment al once of a law that will cause the Asiatics brought to thoo Islands for plantation labor to continue iu that service, or return to their homes. lit We demand such revision of tho TurilT as will prohibit competi- tion with American products and manufacture-- ; protection to which America is justly entitled by virtue of tho Treaty of lieciprocity, ami which wo deem necessary to insure the existence of our merchants, who are being rapidly superseded by mi dement having iinthiug in common with the principles Iviug at the foundation of our institutions. 11,--- urge the UoveriHiient to secure fur I he Islands cable couimu location; that uu exclusive franchise be giauttd. and that no agreement or contract lie made which docs not meet with the unipialilied approval of the I'liiteil States ITi. We ask that there be con tinned i lion in the direction of ex- tending and improving the ssteiu ol free schools. Ill We declare our oppoMUuu to Monopolies and Trusts of any kind. 17. Wo declare full allegiance to tho Kepublic of Hawaii, citing its Constitution and the prciut peace- ful condition of tho count r as work of the American Union Party. OIHCUI C COURT FIRBT CIRCUIT. Calendar for Novomber Torm, Be- ginning Monday, Nov. 6, 1894. Hon. H. E. Cooper, Judge, presid- ing; Hon. W. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l; A. G. M. Hobertson, De- puty Attorney-Genera- l. Court will open at 10 a. tn. on Monday, November 0, for prelimi- nary business. Hawaiian jurors at- tend at 1 p. tn., and foreign jurors when notified. HAWAIIAN JL'RT. CniMIXAI.. Provisional Goverumont vs. Kaai-pi- n, assault with dangerous weapon. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Kaulukou for defendant. Provisional Government vs. Kaai-pi- n, assault and battery. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Ka- ulukou for defendant. Provisional Government vs. Ka-ntih- (w.), liquor selling without a license. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Kaulukou for de- fendant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. James Ku-knu- a, larceny 4th degree, appeal from Honolulu District Court. Ka- ulukou for defendant. Prov. Gov't II. Is. vs. Joseph P. Sylva. Embezzlement. rror. Gov't it. Is. vn. rtoawea-mah- i. Burglary. Kaulukou for de- fendant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Kalun. Disorderly house keeping Appeal from Honolulu District Court, kau-li- a for defeudaut. Itepubliu of Hawaii vs. Knuiku aud live others. Assault with dan- - weapon. Appeal from Hotio-ul- u District Court. Kane fur de fendants. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. George Freduuberg. Liquor selling. Ap- peal from Honolulu District Court. Kaulia for defeudaut. Idimililii nf llnWAi! va. Kt! tvn. I kipi. Adultery. Appeal from Ho ' noliilti District Ciiiiri. Ivnhnoknuo for dofeiidant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Knuhnne. Violating Sec. 3, Act 21, Provisional Government Laws. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Kaulia fur defendant. Republic of Hawaii vs. J. Davis. Assault aud battery. Appeal fiom Honolulu District Court. for defeudaut. IOKF.ION Jt'llV. CKIUISA N'euuiaun of Hawaii vs. Arthur White. Assault with dangerous weapon. Neumann for defendant. J'rov. Gov't 11. In. vs. Tuck Cliee. Extort iou. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Kaulia for defend- ant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Ah Kau. Selling opium. Appeal from Hono- lulu District Court. Duvidsou for defeudaut. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Autouo Cloys. Receiving stolen goods. Creighton for defeudaut. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. W. H. Coulter. Receiving stolon goods. Appeal from Honolulu District Court, Itepubliu of Hawaii vs. Aloua. Opium selling. Appeal from Wai-alu- a District Court. Republic, of Hawaii vs. Lok Sang and two others. Assault aud bat- tery. Appeal from Honolulu Dis- trict Court. Achi for defendants. Republic of Hawaii vs. R Jollivar. Liquor selling. Appeal from Hono- lulu District Court. Creighton fur defeudaut. Republic of Hawaii vs. Leon Rouaug. Disorderly h'mso keeping. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. V. V. Ashford for defendant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Chow Yee and three others. Violating See. !t Act 21 P. G. Laws. Appeal from Houolulu District Court. C. W. Ashford for defendants. Itepubliu of Hawaii vs. T. Carpen ter. Assault Willi dangerous wea- pon. Appeal from Houolulu Dis- trict Court. Republic of Hawaii vs. A. Lucca. Liquor selling. Appeal from Houo- lulu District Court. Peterson Creighiou for defendant. Republic of Hawaii vs. Nip Lam. Assault and battery. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Poster for defendant. Kepublic of Hawaii vs. A. do Madeiros. Liquor selling. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Kin ney for defeudaut. Republic of Hawaii vs. Pak C hew. Assault and battery. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Poster for defeudaut. Republic of Honolulu vs. Pang Chup Hoo. Assault. Appeal from Houolulu District Court. Davidson for defeudaut. Republic of Hawaii vs. !. W. Gibbs. Liquor selling. from Houolulu District Creighton for defendant. Appeal Ktqiublie of Hawaii vs. Pook Tai. Violaiiug Sec. 1 Act 21 P. G. Laws. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Republic of Hawaii vs. Mrs. M. Lucca. Liquor selling. Appeal (rmn Honolulu District Court. Peterson Creightou for defendant. Republic of Hawaii vs. Lain Puug tipiiiui III pOSSChSIOII. Ewtt District Court lor defeudaut. Republic of Hawaii Opium in Ewa District Court defendant. Kali Court. Appeal from vs. Lmu Gong. Appeal from Kinney for R quiblic of Hawaii vs. E. A. Gal Liquor selling. Appeal from Ewa District Court. Republic of Hawaii vs.Chas. Ham- mer. Malicious injury. Republic of Hawaii vs. I'lsuno-iniy- and Kurashige. Conspiracy IU degree. Republic of Hawaii vs. C. A, Poyiuty. Etnbcz.luiueut. HAWAIIAN JCriV. CIVIL. Maria Kaanaaua vs. Keahi et al. Ejectment. C. W. Ashford for plain-till- s. Kinney-Magoo- n for defend- ants. . Clio II. Newton et al. vs. S. Kaale et al. Eject ruin t. Kiunoy for plain- tiffs. Kane for defendants. In re Estato of A. Attain. Petition to rovoke probate of will. Appeal from order dismissing petitiou. Poe-po- e for petitioner-appellant- . Hatch-C- . W. Ashford for Trustees B. P. Bishop Estate. Annie L. Ulukou vs. Queen Dow- ager Kapiolani. Assumpsit. W. It. Castle for plaintiff. Hatch for de- fendant. Kaaukat Kulley vs. Caroline Aulu. Trespass on vase. Kaulia for plain- tiff. Achi for defendant. S. W. Pika vs. Kaili. Assumpsit. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Johnson for plaintiff-appellan- t. Hookano for defendant. lookauo Inspo. Kuauu vs. Kino et al Ejectment. Kinney for plaintiff. C. W. Ashford-Ach- i fur defendant. MIXED JCBT. Julia S. Rice el al. vs. Jonathan Spooner. Ejectment. Kinney for plaintiffs. Carter & Carter for de- fendant. J. I. Dowsett vs. Miukeala ot al. Ejectment. C. Brown for plaintiff. C. W. Ashford for defendant. Frank Telles vs. Albert aud Sarah Trask. Replevin. Apeal from Ho- nolulu District Court. C. W. Ash- ford for ulaiutilT appellant. Rosa for defendants. D. L. Kalawaia vs. L. A. Andrews. Trespass. Appeal front Honolulu District Court. C. W. Ashford for plaintiff. J. K. Apiu rs. L. A. Audrews. Trespass. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. C. W. Ashford for plaiutiff. Jessie T. Naoue vs. L. A. Andrews. Case. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff. John K. Silva vs. J. W. Kuaimoku. Trespass on the case. Davidson for plaintiff. W. R. Castle for defend- ant. Olowalu Sugar Co. vs. S. Kaalawa. EJMCtiuout. Hatch for plaiutiff. Kinney (or ueleutlaut. Caspar Sylva vs. Malia Kaia et al. Ejecttneut. Hart well for plaintiff. C. W Ashford for defendants. Caspar Sylva vs. Harriet Squires et al. Ejectment. Hortwell for plaiutiff. Uaspar bylva vs. Mokuuia et al. Ejectment. Hartwell for plaiutiff. James It. Holt, Jr. vs. Geo- - Lycur-gu- s ot al. Assumpsit. C. W. Ash ford for plaiutiff. Carter & Carter vs. A. Rosa. As- sumpsit. Appeal from Houolulu District Court. Carter fi Carter for plaintiffs. Defendant iu person. Pipi vs. L. L. McCandloss. Road controversy in Ewa, Oahu. Appeal from Couiuiissionor. Carter A: Carter for dofeudaut-appollaut- . Win. Mossmnu vs. Kalimahauna. Repleviu. Poopoo for plaintiff-appellan- t. Castle for defentlaut. P. U. Haysoldon vs. A. Rosa. As- sumpsit. C. Brown for plaintiff. Do- feiidant in persou. Mahi alias Keawoamahi vs. Rev. Gulstnn et ol. Ejectment. Achi fur plaiutiff. Hatch far defendants. James B. Castle vs. D. Lokaua el al. Assumpsit. Castle for plaintiff. Achi-Poepo- e for defendants. Alio Kapuakela vs. J. 1. Water-hous- Jr. Ejectment. C. Browu for plaiutiff. It. W. Holt vs. Chang Fat. Eject- ment. Rosa fur plaintiff. Magoott for defendant. K W. Holt vs. Goo Kim. Eject-meii- t. Rosa for plaintiff. Mele Uli et al. vs. Thomas Emms-ley- . Ejectment. Kaulia-Jouuso- u for plaintiffs. lOUKIUS junv. -- CIVIL. Catherine Batehelor vs. C. B. Wil-so- u, Marshal. Trespass. C. W. for plaintiff. Hatch-Cart- er Si Carter for defendant. U. Wilgeroth vs. Ewa Plautation Co. Damage. C. W. Ashford for plaiutiff Castle for defeudaut. Thus Nott va. C. T. Guliok, guard-ia- u. Assumpsit. Carter &. Carter for plaintiff. Kiuuoy for defeudaut. Jacob Lyons vs. J. Uubash aud C. Batehelor. Assumpsit. Carter A: Carter for plaintiff. C. W. Ashford for defeudaut Batehelor H. R Macfarlaue vs. Ira A. Lowell. Assumpsit. Carter &i Carter for plaintiff. Hatch for defendant. L. J. Levey vs. N Mouwar. As- sumpsit. Appeal from Houolulu District Court. C. W. Ashford for plaintiff. Poster for defeudaut-ap-pellau- t. Awa vs. Lee Yuen Kui. Trespass. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Achi fur plaintiff appellant. V. V. Ashfoid for defeudaut. Emily ilo Herblay vs. S. M. Damon et al. Action ou bond. Neumann-Carte- r A; Carter for plaiutiff. Hart-well-Hat- fur dofuudauts. iL'iiacii) do Praua vs. Portuguese M B. S. of Hawaii. Assumpsit. Hartwell for plaintiff. C. W. Ash-fo- for defendant. W M. Cunningham vs. Heury Davis et al. Damages. Peterson for plaintiff Kinney for defendants. Lau Choug vs. W, P. Allen, guard- ian. Ejectment. o for plaintiff. Hatch for defeudaut. Wong Heo alias Ah lieu vs. Au- touo L do Oliveira. Damages. Johnson-Kauli- a for plaintiff. Charier. Schurf vs. Hawaiian Gov- ernment. Damages. Castle for plaiu- tiff. Attorney General fur defend- ant. Pablo Artimu vs. Hawaiian Gov- ernment. AsMimpsit, C, W. Ash- ford for plaiutiff. Attoruoy.Geuoral for defendant. P. Harrison vs. Republic of Ha- waii, Damages. Potersou for plain- tiff. Alturuoy-Uouora- l for defend-au- t.

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e ailn 'Hlletiii.VOL. VIII. NO. 1167. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 18!4. PRICE 5 CENTS.

VH. 6. IRWIN & CO.



FKKTlLlZKItSittx. dinw a anas

(Mflonied UlgH Gride Cains Miliars

W r elati prepared t4i lake order fur

MwHiifH N. Ottlmnclt kOo 'HVanrttUsMm

Insuring prompt deliver)

BOILED LUCOL1afs" This ! tupenot faint Oil. con-

suming less pleinent (ban Linseed Oil, andfiring a lasting brilliancy to colors.

with drift It gives splendid flootsnrfaea


riALMOr- -

Fatrfcaat Ctmiua C.'a Crae4 tmt


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Mat Piteit Stun Pip Cntriit

Jaraeaa' QUautf, EaajaeJ Bvrtaattif Palal

KMruialljr tlratKuao Vko.iuu rmi


Wru. U. Irwin.Olaua BntackaUW. M. Qlffard,Thao O. Portar

oo. i



Praairtani and MaiianoiVUwPrealdanl

HacraUry and TraurnrAndltnr

Svigra.r FeLot.or8Uli

CoUlllllKdiOU AtfHllUi

oNT ir H

Oceanic Steamship Companf,

oy BAN KKANlUrj(X). C&U


87 Kins Street.

Cat Rates in Bsggaga I

Baioraga Checked from Hotels and Kaldances direct to destination.

Trunks delivered to all Darts ol the citvor ou board steamer tor

25 CENTS EACH.All other freight In accordance,

lie sunt and ring us up.

BeU 662


J. H. MrLLS,

Bell Til. 331. Mutual Tel. 607.

P. O. BOX 321.

HONOLULUCarriage Manufactory


Carriage BuilderAND RKPAIIIRK.

Blickjmitbino IN ALL 1TBUKANCHKB.

Orders from the other Islands In

BaiieMai, Trtaalag, PaUUag, Etc., Etc.,

Promptly Attended to

W. W. WRIGHT, Pwip.fHnnraaaor to 14. Wept, I

Excursion to Waikiki

15 OB32STTS !

Nutice to the



Public I

A (lli:.l' KX.unrnlun to Wulklkl. A lloa ulll

front the Old I'lillii'Mrilii'Hliu. Klninlretl.at Kmy Jlnlf Hour imd Kv.ry Hour(dally) to the Htrt-e- t car Teriiilims, Wu.klkl. IM5-l-

Pacific Mail S.S. CO. I Canadian-instrali- w Steamship Line

and rua

OccideDta! aod Oriental S. S Go.


titoaiuera ol tha above Uomnanlee willcall at Honolulu on their way to the aboveporta on or aooni ma louowing aaiesi

8tmr "CHINA" November 12, 1S94Htrar "OUKANIO". ..December 11, 1KMBtmr "CHINA" January 21, 1899Btiur "OCEANIC"... February 19, lKWBtmr"UHlNA" April 2. IR96

rot 8ANPIANCI8CUsteamers of toe abora Companies will

nail at Honolulu on their way from Hongkong and Yokohama to the above port onnr about tha following data t

Btnir "OGKANIO".. November IB, 1894Btmr "CHINA" December 31, 1894Btnir "GAKLIO" ....February 10, 1895Btmr"PKKU" March 29, 1KUS

Rtmr "OABLtO" April 28, 1895


to toeo- - ro homm- -AM4 coxa,

Onbiu .. lino a 1176 ObCabin, round trip 4

monthk . Ob (X Md 60iiabin, round trip 11

montht. . . tat at lift 2&

Kiiropaan Steerage 00 100 00

far Passengers paying full tare will bereturn fare ifauowea 10 porcent off

lot within twalv monlba

tW Kur KralKhl anil Paawica apply U


iu iieata.

Oceanic Steamship Go.


Australian Hall Serviu

For 8uFraaclac:Nati and Fin Al Htaal fiuaiiinii

' "MARIPOSAOf tn Ocvanlc Bteamshlp Company willbe due al Honolulu from Bydnavand Ann.land on or about

November 15th.And will leave tor tha above port withMalls and PasseiiKers on nr about that data.

For Sydae aai Aaoklaaa:I'h- - Nw and Fine Al Btael Btauiehl

"MONOWAI"Ol thr Ouaaulo Btfaiusblp Company willba due Ml Honoluluon or about

October 25th,and will tiava

Imm Ban

prompt deattairtiMalls aud Passenger lor tba

undaraiKiiad are now preparad tn



further partlnulara raitardtuaKru(ht or Pamaga apply to

Wl. Q. IRWIN A CO., Lti..Qaatral Agaita.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

run Tettoi



Hoiiulnlrfruiu rt, K

Nov. 3. ..I

D- -i ill .

J rtll. VII...ii .

M iAmi '.ii.

anove porta.

I'ha tasu



a'aT" for

S. S.





B. F.



Muy iH Mat 25Jiiiim 15 m 'SiJuly II! Juy2iAug 10 Au. 17Bipt Bipt 14Oot.fi iwit 12Nov Nov.

THROUGH LINECioiii rJnu KranritMi

tor Bydney

Arrtot iiuihH.



.MAiiir nMOMIW h.--









2 H

Krom lotHan


Oct. 251 A LAM KI) A. i nNtv 22 lHI',l3A,Ni.V.l5



Vjnj M'iN'tWAI. Den.Un. 17 I AI.AMhD.V Jm HI

ALAMKlM,K.h 1 1 i M A ' POSA F.h 7

MAItll'iHA Mar II I MnNOWAl, Mar 7Aur II Apr 4




M II MAI.II'OUA M 'IJit hll MM OWAI.Mo :iJil) 4 Al.AMKDt.Juot fjAm 1 I MAItll'OnAAuj 2"! 1 1, Aug '!


Ciiiiiidlidaled Soda Water Co,,

Dor, allao 4 Tnrt 81s..
















tiaaiiiHrt ttie above Una, running nounrcilob with tli.

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYHetwaan Vancouver. B. I)., and

Honolulu and Bnra

AJFLK DXJH2 A.T HONOLULUOn about the date balow sut-d- . via.

From Sydney nod Suva, for Victoriaand Vancouver, B. O.t

Btmr"MIOWKRA" NovembersBtwr"WAKKIMOO" December 2

H i III17

ol in

Threaia Ttekttt temaa troa Bonelala la Caaaat, Ooitaa ntatai aa4 Ctrope

riiiuKT AMD rAMiitoia auiktbiU. MiNlCOLL, Montreal, Canada.KODKKT KERB, Winnipeg, CanadaM, M. STERN, Ban Francisco, Cal.O. Met BROWN, Vancouver. B. a

Wilders Steamship Co. California Fruit Market,

,frfwmmmm t .. it o! i..

TIME TABLEw.U WlLDil, free. B. B. Koaa Ma.

Capt. J. A. Kino, Port Bupt

Stmr. KINAU0LAMB. OtauHattat ,

Will laara Honolulu at 2 r. a..Lahalna, Maalaaa Baiauiadav: Mabukona.


touoniiiirand iha

lCawalhanaudpabuahoa tha followlui day, arrtvttifmiio ai


Friday Oct. 20Tuesday Nor.Friday Not. 10

JT a a a a s a .Friday





Nov. 27

Tuesday Dec 18

Returning leaves Hllo, touching at taupahoehoaaamadav; Kawalbaa a. m.;

10 a. m.: r. a.;Bay Or. m.; r. m. the followingday; at Honolulu rt a. m. Wadnas-day- s

and Saturdays.


Wednesday Oct. 24Baturday Nov. 3Wednesday Nov. 14Batdrday Nov. 24Wednesday Dec. 5Baturday Dec, 15Wednesday Dec. 2H

AW No Freight will l altar12 noon on day ol

Stmr. CLAUDINE,0AHES0N, GoavuBdir.

Will leave Honolulu everyr. m., touching at Kahulul.UBUlUfl uu

Returningrmndav mornlUK.


AW No will4 r. m. on day ol sailing.


Bydney, N.


....Dec. 7

Makena 4 MaalaeaLahalna 8



Tuesday at 6Uuelo. Hana.

IVJIHIUUIUarrive at Honolulu ayery

Freight ta miaived ftr

Consignees must be at the landings toreceive their Freight, as we will not boldourselves alter iimh Krelshthas been landed.

While the Company will use due dill- -

In handling Live Block, we declineCnnce any responsibility In case ol tbaloss ol same.

Tba Company will not be responsible lorMoney or Jewelry unless placed In tba caraol Pursers.

TH1QHawaiian Investment Co


Real Estate & Personal Property


I' you have URAL KSTATK for Hale wrcau Mud )(u a Purchaser

If you have HOUBKB FOU KKNT, wecan find ieuanta.

Geaeral Real Estate Agents13 and 15 Kaaliuwauu 8'ret,

(N.arPuktOitice )

Mutual Telephone 83QO. A. LONO,

NOTARY PUBLIC,15 Kaanumanu B'let. Telephone (iiu

llft'-()- ii

"KA MAILE."Mm. lioatdman hag rrmaved the bal-

ance of her itoek from Hotel itreet to

her private Residence, where the in-

tends closing it out at private sale. Itit arranged and ready or inspection,and as the intends to retire permanent-ly from business the. Goods will be toldregardless oj Host. Via patrons are,cordially invited to pay her a visit.

Riuf Up Both Telephones 122

auk - -

Baggage Exprosa."linn al ilimiiiKer'hliiugHfioii

JA.MKH pnuoi'K


41 NiHiaiin HHwi

riuadtha, PlnmbinQ, etcDKOUKKHY and ULANHWAUK.

W.f and Tallinn atIFIiU.


From Victoria and Vatnouvi-r- ,

for Suva and Sydney!

Blnlr"ARAWA,, ...Btmr"MIOWKKA" ..Btmr "WAHKI MOO"

B I).,


. October i!4

November 24.December 2i

Kor Freight Passage ami allHrnerai Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies Sz Co., L'd,Aqmttnr the HmmiinH hlnniU.


taraanflos iteingeraiorsBy Bfary Bteamtir from Ban Kran

Cisco with

Fresh Fruit, Oysters,Salmon, Poultry,



KUj., Etc.HW-- tt


Regan Vapor sPMlflcGis

Engines Lauiit;b !


Tb canu-- t b-- nirra.ed for uiotlveIower.


JOS. TINKER.l(XH-- tt Bota Agent, Niiuamt m rr.il

A. F. Medeiros & Co.

Mdrohant 1 Tailors

dotal Hu. undar ArltiitfMin Hoial.

Latest Patterns in Suitings

Kareivrd by Kvu Hlaamar



The Entire StockOF


Regardless of Cost.Itl--


Drawing and Painting.

D. Howard HitchcockDrawing and Painting taught by the lat

est European method. Claaes every Wednetday and Baturday forenoon from 8 a. m.to 12 noon.

VJBW Lessouk lor Private Pupils in spa.nlal lines of work alao givan

- The Btudlo will bn open t vlltomevery Krlilny atuaioon.

City Caiuuaue C'omtWuer King and Bethel r)U


Fine Carriagen & Civil DriverTo l bad at all hour

,J. 8. ANDRADK,IUoh-- U Manag"

Order left at tlta Vnclftc fQarrttuurr

touiiuiitli' $lor iuIU lie

vrumpllu iitttttdrd to.

Vutli TtiloplinrioK to.Cement Sidowalks &c Ora

nite Curbing LaidKlliiiHt iwn on all kind') ol


lea-hi- m nf iri ui.ri iJOHN K BOWLKR

Atlas Assurance Co.or LOITXIOX.

4Hhi:th, iiiooti.iiob

11. W. SCHMIDT A hONSAgrtiU lor Hawaiian Islands,

American Union Party.


For the Senate:



For the Representatives :

Fourth Raproaentntlvo District


Fifth Roprosontativo District.


To the Voters or tuk Hci-uiili- ofHawaii.

V, tlio DoU'Knton of (liu Atni'rionnUnion I'arty of tlio Island ofOahti, ItopuliHo of Hnwnii, iuCotironlinn Asttnlli(l, tliln Ulilitiny of October, 18111, ntiiiouiicumill (leclnro thi'im to Ihi ourPrinciples, and thin tlio Platformof our Party:

1. Wo doclaro iinequi vocally thattbo forouio.it mission of tlio AiiktI-oa- ti

Union Party shall cotitiutto tobo utiri'RorVL'd olTort to scutiro tlioiiolitical union of Hawaii with tlioUniW'tl Statcn of Aun'ricn.

2. Wo cordihlly coinmcnd tliofflluiont, cotiraKi'oit ntitl honornliloconduct of pnlilic nlTairn y tho olll-cor- n

of tlio Provisional Uovurnmontand Koiiubliu of Hawaii.

!1. Wo aro jiroud of tho party'spolicy of iutornal improvomontsaiiddovolopnioiit, and iu witiiOKS pointto tlio iiiatiKtiratioii o( oxtiikyipublic works, to practical rojnctof similar iiaturo, mid to pl.tus ofsottlouiotit lor open latulri.

4. Wo oppose tho (iiiiployiiioul ofprison labor iu any muuliauical pur-suit.

5. Wo aro opposed totliootnploy-tnon- tof Asiatics upon any public

work.IS Wo doclaro against tho itn- -

Iiortatuin of labor or material of tinyby tho Govurniiiotit.

7. Wo recommend that tho Ciov-ornmo- ut

at ouch sociiro absoluteownership of nil water front laudsin every harbor throughout thouroup where tho possi sioti of suchlauds by other partieH U detrimentalto uecossnry wharfage facilities.

8. Wo favor a revision of tho taxsystem, whereby all properly, im-

proved or unimproved, shall bo tax-ed ou au equitable basis, and recom-mend a consideration of the gradu-ated tax system.

1). Wo favor such legislation aswill promote the occupancy of all

lands by small holders, andostor the development of varied in-

dustries, believitiK it to be of vitalimportance that "many acres shouldIh for many men. We uk tuaiHawaiiaus have tho opportunity tosecure homesteads upon mure favor-abl- e

tonus than granted to others.10. We aro iu hoarty sympathy

with the vpirit which actuated theL'overnuieiil in its dispatch of a commissioner to search for Europeanlabor for tho indimtrii-.- s of tho Isl-

ands; as a further earnest of the in-

tent of tho dominant party iu thesepremises wo refer to the creation ofthe Labor Commission by the Coun-cils of tho Republic.

11. Wo pledge all the power andiuiluouco this party may possess toaggressive endeavor to bring aboutat once the restriction of Asiatic itnmigration. Iu this connection uuaguiu point to the menace of Asiaticencroachment, and demand legislalive protection fiom tlie.-- e people forHuwaiian, Ameiicau mid Europeaniik cliauics and tradesmen.

12. Wo urge tho enactment alonce of a law that will cause theAsiatics brought to thoo Islands forplantation labor to continue iu thatservice, or return to their homes.

lit We demand such revision oftho TurilT as will prohibit competi-tion with American products andmanufacture-- ; protection to whichAmerica is justly entitled by virtueof tho Treaty of lieciprocity, amiwhich wo deem necessary to insurethe existence of our merchants, whoare being rapidly superseded by midement having iinthiug in commonwith the principles Iviug at thefoundation of our institutions.

11,--- urge the UoveriHiient tosecure fur I he Islands cable couimulocation; that uu exclusive franchisebe giauttd. and that no agreementor contract lie made which docs notmeet with the unipialilied approvalof the I'liiteil States

ITi. We ask that there be continned i lion in the direction of ex-

tending and improving the ssteiuol free schools.

Ill We declare our oppoMUuu toMonopolies and Trusts of any kind.

17. Wo declare full allegiance totho Kepublic of Hawaii, citing itsConstitution and the prciut peace-ful condition of tho count r as workof the American Union Party.


Calendar for Novomber Torm, Be-

ginning Monday, Nov. 6, 1894.

Hon. H. E. Cooper, Judge, presid-ing; Hon. W. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l;

A. G. M. Hobertson, De-

puty Attorney-Genera- l.

Court will open at 10 a. tn. onMonday, November 0, for prelimi-nary business. Hawaiian jurors at-

tend at 1 p. tn., and foreign jurorswhen notified.


Provisional Goverumont vs. Kaai-pi- n,

assault with dangerous weapon.Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCourt. Kaulukou for defendant.

Provisional Government vs. Kaai-pi- n,

assault and battery. Appealfrom Honolulu District Court. Ka-

ulukou for defendant.Provisional Government vs. Ka-ntih-

(w.), liquor selling without alicense. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Kaulukou for de-

fendant.Kepublic of Hawaii vs. James Ku-knu- a,

larceny 4th degree, appealfrom Honolulu District Court. Ka-ulukou for defendant.

Prov. Gov't II. Is. vs. Joseph P.Sylva. Embezzlement.

rror. Gov't it. Is. vn. rtoawea-mah- i.

Burglary. Kaulukou for de-

fendant.Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Kalun.

Disorderly house keeping Appealfrom Honolulu District Court, kau-li- a

for defeudaut.Itepubliu of Hawaii vs. Knuiku

aud live others. Assault with dan- -

weapon. Appeal from Hotio-ul- u

District Court. Kane fur defendants.

Kepublic of Hawaii vs. GeorgeFreduuberg. Liquor selling. Ap-

peal from Honolulu District Court.Kaulia for defeudaut.

Idimililii nf llnWAi! va. Kt! tvn.I kipi. Adultery. Appeal from Ho' noliilti District Ciiiiri. Ivnhnoknuo

for dofeiidant.Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Knuhnne.

Violating Sec. 3, Act 21, ProvisionalGovernment Laws. Appeal fromHonolulu District Court. Kauliafur defendant.

Republic of Hawaii vs. J. Davis.Assault aud battery. Appeal fiomHonolulu District Court.for defeudaut.



of Hawaii vs. ArthurWhite. Assault with dangerousweapon. Neumann for defendant.

J'rov. Gov't 11. In. vs. Tuck Cliee.Extort iou. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Kaulia for defend-ant.

Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Ah Kau.Selling opium. Appeal from Hono-lulu District Court. Duvidsou fordefeudaut.

Kepublic of Hawaii vs. AutouoCloys. Receiving stolen goods.Creighton for defeudaut.

Kepublic of Hawaii vs. W. H.Coulter. Receiving stolon goods.Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCourt,

Itepubliu of Hawaii vs. Aloua.Opium selling. Appeal from Wai-alu- a

District Court.Republic, of Hawaii vs. Lok Sang

and two others. Assault aud bat-tery. Appeal from Honolulu Dis-trict Court. Achi for defendants.

Republic of Hawaii vs. R Jollivar.Liquor selling. Appeal from Hono-lulu District Court. Creighton furdefeudaut.

Republic of Hawaii vs. LeonRouaug. Disorderly h'mso keeping.Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCourt. V. V. Ashford for defendant.

Kepublic of Hawaii vs. Chow Yeeand three others. Violating See. !tAct 21 P. G. Laws. Appeal fromHouolulu District Court. C. W.Ashford for defendants.

Itepubliu of Hawaii vs. T. Carpenter. Assault Willi dangerous wea-pon. Appeal from Houolulu Dis-trict Court.

Republic of Hawaii vs. A. Lucca.Liquor selling. Appeal from Houo-lulu District Court. PetersonCreighiou for defendant.

Republic of Hawaii vs. Nip Lam.Assault and battery. Appeal fromHonolulu District Court. Posterfor defendant.

Kepublic of Hawaii vs. A. doMadeiros. Liquor selling. Appealfrom Honolulu District Court. Kinney for defeudaut.

Republic of Hawaii vs. Pak C hew.Assault and battery. Appeal fromHonolulu District Court. Posterfor defeudaut.

Republic of Honolulu vs. PangChup Hoo. Assault. Appeal fromHouolulu District Court. Davidsonfor defeudaut.

Republic of Hawaii vs. !. W.Gibbs. Liquor selling.from Houolulu DistrictCreighton for defendant.


Ktqiublie of Hawaii vs. Pook Tai.Violaiiug Sec. 1 Act 21 P. G. Laws.Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCourt.

Republic of Hawaii vs. Mrs. M.Lucca. Liquor selling. Appeal(rmn Honolulu District Court.Peterson Creightou for defendant.

Republic of Hawaii vs. Lain Puugtipiiiui III pOSSChSIOII.Ewtt District Courtlor defeudaut.

Republic of HawaiiOpium inEwa District Courtdefendant.



Appeal from

vs. Lmu Gong.Appeal from

Kinney for

R quiblic of Hawaii vs. E. A. GalLiquor selling. Appeal from

Ewa District Court.Republic of Hawaii vs.Chas. Ham-

mer. Malicious injury.Republic of Hawaii vs. I'lsuno-iniy-

and Kurashige. ConspiracyIU degree.

Republic of Hawaii vs. C. A,Poyiuty. Etnbcz.luiueut.


Maria Kaanaaua vs. Keahi et al.Ejectment. C. W. Ashford for plain-till- s.

Kinney-Magoo- n for defend-ants. .

Clio II. Newton et al. vs. S. Kaaleet al. Eject ruin t. Kiunoy for plain-tiffs. Kane for defendants.

In re Estato of A. Attain. Petitionto rovoke probate of will. Appealfrom order dismissing petitiou. Poe-po- e

for petitioner-appellant- . Hatch-C- .W. Ashford for Trustees B. P.

Bishop Estate.Annie L. Ulukou vs. Queen Dow-

ager Kapiolani. Assumpsit. W. It.Castle for plaintiff. Hatch for de-

fendant.Kaaukat Kulley vs. Caroline Aulu.

Trespass on vase. Kaulia for plain-tiff. Achi for defendant.

S. W. Pika vs. Kaili. Assumpsit.Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCourt. Johnson for plaintiff-appellan- t.

Hookano for defendant.



Kuauu vs. Kino et al Ejectment.Kinney for plaintiff. C. W. Ashford-Ach- i

fur defendant.MIXED JCBT.

Julia S. Rice el al. vs. JonathanSpooner. Ejectment. Kinney forplaintiffs. Carter & Carter for de-

fendant.J. I. Dowsett vs. Miukeala ot al.

Ejectment. C. Brown for plaintiff.C. W. Ashford for defendant.

Frank Telles vs. Albert aud SarahTrask. Replevin. Apeal from Ho-nolulu District Court. C. W. Ash-

ford for ulaiutilT appellant. Rosafor defendants.

D. L. Kalawaia vs. L. A. Andrews.Trespass. Appeal front HonoluluDistrict Court. C. W. Ashford forplaintiff.

J. K. Apiu rs. L. A. Audrews.Trespass. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. C. W. Ashford forplaiutiff.

Jessie T. Naoue vs. L. A. Andrews.Case. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff.

John K. Silva vs. J. W. Kuaimoku.Trespass on the case. Davidson forplaintiff. W. R. Castle for defend-ant.

Olowalu Sugar Co. vs. S. Kaalawa.EJMCtiuout. Hatch for plaiutiff.Kinney (or ueleutlaut.

Caspar Sylva vs. Malia Kaia et al.Ejecttneut. Hart well for plaintiff.C. W Ashford for defendants.

Caspar Sylva vs. Harriet Squireset al. Ejectment. Hortwell forplaiutiff.

Uaspar bylva vs. Mokuuia et al.Ejectment. Hartwell for plaiutiff.

James It. Holt, Jr. vs. Geo- - Lycur-gu- s

ot al. Assumpsit. C. W. Ashford for plaiutiff.

Carter & Carter vs. A. Rosa. As-sumpsit. Appeal from HouoluluDistrict Court. Carter fi Carter forplaintiffs. Defendant iu person.

Pipi vs. L. L. McCandloss. Roadcontroversy in Ewa, Oahu. Appealfrom Couiuiissionor. Carter A: Carterfor dofeudaut-appollaut- .

Win. Mossmnu vs. Kalimahauna.Repleviu. Poopoo for plaintiff-appellan- t.

Castle for defentlaut.P. U. Haysoldon vs. A. Rosa. As-

sumpsit. C. Brown for plaintiff. Do-feiidant in persou.

Mahi alias Keawoamahi vs. Rev.Gulstnn et ol. Ejectment. Achi furplaiutiff. Hatch far defendants.

James B. Castle vs. D. Lokaua elal. Assumpsit. Castle for plaintiff.Achi-Poepo- e for defendants.

Alio Kapuakela vs. J. 1. Water-hous-

Jr. Ejectment. C. Browufor plaiutiff.

It. W. Holt vs. Chang Fat. Eject-ment. Rosa fur plaintiff. Magoottfor defendant.

K W. Holt vs. Goo Kim. Eject-meii- t.

Rosa for plaintiff.Mele Uli et al. vs. Thomas Emms-ley- .

Ejectment. Kaulia-Jouuso- u

for plaintiffs.lOUKIUS junv. -- CIVIL.

Catherine Batehelor vs. C. B. Wil-so- u,

Marshal. Trespass. C. W.for plaintiff. Hatch-Cart- er

Si Carter for defendant.U. Wilgeroth vs. Ewa Plautation

Co. Damage. C. W. Ashford forplaiutiff Castle for defeudaut.

Thus Nott va. C. T. Guliok, guard-ia- u.

Assumpsit. Carter &. Carterfor plaintiff. Kiuuoy for defeudaut.

Jacob Lyons vs. J. Uubash aud C.Batehelor. Assumpsit. Carter A:

Carter for plaintiff. C. W. Ashfordfor defeudaut Batehelor

H. R Macfarlaue vs. Ira A. Lowell.Assumpsit. Carter &i Carter forplaintiff. Hatch for defendant.

L. J. Levey vs. N Mouwar. As-sumpsit. Appeal from HouoluluDistrict Court. C. W. Ashford forplaintiff. Poster for defeudaut-ap-pellau- t.

Awa vs. Lee Yuen Kui. Trespass.Appeal from Honolulu DistrictCourt. Achi fur plaintiff appellant.V. V. Ashfoid for defeudaut.

Emily ilo Herblay vs. S. M. Damonet al. Action ou bond. Neumann-Carte- r

A; Carter for plaiutiff. Hart-well-Hat-

fur dofuudauts.iL'iiacii) do Praua vs. Portuguese

M B. S. of Hawaii. Assumpsit.Hartwell for plaintiff. C. W. Ash-fo-

for defendant.W M. Cunningham vs. Heury

Davis et al. Damages. Petersonfor plaintiff Kinney for defendants.

Lau Choug vs. W, P. Allen, guard-ian. Ejectment. o

for plaintiff. Hatch for defeudaut.Wong Heo alias Ah lieu vs. Au-

touo L do Oliveira. Damages.Johnson-Kauli- a for plaintiff.

Charier. Schurf vs. Hawaiian Gov-ernment. Damages. Castle for plaiu-tiff. Attorney General fur defend-ant.

Pablo Artimu vs. Hawaiian Gov-ernment. AsMimpsit, C, W. Ash-ford for plaiutiff. Attoruoy.Geuoralfor defendant.

P. Harrison vs. Republic of Ha-waii, Damages. Potersou for plain-tiff. Alturuoy-Uouora- l for defend-au- t.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10740/1/1894102001.pdf · WWffSS " ' w ' syf Tf n 3pppBWS( 1-- w e ailn 'Hlletiii. VOL. VIII. NO. 1167


P. Harrison ot al. vs. Knpublie otHawaii. Damages. Peturson (orplaintiff. Attoruoy-Qonora- l (or doiendant.

F. Harrison et al. vs. J. II. Bnins.Damagos. Peterson for plaintiff.


Y. Ah Yau vs. J, K. latikoa. Dam-age. Appeal from Honolulu Dis-

trict Court. Aehi for plainKaulukou for dufumlant.

William Kauahi vs. Ah Chow.Trespass. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Kaulukou for plain-tif- f.

Carter & Carter for defendant-appellan- t.

Chiug On vs. F. Ludovlko. As-

sumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Magoon for plain-tiff. Kaulukou for defendant-appellan- t.

Chiug Sing vs. Lau Bon. As-

sumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Carter & Carter forplaintiff. V. V. Ash ford for defend-aut-appelltu- t.

Kalei Matiualoa vs. KealohapauoleMakahi. Kepleviu. Appeal fromWaialua District Court

L. 1). Kerr vs. John Good et al.Assumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. I'arko for plaintiff.C. V. Ashford for defendant-appellan- t.

Horaco N. Crabbo vs. E. G. Hitch-cock, Marshal. Replevin. Appealfrom Honolulu District Court. A.M. Brown for defendaut-appellau- t.

J. A. Magoon vs. Vee King Tong.Ejectment, i'lalutiu" iu person.Davidson for defemlaut.

Aat vs. Helen Kaaukai. Damage.Appeal from Kuolauloa DistrictCourt. Magoon for plaintiff; Kauofor ueienuaut-appellau- t.

Asal vs. Joliu Kalili. Damage.Appeal from Kooluttloa DistrictCourt. Magoon for plaintiff. Kanefor defendaut-appellau- t.

Look Tau Lock vs. Wa Hoi et al.Assumpsit. Appeal from Koolau-pok- o

District Court.F. U. Wagner vs. C. Klommo.

Assumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Creightou for plain-tiff. Ktuucy for defendaut-appellau- t.

A. Iguacio vs. D. L. Xnono. As-

sumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Dourt. Johnson for plain-tiff. W. It. Castle for defendant-appellan- t.

I U. Camarinos vs. Jas. It. Holt,Jr. Astump.dt. Appeal from Ho-nolulu District Court. Magoon forplaintiff-appellant- . C. W. Ashfordfor defendant.

Ellen Kekuauui vs. II. II. Webb.Summary possession of laud. Ap-peal from Honolulu District Court.C. W. Ashford for plaintiff. David-so- u

for defendaut-appellau- t.

S. M. Kauakauul vs. Koua Coffee& Fruit Co. Assumpsit. Appealfrom Honolulu District Court. Achifor plaintiff-appellan- t. Kosa for de-

fendant.log Choug vs. Loo Chit Sam et al.

Assumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. C. W. Ashfoid forplaintiff-appellan- t. Davidson foruefxudauts.

Hang Chung vs. Loo Chit Sam etal. Assumpsit. Appeal from Hono-lulu District Court. C. W. Athfordfor plaint Davidsonfor defendant".

Lau Lam Chan vs. Liu Ho. As-

sumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Magoou for

Caulo for defendant.W. It. Castle vs. Loo Chit Sam el

al. Assumpsit. Appeal from Hono-lulu District Court. Plaintiff iu per-son. Davidson for defeudauts-ap-pollaut- .

W. It. Castle vs Loo Chit Sam otal. Assumpsit. Appeal from Hono-lulu District Court. lMaiuliff iu per-son. Davidson for defendautb-ap-pellau- t.

W. It. Castle vs. Loo Chit Sam etal. Assumpsit. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Plaintiff iuporsou. Davidson for defendants-appellan- t.

W. It. Castle vs. Loo Chit Sam otal. Assumpsit. Appeal from Hono-lulu District Court. Plaintiff iuperson. Davidson for defendants-appellan- t.

Chas. Wilcox vs. W. C. Achi.Appeal from Honolulu

District Court. V. V. Ashford forplaiutiff; Kahookauo for dofeudant-appellau- t.

Luiz Andradu vs. Inorino Fernan-dez. Assumpsit. Appeal from Honolulu District Court. Correa forplaintiff-appellan- t. Kaulukou fordefendant.

Domingo Cabral vs. Niau Iaukea.Damages. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Achi for plaintiff-appellau- t.

Kaulia for defendant.Frank Urown vs. John W. Kalua.

Assumpsit. Appeal from HonoluluDistrict Court. Creifihton for plain-tiff. Achi for defendant-appellan- t.

William Kalaehao vs. L. Alilo etal. V. V. Ashford for plaiutiff. Achifor defeudauts-appellaut- .

nivoiitxs.Kuhinu (w.) vs. Kalepp. Rosa for

plaiutiff; C. Brown for defendant.Auua Luddecke vs. W. Luddecke.

Kaulukou for plaintiff.William C. Achi vs. Isabella A.

Achi. i'oopoo for plaiutiff; V. V.Ashford for defendant.

l'uaibo Makeu vs Chas. 13, Makee.roterrsou for plaintiff: Noumnnn fordefendant.

Marie Gloria Nunes vs. JohnSoderberg. Davidson for plaintiff,

Lilikalaui Fern vs. Lipiuu Feru(k.) Achi- - I'oopoo for plaintiff; Neu-mann for defendant.

Lizzie Christ ley vh. ThomasChristley. Hatch for plaintiff.

Alice M. FoatkcrMouo vs. ArthurE. Featherstouo. Kinney (or plaiu-tiff.

Kilikina (w.) vs. Hake. Achi forplaintiff,

Kate M. Thomas vs. Edward B.Thomas. Kinney for plaiutiff.

C. Akima vs. llaunuh Alo. Kauliafor plaiutiff.

S. Maluua vs, Mary Kiui, I'oepoufor plaiutiff.

Elese Quinu vs. Thomas G. Quinn.Magoou for plaintiff.

Kinulau vs. Mileka Kauha (w.)Magoou for plaiutiff.

James Auipo vs. Kahalaopuua.Nawahi for plaintiff.

August Bonk vs. Halbini Bock.Kaulukou fur plaintiff.

Hiram Amara vs, Lena S. Ainara.Kaulukou for plaintiff.

Helen l Kakoi vs. Thos. K.Natuauiol. Kaulia for plaiutiff,

taw nnd Common Bonso.

J ml go E. F. Dunno of the CircuitCourt of Illinois has givon a deci-sion in a libel suit agaiust the Chi-cago Herald in which law and

aro happily blended. TheHerald has published a dispatchstating that a Mrs. Smith, who wasunknown in the Herald office, hadulntied with a vounc man. Afterabout two months, during which the '

Herald had not been informed bythe parties interested that tho dis- -

patch was untrue, a libel suit wasoommeueed. Tho caso went againstthe Herald, and tho plaintiff wasawarded $15,000 damages. Tho He-

rald appealed, and iu granting themotion for a new trial Judge Dunnodefined the position a newspaperholds toward the public iu the fol-

lowing terms:The modern daily is at onco tho

effect and instrument of progress. Itsproprietors mint answer for wrongdouo oven without express malice,but they aro entitled to fair treat-men- t.

When a nowspapor is ledinto publishing, unknowingly, antintruo statement concerning an in-

dividual it should not oulv retract,truth is butWI1UU VIII' lliUlltl known,

also compensate the party,

of land it feltfor injury already done; it fs

those who thethoenuallv dutv of tho person thusto mako known tho truth,

demand and lessen so faras possible the injurious conso-cpieuc-es

of tho libelous publication.If this be dono and the paper per-sists in repealing tho statement orrefuses ample retraction aud repara-tion, then it Is timo for the

lightning of tho law to strike.Hero a parly claiming to bo injureddid nothing to utop the further cir-

culation of tho publication.Tho law aim 01

libel are summed up in this deci-sion. The public is protected frommaliconud from reckless publicationof rumors which may not have origi-nated iu malice, but the newspaperIs protected from a conspiracy onthe part of individuals to make anerror the means of collecting heavymoney damages. It is held that thoparties who consider themselves in-

jured by the publication of a roport ,

that proves to be untrue aro boundiu law to set tho newspaper rightn,wt tt itiimnml Kiii.ti nmnmitnn ft. .... .. "- -

is possible way ot setting in-- ,j u red parties right. But it is alsoheld that a should notbo required to verify every item ofnews that comes through a reputa-ble source. This decision docs notgive license to tho fali(lror to tho wanton purveyor of newsfor mercenary purposes. It affordsno relief to that clas of publisherswho scatter libels in thebelief that the persons libeled willnot dare to seek redress. Vui-vhc- o


liaro Chance.

Ladies who aro on tho lookout forChristmas presents should call at

ou the athe

best out at it IS

There arosale prices. QQ A. MAkllM.A Afckfe.ftBAlfll th.ftBaltlB ..Kid .IH.LBMliiiiin.-n,i-uii'iiu- wjcp.etc. Also handmade audeverything is being sold out regard-less of CO it.



At Williams' Studio aro to be seenPortraits ou Wateli Dials, which his a specialty of. LauternSlides lecture the ordnziiii.

Strong Horse





Hay and GrainJut per "8. G. Wilder."



Born Tki.kimiovks 121.


ANNUAL MEKTINO THBKlocili iM.i of Hit wmN.tr.Will I- )- Il'l1 HI 111 Ulll't I'l U U

igr, on YKDK8DAY, (be liltU ofU T, WA, ut IU o'u ock A. M.

II I.OHE,1 1(i7-- for flccrotary Oo.


PfrDnv 2lVr U

rrKL'MI. MONTHLY I,Ilest ol ilm IWt wltra lun

tli Meattt in tlio Oily.


Tliis Evening


J. !,KVEY.. It. I LEV,




Saturday, Oct.Tli Ortut KiikIIhIi Comedy

"OUli BOYS."Another Great I.aiiph I'ruruku I


l'lanoixju at the ollloe ot I.. J.uta-o- t

Jimely Jopies

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1894.

As a place of residence Ho-

nolulu presents advantages tobe nowhere else theworld. For people who prefer

high altitudes Nuuanu, Punch-

bowl or Tantalus are places

residences may be built

so that magnificent views of

the city and bay may be had

at all times. To whowish be on a level with all

mankind, Aakiki has attrac-

tions that please. If there is a

injured Scarcity Will bebut swish














by enjoyof the waves along the beachand where they can sit andview the grandeurs of a semi-trop- ic

sunset. There is verylittle available land Dia-

mond Head and time passessteps must be taken toward bet-

ter facilities for reaching pointsbeyond it. It is possible that a

good road around the headwould be the line of publicimprovements, and, the landin that locality is owned by thegovernment, an increased treasury balance be the re-

sult. If there were more lotsalomr the beach more people

by tho WOUIH live






there and improvethem. Every dollar of improve-

ments means so much for thegovernment by way of taxa-

tion and that alone should bean inducement for it to extendroads wherever it is possible.

Ever since we started busi-

ness we have aimed to securesuch goods as we believed tobe suited .to the tastes of thepeople on the Islands. Any- -

tho Ceylon Jeweler's storo Nuu- - thing1 ill W.1V Of IlOVeltVauu street, where they can buy

gems from Ceylon clear- - when believed to be reallyauce js securcd bv US and

for by






FamilyW-- ek












offered to the public almost assoon as it is introduced in theUnited States or Europe. Oneof the latest is the Aetallic Re--frigerator for use in the bed-

room. We think this is a good, thing because it obviates thenecessity of people going tothe kitchen or pantry for milkor anything else that is neededduring the night. For thosewho like luncheon in their bed-

room late at night it is iiulis-pensib- le,

as it is admirably ar-

ranged to hold a large cold bot-

tle to go with a small warmbird. The price of this noveltyis low enough to put it withinthe reach of everyone.

As we have mentioned seve-

ral times before, the WertheimTriplex Sewing AVuchine is theoest in me world, it is theonly machine that will changethe stitch from chain to lockwithout bothering with a sepa-

rate and bungling attachment.It is the only one we know ofthat will sew three stitches bysimply moving a thumb screw.Nor do we know of any thathas such magnificent tables asthose on the Wertheim. Everypart of the mechanism is con-

structed with a view to simpli-city; the running parts are soevenly balanced thai a five yearold child can run it with ease.The necessity for water motorsor dynamos for sewing ma-

chines died with the introduction of the Wertheim. Wesell them for less money thanyou pay for an ordinary hardrunning one stitch sewing ma-

chine and we would like to putone in your home.

Unless you particularly courtliver fluke we would suggestthat you purchase an ImprovedStone Filter from us. The "S.G. Wilder" brought us a lot ofthem in assorted sizes.

Tlie Hawaiian Hardware Co. Ltd,

OpMblto Npreoknla' Mock,aoy voux TwuiCTt

rT--" '"MHqFf'


fr&r. "' ' 'J Jv.

Tr .iik it VMk.

Mr. Jf.lm A. Scott, Malinger of the Hllo Sugnr Company, gives the follow-ing wonderful record of tho working of the NATIONAL (JANE SHRED-DER- ,

which was cicctcd by their works at the commencement of the cropjiii-- t Imr vented:

"During tho past week tho Hllo Sugnr Company's mill exceeded any ofits former records by closing the 125 hours grinding with an output of 300ton- -. This is fully 10 percent more limn the bust work of former ye.irs.

"The three n Her mill being iiO in, by Til in, nnd tho two roller mill 110 in.hytiOiu. '1 he first mill doing this amount of work iu an efficient mannerand with great ease, compared with work on whole cane, owing to thoroughpreparation of the cunu by the National Cane Shredder, icccnlly erected bythe Company.

" And by its use the extraction has been Increased from 3 percent to 5 per-

cent on all kinds of cane, and lit BOtno caecs 80 percent has been reached;the average being To to 78 percent, according to quality.

" 1 continue to lind the int'g.ieo from thredded cane better fuel than fromwhole cane.

"The ohredder has been working day nnd night for coven months nnd hasgiven me eutbe catis'action, having xhredded during that time about vevenlyihouand tons of cane, ninl a large part of it b. ing hard raloous.

"The rhreddcr and enuiue reuulre very little care or attention."nans unit pccilIu.itiou ol these Hliicudcrs may be eccu at the omcc oi


IRWIN &"W 4emt ft tht lt.t

Look W- - Look

Gut ftOut


For New Stock of FurnitureDally ixi-tn- t on thn "Wilder" and tho "Andrrw Wrlcb"

13 Then Yon 8fe With Your Own Eyes -- g

Ho;pp 8o Co.,rro. T'--l King Street

Pioneer Furniture HouseK3TABLISHBD 1859.

New Goodii 1 Latest Designs ! Largest Stock 1



Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless MattingTor Koll of 0 Yardi. f 12.00.

And a Fine Quality for $9

Headquarters for Baby Carriages!Pianos Rent ! Chairs Rent 1



CO., L'd..



for for

Bell 179.

Buorossoru to O. K. WIHUmi.



lioiler and Bealtir u EDroneaii Dry M Fancy Goods

Lrniles' Vre ol every iteicrlptlon. AIo, fresh line ot Chinese Goods.

Pongee & "Wnite Sills. PajamasNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings 1

Host Black mid Green GhincHo Tea. Crepe Shawls, Etc

tW Fit Onarantpwl. Priced Moderate. -- B

lit-aa- l Telephone C54SCoinmeroial -:- - Saloon

,Theoiophical Lecture 1


Cor, Nuu4iiii fi Uer-ta'ili- t Bin , llono'n'u

The Only Sporting Ibusu Town.

O. P. S. a SpecialtyLohengrin Lger Beer

A ways on Draught. 2 ohssts U 25c.

I lleit ol Wine), l.iiiior niul Clgurilwyi uu baud.




A I.crtnre will be given byMlM. M. M. THIUUH


At lh Tliensniililcal Hall, cornrr olNiuiHnu anil .Mailim atireta, In

the "I" outer iiloulc."

Uoorw will oHin at 7 o'c'oolr, leolurn inoiiiniiiHiiru iruiiiitly at b o'clock All arewmllully lnvlttil.

biibjvot ol the Lecture will lie

"ThooBophy and Morulu."

al practice among the sons of farCathay of first removing the bridlewhen unharnessing a horse is thecause of many serious runaways inHonolulu. We adjust tho rem-

nants of wrecks to their formerserviceable sphere.


To. 70 Queen Btreet

Benson, Smith & Co.,Ootxx&v Fort St. Hotel 8tarrom Rtcent Direct Imptrtitlooi


Tho Only Perfect Toothbrush.


Perfumes & Soaps !




Hataal Telepta Jj)




Bell Telephone

Mexican Cigars



FIITHIST IJST FLAVOROf any imported. Just received by




Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10740/1/1894102001.pdf · WWffSS " ' w ' syf Tf n 3pppBWS( 1-- w e ailn 'Hlletiii. VOL. VIII. NO. 1167

rr' I- 5rmpm' - 'mmf 1S&HW


fc gaily lUtin.

SATURDAY, OCT. 20, 1894

m:Ablins newsArrival.

Friday. Oct. II).

Britbk Cmlzow Forrrst, Atclniifs, 48ilayifrom Newcastle, N 8 V

Hati'riiay. Oct. 'JO.

Btmr Mukolll from Mnttl. tanni ami Muloknl

Btmr J A Cummin from KoolauStmr Iwalnnl from Ktuial


8ATURDAY, Oct. 20.Am bklno S U Wilder, Schmidt, for San

Frxiiclsco nt 1' inBlmr Hawuil for jxjrtfl on Hawaii at 12 m

Vessels Leaving Monday.Btmr KbaIa for Kahuktt and l'mmluu at

12 mBtmr Jns Makco for Kaput At 4 i mBtmr J A Cummin for KoolauStmr Walmaunlo for Kmitti



From Kanat, per stmr Iwalanl, Oct "0Mr llryaut.

Shipping Note

Th ttcamrrs Knnlit and Jntiie MaliceIntra for tliolr regular ports on .Monday.

The llrltlsh bark Cndzow Forrest, Coptain Mcliinu, arrived oil" port ywiierditrafterunon, IHdaya Nuwc.istle, N SW., wltli raitiii of Dili'kuiillvld roll forW. 0. Irwin ,V Co. The hark Is docked htthe O. 11 A li. Co's wliarf


Its Finances In a Prosperous Condition.

Tim lloalaoi Boat Club hold apedal meeting in thu Chamlx'r of

Couituorco ystordny for tho purnonu of iticorporatiuf the club.Owing to certain mviitiona having tobo uiadu to tho articles of incorpor-ation, action on adopting the mimowas continued for one wouk, Thoclub was never so prosperous n It innow, mo amount aireany suincnuunbeing 4T30UO. lMnre thu meeting,which was largely attended, ad-

journed it wan decided by unani-mous couseut to name the club thellealaui Yacht and Boat Club. Themembers are pushing the work ofhaving tho now boathouso built, andwhen sufllcitMit money has been sub-scribed to complete furnishing totho club house, active work will bebegun. There is every prospect of12000 more being subscribed.

Wo offer this week a very niceassortment of Ginghams, at 12 yardsfor f1.00. M. S. Lew.


The miny season is com-ing, and if yon want to sludwater like a duck ) on mustbe provided with a lininCoat. I have just receiveda new invoice of Ladies'English Muck in toshes infact, I shall make a leaderof these goods tor the nextfew weeks and at such pricesthat 1 expect to see everylady in Honolulu properlyclad for r.iiuy weather.

T7sria.ite Siloeswill not he worn in muddyweather. The reason isapparent and doesn't needexplanation.

Tan Siloeswill probably take the placeof tlie white out s for thenext few months, and tomatch these I have an ele-

gant line of Tan Stockingin numerous shades.

lESCeits.Oh, yes, Trimmed or.Un-trimuied- V

Lntrinimcd! Allright. Just pick out theshape. They are all newand the very latest. Afteryou have selected one thatsuits your peculiar style ofbeauty I will introduce youto our expert millim r, whowill help you tok-c- t thetrimming and I guaranteeto finihh you a hat that youwon't be ashamed of.

rrticipebtirLgr,always doing this and th'ntime I think 1 have hit thenail by laying in a freuhsunnlv of Ladies' andChildren's Undervests from25c. up.

IDi-- "Wainei'sCorset Waists will makean acceptable increase toyour wardrobe. We have'em.

Belts.Nothing looks so piettyaround a lady s wai-- t (ex-cept an arm) as one of ourHolts. 1 have both Silkand Leather with new de-big- us

of Hucklew. If youdon't believe me come andtry one on (not the armbut the Hell).

Ah usual,J. .1. KG AN,

CM Fort btreet.


S. S. Monowai will bo due fromSan Francisco on the 25th Inst.

If you wnnt anything in tho linoof Dry Goods, call at

MJ. Levy's.

Dr. Raymond has been appointedGovernment physician at Koloa,Kauai.

William White "will assume thoduties of purser on the W. G. Hallon Tuesday next.

Chocolat-Monlo- r. tho finost eatingchocolate made. For salo only attho "Elito Ice Cream Parlors."

The Waiauae Co. will hold its an-nual meeting at the ofllco of C. O.BVrgfr ou Wednesday next at 10o'clock.

The steamer Wnitnanalo has beensubjected to a general overhauling,and will leave for potts on Kauai ouMonday.

The Pacific Wheelmon will startout for a ride about town at 4 o'clockthis afternoon, from the King streetCyclery.

Dr. Myers will have charge of theGoveriiiii'nt diionpary during thoabsence of Dr. Howard, tho Govern-ment physician.

Tho Hotel alTair has been spokenof everywhere, but, still more, whattlio public speaks of is annul tnosocheap prices at M. S. Levy's.

Solid silver hat pins will bo givenaway (gratis) during the opening of(all milliuery at X. S. Sachs. Ladies,now is your clianco.

Tlicro will bo a cricket match lo-twe-

the local eleven and a teamfrom H. B. M. S. Hyacinth ou tho

grounds this aftornoou.

Dr. Hutchius will load tho praisoservice at the Young Men's ChristianAssociation evening. Sub-ject, "Tho open doorway," John 10;M8.

The St. Andrew's Church Fairwill take placoou Nov. 21th. Tholadies who have tho alTair in handare working hard to make it a sue- -

U"S.Mechanics' Home, corner Hotel

aud N'uuatiu streets, lodging by day,week or mouth. Terms: 25 and 50cents per night; 51 aud 1 2o perweek.

The Arlin . ton Hotel has a cardin this issue which shows not onlythe enterprise of tho genial proprie-tor but thu true character of hisho.itelry.

Thero will b a special meeting ofthe Leilani Boat Club on Mondayevening next, at 7:30 o'clock, in thobasement of thu Hawaiian liotol.A full attendance is desired.

A temporary lanai is being builtou the Kawaiahao Church groundswhere services will bo held while re-pairs are being made to tho roof ofthe Kawaiahao Church. Tho roofwas recently condemned.

G. It. Efarrison, practical pianoand orgau maker ami timer, ran fur-uis- h

let faetory references. Ordersled at Hawaiian News Co. will re-ceive prompt attention. All workI'linrtnt! to lw the same a donehi factory

Opening of fall millinery will be-

gin to-nig- at X. S. SucW store,and will be continued next week.Ladles should not miss this opporUtility of learning the latest fallstyles in headgear as well as thonew fall colon.

The Japanese residents are mak-ing preparation) for a grand cele-bration to take place on Novemberlid, tho birthday of tho Emperor ofJapan. An army of Japs in uniformwill march to tho Japanese Consul-ate in military style.

In tho District Court today Ioolawas fined $20 for assault ami battery,Ah Lung wni sentenced to onemouth's imprisonment at hard laborfor opium unlawfully iu possession,aud five ('hltieHo gamblers were giventhu usual fine of f 10. Tho eighttruant u arrested yesterday were re- -

primauded ami discharged.

An order from Judge Whiting wasreceived at t he Marshal's oflii-- e thismoauing, extending the date of re-turn of tho execution in re the Herb-la- y

vs. Norris casu to November 0,by agreement of the attorneys in thecase. It will be remembered thiscase originated iu New York over apromisory note for JIMKI, and ' wasbrought, to the Hawaiian Islands.The amount has now reaohed over$15,(X)0 owing to interest, costs andfees.

W. Aylett, cornet player of theHawaiian Nntioual baud, has haduuder training' duriug tho past threeweeks about thirty-tw- o young child-ren, boyh and utU, learuiug themhow to dunce. The lilt lu ones havobecome so proficient that yesterdayevening a private exhibition wasgiven at Mr. Aylett's residence,Musiu was furnished by a memberof tho band aud the juveniles wentthrough tho different figures with-out a hitoh.

The residents on the Punchbowlslopes are grumbling again aboutthe water supply. They havo ap-plied to the Superintendent of Wa-

ter Works to Bint ion an engine atthe Tltotnai Square artesian well topump water, but that ollicial statedthat the engine could not bo used,as it is being repaired. There areMiwr.il engines in town, however,and they i"'o "" reason why anotherhIioiiIi! not be stationed there. Forthtt past week sv titer had lo be pack-ed from the Squate by the dwellerson the hill,

Senior Captain Robert Parker litishtarttd u to bieak li'H record of lastueek Thirb-ci- i gamblers were arretted last night, atnl two che fabankers anil almtil forty runnerswere pulled iu this morning. Thisparticular hank near the corner of.Mauuakea and street' haibeen under the surveillance ot thepolice for h .tear but no oliattce couldlie got to pull it before, but CaptainParker (iivoiiiplMicil the object thismorning, utid marked money wasfound amongst io3 iu otto of thubaukur's pockets,


"Our Boys" at the Opera Housethis evening.

The Government band will playat Emma Squaro this afternoon.

Thirteen gamblers, all Japanee,were pulled in last night by CaptainHookauo and aids.

Surgeon H. A. Bakor, of the S. S.City of Pekin, has applied to theBoard of Health for a position asGovernment physician iu any dis-trict of the islands.

The coffee plantation of Mr. Mendonca at Kaneohe, Koolau, is in aflourishing condition, tho trees hav-ing attained good and healthygrowth. Coffee seems to be thocoming king.


They Will Hoik Out In the CentralUnion Ohurcb.

Tho Salvation Army will hold out '

in the Central Uuion Church to-morrow evening, and tho subjectwill bo "How They Work aud WhoGets tho Money." Since the arrivalof the Salvationists a goodly numberof converts havo been enlisted, audthese will assist at tho services. The ,

services will be conducted by Adju- -

taut and Mrs. Egner, assisted byCaptain Trimmer and Lieutenaut I

Jeffers. i

This evening tho army will holda meeting at tho barracks for "re-formed drunkards," at 7:30 o'clock.



"Our Boys," tho comical adven-tures and iucidonts connected with '

two boys, ono tho son of a noble-- 'man, aud tho other of a buttermau,


will occupy tho boards to-nig-

The play is a most laughable one.Tuesday night Bsl war Lyt ton's im-

mortal drama will bo played with astrong cast. Thero is no play in thoEnglish languago that appeals morestrongly to the sympathies of anaudieuco. Tho dialoguu is charm-ing aud thu morale elevating.

And no ono should forget thatthe great emotioual drama "HazelRirko" is sot for Thursday nightnext. This pine is as affuctiug asthe "Two Orphans" without tho morbid utiuor current of tlio latter.



Yea, wc ure going to give aRound Trip Ticket to thuVolcano to the person biing-in- g

in the greatest number ofour Sales Checks on Di cum-ber 2(th. Wc called on Mr.Chase, thu General PassengerAgent of thu Volcano HouseCoinpaiiVs at his Tourists'Headquarters, "Williams' Gal-Kr- y,

and have made arrange-ments, with him, so that ourrepresentative can go up withthu Thos. Cook & Suns' Ex-cursion from the Count, con- -

of twenty-fiv- e people,leaving here January 20th, ifyou so dusiru or at any othertime. We are as anxous thatwhoever represents us on thistrip shall have nil the pleasurethere in in it, us wu ure to haveyou know, that by our Quick i

Sales and Small Profit fryn-te- m

of doing business youget the most for your moiuy,that it enables ynu to buyamong the great variety otgoods iu our lino.

Equipoisk Waists, c heap- -er man ever, and speakingabout Kquipoi-- e and Compru-nrie- o

"Waist, they combinethree garments in one aCOKSET, a WAIST and aCOlteET COVER. 'J heyafford the same hurt supportthat a regular boned corsetdoes. The bone pockets areso arranged th it bones canbe removed or ed atany time without any rippingbeing done.

Lndies who find it uncom-fortable to wear tho ordinaryCorset, and still cannot dowithout some support willfind tho Equipoise Waist thelong-looked--for substitute forcorsets they fit perfectly.We have them in all sizes.They are just the thing towear on the Volcano Trip.

K3jr iNno all your Sale('hecks. You may be thelucky one.

B. F. Kill. ISUS & CO.

uy otnur,


"" - a '

JUIss Katie KoscorantUlster, Tciin.

ScrofulaWorst Case tho

tors Ever Saw



Hood's Perfectly CuredMC. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.t

"Dear Slrsi I wish to testify to tho pealTalus ot Hood's Sirs.iparllln. For some time thad been troubled with scrofula, which earlyUst winter assumed a very bad form.

Sores Appoarcd on My Facetnd hands and trail u.itly Increased In numbetuntil they reached to my shoulder. The doctorssaid It was tho worst case (it irrotuta they emtavr nnri also went to fir as to nay It was In-curable. I tried ointments and other remediesbut to no avail. Alrlcnd recommended llood'i

Hood's8vCuresBarsaparllla, and atthouph I was completely dlcourage (I. ns u last chance I rrsott cd to ctre It ltrial. I noticed tlicrnrcibad commenced to heal. Alter tlio slitli botUt

They Wero All Heated.t continued to take it, howcTcr,uilll I had usenlno bottles, and now 1 nnj perfectly wclL"Ml! KATIi: liO.SKMlIIANT. filter, 1'etlll.

Hood's Pills fire prompt and efllclcnt, jrol

lasy in action. Sold by all druggists. Oc

Drug Co., L'd.,Bole Agents for the Itepnbllr of Hawnll.

Grocery v Store3tl NUUAS'U 8TIIRBT,

Itctweeii Hotel and Klnii Street, next toShoutlnK Ottllcry.

GEO. MCINTYREHm opened n Klrt-elft- Orocoy 8toraa nlmve. Ha will t nlway ou lintiilthe Holland Kre.liest

American and Eolith Groceries


Canned Etc.,

And do Ills bet to tilennn nilCuntoinvr.

oltlieCly.I'nrclinsci dellveri-- to sll trt



5ec Bites,3rui$es;

2V. Scalds

All Druaa,'

HollistiTDrxigCo., L'd,


Ferry Davis'Pain Killer

623 Fort Street, Honolulu.



Tlifti ure Nmw I'uok I.Hru, I'm, Kxtru hulivlcil. Ono trl.il shl pruvts tiii'lr merlin. '

N. B. TUo Oiiii of thl brund cuutuiu u Bruit tur qunutity tliun tUumi of







OYSTERSvSc Z0tton, Ccmt i.finU.

In tho Circuit Court of the FirstCircuit, Republic ot Hawaii.

Estate of P. 8. Pratt, Deceased.

Notice of SalMf Real Estate

TO AN OltDKit MA UKand entered on the 10th tiny ot Sep-

tember, IS'H h ameiii'ttl liv nnorueriiindeand entered on the tth ilav ot Ootober,1MJI, In the nbow-iiniiiP- fl Court, In thematter t the sold Ktnte, tin; uiu'eMlgi eil,b Omimljclotier. will 11 at tmltllc auc-tion, to the highest bidder, the premisesat Wnlklkl, llenotnln Onliit d"tl.ed Ini'eeds from K II. Allen : nd II. lllo toiild V 8. l'rntt rerimlrd rejpei'tively In

l.lher 37, j scei 'til and ail, nn.l l.iber 61,tngos 'JM ntid '.SCt, Xnwall'iu HH(:lir el1'eeds. Tim trntiry will be oilereil Inthree lot., ns sulnliv ded by M I). Mo

unrv-'vor- , vlz.sI)t A Wftet wi Irotitnge. 101 f.ct urn-uk- n

frontage, nverncje depth 1'iCi feet moreor lev, area HI- - lie aer", rotitiilnitiL' onofiunll rottHRt: upct rrlcc til U o.

IM 11 l.'tl ff-- t frn fronti'M, i:f, (cpt nmilka frutitacv, nveniKP 'citli ,'tt feot nuireor lei, iinn I ii 'i) nrre, ivnitnliilliilellliiK hiiii'oj iiii't price J WJ

Lot ('17 feet m frotiixj-c-, l:t! feet inn-ak- is

frotitngi'. nvprni-- s di ptli Ui fee moreor le, firm t rnntnlnitu sti- -him und eutlioii t; litis, t fn.tsju

Tli mlo III be bold at tin1 dout ilctirot the Jttdlrlnry lltilMlnj;, In llotiolnlii, ntnoon, on TUKSllA Y the Itoth ilav ol t'cto-tie- r,

t8l. Terms Cn-- li in U. H. Kold eiln.Snle subj'ct tocntillnnntlon by ld Cir-cuit Court l)cednt extx-ti.eo- f nirolinsrj

For jiImi ot lots nnd ftirth r ltibirinntl",Biiily to tb iliidernlgiieil. at the JudiciarylltlllillliK, Honolulu.

HKNItY SMITH.Iin7--"t t'omml'sb'tier.


An invoice of thoCelebrated 'Shasta'Water juot received '

direct from tho Springein Shasta, California.

"Shaeta" io thofinest mineral waterin the world. It isused in evory leadinghotel and on all therailway dining cars intho United States.

"Shasta"Queen of alltorn;

la thotable wa- -

blenda porfoctlywith liquor of allklrds, and lo a naturalroliof for all dicor-dor- c

of tho stomach ,

kidneys and liver.For nolo by s.1 1 drug-

gists nd tl.j tradegeneral ly.


Solo Agents for thoHawaiian Ialar.ria.

The Warbetween China aud Japanwill cause prii es lor theirsilk fabrics to go higher ; nocountrj can light mid weavesilk at the same Mine. Theprice his already advancedand the pup is state thatthe war in likely to be "on"for two or three years. Itbehooves the cartful nil) orto purehttse now We had

mi immense slock of Japa-nese Goods ordered beforewar wns declared, cons-equent'' we can eontinu. tosell at the old price- - as Ion

as our present stock hodsout, and then tlm W ! will

force prices up. uur last

consignment SilkDress Goods, both limindand plain; Mormug Gownsfor Iridic aud GinN, HikKiiuns, SmoMiiur .Jack- -

etc., etc.

DAI NIIM'ON,lloti'lKt (ArliiiKtiiii ItliH'ki,

Mh. J. l'ruitli'tri,

OFB3sriisrG- -


Fall Millinery1ST.

520 Ft.rt Strc-tii- ,


. c3 6. Cs jctl zd9

Beginning THIS (Saturday) KVENING and

Monday,Tixescia-y- ,

"W"ed.xi.esclay ,OctcToor 22-3- ., 23d asicL 2-itl- i.


83T Solid Silver Hat Pins wil be Givkn Away onOpening Days to all purchasers in the Millinery Dcpa'tmcut.


EverybodyQuenching,offered to



likes it, because it is a Thirst- -Health-Givin- g Drink U

the Public with a full confidenceof its Merits.




Summer Beverage


Hires Root BeerIs now a favorite beverage for Ladies andYoung Persons to whom it gives Freshnessand embonpoint. It hits solved the problemof medicine by imparting strength aud pureblood, which soon gives a peron a clear andhealthy complexion.

It Pops !

Effbrvoscont Too! Exhilarating!

.A.'P'petizing !

Just lha Thing to Build Up the Constl'utiun i

It N Wholesome ami Strengthening.Islood, tree from Moils or Carbuncles, GeneralGood Health, results of drinking Hires KnotHeer the year round.

Sample Glass Free at Hollister Drug Co., L'd.


Temple of FashionSIB ITort Stretat.

Clearance Sale for One Week !

Beginning Saturday, October 13th.E5-vervtlii-

ng at a SacrificeI sliK LOCAL COLUMN. -

M:. O. 8ILVA, - Proprietor.O. B DWIOHT

Ilors nil kuiiiH ut Wurk in

ment & Mone S:dcwa ks &




Cli.iihh iihiiiI a lisrK S'liplyiic-- h (limit- - Curli nun it k.nii Hit.

nm Ouriiiiii: Simm. Ktnm. h. kivp'imill IOfHl II- - Vja nhHHIfll. II ij'lVlrllllillKi


ati(u:ni:y at law.hi vivl In I.' Mi rcilinnt Hrcel.

Ivxtun.1 Tolmphono 330il.'.l ..



fjs;r.Bryant & Aloha


Dry GoodsEJtO

Prints, Lawns,Dress Goods, Etc.

et", Spk I ajiimiih, ilap.'iueM' tAritiNo aiwi'.nck i'iiom Tiirt DnmnKtirci rnttnnarluaM ' erai.iH.u.mu WC,Ware ',''",iinn ins, , r,.,.,,lv. ,, ,, ltlLump hhiuli lbt- - iihi ! mi., j.'w loM,l,lM' ' iiniiisi.lietH,

1. 1. Cullaio,

llllt Ml I II llllMi iiti.nil ,.r ! Ik'llill hImi'Ii Hut.. I mil m rxoimlly iitlfiitl,

J l.l'NINUllimululii, Oft, nii'i

If your hut nilml nmit a K"" '('fir to rttvw U,

llir-'-- tl


: :





oflli miny



nil III'


Tin iiiiilfoliMitMl lmvt rn'KivHitKii'l Atbi.nui, iu ut


simi a m'i.i. itNr urmy

Uliimi H..r.u-..i- iou. (1 .,., ,((rs, Lnncli """'" to i.ui.

ihii, list


H, UACKFELD & GO.iim-:- u

Miiy UulUUn 60 otnti per )nyiA,

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10740/1/1894102001.pdf · WWffSS " ' w ' syf Tf n 3pppBWS( 1-- w e ailn 'Hlletiii. VOL. VIII. NO. 1167





From a large Htid varied stock the undersigned wnnld drawparticular attention to the following :

FEED STUFFS!Comprising California Hay, Barley, Rolled Barley, Bran.

Middlings, Oats, Corn.13 n addition to our uminl stock of these wo are now

carrying Washington Bran, Oat and Rolled Barley.These are each possessed of strong feeding proportion andare well worth a trial by all interested in stock.

FLOUR Cdif.nU.MlWaiklif tea State

Royal and "Cleveland" Baking Powders I

RICE:No. 1. Always in ttock t lowest mar-k- t



Is, Ss, IPs per bale.Liverpool Course, llllb. baxsEnglti Dairy, Klb. bkMt.



California Laundry.

HAM, BACON, CHEESEJ. T. Morton's English groceries.

OHOS8B BLACK WELL'S ENaLtSH GROCERIES.Ubdt, McNeil te libby's canned Meatb.


FRUITS:lie, Table aud Dried. I

MACCARONI:IX and Ulb. bom.

BROOMS:A Isrje variety

Kerosene "Aloha"


Plaotaiion Supply Hardware, Dry Ms,Mer,, Furailors, hu ., Bit..


Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.

SALMON:Rarrels and flail Barrels.Tinned.

LARD:i Fairbanks.

COFFEE:Green Ron a."Pioneer."Folger's In lint and papws



ClOARS:A choice variety of ItwditiR brand.


Drown Wrappln.



Etc., Etc., KU) Eta

& "Star

k Grocers

Ewong Sing LoyI SING LOY,

to? line St., "Tbomn Block.' i atSS (lit St., mi liauiiu li

loioil Telft. 33? P. 0. Boi 207.iMntaal Tele. 685 P. 0. Boi Ml,

2 B1G"sTORES 2Just Received Men's and Boy's Suits I

Colored Tweeda 7 50Diugonnls 7 CO

English Serge U 00Boy Suite (elegant) C 00

Chinese, Japanese aud Indian Goods !

K3A Complete TAILORING ESTABLISHMENTwith Competent Cutters and a complete lino of English andAmerican Suitings. Perfect fit guaranteed.

A FINE LINE OF GENTS1 HATS!Wicker Ware in Great Variety.

51-5-3 King Street & 407 King StreetrHLHfuuNM uu f u. mix tn



PrtHb California Roll Batter and Iiland Bitter0T ALWAYS ON HAND J0

lei Goods Becelied bj Ever; Steamer from San Pnncisou

tW AJI Orders fsltbfally attend to. tistisfactiou KOaranbwd Islauii Oniwrsolicited and packed with care.

Linoulk Block, Kino Street, Bet. Fobt aicd Alakba Stbektc.



Impo rters, Wholesale



Pro?ision Dealers k Naval SuppliesFreak QooAi by Eymt CaliloraU Stwuaw.



rmiiMfHONn w f. o. tux lift


Groceries, - Provisions - and Feed.New O ixid Received by Every Packet from ths Kastarn States and Murope


ill Ordsrs faithfully attended to aud Qoods Dsllversii to an;l'srl of Ins Ulti VKKK.


AIT OOKVMK rOKT AW) kino street,-


!J H I(iota llnlc Bazaar.

W. F. Reynold. ' Prop.




And Latest


By the


k l iv-- - -...

19 Lbs. 19 Lbs. .





li f lio tnlk ot all whMlmn. ','


li B. E WALKERAgent, Honolulu, H. I.

i Cdibuibi Block, lercbiatSl

1 19 Lbs. 19 Lbs.. .f W - P f V

Empire Saloon,naraar Hetal k liun ttraan

- oeoici" old -

Pamilj Vices and BrandiesA HI'EUIALTY.

PORT nd SHERRY63 Years Old.


Criterion Saloon"W1ELAND - EXTRA - PALE

Lager Beer !


chas j. McCarthy,1151-t- f Manager.

Merchants' Exchange8. 1. SHAW, Proprietor

Choice Liquors

and Pine Beer


Cor. King and Nuuamt Street, Honolulu.

AT THE ANCHOROyster Cocktails I

Bauer Brunnon I

Vredoricksburg Beer I

Straight and Mixed DrinksOl All Kinds and Best Quality,

eatbwut (lorasr Hag A Maaaaa Sts.


ItMluotot tod Sale of Property

AB- D-

CallMi.il li All Iti Braieiti.Ornuai No. 48 M srehsnt Btrsst.


Borne of the Agricultural Pesta thatBother the Colonist

In his "Trnteller'a Notes," HriUujrabout South Australia, Mr. J. HVeitch has the following in regardto olive trees: "Sir Samuel Dnvon-port- 's

olivo trees are very fine, andno manufactures a considerablequantity of oil, tbo granite-crusher- s,

levor-presse- s, and rocoptaoles forwhich aro of the highest order. Imay here mention, so numerous arethe olives round Adelaide, that thisindustry will probably assume ereatproportions but for thv labor ofgathering. To any observer a littlebeneath the surface, there seems tobe no question that what the Aus-tralian colonies renuirn is men mornthan money. As it in, 80s to 40s perweek wages to olive-gathere- willnot permit of competition with thecheap labor of Italy." In regard toweeds in South Australia, Mr. Veitchstates that the colony suffers asmuch from acclimatised animalpests as rabbits and sparrows.Gorse, briar, artichoke, prickly pearaud bramble grow and multiply toan alarming extent. Stone thistleand Bat hurst burr (Xanthium spinosum), fatal to the fleeces of sheop,are much dreaded, and the law hasrendered it criminal for landownersto permit the existence of the burron or near their estates. Stink-wee- d

was also rampant at t e lime of Mr.Voitch's visit.


A Good AppetiteAlways accompanies good health,and an absence of appotito is an in-

dication of something wrong. Theuniversal testimony given by thosowho have used Hood's Sarsaparilla,as to its merits in restoring theappetite, and as a purifier of theblood, constitutes the strongest re-commendation that can be urged forany medicine.

Hood's pills euro all llvor ills,biliousness, jaundice, indigestion,sick uuauaunu. zoo.

Dr. L1EBIG k CO.

MEN SpttM Ihctort fitr Chronic,Wrote nwl II 'anting

iHttnitt.Dr. I.lohlg's Invlcorntor the greatest re-

medy for Hrtnlnal weakness, Iass of AUn-ho-

and 1'rlvalc Diseases, overo'tmesand preparos all for msrrlugo

life's duties, pleasures ami responsibilities;$1 trial bnitlo given or sent free to any onedescribing symptoms; call or address 400deary bt , private entrance 4irt Mnsou Su,Han Kranpiscii Ili.VCt tv

"Stock Chief' 13,444.Hslght, 1B.2. Wslgbt, 1,300.

iffuVuKJPv9TuJUaw S

Stock Chief, 13 411: by Blocking Chief,2030; by Clsrk Chief, M; by MambrlnoChief, II; by Mauihrino Paymsster byMamb'Inoby Iniporird Mespemcr; Btockminers nam is imii nr Aniar. i.vhj; oy nt

XI; by Alcxanilers Abda'lah, 18; byHamhletontan, 10; ly AtklllsU, 1; byMniiib'lnobv ImiMirtiu Mesiieuuer. "Likeliegets Like." Breed to the best.

Terms Cash. Fee S25.00.Further Information can bo ob

tained fromA. K. KOWAT, I). V. 8

ItMqtf-'O- tf att King Btreet.

FOlt HALK-- A Lot (K an cre) onAv-uue- ; (IihhI Houe, rlrtt-cUi- i

Imp ovoineiiU 4,i.

FOK HAI.K-28- ).' Acres of Onod (Vtr.efmceu; live miles fntu towu- -

I?0118ALK-Deflra- ble ImprovedPunchbuwl street, near Pa-

lace Wall, 2 lts.'J Houses dj'dnliiK-$0,1- 00.

FOKSAI.E-Hou- Mt and Lot, Chick, n(Stable, Coach ll'ue, f.. at

K Ilhl-$l,- 70)

FOK REM-Furnli- hrd o' Unfurnlilu--o. In all parts of the city.

gKt Enqui e

103 FOHT STREET,In Ocrtt's Shoe Biure, opptste May'n

ancrrv. ll.V-t- f

People's Baggage Express


received iiyuswill be handled with careand dispatch. Waggons will be on theWharf io meet all Foreign and Inter-Islan-d

Steamers. Moving Pinn s andFurultU'u a Npscltlty. Olllce UnitedCurrlage Co. and Livery Htables, corner ofKing and Fort titreols next to h O. HallA: Hon. Uoli telephones U

11U) 3m M. T. MARSHALL

The Europtan Lunch RoomsCHOCK BINO, Proprietor,

Hotel Street, nearly opposite BethelStreet,

First-CI- a s Mails at Moderate Prlcts

At all Hours. Patronage Solicited.I lft7-3- m


rpHK HR-.- TERM OF KAMKHA- -JL HKIIA lllllLH Kcnooi. .pll MON-

DAY, bev, l'J li, Apiiiiisilons forsUml-ii- iiimy he sildie.Nit to Mihs Poj-- e niili.rat Kamnlmm. Iih Mtnnal, o at tl Ha-un-

Kindrgartii Rnm, Queen Kniii uHall, bamrday luornlugs f inn 0 to 12

ore H'm will tm p.h. tom.etspplocants VU- - tu v'on U Fifty IIMi Duliar a)er No applicants recelyrd under twnlvbjenrfofaiiH IIKl Ult


TVTWmK IH JIKRKI1V OIVKN THATXl all claims ugulnst the CritHilnii Hu-lo-

will hu Mtilrd by Mr Jx, F. Mor-gan, and nil outstanding nrrounU ilm theCrilj-no- n Kiloon ami llm jolililiu lioiue ofU H. live np to the ulmrti iluut are payableto .Mr. L. II. Dfc. All hills nKslnst L. II.Dm plad preieut liuiutdlelely for psy.

" I "KV!Honolulu, Out. 3, ItUH. llW-S-

By Jet. T. Morgan.

Mortgagee's Kotlce of Intention toForeclose and of Bale.

IS HEREBY GIVEN THATpursuant to a power ot eale contain-

ed in a certain chattel mortgage benringdate the 3uth day of March. A 1). 1891,mnde bv CHAUL.E8 OIKDI.EK of Hono-lulu, Island o( Oshu, Hawaiian Island, toJ. V Morgan of said Honolulu, of recordin theofllce of the Kcglstrarot Conveyancesin Liber 147, pages 453-4S- 5, and for thebreach of conditions in said mortgage deedcontained, tn wit: of certainpromissory notes theirin described, themortgagee intends to t re.loe.

Ko ice is also given that thi morlgageehas taken posesinn of the property cover-ed by said mortgage and will sell the sameat p ibllo auction at the Auction Rooms otJames F. Morgan on WEDNESDAY,October 17, 18'U.

Tho tiroDertv to he so'd ii described asfollows i 4 cllco shirts, 2 prs corcts, t3dot white Linen hdkfs, n dot white cot-ton hdsis, 2 dot eoloted cotton hdkfs, 6811-- dozen lady's hose, 3J dot white dressshirts, P-- dot Kegatta sblrts. 7 Pajamasuits, 2 black hats. ii dot lady's asst strawhats. (X) dot Clarks crotchet cotton, lfKdot feather falows, "21J boxes Chadwick'smending cotton, 7 pkgs Dutch linen braid,', dot pes Dutch linen tape, 1 dot knittingsets, 0 boxos knitting silk, 4 boxs blacksilk Mohair braid,.tcs colored sllke'astlo,3 boxes Torchon lares, 24 pes book muslin,23 ps white dress goods, 10 pes satinchicks, 3 pes wliltt tablo damask, 3 peshair cord mnslln, 7 lady's blouses, (I lady'schemises, 1 lndy's apron, 21 dot Drookscolored thread. O dot spun mending silk.")i dot machine spool thread, 6 10 0 Unone oiutuns, i not Knitting sine,silk twUt, 1 dot dress prescrters. 0 gro jetbuttons, 6 gro silk buttons, 2 gro pearlbuttons, 4 boxes pearl button, 3 cards buttons, 17 chemises. 3 wool shawls, 3 1 in-

sertion, 40 ics embroidery, U cs lluunclng,13 pes otlon I'ongee, 15 cs sateen, 8 pesmuslin, 3 pieces dress goods, 13 pes brilli-ants, 4 pes French cambric. 1 pn sateen, 4tcs spot muslin, 1 p shirting, 0 tics mus-lin, 1 po tephyr, 117 dot Dovlies, 4 dot and1 tia silk elastic, 1 po brown linen, 3 ics In-dia Twill, 03 gro coat find vest buttons,store fixtures, desk, counters and shelving,4 chairs.

Purchase nrlee In U. 8 Gold Coin.Dated Honolulu, Hcptemher 17. ICOI.

JAMES F. MOItUAN,By bis Attorneys, Oaktsh A Casts.

fsyThc sIkjto sala has been postponeduntil WEDNESDAY, Ootober 21th. at ino'clock a. M. IHO-7- 1


Thoro is probal)ly less coal usedhero in privato families than in anycity to which that article is export-ed. The reason is plain wood ischeaper and of bettor quality. Na-lur-o

providos Hawaii nei with tbowoudorful and rapid growing algo-rob- a

aud it supplies tho fuel for tbopeople. Anyone who has over visit-o- d

the neighborhood of Waialao hasbeen attracted by the forests of treesof this description. People whohave gone there to luspect Mr. Ison-b-rg- 's

ranch havo marveled at thecare and attention given tho cuttingof trees for tho market. As tho sup-ply cuts some of tho ice in regulat-ing tho prico of a commodity so thothousands of trooson Waialao Ranchact as a factor in putting down thoprico of wood. Mr. Isonberg soilswood cheaper than anybody else anddolivors it free in any part of Hono-lulu. Ring up either telephono andgot a cord.

If you've had any trouble withyour milk try some from the Wai-alao stock for a month.





Fine SuitingH,

Elegant Patterns,and Latest Styles.


100 Tarda Down to Enough

to Make a Single Snltl

- AND AT -

Hard Times Prices!L. B. KERR, - iMTORTKIt,



QN AND AFTER MONDAY, OCT.Ifllh. the Hawaiian Elictrio Com

ianv will give an all night service forresidences.

THEO. HOFFMANN.U67-2- w Superintendent


A MtOOM COTTAGE ONi. Young street, nrara&jieraunioKU Bireub


1144-- tf Anctloneer.TO UET

ALAUUK KURNIBHBDfor tingle gen-

tleman situated on Here-tanl- a OBkstreet, lb minutes'wslk from Post OUlce. Address "O.,this office. l08U-t- f




term on the Haasecond lluir of the Sn-eo- -

kel' Hank Block Apnlv touro-ii- Wm G. IRWIN A CO., L'o.


I WAlKIKI ONTHHUeaoh. oomfortslile A4BL

quarters for one or two Sin-tri- e maOentleuienl board on--tloual; batutUR facilities good. For partimilars enquire

inwMf inil.l.KTIK OKKIIIH.

ro ljctrpiIK PREMIHES ONX. Sohoul and Kinuiastreets, lately In the I n akof Mr. Ueo. W.Smith, and known as "Kehehuna Furfurther uaitloulari apply at the ottlca of


Carefully Weighed


CaicQiatlocs Lead to Comet Remits.

Where ptopte make a mittnle U in tuppot-in- g

lAnJ good pkluTtt are uterifarity erpen-lir- e.

We art IttUng picturti every day, fit to graceany home, the price of which would aitoniihthose not acquainted with the fact.

It i not necettary to get a fint proof etchingor engraring in order to hare a icorl of art.The method of reproduction now in vogue,mnlei it ponlbte for peiiple of moderate meantat well at their wealthier neighbor, to gratifytheir tattefar the beautiful.

Great range for the dltplay of tatte, in thetelectlon oftubjecti, Uatfonled by our keepingptctnret in theet form and vioiildlngt fromwhich to tttect the framet.

One tieeil never be at a ton to know what tngive at a pretent, at any time or for any puvpoie, for there U nothing better than n picture.

KB" And KJNO JIIWA it the place to getthem.

Tour doctorwill tell you

of 9, it ! theafest diet

Nestles jij for baby


H0LLISTER DRUG CO., L'D,Agnls for the Hawsllau Islsndt.

m.X " s2 . iMU s5 Vy

Wholesale Retail.


Japanese.' Goods!

Sill aid CoUod Dnsb Goods,

to., KUi. Kte. Km

Silk, LiatiD and Crape Shirts


Made by Yamatoya of Yokohama

MP When you are in need of any llm-o- f

Japanese Goods, give as first call andsave golnjr. all around town.

. ITOH A 1ST,SOS 3Tort Sit. xxssvx Oustom Xoum


Episcopal Church Services !

ON SUNDAY, OCTOBERMth, regular mornine and uvenlug

services will be held by tho Methodist Eul-cop- al

Church of Honolulu. RK' II. W.PECK, Pator, in the hall, at the corner ofPort and Hotel street (Thistle, formerlyAnnexation Club Rooms).

A formal organisation of this Churchwill take place on Sunday, November 4.All Christians not afll Hated with any otherEvangelical cliu-o- are Invited to unite Inthis organization. 1167-l- m

To All LoTen of ten Batkiig!




W. S BAETLETT,ss N U Hnedal Acorn (nidation for

Ladles suit On. Idrrn 1 1 WW in

FOR. S.A.L.E3!I.IV1TKII NUMIIKIt OK BHVREtInihe 8- - tltli Kim. Utittee l'(iiiMuy

The Coiiiiauy has aciulred tlvo hundredaoresi of collVo hind In fiualinn'e at Pana '1,bouth Koui, llaaall, about three and onehalf miles imm Jioopuloa lm!liiK. Thelaud is amoiiK tho best for coll'ue growliiKIn Koua, the null luimlntliiK of very rloh a-- a

aud easily worked, A large number ofshares liava already been subscribed for.V A only to

J. M. MONSARRAT,CsrtwrlKht's Illook, Merohsnt street,

llouululu. UCU-t- l

LUCOLre the


Bare Half the Amount of Tour OilBill Through Baying in Pigment.

Every painter should use Lucol in-stead of Linseed Oil, because:

1. Lccol is more rfuratfe than LinseedOil.

2. LncoL is more economical than Lin-seed Oil.


Six years of nctual use in exteriorliouso painting in California (themost trying climate for paints), inthe burning heat of the Arizona Des-ert, the Arctic cold of Alaska, and ontho Atlantic coast, havo fully andpractically shown that Lucol alwaysoutwears Linseed Oil undor tho sameconditions. All the acid works inKan Francisco have discarded Lin-seed Oil for Lucol,.


Put strong ammonia on Linseed andLucol paints. The Linseed paintsaro dcntroyed in a fow minutes; thoLucol paint", are practically unaffect-ed.


Break up 1 lbs. paste white leadin ono pint of Lucol, and tho samequantity in ono pint of Linseed Oil.Spread tho paints on similar darksurfaces for comparison, The Lucolpaint spreads as far an and coversmuch better than tho Linseed paint.To get equally good covering with thoLinseed paint you havo to use 2J lbs.of whito lead to ono pint of LinseedOil. This means a saving of ) lb. ofpaslo lend to each pint of Lucol usod,or 0 lb, to every gallon, equivalentto your saving moro than half thofirst cost of the Lucol.

Luro i, is not in competition withcihi'ap Linseed Oil substitute.


Agents for the HfflHin Modi



Genuine Budweiser Beer

nnswsD by the

AnhouBor-Busc- h Brewing As-




H.BACKFELD&CO.Sol Agents for the Hawaiian


WM. DAVIES,Rigger k Ste?edore,



Tho Stmr "WAIMANALO"ReslnnlnK Monday, Ort. Ti, will rail at 5r m evry Monday for Hanapepe, Kuloa,Llhuearu KUele.

VtV Inquire at ofrlre of J. 8. Walter ,ov-- r Spreflcelk' Rank, Fort aiivei, or onboard to Wm. Da vies, MaiUr and Owner.




New Patented Pol Straiaer

CfsT All Orders or Oommunlottlonsaddreksed to K O. Hull & Son, L'd.,iwho have them on sale), or to M. T.

will receive prompt attention.UK) tl



I beg to Inform Sporting Men and theGeneral Publio that 1 am prepared to Re-pair and Renovate every description ofFirearms. Guns, Rifles and Revolversskillfully Blueing and Brown-ing done in any shade. First-clas- s work-manship guaranteed. Onstomers promptlyttended to.we. Address


JOHN T. BROWN,Dealer In Hawaiian and Foreign Postage

SUmps. P. O, Box 441, Honolulu.Hlgtiest prices given for Unused and UsedHawaiian Stamps In exchange for othercountries from Hrst-clas- s approval sheets.Sheets forwarded to any part of the Islandson application with town reference.

J T, 11 is open to meet any collectors byappointment. Ill'i-.1- ni


Dishes and Ulasswsre Wanted I

Clocks, WaUihes and Jewelry Wanted IOld Gold aud Silver Wantsdl

W sValsM) rmw ratal jm114 King s)treet, Corner of Alakea.

-- -V s
