$k "I I ' .. v ; & IS ,. - 4v j.'. H V $ifa 'wn" " THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 29JL HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1883. 60 0ENT8 8UDS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH, THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER KILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning nnd circu- lated throughout the town by carriers, mill forwaidcd to the other Islands by every oppoitunlty. Subscription, BO cents per Month. G. Caiisox Kenyon, Editor. All business communications to bo nd. tlrcsscil, Mimitfrcr Daily Bulletin, Post Olllco liox No. 14. Telephone 250. Ofllrc, .... queen Street, Opiiolto WcdV Cnrrlngo Fnctnrjr. J. G. Ci.eviou, Manager. CHANGE OF TIME ! Waikiki & Punahou Routes Lino of Onmibusses. tt gtn B oft bo 2. a .ra si S 5 - S?S 2.2 3. " gre EH" S g" 3 " "i ' ' ' - ' A.M. A.M. A-- A.M. A.M. A.M. 0:80 0:50 7:10 7:15 7:30 7:50 8:00 8:15 8:80 10:00 10:15 10:80 10:50 11:10 11:80 r.M. r.M p.m. p.m. p.m. r.M. 12:05 12:45 1:00 ; 2:00 2:30 2:45 2:50 3:10 8:30 4:00 4:30 4:50 5:10 5:25 5:40 0:50 0:10 0:30 0:45 7:10 7:25 0:00 - 0:20 0:35 Siimln Time. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. 0:30 0:45 7:00 7:10 8:00 8:10 0:00 ". 0:30 0:45 10:00 10:80 10:45 r.M. T.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 12:1 12:40 1:00 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:50 3:10 8:80 4:00 4:15 4:30 5:10 5:30 0:40 0:45 7:10 7:25 8:45 0:00 9:10 Palama and Kalihi Route Leave Kalihi Leave Town. i Bridge. 0.00 A.M. 0:30 A. M. 7:00 7:30 0:00 0:30 s 12:00 p.m. 12:45 r.M. 2:00 2:80 4:00 4:80 5:10 5:40 0:30 7:00 0:00 0:80 Sunday Time. 0.00 A.M. 0:30 a.m. 0:00 0:30 10:00 10:30 C 12:15 r.M. 12:45 r.M; 2:00 2:30 4:00 4.30 0:30 7:00 8:40 0:10 To the Ladies ! ELEGANT FANCY WORK For THE HOLIDAYS. taken nnd lessons given in Chenille, Silks, nnd Crewel Em- broidery. AVork to be seen every day from 10 a. in. to 2 p.m.. at 131 Foil street (next door to Dr. Biodlc). 212 3m THE EVILS OF PAINTING And their Jtcmedy. " It has been said with much truth, too, that house painting might, with Btudynnd acquirement of taste, resume It rank ns a liberal art." Painters' Manual. Believing the above to be true, A. 13. KERR has now icorganizcd his system of working the business in Honolulu. In the lirst pjaco he has secured the ser-vle- of that celebrated artist, Mr. Max Koiin, formerly of San Francisco, w ho.se work in the line of plain and decorative papcr-h'ingln- frescoing, &e., is up to the present time unsurpassed, and on these Islands has never been equalled. Forhouso painting Jobs nrt-clas- s me- chanics only will be cmployul. In future patrons can depend upon my fill- ing every order on tho most scientific basis known to the trade. Tho Sign Painting nnd Lettering de- partment will bo permanently presided over by Mr. Geo. STU.vrMfcVKit, (further comment unnecessary.) P.S. Send for designs of fro.-co- s for ceiling nnd cornices. Something new; nud if you want any glass put in cull ut "Tiger "Paint Store, 847 ly 78 King Street. The IIjiAviiilun Temperanoe Year, Book, For 1883, THERE will be published hero in 188J, a year book, an in. terestiug and useful volume with the nbovc title, A handy book of refeience as well as a valuable book foi the limine-hol- It will bo especially (levoted to tho temperance cause, mid will bo of much uso all tho year around. Yoil will bo solicited to subscribe- - to this book, and can obtain further information by calling upon D. M. CROWLEY, 280 Honolulu, II. I. B5f Good uubloachcd cotton 14 yards, for only 1.00, at Chus, J, Fidel's. Leading Millinery House, B. F. EHLERS cfc Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 steamer Grand Holiday Gift Sale ! AT HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM. A handsomely painted Palette or Placque will be presented to each purchaser to the amount of $1,. or over, during the sale of New Holiday Goods at . A.. HfetT MELLIS', 101 Fort MRS. A. M. MELLIS HAS JUST OPENED A Magnificent Lot of Ladies Hats, (Fashionably trimmed), at her Dress Malting Establisliment, Fort St. Merchants & Storekeepers. THE YEAR IS CLOSING I dc-sir- e AS to say that all merchants and storekeepers will And it to their interest to patronize mc if outside help is re- quired to adjust accounts, arrange books, and general business' matters for tho now year. " Commercial matters of ecry attended to. J. E. WISEMAN, General Business Agent, 261 lm 27 Merchant street. To llercliniitH, MASTER Mechanics, and Othcis. vices of a llcnud reliable Collector of Bills has been engaged for the expiration of the pic-e- nt quarter and year. All accounts sent here for collection will receive prompt nttention. Commission moderate. Returns made daily. 285 Cavksaoii's . A. KKAFT, JEWELER, OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 ing, opposite tho Bank. Clins D. CrOlllHCll, Practical 'v T 'ofnViinalror. SSf Hotel Stieet, oppo-it- e the 123 3m International Hotel. "55a "" D, W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, f iwssl mfSMko 9 .s Always on hand a nice stock of es, Clocks and Jewelrjr."ia Itepalrlng Watehcu nnd Clockfa a Speci- alty, No. B3 Hotel Sticct. 32 Telephone, No. 240. Artesian Ice Works JHcTjowMfPr5 SSl1 ' ICE DELlVKHElVto nil paits of tho city and subiubs. )rdcis fiom tho other Islands piompt-l- y attended to. Olllce at W. E. FourK.u'fl, Saddler, Fort street. 130 Telephone-No- . 111. 2m C5SSCU ICE MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU to all puitiuf tho City. .Shipping supplied in quantities to milt. Ti'lephouu, No, SB. OJUce at Wilder & Uu-'"- . J6 Received by every THE Street. H. B. TREGLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. Itolicrt Lcwori, : y cookc. T EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumlmr and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 W ILDER & Co., Dpitlers m Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of etcry kind, cor. Fort and Queen sti., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers in and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 BROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical QaaFitteis nnd Coppe- rsmiths, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. J louse and rilup Job Work pionipny executed. 17 tCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. anil dealer in Gcnt'H, Ladies' and Chlldien's boots, shoes and clippers. 03 BROWN & CO., Importers nnd In Ales, AVlnes and Spiiits, No. !) Merchant -- t., Honolulu. 12 fTrMfT.TTi.TT TnnM WORKS. ti (jSlcnin engines, sugar mills, boil. ei, coolcis; n on, lua-- s and lead nihi-ing- macliinerv of every made to oidci. Paiticular attention paid to ship's blaeksniithing. Job workcxe-rule- d at slioit notice. 1 . WEST, Carriage Builder. Buggies, Carriages, Express "Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blacksmilliing, horsc-shocin- g, mid nil kinds of repairing done. AVilKon Brothers, 1 A:ixUl GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a specialty A th man being specially engaged lor that work. Ship and Wagon woik faithfully attended to. Shop on tho Esphtuade, op. Hoppcr's.201 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pak Aixa," owned and edited by Kuyuinui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,'?00 copies, nud is tljo best advertising niediuui. Of-tie- vi No, 0 Mei'chwit tit. 1 i FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. - OIHce Geo. W. Mncfailanc. 11. K. Mncfnihutc. Q. W. MAC7AHLANE & Co. 210 IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS AM) DR. Sugar Factors, at File-Proo- f Building, -- G2 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. , agents for The Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, has The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Ilecia Sugar Plantation, Oaliu, Iluelo Sugar Mill, Mnui, of Huclo Suirnr Plantation, Maui. Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramw ay Woi ks, Leeds, Mlrrlccs. Watson & Go's Sugar Machln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 18,-- S. Pratt fc Co. F. Auctioneers and General T Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Special attention given tothuSaloof Real Estate and Poi-on- al Pioperty. Advance's made on consignments. 240 Cl.m? bprctkil". tt'm. (. Irwin. "Y7" G. Irwin & Company, tt Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHackfeld & Company, No. Commission Agents, 100 Queen street, Honolulu. 1 OLEGHORN & CO. AS. Impoiteisaud Commission U Merchants, dealers in Gcneial Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumauu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 10 H.A.P. drier. 1'. O. Jonio, Jr. C BREWER & COMPANY, ,. Shipping and Commission Merchants, Queen ., Honolulu. 1 23 T HEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY, Imnortcrs and Commisbiou Merchants ; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, Biitish and Foreign Ins. Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & GONSALES, No. 07 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Impnrtcr and Dealer in General Jk'i chanclise, Queen tt., Honolulu. 1 J S. GRINBAUM & CO., !'- - Importers of General Mer-chaiidi- su and Commission Meichants, Honolulu. 1 M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. Commission Merchants, 124 California stieet, 6au Francisco, Cal. 1 HNEIIAN &OO .. J- - Importers and Commission Mcr- - chant--- , Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Cnlle. J. D. Athcrtun. C A S TLE & COO KE . Shippinir and Commlssfon Mer. cli.mls. Importers and Dealers in Gen- eral Mciebaudise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. i WO CHAN & Co., Inipoitersaud General Dealers In English. Aiueilcau and Chinese Pio-vision- s, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con-ti.i- et matting, all qualities nnd prices. 8fflrNo. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's, 61 No Bush. Whacking Here LitViiS SA.VJ-J- "i' Pur- chasing your Hone Equipments Fiom W. FENNELL. J i-a- s'-i Piaetical Mechanic, 02 King stieet. EB'Nu Peter Funk stock hcic. 209 A. O. ELL.IS, HROKEH, will buy or sell Plantation Stock. Bonds, and Oilier Maikelablc Securities, Attheir niaiket Miluc for cash. 210 Ofllce with E. P. Adams. Aucl'r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, STOCK BROKER, NO. 08 Merchant Sttcet, Honolulu, II. I, K,.,,.,.. 11. ...(., It,,,. U., 11., ..1 Ull.l. l ....11(1. U, I, lllllll !., Telephone, and other Coipoiation Slock, Bonds and Similar Securities Bought and Sold on Commission. Money lo uied on Slock Securities, Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 18S2. 214 JOHN NOTT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, HoubO Furnishing Goods, 7? Chandeliers, Lumps, &o, Frofossionals. s. B. MANN, B. 8., Tr.ACHKti ok DnAWiNrj. DllAUOltTINO AND Till". SCIEXCE8. 287 No. 181 Fort street. lm SARAH 33. PEIRCE, M. D.. and Children's Physician. and lcsldencr, No. 5 School street, (between Fort nnd Em inn). Ofllcc hours 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. 1:80 to 3:30 p. in. Telephone, No. 201. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms No. 2 Knkul St., comer of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 50 2m DR. G. TROUSSEAU, begs to notlfjhis friends that ho lcsumed practice tu Honolulu. Resi- dence, and consulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl st., opposite the makal gate the Queen's Hospital. Consulting hours from 0 a. in. to 12. Telephone No. 193. 50 W. AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney ami Counsellor nt Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumauu si., Honolulu. 209 M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any p.ut of the Kingdo bought, sold nnd leased, on t commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Diawn. 27 Mcichant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Dole, Lawyer and Notary Public, No. 15 Kaahumauu .St. J.M DAVIDSON, Attorney nt Law. . 24 Merviinnt sticct. 27BANOI8 Mi HATCH, Attorney at Law, 15 KaahuiiMUU st. JOHN RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, Olllce, coiner of Foitand Merchant st. (upstairs) 115 TT7ILLIAM O SMITH, Attorney at Law, 73 No. 30 Merchant street. IICHARD F, BIOKERTON. A. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages or Free. holds. Ofllcc, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 Cecil Brown, ner and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for, the Wand of O.tlui. No. 8 Kaahumauu ht., Honolulu. i C. O. BEHQER, KAAItUUAKU ST11EET. General Agent for Tlic N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd) ' Macncalc & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Sprlnglleld.Giis Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 CHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENEHAh BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, iuM.ikeu's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumauu Htn-Jt- M, Honolulu., 21 .J. WILLIAMS & Co; j"- - 120 Foil Sheet, Honolulu, Portrait and landscape Ilio;o'iipli.or. 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, Agent to to Con tracts for Labor for the District of Kona Ihland of Oahu, at tho olllce of the Hono- lulu Waler AVorks, foot of Nuuanu st. ltJUll JOHN A. HASSINGEK, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Lonlracta tor Labor. Interior Ofllce Houoluln. W. C, AKANA, Chinese and Hawnilnn Trans. later and Interpreter, " No. 48 King slied, Honolulu. Tiaiislatinns of cither of tho above languiigcs niadu with aecuiacy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 201) 11. BRUNS, Cooper and Gnugcr, Water Tanks of any dimensions, Coopeiage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron con. 221 Maully on hand and for sale, ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. P. HORN, Practical Confectidncr, Pastry Cook und Baker.1 Nv, 71 Uwtel bt. T elophono 74, fSK i- -- a s Vfl ll si 1 1 I i v1 i r l. 'V i. 1 1 ? , V '1

evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · $k "I I.. ' v; & IS,.-4v j.'. H V $ifa 'wn" "THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 29JL HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1883. 60 0ENT88UDS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH,

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · $k "I I.. ' v; & IS,.-4v j.'. H V $ifa 'wn" "THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 29JL HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1883. 60 0ENT88UDS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH,















$ifa 'wn" "




WALTER KILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning nnd circu-lated throughout the town by carriers,mill forwaidcd to the other Islands byevery oppoitunlty.Subscription, BO cents per Month.

G. Caiisox Kenyon, Editor.All business communications to bo nd.

tlrcsscil, Mimitfrcr Daily Bulletin, PostOlllco liox No. 14. Telephone 250.

Ofllrc, .... queen Street,Opiiolto WcdV Cnrrlngo Fnctnrjr.

J. G. Ci.eviou, Manager.


Waikiki & Punahou Routes

Lino of Onmibusses.

tt gtn Boft bo 2. a .rasi S 5 - S?S 2.2 3.

" gre EH" S g" 3" "i ' ' ' - '

A.M. A.M. A-- A.M. A.M. A.M.0:80 0:50 7:107:15 7:30 7:50 8:00 8:15 8:80

10:00 10:15 10:80 10:50 11:10 11:80

r.M. r.M p.m. p.m. p.m. r.M.12:05 12:45 1:00

; 2:00 2:30 2:45 2:50 3:10 8:304:00 4:30 4:505:10 5:25 5:40 0:50 0:10 0:300:45 7:10 7:250:00 - 0:20 0:35

Siimln Time.A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.

0:30 0:45 7:00 7:10 8:00 8:100:00 ". 0:30 0:45

10:00 10:80 10:45

r.M. T.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.12:1 12:40 1:002:00 2:15 2:30 2:50 3:10 8:804:00 4:15 4:30 5:10 5:30 0:400:45 7:10 7:258:45 0:00 9:10

Palama and Kalihi RouteLeave KalihiLeave Town.

i Bridge.

0.00 A.M. 0:30 A. M.7:00 7:300:00 0:30


12:00 p.m. 12:45 r.M.2:00 2:804:00 4:805:10 5:400:30 7:000:00 0:80

Sunday Time.0.00 A.M. 0:30 a.m.0:00 0:30

10:00 10:30 C

12:15 r.M. 12:45 r.M;2:00 2:304:00 4.300:30 7:008:40 0:10

To the Ladies !


taken nnd lessons given inChenille, Silks, nnd Crewel Em-

broidery. AVork to be seen every dayfrom 10 a. in. to 2 p.m.. at 131 Foil street(next door to Dr. Biodlc). 212 3m


" It has been said with much truth,too, that house painting might, withBtudynnd acquirement of taste, resumeIt rank ns a liberal art." Painters'Manual.

Believing the above to be true, A. 13.KERR has now icorganizcd his systemof working the business in Honolulu.In the lirst pjaco he has secured the ser-vle-

of that celebrated artist, Mr. MaxKoiin, formerly of San Francisco, w ho.sework in the line of plain and decorativepapcr-h'ingln- frescoing, &e., is up tothe present time unsurpassed, and onthese Islands has never been equalled.Forhouso painting Jobs nrt-clas- s me-chanics only will be cmployul. Infuture patrons can depend upon my fill-ing every order on tho most scientificbasis known to the trade.

Tho Sign Painting nnd Lettering de-partment will bo permanently presidedover by Mr. Geo. STU.vrMfcVKit, (furthercomment unnecessary.)

P.S. Send for designs of fro.-co- s forceiling nnd cornices. Something new;nud if you want any glass put in cull ut

"Tiger "Paint Store,847 ly 78 King Street.

The IIjiAviiilunTemperanoe Year, Book,

For 1883,

THERE will be published hero in188J, a year book, an in.

terestiug and useful volume with thenbovc title, A handy book of refeienceas well as a valuable book foi the limine-hol-

It will bo especially (levoted totho temperance cause, mid will bo ofmuch uso all tho year around. Yoil willbo solicited to subscribe- - to this book,and can obtain further information bycalling upon D. M. CROWLEY,

280 Honolulu, II. I.

B5f Good uubloachcd cotton14 yards, for only 1.00, at Chus,J, Fidel's. Leading Millinery House,

B. F. EHLERS cfc Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71


Grand Holiday Gift Sale !



A handsomely painted Palette or Placque will be

presented to each purchaser to the amountof $1,. or over, during the sale of

New Holiday Goods at. A.. HfetT MELLIS',

101 Fort


A Magnificent Lot of Ladies Hats,(Fashionably trimmed),

at her

Dress Malting Establisliment, Fort St.

Merchants & Storekeepers.THE YEAR IS CLOSING I dc-sir- eAS to say that all merchants and

storekeepers will And it to their interestto patronize mc if outside help is re-quired to adjust accounts, arrange books,and general business' matters for tho nowyear.

" Commercial matters of ecryattended to.

J. E. WISEMAN,General Business Agent,

261 lm 27 Merchant street.

To llercliniitH,MASTER Mechanics, and Othcis.

vices of a llcnud reliableCollector of Bills has been engaged forthe expiration of the pic-e- nt quarterand year. All accounts sent here forcollection will receive prompt nttention.Commission moderate. Returns madedaily.

285 Cavksaoii's .


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

ing, opposite tho Bank.

Clins D. CrOlllHCll,

Practical 'v T 'ofnViinalror.

SSf Hotel Stieet, oppo-it- e the123 3m International Hotel. "55a""

D, W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

fiwsslmfSMko 9 .s

Always on hand a nice stock ofes, Clocks and Jewelrjr."ia

Itepalrlng Watehcu nnd Clockfa a Speci-alty, No. B3 Hotel Sticct. 32

Telephone, No. 240.

Artesian Ice Works


SSl1 '

ICE DELlVKHElVto nil paits of thocity and subiubs.

)rdcis fiom tho other Islands piompt-l-y

attended to.Olllce at W. E. FourK.u'fl, Saddler,

Fort street.130 Telephone-No- . 111. 2m


City. .Shipping supplied in quantitiesto milt. Ti'lephouu, No, SB. OJUce atWilder & Uu-'"- . J6

Received by every




204 FORT ST.

Itolicrt Lcwori, : y cookc.

T EWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumlmr and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

W ILDER & Co., Dpitlers mLumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of etcry kind,cor. Fort and Queen sti., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers inand all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

BROWN & PHILLIPS, PracticalQaaFitteis nnd Coppe-

rsmiths, No. 71 King St., Honolulu.J louse and rilup Job Work pionipnyexecuted. 17

tCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.anil dealer in Gcnt'H,

Ladies' and Chlldien's boots, shoes andclippers. 03

BROWN & CO., Importers nndIn Ales, AVlnes and Spiiits,

No. !) Merchant -- t., Honolulu. 12

fTrMfT.TTi.TT TnnM WORKS.ti (jSlcnin engines, sugar mills, boil.ei, coolcis; n on, lua-- s and lead nihi-ing-

macliinerv of everymade to oidci. Paiticular attention paidto ship's blaeksniithing. Job workcxe-rule- d

at slioit notice. 1

. WEST,Carriage Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express "Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


Blacksmilliing, horsc-shocin- g,

mid nil kinds of repairing done.

AVilKon Brothers,1 A:ixUl

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a specialty

A th man being specially engagedlor that work.

Ship and Wagon woik faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esphtuade, op. Hoppcr's.201

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPak Aixa," owned and

edited by Kuyuinui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,'?00 copies, nudis tljo best advertising niediuui. Of-tie- vi

No, 0 Mei'chwit tit. 1


FORT STREET.Commission Merchants. - OIHce

Geo. W. Mncfailanc. 11. K. Mncfnihutc.Q. W. MAC7AHLANE & Co. 210


File-Proo- f Building, - - G2 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I. ,

agents forThe Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, hasThe Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Ilecia Sugar Plantation, Oaliu,Iluelo Sugar Mill, Mnui, ofHuclo Suirnr Plantation, Maui.Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramw ay Woi ks, Leeds,Mlrrlccs. Watson & Go's Sugar Machln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


S. Pratt fc Co.F. Auctioneers and General TCommission Merchants,

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.Special attention given tothuSaloof

Real Estate and Poi-on- al Pioperty.Advance's made on consignments. 240

Cl.m? bprctkil". tt'm. (. Irwin."Y7" G. Irwin & Company,tt Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHackfeld & Company, No.Commission Agents, 100

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

OLEGHORN & CO.AS. Impoiteisaud Commission UMerchants, dealers in Gcneial Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumauu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

10H.A.P. drier. 1'. O. Jonio, Jr.

C BREWER & COMPANY,,. Shipping and Commission

Merchants, Queen ., Honolulu. 1 23

THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY,Imnortcrs and Commisbiou

Merchants ; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Underwriters, Biitish andForeign Ins. Company, and NorthernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & GONSALES,No. 07 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

280 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Impnrtcr and Dealer in General

Jk'i chanclise, Queen tt., Honolulu. 1

J S. GRINBAUM & CO.,!'- - Importers of General Mer-chaiidi- su

and Commission Meichants,Honolulu. 1

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.Commission Merchants, 124

California stieet, 6au Francisco,Cal. 1

HNEIIAN & O O ..J-- Importers and Commission Mcr- -chant--- , Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cnlle. J. D. Athcrtun.

C A S T L E & COO K E .Shippinir and Commlssfon Mer.

cli.mls. Importers and Dealers in Gen-eral Mciebaudise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. i

WO CHAN & Co.,Inipoitersaud General Dealers

In English. Aiueilcau and Chinese Pio-vision- s,

Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-ti.i- et

matting, all qualities nnd prices.8fflrNo. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's, 61

No Bush. Whacking HereLitViiS SA.VJ-J- "i' Pur-

chasing yourHone Equipments

Fiom W. FENNELL. J i-a-s'-i

Piaetical Mechanic, 02 King stieet.EB'Nu Peter Funk stock hcic. 209

A. O. ELL.IS,HROKEH, will buy or sell

Plantation Stock. Bonds, andOilier Maikelablc Securities,

Attheir niaiket Miluc for cash.210 Ofllce with E. P. Adams. Aucl'r.


NO. 08 Merchant Sttcet,Honolulu, II. I,

K,.,,.,.. 11. ...(., It,,,. U., 11., ..1Ull.l. l ....11(1. U, I, lllllll !.,Telephone, and other Coipoiation Slock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Boughtand Sold on Commission.

Money lo uied on Slock Securities,Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 18S2. 214

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,HoubO Furnishing Goods,

7? Chandeliers, Lumps, &o,


s.B. MANN, B. 8.,Tr.ACHKti ok DnAWiNrj.

DllAUOltTINO AND Till". SCIEXCE8.287 No. 181 Fort street. lm

SARAH 33. PEIRCE, M. D..and Children's Physician.

and lcsldencr, No. 5 School street,(between Fort nnd Em inn).

Ofllcc hours 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.1:80 to 3:30 p. in.

Telephone, No. 201.

EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

No. 2 Knkul St., comer of Fort.Telephone No. 140. 50 2m

DR. G. TROUSSEAU,begs to notlfjhis friends that ho

lcsumed practice tu Honolulu. Resi-dence, and consulting rooms, No. 73Punchbowl st., opposite the makal gate

the Queen's Hospital. Consultinghours from 0 a. in. to 12.

Telephone No. 193. 50

W. AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney ami Counsellor nt Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahumauu si., Honolulu. 209



AND NOTARY PUBLIC.Real Estate in any p.ut of the Kingdo

bought, sold nnd leased, on tcommission.

Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Diawn.

27 Mcichant st. (Gazette Block),Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Dole,Lawyer and Notary Public,

No. 15 Kaahumauu .St.

J.M DAVIDSON,Attorney nt Law. .

24 Merviinnt sticct.

27BANOI8 Mi HATCH,Attorney at Law,

15 KaahuiiMUU st.

JOHN RUSSELL,Attorney at Law,

Olllce, coiner of Foitand Merchant st.(upstairs) 115

TT7ILLIAM O SMITH,Attorney at Law,

73 No. 30 Merchant street.

IICHARD F, BIOKERTON.A. Attorney and Counsellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages or Free.holds. Ofllcc, No. 34 Merchant st. 1

Cecil Brown,ner and Counsellor at Law,

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for, theWand of O.tlui. No. 8 Kaahumauu ht.,Honolulu. i


KAAItUUAKU ST11EET.General Agent for

Tlic N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd)

'Macncalc & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Sprlnglleld.Giis MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.



NOTARY PUBLIC,Agent to take Acknowledgments to


Olllce, iuM.ikeu's Block, corner Queenand Kaahumauu Htn-Jt- M, Honolulu., 21

.J. WILLIAMS & Co; j"--

120 Foil Sheet, Honolulu,Portrait and landscape

Ilio;o'iipli.or.180 ly

WILLIAM AULD, Agent toto Con

tracts for Labor for the District of KonaIhland of Oahu, at tho olllce of the Hono-lulu Waler AVorks, foot of Nuuanu st.


JOHN A. HASSINGEK,Agent to take Acknowledgments to

Lonlracta tor Labor. Interior OfllceHouoluln.

W. C, AKANA,Chinese and Hawnilnn Trans.

later and Interpreter, "

No. 48 King slied, Honolulu.Tiaiislatinns of cither of tho above

languiigcs niadu with aecuiacy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 201)

11. BRUNS, Cooper and Gnugcr,Water Tanks of any dimensions,

Coopeiage, No. 10 Fort street,Honolulu.

Oil Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron con.221 Maully on hand and for sale, ly



P. HORN, Practical Confectidncr,Pastry Cook und Baker.1

Nv, 71 Uwtel bt. Telophono 74,



-- a






1 I


v1 i

r l.

'V i.



? ,



Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · $k "I I.. ' v; & IS,.-4v j.'. H V $ifa 'wn" "THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 29JL HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1883. 60 0ENT88UDS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH,

(-- Keaitu 1t.b






fc- -





THURSDAY, JAN. 11, 1883.


Hcgulnr Cnsh Sale, nt Salt's Room. of K. P. Adams at 10 o'clock.

Union Prayer Meeting, at Bethel,nt 11 o'clock.


Kiiulergaitoii Bible Class at 3


Band Conceit at the HawaiianHotel, nt 7:1)0.

Installation of Ollleeis at Ha-

waiian Council, No. G8!, at 7:30.Union Prayer meeting at Tort St.

. Church, at 7:;)0.

WAR.A warlike expedition is being fit--1

ted out here against a nation with

whom we arc at peace. Wo refer to

the South Sea Islanders who arc go-

ing homo in the Mana toAncmnnn. They propose to ravagethe neighboring island of Tarro with

the firearms they have bought. As

the Gilbert Islands arc under aBritish Protectorate, this is liable to

cause trouble. The Board of Im-

migration and the Foreign Ollceotifdit to sec to it.

Police court January 9.CIUMIN'AI. CAI.UXDAII.

Panacwa, Luilinii,Tviloa (S. S.Liipcna, Knihi, drunks; all

forfeited bail, 8.Kaluawaa, (hiving an express with-

out a license; remanded to 10th.Kaai, Hnilnmn, Knmnkonn, assault

and battery on Paiola. These mcicthree of thcj natives engaged in thedrunken fight on the wharf last Sat-urday night, in which Paiola had hisskull fractured. Remanded to the20th, or sooner," if moved on.

Kahuna, practising medicine with-out a license ; remanded to thcl8th.

.TAXUAKY 10.Lamai, Kilauea (S. S. Islanders),

1). Kalua, all drunk, and forfeitedhail of SO crich.

Kaluna, practising medicine with-out a license, remanded from the 0th.This was a most interesting case.The evidence showed that the ac-- ci

sed had come to a native woman'shouse and saw a child lying sick.He said the child was not very .sick,and hceould cure it. Ho adminis-tered various indigenous barks,u rootsetc., hut the child finally died. Hereceived $.') for his services. It hadheen attended by foreign doctors,one of whom gave a ccrtilicate ofdeath from dropsy. He was foundquilty and sentenced to a line of $r0with S3.10 costs the highest penaltythe law provides.

Kaluawaa, lomandcd from the 8thfor driving an express without a

A uol. pros, was entered bythe prosecution.


Wallace Jackson vs. S. K. Kaai.Action of Assumpsit for 850. Con-tinued to the 17tii.


The ftchooncr Mana will sail to-

day for Apcniana and Kotunmh,with over 120 South Sea Islanders re-

turning to their homes. CaptainKtblin will take charge of her.

The Lady Lampson is expectedto sail and .the Caibaricnabout the 15th.

The brigantinc W. G. Irwin ar-

rived yesterday morning, 15 daysfrom San Francisco. By the cour-tesy of Captain Turner wo haveheen favored with San Franciscopapers to the 25th Dec.

The brig W. II. Meyer left SanFrancisco with biipplics for SydneyIsland in September last. Site ar-

rived hero yesterday, 2-- days fromSydney Island, having finished herbusiness down there. She brought25,000 bricks as ballast. She callednt Tahiti on the way down, hut liasnothing of interest to report.

,.' The J. A Falkcnhurg brought flicmail yesterday 15 days from SanFrancisco,


The boys are returning to,'tliclrHchool duties rapidly ntthc RoyalSchool. No less than 350, out of apossible 100, were present yesterday.

.Tho Band vill play at the Hotel

this evening, in honor of the GermanConsul for Samoa. Carriages aic re-

quested not to enter the Hotel pro-

mises from Hotel street,

Wc aro informed, in regard to ouv

statement of there being unusuallylow.tidea lately, that at the now andfull moon in January it is always so.Further information can he obtainedfrom tho Hawaiian Annual of: 18(5,in the article oi Tides. . i

Is yesterday's! issue, by an cirorof the proof-reade- r, our Kohala cor-

respondent is made to say mtpifi-kin- o

is the correct Hawaiian termfor blood connection. This is notwhat was written to us. The wordshould have rend pilikofco, but ourproof-reader-'s ignorance of Hawaii-

an must hold us excusable this time.

Tin: lower end of Maunakcastreet, from King down, to tho Fish

M.ukcl, has, for sonic time, beennothing hut a succession of mud-hole- s,

and in rainy days these wcicfilled with water, making almost im-

passable to pedestrians and disagree-

able to carriage occupants. Sonicgood Samaritan has now filled thisup, for which wc thank him.

Yesterday a case was decided in

the Supreme C6urt in which two S.S. Islanders, named Ti Tua and To-an- a,

applied to have their child.Kanarawa, returned to them fromthe custody of Kcaloha and Maka-nu- i,

to whom they had given hersome years ago. As the girl wits 12

years of age, the Court' decided toallow her her choice, and 8hc pic-ferr-

to stay with her foster-mothe- r.

Correspondence.Coucspondcnco is solicited nn the top-

ics of the day, or what may becomeWo leservo the light to excise pine-l-peisonnl matte.

"Wc do not hold ourselves responsiblefor the opinions e.picssed by our correspondents. En.

EniTOit Bulletin : I read yourpaper very often and find you makeremarks about hack-drive- is over-

charging their customers, which yousay is against the rules. You saythe rules ought to be carried out.That is all very well. But these rulesarc all one-side- d. It says in themwell enough how the public is to beprotected from the hack-driver- s, butit don't say how the hack-drive- rs

arc to be protected from those ofthe public who try to cheat them. Idrive about all day and cven'slnj; upall night for the convenience of thepublic who grumble so much at pay-

ing: and even then I 'don't, alwaysget my money. ' A man will jump 'inand drive round with mc where hewants to go. When he is throughhe says, "iWi no money now:come on Saturday." I have to goafter him then to get my 11101103'. Sothat when I charge him 011I3' whatthe law allows mc I do double woikfor it taking ihim round land goingfor the 11101103'. Only last week aman hailed me. He jumped in androde round for two hours and more.Then he said, "I haven't got anymoney nt all l' and I have never got,any money from him, and 'nevershall, I suppose. The rules preventmo from cheating the public, butthey don't prevent the public, fromcheating mc. I think that rule 3

ought to be made to do justice toHack-diiivkii- b.

Late foreign news.Panama. Dec. 2L President Zal-du- a

of tho United States of Colombiadied at Baga on the 22d instant, andthe Vice-Preside- nt has issumed thepresidenc3'.

Pauls,' Dec. 21. Do Lossopsannounces a scheme for the creationof nn island sea hi' Africa, to beprosecuted by private enterprise.

Nkw Yoiik, Dec. 21. The Sun'sLondon cablegram says: The newplans for the Channel Tunnel havebeen issued, and arc said to meetwith the approval of the militarycritics. They bring the entranceand approach to the tunnel threemiles inland, within range of thedefences of (lie Dover gariixm.

Li Hung Chang continues to pushforward tho reorganization of thuChinese navy, and lias ordered additional torpedo noats from Germany.Great ojunntilies of small arms havobcci) purchased for tho army and aconsiderable quantity has been ed

on behalf of tho Corcau Gov-

ernment.London, Dec. 2.'). The TimcJ

Paris dispatch says: England in-

tends sending a note to the PowerscNplaiuing what she proposes doingfor the of Egypt.England hari decided to send thenote, because it was evident tlpitDiiclcro, President of the FrenchCouncil, influenced by considera-tions connected with tho mainten-ance of his position, would nototherwise either eonus to an agree-ment with England or break off ne-

gotiations. The correspondent says11 majority of tho would, be

ttit jk

''willing to nssent to a British prolec- -

lumiu uvur ivjiypt.Loudon, Dec. 21. The Lnngtiy-Labouchc- rc

quarrel attracts muchattention from Knglish society pa-pers. Vanity lti' enters intoelaborate details, describing thequarrel at great length, and intio-ducc- s

young Gcbhardt to the noticeof the British public in anything buta complimentary maimer. The pa-

pers, as a rule, treat Mrs. Langtryvery eliaiitably, but sonic of herillustiious friends in London havetaken up the cudgels so vigorouslyfor lief in private circles that there1will be windows broken before all isover.

London, Hoc. 21 Michael Dav-it- l,

in his speech at "Wolverhamptonlast evening, Minimcd up tho prcscilt.condition of Ireland as one of fam-ine, discontent and caTcion. Heconsidered the prevailing distress tobe owing to the unjust system of theland lrws, rack-re- nt and-th- dis-

couragement of ovcry form ofrtradc.He thought the lumcdj' consisted inturning a great pait of the grasslands into cultivation and the intro-duction of, a sy&leni of loans to the

'oppressed teiiants, in order tb enablethcni to tide over the coming Winter.

Nmv'Youk, Dec 21 The Siiii'HLondon cable says: Even rewardsof $25,000 seem to be of littleweight in Ireland in the, detection ofmurderers. It has always been anarticle of Irish faith that blood11101103' entails a curse from which'there is no escape, and informers arclearning that the globe has no hid-

ing place for them. News is justreceived fiom Australia that Lant3Mori ill, whom the Government sentout tin cc years ago, after he hadgiven evidence in the case of themurder of a Justice of the Peace atCastlcreagh, has been taken care ofthere b3 a secret socict3'. He wasshot jlcad while crossing a farm.Nothing has conic so far of thePhoenix Park or other rewards

offered in Dublin.Sukz, Deo. 23 Ali Showyer, who

shot Professor Palmer, has beencaught.

Auction Sales by E. P. Adams

This Day, Thursday,,1 Jimuniy lltli,

At 10 a. in. at S:dcs Room,

Regular Oasli Sale- I M I It . OK

ll tDry Good, Clothing, i

Underwear, llo-iur-

Line of Fresh Groceries.ALso- -

Sacks Potatoes, Sacks Sugar,T-o-

t ofITiiiiiil 1110.Ji. P. Av)'h, Auctioneer

Wanted.or two NURSE MAIDS forONE children, and for nssjst-nnc- c

in the household. Apply to No. ;j

School Street. 2i)!l .1

Wiui tedjAT 0. "West's Cnrii-iKL- ' Fnelorv, No.

70 Queen Mrcel, GoodHIBLP.EUS In the tiinmiiii'' shop. Good wagesSill Iw O. "WEST.

WtllltlMl,A SITUATION as Tutor and Hook-- J

keeper, good lefureaees. English,KiPiich, L.itin and Mathematics. Ad.dicss Hook-keepe- Bulletin Office.

',!)! :it

For Null-- ,

ONE COLT GUN. togetherniv favorite npoi tiny dog

"NANCY." Enquire of2112 lw I). "W.CLA1?1C.

!Voio., GENTLEMAN and LADY, aboutp! io luivcl, desiic a suitable, female

companion to accompany Ilium and takecaiu of their children. A pcimiineatposition will he olfeied to the light pel-so-

with agieeable coinfoits, &e.Addies or apply to J E. WISEMAN,

G facial lliisiucss Agunt, No. !27 .Me-rchant stieel. a:) lw

SpooinlInstallation of Ollicers.


Legion of Honor, Millmeet on TlmiMlav Evenintr, at 7:!!0o'clock, in Kniiclus of Pythias' Hall.Campbell' llloc.k, Eoft street. A fulliittHudiiucu is requested.101 "W..T. Lownn:, See

Thq Hotel Street MarketIb.now in a position to supply their cuy- mcibwith

, .. Prime Mutton, Veal,juid'ovcrytlilng in the meal line.SejulJu your outers. Prompt VI ell very,291 CAVn.vAHii Si Co.

Notice. ,

ALL billt. up to January 7, 188;), areparabiont Cavcuugh ilgcncy.

E. G. WALLKH.203 Lnlo projulelor rlolfl ainrkct.

Xotitv.rpHE Annual Meeting of the Ivapio.X lani Pink AsMiohttloa will bo heldat thu armory, In this oily, on Mondayevening, January 1,1th, Ibrtil, at 7 p.111,

A full attendance is requested.H. MAOFAHLANE,

283" '".ecvK'taiyK.V.A. 1


9"" '311 TF,lVWr

M- -


Heservc.this epaco for iiiiiiounccaicut9 of

NEW GOODSof which they have huge invoice's to arrive.

NovoltioB iu all Linos of Agricultural Implements,

LunmcATixa oils.

,y KerosmerOil, of the bestjiualitylb'r.iaudlyatso.-- .

1 fi - . n

f t V






Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Sandals, Ties, &c.Al.FO

THE FINEST SELECTION OP GENTS' SCARFS,One in a box, all ofwhich aro

Eminently Suitable for the Present Season,277 A. W. KICIIAUDSON & CO.

A Card to the Public.

ACEKTAIN Htntenienl cinanatlnjJ. Fhhel, in his

in one of our native papers,has appeared in pcveial issues of late,wherein he basely uses, my name, settingforth to the public that he can under-bel- l

111c, and fcolicithiK patronage in thisainninr, bchcminir way. I deiro to

"warn the public of his baseness and toconvince all that my goods aic alwaysiiini ked down to heu roek'priccs; and Icaimol be undersold by bnid Eishel,besides my goods aie always fresh andnew. "llespectfally,

A. M. MELL1S, Proprietor,Honolulu Clothing Emporium, .

288 lw 104,Fort Street.

Xoticc of lisHoliition.lieretofoieTHE between Bruce Curtwriiht, "W.

S.'Lucc and A. "W. Uusii, under the llrmmime or;stylc Of 'the Union Feed Co., isthis day dissolved. j

BRUCE CART WRIGHTDated Honolulu, Januaiy 8, 1883.

CARD.rpiIE paitnciship heietoforc existingX between the said parties abovementioned was not dissolved on the 28thday of December, 1882. The under-signed has not purchased the intcicM.ofW. S. Luce and A. "W. Bush, and ha notassumed all the linliililics of said linn.

BRUCE CARTWRIG1IT.Dated Honolulu, Jan. 8, 1883. 2!)2 lm

Notice oi'DlHMoliitioii.rpiIE Union Feed Company, lomnoscdJL of Biuce Cirtwiight, V. S. Luce,and A. "W. BuIi, was dissolved on the28lh day of December, 1882, Biuce Cart-- ,

,wright;purchi)sing the entiio interest ofW. S. Luce and A. Wi Bush, who fiomthe 28th December, 1882, ceased to hepailners in the said Union Feed Comp-any. Bruce Cai Iwright, the purchaser,assuming all liablliticttof said Companyprior 10 nine ui iiissuimiim iiietcui.

V. K. LUCE.201 lm A. VT. BUSH.

Not ice.J HAVE thibdnysohl to Cavenagh fc

" Co. the business of the Hotel StreetMarkcl,taud have much pleasmc iu re.commending the hew firm to the faVor-abl- e

notice of inv former patrons.E. G. "WALLER.

Honolulu, January 8? 1883.

Having purchased the goodwill of thoHotel Street .Market, wo arc now pre-pared to Riipply old customers and nowunes'with the best quality of Beef, Mut-ton Pork; Veal, Poultry and Eggs atmarket prices.

Shipping supplied with live stock.CAVENAGH & Co,

Honolulu, January 8, 1883. 202

CorPni-tucrtthij- Aotlce.npiIE undersigned beg' leave to notifyJL tho public- that they have this dayenleied into a eo.puitacr.ship to carry 011

a Livery and Cirilagu Exmcss businessat the --well known stand, tho" FashionStabler. The llrm name to be known asSullivan, Buckley it Co.


Honolulu, Dco. It), 1883 201 lw

.xotiw.'"I'MIE undersigned beg le.ivo lo notify.JL the jiublio that Mr. II. J. Aguowis no Ion 'r(!i' connected with the FilshliinStKblcs, Honolulu, and therefore theywill not ho responsible for any contractsmade by him after this date.

SULLIVAN, BUCKLEY & Co.Honolulu, Dec. 11), 1683. . 2111 lw

9w Kotlee. '"rpHE undersigned bogs to notify thoX public tliat lift is no longer comnected with the Fashion BtahiHif thiscity, and lljcrcfoio I11 not bu responsi.bbi for any debts contracted after thisdate. '

Hi J. AGNEW.'UpuQlulu, Dec-- It), 1883. JB8 lw

ffdk , . sfh .""

, ii

!l s'Hif--

Determined to Undersell !


NOTWITHSTANDING tll0 impu.miilieious no-tic- c

published in your paper by A.M.Mellis, rcganlhi his personal attack onme and his ability to sell'his goods atbed rock prices, niubothcr siiullar fnbri.cation matter. I would simply say thathis tirade by this method to deceive thopublic has lung since been fully.plnyedout, and .cy.cn, the ,'nativc clement "hasbeen too often deceived by over-charge-

and goods palmed oil on 'them cntiielyaverse to what he leprcsented them tbbe.

Compnrc for one moment my large,varied and splendid stock in my fancyand dry goods dcpaitmenls, with theminiature assortment of said Mollis.Since I dissolved partnership with A.M.Mellis some two years ago, I have en.larged my place of Imsinessfour timesthe si.e it was then: and my stock iseven now too large to accommodate thostore. Is it any wonder that I undersellhim? It is not the slightest difficulty forme to sellmy goods in any departmentfrom 25 to CO per cent. lower than him,and I have Jacts to prove this assertion,all of which Mellis is as fully aware ofas the public; lint liko some others ofhis nature when difllcultv arise; tradefalling oil", Ac., he risks' his last chanceby publishing a sickly card to misleadtlic'public. The actual drawback to A.M. Mellis is his imacuuaintanec withthe Eastern and English wholesalemanufactuicrs, which sets him at sea,buying, us he dotes, indirectly, payinghigh prices,, and because he cannot com.pcto with mc, owing lo his purchasesbeing made through commission' agon,cies. It would be simply ridiculotu, forme lo compare my choice, d

and varied Mock, importing, as I do,largely fiom direct manufacturingjiimi-u-- i uiiiu.iii, wmi me lew lines 01 as.soitmeut of A. M. Mellis. If one-Thir- d

of my stock of diy or fancy goods wasplaced in A. M. Mollis' small store,tbcrowould not be sufficient 100111 left to evenhang, the portrait of said A.-- Mellis.I would advise Mr. Mellis, to start. out inthe now year with fair dealing andhonest representations, and apply him.self to his business instead of falsifyingids neighbor and making indescrctciassci t ion, which accusations eventuallywill terminate sadly against him, To bojealous as A. M. Mellis has so cwi'picuously shown himself to be by his card,because my d prices nnclgoods are drawing off his small trade, isa sad omen indeed to Mr,.Mcllis; but Ifho cannot compete with 1110 in goods andlow piices he must sink into oblivion,as time and tide waits for no man Inthese enlightened days.

BeHovlng from the kind patronage be.btowed on 1110 that the public fully relyon my woid that I can undersell A, "fit.

Mellis, that I always havo and alwayawill. I remain, very respectfully,

CHAS. J. tflSIIEL,Proptletor Leading Millinery House,200 Cor. Fort and Hotyl Ms, lw

Notice.ALL parties indebted lo D. W. Clnrk

requested to nettle the same onorbof(ip,t;ljolU'.U,Ii)stnnt;l ami-ni- l par.ties having bjlls against the same aicrequested to present the samo withoutdelay. ,

PaitlcVMihving clocks, watches andjowuliylnl, my sloio,, for rcpujrs willlilciAAiSirfortho saiiio al onceVas I in.t 41 till Sill Itt 11 . tit,. I.rill rmA n... ll -.'"" '"'"ic iiiu jvmgiiuiii mi, iiic-joi- n

instant.g0 lw D. W. CLARK,

KEB" ToiIc "Q3

ALL DEBTS duo to the undersignedho paid on or before the 31st

January, otherwise they will bo placediu tho hands of a collector.g 9' OAPT. MAROHANT.

' r"(

A CARPET BAG, left about a 'foil,night ago iu a sliop neiir'FOrt st,,

.in Hotel or King btrvyts. .Address A.B..

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · $k "I I.. ' v; & IS,.-4v j.'. H V $ifa 'wn" "THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 29JL HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1883. 60 0ENT88UDS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH,





wsTELEPHONIC. . ,$rjf

Dlmoiul ltcnd, Jim. 11, 0:30 n.mCalm In the channel. r

Schr Julia off Dlmoiul Head.


llgtrio W G Irwin from Sflti PrnnHgtnc W II Meyer fioin Sydney IsBktno J A Fnlkinbeig from S. F.' Jnn 11

Schr Knuluohi from Iloiiolnlii


Hchr Emma for WninnnoSchr Milu Morris, for Moloksd

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYNtmr Jns Mnkec for KntiniSchr Muun for G illicit TslntulJSulir Cnloiinn for lluunlel

'SohrI.eahi for KoholalelcSchr Kanln-fo- r KonlnuSchr Pohoikl. for Punu

PASSENGERS.Fronitlvauni, per Jas Makcc, Jan,

10 C. JJL'itcdtnb, ?vifc ami family,Miss and Master Kodgcrs, ntul 00others.

From San Francisco, per "V. II.Meycr,Dee. 10 Clins Solomon.

From San Francisco, 'peivW. G.Irwin, Dec. 10 Clins Flint, WMcallister, M Grossman, S PSimonds, Miss N Tregloan, D Mc-Isaac,-

"y Arnold."lFrdm San 'Francisco,' per J. A.'

'Fnlkeftlhirg, 10 M Giecn-woo- d,

J D Fine..

VESSELS IN POrtT.Bark Cab.iricn .

Bark Limy Lampoon, M.iibloull.nv bark Knltikiiua, MillerBgtnc W H Mover, Ho.wuBgtno W O li win, TinnerBktnc Jnnc A F.ilKinbeigAm term Eva,Jlavvbilg-Nlnito- , CnnicionAm ship Hope,

VESSELS EXPECTED.Ulg Nuuic From DuoBtmr City of .N. York fm Sydney, Jan 15Stmr Suez! from S. F. Jan 17Slmr Australia fioni S. F. Jan 21Br bk'Ullock fm L'iveipool, DecBr shit) Ambassador, fin Newcastle ,

"Bfirinrorh Lee; fm Newcastle, DecBk C It Bishop, f torn Hicnieii, F-- 10Bk Janet Couit, fm Livcipool, MnichBk-Ab- Ainnu fm Glasgow,, ' ' DieAm'bk'AmV Turner from Boslon, Jan 28Am bktnc Elinor Vernon, fmN.Y. Mb 15Haw schr Julia, fni S S Island, Due

.t'Atri bktno Amelia, fm Pt Blakelcy, DueGr bk Canopus fin Bremen, Feb 7Br s s C T Hook fin Hongkong, DueAm tern M E Smith fm Pt Gamble, Ja SO

- Aimbk Emerald fm Pt Gamble, Ja 30' q

jfe, Steamer Likelike,King, Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahnina, Maa-laei- v

Bay; Makona, .Mahultona, K- -'

nvvuihne, Laupahoehoo and Hllo.Returning, will touch at all tha

, alove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

the .Hawaiian, almanac & annual,ITOXS. 18H3,

IS now ready and for Kile at the vari.'ous Book-stor- in miv U.intity by.

T. G. THRUM,28S lOt Publisher.

l.i AHENTIONOWNEltS who are

ofin possession of

and wiih to disposo of them, me lesiiect-full- y

requested to communicate, eitherpereoniillv or hv letter, to

L HOBN,IPioneerSteim Candy Facloiy fc Bakery238 Hotel Slieet, Honolulu. lm

j. .,

i Dea,th to Hen Lice.jXlSo 3Xcrtieiitecli IVewt Ecrp-- 'j . (Pntentccd)

" fTl.nDAl17lvrTd urn Itiil IsnonLfililn in llinBUKccsHful.urccding.Of poultry

1'iinteil (liieetlons now to use litemfurnished to each purchaser.

Try thcriii und'so prove their viitue.

j' " 'For Htllo,. FRESH consignment of Prime

Kdomcstic Turkeys.)SZ.ZT1 - 0.vvfcSAm'B Aor.xcr.

' For Snle,One open lop Buggy ingood order. (2 bents ;

Cheat! for cash.2!io CAviiy.voii'a Atinxov.

' , FuniiMUod JtooniH,SUITES and SINOLU, in desliabloIN locality, Hiiitablo for private family,


mjY0t,FFICK8,T0 IFfT, on the sec-J(;o-

floor of the building occupiedpy'J. AV; llobortson . Co" lap

I'tii'iiiNhcri ICooiiih,KING STREET, to )ct, C minutesON from Post Office.


NION FEl'.D COMPANY, A. W.BuiHt, Afunagcf. Sud ndvertise- -

incnt on other 'page. 28

Translations'ITIKQM llawalian to,Eiijllhh, and viceJ? YorAif. 'Tonus model ate.

CAVENAGH'S AGF.NCY,201 . J,.. ,. 88 King bti eel.

llHcful Chiiictfc JtoyNift- - 9 PEit MONTH,

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.THE A 1n

ctsswsaaK iron, oiuumur ouuz,' COMM.NIi:itDOM), -

Will Icavo Honolulu


For freight or , having supciloraccomodations, apply tol'--'l W.m. Q. Invvix & Co., Agents.

JTirij .PACIFIC MAIL Steam-;K?te3- a;


'The Splendid SteamshipCity of New York,

Cobb, - commander,Will leave Honolulu for S.in Francisco

on or about .Inn. 15.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

Australia,' Cargill, Commander,

On or about Jan. 21,

For fi eight or passage apply to theuhdemigued agents,

We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $135,the Round Trip.

II. H ckvj:m fc Co.


Tlio clipper harkLady Lampson,

Marston, ... Master.Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

C. Biicwr.it & Co., Agents.



.sSsIs- - 1,,M' nm cllPPcr barkCabarien,

Hubbard, ... Master,Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For freight or passage apply to

t'Asn.i: & Cookk, Agents


aaSESSazT' Alio ciqipei' uari:Kalakaua,.(- -

sillier, - - - master,Wlllhavc quick dispatch for theabovopoit; For ficight or passage'apply-t- o

I A. Suuvr.Ki'.K & Co., AgenN.


Tlie clipper hgtne

W. H, Meyer,Howe, - - - - Master,

Will have quick dip:iteh forthe abovepoit. For frclgiit or passage apply to

C. Buewku & Co., Agent's.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers'irWryangaa

The Iwalani,jj.vti.s Commaiufcr,

Hun rcgulaily to Komi and Kan, asper following timetable:

Li:.vvj:s Honolulu at i r.sr. oxTuesday, Jan 0 Tuesday, Feb 20Friday, Jnn It) Friday, March 2TuomI'.iv, Jan 30 Tuesday, Much 13Friday, Feb 0 Friday, Maich 23

Ai:imvj:s at Honolulu:Wednesdny, Ja 17 Wednesday, Fe 23Satin dav, Ja 27 Satuiday, Jla 10Wednes'dny, Fo 7 Wednesday, Ma 21Saturday, Fe 17 Satuiday, Ma 31

The C. R. Bishop,'c.vsiKitoxj Coinmandcr,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondnvat 5 p.m., for Nawilhv ill, Kolo.i, Eleele,iwid AVaimea, Kaiiul. Hetiiining, leavesNavviliwili every Fiiday evening.

The James Makee,mcuoxald Commander,

Leaves Honolulueveiy Thurhday, at 5 p.m. for Kapaa rindKilniiea. lietuiniug leaves Kapaaeveiy Tuesday evening.


w Schooner Ehukaiwill i mi legiihnly

TO' WAIALUA HV13HY MONDAY,Itcturniiig on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight pr passage apply to the

Captaiu on bomd, or to181 A. F. Cookk, Agent.

Sohoouer Ml " Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVERY TUF.S-DA-


Returning Satin days.For freight or parage, having supuiiorcabin accommodations, apply to' 151 Mackaiiuv.m:&Co.

EST Eveiy ladv should sno the NewPlUleius vvhlel --'llts' Mkm.ih Iiiih Justleceivcd dlicct from I'm is. 20


Oflloo, corner Niiuiinuand Qucvn streets," Honolulu, lL I.,

Agent for the following Packets;Waiielo, ,& Waioll,Wniehu, J&hf Waimalu,Malolo, iMmJ Knliuia,Maua, SK Julia',

t , , vKa,Moi, i.' '

Bed Flag, with White Ball.I 101


C. BREWER & CoOffer to the public a lino of

Impelled fiom tltcEnst,and lunnufartuicd by celebinlcd mnkeis

opiessly for this niaikct.

Very Stylish Cut-TJnd- er

Canynll, niade by Mcstis. Kimball &Bio., Boston.

BASKET PJIBTONSVcivncat and stylish, fiom Kimball &

'Bios, and W. P Sargent & Co's.

1 Beach Wagon, Brovvnell's make.Democrats Wagon.Side Spring Trotting Buggy.

All the above will bo sold low.

Pailicsdesiilngtopuichnsc will do welllo call and euunino our Mock beforepuichaslng elsewhere.2IU lm 0. BREWER & Co- -

Real Estate BureauOWNERS of Real Estate will always

to their advantage to'placctheir houses and lands in my eaie fordisposal, as I am the only acknowledgedReal Estate Bicker on the Islands,

Agents nndPlauteis, and all other em-ployers of mechanic and laboicis willdo vvcll to notify me when vacancies oc-

cur.Leases, deeds, bonds, mortgages, nnil

all other legal pnqcrs drawn In pi op orfoi m.

Ilillx Collected;Books and accounts kepi,

Custom entries,Letters and Engrossing done,

and jjcncial business office work , ofevery dcsciiption attended to and'alvvayson the most reasonable terms.

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,Oflice 27 Mcichant Street, Honolulu

rcephone 172. P O. Box, 315

Kit "2



Company,v '

WARE-ROOM- Nos. 50 and 58




FURNITUREIn the Kingdom,

which will be

Sold at the Lowest Rates,




Made to oidcr at shoil notice,i


. .i' E. P. ADAMS,


A. S. CLEGHORN & Co,Have leceivcd a'laige assoitincnlof

Boots & Shoesto suit all classes of purohnscm, 181

A. Now JuL oiColonial Candies

Just Received nt

245 A. K. Clc'Klloiii A C'o'h.

To JUt,LARGE Uiifurnlhhed lioonts. ltvp2 niiuutes vvnlU from Post Offlco," "

a7U .' Cavknaou'k Aokov.




pl '

SLadies' nntl Cent's

Gold and Silver Watches

Jusl to lintul.

Every Watch warranted asrepicscnlcd.

lHlSIST0CERnrfthtKwpa5CasflflBpciflhriJMirtHa - -

bmnamWSkrUnahTTon1oooXtnfly'Vv UJ. MINT ASSAY.

Facsimile ot bilvcr Ctibc.



Actual weight.,of Goldi


J il


Honolulu Undertaking Association.GEO. F. WELLS, Manager ; EDWARD LYCAN, Funeral Director.

Telephone and Night Alarm, Xo. 'JUt ; Oflice in iciir of Welts,' MifHc Stoic.

"TXTE would lespcctfully call your attention to our SUPERIOR FACILITIESTT for doing everything ill oui line. rp JW.

An Elegant and Expensive H eraseHas been impoilcd diiecl fiom Jevv Yoik. Our.EmhtilmingiUHlis in tlie hands of a letiied Physiehin of l.ngo cxpcrlenre; WHo will1 give Ids bestcfoits to this Scientific branch of tlie business. Evciytliini; that money couldbuy; everything that practical nnd ssientitic knowledge could suggest, has beecarefully considered.

We are Now Koatly, and our Chavgc8,will be Moderate.


Coiner of Foil and

!- - !






GOM. Mclncmy,

Aijant for this Kingdom.X. U. Duwaio of

as 1 have-- discoveredscvcinl silver watelies licnr-in- g

tlie nnme of " WnltltamWatclics," whtcliarc of SwissManufactutc, and arc sold aagenuine Walthnm witches.

r.tilr 'stt.ittCJ s lllllllMIIMI

ri,i- - uitiiiuilll

$3glmnta ultffffrtifir'thil. T ... Uio acccuTmamini..!VTitP'CMLUinpciLnunnurtRADC mark. x in fuiiiramcruVIO K UNITED STATES MINT ASSAYS

Mt (TttcMKitr jr.Zr

(315) Facsimile of Gold Cnso3

vi. - ww inip m.M

; . y



Mcichniit StrcelH,

t To-D- ay I

bo pioHintly.jggmti IMercliimt Street, Cut

riiumiiijVK, XlacN, KobeK, Shroudsi,And appeitaiiiing to tho hiishu'si, constantly on hand. r

Fiinii 7 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Telephone, 1?J. Night Ahum 291'.

-- AT-

BROGLIE, SPEAR & CO'S;, .' ' '

75 FORT STREET.X-ilei-

al ctisoomifc to tlie ti,le.

OF TltU ,w



To-D- ay



With an Enllic New Stock of;

, . , Gents', Youth's and Boy's Clothing-- ,

And a gencial iissoitmciit of FurnWiing Good, just received u sleanier Zealaudu,JO more cne to arrive per Sue, a ml City ol'Svilney.

Remember, the p;h.ci plainly marked on each tutlclo, fioni which 1

no deviiitiou. To piuchabciH lo the aiiiount of $5, in over, '. per f,picent discount. (0 ii00k accounts kept,)

Wtoro open iVoin O u.iii. ttiH i,m. Haliii'iluy uvonlnw, tino'S. W. LE0EBER, Managor. (3B3) J. L. ROSENBERG.

J. M OAT, Jr., & CO.&tsitioiici'i3 sxiiil Novw XolorK,

Have Just Received, e. Huu, "C'AHI.VKT 1MIOTO AMtllMK, Al'TtHJIIAMI 1IOOUN,

1'jto.WKx.vin: ii.nJt, iDhhi:h, iMit:it, kxvki.oikh, ...

Base Balls and Bats Diaries for 1883Now ih tho tlmo to httlHCi Iho fijr ewrp.ipcis and l'eiiodculn for lVu',' '7l,i

CsTAll oidi--

m Qazcltv Block, fo,tllleil




Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · $k "I I.. ' v; & IS,.-4v j.'. H V $ifa 'wn" "THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 29JL HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1883. 60 0ENT88UDS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH,


Jjf-jp- s

Established 18o0


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.; PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder-s,

Nob. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment In the Kingdom.

Keep constantly hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of nil descriptions;

, Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cup,Journal and Tiial Balance Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones.

Mucilage in all sizes, especially adapted to this climate;Drawing Paper and Pencils,

i, Tinclng Paper and Cloth,Transit Books, Field and Level Books, adapted for the uo

" " " of Surveyors and Engineers;h x, Memorandum and Pass Books,f) Silver and Perforated Card Board,, , , Shipping Tans, Shinning Receipt Books and Pads,

Note, and Receipt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to befound in a well kept stock

MUSIC!We made such arrangements our Music Agents as will enable us

hereafter to keep on hand n full and also to receive the latest pieces nsthey are published. Any special older will receive our best and prompt alien-tio-



Watchmaker and Manufactur-ing

Nos. 113 and 115 Port Street, Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock' of Solid

Elegant Gold andSilTcr-Plate- d Ware, &c., &c.

ff WFggggGO TO

The Beaver SaloonKOIl

Christmas GiftsFor Smokers. Look at this list :

Tobacco and Cigars finest hransdTob.icco pouches and boxesMatch boxesU. B. D. briar loot pipes

'Mccrsehauin pipes,Cigar and Cigarette HoldersPipe stems from 2 to 24 inches longAmber mnutli.picocs"Wood cigar and cigarette holders

All these are qnitc'iiew and f the finestbrands.27)5 II. J. NOLTE.

ADDITIONS to our formerGREAT c Suez, Ivalakuua, and Cityof Sydney ,'of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores;Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flux canvas, llax sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, oars 8 to 21 ft;Bales of oakum,hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, hiiatch blocks, row-lock-

Iron stiap blocks, mast beads, shieves,Mctalincand patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal l;u, tar oil,Bright and black viiuiKhcs, w iic riggingMarline, seizing houscline, ratlin,Hpuiiyarn, caulking iron- -, copper tacks,lion tacks, connecting links,Mailin spikes, caulking mallets, '

Mast hoops, hand spikes, pitch mops,Tar brushes, &c.Paints and Paint a full assortment

of nil kinds and colors;Pacific Rubber Paint, a "new lot, includ.

all the various colors;Brushes Paint, varnish, pencil, while- -

wash, paste, artist, shoe, scrub, andsash a good Assortment of each ;

Axes and hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s the Rcgu-- .

, lution article.Groceries and Provisions.A. full assortment of flno groceries, in.

eluding sonic choice varieties ofcanned goods!

Table pie fruits, jams and jellies, n newarticle, put up by a new firm, andwo can highly recommend them asbeing something really nice;

A new lot of Teas, lneludlug some siipcrlor Japan varieties;

Sugur Rcllncd and raw;Jlams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curried fowl, curried oysters,Plum pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits mackeiel, kits tongues and sounds,Codfish, cheese, 0.foid in tinsRaisins, in )i, 4 and H boxes;Raisins, in tins; cm units in 4 & 71b tinsPickles, In 1 gal., J- - gal., ts, & 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, veiniicclll,Slacaioul, dried apples, prunes, plums,

peaches and pears.FLOUR AND BREAD.

Goldeji Galo extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Graham, oat and corn mealMedium breud, nssoitcd crackers,Ginger snaps, tufty, saloon pilot bread,Hoda biscuits, ricu and coflco,AVhalo and sperm oil,(Sperm candles, 4s and Os.

All of above will be sold at the, Jr, 'JJest Market Hates,

Buyers are most l fully invited locull and examine our stock.


tV fclTj !


- vw" "iw(G? fw?tPS" .4'iy,' ?;y " "



. i


have with

; :



sausagu, j



t t !' I



Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silqcr Watches.


TO LET a Cottage, contains(nig 1 (ooins, with staining anaievcrv convenience, situated on

the Plains, one mile frpm town. Arte-sian wcll'wntcr. For particulars applyto A. FERNANDEZ,200 lm at E. O. Hall & Son's.

(xcovgc Cnvenngli,XPERT ACCOUNTANT. Intricate17 and complicated accounts adjusted.

Illuminated writing,Engrossing, &., &c,

done lo order. Will prepaie Deeds,Leases, and Moitgagcs, hi legal form.

Book-keepin- g in cvcij form,Bills Collected. Making up mechanics1

accounts and books a specialty.2!)!) Agency, 88 King St., Honolulu.


Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers," Clnrillers,

Fire Clay,Hemp Packing, with or without India

Rubber,Babbit Metal,

Barbed Fence Wire,Mining Steels,

Hoes, Tlckaxcs,Cauo Knives, with or without hooks,

Hand and Smith Hammers,Shovels, Axes,

Jackscrews. Vices,Stcam.pipe Brushes,

Patent Steam.plpc Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails,Sugar and Coal Bags,

Twine, &c, &c. -

For sale by

II. HACKFKLD & Co.Oct. 10th

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MilliGrlnds from S to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodorder; can bo run by steani or horeopower, just the artielo for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, AYliolc and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


Water Notice.Olllco Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July:), 1882.

ALL persons jmvlug Water Privilegesnotified dial their Water Rates

aiu payable In advance,at tliu olllco of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Niiuanu street,upon the 1st dav of January and July ofeach year, OHAS.B. WILSON,

Sup't Water Works.S. vKaai, MJujttw tf-nt?j- 201

VBQyEx Zoulittulin, Gouts fineTwccd'Suits, iitClins. .T. FishcPs.

DQk. Gents' Silk Suspenders (some,thing now) will bo sold during the Hull,dav's at the Honolulu Clothing Enipoil.urn of A. M. Mr.t.us, 101 Foil Street. 271

B6T4000 yards of Qncclico all woolflannel, from 25 cts. up, nt Chos. J.Fislicl's Lending MillneryHousc.

EST Wanted a suite of rooms, withboaid, In a private family, for lady andgentleman, in a respectable neighbor-hood. Address J. E. Wiseman, RealEstate Biokcr. 283 lw

BSrPlain Sntecns nil colors, ntClias. J. Fislicl's Lending MillineryHouse. 235

BIT A tine selection of Ladles' SatinCorsets can be had at the HonoluluClothing Emporium of A. M. Mkm.is,101 Foil Street. 271

OST'While open front shirts, ntClitis. J. Fislicl's Leading MillineryHouse.

EST The largest selection of Ladles'Flchucs and Collaiettes of the latestPatterns are to be had at the HonoluluClothing Emporium of A. M. Mixt.is,101 Fort Street 271

Just Received, those Dosirable

HELMET HATSThe most, suitable hats for this

climate. For solo by275 A. 8. Clcgliom & Co,

LOUIS ADLER,13 Nuuanu street,

IIiih .Tiisst ReceivedEx stmr " Suez,"

A large invoice of all the latest styles of

BOOTS L- - SHOESincluding n line assortment from the

well known manufacturers, Buck-ingham & Hecket, who have no

equal on the Pacilic Coast.

GENTS FINE CALFCongress, Button and Buckle Shoes.

Ladies' 'Sandals, Ties, &c.

Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoos,Gent's Splendid Call Boots.

Also, a fine assortment of

!0,iillex Goodswhich will be o tiered at a bargain.

277 !)m


Foot-we- ar of all kinds,and to suit every purse.

F. GEltTZHas just opened and Is now selling n

Sjilentlld Stocli

of Hoots and Shoesof the best workmanship and neatest


Embroidered Christmas Slippers,

Gentlemen's Fine Wear inEnglish Walking Shoes,

Congress Gaiters, &c , &c.

The " Stronghold" English Walking Gaitars

that never lip.

French Calfskin Dress Boots,Riding Boots, Plantation Boots,

Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoesin the latest fashions.

USTA large slock of Fjench Dicsslng.F. GEIITZ,

IM Fort Street,201 ly Opposite Pantheon Stables

G 3 q q 3


AGATE WAltU!Chumleliei'8,

'Pendants, midStand Lamps,

A splendid and varied assortmentJusl Opened I

SAMUEL NOTT,ttST Fort Street, -- a

b h h h hsaoly - -

d. II.' ROBERTSON,iamaSEUm Drayman best teams'In iqwh,1

t 'I'elepliouQNp, 05 ' 15

Silver. Silver.' Silver.In consequence of

Cases of Holiday Goods 34tHave been received by

Chns. J. FISHEL, of the Lending Millinery Store;Coiner Fort and Hotel streets, consisting of

21 pet of flno Ullcrldan S. P. Castors,24 pes of silver plated cake baskets,24 pes of sliver plated butterdishes,20 pes of silver plclkc dishes,mu pes oi stiver gomcts,!!0 pes of silver spoon holders,24 pos of silver card receivers,80 pes of silver vases,48 pes of silver cups,45 dozen napkin lings,80 dozen descrt spoons and forks,


' '


CSTBargalns can be expected as I am determined to sell theso goods ,.Bring what they bring on account of want of room.

CIIAS. J. lTis-JIlUJ-L,, L.ciulhi Millinery Store.nnuor. oAimrntairr,

Union Feed CompanyCARRIES THE


Largest and-OP -

HAY, GRAINOf All description, and guarantees to keep a full supply

constantly on hand.

BSend orders to A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.


Subscription Department.

WE arc prepared to receivcifurther ordcis for any Paper or Magazine publishcd in California, the Eastern States, Canada, and Europe.

At the present time we leceivc by cveiymail over one hundred and fiftydiflcient Papcisand Magazines, published in the English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

As our subscription liht is large, wo arc enabled to furnish the Papers andMagazines ot a low rate of Subscription. jgifcMy W. !! ..II HJ.aiMHM,lwlMJpMmMgwyynMMggJJlM

Something New !

Concentrated CiderA Most Refreshing Drink.

Every family. should use it. Will keepgood for years. The cheapest and

best drink out.


To be only atS. J- - LEVEY & Go's.,

208 Fort street.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1658.

Hart Bnos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in llrst-elas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on baud

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &c. Also,

Iced DDriiilis!75



' 'At $13 per Cord.

Apply lo

. A. F. Cooke,215 Urn Foot of Nuuuuu street.


.A.t Market Ha-te- s

Apply to


17 ' P. M. B. B. Wlmrf.

"1EORGK LUCAS.- Contractor --tsfeffiKra'

and Builder,Hoiiolulii Ktcain Planing Mills, Espla.

uauo, iiouoiuiu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Jlrackcts, Window Frames, UlliuK,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnlsli. Turning, Scioll ami HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting,

Order promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-lands solicited. , 21

CHAMPAGNE CIDErTMode from tho,puresljnntcrlaIs,

Ii iho best non. Intoxicatingv drink on the Islands !

" It wijl thoroughly refresh the jadedmind and wearjed body."

J. FiHker, It Lilllm Htveet.dKiTowri Lonlofs muybu.Jcft rat Mrs!

ij ucik-s-, niugbueei. voa

"rrrTT '"i





Assortment of glove and hnndk'f boxes,Writing desks,Work Boxes,Ladles' toilet sets,Albums,Traveling necessaries, !

Leather card cuses,Steel engravings, - ., 1

Chromos,Plctuie fromes, r

&c, &c, Ac.


niBest Stock 1



If yoa want to sec the ,

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

Uoito 48, queen Street.If you wont to sec

The Best Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

o to 4)4 qneeu Street.If you wont to

Buy Leather at the LowestPrices in the Kingdom,

4o to 4it qneen StreetIf you want to Buy tho

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom,

iio to 4 queen Street.

If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom, ' "'

Gl-- o to 42 Queen St.M. W. McCHESNEY & SON.

280 tf I


WALL PAPERS,Ceiling Decorations,




A splendid and varied assortment




A Large AssortmentOF TJIK


Fine Wall PapersAND

" t

BORDERS!Just received, and lor sale "by"'"

. wiiosi odCiIsB. Call Bml.exawine, " ' ' uif


