K- H- f.f S" at'- - ' Vi -. r. I jr- - 1& : '1, !' 'I " ..MLJg wL "S&arl Mir it .vt o rti:.j!i-ii- j JgP'LIILM IWHf Vol. XIIL No. 1913. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1888. CO OENT8 SUOGOniPTION PER MONTH. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho ollice, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every .aftornoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conls por Month. Adiro33 nil Communications Dailv Bulletin. Advertisements, tc cn3Uro Insertion, should bo handed In before ono o'clock- - WALTER HILL Edilor and Proprietor JAS Q. CLEVIOIl Manager Bulletin Steam Printing Office. NowBpaper, Book nhd Job Printing of all kinds dono on tho most favorable terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephones .No. 250 a THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island Nows. It is tho best paper uubllshed in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island ;- - : : 1 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. rT HA.OKITJfflrjD .So Co., General Commission Agents. 070 iy Honolulu Q. W. MACFAELANE & Co. IMPOKTEHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1048 BREWER 55 COMPANY, O . (Limited) ' Genbual Mercantile and Commission Aoentb. LIST OF OS'lflCEltS: p. O. Jonbs, Jr President & Manager J. O. Cakteb .Treasurer & Secretary dihectoks: Hon. O. IUBisiioi-- . S. C Allen, H. WATKUnOUSE. . Silti ly OHN T. WATEEHOUSE, fj I mporter auu .ueuier m ucuum Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1- - B. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle & OOOiiE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King nt., Honolulu. 1 Wm. Q. Irwin. Clans Hprcclcels. IRWIN SS UOMPANY, WQ. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 & OO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sail and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste., Honolulu. S. GRINBAUM Si CO., JjJ.. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, uud 124 Callfoiulu street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. B. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy, O. M. Cooko. X EWERS & OOOKE, XJ (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers i nnd Dealers in Luinbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu G-onsalve- s Sc Co., X Wholoaalo Grocorn & Wine Merohants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker , Has removed to one of tho New Stores In tho Thorn aw Illoclt, King Street, Three doors from Castle & Cookes', Where ho is prepared to manufacture all kinds ft Jewelry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel. 371. Bell Tel. 308. , Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Orders taken for Nowspapers, Periodi- cals, Books, Music, etc, from any part of tho world, having made all arrange- ments therefor whilst in Ban Francisco. Bed Rubber SUuiiim to Order. 71 IF YOU FIND ANYTHING' X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin Professionals. MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Oflleo, ! : Gov't Building, Honolulu. aotf SAMUEL K. KAEO, Attorney at 3Law. Ofllce, : No. 0 Knahumanu street. ap.2t.88.ly M. THOMPSON", A.ttoMioy-tvtXCwv- r. Olllco In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. MS" When desired, will clvo tho law in written opinion, as, to tho probable re- sult of tho contention upon th facts stated. 16881'y JM. MONSAERA.T, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, Bold and leased, on .commission. Loans ncgotia ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 Alfred magoon, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy T H. SOPBR, M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, oppo3ito Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18ly II. M. BENSON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort.Street, - Honolulu. Depot fdr Boerioko & Soechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Tollot Requisites, . i2y H0LL1STER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, Fono- - 210 Honolulu, H. 1. WENNER &' CO. Uauafacturlnc Jewellers, NO. 0 FORT 8TBJBET. Constantly on hand i large assortmon of every description ot Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities, is prepared to 1111 orders at short notice. 1851 tf HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 4D, 02, 63, 07, 73 & 97; E. . Scliumnn, - -- ' l'roprictor. 3T Stand Corner Merchant and Fort Streets. K3- - TolophoncB, BUB. SA mch0.80.ly HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all hours, day and night. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and Villngo Carts with stylish and gentle horses to lui. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Becond hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MlIiES & IlAYIiISY. 1574 ly HTHE OLDEST DAILY. In tho x Kingdom "The Daily Bulletin." CO cents per month. Beaver Saloon Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours The Finest Brand of Ciprs, aJ, Man Always on Ilniitl. II. .T. NOIrK, l'roprictor. CHR. GEKTZ, Importer uud Dealer in Gcnls', IinillcB', & Children' Boots, Shoes and Slippers, The Choicest Brands of fft5&2g; Always on Ilnntl. tSTOrders from tho other Islands solicited. . 70 tf 73 NUUANU STREET. MRS. R0BT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS Every description of PLAIN & FANCY Bread & Crackers, finnfl r.Rflr.KFRS Mftan a AND SALOON BREAD Always on hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island orders promptly attended to. tii Cm PIONEER STEAI CAM FAGTORY AJSD XIAJCOEllY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pantry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- StS1" Telephone 7-- WM. JSIcCANIMLISSS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beef; Veal. Mutton, FIhIi, &c, &f ' Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Livo stock furnished to vessels at shoi't notice, nnd Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 1140 ly tiioe lJgf z i Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Eotail Batchers AND NAVY CONTRACTOKS. 1717 ly PollBft Angus Stock Dull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heifer Calves from 10 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. D0WSETT. Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70 NOTICE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. to collect for tho Bui.r.jvriN Honolulu June 8th, 1R87. 07 O LXJSO 1IAWAIIANO. persons who want to communi ALL with tho Poituuueso, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will II ml it die most profitable way to advertise in tho Luso Ilaivaiiano, tho now organ of the Purtuuueso co.ony, which is pub. Ushcil on Merchant str( ot, Gazette lluild. hip, t''o?t.Olllr,u Loiter Box K.), and only charges roasouablo rates for u'dver tlscmcut3. 4 f .; . fTc w.t.t. h- - ... iJ. -- .. .t J - ' PK UMMER MILLINERY Gl NOW ODPDEIN" JkJJO IMBCE Popular Millinery Hon 101 Fori Street, N. S. SACHS,, - ILLIN A Most Complete and Elegant Stock. lew Pattern Bonnets aaft Hats ! Showing the Now Shades and Now Combinations. TULLE BONNETS ! TULLE BONNETS The Very Latest in All Shndes. Our Stock of Trimmed, and. Untvinaxixed Hats Cannot be excelled. Wc have tho Newest and Latest Shades, in Black, AVhito and all Colors New Fancy Trimming Ribbons I Also, an Immonso Assortment of Feather Fon-Pon- s, Etretles, BMs mi Wins ! A New Stock of Baby's Lace and 3fi?"Inspectioi is Solicited, A Large & Unique Assortment Selected hy Mr. Dillingham in England and America. Cull and examine tho goods, now Doing opened "by tho v Pacific Hardware Co., ITorfc Street, Honolulu. Honolulu. - ? Muslin Bonnets 1 nspecticii is Solicited. jgCS For Sale I XHLE :- - w A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, fBfc Carriage Building, Painting and tz&ke? Trimming. 79 k 81 Eli Street, - - - - Old Rose Premises. Eiitrumcew l'rom Iiiiifj- - uud Merclmut StM. o Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner. Als.o, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ell Telephone, 107- -J (mrh Telephone, 107--8 IRON TANKS ! 500 GALLONS For Sale Cheap I -- : A.T - Proprietor. Cheap UNION FEED CO,, Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Q,ueen Streets. JOI ITT, 1. 8 Kaalnain Street. Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Ohandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COFFEE AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. KAEE CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFBUEI) BY THE E quit ASSETS OV13U OF THE UNITED STATES. npiIE protection of Life Insurance combined with tho Investment Principles of X a Savings Hank. Kximplo of a an.year Endowment Policy $10,000 tsken out at tho age of 25 yents : Annual Total Premiums Cah Fund Equivalent Paid m, Annuity Premium. Paid in 20 yrs, Then due. Up Policy for Life. for Lifa $487 $9,740 $10,110 $43,800 $1,310 Estimates for different amounts nnd different ages cheerfully given. Protect your family from future want or provide for your own old age. Policies Free. Indisputable, Non-Fo- i Tellable, &e., &c. For full particulars, apply to exander 1018 ly WALKER & REDWARD, Contractors fc XSiilltlert. Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; cs. llmatcs given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap o.ly LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,1 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, uracicets, w muow frames, linnets, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tcuanting. Orders promptly nttuuded to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited EH PLANING MILL. SB Alalicn, near guocn St. & Telephone 55. vfi-p- Honolulu iron "Works, jgStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description in ado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 -- WJBV-- Mercliant Tailoring Establishm't The undersigned having opened n first-clas- s Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment at tho Gor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under tho firm name of .HabermacherMo, Begs leavo to solicit the palronnge of his friends and public generally. CO Cm F. HABEEMACHEE. J. C. MARCIIANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, Friend Building, Bethel street, Uono. 03 lulu. tf A. H. BASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Faper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Wshes to notify tho public, that he has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, tsr up staikh. -- a 81 3m FERTILIZERS! For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. J'or Hulo by JIAXKOX & MIVTII. WE nro now jiroparod to rccelvo nil orders for tho above Fertilizer of a superior quality, thoroughly cured and warranted ono of tho best articles of tho kind in tho market. Orders may bo left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Queui street, G. M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable. M L'Ui Tho Inter- - Island Blcam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. THE ONLY PAPER nnd hy all X elasscb Tho Dally Bulletin," 00 cents per month. .. -- . ' - . j. .... xML-'kitn- . '. "'-- 4 AifeaBJui&iiL. Sift'-- m xjify' xx Vb ;urance Go for 880,000,000. J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islandi. FIHE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Tire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Oo. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'co Agents. AOENTS KOll The Sow Kuclond MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The JEtna Fire Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Conn. The Union i'lrc and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp y KSTAHLISUKD 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 rtclchsraarks nPHE undersigned, having been ap-J- L pointed ngeut of the above Company lur inu iiuwuimu isiauus, is prepared to accept risks, ngoinst Fire, on Buildicot Furniture, Merchandise. Produce. Burr- - jjiiuB uu, uu iuu must r avorauio icmi Lossosjmplly Adjusted and Payable In '; Honolulu. H.bEMENS0HNEIDEK, Jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co's. Hustace& Robertson, DBAYMKN. LL ordors for Cnrtage promptly u tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goodB in trauslt to the othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand m quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 08a ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. M. It. COLBURN, DXlA.YBL.VISr. ALL kinds of drayage attended to promptness. White and lllnek tfand delivered In quantities to suit. Also, Black Book nnd Coral Bock. Olllco; With J. K. Colburn, King street, near Mnunnkcn, 73 1m NOTICE. TTIt. John Magoon is authorized to 1TJL collect for our account, and sign neelpls. J. E. BHOWN & CO. Jan. 10, 1888. ie.15 TF YOU WANT A SITUATION J., udvertiic in the Daily Bnixirrot. 1 a 'i '& " 3 I IT. ,t

evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · K-H-f.f S" at'-- ' Vi-. r. I jr--1& : '1, !''I " ..MLJg wL "S&arl Mir it .vt o rti:.j!i-ii-j JgP'LIILM IWHf Vol. XIIL No. 1913. HONOLULU, H. I.,

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rti:.j!i-ii- j JgP'LIILM IWHf




Is printed and published at tho ollice,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

.aftornoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 conls por Month.

Adiro33 nil Communications DailvBulletin.

Advertisements, tc cn3Uro Insertion,should bo handed In before ono o'clock- -

WALTER HILL Edilor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

NowBpaper, Book nhd Job Printing of

all kinds dono on tho most favorableterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephones .No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns of

reading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNows. It is tho best paper uubllshedin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island ;-- : : 1 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.

rT HA.OKITJfflrjD .So Co.,

General Commission Agents.

070 iy Honolulu



Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1048

BREWER 55 COMPANY,O . (Limited)' Genbual Mercantile and

Commission Aoentb.


p. O. Jonbs, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Cakteb .Treasurer & Secretary

dihectoks:Hon. O. IUBisiioi-- . S. C Allen,

H. WATKUnOUSE.. Silti ly

OHN T. WATEEHOUSE,fj Importer auu .ueuier m ucuumMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1- -

B. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

& OOOiiE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King nt.,Honolulu. 1

Wm. Q. Irwin.Clans Hprcclcels.IRWIN SS UOMPANY,WQ.Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

& OO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sail and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste.,Honolulu.

S. GRINBAUM Si CO.,JjJ.. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, uud

124 Callfoiulu street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

B. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy, O. M. Cooko.

X EWERS & OOOKE,XJ (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers innd Dealers in Luinbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu

G-onsalve- s Sc Co.,X

Wholoaalo Grocorn & Wine Merohants289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

, Has removed to one of tho NewStores In tho

Thorn aw Illoclt, King Street,Three doors from Castle & Cookes',

Where ho is prepared to manufactureall kinds ft Jewelry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel. 371. Bell Tel. 308. ,

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Orders taken for Nowspapers, Periodi-cals, Books, Music, etc, from any partof tho world, having made all arrange-ments therefor whilst in Ban Francisco.

Bed Rubber SUuiiim to Order.71

IF YOU FIND ANYTHING'X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin



NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island of Oahu.

Oflleo, ! : Gov't Building, Honolulu.aotf


Attorney at 3Law.Ofllce, : No. 0 Knahumanu street.


M. THOMPSON",A.ttoMioy-tvtXCwv- r.

Olllco In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I.


MS" When desired, will clvo tho law inwritten opinion, as, to tho probable re-

sult of tho contention upon th factsstated. 16881'y


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, Bold andleased, on .commission. Loans ncgotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


Alfred magoon,J . ATTORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,oppo3ito Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23

Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.




Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort.Street, - Honolulu.

Depot fdr Boerioko & Soechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Tollot

Requisites, . i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, Fono- -

210 Honolulu, H. 1.

WENNER &' CO.Uauafacturlnc Jewellers,

NO. 0 FORT 8TBJBET.Constantly on hand i large assortmon

of every description ot Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedto 1111 orders at short notice.

1851 tf


Nos. 33, 4D, 02, 63, 07, 73 & 97;

E. . Scliumnn, - --' l'roprictor.

3T Stand Corner Merchant and FortStreets.

K3- - TolophoncB, BUB. SAmch0.80.ly


CARRIAGE CO.Carriages at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillngo Carts with stylish and gentlehorses to lui.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Becond

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

MlIiES & IlAYIiISY.1574 ly

HTHE OLDEST DAILY. In thox Kingdom "The Daily Bulletin."

CO cents per month.

Beaver Saloon

Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

The Finest Brand of

Ciprs, aJ, ManAlways on Ilniitl.

II. .T. NOIrK, l'roprictor.

CHR. GEKTZ,Importer uud Dealer in

Gcnls', IinillcB', & Children'

Boots, Shoes and Slippers,

The Choicest Brands of

fft5&2g;Always on Ilnntl.

tSTOrders from tho other Islandssolicited. . 70 tf



Every description of


Bread & Crackers,finnfl r.Rflr.KFRSMftan a


SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.tii Cm


AJSD XIAJCOEllY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pantry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- StS1" Telephone 7--


No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,Dealer in choicest

Beef; Veal. Mutton, FIhIi, &c, &f' Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Livo stock furnished tovessels at shoi't notice, nnd Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 1140 ly

tiioe lJgf z i


Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Eotail BatchersAND


PollBft Angus Stock

Dull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heifer Calves from 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.to collect for tho

Bui.r.jvriNHonolulu June 8th, 1R87. 07


persons who want to communiALL with tho Poituuueso, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will II ml itdie most profitable way to advertise intho Luso Ilaivaiiano, tho now organ ofthe Purtuuueso co.ony, which is pub.Ushcil on Merchant str( ot, Gazette lluild.hip, t''o?t.Olllr,u Loiter Box K.), andonly charges roasouablo rates for u'dvertlscmcut3.

4 f .; .

fTc w.t.t. h- - ... iJ. -- .. .t J - ' PK



Popular Millinery Hon101 Fori Street,

N. S. SACHS,, -

ILLINA Most Complete and Elegant Stock.

lew Pattern Bonnets aaft Hats !

Showing the Now Shades and Now Combinations.

TULLE BONNETS ! TULLE BONNETSThe Very Latest in All Shndes. Our Stock of

Trimmed, and. Untvinaxixed HatsCannot be excelled. Wc have tho Newest and Latest Shades, in

Black, AVhito and all Colors

New Fancy Trimming Ribbons I

Also, an Immonso Assortment of

Feather Fon-Pon-s, Etretles, BMs mi Wins !

A New Stock of

Baby's Lace and3fi?"Inspectioi is Solicited,

A Large & Unique AssortmentSelected hy Mr. Dillingham in England and America.

Cull and examine tho goods, now Doing opened "by thov Pacific Hardware Co.,

ITorfc Street, Honolulu.




Muslin Bonnets 1

nspecticii is Solicited. jgCS

For Sale I

XHLE :- -


A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, fBfc Carriage Building,

Painting and tz&ke? Trimming.

79 k 81 Eli Street, - - - - Old Rose Premises.

Eiitrumcew l'rom Iiiiifj- - uud Merclmut StM.o

Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner.

Als.o, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.ell Telephone, 107- -J (mrh Telephone, 107--8


For Sale Cheap I

-- : A.T

- Proprietor.


UNION FEED CO,,Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Q,ueen Streets.

JOI ITT, 1. 8 Kaalnain Street.

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Ohandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,






npiIE protection of Life Insurance combined with tho Investment Principles ofX a Savings Hank. Kximplo of a an.year Endowment Policy $10,000 tsken

out at tho age of 25 yents :

Annual Total Premiums Cah Fund Equivalent Paid m, AnnuityPremium. Paid in 20 yrs, Then due. Up Policy for Life. for Lifa

$487 $9,740 $10,110 $43,800 $1,310Estimates for different amounts nnd different ages cheerfully given. Protect

your family from future want or provide for your own old age. Policies Free.Indisputable, Non-Fo- i Tellable, &e., &c.

For full particulars, apply to

exander1018 ly


Contractors fc XSiilltlert.Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; cs.llmatcs given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap o.ly


and Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Ksplanadc, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,uracicets, w muow frames, linnets,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tcuanting.

Orders promptly nttuuded to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other




Alalicn, near guocn St. &

Telephone 55.

vfi-p- Honolulu iron "Works,jgStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionin ado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

-- WJBV--

Mercliant Tailoring Establishm't

The undersigned having opened n first-clas- s

Merchant Tailoring Estab-lishment at tho

Gor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under tho firm

name of

.HabermacherMo,Begs leavo to solicit the palronnge of

his friends and public generally.CO Cm F. HABEEMACHEE.

J. C. MARCIIANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, Uono.03 lulu. tf


Book-binde- r, Faper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


Wshes to notify tho public, that hehas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,tsr up staikh. -- a

81 3m

FERTILIZERS!For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.

J'or Hulo by JIAXKOX & MIVTII.

WE nro now jiroparod to rccelvo nilorders for tho above Fertilizer of

a superior quality, thoroughly curedand warranted ono of tho best articlesof tho kind in tho market. Orders maybo left with

L. P. HANSON, 200 Queui street,G. M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable.

M L'Ui

Tho Inter- - Island BlcamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coal

and a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.THE ONLY PAPER nnd hy allX elasscb Tho Dally Bulletin," 00

cents per month.

.. -- . ' - . j. ....xML-'kitn- . '.


4 AifeaBJui&iiL. Sift'-- m xjify' xx


;urance Go



J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islandi.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Tire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation

(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Oo.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'co Agents.



of Boston.

The JEtna Fire Insurance Co..of Hartford, Conn.

The Union i'lrc andMarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y


Capital, 9,000,000 rtclchsraarksnPHE undersigned, having been ap-J- L

pointed ngeut of the above Companylur inu iiuwuimu isiauus, is prepared toaccept risks, ngoinst Fire, on BuildicotFurniture, Merchandise. Produce. Burr- -

jjiiuB uu, uu iuu must r avorauio icmiLossosjmplly Adjusted and Payable In

'; Honolulu.H.bEMENS0HNEIDEK,

Jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co's.

Hustace& Robertson,

DBAYMKN.LL ordors for Cnrtage promptly u

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goodB in trauslt to the othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandm quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.08a ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.


ALL kinds of drayage attended topromptness. White and

lllnek tfand delivered In quantities tosuit. Also, Black Book nnd Coral Bock.

Olllco; With J. K. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Mnunnkcn, 73 1m


TTIt. John Magoon is authorized to1TJL collect for our account, and signneelpls. J. E. BHOWN & CO.

Jan. 10, 1888. ie.15

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJ., udvertiic in the Daily Bnixirrot.









Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · K-H-f.f S" at'-- ' Vi-. r. I jr--1& : '1, !''I " ..MLJg wL "S&arl Mir it .vt o rti:.j!i-ii-j JgP'LIILM IWHf Vol. XIIL No. 1913. HONOLULU, H. I.,



? f8 V

topiia"iTninriinwMi iimn Im. w m jtgjwmtwiuirffMTtfnM wihimmpmmi

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchango on tho

13anU ol Oulil'oruln, fc3. XT.

Anil their asonts InNEW YORK, tlOSTON, HONG KOHQ.

Monsv. K. St. Rothschild & Son, London

Tho Coramsrclal BauU Co., or Sydney,London,

Tho Commercial Bank Oo., of Sydney,Sydney,

Tho Unnk of Now Zealand: Auckland,ClirUtchurch, nnd Wellington,

The Bank of British Columbln, Victoria, B. O., and Portland, Or,


T.aui.ct a Oeueial U.mhinjt fiusluess.6(li; l v

'X1 It M

gSniljt fulTitltnPledged to neither Sect nor Party,Hilt established for the benefit of all.

TUESDAY, MAY lfi, 1888.


"The Paradise of the Pacific" is,as moat of our readers already know,a paper published in Honolulumonthly, for circulation abroad. Itsobject is to make known tho coun-

try to the people in other lands ;

the object of making known thecountry to those people is to inducethem to come and see us ; it is be-

lieved that their coming to see uswill bo mutually beneficial to themnnd to ourselves.

The paper is well calculated, bythe nature of the bulk of its matterand by the wide circulation givenit, to effect the purpose of its pro-moters. A truthful portrayal of thewonders, the beauties, and themany charms of the country is allthat is needed to induce man- - tour-

ists to direct their travel hitherward,who would never otherwise dream ofdoing so. Once here, they find aclimate, scencrj', active and extinct

.volcanoes, etc., which they mayhave sought long in vain elsewhere,and which richly reward them forthe cost of coming ; and while intho country they spend money invarious ways, which directly or

benefits every class of thecommunity.

Entertaining these views, we havealways regarded the "Paradise ofthe PaciQc" as an enterprise deserv-

ing all encouragement, and cannotunderstand that any intelligentman can be so narrow-minde- d or

' short-shightc- d as to oppose it.There arc probably people in the

community who regard the papersimply as a money-makin- g venture,intended by the manager to bringcoin direetlj' into his own pocket,and believe that it really is to him aprofitable speculation. If there arcany who seriously think so, theymust be very ignorant of the actualcost of producing a paper like the"Paradise of the Pacific," and ofthe revenue derived from its adver-

tising columns, its only source ofrevenue. The fact is, Mr. Wil-

liams has gone into the enterprisewith spirit and vigor, hoping to pro-

fit ultimately in a business wajr 13'promoting tourist travel, but in themeantime receiving nothing for hispains and being money out of pocketto boot. He is at least entitled tothe thanks of the country for hisgratuitous services.



The Hawaiian islands are in possession of at least one of the greatest ofknown natural wonders of the world

tho volcano of Kilauca. There isno volcano equal to it, so far as isknown to civilized man. Another,or othors, there may be, for muchof the world remains unexplored,but civilized man has not hithertodiscovered them ; and until a great-er or an equal is found, wc shallcontinue to think and speak of ourvolcano as the most stupendous andthe most wonderful in tho world.

It is comparatively easy to reachand sco this great natural wonder.Less than twenty-fou- r hours in oneof tho inter-islan- d steamers take usto tho island von which tho wonderexists. Once there, whether at u,

Ililo or Punaluu tho threorecognised starting points the long-

est and most dllllcult route is only aday's ride, and that not a very fa-

tiguing ride to a person accustomedto that method of travel.

Considering the greatness of thesight and the comparative ease withwhich it can be got at, it is not sur-

prising that many people during a

your, come here from other coun-

tries expressly and solehy to see Ki-

lauca, and that many of our own

' f

lcsUlents, in tho course of a year,go there too. Yet, it may be trulysaid, on the other hand, that of the,great number of the world's sigbt-Bcekci-- 9,

a very, very few, compara-tively, ever como to this country,that of thoso who do come manynever attempt to go to the volcano,and that of the people resident herea largo proportion have never beenthere.

jS'ow why Is it that any one whocoincs here merely for a brief period,should go away without seeing thevolcano ? And why is it that peoplelive here for years, and never be-

hold tho great wonder? JNo doubtdifferent persons have different reasons, but the majority aro probablydeterred by a common cause, andthat common cause is the dilllcultyof the laud journey. But have wo

not already said that the land jour-

ney is easy? Yes, it is easy, com-

paratively easy, to persons accus-

tomed to horse-bac- k riding. Butmost people arc not used to horse-

back riding or only horse-bac- k

riding of the easiest kind, andfor this reason feel unequal to thejourney required to reach the vol-

cano.Now suppose there was a good

road, with easy grades and such aroad is practicable over which acoach-and-fo- ur could travel withcomfort and safety from Hilo. Kc-auh-

or Punaluu, to the volcano,would not the travel thither be in-

creased manifold? Wo have no

doubt it would. Only the otherweek wc are informed there werenearly thirty passengers on thesteamer up from Australia who sig-

nified their intention to stay over,provided the land journey could bemade to the great wonder by coach ;

but learning that it could not bedone, they proceeded on to SanFrancisco by the same steamer.This is simply mentioned as one in-

stance of many.We do not pretend to say that the

Government would be justified atpresent in constructing such a road,or that the venture would provepicfitable to private enterprise. Butthat a highway of the kind indicatedwould greatlj- - increase travel to thecountry and to the volcano, wc holdto be an indisputable fact, and hopethe time is not very distant in thefuture when either the Governmentof the country or private enterprise,or the two united, will shoulder theundertaking and constuict the road.


Editor Bulletin: At last, myreply to two fanatic cianks of theprohibition fraternity has caused asensible, every-da- y man, with sensi-ble questions, sound assertions, andciackcd skull, to come forward andinvite argument on this prohibitionfad!

I would be led to think that Mr.Crowley is purposely misunderstand-ing the point 1 intended to make, inmy reply to these cranks ; but thiscannot be. Mr. Crowley assures usthat he has lost all power of defini-tion of purpose through the directinfluence of Jamison's Potheen,which has caused an altering of hisphrenological map ; also that ho isnot able to deed me a flawless skull,through the same cause ; and thisproves that his power of definitionis entirely genuine, evaporatingthrough a crackin his skull. What's the matterwith putt', Crowley?

I further beg leave to say thatyou are wrong when you accuse meof being worried about or carefulof avoiding all arguments. I amnot. I am only worried insomuchas your entirely uncalled for, un-asked for solicitude for the welfareof the "drinking" people Generally is concerned, myself in-

cluded.I deny you the right to interfere

with my modo of living. 1 denyyou tho right to interfere with thowelfare of this kingdom by taking

500,000 from tho revenue of thissmall country every two years, andthus saddling every soul in it with$10 more taxation. I deny, sir,your "Christian" inter-ference with other people's affairs,which are nobody's but their own.In one word, gentle sire, I craveyou to understand that prohibition,like religion now-a-day- s, is be-

coming a profession, from whichtho poor benighted and weaknoodled mob of lean and lankwomen and disigning hypocriticalmen reap what? A goodly pile ofBhekels on which tho ribucundcheeked nnd rotund stomached"leaders" thrive, travel, and en thequiet "treat" themselves.

Theso "leaders," like vulturessitting on the fence of expectancy,watch eagerly every point they mayscore. It is. this very eagerness tomake converts to their cause,that is,numbers of designing men, weakwomen, and weaker children, whichmakes them resort to their far-fetched, fanatical and contradictoryarguments. More numbers moreextra shekels 1 .

Would to heaven that this wholeband of gleaners of calculating,

unthinking pennies would

-aiMaig JftJWJ'

display the impossible conscientious-ness of at least one Jew, who threwaway SO pieces of silver and thenhanged himself for a far more ex-

cusable cause 1

These offensive talkers have thetemerity to quote religion and thoteachings of the Christian church.Just now let ono example sullko toshow how much the church has todo with temperance, when "the ques-tion" of the church of to-da- i3'concerned.

The Episcopal church of "Trinity"in JXi-- York t'iiy owns an untaxedarea of property of one quarter bythree quattors of a mile in dimen-sions, valued at 250 million dollars,leased Out upon ninety-nin- e yearleases for "improvement," (prohi-bition, where art thou?) and occu-pation by others. The public statis-tics charge that on tho bosom ofthis holy, untaxed area of land thereare no less than 7G1 gin mills(Jamison's Potheen included) andS)G houses of prostitution

Brother, think over this fact, andyou will wonder, like myself, at theasbestos cheek of ProhibitionistLeaders, to quote religion in theirarguments.

1 have said that $500,000 wouldbe taken away from the revenue ofthis country every two years, ifliquor was prohibited. Would thewhole navy of Prohibitionists, float-ing a9 they aro on blue water, pro-duce that much wealth to this ouralready financially suffering littlecountry? Gentlemen, it is righthere whorcyonr bumble-be- e distruc-tivene- ss

conies in.Good deal of this agitation here

has been caused through the politi-cal organization of Prohibitionistsin the United States. Let us glanceat this newfangled political.uiachiue,and see what they have done andhow they have acted. Is it not onrecord that they have loft the Repub-lican party, .the only one they couldhave succeeded with, and wentstraight aw.ry over to the Democra-tic party, and voted for "thoavowed enemies of their cause,"thus practically becoming the alliesof the liquor sellers?

We hear of one of the loudestcriers for this tribeof arrogance that he makes all thegood grapes on his farm in Califor-nia into raibins, but sends the rottenleavings into a neighboring county,to be there made into wine.

Main, the cradle of Prohibition,said on March flth last that she hashad enough of prohibition, andelected a Mayor ol Portland by1G00 majority, which is twice theaverage of other years of Republi-can success.

In view of these few facts canyou blame any fair minded commonman, who has sense enough not tohave his skull cracked" through"Potheen," to denounce or mis-trust there cranks?

So much for prohibition. Let ussee if we have not some good wordfor temperance. Temperance isand always will be a blessing toany body and to any cause, but es-pecially to the Prohibitionist. Heabove ainbody is far more intempe-rate in trying (and ho is only try-ing) his hand at converting peopleto his way, and therefore needs theteachings of the fundamental doc-trines of temperance more thananybody that I know of. Permitmc to make a few suggestions:

Tear every blue ribbon from theinnocent breasts of your women andchildren: they do not need them.1'cach them hygiene. Stop drag-ging religion into your arguments.The Bible was never intended forthat. Refrain from calling yourfcllowman a devil because he takeshis wine, beer or whiskey in mode-ration, and the place he buys it in."hell." Remember that seven-eigh- ts

of our people are in "hell"every day. Thus you see you makethe majoiity your enemies. Thinkso, but do not say so. Do notpreach impossibilities. We arc notangels. Let us have it by easystages. Too much of a dose sickensmany.

Use common, every da' sense.Educate the general mind to a clearcomprehension of the necessity ofluiupuruucc on nygienic principles,and if you succeed in that yourbnttlo is won.

On the whole nnd at the best, itis a beautiful cause to argue, en-force and advocate on paper. Butbrethren of nature, it is an impossi-bility yi practice, at least, by yourway. The line bine of the ribbon,will fade, and the convulsive howlof fanatic prohibition will forever bedrowned by the death rattle of al-

coholism, the pitiful shrieks ofdespairing wives, tho heart rendingcries for bread of the little ones oftho weak-minde- d drunkard, which'will last for over and ever no matterwhat Crowley or Smith might sayl

By the way you, spoke of Donujbrook. Long live Donnybrook!And here is also to you as good asyou aro and as bad as I am, but asgood as you aro and as bad as I am,I am as good as you are as bad as Iam! John 1 Smith,

U'l11 J -I


"Amateur photography," said aTwcuty-thlrd-stre- et dealer to a Mailand Express reporter, "is a veryfashionable as well as useful pastimeamong many j'oung ladies and gen-tlemen, and is fast growing infavor,"

AVhile a largo number purchasean apparatus to tho country withthem, still many more aro sold inthis cily and used in town. A com-plete outfit, comprising a camera,ono dozen dry plates and a focus

, 'J.l. '!.".. -- -'.2 !. ii-i'- kJ&ikTAi. t.iX0B$2

ing cloth, can be proeuerd for 827.As soon as tho dry plates are usedup they can bo replaced at an out-

lay of from 45 cents to SI. Go adozen, the price depending alto-gether upon tho sizes required,which run all the way fiom thrcoand one-quart- inches to eight af?done-ha- lf inches square, with Inter-mediate sizes.

"The silver paper which is gene-rally used In transferring has nowbeen replaced by a cheaper bluepaper, which Imparts a lint of thathue instead of the while one usuallygiven in ordinary photographs.Cameras langc In price from 10 upto 505. When a beginner has a de-

sire to learn ho is usually very timidabout expending much money for acamera, arguing that if it provesuninteresting not much is lost, butonce the art is attempted, the ama-teur photographer casts aside thefirst camera and purchases a largersize.

"Amateur photographers can nowcompete, and successfully, too, witha subject in the dark, as a powder,called magnesium, 'when placed onan iron pan and lighted, emits aneffulgent glare sulllcicnt for theyoung artist to secure a good pic-

ture. This powder is sold for 75cents per box of eight ounces.

"A large number of young ladleswho are the happy posspssors ofamateur outfits occasionally holdwhat is termed 'photo parties' atthe house of a mutual friend, someone bringing along a camera and afull outfit, and the evening can bespent pleasant, as well as profit-ably, in taking pictures of all themembers of the household in whichthe party is hold. A new featurein amateur photography is the trans-ferring of pictures lioin the camerato a lamp shade, a vasoor any otheraudi ornament. The trade in out-fits is now large, but is increasingwith wonderful rapidity. A greatmany outfits were imported fromEngland, but Americans have pro-

fited by the faults of the oiiginators,and now bettor outfits arc made inthis country than anywhere else inthe world." N. Y. Mail and Ex-press.


TWO young Lulies wanlcd at Fislicl'sleain the millinery trade. 43 St


A WILCOX & GIBBS, or nay otherautomatic Sew in,' .Machine. Apply

at the Bulletin Onicc. 43 3t


FINE Jersey Uow,Nla ...."-

-4A A gentle and quiet, can

8tiSStX bo milked by a childgives from 8 lo 10 quarts a

day with or without calf. Apply toC. HART,

43 2w Hotel street.


ON Tuesday morning, May 15tb, onthe Kalihi Koau, near Kamcha

meha School, aDonoit Receipt of Bis-hop & Co., for 1300, and an order onSchaefor & Co , drawn in favor of Au.tone Roderick, for Payment hasbeen slopped. A reward of ."50 will begiven on return of Fame to


NOTICEHPO tho creditors of tho Fstato ofi Henry S. Swinton, of Honolulu,Oahu, n bankrupt.

That the undersigned Assignee of theEstate of Henry S. Swinton, a bank-nip- t,

has preparatory to his finaland dividend submitted his uc.

counts as such Assignee aud filed theEamebeforeIIon.lt.- - P. Bickerlon, Jus-tic- e

of the Supremo Court, at his Cham-bers, to whom he will apply at 10o'clock a. m., rm MONDAY, the 28thday of Mav, for settlement of said ac.count ami for a discharge from all liability as such Assignee and for an orderto make a tinal dividend.

And that any person interested mnythen and there appear and contest the(amo. YV. O. PARKE.

As.ijmee Estate of II. S. Swinton.Honolulu, May 15, 18S8. 43 St

SITUATION WANTTD.YOUNG MAN wishes n positionA as bartender.' .Having experience.

Address "7. K.," Bulletin Office.42 3t

"H. Y. & B. C.

A SPEOIAL meeting of tho HonoluluYacht &Hoat Club will behold

at. their Hoot Home at 12 o'clock noon,on WEDNESDAY, May 10, 1S88, totako action upon application for mem.herahlp. E. J. SPALDING,43 2t Sccrcturv.

Grapes ! Grapes ! Grapes !

Island Grapes !


Clms. HustacB, King streGt.42 lw


MB. E. LYCAN has full power tosign receipts and sign for nny

business in connection with tho firm ofG. West & Co., during my absence fromthe Kingdom. G. WEST & CO.,

Per O. West.Honolulu, May 8li, 188. as lw

TF YOU LOSEANYTHING,JL adyeitiso it in tho Daily Bulletin.

Auction Sales by Louis J. Levey.


flOMiWtDTIII nm ins'ructe-- by Mur. II. llickfold

& Co., to ofTcr'at Public Auction,

On WEDNESDAY, May I6tli,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At my SiilesroonH, corner of Fort and(Jueo'i streets a choice lot nf

Hew and Elegant Household FurnlturoConsisting of


Wardrobes, Buicaus, Tables nndEtageros, In Mahogany and

Walnut. Also,

Vienna Bent Wood Furniture!Garden Scats, Rugs & Carpets,

Traveling Trunks & Rugs,


Patent Wash Machines,ChlUlrt'iiB' Sewing Machines,

CWldrens' Saddles, Gents' Saddles,llcrophons. Also,

tinnje:jbl westsAnd Sets of

GrlnMsm-itve-, OIocUn, Szc.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,133 lit Auctioneer.

Executors' Sale !

I am instructed by Messrs. L. A. Thurs.ton an! C. Holle, Executors of the Ei.tale of George Eugolhardt, deceased, tosell at Public Auction at tho ttore, Fortstreet, nct door to Messrs. G. AV.



.liny 17th & lHth At lo a. m.,The whole of the Stock of

Grocke'y, Glassw'e, Plated-war- e,

Store Fixtures, Ac., Consisting of

I TAIP.QI" China Crockery & Glasswaic,

Plated Ware, Cutlery, Lamp Chimneys,

Globes & Shades, Platform Scales,

Store Fixtures, Glass Showcase,

Etc., Etc.,' Etc., Etc.


40 Gt Auctioneer.


THE undersigned give notice thathave been appointed Assignees

of Brown fc Co., merchants, of Hono-lulu- .

All persons having any claims againstthe said firm whether tecurcd by mortgagoor otherwise, are notified to pre-se-

the same to the Assignees, withinthree months from April 23rd inbtant.

All persons indebted to Messrs. Brown& Co aic requested to make immeuintcpayment lo IBiown & Co. or theAssignees.


Assignees of Brown & Co.Honolulu, April, 21, 1858. 28 1m


I HEREBY give notice that by powerof auorncy dated at Hongkong,

China, tho 26th day of March, lfc88, thelinn of Kwong Shlu Whig Co. lias ap.pointed mc tho undersigned to conductall its business relations in the HawaiianInlands anil in particular with the firmof Wing On Wo & Co., of Honolulu,merchant-"- , with full powers to collectand leeeive all sums of money due tothe said 11 im of Kwong Shlu Wine Co.and to proceed quarterly as the powerof attorney authorize me.


Att'y in fact forKwoug Sliiu Wing Co.Honolulu. May U, 1803. 43 2w

TO LET.COTTAGE on HntilBticct, opposite Dr. Mc

Grows' contains Bix rooms.kitchen, bath room and every conveni-ence. Apply to41 3t II. S. TREGLOAN".

FOR RENT or LEASE.Two Story House,

furnished or unfur-nished,m with nine. sleeping

rooms, largo veranda and other con.venlenccs. vocation, opposite the Gcr.man Club House, Punchbowl. Apply at

HAMILTON" JOIINSOM'H.40 lw Fort street,


jmjl. A FRONT FURNISHED- ROOM, with every

kaJSSssa convenience. Apply at 181Fori street. 80 at

Lost, Strayed or Stolen.

AKICYE Terrier Bitch,and tail cut),

on or about May Ht. Aleward will bo glvn onreturning same to Love's

Bakery, Nuuanu street. 40 3t


u A DUMP Cart and Hnr.ffSV

r- -XI nush In good order.S& To'bo sold cheap. Annlv to

Hon. W. O. Smith or Lunalilo Home.35 2w


BY a thoiouphly competent Rook.keeper and Accountant. Best of

rcll'erenccs given. Apply at40 lw GULICK'S AGENCY.


Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

A.rv a.tjcxjtojN.By order of Mr. J. A. Kennedy 1 willcell at Public Auction, at his residence,comer of Kinau nnd Pencacola streetadjoining tho residence of T. May, Esq.

On WEDNESDAY, May 23rd,

AT lO O'CLOCK A. St.,Tho Entire Househ'd Furniture,

' jcoMrniaixa'' 'B. W. Upholstered Parlor Set,

Largo Ccutcr Rugs,Pendant Chandelier,

One Emerson Square Piano,(A splendid instrument,)

1 Carved Ebony Muslu Stnntl,Wicker Rockers,Largo Marblc.lop Center Tnble.

Laco Curtains and .1 oles,Drawing-roo- Cuttnlns,

1 Carved Cherry Easel,Pictures, Japanese Screen,

Black W. Hall Stand,

1 Massive B.W. BGflr'in SetMattiiist.es iinil Mosquito Nets ,

Stand Lamp", I 'ocorntul Vases,1 Guilds' Iron Bedstead

Black Walnut Bookcase and Secretary,(Combined),

A Library of Books, comp'g:Waverly Novel?,

Dickon's Works,Mc.Crttiloy's History of England,

Shakespeare's Works,Dante's Inferno & Purgatorlo, &c, &c.

1 B. W. Marblctop Sideboard,Silver Tea Service, Corner Whatnot,

Upholstered Lounge,CROCKERY and GLASSWARE,

1 B. W. Marblctop Bedroom Set,Itofrigorator, Kitchen Utensils,

Ono ISiifi-er- Plmotou Illn good order),

1 Ilorso, broken to saddle & harness,(A good safe traveler),

Set of Single Harness, 1 Side Saddlo,Garden Tools, Etc., Etc.

JAS. F. MORGAN,41 Id Auctioneer.


Sale of Leases !

By order of the Trustses of

HIS MAJESTY'S ESTATE,I will bell at Public Auction,

On MONDAY, June 4fh, 1888

AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,At my Salesroom, Queen street, the

IjEASES of the following

Parcels of Lands,Situated at Kona. Hawaii, as follows:

For a Term of IS Years.1 Tho Ahupuaa of Waiaha, dts.

crihed in R. P. No. 1930.2 Land at Kahului, Kona, described

in It. P. No. 6J77 A.3 Ahupuaa of Kahului, Kona, apana

3, It. P. 10C9.4 Ahupuaa of Kalama. Kona, apana

2, R. P. 1C0U. L C. A. 851G B.5 Ahupuaa of Pahoehoc, Kona, K. P.

851GB.6 Ahupuaa of Kaloko, apana 11, L.

C. A. 7715, containing 4300 acres.7 Ahupuaa of Lanlhauiki, N. Kona,

apana 2, of R. P. 3148, containing 3910acres.

8 Ahupuaa nf Honuaula, apana 4and 5, of It. P. 314S, containing 20.48 100

9 Ahupuaa of Moeanoa, apana 37, ofL. C. A. 9971.

10 Also, the Lease for 5 years of theKula portions of Mokauea, at Kalihi,Oahu, makui of tho rice plantation, andextondin? to within 100 feet of flshponds of Ills Majesty.

11 Also, tho Lease for 10 years ofthe unleased portion of Iwilei, includ-in- g

Sea Fishery, containing about 04acres, more or less.

And at the same time will be sold a

Parcel of Land at Aki, Lahaina,

Described in R. P. 3455, L. C. A. 9795 B.containing 3 Roods and 14 Rods,

TermsPayable semi-annual- ly inadvance. Possession given on com-

pletion of. papers and payment offlrst six months rent.

CSTFor further particulars apply totho Trustees, or to

JAS. F. MOKGAN,35 cod Auctioni'or.


THE undersigned having been dulyExecutors under tho

will of Geo. Engolhnrdt, late of Hono.lulu, deceaped. Notice is hereby givento all creditois of the deceased to pre-sent their claims, whether secured bymortgago or otherwise, duly authenti.catcd and with tho proper vouchcre, Ifany exist, to C. Bolto within six monthsfrom this date, or they will ho foreverburred. Am) nil persons Indebted topaid deceased aro requested to makoimmediate payment to O. Bolto.


Executors under tho Will of GeorgoEugolhardt.

Honolulu, May 3, 1888. 38 2w


NOTICE is hereby given that I willpay any dobts contracted in

my name without my written order.W. O. AOHI.

Honolulu, April 21, 1888. 23 tf


Hawe'f? Jockey Club,


oi'vicial rnoHUASLiii:,


Races lo Commonco al 10 o'clock Sharp.


RUNNINW RAOE-- A Mllo Dash.Free for all.


BUNKING RACE 1 Mile Dash.For Hawaiian bred horses ownedby members of the Jockey Club.Cup to become the property of thoono winning it twice.


TROTTING and PACING ItAOEFor Hawaiian bred horses only tohnrncss Mile Hcat, "best 2 in 3.


RUNNING RACE 1J Mile Dash.Free for all. If but one starts tobeat 2:50.


TROTTING and PACING RACEMile Heats, best 3 in 5. Free forall. All horses having a record of2:30 or better to go to1 wagon.


RUNNING RACE 3 Mile Dash.Open to all old Hawnllanbred horses only.


RUNNING RACE 1 Milo Dash.Free for all. Winner to bent tho re-cord of Angio A," 1:154. To borun for annually.


$100 added.

RUNNING RACE- -4 Mile Heats,best 2 in 3. Hawaiiau bred horses.Cup to become the property of thewinner two consecutive years.


Sweepstakes TROTTING andPACING RACE Mile Heats, best2 in 3. Free for all horses thathave not a record of 3 minutes orbetter to ho driven in Frazicr roadcarts by members of tho Club.


RUNNING RACE Mllo Dash.Free for all.


Open to all ponies ds orunder, and old or over.

BS?" Rules regarding entries andstarting arc suspended in races againsttime.

22 tf

Eor San FranciscoWith Immediate Despatch.

The Al Iron British Bark

ThosABell."THE attention of shippers of Sugar,

and other Island Produce isdirected to this first class Vessel.

C8T Applications for" space should bomade immediately to

G. W. MACFARLANE & CO.,43 Agents. tf

ron Water Tanks

Just received from Auckland,



Just recolved Ex. "Alameda" a smallconsignment of tho

Taranaki Butter"In 1 & lbs. Scaled TIiib.

Guaranteed the finest in tho Kingdom--HTOK, SALE--


LEWBS J. LEVEY,Nolo Agent for tlio Hawaiian

$5 iMlunds. jlw


HAVANA OSGARS!Imported Direct from Havana.

0. O.lRGER.33 tf

k'V-- '



Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · K-H-f.f S" at'-- ' Vi-. r. I jr--1& : '1, !''I " ..MLJg wL "S&arl Mir it .vt o rti:.j!i-ii-j JgP'LIILM IWHf Vol. XIIL No. 1913. HONOLULU, H. I.,


For Spring Summer Clothing,

Jo toThoArcado-EGA- N& CO.


fflailg till flintTUESDAY, MAY lo, 1888.

AttilKALS.May 15

Stmr Knala from Wnlalna ana alauueSchr W S Uownu from FianclscoSchrCntci inn fi oui Ilannk--


Stmr Kinnu for llilo ami way ports at

Stmr W O Hall for Liihnhi-i- , Manlncn,Komi mill Kail at 10 a in

Stmr Mlknliala for Kauai at ". p inStmr Likeliko for Ksiliuliil at fl p mStmr Lolma for llamakua at 5 p inStmr Walalcalo for Kaiini tit p inStmr C R Bishop for Lmmlmi a 4 p in


Stmr J as Miikcc for Wnialua and Ka--pna at 8 a m

Stmr Surprigr for Htiwnii


Fioin San Frani'lsco, per ochr W Sliowuc, May 15 J HnikmuidS Aleson.


A riNi: gontlo .In soy cow, goodmilker is advertised for snlc.

Two young ladies nro wanted atC. J. Fishcl's to lenin tlic Millinerytrade.

Thkke liuiidied and fifty hogscamo by the V S. Bowno forMessis. Bnrke and Winston.

An easy running Wilcox fe Gibbsor an Automatic bowing niachino of

any oilier niako is wanted to rent..

Tiikri: will bo another slaughter of

innocents in a day or two. All thotlie dogs (about 12,) now in the Sta-

tion House have been sentenced todeath.

The assignee of the estato of II. S.Swinton a bankrupt, notifies the cre-

ditors of the estate Hint he will, onMonday, May 2Sth at 10 a. m., applyfor a discharge from all liability, assuch assignee, and" for an oilier tomake a final dividend.


Next Saturday afternoon therewill be a half-mil- e dash at tho racetrack between L. Ilowison's NettieT. and D. II. Davis, Lydy L for$50 a side.

On the same afternoon, after theabove race, a half-mi- le dash, be-

tween N. Sliinncr's Ivanhoe Jr. andD. H. Davis' soirel mare Nettie for$50 aside, will take place.

On May 24, a race will be heldbetween Albert L, formerly Marin,and Mr. J. II. Agnew's pacer Mink,for 250 a side, mile heats, 3 in 5,to harness.

On the same day, May 24, Miles'Wonder, Sliinncr's Conspiracy andDavis' Lydy L, will have a half-mil- e

dash for a purse of $150.

boardImTeTlth.The Board of Health held a meet-

ing this morning to consider thecase of the 252 Chinamen quaran-tined outside the reef on the Kaimi-lo- a,

and it was decided that the ves-

sel is too small to accommodate thatnumbor of Chinamen ; that they bolanded at the quarantine grounds,and there provided for ; that theybe brought ashore, one boat load ata time, and fumigated ; and that thovessel, after being relieved of itsfreight be also -- disinfected. Thelanding is being done this afternoon.

Thus the retracing of a wrongstep has been commendably prompt.

SI, 700 LOST.

Mr. A. Hodcrick, who resides atKalilii, while returning home fromHonolulu this morning lost a bankdeposit receipt- - for 1,300 and anorder for $400. The deposit receiptis from-th- e bank of Messrs. Bishop& Co., in favor of Antono Roderick.The lost paper was in the loser'scoat pocket. Koderiek took off hiscoat and put it in his wagon. Thocoat fell out of" the wagon unobserv-ed, and it vivas not until Eodorickreadied homo, or nearly so, that hemissed his coat. Ho returned in

search of it, and found it in posses-

sion of a native, who had picked itup. But fho deposit receipt andorder wore gone, a'nd the native de-

clared that he knew nothing ofthem. Payment has been stopped,and the owner offers a reward of$50 for thoir return to him.

"Mamma, my doll's hioko herhead." Omaha mamma "Youcureless child, how did that happen?""She broke her head her own self;she tumbled off the chair." "Now,Bee here, Nell, dolls can't tumble off

chairs' themselves." "Why, yes,they can, mamma; tumbling off iseasy enough. It's holding on theycan't do."

One day some school childrenwere having an object lesson on thoblue heron. Tho teacher called at-

tention to its email tail saying:"The bird 1ms no tail to speak of."Next day &ho asked tho class tovrrito a description of tho bird, andone little- - German girl thus con-

cluded her essay : "The blue heronhas a tall, hut it must not bo talkedabout."

Printing ot an kind. exC.cuted at the Daily Bulletin Ofllco

iasasgns.tsat.xiMstrannat"' " ""

For Fancy Goods & Trimmings,

U to

The Arcado-EG- AN & CO.


Drill of Co. B. Honolulu Rifles,at 7:80 o'clock.

Excelsior Lodge I. O. O. F. meetsin its Hall on Fort street, nt 7:80o'clock.

Meeting of Court Lunnlilo, No.CC00, A. O. of 1, in hall or OahuLodge K. of P., at 7:80 o'clock.

Meeting of Kauieuamolia Lodgeof Perfection No. I , in the hall ofLc Progress, nt 7:80 o'clock.

Meeting of the Auli-Asiat- io Union.Bali of Liliuokalnni's Educational

Society No. 2, at. the Armory ofHonolulu Rifles.


BV I,. J. M5VKT.

By order of II. Ilackfcld & Co.,at his salesrooms, a lot of new andelegant household furniture, house-hold effects, crockery, glasswriroand clocks.


Meeting of the II. Y. & B. Clubat 12 noon.


The editor of tho Bulletin leaves"for Kauai by the Mikahala thisevening, and hopes to return by thesame vessel. He goes for sea airand health. The poor fellow hasbeen all out of shape for a coupleof weeks past in fact, had to stophome and do nothing most of lastweek. His head, ho says, is out oforder. His readers will lind nodilflculty in believing this!

The editor of the "Gazette" isalbo going by the samo steamer andon the same errand, combining per-haps a little work with recreation.His head is believed to be crumpledup considerably, loo, -- of which the"Gazette" is held to bo sufficientevidence.

Tt is to be hoped that these twoplayed-ou- t, liead-sic- k editors willfight out their differences betweenthemselves on board ship or over onKauai, that they will return in ahealthier and stronger condition ofmind than their respective papershave indicated for some time past,or that they will prolong their ab-

sence indefinitely I Aloha, brains.


The llilo Boarding School hasissued a circular "to the friends ofthe Hawaiian people," a copy ofwhich has reached the Bulletinoffice. The imprint shows that theciicular was printed at the BoardingSchool. The circular conveys theinformation that the Hilo BoardingSchool is an industrial institutionfor Hawaiian boys, that the depart-ments of carpentry and printingare now in operation, and that themoderate sum. of twenty-fiv- e dollarsper annum is charged for board and.tuition. Tho following is quoted :

"Hilo Boarding School has nowin operation, besides the regularscholastic department, departmentsof Carpentry and Piinting, whereinit is the intention that every boywho completes a course in the schoolshall gain tho rudiments of a tradeby which ho can earn anhones't live-

lihood, and at the same time be auseful member of society. A largepercentage of the carpenters and afull half of tho printers of theIslands, according to the last census,are Ilawaiians. This shows that inthese two departments, at least,HiloBoarding School is acting in accord-ance, with tho dictum of tho Spartanking.

In view of these facts, docs not thellilo Boarding bchool appeal lo allfriends of the Hawaiian people forpatronage and support?


Going into the office of tho Inter-Islan- d

Steam Navigation Co. yester-day afternoon, to ascertain, if possi-ble, what the company propose do-

ing with tlio Kaimiloa, the repre-sentative of tho Bulletin met Mr.John Ena, secretary of the I. I. S.N. Co.

Mr. Ena, with a sido wink to anemployee in tho office, said that ifthe company would not take thovessel off his- - hands ho would con-

vert her into a pleasure yacht, andtake his wife and family on an ex-

cursion to Tahiti, or ho would lether out as a quarantine vessel at$35 a day.

Just then the president of thecompany, Mr. T. R. Foster, camein, and Mr. Ena, excusing himselfwent into tho privalo olllae of thepresident to consult him on tho Ka-

imiloa.Returning to tho reporter, Mr,

Ena said that they (the company)will run the Kaimiloa between Sa-

moa and this port, if tho Legislaturewill grant them a subsidy. We,continued Mr. Ena, can buy cattlehere at $22 n head. Allowing forheight to Samoa and tho feeding ofthe cattle a handsomo profit caneven then bo made by selling thomeat at 20 and 25 cents a pound.

Mr. Enn wore a serious face whilehe was telling the above yarn, butthe clerks in tho office foundit difficult to keep from laughingoutright.

The reporter having received thedesired information, or rather allthat ho was likely to get, left theoffice, but not without taking a peepat tho president in his oillee andmaking a pencil sketch of the sar-donic smile he wore.

Bargains in Embroideries,

AtTho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.


She was reclining in her fnther'scarriage on Fort sheet, in a eaielessbut graceful attitude, and her list-

less gaze spoke volumes of doimantlove.

A young man in tho prime of llfo,buoyant! in spirit and devoutly fondof the gentle sex, sauntered by.

As If by magic the young ladylooked up. The gentleman turnedand gazed at her. They werestrangers to each other. Their eyesmet and looked straight at eachother for a moment. Then theyoung lady looked down and herchecks became tinted with a deli-

cate pink line. The gentlemanstill gazed, almost rudely. Itwas beyond doubt a case of loveat first sight.

A gray-heade- d man with a penstuck behind ills ear had quietlytaken in the lliilation from an unob-served corner. When the father ofthe young laily had boarded his car-riage and was being driven to hisdwelling on the plains, and theyoung man had gone his way, the

came out from hishiding place. Ho slapped his leg,exclaiming, I've struck it. Pull itsteeth out, cried a small boy fiomacross tho street, but the old mandid not hear him.

A ponnj for your thoughts, Mr.V said a reporter to the venerablegentleman, who was now seated inhig olllce, lost in a brown study.A penny! Not by a jug lull.There's millions in it, replied Mr.V--. fLike soothing syrup tricklingdown the gullet of a squalling brat,iiko a lighting flash, so did Mr. V 'sface change, when he iccognizcdthe reporter. Tho scowl ho hadassumed so as to appear deep, wassubstituted by a broad smile. "I'mgoing "to open a matiimouial bu-

reau," he said, in confidentialwhisper. I just saw something thatgave me the idea. There are scoresof young ladies here who are willingto make some young man happy andthcie aic as many young men whoarc anxious lo be made happy. Thisbureau will, of course, be strictlyconfidential. For $2.50 any younglady can register her name in abook in my office, and opposite hername the cognomen of the gen-tleman she would like to marry.Gentlemen can icgistcr for $J. each.When a gentleman and a lady agreein their choice, they will be quietlynotified of the fact, inlioduecd toeach other and left to set the day!

Give us nn "ad," said the reporter.

I'll let you register your namefree of charge if jou'll give me a"puff," said Mr. V and the twoshook hands over the counter.



Iiritated throats and annoyingcoughs are quickly ,i olio ved by thegenuine Butter Sco'tch, only to befound at tho Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Horn. Plenty of testi-monials. OS


Tuesday, May 15.Jose Pereira and Maria Medeiros,

adultery. Jose nol pros'd. Caseagainst Maria suspended.

M. Vom and Maude, drunken-ness, SG each.

J. McMahon, assault and battery,discharged.

Manuel Richardson, larceny of81 worth of sugar from Wilder &Co., 20 days at hard labor.

J. C. Quinn, Chas. Tanner andF. Blackburn, hack diivers, chargedwith obstructing the way near theboat landing, weic let oil! with a rc-- pi

imand.Kehelcmuna, furious riding, 80.Makia and Kaipolehua, disturb-

ing tho night, 86 each.Gabriel (lc) and Wahinelillii,

adultery, $30 and $15 respectively.Kauai (lc) and Piikea (w), adul-

tery. Piikca pleaded guilty. Kauaiis being tried this afternoon.


The walnut is indigenous to UpperAsia, and in the mountainous re-

gions of Persia is found growingwild. It was knonfi to the Romansas Jiujlam Jteyia or Royal Tree ofJupiter. It was introduced intoItah at the beginning of the Chiist-ia- n

ora, and gradually spiead overWestern Europe. It was introducedinto England many centuries agofrom Fiance, which countiy wasthen called Gaul, and bomo authori-ties say tho word "walnut" is a cor-

ruption of "Gtiuhiut." (Webstergives tho derivation, however, froman Anglo-Saxo- n w oul, "weal-lmut,- "

from "wealh," a foreigner, a stran-ger, and "hunt," a nut.) In Europeit is called bhuply "walnut, "and thename English walnut, used in thiscountry, was bcbtowed by tho colo-

nists of Viigiiiia to distinguish itfiom tho uativo American black wal-nut. The tree seems to llouiibh ex-ceedingly well in California. Itthrives in rich and poor laud, onmoumtaiuand in valley, in rock andbarren soil wliero hardly anythingelse can bo grown. But in deepsoil, with a moist bottom, tho Eng-lish walnut grows luxuriantly andyields large crops at a comparativelyyoung age. American Grocer.

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT.J, advertise in the Daily Uulixtik.


New Shades in Dress" Goods,

AtTho Arcado-EG- AN & CO."




The New York "World" of April2C, contains the following, which isail news to us :

Washington, April 25. An olllcoraboard one of the United States ves-sels cruising in the Pacific stationwrites confidentially to a friend inthis city giving the details of theunique elopment and ninrringo of abrother officer. The names of thointerested parties have been keptsecret, but the story itself has leak-ed out. A piomising young officerof the Pacific squadron while ashoreat Honolulu recently became deeplysmitten with tho charms of a youngnative girl, whose dusky skin didnot prevent her from entertainingvery correct ideas about the atten-tions she should allow a foreignofficer to show her. The youngwoman's father had observed with ajealous eye the admiring glances ofthe olllcor, and had foi bidden hispretty daughter to receive the at-

tentions in any form, going so far aslo icturn to him several nosegaysthe American had sent to his inamorata. The young lady, however,appears to have lost her heart veryearly in the episode, and rebelledviolently when her father informedher that if lie should interceptanother love-lett- er from young"Brass Buttons," as ho contempt-uously styled tho officer, he wouldbe obliged to lock her up until theAmerican squadron should leave theport.

At a clandestine meeting of thepair this threat was communicatedto the young man, who immediatelydecided upon a desperate resolution.Going to tho irate father he made aformal proposal of marriage, whichthe old gentleman indignantly; de-clined. The young man pleaded tono purpose. The dusky parent wasobdurate. The young fellow thenmade up his mind to take tho matterinto his own hands.

Securing the consent of tho younglady, which seems to have beenforthcoming readily enough, heplanned an clopmont in genuineAmeiican fashion. Arranging with:i missionary to tic the knot, howaited for a dark night and slippedquietly away from his ship, accom-panied only by a feliow-oflicc- r, who,afteis wearing secrecy, was nducedto act as best man.

Rowing ashore with muffled oars,the twq repaired to tho residence ofthe bride-expectan- t, who was noise-lessly assisted from a window. Thelittle party hurriedly sought theminister, who married the youngofficer and his sweetheart. Thebride was then returned to herfather's house, as she had beentaken away, by the window, and theofficer then hastened aboard ship.The bridegroom does not appear tohave formed any very definite plansfor the disposition of his duskybride, but from tho account whichreaches hero, he appears to be suffi-ciently infatuated with her to bringher lo Ameiica upon his return tohis native land.


It seems to be agreed among thestudents of Ai otology that it will bouseless to attempt again to reachthe North Polo by way of Green-land, which has repulsed and des-

troyed so many gallant men. Thoweight of opinion is now in favor ofmaking the next trial by way of theseas north of Norway. The latestwriter upon tho subject is the dis-

tinguished explorer, Karl Petersen,a Norwegian, who has made a scien-tific stud' of all the conditions ofArctic exploration, and has himsolfpenetrated tho Polar Ilasin morothan once. He recommends thatevery year, for a period of ten oreleven years, several d

steamers bo dispatched toward thePolo along four routes: One startingfrom the north of Norway, ono fromtho Yenisei or Obi, ono from thoNew Siberian Islands or the Lena,and one from a suitable spot inBchring Strait. All these would bediicctcil toward tho Pole by suchchannels as might open before thorn.Tho plan of tho expeditions shouldnot be formed earlier than July, orif possible, August. By that timemany of the huntsmen have return-ed fiom their first voyage to severalpaits of the Arctic Sea, and tho ex-peditions would bo in possession ofa fair knowledge of the state of theice at different points. Dr. Peter-sen reasons that the ice masses inthe Polar Basin arc in constant butvarying motion, and that this planwould enable ono oc another of thoexpeditions to seize the right mo-ment for a dash northward. Sooneror later tho opportunity to reach ahigh latitude would at some pointpresent itself.

la j i


It is beginning to he said that theleaf of the pineapple plant ' (Ana-nass- a

saliva) has a future before it.It is said now that tho leaf is finerand stronger in flhre than that yield-ed by any other plant, and tjiat, inthe Philippines, where tho WostIndian Ananas has"bceome natural-ized, a beautiful and strong tcxtilofabric is. ninuo from u,ttnown locallyas "pina cloth."

WEEKLY BUlXeTIN-Isla- ndsubscription, fll per annum.

Barg'ns in Erauroid'cd Dresses,At

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.


EABY CARRIAGES in almoststyle, can bo found nt G.

West fc Co. "8. USlw

WEEKLY BULLETIN-Qo- csto every linmlet anil village

in tho Hawaiian Kingdom.

CLOTHES HAMPERS. BasketsHals arranged

fot Flower Va9es, mtiy be seen at G.West&Oo.'s. 88 lw

WEEKLY BULLETIN-T- liebeat paper to send ubroad

85 per annum.

T HE ONLY LIVE PAPER inTTnnnlitln. trp, Il..t1. t..ll..t!.. 141UUUIIIIU JLMU .lyunj iJUUUUU.

RYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGRear of Lucas' Mill.


in the Kingdom "TheDaily Bulletin." CO cents per month.


Port, Madeira and Malaga,for 8uio in kcg and caes by

GONSAJLVES & CO.,01 Queen btrcot.

HE BEST PAPER to subscribefor U the "D.Uly Bulletin." GO

cents per month.

THE DAILY BULLETIN is a liveX evening paper. 60 cents per month

CLEAN RAGS and second handwill be gratefully receiv-

ed for tlio use of tho inmates of theBranch Hospital for Lepers at Kuknako,or at tho Leper Settlmcnt on Molokal,If left with J. T. Watcrhousc, jr., at theQueen Street Store. t&f tf

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- JL128 columns, purely local iimlicr

Mulled tj foreign countries, 5 perannum.

HE DAILY BULLETIN has thelargest circulation of any paper

printed in this Kingdom. ISO cults permonth.

HE WORKINGMAN'S PAPER"Tho Dallv Bulletin." 50 cuius

per month.

T HE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heDaily Bulletin 51) rts per month

MISS. P. TIIIELE,On Berctania street near Pilkoi.

(Formerly ilcGuire's House,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Also, French and German taught, andMusic Lessons given.

A safe conveyance will call for and re-turn children living at a distance.

72 Mutual Telephone No. 501. 3m

New Zealand HatsJust received from Auckland, E


600 Bags of CHOICE OATS !

Of tho CROP of 188S, and whichwill be




A Japanese Wrestling Tourpumcnt willtake place in the"

MTCJSIO 33C.AJL.il,,-- ON-


tST Parties desiring to join in thetournament can do eo by applying attho Japanese Store, on King Btrcct.

38 8t


" Weekly Summary,"28 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will bo found tobo an interesting aud comprehensivenumbor, containing 28 columns ofreading matter on local topics,, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland, newa. There is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send tofriends ubroad.

sunscmi'iioxs:Island SI 00 yearForeign (mailed) 5 00 year

To bo had from J. II. Soper, Mer-

chant street ; A. M. Ilewett, Mer-

chant street, and 1)uj.m:tin Ofllcc,Queen street.


STABLES for four horses, carriagewith two rooms, adjoining

laud 400x1(0. Entrance from Kinnustreet, 15 minutes' walk from l'o4 olllcoSuilahlo for haclcdiivur. Hint Ql'.'pcrmonth. Apply to41 lw J. L BUOWN & CO.


rpiIE above reward will bo given lo

givo inch information as will lead tothe nneat and conviction of the porsonor person who bet lire to my storoeituaml on Berctania a cot, ni.t to thepremhes owned by J. K, Bush Esii., inHonolulu.


Honolulu, May 0, 1RS8. !)3 lw

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hemost pupuiav paper puuusncu,


1fittC?h u v)

B Uf ffl W ! I I

63 & 65 FORT STREET.

peciaB Notice lo Ladies !

- Our Entire Stock of Embroideries, Ori-

ental, Spanish and Torclioiig Laces will besold at an ImuSense deduction. Ladies areinvited to call and learn our prices.

Received by last steamer a large assort-ment of Oriental and Embroided Flouncingwhich we offer at Bed Rock Prices.

Forty pieces Canvas Cloth, in Cream andWhite, at 12 1-- 2 cents.

Mi B ?

G8J Opposite



1731 ly


HI f (fJBjp







Xfc? TOjFo?

Irwin & Co

Are receiving by every incoming steamer from SanFrancisco

Hew Hoods !


mw Goods





Mm, Glairs, Pianos, (Mars, Pictures,Crockery Ware, Baby Carriages,

Bird Cages, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

Fancy Goods ! Fancy Goods !



Sold on (he Installment Plan.

MATRASSES, C0RN3CES & FRAMESAlways on Hand anil Made to Order.

Canary Birds, Canary Birds,(Warranted Singers.)


G. WEST & GO.'S, 105 Fort Street,HONOJjULTJ. iy

. F








rfi.f iifir.feuiimr f r

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--It$X. v r; j yf

mmm Ji'MSiBWi'-- ' ' 'IM'WU xkammmMkmm

Steam "Works, Sunny South,Tele, Bell 180, Mutual 245.

Depot, 28 Merchant Streot,Tele., Bell 172, Mutual 3G0.

CAPACITY 1,000 l)OZi:X Vint PAT.

Tho Only English Apparatus inuking High Class


renadine, Raspberrvade,And PUKE, STRONG EFFERVESCING

PLAII SODA W.ATER.Orders delivered to tiny part of the city.

1G tfIsland orders solicited.

Just Received at HoSlister & Go.'sA largo assortment of

ERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n brands of




JEor Sale at 3Eeasona!le JPrioee'c1592 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.


General .A.en.tExport Accountants and Collectors, Real Estato, Fire & Life Insuranco

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business:

Book3 s.2'1 Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collctions will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Lcal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand-

somely engrossed.Copying and Translating iu all languages in general use ii this Kingdom.E.er.1 Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Eire and Life Insuranoe effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

C2T All Business entrusted to our care will rcceivo prompt and faithful attention atmoderate charges.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e ycarsXinNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anIntricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit atrial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. XXswvn.iia.iJi XSn&iiicsfs Agency.inu. 8 ly

Tulephone Both Companies 240.


FRESH GOODS from California on ICE, by each steamer of the O

P. Box 297.






A Very Choice Lot of i3. Z. ' Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.;

All of whieli we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats 1

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.1850


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNEK FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All ordora faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Island orders Foil-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Oftlco Bos 145. Telephone No. 02. 168 ly


-- O-

IIAS JUST RECEIVEDDupcc Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, Kegs

ff Beef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Btown Bi cad, Table Fruits, Germea,

KuckiiiH &. Franco American IFcctl Co.'h Awsort'd Soups,Ridges Food, Imperial Granuin, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

JC1" Leave your oi tiers, or ring up 119,

The "Daily BuiletinWeekly Summary,"Will be Issued on May 15th.

28 Columns of Interesting News.



-- a

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.

mmi nmtTTinnn

UniLLDUilllEss j st r. ctlvctl a very

h..nJsomc assortment of nil Ilia


Iu the Millinery liiue, such as

Hats, Rloiis, Feathers,

Trimmings, Flowers,

Ornatnouts, &a, &c,

Also, Most Excellent J Assortment of

3P LUMB S09 jttircct from jEnropc. lm

1 m TBBT"f !

m lome imilOF SAN FRANCISCO.


Made In America.

Meals Superior to all Others.

GQNSALVES & CO.,Hole AccutM or the

iHlnmlH.78 tf



lite Bros.' Port Cement

Blacksmith Coal,File Biicks,Fire Clay,

Goal Tar, StocIMi Tar,Steel Rails,AViio Nails,

W. Staples,


Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iiou Tanks,1. Cloth,

llubbuck's Faints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.

roit sale by

li. Hackfeld & Co.00 tf

Aiistrallai lail Service.

FOR SAN I'RAKCISCO,The new and fine 6tccl steamship

L& iariposa,the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

duo at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland oil or about

June 3, 1888.And will leave for the above port withmails and passengers on or auout thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. IRWIN & CO., Afjentsi

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new aud flno steel steamship











Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe due at Honolulu from San

Francisco on or about

June 7, 1888,And will have prompt difpatth withmails and passengers for theabovoport3.

For ircight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

to37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., ARents.

New York Line.



An Al vessel will bo despatchedthis Lino for Honolulu, to leave

.Now lorK In all May.

For iuither Information apply to

W. H. CEOSSMAN & BBO.,77 & 70 Broad Street,

New York.

57 3 m

v II



-- OR-

CASTLE & COOKE,Honolulu.



Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feetdeep; 8 feet wido; 2 22 feet Surf Boats:1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 inches dec), with must and sails alleompleto; 1 S3 feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 01 tf

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERJL "Tho DnUv Bulletin." 50 centsper month.

HE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoDaily Bulletin 00 cts per month


Arrlvo at Honolulu from San Tranclsco.

Australia . . . , , May 29Alameda Juiio 7Australia June 2G

Mariposa , July 5Australia , . . . July 24Zoalandia. .. . , August 2Australia. , . . ..August 21Alameda August 81Australia September 18Mariposa September 27Australia ' October 10Zealandia. . October 25Australia November 13Alameda November 22Australia , . .December 11

Loavo Honolulu tor San Francisco..

Mariposa. Juno 3Australia Juno 5Zoalandia July 1Australia July 8Alameda July 29Australia July 31Mariposa August 2G

Australia August 28Zoalandia.' Soptcniber 23Australia September 25Alameda October 21Australia. .... .. October 23Mariposa. . , i . .November 18Australia November 20Zoalandia December 1G


Australia December 18Alameda (1889) January. 13

Bell Tel. 348.


Jlluttinl Tel. 1311

P. O.lloxlO.88 Merchant St., Honolulu



Convoyanclng a Specialty Kccords search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and cngiossing in alllanguages iu general use in tho King-dom- .

Custom Houso brokerage File and LifeInsuranco rcceivo prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthoiizedCollector.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuatilo properties In andaround the city now for sale on crsyterms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations iu and near the city to let orlease at reasonable ratis.

Employment Vanted by several men andboys, who" will make themselves use-ful in performing the various officesand chores requited by private fami-lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat tho agency.

Orders from the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

i "

Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. 30Q.

P. 0. Box 409.

Fire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

- Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America,Connecting at Boston with the AzoreB

and Madeira.

Through tickets gi anted from Honoluluto'all points East.

Accountant' Department.Merchandise stored and sold on com-

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom House Business

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and audited.Logal Documents prepared.Averages adjusted.Properties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drawn.

To Lot No 39 Klnau street; parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, servant's room,stable, carrlago houso, garden, etc.Rent very moderate.

Cotlago at Walkiki, opposito SunnySoutli; largo yard, stable, etc. Possession on 1st April.

By tho S. B. "Australia" 8lh February,--AND NOW ON SALE

California Oranges---prim- o sample, BarrelsSaurkraut, Kegs Saurkraut, Crates Whlto

Heart Cabuago, Celory on Ice,Cratos Cauliflower,

and u,l' seasonable vahiktieb op

--A.IIIEfr AND J?3SAJa.a I

A largo consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Raisins, Chostnuts, Wa).nuts, llardnuts, Almondnuts, CannedTomatoes. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., EtcES-LO-


CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,CO King Htrcct, Honolulu, tf

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,J. advortlso in the Dau,y Bulletin.

NotiGe to the Public of these Islands Richard Cayford,

Wedding Cakes !

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplnto giving orders for the above arti-cle arc respectfully requested to call at tho Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-

dy Factory and Bakery, established 18G3, before going to any other house,as my establishment Is POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all tho ridiculous, empty and pompous newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where a cake can bo procured to givo the greatest satis-faction to tho most refined tastes, and to bo an ornament of exquisiteworkmanship on your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut,but be a credit to the flno art of tho Confectioner, which has not only fortwenty-fiv- e years but still bids competition defiance to this day. All at-

tempts iu any other establishment nrc inferior to mine and not worth theprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions aro always cheaper than a hnlfmadc one's are.Having had over half a century's practical experience tho undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest .styles of art.

IB". JHLOJRIV,The only Practical Confectioner in all branches ; Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-

tween Fort and Nuuanu Streets, Honolulu, II. I.97

Made of the celebrated CREAM of the Woodlawn Dairy,sold at the great reduced price of

S2.00! S2.00I S2.00! S2.00! S2.00!PER GALLON-HON- EST MEASURE


JEJST.iODL.ISJBCJEJO 1863.S3r-A- s some evil disposed persons avIio aro openly boast-

ing of the intention of ruining my business and villanouslyfalsefying any GOODS and IOE CREAM I will forfeit

100 to any person avIio will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.


f.Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones IsTo. 74. Hotel St. bet. Nuuanu & Fort St.

Horse Clipping!NEATLY DONE and "despatch


70 2m


Cooked Tarn Flour!The New Process to mako the Best

of Poi with hardly anytrouble.

Hawaiian Fruit & TaroTHE of Wailuku, Maul, will beprepared to supply tho public of Hono-lulu and the other Islands, on tho 2ndday of April, 5888, with a new prcpara-Ho- n

of Taro Flour called COOKEDTARO FLOUR. This article is farsuperior to the old raw Taro Flour.This article is already cooked and it re-quires hardly any work to mako thebest of Poi and other receipts, by add-in- g

Cooked Taro Flour to boiling hotwater like preparing com meal yourPol is made at once. Those desiringsour Poi will have to let it stand 24hours. If too thin or sour add ficshpaste of Cooked Taro Flour. Our

with each bags will give full par-ticulars. If our diicctions with eachbag aro strictly followed it will notfail to mako the cleanest and best ofPoi. This new process of Cooked TaroFlour is mado by machinery so therecannot bo any dirtiness or Mildness inthis way of making Tol. AH grocerystores will .be furnished with CookedTaro Flour on the abovo date. Our re.tall price per 5 lb. bag will be 40 contspor Bag in Honolulu. Any over-charg- e

will be refunded by notifying W. H.Cuminings, Bell Telephone No. 323. Allorders from tho other IslandB can bofilled by tending your order to

W. H. DANIELS, Manager,Wailuku, Maui,

W. H. CUMMINGS, Agent,Honolulu.

EST" The Company is prepared if sodesired to supply hard Poi, not Includ-ing lots of water, In onaor more barrelsor bag lots, at lowest possiblo prices.

003 lm


TWO COTTAGES fullyImnii 1 1 f ..11

2&Sa located, within 5 minutes'walk of the Post Ofllce. An opportunlty seldom offered to secure a comfort,able homo within easy reach of thobusiness part of tho city. For parti,culars inquire at001 tf GULIOK'S AGENCY.


ABOUT seven acres of good pasture,or gardon land, at Kapalama,

about a mllo and a half from town, witha two.6tory dwelling house, kitchenstablo and other out houses.

Terms 850 Por MontJi.tSTApply to

Wm. McCANDLESS.27 tf

BR. PARDEE'SREMEDY,(the only beltablk blood purifiee)

A Specific for

RHEUMATISMHcroruln, Halt Itlicum,

Xeurnljjln, IClue AVorru,

And all other Skin and Blood Diseases.

It Regulates tho

LIVER AND KIDNEYS,Cures Indigestion, and all Diseases

arising from nn enfeebled con--ditlon of the system.

Dr. Martlne, of London, the celebratedspecialist, savs of PARDEE'S REMEDY :'. I have used it for twenty years forBlood Diseases, such as Scrofula, SaltRheum, Teter and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend It too highly."

The Rev, Dr. Thomas, of Hone: Kong,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY la awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihave prescribed lt.hundrcds of times forleprosy, anil, when given in time it

cured tho patient. I can safely saythat leprosy will never break out on per.sons who take Pardee's Remedy rcgu-larl-

and I advise all persons living incountries whero lepiosyis prevalent totako Pardee's Remedy os a preventive."

For Salo by'all Druggists in Honolulu,Ap-- 3m

Tonsorial Artists, 88 King St,

GENTLEMEN of Honolulu s Plcasothat a neat Barber

Shop has been opened next door to therestaurant down stairs, 88 King street,by two of tho best practical Baibcrsintown. Gentlemen nre requested to giveus a trial. Wo guarantee satisfaction.Childrcns' hair cutting a speciality.




At J. J.

Views !

Williams05 tf


Fort St.. Next linens' Mill.Shooing, from S3L.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence: SI Alnkca Street,I. O. .BOX 408.BollTelenhoncja

Yosemite Skating

Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Queen & Richard Shoots.

Will be open every evening from 7 to0:30 r. m.

MUSIO Tuesdays andevening for the Pub1 lic iu General.

TIIOM.A.S AVALL,Proprietor. lyr


Another Fresh Lot of

Hay & Feed !Just arrived nud


Algeroba Firewood & Charcoal I

Made from Algcroba Wood.


Tele. C3. -- atS" Mutual Tele. 887.33 2w

74 King st. Jj




74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-1- 0 88


Wines Mrs mi




Belonging to tho undersigned, will besold at

Very Low PricesDuring the month of May, 1888, and all

parties wishing to supply them--selves, will do well to call and

examine the Goods beforobuying elsewhere.

Tho GOODS miiHt toe soldAnd embrace tho Best Assortment of

Good Family Articles, ahat can bofound in this city.

TDlESaaBIK CL4lIIAt BROWN & CO.'s Store,

No. 1 1 Merchant Btreet.


Assignees of Brown & Co.Honolulu, April 28, 1888. 28 lm

PITT cSCOTT'SGeneral Mlilpplnir Agency and For-elS- T"

l'arceltt KxpreHS,

Goods, Parcels, Baggage, Etc, Etc,Forwarded to and from all parts of

tho world.O. 0. D. amounts of invoices collected

in any country.JWTnrlfTa of Rates Jn AitpllentlonrfiGeneral Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,00 28 Merchant Btreet. .tf

JOB PRINTING of all kindsat tho Daily Boiaktin Office

WEEKLY BULLETIN-Isla- ndsubscription, $4 per annum.


