fir if all li II: ill's Am if 6 -- ru- If !J i ;S : J PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V. NO. 23. LIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, JANUARY 28, 188(5. JlJijtrtistratnls. HESTAlBAJiTS. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS l'UHLISHEl Kvery Morning Except Smulays. j srr.scr.ii'TioN.s : !aii.y H. Advkrtiseb, one yf-a- r 6 00 ! Dily l. C. AiVKKTi.sKit, six montlis A 00 Haily P. C A i v K itT is k k, three months. 1 50 Iuiuy P. !. Aivkhtikb, per month r0 WictKLV P. C Advkbtiskb, one year 5 00 l 'lsti Suhscrir-tioii- , W. P. C A. (Including 6 60 postage; Payable Jncuriably in Advance. 3Iarslial"s Sale. I VIltTFK OF A WKI f OF EXECfTIUX j' 1Y Issued out of the Supreme Court, on the Hth lay of November, A. D. against A. K. K 17- - NUIAKEA, defendant, in favor of E. P. MI EEs, plaintiff, for the sum of ?170 94. I have levied upon and shall expose for sale, at the front Aliiolanl Hale, in Honolulu. Island of WEDX ESDAV , the .! Oahu, at 12 m. o'clock of day of February, A. D. ISSfi, to the h'shest bid- der, all the right, title and interest of the said de- fendant, lu aud to the following property, n:iless (.aid Judgment, interest, costs and my expenses be previously paid. Ltst of property for sale: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Luakaha, NuHanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Com- mencing at niakai west corner of lare lot on Xuu. ami road, and running south !3 west, 3 chain i9 5-- feet alont? road wall to slight angle. Thence soutbl west 2 chains it 10-1- 2 leet along wall to makal west corner of this lot. Thence south :)' 16', east 6 chains irt 7- -1 i feet along inakai wall of this lot to slight angle; thence south 33 east 2 cnains 17 10-- 12 feet along wall to makai south cor- ner of this land. 1 hence X. 00 east 5 chains along wall to makai wall of old lot at east comer of this lot. Thence north 20 10' west 3 chains 2 8-- feet along wall to slight angle. Thence north 29.15, west 5 chi-i- s along old lot wall to place of commencement, ding an area of acres. J.H.SOPEK. .Marshal. Honolulu, January E IsSf.. The sale has been p.irtponed until Saturday, February 6th. J. 11. SOl'EK, Marihal. MarshaFs Sale. VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTION JY out of the supreme Court, on the 4th day of January, A. 1). Hs. against A. K. KCNU-IAKE- defendant, in favor of C. t. UUj . - . , i T hiit- - plain till , lor tne sum o f . , ; upon and shall expose lor ..y... :.. trance of Aliioleni Hale, in Honolulu. Island of Oahu, at 12 m. o'clock of WEDX ESD , the 3d day of February, A. I). HSG, to the highest bid- der, all the right, title and interest of the said A. K KUNUIAKEA.defendant.in and to the follow- ing property, unless said Judgment, interest, costs and my expenses be previously paid. List of property lor sale: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Lnakaha. Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Commencing at makai west corner of large lot ou Nuuanu road, and running south 63 west a chains 5a 5-- feet along road wall to slight angle; thence south til west 2 chains 11 12 feet along wall to makai west corner of this lot. Thence south -- 0 45' east, 6 chains 56 7-- feet along maksi wall of angle; thence south 35 east 2 this lot to slight chains 17 10-1- 2 feet along wall to makai south corner 'of this land. Thence N. CO east chains along wall to makai wall of old lot at east corner of this lot. Thence north 20 15' west, 3 chains .... i .....ii m uHiriif ancle. Thence north 29.15 west. 5 chains along old w all to placid of commencement, lncui'img h-- i i J. H. SOPER, m-w- . Marshul. Honolulu," January 4, 1S86. Th sale has been postponed until Saturday, February 6th. ' J, H. SOPEH, Marshal. IMPORTANT Real Estate Sale -- IN HON OLTT-CTT- , Hawaiian Islands. DESIKIXO A GOOD PARTIES the Hawaiian Islands will have a r.ri oooortunitv in the purchase of the Rose Ranch property, lately owned by Captain James Mukee, on the Island of Maui. This estate comprises over eleven thousand (1 1 acres of land held In fee simple, and about ten thousand (10.000) acres held under lease to run six years longer. The stock on the estate com- prises about 3.800 head of well-bre- d cattle, includ- ing loo yoke working cattle and 300 milch cows and 90 horses and mules. The buildings consist of a main dwelling house, guests' cottages, office, billiard room, chapel, dairy and beef houses, store, overseer's house, servants' quarters, etc., etc. There are between three and four hundred thou- sand trees on the estate of varieties of eucalyptus, acacia, cypress, Pride? of jndia, cedar and ciu-cho- n. The cisterns for water are 12 in number, the argest capable of holding barrels. steamers from Honolulu stop at tne landing of the estate once a week. The passage from Hono- lulu to the landing is made in 12 hours by steamer. I Hundreds of citizens of California and the Eastern States have experienced the hospitality of the lati j Captain Makee, who w ill bear willing testimony to .the natural beauties of the estate and to the sa- lubrity I of the climate. ALSO TO CE SOLD, The line residence In' the city of Honolulu belong- ing to the Mukee estate, together with the furni- ture belonging to the bouse. 1 be sale of the above-name- d properties w ill be iieid in the city of Honolulu MARCH I. issii. For further particulars apply to JOHN D. slit ECKELS HHOS.. .san Fraii'-ii-o- , ..a .J V.M.ti.li:VIN4('n, i 411 marl d-- w Hoi.oluni. FRANSC GSRTZ, ' rv j lmporier anu flanuiaciiirer Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES (j-Orde- rs from the other Islands solicited. Xo. Ill Fort St., Honolulu. drfrttsemcnis. JUST BECEIVED AND FOR S.VLE AT- - Lowest Market Rates, A I arije Stork of the Most Favorite liraiiils of BUXUIKS, WHIsKIKS. (i KN EVAS, MJ IIP. HIES. P.ltlMS. rOK'i's, MAUiailAS, ALES, NTOFTN, And HE KitS, LIQFEl'KS, ETC j I i insri.i: deu wiusiiv. tin cases and casks.) I'EI.I.ISSOX'S ItH VMlV. (7 and lit jvcrs old,) I AN 1) HiKhveiser Lager Boer, lor which we are the Sole Agents in the Ha- waiian Islands, are particularly recommended. Town ami Country Order Fillcl Promptly, autl Sa!ii'tu-tio- n (.iiarau-leea- . Free tli Peacock. "t Xutianu street, Honolulr. H. 1. Telephone Xo. It:. P. O. Box 32. 110 la'J4.ds6 The Risdori Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, SAX FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA W. H. TAYLOR President JOS. MOORE .Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN 1UILDEP.S branches; Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kindi. built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY EXOrXES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barge.? and Steam Trigs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Spend, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. STO VR MILLS AND SUOAR-MAKIX- MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched aud Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality cf work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air ad Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AOEXTS and manufacturers for the Pa- - c lie Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, spreckels Block. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands 22t;se30-i- y BEAVtB SALOGN. XO. POUT STREKT. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s H. J. Nolte, Propr. OPk:. FOU 3 A. M. TILL 10 V. M HUST-CLAS- S Li'XfllES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, UNCMi ALE, Oi2fJi ! sukI Tobaccos i OF BEST BRANDS j Plkin and Fancy 11 l'l-- personal! selected from j the Manufacturers, ur.d a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' AliTICIiKS. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant & co, silliaed tasle on the Premises. The Proprietor would be pleased to receive a call from h!s Fr!end3 and the Public generally i who may desire a j II. A SMOKE. Oil A GAME OF HII.I.IAR!S. i II. J. N0LTE. 26-- U TO PLAXTEKS. We have just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, For four and five foot furnaces, complete with grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of this make are now ii. successful operation at Spreckelsville, Mukee suyur I'oinpaiiy ami other plantations. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and further particulars ap- ply to Win. (f. Irwin & Co., :"tf Agents. UNION FEED CO,, (net n t L'ittwjIi Streets, WHOl.KSAI.K A KKTAIL liealers I.. II AY A X 1 U It A I X , Telephone Xo. 175. Goods deliveret' promptly. Iilatiil Orders fcoliel tel. iif GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, .st. r, ii. m . Manufacture and Supply all knuls of Itook. Xews. Flat anl Tthc 1 Papers, IJin tiers ItoardH, TwI ue, Ete. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 203 I,eliie4lorir Ktret. Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. X Il.SociaI Atloution driven to Large Contract. 58 tt&w TELEPHONE 55 'NTEBPBIS f3 PLANING- - MILL, p Alakea, near lHera St. 1 -- 71 C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAtSON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood. Cut and Split. 2I-t- f Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY Benson, Smith & Co. Sample bottle free. TRY IT. 68 tf J. LYONH. t. COHKX. LYONS & COHEN, Viictioneers AND General Commission Merchantsf Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu orFiirnitnre. Ktock, Real E.tat Snlen (general Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Agents lor American & European HerchanJise. l!'l-t- f T.J. SPEXCE, Spwial Agent for the 3Iicliigan Portrait Co. Producers of the finest grades of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAIT. OFFICE AT J. WILLIAM S Photograph Gallery, 102 FORT STREET. Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. Where a large variety of specimens can be seen at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently visit the several Islands of the group, when he will be pleased to show specimens and take orders for same. 363 tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Prls'lur at the laelu Conuuerelal Autettlser . Offlce will from this date be presented for pay- ment monthly. Honolulu. March t. 1H85. . Fulton Iron Works, 1ILNCKLEY, fsriEKS & HAYES, or San Frnwlseo. All kinds of Macbinerv and Boilers. Specialties ICE AND REFRIGEHATINrt MACHINERY. CORLISS ENGINES, B.U'.COCK A WILCOX BOILERS, DEANE Allt, VACUUM AND STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN II EATER'S ETC., ETC. s. i sTANUcr. ohm rnii;it. Spruance, Stanley .& Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, 410 Front St.. Kan Francisco. 57 tf Aw S. 3?. Taylor & Co. Agents South Coast Paper MUls. Proprietors Pioueer aud Sun Geroniuio Paper MllU. STRAW TAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. ill and 110 Clay street, Sau Francisco, Cal 1U JylO ly I. HALL &, SOIST Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. y Dunham, Carrigan & Co. HARDAVARE, IIION AND STEEL MEltCIIAKTS Son Francisco, Cal. ir.i-au2ii.- lv Demiuc: Palmer Milling Co, PROPRIETORS OF THK CAPITOL MILLS I Oflice 202 and 204 Davis street, Sau Francisco Manufacturers of and Dealetsln Flour, Grains o all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middling. Cornmeal Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat Cracked Com, Buckwheat Flour, OU Cake Meal Hominy, Etc., Etc. KLINE & CQ., Imiiortersof - HATS and CAPS, Nos. 26 aud 2i Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of JWna, 121aU-'-- 8 SAN FRANCISCO. U. II. ELLIS. 1. W. MILLICa. ELLIS & MILLER Wholesale aud Commission Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAK STREET, Between Market aud Mission. SAN FRANCISCO. r Orders Solicited. 3dec29-l- y Wliitticr, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACII1C JtUBBER PATN1 PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS and AR- TISTS' MATERIALS, 21.23 Front St., i t San Frnelco. American Exchange Hotel, ' Kanwome Street, Opiwsite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s 'Express, one doot from Bank of California, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ThU Hotel la la the very center of the business portion of the city, and has been renovated aad newly furnished throughout. But on block from the Oregon Steamship Company's oEce. The traveling public will Hud this to be the most con- venient, as well as the most comfortable and re- spectable Hotel In the city. Board and Kooin, 1 aud $1 23 per day Ho, and cold baths free. None but the most ob- liging white labor employed. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THK HOTEL. MONTGOMERY BROS., 350decl Proprietors. DR. C. iU- - WEST'S FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL, BELT Cures all forms of die ease with Kort uil1' clue, espec k jy forms of impsw Jof the blood and sexual ailments in C)" - either sex. Mont powerful Belt and r ' only one lu te world charged w:th wutr. Full directions sent with belt. Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St., sau Francisco, Cal. Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 331 A. F. HINZ. WM. FLAGEMANN- - YOLO 3IILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. i Telephone No. 568. ' ' Hiuz A Plaffeiuanu, Manufacturers of Extra Family, Orabam, Rye j Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat. Com and Feed Corn Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Rack- - wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar- ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealers In Grain and Feed of all kinds. Ortadlug done to order. 125 aug2 ly l t If iff. l 1- - r jl f 1 'T I: ) ' 5 . i f ., ' - t ; :l' ' .J TJ KT I O 3V Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of h 7.ealanl. CAPITAL. : io.ooo,ooo Having: llsablislel au Ayrenoy at for the Hawaiian Islands, the are prepared to accept risks auinst Vire In dwellings, stores warehouses and nierehandisf. on favorahle terms. Jlarine risks on curgo (reihts, hottomry, protlts and commissions. Losses irouiiUy ailJusloU A ayabIo. s2-d- WM, tJ. IUW'IX CO GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. ."0 WALL. STKKCT. M.W VOKK rillie alMve Company liatiuu 'la!- - I lished an Agency ut lloiiolulii, for Hie Hawa- iian Islands, the.uii(lersiiied is authorized to.u cvpt and write MARINE O.N Merchandise, Freights. Treasure. Commissions, and Hulls. At eurreui Rites. Wflrt. C. IRWIN & CO., tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands C. O. BERGER, OKNKKAI- - AOKNIV NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets f 0 ,000 ,000 CITY OF LONDON FII1E INSURANCE COMPANY. ( Limited) . Capital ...$10,000,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Finn and Marine. Combined Capital.... ?:o, 000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Asseta ? 1,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Mamne. Capital ;2i)OfOO0 MACXEALE A URBAN S j. F E S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Oas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A Co. C. O. BERGER, 100 my29 HONOLULU. II. I. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL fcio.ooo.ooo UNLIMITED LIABILITY. .lire Insurance oi nil lt'Selillon I. will be efl'ected at Moderate Rates of J'rrmi um, by the undersigned. WM. fi. IRWIN CO. Managers for Haw. Islands SUN FIRE OFFICE O F I. XI X . ESTABLISHED 17 10. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total Sinn Insured in 1881 - - 318,5'J9,31C Claims arranged by the local asrent.i, and paid with promptitude and liberality, The Jurisdiction of the Local Tril.ni.His reco?;iilzf d. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOdJtwtf Atrcntsfor the Hawaiian Islands. ii i i mum AND Ice Cream Parlor Ami- - Coiifectionerv, Uinir Street, Lincoln Block. a3fA fine assortment of CANDIES and CAKES always on hand. Parties I supplied. 141-tf-d-- w PIONEER Steam Candy Factory AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74 KOOMS TO LET. yKAT AND COMFORTABLE FURN18HEI) l. rooms at No. 3 Kawaiahou lane, a few steps from the Government building. A man and wife can also have comfortable furnished rooms, or two rooms unfurnished, aud accommodations to cook for themselves. MRS. WARD. 195-- tf ATTOHNCTS.AT.LAW. CURKNCK W. VOLNKY V. ASHFORB. ASUFOHD. . AHhToril A Aliiorl, ATTORNEYS, COLNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Oflice Honolulu Hale, adjoinlujr the Post Office. J67dAwtf BROWN, ATTORN AND C1KCIL Public, Campbell's Block. Merchant street. J. M. M0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Estate in any part of the Ilu: Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. Xo. 27 MEKCIIAXT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. lS-- tf WENNER & CO. 93 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign aud Homemade Jewelry. !Watches, llracelets, Necklets, Piiis, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plato, Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in all Its branches. tGT Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. The Forest Meat Market HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables. Bornhold & Co. I'roprietors. Keep the best Beef aud Mutton these Islands af- ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. No discount from any other maker. Give us a trial. 38'idecll tf WM. McCANDLESS, Xo. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 102 tf Metropolitan Market !!; STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Choi cent Meats trout Finest Herd Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. AU meats delivered front this market are thor-ougl- y chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colema- n Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all its Juicv properties, and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. 113-- tt M. THOMPSON. ATTOUXEY-AT-- L A W , And Solicitor In Chancery. Office, CampbeU'B Block, second story, rooms 8 and 8. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 406 tf Claus Spree kf is. Win. d. Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., iroxoLii.u, HAWAIIAN Drw Jixchuui' on the i'Muripul parts of the w orld. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general hanking and exchange business. Dejeisi, bearing interest received in their Sav ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 77oc'Uf M. PHILLIPS & Co., ImiNtrterM anl AVIiolONale Iealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. Xo. 11 Kaahumauii Street. Honolulu, II. I. ruf-wt- f CLACK SFCECKSI.S mu. a. irwis. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., SCO A It FACTO US anil CominiHMiou Honolulu U. I. tf H. HACKFELD & CO., G1 KXEItAI, ril)IMISSIO AUEXTS. r 11 tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.r. r. BAN.VLNG. W. MAtKIKN. r OlTEHOtl.T ED. H0FFSCHLAE6ER & CO., Importers A Cominission Mcrrlinnts. Honolulu, 11. 1. 11-- tf A. S. OLEGHORN & Co., Imftorters autl Wholesale autl Ketall General Merchandise, Corner Queen and ICaahumanu Sts. 15-t- f MAOFAELANE & C0-- , eral Jobbers lu WINES and LIQUORS. Ao. 'i liaubumniiii Street, HONOLULU. 31. S. Grinbauin & Co., JMPOHTEBS OF Ueuernl Mertliantliso ami Conimit Ion .Iercliant, llonolnln, U. J. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS a NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette BloeJc. 27 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I. 65- -t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Z1 Vn.CIl Yiinaiiii Vlrunf Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf ALTIN II. IIASEMAX, BOOK TBIISX)JEK5 Paper Ruler ami Blank Book Manufacturer. y Bookoinding of all descriptions ueatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Cazette Building tf MERCHANT PTBF.KT. J. C. J0IIXS0X & CO., LKATIIKIi, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FI HEM EX'S EQUIPMENTS. 12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal. Agcuts for Kirbr's Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all oilier kinds of leather. 15 Uses ly DR. 31. GOTO, l'liysicinn ami Snrseon. Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spe- cially. (dice, mauka of the residence of Hon Jas. Kean.King street, Kapaluma. Honolulu. Otlice hours. 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 12 a. m. N. U. I'arties on the other islands can consult bv let ter. ji;s oct'20'Sti NOTICL. JOSEPH SMITn WILL Ills FOR 31' Representfctlve lor hs district, North xo i haia, Hawaii. i - ; a - . ? '.A s . t , .' '! ii;:..L

evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · fir if all li II: ill's Am if 6-- ru- If !J i ;S: J VOL. V. NO. 23. LIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, JANUARY 28, 188(5. PRICE 5 CENTS. JlJijtrtistratnls

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · fir if all li II: ill's Am if 6-- ru- If !J i ;S: J VOL. V. NO. 23. LIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, JANUARY 28, 188(5. PRICE 5 CENTS. JlJijtrtistratnls


all li II: ill's Am if


-- ru- If !J i ;S:






Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Kvery Morning Except Smulays. j

srr.scr.ii'TioN.s :

!aii.y H. Advkrtiseb, one yf-a- r 6 00 !

Dily l. C. AiVKKTi.sKit, six montlis A 00Haily P. C A i v K itT is k k, three months. 1 50Iuiuy P. !. Aivkhtikb, per month r0WictKLV P. C Advkbtiskb, one year 5 00

l 'lsti Suhscrir-tioii- , W. P. C A. (Including6 60postage;

Payable Jncuriably in Advance.

3Iarslial"s Sale. I


1Y Issued out of the Supreme Court, on the Hthlay of November, A. D. against A. K. K 17- -

NUIAKEA, defendant, in favor of E. P. MI EEs,plaintiff, for the sum of ?170 94. I have leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at the front

Aliiolanl Hale, in Honolulu. Island ofWEDX ESDAV , the .!Oahu, at 12 m. o'clock of

day of February, A. D. ISSfi, to the h'shest bid-

der, all the right, title and interest of the said de-

fendant, lu aud to the following property, n:iless(.aid Judgment, interest, costs and my expenses bepreviously paid.

Ltst of property for sale:All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in

Luakaha, NuHanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Com-mencing at niakai west corner of lare lot on Xuu.ami road, and running south !3 west, 3 chaini9 5-- feet alont? road wall to slight angle. Thencesoutbl west 2 chains it 10-1- 2 leet along wall tomakal west corner of this lot. Thence south :)'16', east 6 chains irt 7- -1 i feet along inakai wall ofthis lot to slight angle; thence south 33 east 2

cnains 17 10-- 12 feet along wall to makai south cor-

ner of this land. 1 hence X. 00 east 5 chainsalong wall to makai wall of old lot at east comerof this lot. Thence north 20 10' west 3 chains

2 8-- feet along wall to slight angle. Thencenorth 29.15, west 5 chi-i- s along old lot wall toplace of commencement, ding an area of

acres. J.H.SOPEK..Marshal.

Honolulu, January E IsSf..

The sale has been p.irtponed until Saturday,February 6th. J. 11. SOl'EK,


MarshaFs Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTIONJY out of the supreme Court, on the 4thday of January, A. 1). Hs. against A. K. KCNU-IAKE-

defendant, in favor of C. t. UUj. - . , i T hiit- -

plain till , lor tne sum o f . , ;upon and shall expose lor ..y... :..trance of Aliioleni Hale, in Honolulu. Island ofOahu, at 12 m. o'clock of WEDX ESD , the 3dday of February, A. I). HSG, to the highest bid-

der, all the right, title and interest of the said A.K KUNUIAKEA.defendant.in and to the follow-

ing property, unless said Judgment, interest,costs and my expenses be previously paid.

List of property lor sale:All that certain piece or parcel of land situate

in Lnakaha. Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu.Commencing at makai west corner of large lot ouNuuanu road, and running south 63 west a chains5a 5-- feet along road wall to slight angle; thencesouth til west 2 chains 11 12 feet along wall tomakai west corner of this lot. Thence south -- 0

45' east, 6 chains 56 7-- feet along maksi wall ofangle; thence south 35 east 2this lot to slight

chains 17 10-1- 2 feet along wall to makai southcorner 'of this land. Thence N. CO east chainsalong wall to makai wall of old lot at east cornerof this lot. Thence north 20 15' west, 3 chains.... i .....ii m uHiriif ancle. Thencenorth 29.15 west. 5 chains along old w all to placidof commencement, lncui'img h-- i i

J. H. SOPER,m-w- .

Marshul.Honolulu," January 4, 1S86.

Th sale has been postponed until Saturday,February 6th. ' J, H. SOPEH,



Real Estate Sale-- IN


Hawaiian Islands.DESIKIXO A GOODPARTIES the Hawaiian Islands will have a

r.ri oooortunitv in the purchase of the RoseRanch property, lately owned by Captain JamesMukee, on the Island of Maui.

This estate comprises over eleven thousand (1 1

acres of land held In fee simple, and aboutten thousand (10.000) acres held under lease to runsix years longer. The stock on the estate com-prises about 3.800 head of well-bre- d cattle, includ-ing loo yoke working cattle and 300 milch cowsand 90 horses and mules.

The buildings consist of a main dwelling house,guests' cottages, office, billiard room, chapel,dairy and beef houses, store, overseer's house,servants' quarters, etc., etc.

There are between three and four hundred thou-sand trees on the estate of varieties of eucalyptus,acacia, cypress, Pride? of jndia, cedar and ciu-cho- n.

The cisterns for water are 12 in number, theargest capable of holding barrels.

steamers from Honolulu stop at tne landing ofthe estate once a week. The passage from Hono-lulu to the landing is made in 12 hours by steamer. I

Hundreds of citizens of California and the EasternStates have experienced the hospitality of the lati j

Captain Makee, who w ill bear willing testimony to.the natural beauties of the estate and to the sa-


of the climate.ALSO TO CE SOLD,

The line residence In' the city of Honolulu belong-ing to the Mukee estate, together with the furni-ture belonging to the bouse.

1 be sale of the above-name- d properties w ill beiieid in the city of Honolulu MARCH I. issii.

For further particulars apply toJOHN D. slit ECKELS HHOS..

.san Fraii'-ii-o- ,

..a .J V.M.ti.li:VIN4('n,i

411 marl d-- w Hoi.oluni.


rvj lmporier anu flanuiaciiirerOf all Descriptions of


rs from the other Islands solicited.

Xo. Ill Fort St., Honolulu.




Lowest Market Rates,

A I arije Stork of the Most Favoriteliraiiils of






i insri.i: deu wiusiiv.tin cases and casks.)

I'EI.I.ISSOX'S ItH VMlV.(7 and lit jvcrs old,)


AN 1)

HiKhveiser Lager Boer,lor which we are the Sole Agents in the Ha-

waiian Islands, are particularly recommended.

Town ami Country Order FillclPromptly, autl Sa!ii'tu-tio- n (.iiarau-leea- .

Free tli Peacock."t Xutianu street, Honolulr. H. 1.

Telephone Xo. It:. P. O. Box 32.110 la'J4.ds6

The RisdoriIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORE .Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN1UILDEP.Sbranches; Steamboat, Steamship,Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kindi. built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY EXOrXES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barge.? and Steam Trigs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed. Spend, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

STO VR MILLS AND SUOAR-MAKIX- MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched audPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality cf work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air ad Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AOEXTS and manufacturers for the Pa- -c lie Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation orCity Works purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, spreckels Block.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands22t;se30-i- y



Opposite Wilder A Co.'s

H. J. Nolte, Propr.OPk:. FOU 3 A. M. TILL 10 V. M



Oi2fJi ! sukI Tobaccos i


Plkin and Fancy 11 l'l-- personal! selected from j

the Manufacturers, ur.d a Large Variety


SMOKERS' AliTICIiKS.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

& co, silliaed tasleon the Premises.

The Proprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from h!s Fr!end3 and the Public generally i

who may desire a j



II. J. N0LTE.26-- U


We have just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

For four and five foot furnaces, complete withgrate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof this make are now ii. successful operation atSpreckelsville, Mukee suyur I'oinpaiiy ami otherplantations.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars ap-ply to

Win. (f. Irwin & Co.,:"tf Agents.


(net n t L'ittwjIi Streets,


liealers I..

II A Y A X 1 U It A I X ,

Telephone Xo. 175.

Goods deliveret' promptly.

Iilatiil Orders fcoliel tel.



.st. r, ii. m .

Manufacture and Supply all knuls of

Itook. Xews.Flat anl Tthc 1 Papers,

IJin tiers ItoardH,TwI ue, Ete.


203 I,eliie4lorir Ktret.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X Il.SociaI Atloution driven toLarge Contract. 58 tt&w



Alakea, near lHera St. 1 -- 71

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood. Cutand Split.

2I-t- f

Eastman'sRoyal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample bottle free.TRY IT. 68 tf




General Commission MerchantsfBeaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu

orFiirnitnre. Ktock, Real E.tatSnlen(general Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agents lorAmerican & European HerchanJise.

l!'l-t- f

T.J. SPEXCE,Spwial Agent for the

3Iicliigan Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grades of




J. WILLIAM S Photograph Gallery,102 FORT STREET.

Honolulu Hawaiian Islands.

Where a large variety of specimens can be seenat all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyvisit the several Islands of the group, when hewill be pleased to show specimens and take ordersfor same. 363 tf


All accounts for Advertising and Job Prls'lurat the

laelu Conuuerelal Autettlser .

Offlce will from this date be presented for pay-ment monthly.

Honolulu. March t. 1H85. .

Fulton Iron Works,1ILNCKLEY, fsriEKS & HAYES,


s. i sTANUcr. ohm rnii;it.Spruance, Stanley .& Co.,

Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St.. Kan Francisco.57 tf A w

S. 3?. Taylor & Co.Agents South Coast Paper MUls. Proprietors

Pioueer aud Sun Geroniuio Paper MllU.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

ill and 110 Clay street, Sau Francisco, Cal1U JylO ly

I. HALL &, SOISTCommission Merchants,


Dunham, Carrigan & Co.


Son Francisco, Cal.ir.i-au2ii.- lv

Demiuc: Palmer Milling Co,PROPRIETORS OF THK CAPITOL MILLSI Oflice 202 and 204 Davis street, Sau Francisco

Manufacturers of and Dealetsln Flour, Grains oall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middling. CornmealGround and Rolled Barley, Cracked WheatCracked Com, Buckwheat Flour, OU Cake MealHominy, Etc., Etc.

KLINE & CQ.,Imiiortersof -

HATS and CAPS,Nos. 26 aud 2i Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of JWna,

121aU-'-- 8 SAN FRANCISCO.


ELLIS & MILLERWholesale aud Commission Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAK STREET,

Between Market aud Mission. SAN FRANCISCO.r Orders Solicited. 3dec29-l- y

Wliitticr, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21.23 Front St., i t San Frnelco.

American Exchange Hotel, '

Kanwome Street,Opiwsite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s 'Express, one doot

from Bank of California,


ThU Hotel la la the very center of the businessportion of the city, and has been renovated aadnewly furnished throughout. But on block fromthe Oregon Steamship Company's oEce. Thetraveling public will Hud this to be the most con-venient, as well as the most comfortable and re-spectable Hotel In the city.

Board and Kooin, 1 aud $1 23 per dayHo, and cold baths free. None but the most ob-liging white labor employed.


MONTGOMERY BROS.,350decl Proprietors.


Cures all forms of dieease with Kort uil1'clue, espec kjyforms of impsw Jof the blood and

sexual ailments in C)" - either sex. Mont

powerful Belt and r ' only one lu teworld charged w:th wutr. Full directions sentwith belt.

Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St.,sau Francisco, Cal.

Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 331


YOLO 3IILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAN


i Telephone No. 568. ' '

Hiuz A Plaffeiuanu,Manufacturers of Extra Family, Orabam, Rye

j Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat. Com andFeed Corn Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Rack- -

wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar-ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers In Grain and Feed of all kinds. Ortadlug

done to order. 125 aug2 ly




r jl




I: ) '





.,' -


:l' '



Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of h 7.ealanl.CAPITAL. : io.ooo,ooo

Having: llsablislel au Ayrenoy atfor the Hawaiian Islands, the

are prepared to accept risks auinst VireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and nierehandisf.on favorahle terms. Jlarine risks on curgo(reihts, hottomry, protlts and commissions.

Losses irouiiUy ailJusloU A ayabIo.s2-d- WM, tJ. IUW'IX CO




rillie alMve Company liatiuu 'la!- -I lished an Agency ut lloiiolulii, for Hie Hawa-

iian Islands, the.uii(lersiiied is authorized to.u cvptand write


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure.Commissions, and Hulls.

At eurreui Rites.

Wflrt. C. IRWIN & CO.,tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets f 0 ,000 ,000


Capital ...$10,000,000


SURANCE CO. Finn and Marine.Combined Capital.... ?:o, 000,000


Asseta ? 1,500,000


Fire and Mamne.

Capital ;2i)OfOO0


S j. F E S!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Oas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A Co.

C. O. BERGER,100 my29 HONOLULU. II. I.



CAPITAL fcio.ooo.ooo


.lire Insurance oi nil lt'SelillonI. will be efl'ected at Moderate Rates of J'rrmium, by the undersigned.

WM. fi. IRWIN CO.Managers for Haw. Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total Sinn Insured in 1881 - - 318,5'J9,31C

Claims arranged by the local asrent.i, and paid

with promptitude and liberality,

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tril.ni.His reco?;iilzf d.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOdJtwtf Atrcntsfor the Hawaiian Islands.

ii i imum AND

Ice Cream Parlor

Ami- -


Uinir Street, Lincoln Block.

a3fA fine assortment of CANDIES

and CAKES always on hand. Parties

I supplied. 141-tf-d-- w

PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74


yKAT AND COMFORTABLE FURN18HEI)l. rooms at No. 3 Kawaiahou lane, a few stepsfrom the Government building. A man and wifecan also have comfortable furnished rooms, ortwo rooms unfurnished, aud accommodations tocook for themselves. MRS. WARD.

195-- tf





Oflice Honolulu Hale, adjoinlujr the PostOffice. J67dAwtf

BROWN, ATTORN ANDC1KCIL Public, Campbell's Block. Merchantstreet.




Keal Estate in any part of the Ilu:Bought, Sold and Leased on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

Xo. 27 MEKCIIAXT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. lS-- tf

WENNER & CO.93 Fort Street.

Have on hand New Foreign aud HomemadeJewelry.

!Watches, llracelets, Necklets,Piiis, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plato,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing in all Its branches.tGT Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

The Forest Meat Market

HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables.

Bornhold & Co.I'roprietors.

Keep the best Beef aud Mutton these Islands af-

ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. Nodiscount from any other maker. Give us atrial. 38'idecll tf

WM. McCANDLESS,Xo. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf

Metropolitan Market



Choi cent Meats trout Finest Herd

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

AU meats delivered front this market are thor-ougl- y

chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colema- n Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its Juicv properties,and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. 113-- tt



And Solicitor In Chancery. Office, CampbeU'BBlock, second story, rooms 8 and 8. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 406 tf

Claus Spree kf is. Win. d. Irwin.


iroxoLii.u, HAWAIIAN

Drw Jixchuui' on the i'Muripul parts of thew orld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general hanking andexchange business.

Dejeisi, bearing interest received in their Savings Department subject to published rules andregulations. 77oc'Uf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,ImiNtrterM anl AVIiolONale Iealers in

Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Goods. Xo. 11 Kaahumauii Street.

Honolulu, II. I. ruf-wt- f

CLACK SFCECKSI.S mu. a. irwis.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,SCO A It FACTO US anil CominiHMiou

Honolulu U. I. tf

H. HACKFELD & CO.,G1 KXEItAI, ril)IMISSIO AUEXTS.r 11 tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.r.


ED. H0FFSCHLAE6ER & CO.,Importers A Cominission Mcrrlinnts.

Honolulu, 11. 1. 11-- tf


Imftorters autl Wholesale autl Ketall

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and ICaahumanu Sts. 15-t- f


eral Jobbers lu WINES and LIQUORS.Ao. 'i liaubumniiii Street,


31. S. Grinbauin & Co.,JMPOHTEBS OF

Ueuernl Mertliantliso ami ConimitIon .Iercliant, llonolnln, U. J.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette BloeJc.

27 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I.65- -t


Manufacturing Jeweler,Z1 Vn.CIl Yiinaiiii Vlrunf

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf


BOOK TBIISX)JEK5Paper Ruler ami Blank Book


yBookoinding of all descriptions ueatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Cazette Buildingtf MERCHANT PTBF.KT.

J. C. J0IIXS0X & CO.,


12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal.

Agcuts for Kirbr's Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all oilier kinds of leather.

15 Uses ly

DR. 31. GOTO,l'liysicinn ami Snrseon.

Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spe-cially. (dice, mauka of the residence of Hon Jas.

Kean.King street, Kapaluma. Honolulu. Otlicehours. 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 12 a. m. N. U.

I'arties on the other islands can consult bv letter. ji;s oct'20'Sti


JOSEPH SMITn WILL Ills FOR31' Representfctlve lor hs district, North xoi haia, Hawaii.

i - ; a

- . ?'.A s

. t , .''! ii;:..L

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · fir if all li II: ill's Am if 6-- ru- If !J i ;S: J VOL. V. NO. 23. LIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, JANUARY 28, 188(5. PRICE 5 CENTS. JlJijtrtistratnls

k i



EXPEDIENTS IN WAR TIME.THE DAILY --Neglect ot tue tteureir i kugu vfrtiSfmrnts.one in which resort must had toscandalous ami systematic lyinr, andthat this method seldom succeeds. We j

have taken up every point made hy the inPacilc Commercial Advertiser To the JPublic. CATCH OlST! 1

A GOOD INYESTJIEXT.IS PUBLISHEDI have fur sale au Express KuMucss having a

good share of trade and complete with stock, asfollows:EVERY MORNING.

Ojiositioii and demonstrated its utterfalsity. The result rests with the eople.The indeiendenee of the country is notnafe in Opiositiou hands. It is honey-coml?- d,

as a party, with disloyalty, andwould only use its influence and tuitionto break down the constitutional harrierwhich stand letve-- n the country andannexation to a foreign jower. Thenative voters understand this, and willsustain the King and Constitution bytheir votes, despite the " golden fchower"that has been fallen from the treasurechests of the Opposition.

We rise carl!,and

therefore nevtr

All business

attended to with


I.AKlii: HOUSES,TWO ;oou, NOL ND andBoth youiij

Jewish Record. 1

It ia a very sad thing to him who lovesthe Hebrew language to see how gradu-ally a knowledge of it among the Jewsis decreasing. This was forcibly calledto our attention recently, when, on at-tending several funerals, the chiefmourner was not sufficiently acquaintedw ith the Hebrew to repeat tho h'addishwithout the assistance of the officiatingrabbi. Parents .need not strive to hushthe accusing voice of conscience by say-ing there are too many other morenecessary things to be learned in thisage The study of Greek and Latinafford mind exercise, and, if for thisreason alone, the Hebrew should betaught the language of his race.

it woultl He Tntere-sttinc-

ICi o LeJgfr.lAt Benares, in India, the monkey is

considered sacred, aud regarded withfeelings of reverence. It would be in-ter sting to know with what sort ofdeotional feeling the average Brahminwould regard the American small boy.

ONK sntlNtJ Ml.VV nearly new.ONE SPHINO WAUON. ti rs.t-cl.i-BAGGAGE

order. and disa(cii.TWO SETS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE HAP.- -



ANDUKAIN. Stable aud yard rent very low.

This business will be sold ou account of depart- - !

ure on the following easy t?rms: $1,050, one-ha- lf j

c:tsh; one-ha- lf ou notes fur 3, 6, 9 and 12 monthssecured by a mortgage with interest at 10 percentper annum. Call on me aud see the investment



Per Monum.. ......... oe

lx month ........ 3 00

Pr moiitb...A.'..i.' .50c

MMubcr;piiou Pajublc AIayliidranee.Commuiileutious from all parts of the Kingdom

will always be very acceptable.Person residing la any part of the United sutti

cn remit the amount of subscription due by rostOfflc money order.

Matter intended for publication in tbc editorialcolumns ahould be ddrrsbed to


Bimines corumunioatlous and advertisementsfbeuld be Addressed simply


And Dot


C. Iv. DULLER,. General business Agent.

IB Always ready to atten-- I to the followiog ?

Adjusting ii1 Collecting Account.

it Itniiioatl. Heal Dulnle, V.uiploy incut. . H

B " Advertising, 'uloiii Ilouxr-- llroUerae. B jk"f l'ur. lnt-s- i ig of General Merc h itidise. fUk Otllce, 12 Merchant Street. I'.O.llulH, J&A

jihji,.i!iiiu)i KimjaiBfjjwwMMir f" Mif' m-"-i- 'yi'&r


The Opposition nay the national debtis ruining the country, and that if it cameinto office the Government would pay itoff. We pointed out that this could only bedone by selling all public property andCrown lands, or by imposing a specialtax equivalent to $13 per capita of popu-lation. Either plan would serve thepolicy of the Opposition, which is tostrip the natives of their land and sodestroy their political strength. To thatend the Opposition party has beensteadily working, in office and out ofpower, ever since the system of landtenure was changed by KamehamehaIII. It has made very long stridestowards the accomplishment of its pur-pose, and the only thing that standsbetween the country and its final achieve-ment is the National party, led by theAdministration.

Cossclatk-Geseea- i."

of the vsitf.9 statks.Hukolclc, H.I. .January 26, lSSC.J

All persons having claims aguiust the Estate ofthe late GEO. H. FASSETT, deceased, w ill pleasepresent the same at this otUce, properlv verified,wtthin :.0 days. J. II. PUTNAM,

lw Consul-Genera- l.

o. 377.ilfWiliJr ROYAL ES&VTf 1 i

How Salt Ta Obtained Down SouthPalmetto Ifttt Manufuct ur-- .

i"Aiew" i j Ijtrui? Five Prew.JPerhaps with us who resided in the

portion of the Confederacy skirting thegulf of Mexico, the first necessity, afterthe small supply ou hand was exhausted,was salt. This was a need soon felt,and it is unnecessary to add that apounJ of it soon becamo very precious.

Id trine that hod done duty until itcould be usyd no longer was boileddown until every particle of saline mat-ter was extracted from it, and the saltthus obtained was again in its turn usedin the same manner. As the supplybecame scarcer and scarcer, the nextmethod, or rather recourse, was to digup the smoke-house- s and to filter waterthrough the earth thus obtained, this inturn being subjected to the usual pro-cess of boiling in order to obtain theprecious condiment. So scarce did itbecome as the war wore on, that whena bceve was killed, instead o saltingdown in barrels as at first, it becamemore economical to cut the flesh intothin strips and dry it in tli3 sun. Itmust be confessed that beef treated inthis manner is more palatable than motpersons would imagine.

They who lived near the coast faredsomewhat better, for taking the boilersfrom tue various saw mills, they sepa-rated the shells from the flues, andsplitting them into equal halves, astrong head of wood was fitted into theends and thus treated they were placedover a furnace and tilled with the saltwater from the gulf. Of courso thebusiness had its reverses, for sometimesthe blockading squadron attracted bythe smoke, would move up and with afew shells completely demolish the saltworks. The salt kettles, being made ofold boilers, were too heavy for theenemy to carry ol, and as no damagebeyond knocking out the wooden headscould be inflicted, the salt manufactur-ers would, with indefatigable energywhen the hostile fleet removed to a safedistance, gether up the debris, make afew repairs and recommence boiling.

The ingenuity of the people was toreplace the various articles of clothingand tho diiferent domestic luxuries.Old dresses and coats were turned andmade over, remodeled and cut down.Tho writer remembers well what a pangof envy was awakened within his bosomgoing to a ball one night to find thatthe attentions of the fair ones were allbestowed on an acquaintance who madehis advent that evening in a bright,spick, span new pair of pantaloons,made of new ticking, with broad, bluostripes, cut bias.

Perhaps the easiest problem for us tosolve amid our various troubles was thatof making hats. Fortunately the sup-ply of palmetto in our southern swampsis in a manner speaking inexhaustible,aud from this source we were soon com-pelled by the course of events to drawour supply of hats. We soon learnedto improve upon the first rude models,and when the war was brought to aclose so ne of the ladies, especially, hadac (uired the taste and proficiency. Thepalmetto hats they made would nothave reflected discredit upon a fashion-able hatter.

OTICE.Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Ja bow for aaJ daily at tbe Pollwwliig Places :

il.OAT A CO Merchant streetCB TOTAL SODA V()KS... ..Hotel streetN. F. BUhOEHS King stretWOLF A KDWAKDS...Cor King and Nuuunu stsC. J. McCABTIIY- - Hotel street

Five ffiiU ht Copy.


lug of the Pacific Hardware Compauv (lim-ited), will be held at their office on SATURDAY,January HOch, at 10 o'clock a. iu.

JAS. O. SPENCER,secretary.

Honolulu, January 23, Hid. 472 J i JO




Exit Marques. SUPPLY OP THK ABOVE NEW C ROPV Just received. A choice article for seed orteed, in ?ot3 to suit.

47:ijyJ LUXE 4 CO.libel flourishes.

Corner of Iort and jSXorehant Streets,Has just opened out a lar- - ami carefully selected stock of ( Jents' line funuHhinggoods, custom-mad- e c lot liin-- , and Hats and Caps in all the latest styles and pat-terns.

XSJTarticular attention is called to an elegant line of Gents' Neckware.Ltf

We showed the other day that rentsand other heads of income from publicproperty paid nearly double the annualinterest on the national debt. The ieo-pl- e

are not taxed to pay the interest.Furthermore, nearly all the bonds bear-ing a high rate of interest will be paidoff within the present year as they ma-ture. Alxut three-fourth- s pf the bondsare at six per cent, and have an averageof over twenty years to run. Of these$107,600 fall due in 1907 ; $380,700 falldue in 1908; $105,000 mature in 1909,and $5,2C0 in 1910. Now, what causefor haste in paying these bonds? Thebond holders could not find as good aninvestment elsewhere, and would de-

mand a premium. Perhaps the finan-ciers of the Opposition want to make aturn in Hawaiian bonds and have, put upMessrs. Waterhouse, Carter & Co. tobear the market.

NOTICE.K UNDERSIGNED, WHO 1 DOINGT business itwice, has sola his bakery, corner

of streets, to Quong Ying Wo

Absolutely Pure,This powclcm ever varies. A rar-rv- of purity.

Strength and vh' ics .r....:ie. lwe economicalthan tho ordinary Limls.&ndcii.not l.oscld incoupetitio i with tiio r.iisiuui.ie rt Jj "tct, shortweight, alum or i .hosphateiK.w d.-f;- .

cans. IWiau UauiN'J Powi.ta Co.. lud WalKfcN. y. v9d-- v f

. All amounts flue mm oeiore uecemuer o,HlSo, w ill be collected hy him, and all debts to thatflay puid at his oOice, King street, in Mr. J. Col-burn- 's

house. YIM Ql'ON.Honolulu, January S, 183C. feb5


j Mr. W. It. Castle haa not yet spoken&bout gold pdyments.?

--'' Attorney Dole missed the defect in thelibel indictment; it was pointed out bythe Judge.

, Worse than leprosy is the "lantana;"; and the Government is censured for noteradicating it from Kona, Hawaii.

It may be all that "Mr. Communi-cated" says of it in the "Evening Mag-pie but why does he not ask theresponsible party to eradicate the pest.

' ""The" Government has no responsibility inthe matter, although in time doubtlessa local tax will be levied to payfor destroying it, just as thistles areeradicated , in the Australian colonies,and as the rabbit pest is now beingfought at the expenditure of millions ofdollars annually.

REGULAR CASH SALEThursday. January 28th.

At 10 o'clock a. in., at our salesroi(U1( wm b0 soiaBOYS WILL BE BOYS,

UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DATIMIE from C. Aklne, Kukulhaele, Hawaii,two liousi s and lease of land. The lease is fromR. A I.vman, us guardian of Kawailepolepo Kul-kah- i,

dated May 13, 1S8". NO CHAN.Honolulu, January 15, 1SSG. feblGa full Hue of


i; JV




C. :!






11I i

it 3i

f f! Iv


No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass as the IIonoli lu Almanac axdDirectory, 1880. Price, 50 cents.

The Burglary Camc.

Yesterday morning in the PoliceCourt, before Police Justice Bickerton,T. B. Walker was brought up on remand,

The heart of the palmetto is gener Notice of Copartnership.allvloiinnf, Crockery, Glassware,et

selected as being still held to-f,- r.

,her' mJu 2?--1 Troited out "

leafL'MVmo the tan-shape- d

Blue Mottled Soap, L imp Chlmueys,

GROCERIES,California Potatoes, Onions,

Corn and Maul Totatoes.

And ere they are a dozen years old, cost Parent,

Schoolmaster and Clothier no small amount of


For us the perplexing question is, " What will

he like ? What will his parents like ?"

Our answer is in a heavy stock of substantial


MAKERS. There are a thousand points about

eucIi clothing which are to .be seen, not rtad


Why did "Mr. Communicated" nottill the public that "lantana" was intrt.duced to the Kona district by .tbativ,tgouled Oppositio-- t ""1"

:.. Rev. Mr. Tans.

riMIIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT C. WINAM,L Chiu Kong Cuan, C. Tai Ip, Tsing Kau, Ting

Chiu, Fook I.-i- Hang Chong, Hang Lung Kee Co,Tung Ou Jan & Co., I.an Chong, Ho Sun, LiCheung and 1 am Kai Wing, of Honolulu, Oahu,a'ld Tat Yce of Waialua, Oahu, having purchasedfrom Young Anin the business formerly carriedon by him in Honolulu, under the name of SunChee Ying Co. ,a!i:is Y. Anin fe Co., have this dayentered into together in the bus:-neti- S

of Restaurant and Coffee Saloon Keeper, un-der the firm name and style of the SUN CHEEYING WO KKE COMPANY, to do business insaid Honolulu.

Y. Aniit is alone responsible for the debts of saidSim Chee Ying Co., alias Y. Auin fc Co., and allmoni. s due the siii l late firm are payable to him.


Dated Honolulu, January 1, IsSG Jan 31

therefore a gift from theOppositio

d'to the people of Hawaii, and

Also, removed to our salesroomfor convenience,

A Bankrupt Slock of Goods,


Boxes Tobacco, Pepper, Ilustard,Jams, Soda Crackers, etc, Also,

Sacks No. 1 and 2 Sugar,bls. Salmon, Kits Mackerel,

Jewelry, Watches, Guns, Pistol,- Cane and Wood Seat CI. airs.

we B'jmit that Mr." Paris and his friends

clarged with burglary at the Post QiiceThe Court-roo- m was- -

5? !S5-S"lic- ar the preliminarypmrtTI.gs. Deputy Marshal Daytonconducted the prosecution, and F. M.

Hatch apieared for the defendant. HisExcellency the Attorney General wasalso in Court to watch the case. Thecharge was entered by His Honor as,"housebreaking at the Post Office, inHonolulu, on or about the 3d instant,with felonious intent, contrary to chap-ter 14, section 17, of the Tenal Code."

The Attorney General asked that theCourt-roo- m le cleared, and only thosedirectly concerned bo allowed to be

be called upon to undo the evildone, and the great loss he has . 1 -f- PO. But in a general way we bare s night to ex

W II i- - MrSctly inflicted upon his neighbors.

A lot of MEXICAN and other Saddlesend Harness. Also,


so familiar to travelers in the south.While in this condition the folds lieone upon another, and are perfectlywhite and pliable. After being severedfrom the main trunk it is opened outand hung in the shade to dry. Abouta week's drying sulliees to prepare itfor use. It is now separated, eachfold from the other, and cut into con-

venient length, then divided into littlestrips about an eighth of an in;h inwidth, and these in turn plaited orbraided together into one continuousbraid until of sufficient length to maketho hat. The hat itself was alwayscommenced from tho center of thecrown by sewing the braid together inslightly overlapping circles. Tho rim,as a i nishing touch, was generallybound with a i raid.

Keenly felt was the need of ammuni-tion. C wing to the stringency of theI loekade it soon became almost impos-sible to obtain either powder or lead.The latter was the first to give out, andin order to supply their need all themachinery within reach was taken apartand all the old boxes, fillings, etc., wereput to a new use converted into shot.As there were np shot towers the favor-ite method was to climb tho tallest treeone could find, melt the lead as well aswe could in the top, and let the li puidmetal drop into a tub of cold water be-

neath. The result thus obtained wouldscarcely have awakened envy on thepart of some of our modern shot manu-facturers, but in the language of anold "moss back" who was compelledto resort to this expedient, "it beatnothing all holler."

j present.

press this thought in our clothing that the boy

should not be a caricature of a little old man

that his infant life should not bo dwarf tod with

the garments of maturity, but that there should

always linger about his dress something of child-

like gre and simplicity. And it is this happy

touch, as well as conscientious workmanship and

low prices, which gives this part of our husinesa



No More Darkness.Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

Standard Kerosene Oil.

Water White Kerosene Oil.FOR SALE BY


Australian Mail Service.

such vigor and life. Call and see our new stock of goods.


'1 h ; new and splendid Al steamship




Kennedy and Martiu Magazine Rifles. Reming-ton, Sharps anil Ballard Sporting RinYs. Agentsfor W. W. Greener, Colt, Parker and RemingtonBreech-loadin- g Double Guns, Colt arid Smith AWesson Pistols. N.CURRY & BRO., 113 Sau-sotr- ie

street, San Francisco, Cal. 38G-l- y

dueOl the Oceanic Steamship Company, will In?

at Honolu'u from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

His Honor made no objection to themotion, and the officers at once clearedthe Court-roo- the only persons re-

maining being those connected with thecase and memlers of the press.

Two witnesses were examined, NathanWillfong and J. B. Peterson, after whichthe prosecution rested. No defense beingoffered, His Honor committed the de-

fendant for trial at the Supreme Court,leaving the matter of bari to be fixed bythe Justices of the Supreme Court.Later in the day the amount of bail wasfixed at $3,000. The bond was signedby Hon. J. A. Cummins, and the de-

fendant liberated.-

The book of the season: The IIosolvluAlmasac ani Directory for 183. Price,50 cents.


Wednesday, January 27th.Five dollars and costs, said His Honor

to George Howard, who appeared inCourt in a shaky condition, from the ef-

fects of getting drunk the previous night.T. B. Walker w as brought up on re-

mand, charged with burglary at thePost Olficv. After hearing evidence for

the prosecution, defendant was com-

mitted for trial at the Supreme Court.Ah Lo was charged with having

lie trots the air. The Eartli rings when he touches it. Thehasest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes.Shakespeare.February 12th..

Anil will leave for the abve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

LEVI STRAUSS & CO.,H and 10 Buttery street, San Francisco, Cal.

Hats in the Air.iClica,--o llerall.l

At the rec.nt convention of tho Pho-tographers Association of America, inBulfalo, an informal gathering of someof the members took place at tho backof the arsenal, in which the meetingswere held, and some group photographswere obtained. One was taken at themoment when a number of the members,accec'ing to a request made, threw theirhats up high in tho air, with a view ofproviding a test for the rapidity withwhich the exposure was to be made. Itwas so successful that in the photographthese hats .".re to be seen at every stageof elevation.

Of course Mr. Puris had no idea of themischief he was doing when he ignor-antl- y

assumed that "lantana" wouldmake a useful hedge plant. But that doesnot alter the fact that ke introduced"tliia most- - dangerous plant into Konathat fills our mountains and valleys, andis, like leprosy, a curse to the country."

It is a curious coincidence also that"lantana" was introduced into Oahu byanother equally .well-meanin- g but mis-

taken gentleman of 'the Opposition per-

suasion, who would button up hisbreeches, pocket tight if any one sug-

gested that he ehould bear the cost of

eradicating it. 'We mention these his-

toric points to fihow that the Opposition,finding nothing that can be truthfullycharged against the Government, hasput out a drag net to catch the mistakes,malfeasances and errors of its own friendsfor the purpose of saddling them inwhole or in part on the Gibson Adminis-

tration. If "Mr. Communicated" paysfor eradicating an acre of well-establish- ed

"lantana," he will probably concludethat a ten million loan would not be toomuch for the whole job. Somethingultimately must be done to get rid of thepest or it will reduce r the value of landfifty par cent at a low estimate.

And this reminds us of the absurdlyillogical position of the Opposition inreference to t future borrowing. The.voters arel told in one breath that thecountry has gone to the very brink of

bankruptcy ; that the Administrationhas ruined its credit at home and abroad ;

and that its expulsion from office is theonly escape from kunuiakeaing by

Twelve per cent." In the next breaththe voters are told that if the Nationalticket succeeds, the Government willcertainly bonow ten millions dollars.Eoth statements cannot be true. If thecredit of the Government is so good tha1

it can borrow ten million dollars, it must

be untrue that the country is in a bank-

rupt condition. As a matter of fact, thecredit of the country never was so good

sl8 it is under this Administration. Ithad run very, low down under, formerAdministrations, but thanks to the

and intelligence of thepublic . spiritpresent Government, public credit has

been rehabitated. ? -

The - "political tramps" will have

leisure to repent of their falsifications

and lies when the polls are closed and

the National party has been declared

victorious. The lesson will be a useful

one if it be taken to heart. They areand should learn fromall young men,

their defeat that no cause can be a good

Impot ters of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods, !

Hosiery, Ladies and Gent's Furnishing Goods.Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the eeU- -

krated PATENT RIVETED CLOTH 1NG. fes5--r- u ---- ----47 jan2ti 87i sexual intercourse with a young girl

VSTOR HOUSE. The Trotting Stallion1

VENTUREThe undersigned, proprietor of the AstorHon bo, has reopened this favorite Restaurant,and solicits a share of public patronage, guaran-teeing tirst-clas- s meals and attendance.

CHAM WO.Honolulu, Dec. 29, 1SS3. Jm29

ANOTHER TEST.Mess. W. B. Wilshire & Co,, Agents

MACNEALE & URBAN SAFES, 206California Street, San Francisco, Cal.:

Gentlemen In reply to your inquiry con-ceinin- fj

the opening of the Burglar-Proo- f

Cliest in the safe of the office of the Cleik ofthe Supreme Court now so well kuown as

The McCarthy Safe,I will say that I look charge of the office onWeJneiisy, the 6th instant.

For some days previous, unsuccessful at-

tempts had been made by various expertsto pick the lock. On Thursday, furthersimilar efforts were made with the same re-

sult bv Mr. Ensip;n and other noted experts,ALL OF WHOM FINALLY DECLAREDTHAT THE LOCK COULD NOT BEPICKED, and that the safe must be openedby force.

Ou Friday I employed the expert of oneof your competitors, who did faithful andhonest work, for that purpose.

Ou Saturday morning work was begun,and this morning (Wednesday), FOURDAYS AFTER, the expert succeeded indrilling through the door and openiug thesafe.

I consider it was an extraordinary severetest, much beyond what a burglar couldpossibly employ under any circumstances,and can assure it has inspired me with thehighest confidence in the security of yourBurglar-Proo- f Safes, AND THAT YOURLOCKS ARE PICK-PROO- F AGAINSTTHE BEST EXPERTS.

After workiusr for some hours on the lock,one expert said that he had found that Vwas one letter, and another that C was one.On examination, neither of these letters ap-

peared in the combination. Yours, truly,J. D. SPENCER,

Clerk of Supreme Court.San Francisco, January 13, 1836.

The alove was a Macneale fc Urban No. 8

Fire i Burglar Safe.C. O. BERQER,

lm General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

under 14 years of age. The case occu-

pied all of the afternoon.

Kupreiuc Court January Terra.HEFORE PRESTON, J.Wednesday, January 27th.

Bex vs. Arthur Johnstone, libelHeard before a foreign jury, who returna verdict for defendant, owing to a tech-nicality in the indictment. Messrs. F.M. Hatch and W. A. Whiting for plain-tiff; Mr. S. B. Dole for defendant.

AT CHAMBERS UEFORE M'CULLY, J.Claims were proved in the bankruptcy

of Hock Loy Kee Company, and J. A.Magoon was elected assignee.

Unfair Use of a XoveL

ll.o:ni n Cor. Man. hc-sr Times.!A curious publication is o'Tered for 1

penny. It is an addition of NicholasNickleby, printed in clear, though smalltype. The book is not quite, thoughnearly complete, the first and lastchapters Leing absent. The set-re- t ofthe cheapness of this publication is be-

coming apparent when it is found thata line advertisement appears at the footof each page.

.X ItiirijInr'H I.i;l ler.An ingenious burglary ladder is made

of cords, attached at one end to a tele-scopic po'e, which can bo carried undera coat or extended to a second-stor- y

window sill, to be there hooked fast.

lig it if ti." 'iA curious new fact in natural history

is that the spit : dog is "a domesticatedsubarctic 'ariety of the prairie wolf'

H nieaso teri d.

Alpaca goats have been diseorered inAsia Minor whose hair excel that ofthe outh American alpaca, and a verysilky, soft alpaca fabric results from itsmanufacture.


Contractor and Bniltleiv

Will stand for the Season of 199G at N. F. BURGESS' stable, King street (formerly thePony Stables), season to commence February 1st, and end July 1st.

Terms reduced to $30 for the season ; insurance at special rates.VENTURE is, in siz style, color, disposition and gait, as desirable a horse as erer

came to the country. He is remarkably vigorous and very sure. Most of the mares bredto him last year are now heavy in foal, and his young foals are perfect models of beautyand symmetry, and are very highly prized by their owners. His success as a breeder inCalifornia before coming to this country was remarkable, and it is said that to-da- y most ofthe fine roadsters and driving horses in and about Oakland are claimed by their owners tobe by VENTURE. When we remember that he stood tor many years in "the above namedplace at $100 for the season, be surely ought at the low price now charged for his servicescommand a liberal patronage from the public ; and added to this his peerless breeding, itis no wonder that his got are so valued.

His pedigree is well known by all horsemen, but I will refer to it briefly : By Bel-mont, dam by American Boy, running back seventeen more thoroughbred 'crosses to theBurton Barb mare, his eighteenth dam. In conclusion, I will quoto a few lines from avery valuable work entitled Horse Breeding," just issued the past year:

"If you breed from a horse of pure blood, no matter if the female is of commonstock, you are breeding up ; but if you breed from a horse of mixed blood, you are breed-ing back."

For any additional particulars call ou

HG Hotel Street. Honolulu. II 1..

(Opposite Fashion Stables).


J. Torbert and J. Camara are matchedfor a one-ho- ur race, totake place at the Central Tark SkatingKink on Saturday evening. Torbert con-

cedes Camara thre e laps start. There willalso be a half-mil- e race for a Mlver cup.

At a siwcial meeting of the Trustees ofthe Queen's Hospital, held yesterdaymorning, Dr. John Brodie was elected As-

sistant Physician in place of Dr. HenriMcGrew, resigned.

Arkansaw Traveler: Yer ken imposeon er enemy an' he doan' thiak mucherbout it, but when yc--r imposes on erdear frien' he is dun wid ver fur life.

All work in my line faithfully done. Plans andspecifications nifide. Jobbing in all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges ismy motto.

C. B. 3ILLES, Proprietor.

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · fir if all li II: ill's Am if 6-- ru- If !J i ;S: J VOL. V. NO. 23. LIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, JANUARY 28, 188(5. PRICE 5 CENTS. JlJijtrtistratnls


f LOW LIFE IN ENGLAND.uy AUTiionm. &&&frtisrmtnfs.San Francisco, hhe takes 1,950 bag sugar fromtheMakee 8us;ar Company, 4,531 bag9 sugar fromthe Hakulau Sugar Company, 2,301 bass sugarfrom the Hilo Hugar Company and 694 bags sugarfrom the Reciprocity Sugar Company, and 7i0

N OT! CE!To the Ladies & Gentlemen of Honolulu !

Tin: rum or

s. conisr & co.,

TEMPLE OF FASHION;Are retiring from the Clothing, Gents' Furnishing aud Hat Business, in ordr to mak

room for their large importation of

..DRY GOODS.Ami otrrT for Sale at GENUINK BAllOAIXS their entire muck of




t'lisurpasseti in Elegance and Variety in this Kingdom.

We also takf to announce the arrlTal of our Mr. H. Colin from Hn Kriicto,who will peisoiuillv siiperiiiUMnl and conduct this Uramt Clearance

Mow is your chance for a new suit. Come aim he convinced.


In Bond orA very CHOICE LOT just received. The lxt in the market.



-- AT

Popular Millinery House,

104 Fort StreetN. S. SACHS, Proprietor,

-- :o:-


! Next Wednesday will be election day andj also Chinese New Year.

The McCarthy case will probably comei up in the Supremo Court this afternoon at ;

1 o'clock.The Intermediary Court sits at 10 o'clock j

j this morning to hear appeal ca.-e- .s from the j

District Court-?- . ;

The quarterly and annual meetiii;; of thePacific Hardware Company will be held on j

Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m.

An additional list of voters has Ik-ci- i '

issued by the Board of Inspectors of Klcotion. A list is posted up outside of thisoffice.

The brigantine W. G. Irwin sails at 10

o'clock this morning for San Francis o.The mail from the Post Office closes ;it lo'clock.. The sale of furniture yesterday at theresidence of F. J. Smith brought goodprices. The house and lot were with-

drawn.At 10 o'clock this morning Messrs. Lyons

& Cohen will hold their regular cash sale.They will offer dry goods, clothing, gro-ceries, furniture, potatoes, glassware anda bankrupt stock of goods.

The choir of the second congregation ofSt. Andrew's Cathedral is actively engagedin rehearsing Bridgewatcr's service in A,which will be rendered at the evening ser-vice at T;30 o'clock Sunday next.

Beecher and Talmadge.S.r York Cor. Boston Ilsra'd.

Brooklyn's two famous preacher,Beecher and Talmadge, illustrate thetwo extremes of methods in the mak-ing of sermons. One is a highly emo-tional orator, and the other lacks thatquality altogether. Which is which?It would be hard for the uninformedauditor to telL Each speaks with noother notes than a little card of mem-oranda, or, at most, a single page ofpaper containing reminders. Theirst le is extemporaneous.

Nevertheless, one writes out his dis-courses in full, and then memorizesthorn from the complete copy. Youwould have to guess which he is, untiltold that he is Talmago. As ho standsclear of so much as a desk on the bigplatform of his tabernacle, speaking inan impassioned fashion, hesitatingnever for a word, he seems a wonder ofspontaneity; but I have seen the manu-script of his Sunday morning sermon asearly as Friday, when it was duplicatedfor transmission by mail to distantnewspapers. Talmage's memory U soperfect that the spoken matter hasonly the smallest verbal differencesfrom the written text. A great dealhas been nonsensically said about thememorizing powers of actors. Thelongest part of any play now in use isthat of ifamlet. in which the number ofwords is just about equal to a Talmagosermon; and what tragedian would un-dertake to commit such a role to mem-ory iu a week? Besides the actor's taskis greatly simplified by the breaking upof his part into dialogue.

Very few stage performers are quickin their study. We often hear of some-body being notified in the .afternoon ofthe incapacitating illness of an actor,and taking his place in the play satis-factorily at night; but in these an-nouncements a trick is played on thepublic, for the substitute is what theycall an understudy that is, some one,usually a minor member of 1 he samecompany, who perfects himself in themore important role so as to be readyfor an emergency. Talmago beats themall for memory.

Beecher works only under the incite-ment of an audience at his front. Ifospends considerable time in thought andreading, but scarcely any in the actualpreparation of sermons. Having hitupon a toyic, perhaps as late as Satur-day afternoon, he revolves tho sub'ectawhile in his mind, jots down the bareheads of the forthcoming sermon, andthat is alL

A C ffee Drunkard.IPhiladelphia Fress.I

"What a bright-eye- d man," said a reporter who leaned against the cashier'sdesk of a restaurant near the publicbuildings one day last week. Tho manin question had just paid a 10-ee- nt

check and slipped out of the door witha jerky movement and swinging of thecane he carried which decidedly endan-g- e

ed the people's peace."Bright-eyed- ? Yes," said tho cashier,

"he's a coffee drunkard.""What's a coffee drunkard?""A man who comes in here four time3

in two hours, as that man has thismorning and does every morning, andtakes a half-pin- t of coffee every time,is a coffee drunkard. Bright eyes!Well I should say so. That man's con-dition all the time is the same as that ofa man who is getting over a big 'batter.'I mean his nerves are up in 'U,' hismuscles are all a quiver, and his mentalvision is abnormally clear. He is livingat a 2:08 rate."

"Why does ho do it?""Has" to. Must have a brace. Used

to drink rum. Had to quit that, andnow does worse. Ho never sleeps, hetells me."

"Do you know many such?""At least half a dozen."

Dead Letter Office Figures.Washington Letter.l

Some facts and figures showing howcareless many persons are, appear in aWashington budget concerning the deadletter office. The whole number of let-

ters received during last year was4,43,0yf, or an average of 13,075 foreach working lay. Of these, :i,71!,-38- 0

were sent to tho central office be-

cause they were not called for at thepostoflice to which they were directed,and 11?,64S were returned to the post-offic- es

by hotel-keeper- s and thence sentto the dead letter office becauso the de-

parted guests for whom thoy were in-

tended failed to leave a new address.Of the domestic letters opened, 1S,-3S- 7

contained money amounting to$33,770.17; 20,204 contained drafts,cAecks, money orders, etc., to thoamount of $1,570,948.13; 81, OSS con-tained postage stamps; 34,339 containedreceipts, paid notes, and canceled obli-gations of all sorts; 38,348 containedphotographs, and 25,554 contained arti-cles of merchandise.

A Timely Interruption.New York Lun.

"Hat aly one over proposed to youbefore?" he asked tenderly after the im-portant question had been put and sat-isfactorily answered.

"George Simpson came very near itonly last night, she replied, shyly. "Hewas ust on the point of asking me tobe his wife when mamma came into theparlor. But I am very glad she did,"went on the girl earnestly; "I don tthink that I would have been happywith George."

Just received, a choice assortment of SOLID COLORS AND FANCY VLAW


Which we will offer at the low figure of 25c ami .'Joe ier yard. Also, a lare as-

sortment of ALL-OVE- R EMBROIDERY, from 1 50 )er yard and upwards. ALL-OVE- R

PUFFING and INSERTING at 50 cents per yard. ORIENTAL NET p.nd

Amusement f Yarmouth Ieojl andTheir Visitors on the I?cacJ.iJii:h Hatton's T.in!on I.ffr. ;

The railways and the steamboat com-panies periodically enter into a con-spiracy with each other to empty thesweepings of the cities upon Yarmouthbeach. An an ugly crowd it is!It blasphemes, yells, drinks, rolls" inthe sand, plunges into thf sea, swarmon the piers, Ireak's the Lacks of hireddonkeys and ponies, and generallyspreads itself like a blight over thvjplace. I don't know whether thewomen or the men are the worst speci-mens of humanity. They both indulgein the same recreations. They drink atthe bars, ride the donkeys, plungeabout on tricycles, sing and scream,loll in the sand, and lie about on thebeach with their brutal partners inevery kind of vulgar pastime. Theyare cheaply bat extravagantly dressed;feathers in their bonnets, rings in theirears, high-heele- d boots, and long orshort cropped hair. Their language isas vulgar as that of the men, and theyspeak in several dialects. The mentell them horrid stories, at which theyroar with laughter. At night theymake it impossible for decent people towalk either oa the beach or the es-

planade.Cne wonders how many more years

must elapse before the influence of theschool boards is practically shown inthe conduct and manners of the com-mon people of England. Democrats re-

sent this phrase, "the common people,"and go wild in their denunciation of tnoterm "lower classes." But I use bothadUed!y, and unhesitatingly declarethat there is a far wider gait of feel-ing, sentiment, and moral worth be-

tween tho upper middle classes of Eng-land and these "Arries and 'Arriets" ofthe summer seaside than there is be-tween the Knglish lower class and thesavages of the Borneo or the worst redIndian of the plains. Take the peopleof i ngland en masse and it is a great,moral, intellectual, and brave race; butthe lower strata of it is as depraved andbrutal as tho world in its basest cornerscan show.

But even on these bad days of Yar-mouth, the place has its compensations.Nothing can contaminate the wind thatcomes rollicking across 300 miles ofopen sea. 'Arry's oath or 'Arriet'iscream are smothered in its saltybreeze, and the 'Arries and 'Arriets,like tho crows flock together. Theyhale solitude. They drink and screamin company. They only monopolize acertain e .tent of the beach opposite theterraces of fine houses on the esplanade.Bight and left of them there are vastgaudy deserts. You can have the coun-try right and left to yourself, or yoican go to the mot picturesque and interesting spot on the immediate coastthe mouth of tho harbor.

This place is called Corleston, and itis here the ships come and go, the tideracing in at such speed that this is thethird or fourth harbor Yarmouth hasconstructed for herself. It was herethat Nelson landed after the batile ofthe Nile, and here to this day is ex-hibited the prowess of the British sailor,for from hence ho goes forth tofight tho breakers of the North sea.Sitting at the mouth of the harbor oneday I dropped into conversation withan American from IPhiladelphia.

"What has most impressed you onthis side?" I asked in the course of ourconversation.

"Its solidity," ho replied; "itssolidity.The English are the best builders, Ishould say, in tho world; they seem tolike building; where wo have a fencethey have a wall; where we have awoodtn ;!etty they have a stone pier;where we have a wooden sidewalk theyhave a granite pavement; we are in ahurry about everything; content withmakeshifts; the English are never in ahurry, and they hate makeshifts. Ireckon we lick the English in inventingthings, saving labor, and in steamboats;and, except that I admire the little gar-dens to the htfmblest homes in England,I think Philadelphia can match the oldcountry for homes; but, as I said be-

fore, solid is the word I should writedown jbo describe England.

Drink ai a Sleep Producer.IC'lik-ag-- o H..iald "3t.ddler."l

"You have no idea," said an all-nig- ht

bar keeper, "how many menthere are in this town who can't sleepand who resort to drink to produce it.There are at least a half dozen menwho come into this place between mid-night ami 4 o'clock in the morning, and1 know of other places in town wherethe same thiog occurs. These men arenot what you call rounders or bummers.They have their houses, some of themdo, and their rooms. They are menwho are in business pursuits during theday and to all appearances are successful. They don t drink during businesshours, but whenever they go home theyget restless. That's what "they tell me.They can't get any sleep. Then theycome down here and call for brandy.That seo:i:s to bo the thing for nerv-ousness, though 1 always advise againstit if I have a chancj to say anything.You would be surprised if I was to tellyou the names cT these sleeplessdrinkers.

Guarding the Hank of Kiiland.!C'hic:i?o IleraM.l

The Bank of England has beeaguarded every night since 1780 by apuked body of soldiery, which consistsof two sergeants, two corporals, a drum-mer and twenty-nin- e privates, all un-

der the command of a chosen subaltern.The guard goes on duty between 5 and7 o'clock in the evening, according tothe season. The officer is given a din-ner and a bottle of wine, each sergeantis given half a crown, each corporal 18pence, and each private a shilling dailyon going on duty.

TU Marvclom Appetite of the Mole.';.- - .l hiJ.'r.l

In Switzerland M. Weber experi-mented upon two moles. In nine daythey had eaten ill 'white worms, 193earth worms, 2 caterpillars and amouse, loth the bones and skin ofwhich thoy swallowed. When he re-

stricted them to a vegetable ,iet theydied of hunger.

at NextPaper pulp is now molded into spokea

for carriage and wagon wheels, and iasaid to be superior to wood in every re-spect, and muh cheaper and easMrmade.

A llaudjr 51It roscopivExchange.

A microscope having a bent bodytube is a recent scientific instrument.Jt is intended to combine the advant-i'.-g

s of keeping the stage horizontal andenabling tbe observer to keep hi bodyin a convenient position.

Merchant Traveler: Corn bread a4cabbage taste good until we har Udon canvas bach and terrapio.

ags rice from Hyman Rros.The American barkntine Mount Lebanon was

docked at Brewer's wharf January 27th, to dis-charge her cargo.

The stfatner Iwalaiii may be exjiect'-- to-da- y

with sugar from Hamakua.The schooner Waiebu left for Walmea, Kauai,

January 27th, In charge of Captain Erownell, withmaterials for the new bridge for Walmea.

The Norwegian bark Lovspriug ua.s finish? 1 dis-

charging tier carifo, and Is taking In ballast nearthe Oceania 'ompany's wharf. he expects toSail iieit week for Valparaiso, South America.

The American bark Virginia, Captain Petti-gre-

arrived lu port January 27th, 6S days fromNewcastle, N. H. V., witii 1,022 tons of coal toMtsars. s. O. Wilder & Co. She Is docked at thePacific Mail Company's wharf.

The bark Virginia, which arrived off port Janu-ary 26tli, was for the bark Majostle.The Majestic has not arrived yet.


TUe Libel Charge Aglnt Mr. ArthurJohuntone Fall on a Technicality.In the Supreme Court yesterday the

case of Arthur Johnstone, charged withlibel on Paul Neumann, canio up forhearing at 11 o'clock. Messrs. W, A.Whiting and F. M. Hatch appeared forthe prosecution, and S. B. Doie for thedefendant. The following jury wasdrawn : Henry Waterhouse, II. M. Benson, G. I). Freeth, S. M. Whitman, A.E. Mossinan, J. J. Leeker, A. L. Smith.II. K. Mclntyre, Chas. Hammer, E. A.Jones, J. F. Dailey.

Mr. Waterhouse stated he had beeniu politics lately, and thought he oughtnot to sit on this case. Excused.

Mr. Benson said lie had expressed adecided opinion on this case. He couldliot say whether the evidence would re-

move it or not. Excused.H. E. Mclntyre .asked to be excused.

He was in a way mixed up with thecase. Excused.

E. A. Jones had formed an opinionand expressed it. No amount of evitdence would alter it. His Honor toldhim that after such a statement he didnot think he was a fit person to sit onany jury. Excused.

Messrs. Henry Davis, H. W. Morse,II. Gunn and Geo. Lucas werethencalled.

Mr. Lucas said he had formed anopinion on the case. Excused.

Mr. Morse was challenged by Mr.Dole.

E. Mclnerny and R. W. Cathcart werecalled. Mr. Dole challenged the former,and W. H. Aldrich being called in hisplace, the jury was satisfactory to bothparties.

Mr. Whiting opened the case for theprosecution by reading the indictment.He stated they should prove that the de-

fendant, Johnstone, i3 responsible, andthat the article is untrue.

Frederick Jones was'called and sworn.He deposed : My place of business is atthe Hawaiian Hotel. This paper ("DailyHonolulu Press" of January 16, 18S6)

was left at the Hotel bar on the 16th bythe regular carrier. This is the identicalpaper. Cross-examine- d: I identify itby marks on it.

This paper, which contained the arti-

cle on which the libel is based, was thenoffered in evidence.

David Dayton, sworn, stated: I heardof the article on the 17th and read it onthe 13th. In company with Mr. Neu-

mann I went to Johnstone's house onSunday, the 18th. Mr. Neumann in-

formed Johnstone of the nature of hisvisit, that it was in regard to an articlepublished in the ""Press" concerninghim. Mr. Neumann asked Johnson if

..he was the responsible editor of thepaper, and he said he supposed he was.Mr. Neumari asked him if he wouldgive the names of the authors of thearticle. He replied that he could not un-

til he had seen his attorney, Mr. Dole. Hewould let Mr. Neumann have an answeron Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Therewas further conversation about retrac-tion if Mr jNeumann would prove to himit was wrong. I know Mr. Neumann;he is an attorney-at-la- w.

Cross-examine- d: Johnstone said hecould not make any promises until hehad seen his attorney. I was not presentthe next day when Johnstone talkedwith Mr. Neumann.

The next witness called was Mr. Neu-maoi- n,

whose evidence was substantiallythe same as reported by us at the time ofthe' preliminary examination in hePolice Court. .

Mr. Whiting announced that theprosecution had closed their testimonyand rested their case.

Mr. Dole then moved the Court to in-

struct the jury to find a verdict for thedefendant, upon the ground that the in-

dictment did not charge that Mr. Neu-

mann was Mr. Oakley's attorney; inother words, that the relation of attor-ney and client did not exist between Mr.Neumann and Mr. Oakley.

The Court, in delivering its opinion,said that the indictment was defectivefirst, because it contained the whole ar-

ticle, and alleged it to be untrue, whilereally some of it was true ; second, thatthe alleged libelous paragraph was notspecifically pointed out; and, third, thatthe indictment did not charge that thealleged libelous paragraph was writtenof and concerning Mr. Neumann in hisprofession as an attorney at law, withthe intent to injure him in his pro-

fessional business. His Honor furthersaid that the indictment, as drawn,charged the whole of the article as beinga libel upon Mr. Neumann, as a privateindividual, and it not being libelous perse, lie must instruct the jury to find forthe defeTtdant, which they duly did. Indelivering this instruction His Honorsaid that if the indictment had beenproperly drawn, containing the properinuendoes, the paragraph would havebeen clearly a gross libel upon Mr. Neu-

mann as an attorney at law.

I TTi 4 L1 111



t Vuction.

Tlie lease of IUce Land drscribed belowfor t he term of six years and eleven months(C 11-1- 2 years) to January 1, 1S9J, will besold at Public Auction, at the salesroom ofthe uudertind, at 12 o'clock noon, on


Januarv 30, 1886.Immediate possession given; rent payable

quarterly in advance.

Description of Premises.

That portion of the Crown land of Hauiki,lyinj; between the public road and the FishPond of Weli and bluffs on either side of thevalley ; also, the triangular piece mauka ofthe road, opposite the artesian well, boundedby the public road, the bluff and the watercourse. w

IS 41-10- 0 acres of this land, as per survey,is liice land of the best quality, in primecondition for immediate planting, abun-dantly supplied with water from an artesianwell on the land, and i 57-10- 0 acres of thisland is now covered with Corn, which is in-cluded in the purchase of the lease. TheRice land acreage may be increased fromyear to year by breaking up new patches on"the makai side ; this land is two and one-ha- lf

'2i) miles from Mobsman's corner, andis admirably adapted for a vegetable gardenon a large scale, as well as for raising smallstock oigs, chickens, ducks, etc., for theHonolulu market.

The lease includes all the buildings andappurtenances on the land, to wit:

One Dwelling .House forLaborers,

One Store House,

One Cook House,

1 set of Hog Tens, covered in, supplied withiron feeding troughs, feed htuse, cookingapparatus for hog feed, together sufficientfor the raising and care of 150 hogs.

1 Duck Honpe, sufficient for 1,GU0 ducks.1 Dwelling House for duck keeper.1 Threshing Machine for rice, and horse-

power, covered with a substantial house.1 large Threshing Floor.

All the above are nearly now and in goodcondition, ready for immediate use.

After the sale of the foregoing Lease therewill be sold,

FOR CASH,The following LIVE STOCK. AGRICUL-TURAL IMPLEMENTS and TOOLS, whichtogether form a complete outfit for workingthe farm, viz:

Six Work Oxen,(Two of which are accustomed to the China

Rice Harrow),

2 Wagon Horses, drive single.1 Ox Cart.3 Ox Yokes, with bows and keys complete.2 China Ox Yokes, for harrowing.5 Ox Chains.3 Steel Plows.1 Cultivating Harrow.2 China Harrows.1 Light Spring Wagon.1 Siugle Wagon Harness.3 Single Harnesses, Chain Tracer.10 Canal Wheelbarrows.7 Picks.3 Mattocks.3 Rush Hooks.1 Sod Cutter.1 Sevthe.15 Hoes.G Long Handled Shovels.1 Short D. Handled Shovel.7 Spades.10 Long Steel Folks, for uso on Threshing

Floor.2 Crowbars.11 China Rice Baskets.4 China Rice Sieves.I China Rice Stoop.II China Rice Poles.8 China Sickles.12 China Rice Cuffs.27 Rat Traps and Slakes.

One Lot of (Jordae.4 Rice Bird Guns, with rials and pouches.1 Axe.2 Hand Saws.4 Peep Tubs for hos feed, redwood.2 Large Tubs for hog feed. oak.1 Oak Cask.

3 bundles Laths,3 large Sails for covering Ric e on the thresh-

ing floor.

Fifty Hogs,(Large and small, more or less).

12 bags Seed Rice, on view at Salesroom.1 Light Goose-nec- k Dray, new.1 Two-whe- Break, nearly new.

Plan and Survey of the Propertycan now be Seen at my Office.

rXTTl.e premises are open to inspection atany time previous to the day of sale.


Take Xolioe!All lustrum vnti firwarl;l t'i tli- - IIoKi-t- Cilice

uiu.M liuvp Ww number of HlaiMitln-i- r Unlivery fr rr-or.- The

di-vc- receive 1 In tiie I'ourt f tli last Meekun tainted im.oiujt i to over f'M.

THOMAS IinO'A'X,of Conveyances.

Approval; CJIAS. T. OIT.ICK,IIIiiWWt of the Interior.

Ke$Ut.-- r OIU e, Januury 2, 4Tfi-jari- W

8304) Kearl.A reward of Five Jlumlrt liollars will be p.iUJ

o any person wli - will give such information asway leud to the detection of the party or partieswho robbed tin? I'ost Office on Saturday nitcht,the 2d instant. J.M). II. soPKK,

Marshal.Marshal's Olliee, January 4,

Xotlce to lMMctor of Election.To the Inspectors of Election in the several Dis-

tricts of the Kingdom:Inquiries having been made whether persons

who are exempt from the payment of personaltaxes by reason of being: clergymen, teachers,pupils in High School.-)- , tiri-iucn- , etc., or by reasonof being over the ae of sixty years, or whosetaxes have been excused by the Assessor on ac-

count of infirmity or poverty, are allowed by lawto vote at the election for Representatives.

It is my opinion that all such persons are enti-tled to vote. The Tax Collector should issue to

SJH-l- i person a tax receipt with the wordsQualified to Vote" upon it, which lie must iii,

and In place Of the amount of taxes he mustwrite "exempt" or "excused." On the presentation of this Tax Receipt to the Inspectors of Klec-tio- n

at their sessions previous to the election, thename of the voter must be put on the list of votersand the receipt returned to the voter.

At the General Election to be held on tli 3d otFebruary, 1436, the votes of such persons must bereceived, unless challenged for other reasons.

PAUL NEUMANN.Attorney-Genera- l.

Water police.From this date, till further notice, W. It. SliAL

ESQ., ia alone authorized to collect water ratesand dues oii account ol the Honolulu WaterWorks.

He U fully empowered to give a good uud sufli-cie- ut

receipt, aud none other will be acknowl-edged.

All parties are requested when paying waterrates, to produce to the Receiver their laatreceipt.

This Regulation dot-- not apply to any businessrelating to the Water Works, which now is, orlay hereafter be placed in the hands of the At-

torney General for settlement.CIXAS. T. G CLICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oflice, November 5. 1S3S. 313 uootf


All III V A I..Wmxfsd .v, J.u.u-u- 27.

Am bk Virginia, Pet:igrev. ii New-untie- ,

NSWHour Mok uola, from K.va

i:lAit Tl'UKS.h.JJSFjiDAY, January I".

Oer bk. 1' R Bishop. Wolters, for Sun FranciscoStair Waimanalo. for WaimuiialoAm will bk Huater, Ciiga.i, for a craii."Schr Luka, for KoholaleieiSchr Kauilceaouli. for Kohaiu

Yeael L,c.vlu To-D- y.

Am brgtne W G Irwiu, H N Turner, for SanFrancisco, at 10 it m

tcbr EliukMt, for Waialua

f URKiu v vi;ssif:i.5 is poki.Am bit Elsinore, from Newcastle, N WNorwegian bark l4)vspring, Thompson, from

New YorkAm bktue Discovery, W R IVrriman, from San

Francisco.Brit bk Lvly Lampson. W II Marsteu, from

Newcastle. N S WAm bktne Mount Lebanon, V II Nelson, from

Hongkong.Bark Virginia, Pettigrew, from Newcastle, N

a wHaw brig Alliw Itowe, J Piihlipi, from I long-kou- g

VcmmcIs KllM-rle- d Iron r-i- a i vrts,Brit bk Chilena, Davies, from Liverpool, due

J an 1-- 10

Rrit bark Natuma, from Glasgow, due March.0-- 31

Brit ship Stiilingsbire, Alexander, from Liver-pool, via Made.ra, dne March 25-- 41

Bark Conferance, from Newcastle, N .S V, dueJan 13 2i

rthip Uionysiis, Jones, from Newcastle, N S Wdue Jan 25 31

Am bktne Nellie M HIad , from New York,due April 1V-3- 0

Brit bark Tycoon from Sydney via Newcastle,S W, dm-- March lj

Aiu bktne Klla, E M liowe, from San Francisco,due January 15-2- 0.

Am bk Sonoma, Howes, from Newcastle, N SW, due February

Blit S S Zealatidia, H Webber, from San Fran-cisco, en route to the Colonies, due Feb 2

Brit SS Australia, C C Brough. from the Colo-nies, en route to San Francisco, due Feb U

Brit b:i-- Lapwing, lie Grucliy, from Liverpool,due May 20-:- U

Aiu ship Valley Forge, Love, from Newcastle,NSW, due Jail 20-3- 1

Am so:ir Canute, from San Fr ancisco, due Jan25.:1

OSS st. Paul (Am). MC Erskine, from SaaFruucLsco, due Feb. a.

RMS M Mariposa, (Am) II M Hay ward, fromSydney via Auckland, enroute to San Francisco,due Feb. 12.

Nor bk Cap, Christiansen, from Newcastle, N SV, due April

iiu I.L.tiit Viiirtntr I.Vir.I- - Hfillkir- - tmm Wwpmllie, H S W, due April 10-2- 0.

Am bktne Wrestler, Schnnuer, fro'i Newcastle,N W. due Feb. 10,15.

Am tk John Worfler, Hiltscher, from Newcas-tle. N S W, due Feb. 15-2- S.

ijrit bk star of Iievon. from Newcastle, N S W,due March 15-- 31.

Am schr Rosalind, Le Uallister, from San Fran-cisco, due at Kahuiui, Maid, Jan. 2s-3-1.

Am bgtne Consuelo, E B Coualns, from SanFrancisco, due Feb. 13-2- 5.

Am bK Majesiic, Burton, from Port Tovviisend,W T, due Jau 2D.:io

KXPUKT.S.Fr San Francisco, per bark V. R Bis'aop, Janu-

ary 27th: 11 H tekfcl 1 fc Co, 15,454 bags sugar;Hmg Cuo.ig A C , 2Ji do; C Afoiig, 1,444 do;Wong Leoug t Co. LU do; Ye- - Wo Chau tfe Co,81 do; C Bolie, 3,o:(:i d; J II Itruns, Hi bula mo-lasses; Pacitlc Navigation Company, y 14 bagscopra; sudries, 20 bags cotfoe, 4 kegs sugar and Ispackages edVcts. Total 20,50 bags; totalleuuage, 'Jt5 tons; foreign value, f i,'J7 01; domes-tic vaiUe, $ 114,334 50.

Ntiii'i'ixu M)ri;s,

The brig Allie lUwo has tiuished dischargingher cargo, and has been moved Into the stream.

After the departure of the steamer Waimanalo,early January 27th, there was utan interislandfcteamer Kft in the harbor.

Messrs. S. G. Wilder Jt Co. have about eightcoal vessels on the way from Newcastle, N. S.W., consigned to them, and some are now dui-- .

Messrs HackLdJ & C'o.'s co broujiil j

in the sperm oil from the whaling ba.--k ILint rjJanuary 2Tth and transferred it to th baiken-tin- e


The German bark C. R. Bishop, Ciiptatu H.A'oiters, sailed for San Francisco January 27tb

with 20,50d bags sugar anJ 514 bagscopra, weighing9U5 toos, and valuedat $111,334 50. From SanFrancisco she will take her departure for Bremen,via a British port.

The Ataerlcan brigantioe W. Q. Irwin, Captain

il. N. Turner, 9ails at 10 o'clock thU moruing fcr

LACES to match.




Tho latest styles of ;Ladies' and Children's HATS, trimmed and untihnmedalways on hand. Native straw sewed into any shape.



Duty 3?aid.







wanted ever


THE VICTORY OF ELECTRICITY.Since Electricity has been applied for lighting purprtseK, nil efforts of iuveutorn have

been directed to construct a lamp for general domestic use. The reason why this prob-lem has till now nolfbeen solved, ia that none of the inventors could rid themselves of theidea of gas lighting, and that all hare adhered to the system of producing the electricityin some central place, or by large machinery, instead of first laying down the principlethat a lamp which should ever become generally useful and popular, must 1 portablelike an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itself, i. c., in the foot of thelamp.

The Norman Electric Light Company has at last succeeded in completely realizingthis ideal of electric lighting, and there is no doubt that this most important inventionwill bring about a complete revolution in all branches of lighting.

Our Electric Lamp needs neither machinery, conductors, nor any expensive outlay,and is neither complicated or disagreeable iu manipulation; all that ia necesnary is to --

refill it every four of five days with acid. The cost of lighting will bo as cheap as gas Icents per hour), and it has before the latter the immense advantage of neither producingheat, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impurcd, and remains at tbesame degree of temperature. It is further, absolutely inodorous, and .does not ne4 to bekindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turning the key tliQs voiding all dtc jtr offire, explosion or suffocation, as iu the case of gas, if the key is left rpen; and it must be con-

ceded that this advantage alone is invaluable. It is further preferable to any known kindof lighting for the following reasons: ,

1. Its manipulation is so simple that any child can keep it in order. ;

2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like any oiflamp, from one placeto anotfcr.

3. That it neither requires the disagreeable fixing of the wick, or the cleaning of thecylinder, as in the cane of oil lamps.

4. That the light produced is a soft and most steady one; that it never flicker, andthe flame, though being equal in power of lighting to gas, can be regulated to any degree.

5. That every danger of lire ia absolutely excluded, as the light will extinguishif by any accident the glass mrrouuding the burner should be broken.

6. That it will burn, even in the strongest wind, completely unaffected, thus beinginvaluable for illuminations, lighting of gardens, corridors, etc.

This lamp is constructed for tho present iu three different size: ; .

A, small size. ITcight of complete lamp, 14 inches; weight, about 5 pounds; for light-ing rooms, cellars, storage houses powder magazines (or similar places whero exploniresare kept), coaches, illuminations, gardens, mines or any other industrial purpose. Price,

1.Ter lamp delivered free to any part of the world.B, medium size. Serves all domestic purges for lighting rooms, houses, etc. This

lamp i elegantly decorated, and has removable white ground glass globe.Price p-- r lamp (inclusive of bronze foot and globe, richly and elegantly constructed),

2. delivered free to any part of the world.C, grand size for pai lor, "hall, saloon, public building, etc. Tho lamp gives a most .

brilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decorated most tastefully,and the workmanship is both first-clas- s and elegant. Price, 4.10. . '

Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide. . . .Any special size or design made to order. Estimates furnished. . (

All lamps are ready Tor immediate une, and will be sent, securely packed in strongwooden box, with printed directions for use, a quantity of chemicals sufficient for severalmonths' lighting, and one extra burner for size A, and two for sizes B and C. Tbe neces-sary chemicals can be purchased in any drug store, even in the smallest village.

".Every lamp is accompanied by a written guarantee for one year, and will lie ex-

changed, or money refunded if the same should not give complete satisfaction.On all orders for six lamps and above, a discount of six per cent will be allowed.' No'

orders from abroad filled, nolens aocompanied by a. remittance to cover the amount, orfirst-clas- s references on a New York or Philadelphia house.

any banker, and everywhere, or enclose the amount in bank notes, gold coins or posjaEtFstamps of any country of the world. . v

'All orders, the smallest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delay.

COur Electric Lamps are protected by law, and all imitations andwill be prosecuted.

5X7"Agents, salesmen on commission, and consignees for our lampswiiere. No special knowledge or capital required. . ;

A fortune to be made by active persons. .i f;Address: ; THE NORMAN ELECTRIC LIGHT CO.,

387marl6 d-- w PHILADELPHIA, U. S. OF AMERICA.

K-- J ;afV-- s

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · fir if all li II: ill's Am if 6-- ru- If !J i ;S: J VOL. V. NO. 23. LIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, JANUARY 28, 188(5. PRICE 5 CENTS. JlJijtrtistratnls




IPbtrtistmtnis. f

Vm Kviliipv and Auckland, i T?Awall lolromiWin. 11 Irwin k CoTHEGREAT REAL ESTATE


General Business Offices



Civil and Mechanical Eusrneerft, Surveyor a iitl Iraiilitiiteii.Designs and estimates prepared, etc., for all kiinls of Mechanics!, Architectural and Civil En-

gineering work.

Terms ReasonableConsulting and Draughting Eooms in Campbell's Block. Entrance on Merchant street. All or

ders promptly attended to. &:stf

have ju:ci:ivkd;

May 8 tli Per Mariposa, 1,75 1 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Ari'ive-P- er Consuelo, 332 Packages,

f i

t i

The requirements for a Brandy likely tobef anj medical use are all present mi that supplied byMessrs. J. E. Pellison Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy. 1SS0ETED GEOCEEIES,15ttled at C'fii'uac, for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Analyzed. j

W'e ca;i the attention of all re:ulers to the following extract from the Analysts' Reports andOpinions of the Press:

Laboratory, Grebhum House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, Loudon, K. C. I

"This brandy is a pure grare spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount ofto tine old brandy one of its valuable medicl- - j V1IICII

"Will bo Sold ai tlie Lowest jMavkot latos.

tannin, derived from storing in oak casks, which impartsnal properties, and will be of the greatest value to theFrench brandy is t!. .5 most useful of all medicines.

The only two quali' es shipped "Seven and Ten

PEEETH &lll-j- a

NOW READY.IVT. W. j EcCliesney & Son,

2 ly 4'i nutl 411 ueeu street, Honolulu.

i ;

na, - ; sv- 'in- -

1886. Third Year of Publication. 1886.



For tlie Year of 0m Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil &


Official and Business2l31 MAIN ST., rSAfilFilADlCISCOy



Lumber and. Ooal,Doors, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oiln, Olasn, MattlrgCorrugated Iron, Portland Cf meiit ; STEEL NA1IS, much sui'fnr.r to Iron, end rest tut llttlmore.

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS,

Great pains and expense Lave been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Diiiectorv the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-

tries.Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates

moment.Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are wrell calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly lllu.sti?atecl.


Tbe new and iioe A 1 steel bttamship

66 ALAMEDA"Of tUe Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

February QOth.And will have prompt dispatch with mails andpassengers for the above ports.

For fitl,-h-t or passige, having SUPERIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm (j. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.


VT held January 9ih, the followingOfficers were elected for the ensiiins year:GODFREY BROWN President and TreasurerCECIL BKOWN Vice-Preside- nt

J. K. BROWN...m Secretary11. F. BOLL EM AuditorJ. CASSIDY General Superintendent


d Jan l-- It J. F. BKOWN, SecreUry.J


Steam Navigation Co.



BATES .....Commander

Will run regular.y to Maaluea, Maui, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.


CAMERON.... Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwill,Koloa, Kleele and Waimea. Keturning, will leaveNawlliwiii every Saturday at 4 p. m., ariiving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. iu.


FREEMAN . Commander

Will run regularly to Ilamoa, Maui, and Kukul-hael- e,

Honokaa aud roauhau. Hawaii.


leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-rg- ,

leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Waialua and Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Em a. Secretary. Iy

?f OTP


STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commauoei;,

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maaluea, Maketia, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hilo and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY. October 12th, and

theuce on the tirst Mouduy following the arrivalof the Alameda" and "Mariposa." on the thand 22d of each month:

The steamer Kinau will make the VOLCANOTRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourLsta two days and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and 22d of the month fall onMonday, the Kinuu will leave that day.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymorning! on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from Hi'o for Passengersif a signal Is made from the slwre.

STEAMER LIKE LIKE.(Loreuzen, Commander;,

Leaves llonolatu every Monday at 5 p. m. tor"Kkunakakfci, Kahului, every week; Huelo, lianaand Kipahulu, Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will utop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Welsbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Haka-la- n

and Onouiea


(Pavies, Commander)

Will leave regularly for sume potts as KilaueaHon.


B. F. DILLINGHAM,President and Manager.


Sugars.DliV UKAM'LATED- -1

11 Barrels.)H-l- f Barrels.

AllJ lioxts.

In Ilulf BarrelsAii'l --j pound Boxca.

GOLDEN C. (COFFEE,in Half Barrels

And Boxes.







Salmon.("AX EM c TIN,




Flour.FAMILY ila quarter sacks).

WINER'S EXTItAfi half sacks),

Cases Medium Bread.

Linie and Cement.



Heed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

25 "A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-ing and surveying parties.)

''113 1


Commercial Advertiser


PRINTING OFFICEIs prepare J to do a'--l kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


Having just Kcceivcd a C'jmplete and NewAssortment of

Job Types and Ornaments

Of thH Latest Styles, from the moist Cele

brated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Inciter feiMl.Bill IIcimIis.

4'irculn.Xt llla.

Din r ruMiiMgr.Contract,

Mrtca" Blauks.

NtUilMK t'toM tracts,(In Hawaiian A Kngliih)

t'alendars,Blank (bcrki.

Bends.Ntocic OrUHeates.

Bimlnen rarUs.Meal beck.

Milk Tickets.

Bank Check.Orler.

Beeelpt.tfarrlaire Or II Ilea tea.


Blotting; INuIm.

And in fact everything which a First--

Cla&a Office oan do.


Successor Ut Dllliujitiaiii A Co. nnd Shiiiim-- 1 Xolt.

Fort Stxeet : : : Honolulu

physiciau in those numerous cases where pure

EDMUND R. SOUTH BY, M. P.. C. S., F. C. S."Years Old" tan be had iu one-doze- n oases.

PEACOCK,Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Island:!.


Ecrlesiastic'l CaleiuVr i

VK..U! AN- -

Directory of Honolulu

rt Street, '

i.oltf Sftw K( & Co.'s W. :.0I invS vt

Co-Partners- hip Notice.


P. 0, BOX 315. IIXErUONE 173 j


(Kstabl inked 1879.;

The foU.wtn iou. br.uclie, of buaiue. W. . . . . .i 1 il..n.ld a n .4 frnn ahrflkil 1

euBOie vne puuuc on -

to f aio general iuformaUon on all mutters in thefollowing department:

Heal Estate Departmentn and sells Ileal KnUte iu all parts or the

Kingdom.Values Ileal KsUte and Property in city and

subarba.Jtents and lewe Houses, Cottages, Jloouis and

.Laud.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing aud

Coliertlng of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Kecords. Etc- -

Employment DepartmentFlnda Employment in all branches of industry

connected witb the Islands.

General Business UatteraKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or inrest Moneys. I'enmausblp, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procure Fire ami Life insurance.Advertisement and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Inlands coming from abroad fjllyanawered.

Custom Souse Broker.Merchants will find this Department a special

be neat to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small coruinisalcfn.

KellfltlHjr Agr 'or the "MUTUAL LIKKINHUKANCK COMPANY OP NEW YOltK,"the largfRt, gsandest and soundest InsuranceCoDipany in the world.

At ENT for the

breat Barllatrtou Uallwnjr Koute,In America. Travelers Journeying by rail InAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN FA LACEMLEEPINO CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason-able fare no route can excel this.

AGENT for the

Ilouttlulu Rayal Opera llouite.Managers at first-cla- ss companies abroad will

address me for terms, etc.

DEPARTZIE1ITS.Reil Eclat Broker.

, Custom IIase Broker.5Xmey Broker.

Fire and IJre Iahurauce Agent.Eaiployoaeag AjgeBl.

Ballro&d Agent andGeneral Baslneiw Agent




We haTe receive a consignment o the mostEconomical at J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.r

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per reut- - of uutrltlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

190 fcs. oi this meal Ls equal to 300 ts. of oaL-- ,

or 318 ts. of corn, or to 767 ts. of wheat bran.

Far Sale in Lot to Suit.Ao, out Unrivalled MIXED i EKD, as well as

our rsual supply of the bast kinds of

Uals, Wheat, Cora, tic, Ce.

LAINE & CO.muz

A. KOSA,AT LAW AND NOTARYA1TORNEV with the Attorney General, A III

olaal Hale, Honolulu, II. I. 7 mr-JH-li--tf




Th nnderained re now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

tm me manufactory of Back & Ohlaudt

Ban Francisco:

The --following ia a report of the compo-

nent part. a obtained by Chemical analy


Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter , 29.18 " "

! Silicioaa Matter 4.65 ".lima 31.70 " "

" "Acid 23.11

: 1 Oxide of Iron ,. .85 " ", Carbonic Acid 1.89

.Alkali Salts .52 "


Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Order Received will have Prompt

nnd Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,A fronts or tbe Hawaiian Islands.

-- :o:-

H. Ale I n tyre & 13ro.,IMPOK1ERS AND DEALERS IX

Grinocei?ie3 3?xovisions and Feed)EAST v'ORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Xew Goods received ly every piioket from the Eastern States and Europe, rre.sh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicied. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postotlice Box Xo. USTelephone No. 92. 7C apl7

ILJiJWTS & CO.,AVliolesale and IRetail Grocers,

C7 and 69 Hotel street. 1. O. Box 297. G!d and New Telephone, 240.

XEW GOODS Jl'ST RVX'ElVElf OX ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fishaud a full line of Fancy and staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of cliarfe


COMMERCIAL WORK,sticColor Printing.



JAMES O. .SPENCER,Secretary and Treasurer.

230 --oct I SfiSteamer.

N O rr T ,

Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

WHIPS.A large invoice, Eastern make, at very low Driees. Superior Hiding SaMles.

Tlie IrXickok Calcium "Burner,( CA NDLE IWV E K Ml

Tlie most powerful lijzht ever intrudueed into this market. XEKOSENE OIL, ex-tra quality, fresh anil in good order in quantities to suit.

CHANDELIERS AND LAM IS of the latest designs. All the novelties inBURNERS. A lar'e line of TINWARE upon very favorable terms. HAKD-A- V



i !

' iI I

I tj J

i r


v W

- K

. i







All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods deceived by

THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Have miilelMl rii1 tfr'r fur salo I In following Itoilors. viz:

IMPAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS rrrtSIL1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. ( in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft.x 4 ft., also1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft,

io5-je'-- 7 --Ac Apuiy to The Honolulu Iron Works Co.

GEO. MGELHAEDT,Formerly Willi Saimiel ott.

Importer and Healer in

Stoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.

House Furnishing Hardware,Agate Jron and Tinware.

Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Company.

i i

( )

- 'ft






Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Beaver "BlockSrire formerly f.cct-.- i jed l.y "! t

McGregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each- - Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakai. Kamalo, PuWoo,I.ahaina. Laual,

Pelekiniu and Kalaupapa. g,

leaves Pnkoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

B - The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages iinle.se receipted for, norfor personal baggage unit plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry nnless placed incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, hutthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAMT. O. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69-- ly Mar 80

L. G. SUES0YICH & CO.,Commission Merrliar.ts nnd Wholesale Dfiilers inForeign and Domestic Fruits, green mid lrien;manulaeuirersof DesU-eute- roroanut. !an:iiit.s.I.imes. Dine Apples. Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cnooanun, Nnls of all kind", Datesand sniyrna Fts,

Ptrklnc Fruit for export a specialty. Don? ex-

perience in shippinp to Chitia. Australia, Mexico.Central America, i:atern stutes, et-- . TropicalFruits imported diritt by every steamer."Branch House, Sun Francisco, P. O. box USS.Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box

413, 415 and 417 Washington street, opposite PostOffice; 412, 4H and 416 Merchant street.

479 feb26 67 SAN FRANCISCO.

rpHIS 1 TO CERTIFY THAT THE VOL-- 1lowing- named persons have formed them-selv- e

into a known as the SAMT.F.E COMPANY, engaged in the husines of Incu.bating egss in Honolulu. Island of Oahu:

sl'N LOOK, residing in Honolulu.SUN SAM, residing in Honolulu.LEE MINO fe CO., residing in Honolulu.

(Signed ; SAM LEE CO.Honolulu, January 13, 1S6G. Jan31

P. C. A. Job Printing: Oie