Everything is in SP's Books

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  • 8/14/2019 Everything is in SP's Books


    Everything is inSrila Prabhupadas Books

    Caitanya-caritmta (madhya 24.318) statesthat rmad Bhgavatam is unlimited:

    ka-tulya bhgavata vibhu, sarvrayaprati-loke prati-akare nn artha kaya

    rmad Bhgavatam is as great as Krishna,the Supreme Lord and shelter of every-thing. In each and every verse of rmadBhgavatam and in each and every syllable,there are various meanings.

    rmad Bhgavatam is as good as Krish-na. It is not different from Krishna. Thisis described by Thakur Vrindavan Das inCaitanya-bhgavata (antya 3.516):

    premamaya bhgavata r-kera agatahate kahena yata gopya ka-raga

    rmad Bhgavatam is full of ka-prema. Itis a part of Krishna Himself, for it describesKrishnas confidential pastimes.

    Bhgavata r-kera aga rmadBhgavatam is the body of Krishna. tahatekahena yata gopya ka-raga all confi-dential, sweet pastimes are described here.Krishna is vibhu, the Supreme Lord, andHe is ananta, unlimited. Similarly, rmadBhgavatam is also vibhu and ananta, theunlimited Supreme Lord.

    Invaluable Gems

    Anantadev, who stays in Ptla, car-ries the material universe on one of Hishoods like a mustard seed. With Hisunlimited mouths, Anantadev has beencontinuously speaking Bhgavatam, andhas not yet finished. The four Kumaras

    are there, hearing rmad Bhgavatam

    from Anantadev. Therefore rmadBhgavatam is ananta, unlimited, like anunlimited ocean. If you dive deep, deep-er, to the deepest region of the ocean, youcan collect invaluable gems. One of thesynonyms for ocean is ratnkara, or ratna-garbh. Ratna means invaluable gems,and these are found in the garbha, belly,of the ocean. But who can collect them?Only one who dives very deep, to thedeepest region, can collect these gems.If you float on the surface, you willcollect only fish. Similarly, Bhgavatamis an unlimited ocean, and you have todive deep into it. Srila A.C. Bhaktive-danta Swami Prabhupada said, Ev-

    erything is in my books. He has giveneverything, but it is in seed form. Hehas only given a hint. Now you have todive deeper and deeper, to the deepestregion, then you will collect the invalu-able gems that are there.

    Prabhupadas purports need expla-nation. The Bhaktivedanta purports areunique. Vaiava philosophy is not easyto describe. It is a very subtle and most

    sublime philosophy. It is a very diffi-cult philosophy. Prabhupada explainedit in a very nice easy language. SrilaPrabhupada is especially empowered, aaktyvea-avatra sent by Sri ChaitanyaMahaprabhu. Otherwise no one can givesuch a thing as he has done.

    Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta SaraswatiGoswami Prabhupada Maharaja has

    explained vaiava philosophy, but you

    The preface to Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swamis Mathura Meets Vrindavan

  • 8/14/2019 Everything is in SP's Books


    xviii Ma thu ra M e e t s v r i n da van

    cannot understand his words. His lan-guage is so difficult you cannot enter intoit. This vaiava philosophy is very difficult

    because it has its own specific language.But Srila Prabhupada, our revered spiri-tual master, was an especially empoweredperson, and he explained it in the Englishlanguage. It is very difficult to explain inEnglish language. Many times the Englishlanguage has no words to properly conveythe meanings. In this purport Prabhupadatried his best to translate the ideas intoEnglish, but sometimes he just used the

    original Sanskrit words because you can-not find the English equivalent.

    This purport speaks of so many things.

    Yesterday I read only the first page of thepurport. I have not gone through to the nextpage. Today I will read the next page and trymy best to express it clearly, but I dont knowhow far I will succeed. I dont know, becauseI have no power, no qualification. I am nota worthy person. Only by Prabhupadasmercy, the mercy of guru and Gauranga ifthey speak through me can I try to explain.Otherwise it is not possible.
