Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followershi p The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

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Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower



The Best Training for Leadership

A Navy Perspective

Page 2: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

“Without his armies, after all, Napoleon was just a man with grandiose ambitions.” – Robert E. Kelley

Page 3: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

Leadership Gets All the Attention

• Even managers will have to play both roles

• We spend far more time following than we do leading

Page 4: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

Some Followers Are More Effective*

*Kelley, Robert E. “In Praise of Followers.” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 66, No. 6 (Nov/Dec 1988), 142-8.

Page 5: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

The Effective Follower

• Self-management

• Commitment

• Competence and focus

• Courage

Page 6: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

Matt’s Secret to Self-Management

Page 7: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

Effective Leader

Effective Follower

Page 8: Everyone a Leader … Everyone a Follower Good Followership The Best Training for Leadership A Navy Perspective

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