Every client that walks through my studio door is client that walks through my studio door is ... #8 illusion of nude no. 1. ... All information shared in this posing guide is based

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Every client that walks through my studio door is getting a “headshot.”

No matter what session my client is booking with me, she’s getting a headshot. For boudoir, I find most photographers are overlooking this. Your client won’t show off her boudoir photos to everyone. However, if you shoot a modest and beautiful headshot of her, she’s sure to show it off!

What I tell her to get the shot:I shoot all my headshots in the upstairs of my studio using natural light. Certainly though, you can shoot a headshot anywhere. I have her sit on a chair, at an angle to my light source, and tell her to look out the window while I “dial in my light.” I use this term a lot so it gives her time to relax. When I’m ready, I simply tell her to turn her head slightly towards me (while still facing towards the light source) and put her eyes on my camera. I position her chin higher or lower, depending on her looks. If the client is taller, or I need an angle higher up, I use this step stool.

the headshot#1

This is such a fun pose and it works withevery body type.

This is a great pose to start with. It’s easy to do and loads of fun. If you have a stiff client this will help her to loosen up. The best part is this pose works with any body type. When photographing her in this pose I focus mainly on her hair, expression and motion of the hair.

What I tell her to get the shot:First I tell her to stand facing the light source. Next, I show her the motion of putting her hands under her hair, running her hands up through her hair towards the ceiling and then letting her hair fall. I also tell her to arch her back while doing this. If she doesn’t ask what to do with her expression I don’t say anything as it ends up looking more natural and real. If she asks about expression I tell her to have fun, let loose, close her eyes and smile!

the hair waterfall#2

Every woman loves a fun vintage prop!

It’s always fun to add a little prop to change things up! Giving your clients variety in their photoshoots will leave them happy and you with a better sale. My studio’s most popular prop is this vintage phone. However, you can use any prop that

suites your branding or client’s needs.

What I tell her to get the shot:First I ask her who her celebrity crush is (this always gets lots of laughs). Then, once I have her in a pose I like, (choose from any of the other poses), I tell her to pretend that her celebrity crush is flirting with her on the other line.If that’s not her cup of tea, I just tell her to tilt her head down and look off to the side with her eyes to give it a vintage pin up look.

the vintage prop#3

Many women want to be photographed in their hubby’s shirt.

In theory, this is a great idea. However, these shirts can be hard to work with since they have no shape to them. The key for me is to use them to cover up unwanted areas (like love handles) and to reveal her loved areas (like “the girls”).

What I tell her to get the shot:I have her hold the insides of the shirt openings similar to the photo to your left. Next, I tell her to move her chin up a pinch and to give me “smoldering eyes” looking towards the camera (I position the camera slightly below eye line). To get her to relax, I tell her to take a couple DEEP breaths in and out while looking at the camera. I make sure to tell her to keep eye contact with the camera as she breaths out.

the significant other's shirt#4

I use this pose on everyone but it especially looks great with curvy girls

This is also a great pose start with. It’s very easy and comfortable for the client. You’re able to pose her on her tummy to hide it and reveal the other parts of her body that she loves.

What I tell her to get the shot:First, I show her where on the bed to lay on her stomach. I want her laying at an angle so I can see herlegs behind her (and so they’re not growing out of her head!) and facing the light source. Once she’s in place, I tell her to touch her hand gently on the back of her neck under her hair. Once she’s “posed,” I have her switch between looking at the camera, looking down & looking out the window (or next to the light source).

What items I used to create this “bed set” for cheap:Metal bed frame/baseFull air bedAny bedding of your choice

showcase the goods#5

Besides this pose being loads of fun, the girls are actually able to see & control their expression.

This shot requires a full length mirror. This is such a sexy and popular pose. Women love being able to see and control how they look in the mirror. When I shoot this pose, it sells...every time.

What I tell her to get the shot:I either have her stand facing the mirror back a ways with her hand on the mirror looking at herself OR I have her sit on the edge of the bed looking at herself in the mirror. Once I have her posed how I would like, I tell her to look at herself in the mirror. If she’s wearing tights, I’ll have her go into the act of pulling them up her leg. If she’s not wearing tights, I’ll have her play with her hair. The shot shown on the left is me shooting into the mirror.

into the mirror#6

This is a simple pose and very slimming, which all women love.

The subject is facing a large window in the photo on the left. Between the window and her is a sheer white curtain. The sheer curtain lets a lot of light in without letting others see into your studio windows when it’s bright out. As we all know, privacy is key with any boudoir shot.

What I tell her to get the shot:I have her face the light source and hold the curtains while pushing them away from her body. I tell her to hold one hand higher on the curtain than the other. Once she’s got that down, I tell her to lean all of her body weight to one side of her body. Next, I have her bend one knee and “pop her booty.” The best part is, when the light is filtering in like this, it will really slim her.

natural light silhouette#7

This pose is perfect for shy clients wanting to do an “illusion of nude” pose.

This pose if one of my favorites, as well as among my clients. Women always tell me one of the main things “he” likes about her is “the small of her back.”

What I tell her to get the shot:I have her face away from my camera and the light source. This pose can be done topless or with a bra, etc. If she’s choosing to go topless, then I have her wear a robe until we’re ready to shoot. I will make a joke that “I’ve seen it all!” and that this is all about HER comfort level. I shoot this in my downstairs studio, where it is 300% private. Once she’s turned around, I make sure her hair is hanging down on her back. Then I have her wrap her hands over her head (see photo on left). If she isn’t already, remind her to put all her weight to one hip & stand tall to lengthen her body.

illusion of nude no. 1#8

It’s important to always keep your client’s hands busy.

Once your client is not engaged or thinking about what she’s doing, she’s going to start worrying about the camera being on her. This is a great pose to keep her hands and mind busy so she can relax.

What I tell her to get the shot:I will put her in any of the above poses. Then, I will add this gesture in for fun. For the photo on the left, I told her to pretend she was flirting with her fiance and saying “come here you.” Another great one to do is have her blow a kiss at the camera. TIP: Do not put her straight onto you when shooting her blowing a kiss at the camera. Your photo will look much better if you have her blow a kiss while sideways to the camera.

the flirt#9

This pose requires artificial light and a softbox.

For this pose, I actually take my strobe light off of the light stand and set it on a chair or the bed. The softbox I use is large enough to touch the ground, so it will rest there while the strobe light is on a chair, etc.

What I tell her to get the shot:I buy pieces of foam from the craft store and set those on the ground so the she is comfortable. Once she is laying down, I position the light behind her legs. I tell her that when I’m ready to shoot, I will count to three. I then tell her that once I count to three, I’ll have her put her legs like “this.” I will get on the floor and actually show her how to put her legs as shown in the photo on the left. TIP: You can do this same silhouette look while standing, shooting her torso, shooting her throwing her hair back, etc.

artificial light silhouette#10

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Disclaimer & GuidelinesAll information shared in this posing guide is based on the author’s personal experiences, opinion and knowledge gained from working with her clients. The author and her representatives do not accept any liability nor will they be held responsible for the outcomes of any situations in connection with using advice or suggestions in this book. The author does not promise or guarantee specific results. Any poses, suggestions, etc. shared here are “use at your own risk.”

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