FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF WAKEFIELD UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGREGATION PHONE: 603-522-3189 WEBSITE: FCCWAKEFIELDNH.ORG EMAIL: FCCWAKEFIELDNH@GMAIL.COM WWW. FACEBOOK.COM/FIRSTCONGREGATIONALCHURCHOFWAKEFIELDUCC REVEREND MARY A. J AMES, PASTOR REVEREND GEORGE HARVEY, PASTOR EMERITUS DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 THE PASTORS PAGE CHRIST COMES TO YOU . . . for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. These words from Luke’s Gospel are words we treasure, and they are words we probably know by heart. Advent begins on December 3. More than ever, all people and all creation are in need of us taking our Advent preparations deeply to heart. In Advent, we prepare to receive the reality of God not as some abstract, far away entity, but as a tiny real hu- man infant, born to poor parents forced by an occupying power to leave their home just as the baby’s mother was about to de- liver. During Advent, we are called to tune up our heart’s capacity to accept and follow the God who would arrive in such a way. As people of faith, we are called to leave much space for letting this baby’s arrival change our lives in the way God has in mind. What if we were to think of the birth of Jesus--a concrete event in history— in a much more concrete way for our own lives? Imagine: someone calls you up and says “to you is coming a baby much in need in about four weeks. Get ready to make your home a safe and loving place for this baby. It’s up to you.” Let us journey sincerely together to discover what it means to make a home in our hearts, our spirits, our way of living for this Christ child. One way to embrace this journey is through a practice called Lectio Divina. This practice helps us receive God’s word more deeply, allowing our hearts and minds to receive the gifts of scripture in a new way. It’s easy to do. Find a quiet few minutes when you won’t be interrupted. Take the words from scripture quoted above, and read them very slowly out loud. Pause at the punctuation marks, and maybe even more often. When finished, sit quietly. Let all the words sink in. Notice the words that jump out, the feelings that come up. Then, read it slowly again, with pauses. No rush. Again, let the words wash over your heart and mind. Sit with them. Again, what words or phrases speak deeply to you? Where do you find yourself in them; where do you find God in them? Sometimes, it is helpful to write down your thoughts. Our hurting world, where very real humans are suffering in very real ways, and in which creation itself cries out for care and healing, needs us to take seriously God’s regard for the well-being of human bodies and for all creation. We are called in Advent to allow the physical health of people and the earth to matter deeply. If God devalued human flesh and the earth it depends upon, God would not have wrapped Godself in flesh and walked this earth with us. Let us allow the reality of that vulnerable babe, born into such precarious circumstances, sink deeply into our souls. Let us re- ceive the words that remind us of this birth in such a way that we will re-commit ourselves to making this a safe and sustainable world for every tiny baby who comes to into the world, each one deserving love and care. Grace and peace, Mary ….for to YOU is born….. Luke 2:11

EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation

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Page 1: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation







. . . for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. These words from Luke’s Gospel are words we treasure, and they are words we probably know by heart. Advent begins on December 3. More than ever, all people and all creation are in need of us taking our Advent preparations deeply to heart. In Advent, we prepare to receive the reality of God not as some abstract, far away entity, but as a tiny real hu-man infant, born to poor parents forced by an occupying power to leave their home just as the baby’s mother was about to de-liver. During Advent, we are called to tune up our heart’s capacity to accept and follow the God who would arrive in such a way. As people of faith, we are called to leave much space for letting this baby’s arrival change our lives in the way God has in mind. What if we were to think of the birth of Jesus--a concrete event in history— in a much more concrete way for our own lives? Imagine: someone calls you up and says “to you is coming a baby much in need in about four weeks. Get ready to make your home a safe and loving place for this baby. It’s up to you.” Let us journey sincerely together to discover what it means to make a home in our hearts, our spirits, our way of living for this Christ child. One way to embrace this journey is through a practice called Lectio Divina. This practice helps us receive God’s word more deeply, allowing our hearts and minds to receive the gifts of scripture in a new way. It’s easy to do. Find a quiet few minutes when you won’t be interrupted. Take the words from scripture quoted above, and read them very slowly out loud. Pause at the punctuation marks, and maybe even more often. When finished, sit quietly. Let all the words sink in. Notice the words that jump out, the feelings that come up. Then, read it slowly again, with pauses. No rush. Again, let the words wash over your heart and mind. Sit with them. Again, what words or phrases speak deeply to you? Where do you find yourself in them; where do you find God in them? Sometimes, it is helpful to write down your thoughts. Our hurting world, where very real humans are suffering in very real ways, and in which creation itself cries out for care and healing, needs us to take seriously God’s regard for the well-being of human bodies and for all creation. We are called in Advent to allow the physical health of people and the earth to matter deeply. If God devalued human flesh and the earth it depends upon, God would not have wrapped Godself in flesh and walked this earth with us. Let us allow the reality of that vulnerable babe, born into such precarious circumstances, sink deeply into our souls. Let us re-ceive the words that remind us of this birth in such a way that we will re-commit ourselves to making this a safe and sustainable world for every tiny baby who comes to into the world, each one deserving love and care. Grace and peace, Mary

….for to YOU is born….. Luke 2:11

Page 2: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation



For more information on articles you read in the Steeple Views, contact the editor at [email protected] or call the church office at 603-522-3189.

And on Twitter - @wakefieldnhucc https://twitter.com/wakefieldnhucc

TREASURER'S REPORT Operating Budget (Non-restricted): July 1, 2017 – Oct 31, 2017

General Income: $ 49,849.64 Additional Income Sources: $ 10,200.00 Expenditures: $(59,262.57) Net Income over Expenses $ 787.07 Checking Non-Restricted balance: $ 7,545.73 Checking Restricted Funds balance: $ 3,678.16 Total Checking A/C balance: 10/31/17 $11,223.89 As you can see above, income outpaced expenses as of the end of October by $787. The annual Harvest Fair was held on November 11th. It was a load of work for the many volunteers, but it is wonderful to report that $4,570 was raised. This is a record. As Advent Season begins, so will Alternative Gifting. For many years now, this has been an excellent way to remember someone who really does not need another thing. Please check out the great opportunities displayed in Fellowship Hall and share your blessings this Christ-mas. There will be a report on the Alternative Gifting out-come in the next (February) issue of Steeple Views. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Janice Brejwo, Co-Treasurer: [email protected]

ALTERNATIVE GIFTING Our church provides us an opportunity to give the gift of love, and life through organizations like; Heifer, the local Food Pantry, support for the youth of Zimbabwe through FOOT, and contributing really close to home through the Feddern Discretionary Fund which is used right here in our beloved church community. These are several ways that we can pass on our abundance that truly makes a dif-ference. Your loved one probably doesn’t need another piece of clothing or tool. Instead send them a card that indicates that you have donated to one of these organiza-tions in their name. . You can read in detail about the Alternative Gifting Op-portunities in the enclosed form. Also, displays in the Fellowship Hall are available for you to view and choose the card and organization you wish to sponsor. Let’s give the gift of love and life this season.


Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year, and on that day we will offer ONE worship service at 4 p.m. This will be our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Please mark your calendars now so that you don't come to an empty church at 10 that morning, or miss the service by showing up in the evening!

TAX TIME! With the new year just around the corner, it’s getting to be time to think about the tax season. With the directive to get donation reports out to our giving congregation in a timely fashion, I will be focused on doing those reports as soon as the year end numbers are solidified. What I need to know from you is how you’d like your report deliv-ered. The delivery options are: by email, by postal mail or hand-delivered. If I don’t hear from you I will send via email if we have your email address (note that if I take this route, I will request an acknowledgement that you actually received it). If no email address or I don’t get the acknowledgement, I will send through the postal sys-tem. I will only hand-deliver if you specifically ask for that mode Please contact me at [email protected] or 603-871-8066.

Julie Kessler, Assistant Treasurer

BAD WEATHER CANCELLATION Cancellations due to bad weather will be posted on: WMUR Channel 9, WCSH Channel 6, and on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FirstCongregationalChurchofWakefieldUCC/

Page 3: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation



"Watch" is the theme for this year's Advent Devotional published by the United Church of Christ. With a differ-ent theme each year, this lovely booklet has become an important part of the spiritual journey in Advent for many. Julie Kessler will lead an "in-person" discussion group on the devotional on Tuesdays at noon, but if you cannot make a gathering at that time, please know you are invited to take part in one on-line that you will be able to visit at your convenience! Rev. Mary is putting together such a group, using the vehicle of Facebook. She hopes that a good number of pilgrims will sign up for the jour-ney! You can call her at 522-3189, email her at [email protected], or catch her in person and let her know to sign you up! It promises to be a rich and re-warding conversation!

NEWS FROM OUR SISTER CHURCH AT RUFUMISO The Rufumiso congregation is very excited to welcome a new pastor in January 2018. Rev. Kungurirai Gwayag-waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation at Devuli and was actually a part of our painting team in 2016. Eddie Bread, one of the stal-warts of the church and chairperson of the Rufumiso Building Committee, says Rev. Gwayagwaya is a very good preacher. Rufumiso has not had a settled pastor for the past 2-3 years relying on very short term student pas-tors and lay leaders. They hope to grow with a new min-ister and they plan to continue working on the parsonage that the Z Team helped start in 2014. Until then, the pas-tor will live in two rooms at the back of the church. Speaking of Eddie, he did a wonderful job, along with many of the lay leaders, coordinating the complex logis-tics of the joyful Rufumiso dedication held on July 30th. Eddie gave me a 2 disk CD to present to the Wake-field Church of approximately FOUR HOURS of the event celebrating the completion of the Rufumiso Church and the history of the partnership with Wakefield. The celebration was attended by more than 800 people, in-cluding past pastors and many local dignitaries. Tokozani Maheu, another pillar of the church, is in her late 60s and is in charge of the Rufumiso Sunday School of more than 90 kids; she and one other person are the teachers for all. Toko also works at the Early Childhood Development Center which is located next to the church. She and two other teachers are responsible for more than 100 children at the preschool. Toko is a dear friend of Ann Bildoeau and Jo Szirbik and sent the fol-lowing letter to Ann: "I thought of writing to you and thanking you for giving us the money to buy curtains. Now the church is smart. We are proud of it. Thank you for your contribu-tion! May God bless you and all the Wakefield New Hampshire Church members. Our church is now smart. People passing by always stand for some minutes looking at it." God bless Rev. Gwayagwaya, Eddie, Toko, and all the members of the Rufumiso Church. May our partnership continue to be a blessing to us all.

Connie Littlefield


Our Prayer Shawl Ministry met for the first time on Janu-ary 28, 2010. We set 10:00 am on the fourth Thursday monthly as our regular meeting time. We will celebrate our 8th anniversary at 10:00 am on Thursday, January 25, in the Parish Helpers Room. We will share refreshments and memories! We will knit, share prayer concerns and bless completed shawls. We can provide patterns, knitting assistance and free yarn! We will also discuss changing our regular meeting time. Would it be beneficial to change the day and time for our meetings? What change would work for you? If you are interested in this ministry and would like to celebrate, please join us!

-- Jan Fairchild

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet in December.


A special coffee hour is being hosted by Team Synergy and the Stewardship Ministry and will be followed by Christmas caroling! This will take place on December 17 and we hope to have a good many join us this year! Please join in sharing our enthusiastic cheer with those we don't see very often. See Connie Littlefield for details.

Page 4: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation


HEART SAVERS CPR/AED TRAINING NH CPR Safety Services will hold training sessions at FCCW on two dates:

Saturday, January 13 at 10 a.m. Saturday, February 16 at 10 a.m.

Cost: $25 per person and preregistration is required. Call the office at 522-3189.


It is a joy to announce that our beautifully designed

new sign has been installed! In the near future, we will gather together to dedicate

and bless this sign to Pam and Gijs’ memory. May it be a beacon to all of welcome and

spiritual growth.

ANOTHER EASY FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY Clean out your closets, recycle and reuse, and help the church while you’re at it. We now have an account set up at Lilac’s Consignment Shop in Sanbornville where you can bring your “still-good but don’t want it” clothing for resale. The proceeds from the sale of items will go to the church. It’s easy to do! They accept clothing for men, women and children (size 5T and up), handbags, shoes, accesso-ries that are clean and in resale condition. You can drop off your items at any time. No appointment is necessary, but they ask that you call ahead for large donations. Please be sure that clothing is off hangers, and in bags and tell them that you are donating them for the FCCW account. Their winter hours are Tuesday—Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For up-to-date information about Lilac’s, visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/Lilacs-Consignment-Shop-1603134303234057/about/?ref=page_internal, their Face-book page. Lilac’s is located at 27 Meadow Street in Sanbornville.

Carol Jeffery

SAVING MONEY AT STAPLES I thought I would share a few simples ways you can help FCCW save on our purchases at STAPLES without spending a penny! • When making a purchase at Staples you can ask they

apply the REWARDS of your purchase to the Church Account by providing them the Church phone num-ber 603-522-3189. How easy it that!

• If you have any coupons you are not using, please drop them off to me at the Church Office and I will gladly use them to help save money on purchases!

• Don’t throw away your Used Ink Cartridges. Please drop these off to me in the Church Office and I will recycle them through our account at STAPLES and receive Ink Recycling Rewards for them.

Thus far in 2017, Purchase Rewards and Coupons pro-vided a total savings of $157.00 on purchases AND Ink Cartridges Rewards provided a total savings of $244.00 on purchases. WOW $401.00 in savings, now that’s team work! Thank you to all of those who have contrib-uted to these savings! These simple small contributions save the Church a lot of money and help make it more affordable to keep up with monthly expenses.

Julie Margolis, Congregational Life Admin.

Please Note

The Scrabble Group will not be meeting on December 6th. See you next time!

Page 5: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Christmas Bells Concerts 2:30 and 5 p.m.

3 First Sunday Of Advent Worship and Communion 10 a.m. Coffee Hour

4 Caregivers’ Support Group Choir Practice 6 p.m.

5 Bible Study 12 noon


Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m.

7 Bereavement Support Group 11 a.m. Community String Band 6:30 p.m.

8 9 Pageant Rehearsal 10 a.m. Tree of Memories 11am Town Hall

10 Second Sunday of Advent Family Sunday Christmas Pageant 10 a.m. Coffee Hour

11 Choir Practice 6 p.m.

12 Bible Study 12 noon

13 Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m. Pairs and Spares 6 p.m.

14 Parish Helpers Christmas Party—12 noon Community String Band 6:30 p.m.

15 16

17 Third Sunday of Advent—Worship and Church School 10 a.m. Team Synergy Christmas Party and Caroling

18 Choir Practice 6 p.m.

19 Scrabble 10 a.m.

20 Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m.

21 Community String Band 6:30 p.m.

22 23

24 Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Eve Service at 4 pm (No Morning Service)




27 FUNdraising Meeting at PPP 4 p.m.

28 Bereavement Support Group 11 a.m. Community String Band 6:30 p.m.



31 First Sunday after Christmas Worship 10 a.m. Coffee Hour

December 2017

Page 6: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




2 Bible Study 12 noon

3 Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m.


7 First Sunday After Epiphany Worship and Holy Communion—Joint Worship with St. John’s (tentative) 10 a.m. Coffee Hour

8 Caregivers’ Support Group Choir Practice 6 p.m.

9 Bible Study 12 noon

10 Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m. Pairs and Spares 6 p.m.

11 Parish Helpers 1 p.m. Community String Band 6:30 p.m.

12 13 CPR Class 10 a.m.

14 Second Sunday After Epiphany Family Sunday Coffee Hour

15 Choir Practice 6 p.m.

16 Bible Study 12 noon

17 Mid-Year Reports of Officers and Ministry Coordinators Due Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m.


Bereavement Support Group 11 a.m. Community String Band 6:30 p.m.

19 20

21 Third Sunday After Epiphany Worship and Church School— 10 a.m. Coffee Hour Leadership Council Mtg.

22 Choir Practice 6 p.m.

23 Bible Study 12 noon

24 Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m.

25 Community String Band 6:30 p.m.

26 27

28 Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Worship and Church School 10 a.m. Coffee Hour Team Synergy Meeting

29 Choir Practice 6 p.m.

30 Bible Study 12 noon

31 Girl Scouts— 5:30—6:30 p.m.

January 2018

Page 7: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation


LIBRARY NEWS Anchor Bible Dictionary (Parish Helpers Library (B-D)) Jan Fairchild recently donated this comprehensive six- volume series to our library along with several other books. She has also given us several books related to Bible study which are shelved in the Leadership Curricu-lum section. This subject area has been relocated to the Fellowship Hall Library. Jan’s generosity has revitalized our library. Thanks to Jan from all of us– we will cer-tainly miss her when she moves!

Linda Petkunas/Librarian

THE REST OF THE STORY Spirit of the First Congregational Church Wakefield, New Hampshire 1985-2017 This booklet picks up where Marjorie Banks left off in 1985 and is an update on our church history from that point to the current year. It is finally finished and avail-able in print and electronic format. My thanks to all our pastors and members who contributed to this effort: Rick Russell, George Harvey, John Tamilio, Mary James, Ann Bilodeau, Titia Bozuwa, Margie Galabrun, Dave & Ginny Schweitzer, Max Gehring, Connie Littlefield and Jan Fairchild.

Linda Petkunas/Archivist Ed. Note: And our thanks to Linda Petkunas for taking on this project of putting this booklet together and making it available to all of us!

PARISH HELPERS CHRISTMAS PARTY We will hold our Annual Christmas Party on Thursday, December 14, at 12 noon. This year we will have a ca-tered luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. All Parish Helpers are invited to attend at no cost. The food is being pre-pared by Chef Christina from the Wakefield Inn. After lunch, we will gather ‘round for our Annual Yankee Swap. This is always a fun time and though it is not re-quired, we hope all will participate. Please bring a wrapped gift (about $10 value) and be prepared to have some fun! Looking ahead to January— Our January meeting will be held on Thursday, January 11, at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our speaker for this meeting will be Peter Brown of the Wakefield Historical Society who will give a talk on “Wakefield—Then and Now”. Looking forward to see-ing you there!

Carol Jeffery

Here’s a great way to make that last minute alternative-gift giving possible! Our online donation tool provides a quick, easy and secure option for your charitable giving, whether it is to fund one of our missions specifically, to make a special one-time donation or as a recurring pledge. This online donation feature provides the ability to donate whether you are local or far away for the win-ter! It is easily accessed on our website at www.fccwakefieldnh.org


This year’s Christmas Pageant will be an extravaganza! In the pageant, The Twelve Days of Christmas, we will hear the story of how it started and how each number and gift have a Biblical meaning. The presenters range in age from toddlers to ninety-something. Let’s show our love and appreciation of our youth (and not so youthful)! See you there on Family Sunday, December 10, at 10 a.m.


During the summer of 2015 we invited people to join a conversation group to explore the question “Who am I?”. Sixteen people responded and two groups were formed in October. During our monthly meetings over the past two years we have shared our personal stories. In the process of responding to specific questions and reflecting on quotes by a wide variety of spiritual leaders, we have learned a great deal about one another and about our-selves! Our time together has been rich. The participants of the two groups met together in No-vember and decided to renew the invitation for others to join in the conversation. We are inviting anyone who is interested in learning more and joining the ongoing con-versations to join us in the Parish Helpers Room at 1:00 pm on Monday, January 8. There will be a discussion of the groups’ experiences and “let’s figure out what we want to do” planning for the future. May we be open to creative discernment together. If you have questions, contact Jan Fairchild. “We must listen well, speak in love and back up our lis-tening and our speech with actions of compassion and justice.” -- Unknown source.

Jan Fairchild

Page 8: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation


FUNDRAISER: SAVERS Wow! We started a new fundraiser with a store, Savers, down in Newington, NH. The idea behind this fundraiser is for us to collect donated “stuff”, drive it down to the store, they weigh it all and give us money based on the weight. For a trial run, we had a very short turnaround time for collection; which was, oh by the way, impacted by that incredible storm. Even with the short timeframe and downed tree snafu, we still made an amount ap-proaching $300! Enheartened by our success, we have decided to set an-other date for drop-off – this time with considerable more lead-time and advertisement. Please consider putting to one side any items “smaller than a microwave” that are no longer wanted (soft items such as bedding, towels, old clothing, etc. yield the biggest payback but all items will get weighed in, regardless of their condition). Stay tuned for more details and remember: we collect, they fund, easy and done!

Julie Kessler, Assistant Treasurerr


We'd love to have you come participate with us on Tues-days at noon as we gather to learn, share, struggle and laugh all while we grow in our faith.’ We’ll be taking a break from our Acts study come Tues-day, December 5th in order to calm ourselves from the craziness of Christmas preparations. For three Tuesdays (Dec 5th, 12th and 19th), we will use the UCC’s Stillspeak-ing Writer’s Group 2017 Advent Devotional to direct our-selves away from that hustle bustle and towards the still-ing of our minds, hearts and spirits to reflect on God’s gift that humans first experienced on that silent, starry night over 2000 years ago. The booklet contains daily devo-tions throughout Advent and we will come together to share our thoughts and insights into these readings. And after the new year, starting on Tuesday, January 2nd, we will return to the third and final 6 session study of Acts. The last 6 sessions will focus on Chapters 16-28 – delving into Paul’s travels that so effectively spread the message. While there is a study guide, all that's really necessary to participate is just to pick up the Bible and read the scripture that we're studying for that particular class. And even then, we typically re-read at least a por-tion of the scripture in class. No need to have come to any of the previous sessions! Prior to each class, I will have the scripture we will focus on posted in the weekly bulletin. Please contact me if you’re interested in either the Advent devotional ($4.00) or the Acts, Part 3 Study Guide ($5.00) at [email protected] or 603-871-8066.’

Julie Kessler

The Parish Helpers wish to express their sincere appre-ciation for all of the kind, caring words, the beautiful carnations and the spectacular coffee hour presentation. The array and variety of the food selections were so impressive and delicious! . Thank you for recognizing and celebrating our special 160th birthday with such enthusiasm and warm hearted concern! . Blessings, Rachel, The Parish Helpers



On behalf of the Stewardship Ministry, we would like to wish you a blessed Advent and Christmas sea-son. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 With Hope, Joy and Peace, Chris Feddern, Julie Evenson, Donna Ackerman,


Each year 300-350 members of the NH Conference & our friends & affiliates come together at Pembroke Academy for a one-day event, featuring 70-80 different workshops offered on a variety of fascinating topics, presented by 50-60 gifted presenters. The day includes an uplifting morning worship, breakfast, lunch, and refreshments, 30+ exhibitors, and ample op-portunity for reconnecting with old friends and new alike! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come ex-perience the joy and inspiration that Prepared to Serve offers.

Page 9: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation



Those dealing with the aftermath of many natural disasters in the US and around the world.

Our global neighbors in places where there is great strife.

Our servicemen and women Our friends at Rufumiso Church, Zimbabwe

Residents of the Nursing Homes and Retirement Communities in our area





We ask your continued prayers and support for those members of our church and wider

community who are ill, or who suffer in mind, body, or spirit, and for their families

HOSPICE TREE OF MEMORIES One of the most meaningful and expressive events of the holiday sea-son, the Hospice Tree of Memories, is celebrating its annual commemo-ration at the Wakefield Opera House on Saturday, December 9 at 11 a.m. This occasion provides opportunities for family, friends, and neighbors to remember a loved one by placing an in-scribed porcelain dove, a symbol of serenity, peace, and tranquility, on a lighted tree. Everyone is welcome to attend the ceremony. To purchase a dove in the name of a loved one, please speak to Ginny Schweitzer (522-9593) or contact the Central New Hampshire VNA and Hospice at 569-2729.



1 Tom Stanley 2 Shannon Mercer 2 Lynn Watts 3 Robert Gehring Jr. 3 Marie Hebb 8 David Silcocks 9 Richard Zacher

11 Dorothy MacKenzie 13 Carol Jeffery 16 Jeff Ballard 16 Barry Truhn 20 Rev. George Harvey 26 Jessica St Pierre 30 Skip Theiling

10 Eric & Amanda Boggs 27 Peter & Linda Foss

3 Donald Silcocks 4 Austin “Max” Gehring 4 Caitlin Koukal Howes 5 Marcia Hodsdon 6 Penny Grover 7 Donna Ackerman 8 Rev. Jim Pirie 9 Jason Denver 9 Rachel Wilson 12 Jillian Currier 15 Lindsay Baldwin 16 Carole Doughty 16 Robert Chadbourne 18 Eric Boggs 18 Elaine Franco

19 George Szirbik 20 Gail Leyare 20 Edward Morrison 22 Susan Raban 23 Jill Mullen 24 Sid Girardin 25 Aileen Koukal 25 Martha Jo McCarthy 28 Samantha Michalsky 28 Erin Seaboyer 29 Timothy McCarthy 30 John Hebb 30 Joanne Dolbear 30 Janie Silcocks

12 Richard & Diana Peckham 16 Jeff & Valerie Ward

WOW WOW WOW Thank you everyone for making our Harvest Fair a huge success! WE as a church family raised over $4500! The sense of love, fellowship and hospitality radiated through-out the church and into the community. A fun time was had by all!

Ginny Schweitzer

Ed. Note: And a special thank you to Ginny for heading up the Fair and making it all come together!

Page 10: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation





Saturday, December 2, 2017 First Congregational Church of Wakefield

located in historic Wakefield Village

Performances at 2:30 and 5:00 $10.00 suggested donation

The Wakefield Inn will be offering three

seatings for a delicious meal before, between, and after the concerts. Reservations are advised at 522-8272.




Page 11: EVEREND ARY , P EVEREND GEORGE H MERITUS HONE...waya (Try saying that three times!) is a young, single pas-tor who may be getting married soon. He was serving the nearby congregation

Alternative Gift Giving 2016

Our members and friends have a long history of sharing their resources with others during the Christmas season. If you wish to participate in more than one of the following programs, it is only necessary to write ONE CHECK with your donation allocated according to your wishes. Checks are made out to First Congregational Church of Wakefield (FCCW) and accompany this form with a specified amount indicated to the program(s) you choose below. For more information on each of these projects/missions, please see the back of this form. Global: Heifer International (www.heifer.org) $ ___________

Local Programs: Feddern Diaconate Discretionary Fund $ ___________

Wakefield Food Pantry $ ___________

NH Relay for Life (www.cancer.org) $___________

Zimbabwe Mission Projects (www.projectkz.org)

F.O.O.T. / Child Sponsorship $ ___________

Food for Children at the Daisy Dube Home $ ___________

Girl’s Empowerment through Education $ ___________

Micro Finance Self Reliance Program $ ___________

Total $ _________________

Name: _______________________________________________ Email / Phone #: ________________________________________

Blessings to you this holiday season!

Alternative Gift Giving Opportunities


Heifer International (www.heifer.org ) Heifer Intern’l provides livestock and training to individuals or families in need to increase income, food security, and nutrition with an amazing pass it on philosophy. Each person who receives an animal passes on the first offspring to another person/family in need. You can purchase shares of goats, chickens, pigs, rabbits, llamas, buffalos, heifers and other animals.

Local Programs:

Feddern Diaconate Discretionary Fund This Fund provides temporary emergency financial assistance to individuals and families in need within our church and community.

NH Relay for Life (www.cancer.org ) Relay is a team fund raising initiative under the NH Chapter of the American Cancer Society to take action in the fight against cancer. Money raised provides programs and services for those impacted by cancer.

Wakefield Food Pantry The Food Pantry provides a critical resource by distributing food to local residents of Wakefield, Brookfield and Effingham.

Zimbabwe Mission Projects: (www.projectkz.org)

Food for Children at the Daisy Dube Home The 25 children at the home subsist on sadza (corn meal) and occasional vegetables. This program provides protein (fish, meat, eggs or peanut butter) on an every other day basis to combat malnutrition.

FOOT/Child Sponsorship This program provides school fees, school uniforms, shoes, school supplies and food to those children most in need. Sponsorship makes education a reality.

Girl's Empowerment through Education Girls miss a week of school each month due to lack of sanitary resources. Washable, reusable sanitary pads provide a sense of dignity and empowerment and allows girls to stay in school.

Micro Finance Self Reliance Program With 90-95% unemployment, small interest free loans help individuals and ultimately communities become self-sustaining. It is the “teaching one to fish” philosophy in action.