Events of my Life Robert Hume ca.linkedin.com/in/humerobert

Events of my Life

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Page 1: Events of my Life

Events of my Life

Robert Humeca.linkedin.com/in/humerobert

Page 2: Events of my Life

Giving presentations is important in having academic success and it is used in business.

There are many students that don’t like to speak in public, on the other hand I like to present information and reports to others. This picture shows me giving a presentation in front of my GNED500 class. I was presenting a report on the economic recession, as well I prepared the slides for our group report.

Overall, the presentation was informative and the professor was satisfied with the presentation and layout. We received a grade of A+ on this presentation.

Presentation Skills

Page 3: Events of my Life

In addition, I have learned to overcome different situations that could arise with being in a competitive environment. I was happy to receive this award because of my dedication to the organization for 5 years of service. Also I found it was exciting to perform year after year and meet new people.

From 1990 to 1995 I was part of an origination that travels to compete in competitions amongst other groups. This is me with my five year award with my certificate of competing in 1994. Being part of this group for 5 years has provided me with many skills and experience that I have used to this day. While I was competing I had to use teamwork and provide others members with support throughout competition.


Page 4: Events of my Life

While working at the Real Canadian Superstore as a department manager, our priority is our customers.

There was a time where I experienced an upset customer who was having difficulty with the instant picture machine. I approached the customer and assure them that there was nothing to worry about. I then showed them the basic functions and some advanced features. I also watched the customer to make sure that they felt comfortable.

When the customer received there pictures they felt really happy. The customer thanked me for my help and patients. As well, the customer let the store manager know about the experience she had.

Customer Service

Page 5: Events of my Life

I also scheduled meetings to put together our work and edit our report to present it to the class. I followed up with my group members to make sure they where on the right track and provided feedback to my group members. Overall, our report was very detailed and provided lots of insight into our topic. Our professor was pleased to find our report to be informative.

Leadership skills that I provide benefits my group members and myself. This is a picture of me working with my group members on a formal report for our English class. I appointed myself as the group leader and also made sure that everyone was working on a specific part of the report.

Leadership Skills

Page 6: Events of my Life

I was very honored to receive this award because I was chosen out of 60 other members to receive it. Another fact is that I have been dedicated and hard working on all aspects of performing in this competitive environment. To this day I feel so proud of myself for being the member of the year for marching.


This is an award that I have received while I was a member of the Cardinals Drum and Bugle Corps. This award signifies that I was the most dedicated marching member for the year of 1995. Throughout the summer months, the Cardinals Drum and Bugle Corps traveled throughout Ontario and the USA competing with other Drum and Bugle Corps.