1 MARCHE REGION EVENTS CALENDAR 2011 Opera Title: The 47th Sferisterio Opera Festival Town: Macerata Type of event: opera Description: It has become a festival thanks to the director Pier Luigi Pizzi since 2006; it features an excellent play-bill with well-known international artists. Next summer’s opera season is going to develop the theme of ‚Freedom and Destiny‛. Date: 22 July 6 August 2011 Ph.: (+39) 0733.230735 Website: www.sferisterio.it e-mail : [email protected] Title: The 32nd Rossini Opera Festival Town: Pesaro Type of event: opera Description: The Rossini Opera Festival is one of most important international venues of classical music. Almost entirely dedicated to the genius of Gioachino Rossini, it is hosted each year in Pesaro. The festival aims to revive the musical heritage through a Rossini philological review of the scores brought to the stage. It makes use of scientific collaboration of the Rossini Foundation, which is a member of the European Festival. The 33rd edition has a play-bill with two new productions: ‚Adelaide di Borgogna‛ and Mosè in Egitto‛. Location: Teatro Rossini, Adriatic Arena, Auditorium Pedrotti, Teatro Sperimentale Date: 10-24 August 2011 Ph.: (+39) 0721.3800294 WebSite: www.rossinioperafestival.it e-mail: [email protected] Title: The 11th Pergolesi Spontini Festival Town: Jesi, Maiolati Spontini, Montecarotto, Monte San Vito, Monsano e San Marcello Province: Ancona Type of event: opera Description: the festival has international relevance, perfectly set in the frame of the lands of Verdicchio; it hosts performances, artists and intellectuals of high calibre. During this year, the Fondation Pergolesi Spontini continues performances of the complete works of Giovanni Battisti Pergolegi started for celebration of the 300th anniversary of the famous Composer‘s birth. Location: Teatro G. Pergolesi e Teatro V. Moriconi (Jesi), chiesa di S. Stefano e Teatro G. Spontini (Maiolati Spontini), Teatro Comunale (Montecarotto), Teatro La Fortuna (Monte S. Vito), chiesa degli Aroli (Monsano), Teatro P. Ferrari (S. Marcello) Date: 2 -18 September 2011

Event calendar 2011

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Event calendar 2011 of MArche Region

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Page 1: Event calendar 2011





Title: The 47th Sferisterio Opera Festival

Town: Macerata

Type of event: opera

Description: It has become a festival thanks to the director Pier Luigi Pizzi since 2006; it features an excellent

play-bill with well-known international artists. Next summer’s opera season is going to develop the theme

of ‚Freedom and Destiny‛.

Date: 22 July – 6 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.230735

Website: www.sferisterio.it

e-mail : [email protected]

Title: The 32nd Rossini Opera Festival

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: opera

Description: The Rossini Opera Festival is one of most important international venues of classical music.

Almost entirely dedicated to the genius of Gioachino Rossini, it is hosted each year in Pesaro. The festival

aims to revive the musical heritage through a Rossini philological review of the scores brought to the stage.

It makes use of scientific collaboration of the Rossini Foundation, which is a member of the European

Festival. The 33rd edition has a play-bill with two new productions: ‚Adelaide di Borgogna‛ and “Mosè in


Location: Teatro Rossini, Adriatic Arena, Auditorium Pedrotti, Teatro Sperimentale

Date: 10-24 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.3800294

WebSite: www.rossinioperafestival.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 11th Pergolesi Spontini Festival

Town: Jesi, Maiolati Spontini, Montecarotto, Monte San Vito, Monsano e San Marcello

Province: Ancona

Type of event: opera

Description: the festival has international relevance, perfectly set in the frame of the lands of Verdicchio; it

hosts performances, artists and intellectuals of high calibre. During this year, the Fondation Pergolesi

Spontini continues performances of the complete works of Giovanni Battisti Pergolegi started for celebration

of the 300th anniversary of the famous Composer‘s birth.

Location: Teatro G. Pergolesi e Teatro V. Moriconi (Jesi), chiesa di S. Stefano e Teatro G. Spontini (Maiolati

Spontini), Teatro Comunale (Montecarotto), Teatro La Fortuna (Monte S. Vito), chiesa degli Aroli (Monsano),

Teatro P. Ferrari (S. Marcello)

Date: 2 -18 September 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0731.206888

Web site: www.fondazioneperolesispontini.com

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: Lotto’s land. Lorenzo Lotto in the Marche region

Province: Ancona Macerata, Urbino

Type of event: cultural events

Description: In occasion of the great exhibition at the ‚Scuderie del Quirinale‛ dedicated to Lorenzo Lotto

(from 2 March to 12 June 2011) itineraries will be organized to promote the paintings of the great Venetian

artist who left in the Marche twenty-four masterpieces in the towns of the Marches: Ancona, Loreto

Recanati, Mogliano, Monte S. Giusto, Cingoli, Jesi and Urbino.

Location: Marche region

Date: March-December 2011

Website: www.cultura.marche.it

Title: The 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy

The Marche Region has published a calendar of the principal activities because it wishes to promote the

150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy.

Website: http://www.cultura.marche.it/CDDirectore.aspx?cat=974

Title: Urbino Press Award

Town. Urbino

Type of event: cultural event

Description: It is assigned each year to an American journalist for the skills to tell us the world which is

changing. This event is sustained by Città di Urbino, Province of Pesaro Urbino, Marche Region, Camber of

Commer of Pesaro Urbino and ‚Piero Guidi‛ (fashion company). It is chaired by Giovanni Lani.

Location: Palazzo Ducale

Date: 3 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722 309222

Website: www.urbinopressaward.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Churches Open 2011 – A stroll through the ascolano romaneque style

Town: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: cultural event

Description: Opening of Romanesque churches of Ascoli Piceno.

Location: Chiese di San Vittore, S. Venanzio, S. Giacomo Apostolo, SS Vicenzo e Anastasio, Museo

Diocesano, Battistero di Giovanni, chiesa di San Gregorio e S. Maria Intervineas; it will be possible a guided

tour of the church of Ascoli Piceno .

Date: 18-19; 25-26 June; 1 July – 31august 2011(All days except Monday)

Ph.: (+39) 0736.252883 – 338.3657608

Website: www.comune.ascolipiceno.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 25th National Eucharistic Congress

Town: Ancona, Fabriano-Matelica (deocese), Jesi, Loreto, Senigallia, Jesi

Province: Ancona and Macerata

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Type of event: religious

Description: Art and spiritual itinerary with two central moments: the Station of the Cross ( Via Crucis) and

Eucharistic procession and decking with flowers.

Location: chiesa di San Ciriaco (Ancona), piazza del Plebiscito (Ancona), Lazzaretto (Ancona), Teatro

Gentile (Fabriano), Palazzetto dello Sport (Jesi), piazza della Madanna (Loreto), fair round – stadio


Date: 3 -11 September 2011

Ph.: (+ 39) 071.285551

Website: www.congressoeucaristico.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Multidisciplinary Festival

Title: Happiness Festival

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: festival

Description: It’s a festival boasting a large number of events, like meetings, conferences and shows with

well-known Italian and foreign members from the world of culture, science and politics. The great visibility

will be confirmed to this event with the performance of Roberto Benigni on 28th may at Adriatic Arena.

Location: Piazza del Popolo e Adriatic Arena, Urbino Piazza della Repubblica, territorio provinciale

Date: 27 May - 5 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.3592501 – 2502

Website: www.festivaldellafelicita.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Amo La Mole

Town: Ancona

Type of event: multidisciplinary festival

Description: show, concerts, conferences, meeting at the Mole Vanvitelliana courtyard and art exhibitions.

Location: Mole Vanvitelliana

Date: 18 June 29 - August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.2225019 – 5039

Website: www.comune.ancona.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title : Popsophia – 1st Festival of Contemporary Art

Town: Civitanova Marche

Province: Macerata

Type of event: festival - exhibitions, performances, conferences and workshops

Description: the festival illustrates the richness and complexity of the culture in our time; it will converge

everything towards the understanding of 'modernity'. The event hosts six art exhibitions that will develop

the theme of the 'beauty of art': The Belle Epoque style in ostentation, D'Annunzio secret signs, shapes, colours;

Drean and reality; then ‚Il bello possibile‛ and ‚Il pensiero‛. The festival is divided into four weekends:

Philosophy, Fashion, Fiction and Future (the four ‚fs‛).

Location: lido Cluana and Corso Umberto I; Auditorium Sant’Agostino; Spazio Multimediale San Francesco;

ex Sacrario; Pinacoteca civica Moretti; sale dell’ex Liceo Classico

Date: 15-17; 22-24; 29-31July; 5-7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.812936- 892101

Website: www.popsophia.it

e-mail: [email protected]

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Title: Sensi d’Estate

Town: Ancona

Type of event: multidisciplinary festival

Description: The festival, dedicated to music, art and flavours, is organized by the Museo Omero. It attracts

a large public each year for the quality of the wine tastings, concerts, shows and exhibitions.

Location: Museo Omero

Date: 7, 14, 21, 28 July; 4, 11, 18, 25 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.2811935

Website: www.museoomero.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Esteuropaovest. International Festival of Theatre, Music and Literature

Town: città della provincia di Macerata

Type of event: multidisciplinary festival

Description: The international festival of theatre, music and literature was founded in 1995 and it creates a

network among some Municipalities of the province of Macerata.

Location: various locations

Date: July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 347.3665927

Website: web: www.esteuropaovest.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: The 21st Castelbellino Arte

Town: Castelbellino

Province: Ancona

Type of event: multidisciplinary festival

Description: The event is divided into music, visual arts, cinema and conferences. The festival hosts the

Conference study: ‚Mario Camerini and cinematography of the twentieth century‛ and the Premio Mario

Camerini, the best song of a film. This year, it is dedicated to the screenwriter and filmmaker Renato

Castellani. The originality of the project of visibility on a national level, in line with past events promoted by

the Province of Ancona in the project on the XX century.

Date: 16-31 (23-24 cinema) July 2011

Location: piazza S. Marco, museo Villa Coppetti, Teatro B. Gigli, Terrazza M. Camerini

Ph.: (+39) 349.2977988

Website: www.comune.castelbellino.an.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Festival Adriatico Mediterraneo

Town: Ancona

Type of event multicultural festival

Description: the festival takes place every year in Ancona; on the occasion the city becomes a cultural

capital, hosting artists from the countries of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean area.

Location: Mole Vanvitelliana, Arco di Traiano, Pinacoteca civica ‚F. Podesti‛, anfiteatro romano, piazza


Date: 27August - 4 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.5021611 – 5021624 – 8046325

Website: www.adriaticomediterraneo.eu

e-mail: [email protected]

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Art exhibitions

Title: From Peter Pan to Harry Potter – Dreams and drawings by Serena Riglietti

Town: Gradara

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: exhibition

Description: A surprising show, it will take us into the enchanted world of the illustrator, in Italy, who has

given a face to Harry Potter.

Location: Palazzo Rubini-Vesin

Date: 20 December - 29 May 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0541.964673

Website: www.gradarainnova.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Landscapes of Italy: Giulio Gabrielli (1832-1910) from Corot to Fattori

Town: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: art exhibition

Descrizione: The show puts together a thematic exhibition with 120 works by Giulio Gabrielli of Ascoli

Piceno who is linked with those of the best well-known landscape artists of the 19th century and with

which he has related, during his period of study in Rome, Naples and Florence (Gigante, Von Pitloo, Caffi,

Costa, Corot, Abban, Sernesi, Vito d’Ancona, Lega and Fattori). The exhibition is part of the celebration of

the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy and illustrates the activities of Gabrielli and some of the

Italian Risorgimento exponents; and his work of the curator of the national heritage, as the founder of

Municipal Art Gallery, the Library and Museum of Ascoli Piceno.

Location: Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea Osvaldo Licini

Date: 15 April – 4 November 2011

Ph.:(+39) 0736.298213

Website: www.ascolimusei.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: 2011 – Year of Italian Language and Culture in Russia and Russian Language and Culture in Italy . A

solo exibition of Zurab Tzereteli

Town: Ancona

Type of event: exhibition

Description: The exhibition, organized by art critic prof. Armando Ginesi, contains about 100 paintings and

graphics of the master Tsereteli which have come from his studio in Paris. It is divided into two sections:

"The Russian Academy of Arts: personalities, events and history "; and the artistic and expressive events of

Tsereteli. The exhibition is a continuation of the Moscow show entitled "The Italian art of the twentieth

century through the great artists of the Marches‛ which has hosted in the spring of 2006 and then 2007 in


Location: Mole Vanvitelliana

Date: 20 April – 29 May 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.605816

Website: www.consolatorusan.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Guercino at Fano

Town: Fano

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: art exhibition

Description: The art review of the paintings of the artist of Cento, painted for Fano and commissioned by the

noble families of the town, hosts ‚The Marriage of the Virgin‛, ‚Guardian Angel‛ and ‚St. John the Baptist

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at source "; the last painting comes back for the first time to Fano since 1797 after its ‚transfer‛ to France by

Napoleon's troops. Currently the work is exhibited at the Museum ‚Fabre‛ in Montpellier.

Sede: Pinacoteca di San Domenico

Date: 7 May (inauguration) - 1 October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.802885 - 824331

Website: www.fondazionecarifano.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Vittore Crivelli from Venice to Tuscany – Artists of the Renaissance in the Apennines

Town: Sarnano

Province: Macerata

Description: The art exhibition reunites more than 40 works and it is the first show dedicated to Vittore

Crivelli (1430-1502), protagonist together with his brother Carlo of the painting of the Marche region in the

last twenty years of the fifteenth century. In addition to the artist's masterpieces, the Venetian exhibition

includes works by other artists working in the centres of the hinterland in the second half of XV century.

Sede: Palazzo del Popolo

Date: 21 May – 6 Novermber 2011

Ph.: (++39) 06.6631305 – 0733.659911

Website: www.vittorecrivelli.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Paintings, carvings and furniture from the collections of the Marchioness Mosca

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: art exhibition

Description: After the still lifes, the event scheduled at the Civic Museums of Pesaro for summer 2011, is

devoted to a series of artefacts from the collections of Madame Vittoria Mosca currently stored in


Date: 10 June (opening) 2011 –15 January 2012

Location: Musei Civici di Pesaro, palazzo Toschi Mosca, piazza Toschi Mosca

Ph.: (+39) 0721.387541

Website: www.museicivicipesaro.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The beauty of things

Town: Chiaravalle e Ancona

Province: Ancona

Type of event: art exibition

Description: The show is promoted by ADI (Industrial Design Association) and other Institutions such as the

Marche Region, is dedicated to the design, production and promotion of innovation.

Location: Manifattura Tabacchi and Mole Vanvitelliana

Date: 10 June – 3 July

Ph: (+39) 349.6999819

Website: www.labellezzadellecose.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Osvaldo Licini - Giorgio Morandi. Parallel Divergence

Town: Fermo e Monte Vidon Corrado

Province: Fermo

Type of event: art exhibition

Description: This is an important art exhibition, divided into two sites, wishes to deepen the studies on the

relationship between the two great artists of the Twentieth century, from the common training at the

Academy of Bologna in their last correspondence of 1958.

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Location: Palazzo dei Priori Palazzo dei Priori, Centro studi Osvaldo Licini

Date: 25 June – 25 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.232246

Website: www.provincia.fm.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: 2011 – Year of Italian Language and Culture in Russia and Russian Language and Culture in Italy.

Project Leopardi and Tolstoj: Great European literary parks, from the Hill of Infinity to Yasnaya Polyana

Town: Recanati

Province: Macerata

Type of event: exhibition

Description: Celebration of the great figures of the XIX century literature based on a project funded by the

Russian Ministry of Culture. After the Recanati art exhibition, it will be hosted at the Museum Yasnaya

Polyana Tolstoy. The exhibition is the result of a long collaboration between the Marches and Russia that

has focused on the cultural issues between Leopardi and Tolstoy. The exhibition intends to exploit the

regional contexts of origin of the two great personalities. The project has involved the Marches: the town of

Recanati, Leopardi Research Centre (Centro Studi Leopardiani), Casa Leopardi, the World Centre of Poetry

(Centro Mondiale della Poesia) and the Province of Macerata.

Date: 2 July – 20 August 2011

Location: Palazzo Leopardi

Ph.: (+39) 071. 7587217/218 - 7570604

Website: www.cultura.marche.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 62nd International Art Review/G. B. Salvi Award

Town: Sassoferranto

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Description: The Review illustrates the tradition of this event charm which is always dedicated to

contemporary art. It is one of the longest festivals with the Italian art at the Biennale International Art Venice

and the "Premio Michetti‛ in Pescara.

Location: Palazzo Pretura

Date: 29 July – 4 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0735.956218 – 377.1203522

Website: www.sassoferratocultura.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Alla mensa del Signore – Masterpieces of European art from Raffaello to Tiepolo

Town: Ancona

Type of event: exhibition

Description: exhibition of ancient paintings on the theme of the Eucharist.

Location: Mole Vanvitelliana

Date: 4 September 2011 – 20 January 2012

Ph.: (+ 39)071.285551

Website: www.congressoeucaristico.it

e-mail: [email protected]


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Title: The 15th Civitanova Danza

Town: Civitanova Marche

Provincia: Macerata

Type of event: ballet

Description: Civitanova Danza‛ is choreography. It’s the first festival of the Marche region and is one of the

Italian festivals which proposes modern dance with more attention to the ‚mix‛ between tradition and

choreographic cultures of different countries in the world.

Location: Teatro G. Rossini, Annibal Caro, Teatro Cecchetti

Date: 24 June – 10 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.2072439

Web site: www.amatmarche.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: City Dance

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: ballet

Description: National festival of dance schools – Final 2011.

Location: piazza del Popolo

Date: 1 – 3 July 2011

Website: www.uisp.it/pesaro

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: TAU, Teatri Uniti

Town: Urbisaglia, Falerone, Ascoli Piceno, Cupra Marittima e Monte Rinaldo

Province: Macerata and Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: open-air theatre

Description: The theatrical events feature works taken from ancient theatrical literature, both Greek and

Roman. The performances take place in locations of remarkable archaeological interest. The Town Councils,

Cultural Department of the Marche Region, Amat and Soprintendenza of the Marche region are involved in

the event.

Location: Castle of Sant’Andrea (Cupra Marittima), Roman amphitheatre (Urbisaglia), Roman theatre

(Falerone), Archaeological area La Cuma (Monterinaldo).

Date: 10 July - 10 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071. 2075880

Website: www.amatmarche.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Modern Theatre

Title: The 54th National Festival of Drama

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: dramatic art – theatre

Description: The event has marked the city's cultural rebirth after the tragedy of the Second World War. The

festival is one of the most eagerly awaited events in Pesaro from Italian theatrical companies.

Location: Teatro Rossini

Date: September – October 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0721.64311

Web site: www.festivalgadpesaro.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Contemporary Theatre

Title: Festival Inteatro

Town: Polverigi

Province: Ancona

Type of event: theatre

Description: An International event organized and produced by ‚Inteatro‛ association which has been

animated in Villa Nappi since 1977 and some other locations in Polverigi. The festival has become an

important point of reference for the spectators and artists, obtaining for itself and for the territory

remarkable visibility and real recognition for contemporary creations.

Location: villa Nappi, Teatro della Luna, Cinema Italia, streets in the historic centre

Date: 28 June – 2 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.9090007

Website: www.inteatro.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Ars Amando

Town: Amandola

Province: Fermo

Type of event: festival

Description: the event is dedicated to the performaning arts.

Location: historic centre

Date: first half of September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.84071 – 339.9101625

Web site: www.amandolateatro.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Theatre for Children

Title: National Festival of Theatre for Schools

Town: Serra San Quirico

Province: Ancona

Type of event: theatre for children

Description: The festival hosts a lot of students from all over Italy who present their theatrical works.

Date: 30 April – 20 May 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.86634 - 869042

Website: www.teatrogiovani.eu

e-mail: [email protected]


Town: Agugliano, Falconara M., Camerata Picena, Chiaravalle, Jesi, Offagna, Polverigi, Montecarotto,

Maiolati Spontini, M. S. Vito, Monsano, Montemarciano, S. Marcello, Staffolo, Santa Maria Nuova

Province: Ancona

Type of event: puppetry

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Description: The “Festival of Puppets, Marionette and ‘Puppet Shows’", directed and organized by Pirate

Theatre Company, offers each summer a ‚dip‛ into the ancient art of puppet theatre.

Location: squares, castles, courtyards, gardens

Date: 15 June – 12 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.56590

Website: www.teatropirata.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 24th Puppets Opera Festival

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: Puppetry and music

Description: The festival is dedicated to puppetry. Over the years, it has achieved a broad consensus,

involving a wide audience. The event is one of the most polular of the summer among the children of


Location: Palazzo Montani Antaldi (courtyard)

Date: 12 -17 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.34348

Website : www.arcimarche.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The theatres of the world - International Festival of Theatre for Children

Town: Porto Sant’Elpidio

Province: Fermo

Type of event: theatre

Description: It’s one of most remarkable Italian festivals dedicated to theatre for children, with over fifty

shows, exhibitions, meeting and special events.

Location: Villa Barucchello – Pineta Nord – Villa Murri

Date: 16 –23 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.902107

Website: www.iteatridelmondo.it

e-mail : [email protected]

Title: Paese dei Balocchi

Town: Serra San Quirico

Province: Ancona

Type event: theatre

Description: The event is entirely dedicated to children. ‚Toyland‛" is also a children's theatre festival where

the theatre companies from all over the country participate.

Location: streets and historic centre

Date: 20-24 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.86634

Website: www.teatrogiovani.eu

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Visiting Fairy Tales

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: youth theatre

Description: Fantastic stories for children are performed on stage.

Location: Theatre network of Pesaro Urbino Province

Date: winter edition (15 and 22 May), summer edition (June/July) 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0721.3592575

Website: www.amatmarche.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Street Theatre

Title: Veregra Street Festival

Town: Montegranaro

Province: Fermo

Type of event: street theatre

Description: The festival takes place in squares, alleys and streets of the historic centres of various town

which are transformed into enchanted settings where take turns performing late into the night actors,

musicians and jugglers take turns performing late into the night.

Location: historic centre

Date: 20-26 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.897932 - 335.7591515

Website: www.veregrastreet.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Street Artists International Festival

Town: Colmurano

Province: Macerata

Type of event: street theatre

Description: This event is organized annually by the local Pro Loco.

Location: centro storico

Date: 14-17 luglio 20111

Ph.: (+39) 0733.508287 - 389 0588731

Website: www.artistrada.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Dialect theater

Title: The 6h ed. National Festival of Theatre in dialect

Town: Agugliano

Province: Ancona

Type of event: folk Theatre

Description: The has become a national event since 2006,. The festival is sustained by the Marche Region, the

Province of Ancona and the Municipality of Agugliano.

Location: historic centre

Date: 22-31 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 329.9293623

Website: www.associazionelaguglia.it

e-mail: [email protected]


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Title: National Festival of Humour Amoremio Cabaret!

Town: Grottammare

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: comedy

Description: The "National Festival of Humour Amoremio Cabaret" is one of the most important events

dedicated to comedy and humour in the national territory for 26 years. Grottamare has become the place of

modern comedy, vital for young talents who want to enter the world of laughter. Among the newcomers,

who over the years have participated in the festival, we wish to mention now well established artists like

Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo Gabril Cirilli, Max Giusti and many others. During the festival we will be

awarding the‚Orange gold‛ Prize dedicated to the artist’s lifetime carer; it has been given to famous people

such as Lello Arena, Leo Gullotta, Iacchetti Enzo, Giorgio Panariello, Joel Diz, Serena Dandini, Blacks

Marcorè, Antonio Cornacchione, Murizio Crozza, Paul Rossi, Sabrina Guzzanti and Job Corvatta.

Location: Parco delle Rimembranze

Date: 5-7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0735.739224-238

Website: www.cabaretamoremio.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Classical Music

Title: International Review of Sacred Music

Town: Loreto

Province: Ancona

Description: Remarkable directors, organists and choristers have performed in Loreto over the last five

centuries. The Show boasts artists coming from the most famous Italian and foreign chapels.

Location: Basilica of Loreto

Date: 24 April – 1 May 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.977748

Website: www.cappellamusicaleloreto.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: International Violin Competition “Andrea Postacchini”

Town: Fermo

Type of event: violin competition

Description: The most prestigious international schools take part in this music competition. The course is

opened to anyone from 8 to 35 years old.

Location: Teatro dell’Aquila

Date: 21-28 May 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.224137

Website: www.concorsopostacchini.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Musicae Ameni Loci

Town: Gradara, Pesaro, Mombaroccio, Sant’Angelo in Lizzola, Monteciccardo

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Description The festival is divided into a series of concerts of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music

taking place in the most charming sites of the province.

Location: Fortress (Gradara), historic centre (Pesaro, Monbaroccio, Sant’Angelo in Lizzola), Convento dei

Servi di Maria (Monteciccardo)

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Date: June, July, August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 320.1524440 – 320.8325577

Website: www.coro-jubilate.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 13th Cantar Lontano Festival

Town: Ancona, Arcevia, Corinaldo, Genga, Loreto

Type of event: music and shows

Description: The festival is conceived and directed by Maestro Marco Mencaboni; the event wants to

promote through concerts, conferences and Cds the Seventeenth century techniques of vocal music, called

‚Cantar lontano‛ and in this way introduced the pubblic to the most evocative places of the Ancona

Province rich in culture and the spirituality. The festival is supported by the Department of Culture –

Marche Region, Department of Culture and Tourism – Ancona Province.

Location: Grotte di Frasassi (Genga), chiesa del Gesù e Portonovo (Ancona), Auditorium di San Rocco,

(Senigallia), Sant’Elena (Serra San Quirico), Basilica (Loreto), Eremo di Monte di Giove (Fano), Abbazia di

San Firmano (Montelupone), chiesa del Piano (Corinaldo)

Date: 24 June - 3 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.2225019

Website: www.cantarlontano.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 6th Organ Festival

Town: Loreto

Province: Ancona

Description: International festival of music divided into five concerts.

Location: Basilica

Date: 5 July – 5 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.9747231 – 335.1724631

Website: www.santuarioloreto.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: International Organ Festival City of Senigallia

Town: Senigallia

Province: Ancona

Type of event: classical music

Description: The ‚International Organ Festival - City of Senigallia‛, edited by Maestro Federica Iannella, is

among the proposals of the distinctive cultural summer season of Senigallia for the quality of the play-bill

and for the public participation.

Location: chiesa S. Maria della Neve

Date: 7,14,21,28 July; 4,11,18, 25 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.7922425

Website: www.organsenigallia.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Harmonies of the Evening Festival

Town: Porto San Giorgio, Ponzano di Fermo, Falconara Marittima, Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Corridonia,


Province: Pesaro Urbino, Ancona, Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: classical music

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Description: The festival started in 2005 from an idea of the pianist Marco Sollini.

Location: chiesa di San Marco (Ponzano di Fermo), Rocca Tiepolo (Porto San Giorgio), Castello (Falconara

M.), chiesa S. Venanzio (Ascoli Piceno), chiesa di S. Agostino (Fermo, loc. Torri di Palme), abbazia di San

Claudio (Corridonia), Palazzo Ducale (Urbino)

Date: 9 July – 15 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.630108 – 392.4779651

Website: www.armoniedellasera.it

e-mail: [email protected][email protected]

Title: The 42nd Early Music Festival

Town: Urbino

Type of event: classical music

Description: The festival alternates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music in the course of nine concerts.

Date: 19- 28 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.320817

Web site: www.fima-online.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: MusicAmuseo

Town: Ancona (and other villages)

Province: Ancona

Tipe of event: classical music

Description: “MusicAmuseo‛ is a great music festival, the result of expertise and ongoing research work at

international level, organized by ‚musicAncona‛. Each concert has always had strong consensus from the

public, critics and review from most reliable regional press. It will be hold on 29th July at chiostro Diocesano

the Plamena Mangova’ concert. She was the winner of the ‚Queen Elisabeth Competition‛ in 2007 and

brilliantly embarked on an international career - from Europe to Tokyo, South Korea, Berlin Philharmonic

Hall, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Leipziger Gewandhaus and Saint-Petersburg Philharmony notably.

Location: Mole Vanvitelliana and Museo Diocesano

Date: 30 June; 2, 9, 16, 25 July; 5, 11, 22 Septemeber;

1,6,23, October; 20, 23 November; 13 Dicember

Ph.: (+39) 071.7390352 - 7391285

Website: www.musicancona.it

email: [email protected]

Title: Perpiano solo

Town: Amandola

Province: Fermo

Description: Advanced specialist course for piano.

Location: Teatro La Nuova Fenice

Date: July – August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.257057

Web site: www.perpianosolo.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Santa Vittoria Festival

Town: Fratte Rosa

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: classical music review

Description: Classical music festival directed by Siegmund Weinmeister.

Location: Santa Vittoria Monastery

Data: 5-7 August 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0721.777200

Website: www.santa-vittoria-festival.eu

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Accademia Organistica Elpidiense

Town: Sant’Elpidio a Mare

Province: Fermo

Type of event: classical music

Description: The ‚Organ Elpidiense Academy‛ is the first review of the organ in the Marche and among the

most important in Italy. The exhibition claims original and quality proposals each year which enhance the

organ music. For the execution of the music, two ancient instruments are used: the organ of Gaetano Callidi

(1785) and the organ of Pietro Nacchini (1757).

Location: Basilica Lateranense di Maria SS. della Misericordia

Date: 5,12,19,26 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.81961 – 334.3202627

Website: www.accademiaorganisticaelpidiense.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 25th Festival of International Chamber Music and Theatre Camerino Festival

Town: Camerino, Castelraimondo, Pievebovigliana

Province: Macerata

Type of event: chamber and baroque music

Description: It is distinguished by international and well-known artists, plurality to kinds, inside a chamber

concert dimension and with various types of performers. The festival started 23 years ago and is directed by

Francesco Rosati and attracts about 2.500 visitors each year.

Location: Teatro F. Marchetti and chiesa di S. Filippo (Camerino), Castello di Lanciano (Castelraimondo),

chiesa di S. Giusto (Pievebovigliana)

Date: August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0737.636041 – 634725 - 630193

Website: www.camerinofestival.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: The 20th Liszt Festival

Town: Grottammare (and other villages)

Province: Provincia di Ascoli

Type of event: classical music

Description: The 9th Liszt Festival dedicated to the famous Hungarian composar who stayed in

Grottammare in the summer of 1868. This year the festival proposes an original production for its pubblic

celebration the two hundred years, sence of Festival Liszt.

Location: Vecchio Incasato – chiesa di Santa lucia

Date: 27 July; 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0735.739240

Website: www.festivaliszt.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Contemporary Pop Music

Title: 22nd Festival of Popular song by author - Musicultura

Town: Macerata

Type of event: festival

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Description: The festival is a fertile ground for discussion and growth among established artists and new

proposals for the recording industry. The event is an international showcase of quality music of the most

established and prestigious Italian music, particularly those of popular songwriters.

Location: Sferisterio

Date: 17-19 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.7574320 - 7574321

Website: www.musicultura.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: The 12th Summer Jamboree

Town: Senigallia

Province: Ancona

Type of event: music and entertainment

Description: It is a festival of music and culture in America in the '40s and '50s with live performances of DJ

sets swing, rock'n'roll, jive, doo-wop, rhythm and blues, and hill-billy western<

Location: Foro Annonario, piazza del Duca, historic centre

Date: 30 July - 07 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.7929264 -392.2392838

Website: www.summerjamboree.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: International Accordion Festival – The 36th International editin Città di Castelfidardo”

Town: Castelfidardo

Province: Ancona

Description: The festival, competition dedicated to the accordion, is the most important event of this the

instrument music. During the international festival you can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere and take part in

events and cultural meetings.

Sede: Cinema Astra

Date: 21 -25 September 2011

Tel. (+39) 071.7829349

Website: www.festivalcastelfidardo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Arena Musical Gigli

Town: Porto Recanati

Province: Macerata

Type of event: musical

Description: Musicals are part of five events illustrated on the bill-play of the Marche summer program.

Location: Castle – arena

Date: July – August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.759971

Website: www.portorecanatiturismo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Wavelenghts

Town: Urbino

Type of event: rock and pop

Description: Festival of independent music and cultural production (Indi) in Italy.

Location: piazza Rinascimento

Date: first week of August 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 338.3562780

Website: www.frequenzedisturbate.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Offida Opera Festival

Town: Offida

Province: Ascoli Piceno:

Type of event: operetta

Description: The music festival has a bill-ply with a lot of appointments: concerts operas, exhibitions and


Location: Teatro Serpente Aureo, chiesa di Santa Maia della Rocca, Enoteca Regionale delle Marche, Museo

di Offida

Date: 3-11 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.888706

Website: www.comune.offida.ap.it

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: Tam, Another Kind of music

Town: 34 local authorities including associations and foundations

Type of event: concerts

Description: Tam, Tutta un'Altra Musica (Tam, Antogher Kind of music) has been hosting both international

and rising talented artists since 1997; it also boasts original productions , new works, genres ranging from

jazz and world music to rock and reggae.

Location: different locations

Date: all year 2011

Ph.: (+39) 338.4321643

Website: www.tamfactory.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Sant’Elpidio Jazz Festival – Jazz di Marca

Town: Sant’Elpido a Mare, Porto San Giorgio, Fermo

Province: Fermo

Type of event: concerts

Description: Founded ten years ago by Alessandro Andolfi, the festival has grown year after year, hosting

the biggest names of national and international jazz.

Location: piazza Matteotti, Rocca Tiepolo Villa Vitali (o teatro dell’Aquila)

Date: June – July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.810108

Website: www.jazzdimarca.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Festival Jazz Oltre il Blu

Town: San Benedetto del Tronto

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: concerts

Description: The festival is conceived to give more opportunities and visibility to young artists, somehow

linked to the territory in order to create new expressions of jazz.

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Location: Palazzina Azzurra

Date: last week of June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 340.4719439 – 347.2248557

Website: www.sanbenedettodeltronto.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Jazz Summer Festival

Town: Ancona

Type of event: concerts

Description: Concerts will follow in the main squares of the city and in the courtyard of the Mole

Vanvitelliana. The festival hosts musicians on the international scene.

Location: various locations

Date: 3-10 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 327.6844552

Website: www.anconajazz.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Fano Jazz By The Sea

Town: Fano

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: jazz concerts

Description: It’s one of Italy’s most important jazz event, taking place in summer time. It hosts famous

artists from all over the world who can combine the tradition of Afro American music with other types of


Location: Pala J - Porto Marina dei Cesari

Date: 24 July – 1 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.803043

Website: www.fanojazz.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 20th San Severino Blues Festival

Town: San Severino Marche, Gagliole, Tolentino, Pollenza, Treia, Castelraimondo, Cingoli

Province: Macerata

Type of event: jazz and blues music

Description: Summer festival of Afro-American music like blues, jazz, soul e rock. It takes place in different

towns in the province of Macerata.

The chosen locations, being historic and tourist attractions, are particularly interesting. Many well known

international artists have taken part in the previous editions, like Patti Smith, Joe Jackson, Pat Metheny, John

Mayall, Blues Brothers, Suzanne Vega, Robben Ford; Italian artists like Carmen Consoli, Eugenio Finardi

and young rising artists from the Marche have taken part too.

Location: piazza del Popolo, largo Servanzi Confidati, Castello al Monte; Rocca G. Varano; Castello della

Rancia, piazza della Libertà; giardino- convento di S. Michele; castello di Lanciano; piazzale del


Date: July – August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.641317- 339.6733590

Website: www.sanseverinoblues.com

e-mail: [email protected]

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Titolo: The 13th Corinaldo Jazz

Town: Corinaldo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: concerts

Description: ‚Corinaldo jazz "is the jazz music festival that every summer offers evening performances of the

highest level to music lovers in this beautiful inland town.

Location: piazza del Terreno

Date: August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.679047

Website: www.corinaldojazz.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Stagione Concertistica

Town: Ancona

Type of event: musical concerts

Description: The exhibition has in its concerts program fourteen appointments devoted primarily to the

great classical repertoire, not to mention the new language of contemporary music.

Location: Teatro delle Muse e Teatro Sperimentale

Date: 13 October – 22 December 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.2070119

Website: www.amicimusica.an.it

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: Photostory -Homage to 5 Photostar

Town: Senigallia

Province: Ancona

Type of event: multidisciplinary event

Description: This art exhibition is an honour to five ‚Great Masters‛ of the world of photography: Helmut

Newton, Richard Avedon, Robert Doisneau, Jeanloup Sieff Brassai. ‚Photostory‛ -Homage to 5 Photostar is divided

into: music, show, fashion, publishing etc. The partner of the art exhibition is the Mondadori bookshop

which brings a rich monograph of the artists. A part of the collection of photos which were recently donated

to the Foundation is also on exhibition. Sede: Rocca Roveresca

Date: 1 June – 30 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.4608709

Website: www.marcheandtour.com – www.fondazionezamperetti.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Contemporary Photo Festival - FacePhotoNews

Town: Sassoferrato

Province: Ancona

Type of event: festival di fotografia

Description: The festival is organized by the Municipality of Sassoferrato from Erregibi Photography Club,

the Pro Loco, the FIAF regional BFI and the Visual Arts - Cral Cartiere Miliani Fabriano. It proposes:

meetings, reading porfolio, exhibitions and workshops. The new edition is packed with ideas, initiatives,

and prestigious prizes such as: National Portfolio Italy - Italy-Epson Grand Prix Award Kiwanis.

Location: historic centre and Castle

Date: 26-28 August 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0736.9561

Website: www.comune.sassoferrato.an.it

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: The 47th International Show of New Cinema

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: festival

Description: It’s one of the most important Italian film festival. In keeping with tradition, it has a rich

retrospective of Italian authors and books also with a section of films in competition in the program: Pesaro

Nuovo Cinema - Premio Lino Micciche, Cinema in piazza and new proposals for the video.

Location: piazza del Popolo, Teatro Sperimentale, Cinema Astra

Date: 19-27 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 06. 4456643 - 491156

Website: www.pesarofilmfest.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Symphonies Film Festival

Town: Montefiore dell’Aso

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: cinema

Description: The ‚Cinema Symphony Festival‛ of Montefiore Aso comes from the combination of cinema

and music; it evokes life the memory of those magical melodies that accompanied live, the first silent films,

creating a unique and fascinating show for the spectators.

Location: chiostro del Polo Museale di S. Francesco, Sala Espositiva Partino, Centro di Documentazione

Scenografia G. Basili

Date: 22-26 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.938103 – 939019

Website: www.comune.montefioredellaso.ap.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 18th Libero Bizzarri Award

Town: San Benedetto del Tronto

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: festival

Description: National and International Review of a documentary film. The festival has a rich retrospective

of documentaries which includes the theme of the ‚Young Planet‛ created for the schools.

Location: Teatro Concordia

Date: 14-16 October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0735.753334 - 348.3323720


e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 23rd Fano International Film Festival

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Town: Fano

Province: Pesaro - Urbino

Type of event: festival

Description: The event includes medium and short films, produced by Italian and foreign directors, ‚Opere

prime‛ and auteur film.

Location: Teatro della Fortuna, Memo ‚M. Montanari‛

Date: 17-22 October 2011

Ph. (+ 39) 0721.854372

Website: www.fanofilmfestival.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: The 8th Italian Short Film Festival - Corto dorico

Town: Ancona

Type of event: festival

Description: Movie event with a rich program divided into workshops (screenplay, acting, photography and

short films).

Location: Teatro Sperimentale

Date: 18-20 November 2011 (to be defined)

Ph.: (+39) 335.1099665 – 339.6185682

Website: www.cortodorico.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Folk Music

Title: The 14th Folk Concerto

Town: Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Camerano, Fermo, Numana, Offida, Porto Recanati, Senigallia

Province: Ancona, Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: celtic music

Description: The exhibition "Folk Concert", founded in 1990 by Joseph Possedoni, introduced in the Marche

region of traditional folk music, more commonly known as "Celtic. "

Date: 22 e 29 July; 6 August 2011

Location: Mole Vanvitelliana (Ancona); Piazza del Popolo (Offida) and various locations

Ph.: (+39) 338.6981139 – 339.7575640

Website: www.folkconcerto.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Montelago Celtic Nighit

Town: Serravalle di Chienti

Type of event: celtic music

Description: We go back in time for one night to the Druids in the Marche Apennine with Celtic music,

meetings, conferences, dances and surrounded by the magical atmosphere from dusk till dawn of the ancient

sages and druids. The festival enjoys the patronage of the Italian Rugby Federation, the Marche Region, the

Province of Macerata and the Irish Embassy in Italy.

Location: Taverne of Serravalle di Chienti – the Highlands of Colfiorito

Date: 5-6 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.201359 – 338.7601331

Website: http://montelagocelticfestival.forumfree.it/ - www.artenomade.com

e-mail: [email protected]

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Title: The 26th Monsano Folk Festival

Town: Camerata Picena, Corinaldo, Monsano, Jesi, Montecarotto, Montemarciano, Monte San Vito, Morro

d’Alba, Numana, Polverigi, Serra de’ Conti, Mergo, Staffolo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: festival

Description: It’s a travelling festival taking place all over the province of Ancona. It’s a ‚must‛ event that can

offer an updated view of popular music with its traditions and potentialities. The festival , directed by

Gastone Pietrucci, is very popular in Italy because it combines original music by traditional singers and

music by groups and singers of folk-revival.

Location: historic centre

Date: 5 – 21 August 2011 (to be confirmed)

Ph.: (+39) 0731.4263

Website: www.macina.net

e-mail la [email protected]


Title: The 14th National Folk Festival

Town: Cupramontana

Province: Ancona

Type of event: festival

Description: Groups from many regions of Italy. The festival is touring and is housed in the joint producers

of wine ‚Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi‛.

Location: piazza IV Novembre and historic centre

Date: 22-24 July 2011

Tel. (+39) 338.3906097

Website: www.massaccio.com

e-mail: [email protected][email protected]

Titolo: The 33rd International Festival of Folklore

Town: Staffolo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: festival

Description: Folklore, food and wine, handicrafts.

Location: piazzale dei Martiri

Date: 29-31 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 339.1620375

Website: www.colledelverdicchio.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 28th International Festival of Folklore – Ethnic groups compared

Town: Matelica

Province: Macerata

Type of event: festival

Description: Groups coming from around the world: shows, songs and cuisine of the countries (a

comparison of five continents).

Location: piazzale Gerani

Date: 29 July – 3 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 347.6681966

Website: www.assfolkmatelica.org

e-mail: [email protected]

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Title: The 41st Folk Festival Terranostra

Town: Apiro

Province: Macerata

Type of event: festival

Description: It’s a festival boasting groups coming from the five continents. It includes a market show called

‚Art and land‛ with typical products and ethnic handicraft on display. A course has been organized to learn

ancient arts and crafts.

Location: historic centre e piazza Baldini

Date: 8-15 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.613048

Website: www.festivalterranostra.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: International Folklore Festival – Meeting of popular culture

Town: Macerata

Type of event: folk music

Description: The event is organized by a project on itinerant folklore which characterizes the culture of many

countries around the world.

Location: Sferisterio

Date: 20 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 338.1620375

Website: www.lipistacoppi.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Cultural Awards

Title: Premio Rotondi ai Salvatori dell’Arca

Town: Sassocorvaro

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: cultural award

Description: This award is to remember the extraordinary event which involved the Sassocorvaro fortress

during the Second World War; it is a tribute to Pasquale Rotondi who saved great Italian masterpieces of

paintings. The Award wants to create a bridge between past, present and future, to remind us that the

preservation of artistic heritage requires the commitment of all.

Location: Auditorium comunale and fortress.

Date: 4 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.769015

Website: www.arcaarte.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: National Award Frontino Montefeltro

Town: Frontino

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: cultural award

Description: The award aims at promoting and recognizing the commitment to culture, particularly among

young people, concentration on the vitality, the values on the intellectual resources of peripheral areas, on

smaller areas, on the Little Italy of the Apennines, the Park of Europe, the Montefeltro and the Park of the


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Location: Convento di Monte Fiorentino

Date: 18 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.71135

Website: www.comune.frontino.pu.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Salimbeni Award for History and Art Criticism

Town: San Severino Marche

Province: Macerata

Type of event: cultural award

Descrizione: The award is the only one in Italy and Europe in a rich and fertile setting like that of historians

and critics of art, created by Federico Zeri. The Salimbeni Prize is open to scholars of all nationalities. The

President of the Republic in the last few years has always granted his patronage and the prize has also

received the patronage of the Minister for Cultural Heritage, the Minister of Education and the Minister for

Foreign Affairs.

Location: Teatro I. Aleandri

Date: 29 October 2011 (to be confirmed)

Ph.: (+39) 339.5245518

Website www.fondazionesalimbeni.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 8th National Literary Prize "Paolo Volponi" - "Literature and civic commitment"

Town: Altidona, Fermo, Monte Urano, Monte Vidon Corrado, Porto San Giorgio, Porto Sant 'Elpidio,

Sant 'Elpidio a Mare e Urbino

Province: Pesaro and Urbino Fermo

Type: literary prize

Description: This is a unique event on the national scene. The award is sustained by the Province of Fermo –

Cultural Department, the Marche Region, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo, Chamber of Commerce,

local authorities, Coop Adriatica, cultural associations, national CGIL who also participates with her

publisher Ediesse and the union ‚Mese di Rassegna‛ . The rich program includes a series of initiatives

ranging from contextual theatre to cinema to history.

Location: It has not yet been defined; final evening at the Teatro delle Api (Porto Sant 'Elpidio)

Date: November 2011

Ph.: (+39) 333.6331721

Website: www.provincia.fm.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 17th Literary Award Metauro

Town: Communities of Upper and Middle Metauro

Type of event: cultural award

Description: It is a travelling event who has involved year after year, the towns of Borgo Pace, Fermignano,

Mercatello sul Metauro, Montecalvo in Foglia, Peglio, Petriano, Sant’Angelo in Vado, Urbania, Urbino. The

award is supported by the Marche Region, the Province of Pesaro Urbino, the BACT (Institute for Arts and

Culture and Tourism) and the Public Library of Urbania.

Location: It has not yet been defined

Date: 12 November 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.313151

Website: www.premiometauro.it

e-mail: [email protected]

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Food and wine festivals

Title: 7 Cooking traditions

Town: twenty-eight towns

Province: Ascoli Piceno and Fermo

Type of event: food and wine

Description: The food and wine is travelling and will exploit the culinary traditions of the territory, through

the rediscovery of ancient flavours and quality ingredients, from crops and local farms.

Sede: Francavilla d’Ete, Lapedona, Montefiore dell’Aso, Monte S. Pietrangeli, Moresco, Petritoli – Wild herbs;

Carassai, Falerone, Campofilone, Maltignano, Massa Fermana, Montedinove, Monte Vidon Corrado, Rotella

- Taste, history and art; Arquata del Tronto, Comunanza, Montemonaco, Palmiano - Mountains; San Benedetto

del Tronto – Marina Adriatica; Belmonte Piceno, Massignano, Monsanpietro Morico, Spinetoli, Torre San

Patrizio – Vegetable plots; Amandola, Force, Montefalcone Appennino, Roccafluvione – Truffles.

Date: January – December 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.277540-544

Website: www.provincia.ap.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: The 2nd Ice Cream Festival

Town: Agugliano

Province: Ancona

Type of event: festival

Description: The festival is dedicated to the ice cream and represents an opportunity to discover the taste of

natural products with which the confectioners make these sweets.

Location : historic centre

Date: 10-12 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.9068031

Website : www.felatoartigianalefestival.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Farrofest

Town: San Lorenzo in Campo

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: local festival

Description: This event aims at promoting the knowledge of the cereals (spelt) which grown in the San

Lorenzo territory.

Location: historic centre

Date: 11-12 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.776479

Website: www.proloco-sanlorenzo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Anghiò

Town: San Benedetto del Tronto

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: local festival

Description: The festival, dedicated to blue fish, an opportunity to rediscover the taste of local seafood


Location: historic centre

Date: 16-19 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0735.702394

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Website: www.anghio.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 24th Verdicchio Festival

Town: Montecarotto

Province: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

Description: The festival is dedicated to the local wine. It also includes workshops on topics viticulture,

winemaking equipment and photo exhibitions on the Verdicchio wine.

Date: 29 June - 3 July 2011

Website: www.comune.montecarotto.an.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Prosciutto Festival

Town: Carpegna

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: local festival

Description: This event aims at promoting and enhancing the Carpegna Prosciutto DOP. There are also

organized rendezvous of tasting, conferences, music and shows.

Date: 15-17 July 2011

Location: historic centre

Ph.: (+39) 333.4881072 – 339.6512723

Website: www.prolococarpegna.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Sea festival with Adriatic fried fish

Town: Porto San Giorgio

Province: Fermo

Type of event: local festival

Description: During the sea festival a hundred kilograms of shrimps are fried in a huge pan.

Location: Porto San Giorgio promenade

Date: 17 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.675256

Website: www.proloco.portosangiorgio.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: The 191th Polentara Festival

Town: San Costanzo

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: local festival

Description: It is the oldest festival in the Marche. Traditional country dishes are offered in a climate of

happiness that allows us to rediscover Piazza Perticari, under the extraordinary Bell Tower and the

imposing Malatesta walls with the ‚ polentari teachers‛ of San Costanzo.

Location: historic centre

Date: 30-31 July

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Ph.: (+39) 0721.950110

Website: www.prolocosacostanzo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Sagra Nazionale dei Maccheroncini

Town: Campofilone

Province: Fermo

Type of event: festival

Description: The festival aims to promoting the tastings of the pasta ‚Maccheroncini‛ of Campofilone:

narrow strands of the fresh pasta.

Location: historic centre

Date: 4-7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.935417 – 328.4186404

Website: www.comune.campofilone.fm.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Mussels and Seafood Spaghetti Festival

Town: Pedaso

Provincia: Fermo

Type of event: festival

Description: The festival attracts more than forty a lot of gourmets who gather to taste the mussels of the

Adriatic Sea.

Location: historic centre

Date: 12-15 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.931631

Website: www.prolocopedaso.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 46th Verdicchio D’oro

Town: Staffolo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

Description: The festival aims at promoting the Verdicchio wine, produced in Staffolo.

Location: historic centre

Date: 18-21 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 339.4184077

Website: www.comune.staffolo.an.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Visso goloso

Town: Visso

Province: Macerata

Type of event: local festival

Description: Market of food specialities of the Marche region. There are also organized rendezvous of

tasting, conferences, music and shows.

Location: historic centre

Date: 2 - 4 September 2011

Ph. : (+39)0737.95421

Website: www.town.visso.mc.it

e-mail: [email protected]

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Title: Rosso Conero Festival

Town: Camerano

Province: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

Description: Stands with local products and Rosso Conero wine (Docg).

Location: historic centre

Date: 2-4 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.730301 - 3935857445

Website: www.turismocamerano.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Wine in Wine

Town: Offida

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: trade show

Description: The event is organized by Vinea Association with the patronage of various authorities and the

collaboration of Arcigola Slow Food.

Location: Enoteca Regionale delle Marche – centro storico

Date: 2-5 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.880005

Website: www.vineamarche.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 11th International fish Soup Festival

Town: Fano

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: festival

Description: The festival aims at promoting both the traditional fish soup and the territory. The event is

supported by the Province of Pesaro Urbino and the Marche Region.

Location: restaurants

Date: 9-11 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.831382 - 392.9778737

Website: www.brodettofestival.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title The 9th Pane Nostrum

Town: Senigallia

Province: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

Description: Trip through the flavours, fragrances, history, customs, geography of the bread that transforms

Senigallia into the ‚White City of Art‛.

Location: historic centre, piazza del Duca, fortress

Date: 15-18 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 338.7547793

Website: www.panenostrum.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 58th Wine Festival

Town: Arcevia

Provincia: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

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Description: It is a parade of floats through the historic centre. The spectators can taste also the ‚nectar of the

Gods and the traditional dishes.

Location: historic centre

Date: 23-25 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.984561

Website: www.arceviaweb.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Festa del Vino Cotto di Lapedona

Town: Lapedona

Province: Fermo

Type of event: local festival

Description: The Lapedona wine is considered a brand of the Fermo hills.

Location: historic centre

Date: 24-25 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.936559 – 936321

Website: www.comunedilapedona.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Mycological Regional Festival

Town: Piandimeleto (loc. San Sisto)

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: festival

Description: The fair is organized by the town of Piandimeleto; also it’s substained by the Marche Region,

the Province of Pesaro e Urbino, Comunità Montana of Montefeltro, Chamber of Commerce of Pesaro e

Urbino, Sasso Simone e Simoncello Regional Park , the Confesercenti- Federazione Ristoratori - CNA .

Sede: historic centre

Date: 25 Septemeber – 2 October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.721460

Website: www.sansistofungo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Grape festival Town: Cupramontana

Province: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

Description: It’s one of the most ancient and remarkable wine festivals in Italy.

Location: historic centre

Date: 29 September - 2 October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.786811

Website: www.sagradelluva.com

e-mail : [email protected]

Titolo: National Truffle Festival

Town: Sant’Angelo in Vado

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: festival

Description: The fair is specialized in the white truffle and other typical products, tasting of typical dishes,

craft exhibitions, musical and theatrical performances and street entertainment.

Location: historic centre - Palazzo Mercuri

Date: 8-9;15-16;22-23 October 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0722.819924

Website: www.mostratartufo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Truffle Festival

Town: Pergola

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: local festival

Description: The fair aims at promoting the white truffle. During the event you can taste Slow food and

typical products.

Sede: centro storico

Date: 9, 16, 23 October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.7373278

Sito web: www.comune.pergola.pu.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 11th Leguminaria

Town: Appignano

Province: Macerata

Description: Three days ‚non stop‛ to rediscover good food: sausages served with lentils, chickpeas and

beans served in pottery produced by the craft shops of Appignano.

Location: historic centre

Date: 14-16 October 2011

Ph.: (+39)0733.57521 – 338.7878472

Website: www.leguminaria.it

e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]

Title: The 13th Cibaria

Town: Macerata

Type of event: fair

Description: It is among the most important fairs of central Italy for food and wine and restaurants.

Location: Centro Fiere

Date: 30-31 October – 1 November 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.262602

Website: www.cibiariafiera.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: National White Truffle Fair

Town: Acqualagna

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: festival

Description: Markets and hundreds of stands with fresh truffles on sale.

Location: piazza Mattei

Date: 30 October, 1,5-6; 12-13 November 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.796741 – 328.8983551

Website: www.town.acqualagna.ps.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Diamonds at the table festival

Town: Amandola

Province: Fermo

Type of event: fair

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Description: The festival exploits truffle and wine and food.

Location: historic centre

Date: 5– 6 November 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.84071

Website: www.comuneamandola.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Olive Oil Festival

Town: Cartoceto

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: agricultural show

Description: Traditional event dedicated to the promotion of Cartoceto oil DOP. There are many stands for

tasting oil and typical products; also the local mills and wineries will be open.

Location: historic centre

Date: 6 and 13 November 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.898437 – 898123 – 333.8469274

Website: www.prolococartoceto.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The land of jewels

Town: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: fair

Description: Traditional fair of typical products dedicated to the Piceno products: oil, wine, black and white

truffles, sibillini rose apple. A rich program of conferences and meetings, will be proposed as well as

workshops, exhibitions, and entertaining moments.

Location: historic centre

Data: 8 -11 December 2011

Ph.:. (+39) 0736.277540 -544

Website: www.ascoliduepunozero.it/gioiellidellaterrapicena

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Baccalà Festival

Town: Montelparo

Province: Fermo

Type of event: local festival

Description: This event attracts a lot gourmets each year.

Location: historic centre

Date: 13-15 January 2012

Ph.: (+39)0734.780175

Website: http://www.provincia.ap.it/montelparo/

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Cellars Festival

Town: Ostra Vetere – Montenovo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: local festival

Description: The village comes to life with an atmosphere from the past with art exhibitions, markets of local

products, handicrafts and antique trade.

Location: historic centre

Date: 27-29 January 2012

Ph.: (+39) 071.964369

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Website: www.comune.ostravetere.an.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Fair market

Title: Cactus at sea

Town: Grottammare

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: fair

Description: The town becomes a great showroom for the curious and lovers of the cactus plant. The 2011

edition is especially prestigious because it is organized in Grottammare by the National Congress of the

International Cactus & Co.

Location: Sala e Piazza Kursaal

Date: 24-26 June 2011

Ph.: (+39)0735.739240

Website: www.cactus-co-com

e-mail: [email protected][email protected]

Title: Bird Show

Town: Comunanza

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: popular event

Description: At the fair-market there is an incredible variety if birds of all size with colourful feathers and

there are also exotic birds, as well dogs, cats, care products animal foods.

Location: historic centre

Date: the first Sunday of October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 366.6814711 – 366.6814707

Website: www.comune.comunanza.ap.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Historic fun and games

Title: Sciò la Pica

Town: Monterubbiano

Province: Fermo

Type of event: historic games

Description: The festival takes place on the day of Pentecost and perpetuates the rite of Ver Sacrum. Next to

this aspect, there is also a part of religious culture with the dedication to the Madonna del Soccorso (to which

the corporations of arts and crafts offer magnificent candles, decorated with flowers and fruits of the earth)

and in a costume related to the Renaissance period illustrated in documents and monuments in the town.

The event culminates in a thrilling ring joust between knights of Corporations.

Location: historic centre and the village streets

Date: 12 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.259980

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Website: www.armatadipentescoste.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 17th Palio di San Giovanni Battista

Town: Fabriano

Province: Ancona

Type of event: historic games

Description: The game remind us the Fabriano history of the XIV century, focusing on the activities of the

Corporations of the Arts and Crafts with the organization of festivals and fairs. The main event involves a

competition between master blacksmiths and shop assistants that gives rise to the challenge of the hammer

between the representatives of the city gates.

Sede: piazza del Comune, piazza Garibaldi and historic centre

Date: 17-26 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0732.626848 - 709238

Website: www.fabrianopalio.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: La Quintana

Town: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: historic fun and games

Description: “La Quintana‛, jousting in Ascoli Piceno’s medieval streets and squares, takes place on 9th July

and 7th August 2011.

1400 men and women in costume will take part in the games.

Location: historic centre

Date: 2-3; 8-9; 17; 26 July and 6- 7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.298223

Web site: www.comune.ascolipiceno.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 33rd Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta

Town: Corinaldo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: historic games

Description: The event commemorates the celebrations after the victory by Corinaldesi, in the summer of

1517 against the army of Francesco Maria I Della Rovere. The village is lit by torches, and animated by

jugglers and minstrels, and merchants with rolls of drums and blasts of trumpets.

Sede: historic centre

Date : 15-17 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.679043 - 339.5856116

Web site: www.pozzodellapolenta.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Assedio al Castello

Town: Gradara

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: historic games

Description: Gradara castle relives the terrible revolt of 1446 in memory of the "Siege of the castle." To kick

off the event there is the unique pyro-musical show, combining in are single event fireworks, setting,

lighting and special effects, all accompanied by an enthralling soundtrack.

Location: castle

Data: 15-17 July 2011

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Ph.: (+39) 0541.964115 – 823901

Website: www.assedioalcastello.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Feste Medievali

Town: Offagna

Province: Ancona

Type of event: historic games

Description: Offagna transforms into a ‚medieval borough‛ whose streets and squares come to life with an

atmosphere from the past with exhibitions, taverns, entertainment and reviews of theatre and music.

Location: historic centre

Date: 23-30 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.7107552

Website: www.festemedievali.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Palio dei Conti Oliva

Town: Piandimeleto

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: historic games

Description: A step back in time for this town of Montefeltro, who evokes the life in the castle of the Lords

Oliva who will parade with a procession of 300 participants. The Conference of studies will be on the theme

"Sopperchi ornaments": hats, hair styles for women and men used in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

In the streets and squares in the centre there will be a medieval market with weavers, toys and many

artisans from Montefeltro and throughout the country.

Location: historic centre and Castle

Date: 30- 31 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.721743 – 339.1837970

Website: www.paliocontioliva.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Challenge of the balloon with armlet

Town: Treia

Province: Macerata

Type of event: historic games

Description: The game has an old origins and although its crucial development was during the Renaissance

period, as it was a favourite with prices with and lords, it later reached peaks of fame and spectacle that

aroused fan following.

The game by armlet is inspired by the old tradition of Treia: a duel between city districts, each representing a

social class: the nobility (castle keep), the bourgeois (Vallesacco), the farmers (village), the gypsies of the

community formerly stationed on the borders of the city (Onglavina).

Location: historic centre

Date: 31 July – 7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0733.218750

Website: www.disfidadelbracciale.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 32nd Contesa dello Stivale

Town: Filottrano

Province: Ancona

Type of event: historic fun and games

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Description: You can relive the atmosphere of the past through a historical pageant, medieval games races, a

relay race, flagwavers and ancient taverns. The festival evokes the raid of Osimo soldiers when the man

from Filottrano had almost captured an Osimo Knight who managed to escape, but only by leaving one of

his boots in the hands of he enemy.

Location: piazza Cavour, corso del Popolo, piazza Mazzini

Date: 4- 7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.7220968

Website: digilander.libero.it/contesastivale/index.htm

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Palio del Duca – Sponsalia

Town: Acquaviva Picena

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: historic games

Description: The historic feast evokes the wedding between Foresteria, daughter of Rinaldo of Acquaviva, to

Rinaldo of Brufonte. The organization proposes, together with the weeding celebration: music,

entertainment, wine tasting and gourmet, games shows and medieval weeding banquet.

Location: Fortress and historic centre

Date: 4-5; 7 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0735.764225

Website: www.sponsalia.com - www.paliodelcuca.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Boar Hunt

Town: Mondavio

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: historic games

Description: The event evokes wild boar hunting with traditional Renaissance banquet and fireworks.

Location: historic centre

Date: 13-15 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.97102

Website: www.mondavioproloco.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Contesa del secchio

Town: Sant’Elpidio a Mare

Province: Fermo

Type of event: historic games

Description: It evokes an event of the late Middle Ages when the Council of the priorities agreed to summon

the four districts (Sant’Elpidio, San Giovanni, San Martino, Santa Maria) to determine who had the first

option to draw water from the well of the Town. The game of the shaft consists in a one-way round robin

among the district teams made of seven players, whose ability is to centre the shaft, after at least three

passes, while preventing the opponents’ game.

Location: historic centre – Stadio Mandozzi

Date: 13- 14 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.858218 - 347.5475358 – 329.0732138

Website: www.contesadelsecchio.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Cavalcata dell’Assunta

Town: Fermo

Province: Fermo

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Type of event: historic fun and games

Description: Ten ‚contradas‛ and 650 men and women in costume take part in this horse race.

Location: historic centre

Date: 15 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.225924

Website: www.cavalcatadellassunta.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The Duke’s festival

Town : Urbino

Type of event: historic fun and games

Description: the festival takes place on 21st August ; hundreds of men and women in costume take part in

the jamboree; each year there’s a revival of a particular event of Urbino’s dukedom.

Location: historic centre

Date: 19-21 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.320951

Website: http://www.urbino-rievocazionistoriche.it/

e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]

Title : Templaria Festival

Town: Castignano

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: historic games

Description: It is a manifestation of the medieval civilisation with theatre, music and dance. There are shows,

shops of old crafts, banquets and merchants.

Location: historic centre

Date: 15-19 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.822969 – 822128

Website: www.templaria.it

e-mail :[email protected]

Title: Torneo Cavalleresco Castel Clementino

Town: Servigliano

Province: Fermo

Type of event: historic games

Description: A parade of over 300 dressed in historical costumes goes through the historical centre. The

clothes are reproduced, based on the paintings of artists of the time. The event also proposes the carousel

ring among the ‚rioni‛ of Santo Spirito, Paese Vecchio, San Marco, Porta Navarra, Porta Marina.

Location: historic centre

Date: 21st August 2011

Ph.: (+39)0734.750583 - 750584

Web site: www.torneocavalleresco.it

e-mail: [email protected]


Christmas Events

Title: In the Castle of Santa Claus

Town: Frontone

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: market

Description: Christmas market in the warm and magical atmosphere of the castle of Frontone.

Location: historic centre

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Date: 27 Novembre; 4-8-11 December 2011

Ph.: (+39) 339.8429426

Web site: www.comune.frontone.pu.it

e-mail [email protected]

Title: Candele a Candelara

Town: Pesaro (loc. Candelara)

Type of event: Christmas market

Description: This exhibition is dedicated to candles and takes place in the medieval borough of Candelara

in the hills around Pesaro. For the occasion, the street lights are turned off to make way for the magic of

thousands of burning flames.

Ph.: (+39) 339.2937316 – 347.9233044

Location: historic centre

Date: 3- 4; 8- 11 December 2011

Website: www.comune.pesaro.pu.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title.: Nativity scenes

Town: Urbino

Type of event: traditional event

Description: The event is part of an activity programm of ‚Christmas in Urbino‛. They set up nativiy scenes

in churches and sights in the centre. A lot of cribs and Nativity representations are set up in the streets,

squares, historic buildings and in the Oratories of the town.

Location: Oratorio di S. Giuseppe, Porta Valbona, via Stretta, via delle Stalacce, Palazzo della Palma, via dei

Rivolti, Palazzo Albani (nuovo), chiesa di San Domenico, Basilica, chiesa di Sant’Anna, Oratorio della

Visitazione, Oratorio di Sant’Andrea Avellino, Cappella dell’Oratorio dell’Annunziata, Parrocchia del Sacro


Date: 6 December 2011 – 6 January 2012

Ph.: (+39)0722.2631

Website: www.comune.urbino.ps.it

e- mail: [email protected] - [email protected]

Title: Wonderland

Town: Macerata Feltria

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: feast

Description: Sculpture of chocolate at Christmas.

Location: historic centre

Date: 8-11 December 2011

Website: www.ilpaesedellemeraviglie.eu

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: National Day of the Epiphany

Town: Urbania

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: traditional event

Description: In memory of ancient customs, Urbania is considered the most original and suitable host of the

‚House of the Epiphany‛. The event has multiple values: the most important is, of course, the rediscovery of

the meaning related to the education and the traditional character of the imaginary child.

Location: historic centre

Date: 2-6 January 2012

Ph.: (+39) 0722.317211

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Website: www.labefana.com

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: Flower Festival

Town: Montefiore dell’Aso

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: popular event

Description: The floral display is a magical moment where the sacred, faith, art and nature come together


Location: historic centre

Date: 26 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0734.939019

Website: www.comune.montefioredellaso.ap.it/infiorata

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Festa delle Canestrelle

Town: Pollenza

Provincia: Macerata

Type of event: popular event

Description: The procession in costume parades through the historic centre.

Location: historic centre

Date: 4-10 July 2011-04-13

Ph.: (++ 39) 0733.549177- 339.3369268

Website: www.comune.pollenza.mc.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Festa del Covo

Town: Campocavallo in Osimo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: religious event

Description: The ‚covo‛ is a wagon which is always is made entirely out of corn from local farms. The

organization makes a cove each year which represents a new religious image (churches, shrines, sacred


Location: historic centre of Campocavallo (frazione)

Date: 7 agosto 2011

Ph.: (+39)071.7133003 -347.7115201

Website: www.festadelcovo.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Canestrelle Procession

Town: Amandola

Province: Fermo

Type of event: religious event

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Description: Historical reenactment of the grain harvest is dedicated to the Saint Anthony. The procession in

costume parades through the historic centre: via Zoccolanti, via Cesare Battisti, via Migliorati, Piazza

Risorgimento and ends at the Shrine of Blessed Antonio.

Location: historic centre

Date: 28 August 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.84071

Website: www.comuneamandola.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Pasquella National Festival

Town: Montecarotto

Province: Ancona

Type of event: popular event

Description: The event demonstrates the different cultures of the regions with songs and choreographies;

men and women in costume wish you all a Happy New Year

Location: piazza del Teatro, ‚contradas‛, streets in the historic centre.

Date: 6 January 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0731.89121 - 4263

Website www.macina.net

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Lo Scacciamarzo

Town: Monsano

Province: Ancona

Type of event: popular event

Description: the event aims at preserving the oral heritage: the oldest Marche’s song is the childish

‚Questua‛, almost forgotten in the area of Ancona.

Location: historic centre

Ph.: (+39) 0731.63013 - 4263

Date: 30th March 2011

Web site www.macina.net

e-mail la [email protected]

Title: International Festival of the Passion

Town: Polverigi

Province: Ancona

Type of event: popular event

Description: over two hundred folk singers and players coming from the Marche region and further parts of

Italy will perform the ritual song of the Passion .

Location: historic centre

Date: 1st April 2011

Ph.: (+39).071.9068094 - 4263

Web site www.macina.net

e-mail la [email protected]

Title: La Turba

Town: Cantiano

Province: Pesaro-Urbino

Type of event: popular event

Description: Passion play on Good Friday of the Passion of Jesus Reconstruction of the various phases of the

event, sung by the choir, until the ascent to Calvary.

Location: historic centre

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Date: 6 April 2012

Ph.: (+39) 0721 789936

Website: www.laturba.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Fire Horse

Town: Ripatransone

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: popular event

Description: Folklore and fireworks among the oldest in Italy that recall something that happened in

Ripatransone the 10th May 1682, the of the solemn coronation o the statue of the Virgin Mary by the Bishop

Giovan Giorgio Mainardi.

Location: historic centre

Date: 15 April 2012

Ph.: (+39)0736.2771

Website: www.cavallodifuoco.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Cantamaggio

Town: Morro d’Alba

Province: Ancona

Type of event: popular event

Description: During the event you can enjoy the ritual song of ‚Questua‛ performed on different musical

instruments, such as: organ, triangle, tambourine and by a male choir.

Location: historic centre

Date: 20 May 2012

Ph.: (+39) 0731.63013

Website www.macina.net

e-mail [email protected]


Title: Thursday at the Castle

Town: Gradara

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Description: A real blast from the past behind ‚closed doors‛ to protect the village from bandits. On

Thursdays in the summer there will be a variety of performances from dance, acrobats, duels, to shows in

the of Court Malatesta. There is also a flea market of old crafts where visitors can buy various kinds of items

and equipment.

Location: historic centre

Date: Date: 16, 23, 30 June; 7, 14, 21, 28, July; 4, 11, 18, 25 August; 1, 8 September 2011


Ph.: (+39) 0541.964115

Website: www.gradara.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Gioca la Luna

Twon: San Benedetto del Tronto

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Tipologia: feast

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Description: The feast is rich in colours, scengraphy, theatre, workshops. "Giocalaluna" is the night for boys

and girls: an event for children and dedidated to their rights which are by reaffirmed by the game (streets

and urban space) and in sharing experiences with parents and peers.

Location: historic centre

Date: mid June - mid September 2011

Ph.: (+39)0735.7941

Website: www.giocalaluna.com

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Ceramic Festival

Town: Urbania

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: popular festival

Description: Conferences, exhibitions, exhibition of ceramic artists, workshops for adults and children,

artists, opera, music and cuisine.

Location: historic centre

Date: 24 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.313140

Website: www.urban-casteldurante.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 56th Kite Festival

Town: Urbino

Type of event: Festival

Description: The festival culminates in the launch of the kites in a ‚race between the different Contrade‛.

.Location: Fortress of Albornoz and Cesane hills

Date: 3-4 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0722.2631

Website: www.festaquilone.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 15th Halloween. The Feast of the Witches

Town: Corinaldo

Province: Ancona

Type of event: festival

Description: The festival is presented as a kind of autumn carnival. This event has led to Corinaldo being

equated with Halloween in Italy by the press.

Location: historic centre

Date: 31 October 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.679047

Website: www.misstrega.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 6th Love chocolate

Town: San Benedetto del Tronto

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Tipy of event: feast

Description: The feast is organized by ‚Bouquet & Gourmet‛. This event represents an unique opportunity

to learn the world of the chocolate and the confectioners who produce it, and also the possibilities to be

used both in laboratory and in the cuisine.

Location: historic centre

Date: 22-25 March 2012

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Website: www.lovechocolate.it

Ph.: (+39) 0735.584954 - 335.6050987

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: Offida Carnival

Town: Offida

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: historic fun and games

Description: The Carnival dates back to the middle of the 18th century, when Carnival celebrations started to

spread all over the Marche region.

Location: historic centre

Date: 17 January; 11,17,18,19,29; 16 and 21 February 2012

Ph.: (+39)333.1417777

Sitoweb: www.inoffida.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Fano Carinval

Town: Fano

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: historic fun and games

Description: Carnival festivities in Fano are claimed to be among of the oldest in Italy: you can enjoy

Carinval floats and masks, music and fireworks. Tonnes of sweets and candies are thrown into the streets.

Location: historic centre

Date: 5, 12,19; 16 and 24 February 2012

Ph.: (+39) 0721.802866

Sito web: www.carnevaledifano.eu

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Ascoli Piceno Carnival

Town: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: historic fun and games

Description: During the Carnival there’s a mutual exchange of roles between the mask and the audience; the

audience becomes the protagonist of the festivities.

Location: historic centre

Date: 16, 19, 21 February 2012

Ph.: (+39) 348.3421386

Web site: www.ilcarnevalediascoli.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: In the Reign of King Carnival

Town: Fermo

Type of event: historic games

Description: It is a parade of floats through the historic centre. Next to parade, there are organized events

and music shows.

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Location: historic centre

Date: February 2012


Sitoweb: www.cultura.fermo.net

e-mail: [email protected]


Title: Giro d’Italia

Town: (11th lap of the race) S. Vittoria in Matenano, Penna San Giovanni, Sant’Angelo in Pontano,

Morrovalle, Castelfidardo. (12th lap of the race) Castelfidardo-Gabicce Mare

Province: Ancona, Pesaro Urbino, Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: sport

Description: the 11th lap (18 May) will start from Tortoreto Lido and will finish in Castelfidardo; then the

cyclists will start again the next day for the 12th lap . Giro d’ Italia will involve the northern coast of the

region (Tortoreto Lido-Castelfidardo 160 km – Castelfidardo-Ravenna 171 km).

Date: 18-19 May 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.7829336 – 335.7768390

Website: www.gazzetta.it/speciali/Giroditalia/2010it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Fencing Festival

Town: Treia

Province: Macerata

Type of event: fencing

Description: Competition between the two finalists of the interregional and national competitions - under


Location: historic centre

Date: 18 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 393.399 70 22

Website: www.schermamarche.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Gym Day

Town: Pesaro

Type of event: Gymnastics

Description: Artistic Gymnastics Youth and Amateurs Championships.

Date: 4-12 June 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0721.283737

Website: www.ginnasticainfestapesaro.it

e-mail: info@ginnasticainfestapesaro.

Title: Unesco city tour - Straducale

Town: Urbino

Type of event: cycling race

Description: the event is ‚communication‛ not only for the sports and the competitions, but also cultural,

historical and environmental.

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Location: Petrano - Catria – Nerone Montains

Date 24 July 2011

Ph.: (+39) 346.4911249

Website: www.unescocyclingtour.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: The 14th Grand Prix racing

Town: Foligno

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: cycling

Description: International cycling race Cat Elite/Under 23 held in the territoroy for Folignano and Ascoli

Piceno (historic centre) with the presence of numerous Italian and international cycling clubs.

Date: 5 August

Ph.: (+39) 0736.491278

Website: www.avis.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: WPCC- World Press Cycling Championship

Town: Gabicce Mare

Province: Pesaro Urbino

Type of event: sport - cycling championship

Description: Bike cycling world championship for journalists.

Location: Gabicce Mare

Date: 9-11 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0541.820614

Website: http://www.comune.gabicce-mare.ps.it/index.php?id=19156

e-mail: [email protected]

Titolo: Conero Sailing Regatta

Town: Ancona and Sirolo

Type of event: sailing

Description: This event is dedicated to sea lovers. As well as this spectacular sport, the organization is

planning shows, conferences and meetings

Location: Conero riviera

Date: 16 – 18 September 2011

Ph.: (+39) 071.54800 – 335.1213835

Website: www.marinadorica.it

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Piceno International Volley Ball Cup 2011

Town: Ascoli Piceno, Castel di Lama, Offida, Monsampolo, Pagliare di Spinetoli, Monteprandone, San

Benedetto del Tronto, Grottammare

Province: Ascoli Piceno

Type of event: volleyball

Description: The event is organized by the ASD Offida Volley-ball Offida.

Location: Palazzetto dello sport di Squarcia, Monterocco, Fortini (Ascoli Piceno), Palazzetto Comunale

(Castel di Lama), Palazzetto dello Sport Giovani Vannicola (Offida), Palazzetto dello Sport (Monsampolo),

Palazzetto dello Sport (Pagliare di Spinetoli), Palazzetto dello Sport (Monteprandone), Palazzetto dello Sport

‚Bernardo Speca‛ (San Benedetto del Tronto) Grottammare

Date: 27-29 December 2011

Ph.: (+39) 0736.888018 – 335.1367290

Website: www.offidavolley.it