Event Booklet 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Rules and regulations: ................................. 2

    Art .................................................................... 4

    Business .......................................................... 7

    Computer ........................................................ 9

    Dance ............................................................. 11

    Drama ............................................................ 13

    Fashion ........................................................... 16

    Help & Info ..................................................... 17

    Lit & Lang ....................................................... 18

    MUN ................................................................ 20

    Music ............................................................. 22

    Science ......................................................... 26

    Sports ............................................................ 27

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Rules and regulations: For disciplinary reasons we suggest that one member of staff accompanies every 10


    Students who are not part of Vivum will not be allowed on the school campus.

    All students must be pre registered and this will be verified against the requested lists of

    names. Students will not be allowed to leave the campus before signing out at the registration


    Malpractice or not abiding by rules in any of the events will result in immediate

    disqualification in that event.

    Students should wear uniform to all events unless stated in the requirements of the


    Visiting staff are required to assist TISB staff when required to do so.

    The visiting staff is responsible for behavior of their students and must be proactive at

    all times to prevent any untoward incidents. The principal of TISB reserves the right to

    deny further access to any school should any misbehavior occur. Participants and staff are required to wear visitors badges around their necks at all

    times during their stay on the campus.

    Items which are not necessary for the competition should not be brought into the


    Participants are prohibited to carry plastic water bottles to the school.

    All participants will be subject to a mandatory health check before entry to the campus

    TISB reserves the right to confiscate unnecessary and violating objects at any time.

    Fire Evacuation procedure:

    When the siren sounds, do not panic

    Remain silent and await your teachers instructions

    Follow your teacher out of the building using the appropriate exit route as shown on the

    map located in the class rooms.

    Leave all your belongings in the building

    Remain in silence as you exit the building

    Do not rush, push, or in any way obstruct the movement of people

    Follow your teacher in silence to the assigned meeting point as indicated on the

    classroom map and as instructed by your teacher

    Once at the meeting point, line up in groups for registration as instructed by staff at the

    meeting point. Remain silent

    Await dismissal or further instructions by the principal or deputy principals.Please note that the school will not be held accountable for the loss or breakage of all personal

    belongings including items that have been confiscated.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Dress code:

    Skirts and dress length should not exceed more than two inches above the knee.

    Sunglasses are not allowed in school buildings

    Provocative or revealing clothes are not permitted.

    Logos or wordings on dress must not be offensive

    Trousers, pants, skirts must be fitted at the waist Spaghetti strapped vests are not permitted

    Kindly Note: The VIVUM 2009 Organizers and HODs reserve the right to amend the rules and

    regulations as and when it is seen fit to do so. If such amendments are made you will be

    promptly notified. This is to ensure that teams/participants do not exploit loopholes in the rules

    and helps everybody to enjoy the events in a just manner.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1



    Design a V:

    One idea. One art room. One letter. This year, we cordially invite every participant of every

    event in Vivum to design their very own Vivum logo, a V, for Vivums first ever installation art



    Paints - acrylic



    Sketch pens


    Scrap materials

    Colored paper

    Staplers and staple pins

    Color pencils


    News paper

    Rules and Regulations: Multiple entries from a single school will be accepted.

    No staff member or non-student may participate.

    A maximum of three participants are allowed for a team.

    Participants are not allowed to bring their own supplies.

    The duration of the event will be 2 hours.

    Violation of any of these rules, depending upon the degree of severity, may lead to anything from

    negative marking to direct disqualification.

    Judging Criteria: The precise use of materials given

    Creativity and Ideation

    Presentation of the work

    Aspects of Multiculturalism


  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    A Picture is worth a Thousand Words:

    Its story time, and unfortunately, you dont have a pen on you. Fortunately, you do have a paint brush.

    This event calls on participants to illustrate a selection of poetry and prose.

    Materials: Paints - acrylic



    A Poem

    Sketch pens


    Colored paper

    White paper

    Staplers and staple pins

    Color pencils

    Rules and Regulations: Multiple entries from a single school will be accepted.

    No staff member or non-student may participate.

    A maximum of two participants are allowed per team.

    Participants are not allowed to bring their own supplies.

    The event will be held for 2 hours.

    Violation of any of these rules, depending upon the degree of severity, may lead to anything from

    negative marking to direct disqualification.

    Judging Criteria: The precise use of materials given

    Creativity and Ideas

    Presentation of the work

    Relevance to the piece

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Lost in Translation:

    Its time to unearth the budding philosopher inside you because this event calls for a lot more than just

    artistic talent. Participants will be given living objects and asked to dream up and design paint, the

    nearest man made equivalent. And as if that wasnt enough, theyll need to wax philosophical about

    their choices afterward. We hope to find a couple of Platos among you all.

    Materials: A picture

    Paints - acrylic




    Sketch pens


    Color pencils

    Pins White paper

    Rules and Regulations: Multiple entries from a single school will be accepted.

    No staff member or non-student may participate.

    A maximum of two participants are allowed for a team.

    Materials brought by the participants are not allowed.

    The event will be held for 1 1/2 hours.

    The picture must be pinned on to the final submission.

    Violation of any of these rules, depending upon the degree of severity, may lead to anything from

    negative marking to direct disqualification.

    Judging Criteria: The precise use of materials given


    Presentation of the work

    Innovative skills

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1



    Risk Stock Win:Battle the ever present forces of the market in this extremely detailed stock simulation game.

    Participants start off with a sizeable amount of money which they must proceed to multiply on

    Vivums Wall Street using stock information from News Flashes issued to them hourly. Look before

    you leap.

    Rules and Regulations: Each team consists of 3 people.

    Each team will have a stock broker provided by us.

    Calculators will be provided.

    Teams will invest in companies and change in stocks will be decide their fate.

    Judging Criteria:

    Teams with the most money in the end, both fixed and liquid will wins.

    Corporate Jungle:Get ready for Vivums very own Boardroom Blitz. Contestants will be given a real-time business problem

    and a meager fifteen minutes together to come up with solutions. Then, each participant will be given

    five minutes to present a practical solution and will have to answer a three minute rebuttal round.

    Finally, the two chairpersons (our judges) will announce the verdict and proclaim the Vivum Economic


    Rules and Regulations: Each school may nominate only one participant.

    Each contestant will get 15 minutes to prepare their solutions.

    They will have to come up with a solution to the problem, with reasons.

    Judging Criteria:The contestant with the best solution, presentation and convincing skills will win They will be judged by

    the chairpersons holding the meeting

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    Apprenticeship:We interrupt this broadcast to bring you the latest news from Vivum's version of the popular show, The

    Apprentice. As you can see, the rules of the game are a little different this time around. Participants are

    given a limited stock of consumer product to sell. The winner, of course, is the one whose haggling skills

    run unparalleled. Ready! Set! SELL!

    Rules and Regulations: Teams of 3 from each team

    Teams must sell a homogenous product.

    Teams have a total of 4 hours with 2 hours per day.

    Teams must keep clean and legible accounts.

    We will NOT provide any change.

    Teams may not leave the selling allocated area.

    Teams can use free time to make advertisements and can make a maximum of 3 radio


    Teams can make deals and set up attractions.

    Teams will be given a minimum price to sell the product at and must use all their marketingacumen to sell the product above that price.

    Violation of any of these rules will result in automatic disqualification of the team.

    Judging criteria: Teams will be judged on total revenue.

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    Strategic Strike:FIRE IN THE HOLE. Welcome to Vivums very own Counter Strike tournament where teams must go head

    to head in the popular first person shooter game and compete for the title of Vivums Commando Kings!

    Rules and Regulations:

    The tournament will be held in Counter Strike Condition Zero.

    Each team will consist of 5 members.

    Each team will have a leader.

    The fixtures of the matches will be decided by the organizers and will be told in advance to the


    There will be a toss between the captains, and the winner will choose a map from the list

    randomly by way of chits.

    Each team will play two sets of rounds: once as Counter Terrorists (CT) and once as Terrorists

    (T). Each team will play eleven rounds in each CT and T, but the winner of the toss will get to decide

    whether to be T first or CT after the map is chosen.

    If there is a tie then there will be a knifing round in which the toss loser decides whether his

    team is to be CT or T.

    Each team will proceed to the next stage only of they win in the previous round.

    Use of foul language or shouting during the match will result in the teams immediate

    disqualification from the tournament.

    Typing text messages to the other team is prohibited.

    For the finals the 2 teams will choose one map each. The third map will be decided by the

    organizers and each of the teams will play once as CT and once as T in each of the maps.

    Mix Master:

    Think you can do it better than the blow-outs who wrote the songs? Then show us what youve got in

    Vivums very own Mix-Off where teams must construct a remix from a selection of tracks. With a time


    Rules and Regulations: The event consists of one round.

    The remixed track should be between 3-7 minutes long. The teams cannot use any sound clips other than those provided by us (the clips included in the

    software can be used.)

    Any vulgar or offensive content will lead to immediate disqualification of the team.

    Judging Criteria:The team with the most seamless and multicultural track will win.

    The winning song will be frequently played on VIVUM Radio. It might be played during the closing


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    Web Master:Tired of boring old websites? Well nows your chance to mix things up with Vivums Web Master

    competition where participants must fashion their own Web Site using pictures and animations supplied

    by Vivums Photography department.

    Rules and Regulations: The team can use flash.

    The website should have a minimum of 5 tabs.

    The team has 3 days to make its website.

    The Internet will be turned OFF during this event.

    Any attempt to submit a pre-made website will result in disqualification.

    Any offensive or vulgar pictures will result in immediate disqualification of the team.

    Electro Da Vinci:In the world where the works of Leonardo Do Vinci are just a few clicks away, we at Vivum thought why

    not find who is the Da Vinci of computers? In this exciting designing competition, participants have to

    edit a given image related to Global warming and the best edit picture wins.

    Duration: 2 hours

    Rules and regulations: Participants will be given an image, and will be asked to modify it using softwares provided. No other assistance will be given in any other form. The internet will be turned OFF during the event. The participants can bring their own Input/output devices as these are recommended when

    comes to designing.

    Judging Criteria: Participants will be judged on their knowledge of the software. Participants will also be judged on their creativity and their editing skills. Softwares to be used: Autodesk 3D Max, Adobe Photoshop CS4(if any additional software is

    required, please send the request at least 2 weeks in advance)

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1



    Battle Grounds:

    Welcome to Vivums very own Dance-Off where contestants from participating schools must dance theirway off the stage and onto the streets in a Break Dance Battle Royale. Contestants will be given a two

    minute time limit in which to do their thing and the winners will be judged by the applause and crowd

    they gather.

    Rules and regulations:1. Contestants will be performing against each other at the same time.

    2. When one participant is dancing , the other must neither perform nor interfere with his


    3. Contestants will be judged by the applause their routenes garner.

    4. In the event of an equal applause, the host of the show will act as a judge, picking the winner on

    the basis of his or her moves as well as his or her improvisations in relation to his or heropponent.

    5. The contest takes place in the form of elimination rounds.

    6. Song Lists will be sent to the contestants one or two days prior to Vivum.

    Judging Criteria:1. Coordination with the music.

    2. Skill.

    3. Confidence of the participants.

    The DJ Don't Like You:Oh no! The Vivum DJ's gone and mixed up all his records! Contestants in this competition will have to

    throw their carefully choreographed routines to the wind as they put themselves at the mercy of a DJ

    with a vindictive sense of humor. Participants will be required to perform on stage for 4 minutes during

    which the music will change a grand total of 10 times. Have fun.

    Rules and Regulations: This is a solo dance event.

    The participants must dance between 4 and 5 minutes.

    There is no preparation time.

    Teams must improvise along with the random order of songs played.

    Judging criteria: The participants will be judged on the basis of how well the participants can adapt to the music

    and change their style.

    In all the events, a major part of the judging criteria will be the confidence of the participant/s.

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    Shake that THING:Let's face it. A set of hula hoops or a giant paper airplane doesn't exactly make the best dance partner.

    But those are the kind of props participants will be expected to cope with in this unforgettably wacky

    event. Contestants must prepare their spectacular dance routines in advance and will be handed their

    prop approximately two minutes before being ushered onto stage to strut their stuff. Don't forget your

    sense of humor.

    Rules and Regulations: Teams are give 1 hour to device a piece

    The pieces must be 2-3 minutes.

    There will be a maximum of 8 and a minimum of 6 teams.

    There will be a maximum of 6 people in each team.

    The songs will also be given on the spot with the props.

    The steps may be taken for other dances but the routines should be original.

    Any use of vulgar or offensive gestures during the performance may result in automatic

    disqualification for the team.

    Judging criteria: How well the props are used

    The coordination with the song.

    Coordination of the group will also be considered.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1



    TISB International Street Show Festival:Welcome to Vivums very own Tour de Drama where small stages set up on the streets around the

    campus for individual teams. Teams must aim to please the crowd rather in addition to conveying

    messages of Multiculturalism as they go along.

    Rules and Regulations: Each participating school send a group of 4-5 students to perform a street show. Each school will

    be assigned the regions or continent of performance three weeks before the event.

    The performance should be able to adapt with time limit and cannot be longer than 10 minutes.

    Each participating schools have to give details about their performance outline, duration and

    props used one week before the event.

    The performance can be of any kind. It doesnt have to be a play or a skit. Juggling and acrobatics

    are allowed as long as they are street performance of the assigned countries. No performance

    should be dangerous. No dangerous props or use of fire, sharp equipments or animals are

    allowed in the performance. There is only one round. Each participating school gets to perform for the judges only once.

    Violation of rules and dangerous performance can be cancelled before the competition and may

    lead to disqualification.

    Judging Criteria: Appropriate choice of performance


    Safety precautions taken during the performance

    Use of Props, Performers and given Space

    Skills used in the performance

    Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools:

    All participating schools must submit schools name, number and names of the participants, title

    and type of the performance, props used, and props needed 2 weeks before the event.

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    Prop It Up:In this event, participating groups will be given a meager 3 hours to construct a piece of theatre based

    on props given to them. They will be judged on acting skills and relevance.

    Rules and Regulations :

    Participating school sends a team of not more than 7 performers and 2 stage managers, total of 9students in a team.

    Each team is given 3 hours to prepare for the performance.

    Props, theme and a piece of music will be given at the beginning of the preparation time.

    All the given items must be used in the performance and the performance must be centered

    around the theme given.

    The performance shall not be longer than 15 minutes.

    Violation of rules may lead to disqualification.

    Judging criteria: Creativity and appropriateness in using given items in the performance.

    Actors skills Use of given theme

    Use of space

    Use of music given

    Content of the story

    Exposition scene

    Ending scene

    Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools: All participating schools must submit schools name, number and names of the participants 2

    weeks before the events.

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    ACT UP:

    Improvisation is the core of this event. No preparation time! Participating groups of not more than 2

    students using dramatic negotiation skills to persuade the opposite team in the given situation. You

    have the rights to be creative with it as soon as you get on stage. This is where you show your

    improvisation and persuasive talent.

    Rules and Regulations: Participating school sends a team of not more than 2 performers. No preparation time is given. Judges have the rights to stop the performance if the performers block the performer of the

    opposite team.

    The participants have to try to adjust to the given situation and try to get out of the given crisis. Violation of rules may lead to disqualification.Requirements: Design & Deco department to help with posters.Time: Competition in the afternoon 1.00 pm onwardsVenue: Afternoon, prefer Auditorium but if really not possible wed love to have the drama room.Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools:

    All participating schools must submit schools name, number and names of the participants 2weeks before the event.

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    Divine Design:Think youre a fashion virtuoso? Think your designs have the spunk to stand out? Say hello to Vivums

    latest fashion craze, Divine Design where participants must spend monopoly money to buy materials

    from which they must fashion stylish outfits. Get sowing.

    Rules and regulations: Each team has a maximum of 3 members. Each team will be given a certain amount of monopoly money. Each team will be given 10 minutes to shop for all their requirements. Then each team will be given 20 minutes to dress a team member. Theme: MulticulturalismJudging Criteria:

    How well the culture is displayed. The dressing of the member. Amount each team spent.

    Ramp-age:Think youre a prodigy of the fashion world? Well this is your chance to prove it with Vivums flashiest

    and meanest show around, Ramp-age. Participants must assemble their outfits on the outside and

    proceed to strut their stuff in front of our panel of judges. Contestants will be judged on their ensembleand their swagger. Get cat walking.

    Rules and regulations: Participants must wear their own clothes. Each team must follow the theme of multiculturalism. Each participant will have a posed picture taken. Then each participant must walk down a ramp in cat walk.Judging Criteria: How well the theme is portrayed. Attitude of the participants. The pose during the picture.

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    Help & Info

    Vivathon:Welcomes to the Vivathon where Treasure Hunts, Physical Prowess and Mental Ability collide. Each

    team is expected to finish the given tasks at each level of the race. The hosts will have traffic poles or

    stops at different places. Each stop will hold clues and the participants will have to complete a task

    successfully, and get the clues at the stops to go the next one. According to the number of participating

    schools, teams will be eliminated at each check point in such a way, so that in the end only four teams

    will be left for the final tasks.

    Rules and Regulations: 5 teams with 4 players each.

    The finishing line is a common one with four checkpoints along the way.

    They need to complete the task at every checkpoint to get the clue for their next checkpoint.

    The checkpoints will be named after cities around the world and the clues will be short

    information about cities. (This rule needs to be discussed with the cultural dept.)

    The team that finishes the first wins the race and wins a surprise gift.

    Relevant Details to be submitted by Participating Schools: Name of the school

    Names and grades of the participants

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Lit & Lang

    Gift of the Gab:It's time to put those motor-mouths to good use and see if you have the eloquence and diction to win

    this event. Participants will be given a random topic and then be booted into the spotlight for a full 5

    minutes. How do you win? Easy. Don't Stop Talking.

    Rules and Regulations: 2 to 3 contestants from each school

    No stuttering or repetition of points

    Any profanity or Vulgarity will result in the immediate disqualification of the respective

    contestant. Words such as uh and erm are forbidden

    Contestants will be given paper to work on before they are asked to come up and speak. While

    speaking, however, they cannot read off of/refer to this paper.

    Judging Criteria: Fluency

    Content & Ideas

    Staying on topic

    Unraveling a Story:Welcome to Vivum's literary version of a classic children's puzzle game. But in this, event, contestants

    will be Connecting the Plots. Participants will be faced with the mammoth task of constructing a

    seamless story from a series of disconnected events; and all within a pressing time limit. Have a happy


    Rules and Regulations: No offensive language

    Strict word limit of 800-1000 words Each group must consist of three participants.

    Judging Criteria: How well they have used the language to convey their ideas

    Incorporation of the lines into the story

    How well they link/adapt to the non-sequitor line

    Holistic judgment

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    The Vivum Contemporary Poetry Contest:This year, Vivum invites participants to explore the vastly fluctuating body of consciousness that is soul

    with a flurry of contemporary poetry, either recited or rapped. Contestants will be judged according to

    content, style and diction.

    Rules and Regulations: Poems must be a minimum of 1 minute and maximum of 3 minutes long.

    All participants must email a soft copy of their poems one day before the event.

    If said copy is found to have been plagiarized in any way, the contestant will meet immediate

    Disqualification and/or further consequences.

    Any use of profanity or vulgarity in the poem or rap will result in immediate disqualification.

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    ViMUN:As every year, Vivum invites its participants to engage in the thrilling and informative reproduction of a

    select group of departments of the United Nations that is ViMUN. This year, we have been inspired to

    take the world back in time to 1946- the Indo-Pak conflict. Delegates will debate this contentious issue,

    acting as the most influential players in the conflict, and will find a solution to this grave and imminent

    crisis at hand.

    1) The Indian National Congress

    2) The Muslim League

    3) The British

    TISB has dared to think different, while we will maintain the same THIMUN format where formality has a

    major role to play with the same motions and orders to be used on the floor.

    Points to note: The stage is set in 1946, a day after Direct Action Day in Calcutta

    The Muslim league wants a separate state of Pakistan, the INC wants one nation, the British are

    wondering what to do but will second the side which they feel has a stronger point

    The Agenda: Delegates must discuss how to settle the Calcutta riot first

    Then starts the possibility of the partition

    The economic, social and political impact of a partition, why we should have it (Muslim league)

    or why we should not (INC)

    The committee will pass resolutions (rather directives - shorter

    resolutions) and can also make Press Releases.

    The task is challenging for while on the first - Calcutta riot issue, delegates are supposed to work

    together to help the general good. On the second, they will differ in opinion.

    The British will have a major role in the votes

    Requirements: Each delegate must submit position papers on two issues

    a. The end and restoration post Calcutta Riots

    b. The possibility Of A Partition

    For this Model summit is complex yet interesting, we would encourage those with experience

    in the past, if not, we suggest you learn of an MUN (points on the floor, motions, directives)

    before opting for this

    The INC and the Muslim league is supposed to maintain its basic stance, reasoning will be key

    Maximum of 6 delegates per school (remember- you will be against each other)

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    Judging Criteria: Four awards will be given - Best Delegate, Outstanding Delegate, Honorary Delegate and Best

    Position Paper

    Delegates must submit their position papers to be eligible for any award

    Each delegate will get a political character they will represent, they need not read about him in

    person, but must research on his partys vision.

    For Further Details contact members of the Secretariat:

    Sahaan Hattangadi: [email protected]

    Zonu Reddy: [email protected]

    Janani Ramachandran: [email protected]

    The MUN guide will reach the participating schools shortly

    This is one to watch out for...

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    Music Through the Ages:Yes, your band may be the Virtuosos of Rock, but if that's all you've got, then you just won't make the

    cut in this competition. Participating bands will have to go through two elimination rounds in the styles

    from Jazz rock before they get the Green Light for the all out Rock-Off on the final day of Vivum.

    Round 1: The bands that are chosen from the audition round play in this round, the genre of the song

    must be either soft rock, jazz, fusion or blues.

    Round 2: The bands that played in round 1 also play in this round, the genre of the song must be hard

    rock or metal.

    TISB does not participate.

    Materials:The school will supply microphones, keyboards, acoustic guitars (nylon string and steel string) and drum

    kit. Any other instruments will have to be brought by the participating bands.

    Rules and regulations: The song must be between 3 and 7 minutes long.

    There can only be one participating band from each school and it must have a minimum of 3 and

    a maximum of 7 members. All the participating bands must play in the audition round and if chosen to play for the next

    stage, must play for both the rounds.

    No profane or offensive vocals are allowed.

    The bands will get 15 minutes (inclusive of setup time) to play their songs.

    Judging Criteria: Selection of music, and Knowledge and understanding of and Adherence to the genre Notation

    accuracy and fluency Communication and interpretation

    Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools:

    Names of the participating bands and all their members.

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    Vivum Idol:Do you think you have what it takes to win it all? This year, the search for Vivum's favorite singer has

    only gotten fiercer. Contestants will have to sing their hearts out, first in Solo, then with an optional

    accompaniment, in front of our esteemed (not to mention quirky) panel of judges. Eventually, the

    selection will be narrowed down to the one and yearly, Vivum Idol.

    Materials:The school will supply keyboards, acoustic guitars (nylon string and steel string) and drum kit if

    necessary. Any other instrument (electric guitars, violin, bass guitar, woodwind instruments etc) must be

    brought by the participant along with any required materials (distortion pedals, etc.)

    Rules and regulations: The song must be between 3 and 6 minutes long.

    There is no limit to the number of participants from each school but each participant must sing a

    different song.

    If a participant is chosen to go on to the second round, he/she must sing a different song than

    the one sung in the preliminary round.

    A participant is not allowed more than one accompanist. However, no accompanist is allowed in

    the audition round.

    Judging Criteria:

    Selection of music Notation accuracy and fluency

    Technical Facility

    Communication and interpretation

    Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools:

    Names of the participants

    Genre of music

    Accompanying instruments if any.

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    Solo Instrumental:Virtuosos from all corners of Vivum are invited to participate in this event, where we pit musician

    against musician and instrument against instrument in an elimination-style musical showdown.

    Contestants need to strut their stuff within a # minute time limit. (Need catchy phrase here.)


    The school will supply keyboards, acoustic guitars (nylon string and steel string) and drum kit. Any other

    instrument (electric guitars, violin, bass guitar, woodwind instruments etc) must be brought by the

    participant along with any required materials (amplifiers, distortion pedals, etc.). The school will provide

    music stands if required.

    Rules and regulations: The piece must be between 3 and 6 minutes long.

    There is no limit to the number of participants from each school but each participant must play

    a different piece.

    If a participant is chosen to go on to the second round, he/she must play a different piece than

    the one played in the preliminary round.

    Some participants, such as violinists performing violin concertos, will be allowed

    accompaniment on the piano. This has to be performed live by a partner (not recorded) and the

    school must be informed prior to the event.. Only the soloist will be judged but if a mistake in

    the co-ordination disruts the song, the soloist will be penalized.

    The participants can play their own composition but be advised that this will not fetch you any

    extra points. The performance must be a good piece of music and not mere exhibition of skill.

    Judging Criteria: Selection of music

    Notation accuracy and fluency

    Technical Facility

    Communication and interpretation

    Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools:

    - Names of the participants and their respective instruments.

    - Genre of music to be performed.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Composition CompetitionLyrics will be provided to the participating schools and they must compose music and complete the song

    within a given amount of time. The composed songs will be judged by a jury.

    TISB does not participate.

    Materials:The school will supply keyboards, acoustic guitars (nylon string and steel string) and drum kit. Any other

    instrument must be brought by the participant along with any required materials (amplifiers, distortion

    pedals, etc.). The room provided for each school may lack enough plug points to support all instruments,

    hence we advice each school to carry an extension. Microphones will be supplied for the final event and

    not for the preparation.

    Rules and regulations: The song must be between 2 and 6 minutes long.

    Only one band, consisting of at least two and at most 7 members, can participate from a school.

    Judging Criteria:Working and development of musical ideas, Form and structure, Understanding of the chosen medium

    and of instrumentation, timbre and texture, Overall impression of music and projection of lyrics.

    Relevant Details to be submitted by the participating schools:

    - Names of the participants

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1



    Rubik Rage:

    The worlds greatest intellectual challenge, you ask? It has six sides, six colors and one solution. Thisyear, Vivum will be host to two Rubiks Cube Challenges as well as a crash course in how to solve the

    algorithmic wonders themselves. Get twisting!

    Rules and Regulations: Events include: 3x3x3 Rubiks cube speed solve, 2x2x2 Rubiks cube speed solve

    Maximum people per school is 7

    Each participant will be responsible for bringing their own cubes.

    Rounds will be in the form of elimination.

    Each participant will be given three attempts to solve the cube. Their best time will be used for

    judging. The person with the best average is automatically through to the nest round. Each

    round two participants are eliminated based on their fastest solving time.

    Balsa Boeing:With this event, Vivum invites participants to realize their dreams and take to the skies, commanding

    their very own Timber Torpedoes in a miniature Air Show about the campus. Participants must design

    and build their own aircraft over the course of the festival and on the last day, let loose into the great

    blue beyond.

    Rules and Regulations: Each team must consist of 3 members

    Participants will be given a debriefing about basic aerodynamics prior to construction.

    The time allotted for building is 1 hours 45 min.

    The competition will be based on the flight distance of the glider

    A certificate to be awarded to the coolest looking glider.

    The Science Quiz:Do you think you've got the wits to bag this one? The ViQuiz, Vivum's multiround extravaganza which

    tests the mental limits of todays brightest young minds.

    There are three separate quizzes in the quiz- Physics quiz, Chemistry Quiz, Biology quiz.

    Once all the three quizzes have finished the schools total score will be added from all the quizzes

    and the winner is the one with the highest score.

    1st round for all quizzes general questions

    2nd round three different categories for the three quizzes

    Example - Physics- Astronomy, Aeronautics, History

    3rd round Each team will be presented an object related to what quiz they are in. Questions

    will be asked about it. That way its hands on and not boring.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1



    General rules:

    1. The tournament is open for invited schools only

    2. The draw for the events will be held on 1st of September 2008 at 10:00 am in TISB. Any schoolwishing to send a representative are welcome do to so but the draw will be held even in the

    absence of your representative.

    3. The responsibility of conduct and behavior of the student lies on the respective school teachers

    or coaches. Other than the participants and teachers no one is allowed in the campus. All

    school rules of TISB must be adhered to and any failure to do this may result in immediate

    disqualification from the tournament, as determined by the Principal of TISB, whose decision on

    any disciplinary matter is final.

    4. Any request for postponement or change of match timings will not be entertained.

    5. all protest should be made with an appeal fee of Rs. 300/- and within 30minutes after the end of

    the match by the coach or manager of the team

    6. All teams should report 25-30 minutes prior to the match time, they will be disqualified if theyfail to do so.

    7. Teams should be prepared to play two matches a day.

    8. The decision of the organization committee will be final in all regards.

    9. A participant is advised to take part in no more than two sports. In the case of a clash, the

    participant will be required to choose one of the sports Any request for postponement or

    change of match timings will not be entertained.

    10. The tournaments will be held on 23rd and 24th of September

    11. The participating members must be born after the date of July 1st 1991.

    12. If any of these rules are not followed, the team will be disqualified.

    Badminton:1. The tournament will be for boys and girls

    2. The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis.

    3. Any request for postponement or change of match timings will not be entertained.

    4. Teams must be present at the arena 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

    5. A team can have a maximum of 4 players and a minimum of 2 players

    6. The tie will have two singles matches and one doubles match and will be a best of 3 games if a

    result is achieved at the end of the singles matches the doubles game will not be played.

    7. Referees decision is final.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Tour De France:1. Tour de France is a cycling relay race of five rounds in total.

    2. There will be a maximum of 7 teams participating.

    3. Each team must have 5 people including one substitute.

    4. Each team will be provided with 3 cycles where 2 will be on track and 1 will be used as a

    standby.5. The route map for cycling will be provided to each team upon registration.

    6. Any interference with other cyclists or unfair methods will not be entertained and may result in

    the disqualification of the entire team.

    7. The team is responsible for the maintenance of the cycles during the event and any damages

    done to the cycles may result in charges laid upon the team.

    8. The cycles without any delay must be handed over to the supervisor immediately after the


    9. Any tampering of own cycles or other teams cycles will result in automatic disqualification from

    the event.

    10. Schools need to send in the name of the team as well as the participants one week prior to the


    V-Street-5-a-side:1. The tournament will be for girls only

    2. Any request for postponement or change of match timings will not be entertained.

    3. Players must dress in proper football attire with jersey numbers clearly visible. Players will not

    be allowed to play bare-foot.

    4. The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis.

    5. Schools will be allowed to send two teams each

    6. Teams must be present at the arena 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

    7. The duration of the matches will be 12-5-12 minutes.

    8. A team must have 7 players (5 starters and 2 substitutes)

    9. Rolling substitutions apply, however these must be made when the ball is in position of the

    goalkeeper or out of play.

    10. No player is allowed within the goal area or on the goal line, with the exception of the goal

    keeper. In this case of a defensive offence, a penalty will be awarded .For an attacker offence,

    the ball will be given to the goal keeper to roll out. The goal keeper is not allowed to leave the

    penalty area; If they play the ball outside the area a penalty will be awarded.

    11. From a goal kick the goalkeeper must roll the ball out of the area and cannot throw it out


    12. If the ball goes out of bounds on the sides, the players must take kick-ins and must roll the ball

    from the kick-in, raising the ball will lead to position being awarded to the opponent. The

    opponent must stand at least 1 meter away from the kicker. when the kick-in is being taken13. No offside law will be applied.

    14. The referees word is final. It is the captains responsibility to state the rules to all players before

    the start of the match

    15. If a penalty is awarded, the player taking the penalty may only take one step before striking the


    16. When a free-kick or corner is taken, opponents must stand at least 2 meters away from the ball

    outside the goal area. The attacking team may then.

  • 8/6/2019 Event Booklet 1


    Football:1. The tournament will be for boys.

    2. The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis.

    3. Any request for postponement or change of match timings will not be entertained.

    4. Players must dress in proper football attire with jersey numbers clearly visible. Players will not

    be allowed to play bare-foot.5. No player will be allowed to play without proper shoes, stockings and shin guards.

    6. Teams must be present at the arena 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

    7. The duration of the matches will be 30-5-30 minutes.

    8. In case of a tie during knockout matches, 5-2-5 minutes extra time will be played. If the tie

    continues then the kicks from the penalty spot will be applied, followed by sudden death rule.

    9. All present FIFA rules will apply.

    10. Referees decision is final.

    11. No team will be allowed to play with less than seven players in their side. During the course of

    the match, if any team falls short of seven players, the game will be awarded to the opponent

    irrespective of the number of goals scored by the said team.

    12. We can accommodate a maximum of 8 teams, due to which the acceptances will be on a first

    come-first serve basis.

    Basketball:1. The tournament will be for boys and girls

    2. The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis.

    3. Any request for postponement or change of match timings will not be entertained.

    4. Players must dress in proper basketball attire with jersey numbers (4-15) clearly visible. Players

    will not be allowed to play bare-foot.

    5. Teams must be present at the arena 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

    6. The duration of the match will be 10-10-5-10-10

    7. All present FIBA rules will apply.

    8. Referees decision is final.

    9. We can accommodate a maximum of 8 teams, due to which the acceptances will be on a first

    come-first serve basis.