Keeping Hawk Families Engaged 3, 2, 1, … , we have liſt off! How excing is a rocket launch! Our school had a launch of a different kind on a very recent full school assembly. It was the official launch of our Harristown State High School Interhouse Academic Achievement Compeon. The intent of this compeon is to align with our school s purpose – To improve the academic achievements of every student. It is to encourage and inspire every student to improve their A, B, C results and their overall Grade Point Average. Some say that the sweetest victories of all are team victories as opposed to individual victories. To this end, the compeon is not about individual students, although each individual student contributes to the results. It is about form classes, year levels and houses. I was thrilled at last weeks assembly to announce the best academically achieving form class in every year level and the best academically achieving house in every year level. Here are the results, based on Semester 1, 2021 results. I know that a number of individual form classes were very excited to hear of how well they have achieved. I need every form class to know that the results are very, very close and any improvement a student can make in any subject will increase their form classchance of winning. I look forward to our next Hawk Chat when I will speak about another compeon, our Interhouse Engagement Compeon, based on students in-class effort and behaviour. Ken Green Execuve Principal Edion 103 07 September 2021 Event Calendar Year 8 Camp 6 - 8 September Clontarf Health Checks 6 - 9 September The Scene Project Performance Outcomes Day Monday 6 September Broken Bat Game Tuesday 7 September, 3:00pm Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Selecon Tuesday 7 September, 5:00 - 7:00pm VALD Performance Volleyball League Round 5 Wednesday 8 September USQ Deadly Ways Thursday 8 September Year 11 Exam Block 13 17 September Clontarf Camp Yr 7-10 Improvement 13 16 September P&C Monthly Meeng Tuesday 14 September, 7:30pm The Arts Day Friday 17 September Cerficate 1 Financial Services Friday 17 September First Day Term 4 Tuesday 5 October

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

3, 2, 1, … , we have lift off!

How exciting is a rocket launch!

Our school had a launch of a different kind on a very recent full school assembly. It was the official launch of our Harristown State High School Interhouse Academic Achievement Competition.

The intent of this competition is to align with our school’s purpose – To improve the academic achievements of every student. It is to encourage and inspire every student to improve their A, B, C results and their overall Grade Point Average.

Some say that the sweetest victories of all are team victories as opposed to individual victories. To this end, the competition is not about individual students, although each individual student contributes to the results. It is about form classes, year levels and houses.

I was thrilled at last week’s assembly to announce the best academically achieving form class in every year level and the best academically achieving house in every year level.

Here are the results, based on Semester 1, 2021 results.

I know that a number of individual form classes were very excited to hear of how well they have achieved. I need every form class to know that the results are very, very close and any improvement a student can make in any subject will increase their form class’ chance of winning.

I look forward to our next Hawk Chat when I will speak about another competition, our Interhouse Engagement Competition, based on students in-class effort and behaviour.

Ken Green Executive Principal

Edition 103 07 September 2021

Event Calendar

Year 8 Camp 6 - 8 September

Clontarf Health Checks

6 - 9 September

The Scene Project Performance Outcomes Day

Monday 6 September

Broken Bat Game Tuesday 7 September, 3:00pm

Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Selection

Tuesday 7 September, 5:00 - 7:00pm

VALD Performance

Volleyball League Round 5 Wednesday 8 September

USQ Deadly Ways Thursday 8 September

Year 11 Exam Block 13 – 17 September

Clontarf Camp Yr 7-10 Improvement

13 – 16 September

P&C Monthly Meeting Tuesday 14 September, 7:30pm

The Arts Day

Friday 17 September

Certificate 1 Financial Services Friday 17 September

First Day Term 4

Tuesday 5 October

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

Executive Principal

Ken Green

Deputy Principals

BALKUIN - Craig Forknall BARANG - Leanne Monagle

BONDA - Ian Brackstone - Dale Potter Helen Parker

Business Manager

Elaine Fickling

Guidance Officers

Judy King Sue-Ellen Taylor

Positive Behaviour Coaches

(First point of contact for Parents/Carers)

BALKUIN - Brady Albrand BARANG - Sue Burns

BONDA - Ben McDonald - Liam Capewell

SEP - Cam Mclean

Year Level Coordinators Year 7 - Ashleigh Hegvold

Year 8 - Karuna Dang Year 9 - Tegan Krause

Year 10 - Jamie Krisanski Year 11 - Peter Dayus

Year 12 - Nick Clarry

P&C Shop 4636 8714

Monday-Friday 8:15am-3:15pm

School Canteen

4636 8710 7:45am-2:00pm

Students have been very busy and some projects are for sale again this year.

• Children's tables $40 each.

• Individual chairs $15 each.

• Children's easels $80 each.

• Children's workbenches $90 each.

Please email Daniel Schick ([email protected]) or call 4636 8700 if you would like to purchase one of these fabulous handmade items.

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Beyond Broncos

We know that every day at school counts and the rewards for students extend beyond their success in the

classroom: in fact, as a member of the Beyond Broncos Girls Academy, it certainly pays off in other ways.

Well done to all those girls who were recognised for their top attendance by receiving awards and prizes

at our Term 3 Rewards pizza party! Make sure you are in the running for a Term 4 reward by attending

every class every day.

Upcoming events not to miss:

Thursday 9th September: 9am – 10.10am – Term 3 Workshop

Wednesday 15th September: 5.30 to 7.30pm - Yr 12 Graduation Dinner, Karl Langer Room

Burke and Wills

Please ensure your permission letters for the dinner are returned to Tracy in D24 asap.

USQ Deadly Ways – Date Claimers

The team from USQ Deadly Ways are coming to Harristown State High School for a fun, interactive day on Thursday, 9 September. Indige-

nous students from Years 8 to 12 will be invited to participate in activities run by various faculties, to give them a taste of some interesting

career pathways they may want to follow. Year 12 Indigenous students will be invited to USQ for a day of activities and discovery on Friday

8 October, regardless of whether they are planning to enrol in university or not. Look out for permission letters to this event next week.

Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

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Clontarf Fitness Adventure Day

On a bright and warm 11th of August, ten determined young Clontarf men prepared

themselves for a day of gruelling fitness and adventure.

The morning started with 30 minutes of lap swimming in the HSHS pool where the

young lad with the furthest distance would win an Event Cinemas movie voucher.

Jayden Lucas smashed the lads with a blistering 700m.

Once dried and all packed, they ventured off down the Old Toll Bar road to the

bottom of the fire trail at Picnic Point. With a weighted 2.1km hike in front them,

each young man was given the task to work with one another and grind their way

up to the Picnic Point waterfalls. Normally a 1 hr walk, every young lad crushed the climb and made it to the top with all weights in hand in

under 30 minutes!

Tabletop was the next destination to conquer. This time without weights or re-

sistance—only sheer determination and guts. The lads made a strong start up the

initial ascent but once the climb got steep, a couple of the boys had some trouble

pushing on. An uplifting conversation saw these boys continue up the trail and trav-

erse the rocky outcrops. Although too much for one of us, everyone else graced the

summit of Table Top and took in their accomplishments so far for the day.

Once back down the mountain we were bused to Queens Park for an intense

bootcamp session lead by our fearless leader Maxi. After an impressive nonstop 30

minute session of arduous hill sprints, rope carries and body weight circuit the boys

were finally allowed to relax and refuel themselves.

Finally, after a fantastic day in the sun the lads were taken to iPlay Entertainment

Centre to indulge in some fun and games and ice cream.

Jaydo, having already taken out the swimming award, freed up two other awards for the young fellas to work for. The Leadership award

was presented to Alex ‘AJ’ Woodbridge for constantly helping others and leading by example. The Clontarf Spirit Award was presented to

Jackson Goulding for conquering his fear of heights and not letting anything get in his way no matter the obstacles.

Well done everyone, you all pushed yourselves to the limit and rose to the occasion.

Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

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Clontarf Indoor Cricket Carnival

On Tuesday evening 12 Clontarf boys from years 7, 8 and 9 took part in our second indoor cricket carnival. Teams from Warwick, Dalby, Mt

Lofty and Wilsonton made up our competition at the Action Indoor Sports Centre in Toowoomba. Last year the Harristown boys had no

problems getting the wins and after a few weeks of practice it looked like the boys may win the silverware once again.

Our two teams played very well with our older team going undefeated for the night and taking out the competition. It was particularly fun

watching the two teams play one another with a lot of good banter being thrown around and loud cheers turning heads on the other

courts. The boys played with great spirit and the skills they have learnt over the past three years playing indoor and outdoor cricket is

great to see. Hopefully our younger boys can continue this winning form when they get their chance to play some outdoor cricket next


Well done, boys!!

Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged


Senior Visual Art students recently travelled to the Queensland Art Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane. These

students were fortunate enough to view significant works of art by both Australian and International artists.

A highlight of the day was viewing ‘European Masterpieces from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,’ a collection of

artworks spanning 500 years.

Students experienced works by artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Turner, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Van Gogh and Monet.

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged


On Monday 6 September a very talented group of 15 Year 10 stu-

dents took to the stage at the USQ Arts Theatre.

Our students were one of five school groups to perform for Queens-

land Theatre’s “The Scene Project”.

Although the day is not a competition and no prizes are awarded,

students received a huge array of ‘shout outs’ from their peers from

other schools. All of our wonderful students did our school proud,

performing their interpretation of the script provided by QT with

confidence and great energy. Students were lucky enough to finish

the day by watching a one hour Queensland Theatre professional

version of the play, ‘We Are The Mutable’ by Matthew Whittet.

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

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This month with Hawks Library

… read with us as part of the Australian Reading Hour


What stories have meant something to you?

Australian Reading Hour 2021 celebrates the stories that matter and explores the role of storytelling in transforming lives and shaping our sense of identity, belonging and understanding – as individuals and as a nation. Follow along and join in @australiareads

How will you choose to read?

Originally launched by Australian libraries and library associations for the National Year of Reading in 2012, the Australian Reading Hour began as an event for all Australians to set aside one hour on one day to read – whatever they wanted, wherever they were located, and however they chose to read.

This year we invite you to

• Set aside time to read with your family - choose a time that suits you all to pick up a story and read

• Join us during Tuesday 14 September 2nd break for our Australian reading session in the Library Reading Lounge

Add a title to our #StoriesThatMatter display

#Australiareads #Storiesthatmatter #Morebooksmoreoften #Australianreadinghour

… get prepared for your exams

Use the Study Zones in the library for your focused sessions on study. There are tip sheets for you to take and resources to borrow to make the most of your exam prep. Look out in the next week for resources suited to external exams.

Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

Is there something you’d like to read? Add your ideas for titles and topics to the suggestion box in the Library.

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Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

The Hawks Senior U19 boys futsal teams travelled to Brisbane in week 2 of this term to compete in the QLD Champion of Champions Futsal Championships.

Like true Hawks, the team showed great resilience and character to progress through to the knockout rounds. The results from the day included the boys winning 3-2 against Kawana Waters State College first up before a setback loss against St Andrews Lutheran College, which in fact triggered the beginning of a Hawks winning streak. They won 5-4 against Stretton State College to advance to the Quarterfinals where they won 7-6 in golden goal against an extremely tough St James College.

The Semi Final was a classy game with the boys winning 4-2, overpowering a skilled Chisholm Catholic College squad taking them to a Grand Final against Chancellor State College with the boys coming away with a 2-1 win. Congratulations!

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The Year 8 Academy Science class has been learning about the structure and function of

body systems, and had an awesome time participating in some organ dissections during this

unit. Although at times a little gross, the students all thought it was really cool to see how

the lungs expand when air was blown into them. They also learned how the diaphragm and

ribs work together to allow for inhalation.

Students were then entrusted with their own scalpels to investigate the inner workings of a

heart dissection specimen. They were able to locate and follow the vessels into and out of

the heart, compare each of the four chambers and marvel at valve placement and function.

Dare we say, some future surgeons?

Keeping Hawk Families Engaged

This term, Mr Scrivens’ and Mr Mackinnons’ Year 9 Agricultural Science classes have been learn-

ing about the production of sheep for both meat and wool. We have been using the Ag Centre at

Wilsonton again, with the opportunity to handle live sheep. We have been performing a variety

of animal husbandry practices such as herding and penning, feeding specific diets for specific out-

comes, drenching, nail clipping, and general handling and care of sheep. The students have been

involved in all aspects of sheep production and have been pleasantly surprised with their abilities

to manoeuvre and handle both adult sheep and young lambs.

P.S. The lambs are very cute.

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Collectors Name: Collectors Phone Number:


PIES Price NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.

Family Beef $11.50

Family Beef, Cheese & Bacon $12.50

Family Mushroom $12.50

Family Pepper $12.50

Family Curry Beef $12.50

Family Beef, Tomato & Onion $12.50

Family Corn Meat & White sauce $13.00

Family Beef Topped-Potato Cheese Bacon $13.00

Family Chicken $12.50

Family Chicken, Bacon & Cheese $12.50

Family Curry Chicken $12.50

4 pack x single Beef $15.50

4 pack x single Beef, Cheese & Bacon $15.50

4 pack x single Beef, Potato topped $17.50

4 pack x single Chicken $15.50

4 pack Sausage Rolls $11.50

4pk Spinach & Feta Rolls $13.50


