u c > > 1 rIfJr f rqIlll lall T lC I l THE WORLD THURSDAY VENING APRIL 30 100 FLOOD FOllOWS te- V EARTHqUAKE r L S 4cat Lake Has Formed Bac y of Dam Thrown Up by Strange t Seismic Disturbance at Frank NWT 4t I l JEW DETAILS ARE KNOWN t identified Dead Already Numbe F ty Fifty arid Are Being Added tc Hourly ca the Search for Bodle- jjj S Progresses P CAIXJART W T April SO Th- urrlyor I oC the remarkable disaster a- Trank f B C have been working aU night to prevent an additional caw trophe Uit now threatens the lecUon- Bf the town that Is left c When the top of Turtle Mountain i blew off burying a large flection of the urAlley under rock and ashes and kill lag epa hundred perionj It threwI Li 4m o rock and debrla across Man roVer a rapid and deep stream that bad flowed past the town Th dam formed abovo the undestroyed sec Con of the mining village and within Ix hours the water had filled the valley I Jjack of the dam to a depth of 100 fee and extended back a mile or more it became evident long before sunse- lfesterday Li that a way must toe found to let the accumulated waters oft gradu ply or the suddenly created darn would vanish aa quickly as it wee formed 4ni- In a floodburst that would oweep awaY What Vas left of Prank IVnter sun Ulslnff About 4 oclock as many men a> could work Mere set to dleelng at the side ot the dam furthest from the town In a- fCort to provide a spillway for the water About one hundred men were i found who had sufficiently recovera L from the demoralization caused by the c overwhelming disaster and they weri kept hard at work until mldnlffht al tiough at that time they had not ac- oomp1ihed much Then another shUt I their places and worked through I until this morning At latest advice the water was still rising1 rapidly and t J1otown was In ereat I j Relief trains carrying doctors nurees end hospital supplies are bur ¬ 17n Frank from McLood Cran brook and Ferdinand Two at leut o t J ttuso will reach there early today There la not likely to be great need for f the doctors according to the meagre advices here Death end not I Injury WWI lice fate of all who wire in tho district affeoted by the upheaval or landslide The valley for scores of 1 miles about Is covered with mUll of c Crocks and earth from six to fifty feel 1 dej and few who were caught under the tall lived to tell of It Tha rail way for two miles Is covered fltty feet gt diftep with rock and late last nlchi Umea were still rolling down i Bofetr In the MIne t n If nojj certain that no mlria etpto I IJ tan oa the disaster The mln are Intact and the majority of the surr IIr YOre are the men who ere worfclna fat thorn They felt no UI ex > erpt tbllt one arty of sixteen waa 4i trapped by debris covering the mouth of a mln This party cut Its way out- n feet of roolc- and timbering as It went N LIke Lid of Giant Teakettle jL I The upheaval came without warnIng to the prosperous town at the foot ol Cgrtl Mountain The hill stood above the village rising at an aisle of forty ftve and trough some subterranean convulsion I ta top was lifted oft and de- I xwlted in the valley There has been 10 opportunity so far to examine into < he exact nature of the action but the etaitropho Is the most remarkable In history of Canada i t JUDGE FREDK WARD DIES SUDDENLY 1ePaaee Away at His Home In- 1 Brooklyn from an Attack of- f Heat Failure 1 Frederick A Ward who 54 < erv d for a i tftott ttma on the Supreme Court n2x- died suddenly of heart failure yMter day at hla home No 53 Remacn street Urooklyn Mr Word was born In Par rJJI rlnrton Conn In 1811 lie was grad- hated from Yale when twentythree years old and took a course In the Columbia LaW Bohool titer his admission to the bar he I hecarae njuriuelnz clprk of the firm of Ik Bmmott Van Cott and Jenlu In ISM he formed a partnership with the late Oranvllle T which continued later until the death of Mr Jenka dye yean In 1K S Mr Ward waa apolnted by Ii Oov Stack to Jill the vacancy on the Supreme Court Benoh by UI4I 1 death of Justice Oaborne tp Ur Ward Was President of ton Club a member of the BrSSRn JJ < Club the Twentieth Century Club the lAIIere Club and 3dent oT the Alumni Association He was a f t director ot the l3rooklyn Library ABBO 4 1 ICIatlon the I JeJIIIJ1l BO r tAsty and he Philharmonic Society J 1he11I114 rill will be held on Saturday i4 afternoon It Grace ICplaoopa brooklyn I1 J htB HEADACHE xc ilanai4wi ISWfttirftom Skkbifeb tD ui IwnIa visa aed Dun foue4 lay p111 aIu be Wjs iaki JOur Ouxaxeu ala kwp II Ice a 114 I aaiabi 7b iii d I4aL 4ubdowl7QIemclac4IwIo do I pU I ef uslag his fo 1ft IlqUall 11II aIIlIf ilL WJ odllupoll I lid 544- irI- hebowelt l t ll I cTcTtuITcS- PIIUl IPoDI re I oOrl 1 DoDm l > lb 11II1 bl SO La er Gla tItIIDg1CmSc3yCSChICODy I TEM MILUft lixEs- UIIe4UIksea = = a 1 l J MMi MBMMB THE XiBI1DAND IZ7URRD THAT HA VR- I3ERNRRCO VRRR1- kk trei known the dead and inuedya v A- M3ieilOTIV C a miner and Jill wife UETTO AlLfflX a merchant wits and tour ions CttiAsUC X laborer wlf and Rv children BIJROI1A J driver I QAiRAclc ANOTCEXW trapsr- WA1L4JS Gmlnr wits md three children P W nTQlNWJIIUrALkj miner wjfo and six children YAW IPUBBX JOHN ca rpent r wife and two children BUiMES B- SUMIS F- rjDSION D WA1UUNOTON FOSTER D i DAWE3 A LOCK TjroMAa- MARTIOAN M- All miner QRAHAil JAME3 laborer and wife WATT R Ifbom- ROcttET1E B laborer Dffi LAP THOMAS engineer TASHGIAN X Welshman BRIGHTON JOSEPH 6OOTT J 1- VOUQIlON FRANK jrVEIOH JOHN UEONARD J All mpioyecp of McVeigh a rail- road contractor The fatally Injured are WATKINS MBS JOHN JOHNSON JJ53TBR aged four- teen AN01HER VANDERBILT GRANDCHILD BORN ave D Hennen Morris and Wife Alien anderbllt 8hpp rd Parents of the 510 The stork has left a boijnotnjr baby boy at tbe home of David Hennen ilor Ill whose wIle w 0 Miss Alice Vindaj b Shepard daughter of tha late Elliott F Shepard and granddaughter of the late William H Vupdcrbilt- If the little one llvts ha will lahertt MorrlsBheptrd millions Pour wcelcp oga Mrs Morrta wait tt s Twentieth Century emy prt 4 th0 competition of the Womsns law class of the University of Now Torte Tee MorrJ tome is at No C63 West Sever ¬ tysecond etreeet They hay another olin > a girl born In ISOOU Ml JAMES DOHBRTI Writing About Paines Celery- Compound Says I was Benefited Be- yond ¬ My Expectation The claim that paines Com- pound ¬ li the only honest medicine in the world for the cure of terrible neu ¬ ralgia nervous and blood diseases Is fully borne out by the strong and con ¬ vincing letters of testimony received every day of the year by the proprietors- of the popular medicine Nothing else has ever possessed anything like the power of Palnes Celery Compound to restore I healthy nervous tone to the ti- i 4 gt L 14 EEV JAiTES DOirERTT entire body and to thoroughly cleanse the blood making it Impossible for neuralgia or rheumatism to find a lodg I merit in the system Ministers profes jlorial men generally newspaper men public officials and bralntworkers men whose dally because of hard trying anxiousworfc1 Is ex cesslve find renewed nerve anc vitality in Paints Compound Its lisp dispels headaches dyspepsia heart trouble general languor that are so common In springtime Rev Jas Doherty Everett Pa writes thus I used Paines Celery Com- pound for neuralgia and the blood I was my expectation It Is Indeed the medicine for my system It keeps everything In good turn There Is no wornout feeling to the user of the medicine who use It and derive no benefit from it simply abuse it j ak tItUtpUtty We Will Place fin SPECIL Sae FricJay ONE THOUAND PAIRS OP High Grade Shoes and Oxfords for Men Qf Patent Leather or Vlcl Kid button or lace style welt sole twenty new styles from which to select embracing all the new lasts and toes sizes 5 to II widths B C D and E Some are worth 3001 I Some Grit worth f Y Jur choice at225 Some arc worth 8400- We WiU Offer cjiM1 for Friday Dainty Veilings About forty different styles nil of which are im- ported ¬ in Black or Magpie plain or fancy mesh Value 35c per yard Special at 21C- We will Offer SPECIAL for Friday I Exquisite Laces Which include Imitation Duchess Platt Vals and Point d Esprit Vats from one to li inches wide in an unusual variety of dainty designs Value 20c e ud Special nt 90 Value 40c per yard Special at 190 Value 60c per yard Special at 29o We Will QffJcJAL for Fd4py Carriage Bags- Of Grain Walrus Leather in tan gray or black moire lined fitted with card case to match 8 Inch frame n Special at 95o m Qff r J JJAJ for Er9 Y Fancy RibbonsB- oth imported and domestic embracing PlpJds Rpirian Stripes Checks Dresden and openwork effects from 3 4 to 15 Inched wide Values 45c toSOc per yard Special at 29c Values 730 to fl00 per yard Sneclnl at Attn Values PIOO to f 165 per yrd Special at 58c t4Ibk tttty an tlt34f1J ttttt- r iTjT51 T c T JL- 44 I L r J uu1 iii- tt o 1MNtO- St All Cars Transfer t to MV S w For the Housewifes Perusal This portion of our store news will particularly attract the attention of the housewife for the reason that it deals with items which are everyday needs and are offered in special sale at prices not duplicable elsewhere for the same standard goodsand this is done in the e of the fact of the increasing cost of such mer- chandise Yard Wide Ittislln Bleached finished like cambric soft for the needle excellent wearing quality value Soc special yard Oc Unbleached Sheeting 34 width I good strong quality value I6c per yard lOc Sheets and Pillow Cases The famous New York Mills none better made prices less than wholesale cost none sold to dealers Sheets Pillow Cases 54x903Se x3611c 63x9038e 45x36 12c 81x9048C 50x36 13c 90x9003c 54x3614c White Crochet lIed Spreads For single bed good quality were 69c each 40c PUloiM Filled with soft hair and covered with good quality ticking weigh 3 Ibsl value l special each 40c Sheets Good strong cotton In two sizes 54X90 regular Value 35c special each lOc Comfortable Made of fine silkolliU weights to Suit all fran heavy to light summer sort the very best sanitary cotton Is no odor many stores ask 125 for these I our special price each 700 Turkey Red Fast colors 1 size all pretty designs regular price 60c each special each 39c Uti Ion Linen Table Damask Unbleached dice patterns I 68 to 70 Inches selling price 4Sc yard spe- cial ¬ yard JaDe Womens 2 Oxfords 129F- our hundred pairs of first rate patent leather and Oxford dJ Colonial in the smartest and newest styles will placed sale morrow all sizes ru Mtu H M ib Shoes at 229 Three hundred and sixty pairs mens fine dongola kid velour J lace shoes Oxford ties nobby spring styles hand sewed welts 2 go sale tomorrow all sizes GWII IOUI 11011011- T Boys Sturdy Suits 188T- he wearwell kind firmly and lastingly sewed ready for rough usage boy gives his clothes There are two stylesdouble breast- ed jackets and nobby Norfolk jacket suits with plaited back front the materials are best and newest of this season sizes 7 1 88 to 16 years Boys Continuation Suits 395 Handsomely made and perfect fit also sailor suits in I large va riety of styles Tim COteft tetl- ooMens T Spring Underwear 59c This is famous silkateen underwear which created such a- stir when offered at this special price some days ago We fortunately secured another lot which fill go on sale tomorrow at the same ¬ gain price- Silkateen is material possessing soft silky sheen which will be retained after innumerable washingsthe colors are plain pink blue and whiteall sizes Shirts and drawers regularly sold for glSo and 2your 5 9 C pick at per garment ricer eotn et section Another Day ol Good Values1 in Worthy Decorated Pprcelain Each day adds newlaurels the splendid records of this sale of decorated porcelain Never were values so exceptlon3ltygood and judging from the of enthusiastic buyers values are thor appreciate- dTodays are duplicated for tomorrow Dinner Sets 100 Pieces 595 Good American porcelain with neat blue decorations and gold edges soup tureen and large size dishes included Then These Pieces at Very Little Prices r- 5e jar decorated tea plates 4e jar decorated fruitsaucer- j7cfor decorated breakfast plates 9c for decorated tea cups and saucers Beor decorated dinner plates 2c for decorated individual butters 8e jar decorated soupplates 13cor decorated meat dishes IScfor decorated open vegetable dishes 7 inches 19cor decorated vegetable dishes 8 inches 69c Jar white covered slop Jars medium size 98c for covered slop large size Third hoar tjti Slctlon Wade Ai Butcher 0 Razors 25c These celebrated razors are of the finest tern rn steel and every one is set ready for use and Incased in neat cover I OUter Razor Specials ii Wade Butcher Razors 48c and 69c Herbrand Razors 48c Gao Wostenholm Son Razors 48c 58c and 68c Schaff Sterling Worcester Korten Anchor J9c 59c 69c 89c and 98c Miln rioor C9lh ttlo- oDLOPMINODALE L BROS ALL CARS TRANSFER TO- 3d I Avenue S9th and fioth Streets ULOOniNQDALES TT Llntn NaniDIe patterns slfe all hemmed ready for use special each Ie lnfort lluck Various sizes the quality usually sold for bc and I2c alt at each Sc New Embroidered Scarfs and fiAams lkimlltched and ruf- fled ¬ In all white also with light blue and red em ¬ broider value 39c to 49cj special each lOc Turkish Bath Matsis pink light blue and gold 26x Inches regular price 49c special each 20c Bath Toirelt size heavy the kind that makes a good afterbath rub pleasure very absorbent usual price 35c special each lOc Uiln Floor Nil r Uotnaii kid and 29 ties be on to at 0 8eoat tm n m of and 29 calf and i to on i a pair pjoor t J r the the I ¬ and the i in ¬ fteaat the bar a a flesh mu jars SI I a II e i I a rr Toiccls 6 Large a New Light- Underwcnr Special jar Women and Children I Dainty new and desirable Underwear for women and fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers for children offered at rare are the special- inducements the Underwear Store offers tomorrow 39c For Womens Silk Vests Excellent quality vega silkribbed tests to sell at 91 each all prettily trimmed with silk lace and ribbon at neck and armholes made low neck and sleeveless style col- ors ¬ light blue lavender black cream and white aU sizes 25c For the Childrens Finely made Trench BalbrIggan shirts and drawers the latter made with double seats i splendid quality all sizes actual value Soc Mite Floor B9th St fiMUm Bicycle Sundries Heres a short list of specially opportune values in needs each one a moneysaver In the truest sense of the word 20th Century Bicycle Oil Lamp Nlckelled or gun metal special 6Dc Zr rf W Luggapt Carriers Special lOc B A Z Brush Chain LubrfcantSoecial 2 Bicycle Saddles An assorted lot regularly sold from Jl50 to each special 50C Ground Floor eotb el etctfeo Awnings Made Let us estimate on your work our prices are the lowest for firstclass work Awnings Made from 82 Upward Orders taken now awnings delivered when wanted Tlrd Pleat 6Ot1I II Sctica Slip Covers 798- We will make to your entire sails ¬ faction a suit of new coverings for your furniture allowing 20 yards of 30Inch ma 7 Qfi terlal for F Youll pay 20 tot the same work elsewhere Send us a posts our representa ¬ live will call with samples TMfd riotr to aLat A Curtains and Blankets Cleaned lIvery part of the fabric Is gone over by hand no machines used thus saving the curtains or blankets from tearing Nottingham Curtains cttaneJ pair SOc Olhtrjhs curtauu ckintd pair 6St and 75c Blanktts cltantd pair 75c Goods stored till autumn upon re¬ quest Send postal and our wagon Will Call llilu Visor Nur Holuad- iDLOOMINQDALE BROS I 3d Avenue 59tb and 60th Stress J i7 LT J p i T I A r t Brimful of- MnyDayEcol1omiesfi These columns of Bargain Friday storenev s mirror the interest in every nook and corner of VS great busy store As brimful of pertinent timely Jupfleya1ng chances as are these columns so will the store morrow our first May day of 1903 > So dont mlssi j shopping here if youre on economy bent 1 t f T pppp pS Mens Suits and Overcoats 1 Men who are good dressers and have found out how to dress well on t j little outlay are the ones who have made our mens clothing store the popular place it is The values for tomorrow are in ¬ stances of the moneysavings here The overcoats are Qf excellent J quality covert cloth with serge body J lining and satin sleeve lining well made and tailored SS ti- The suits are in the newest and most 1 14 correct patterns and spring ma- terials ¬ 1f all perfectly tail- ored ¬ t r throughout Suit 6S0 A or overcoat tomorrow p frm ho r Coin It CMttoi r < u n SS sS T l f I 2Scro OK Couches- We a are overstocked with eoucheshave many more than we can conveniently show to reduce the number we offerQl sample couch onour floor In the coverings named below at adI i count of 25 per cent from present ces for Friday only t J5ru Oft All Denim Couches i I 35 OffAU Tapestry Couches i t 25 Off All Velour Couches I 25 Off All Verona Couches y 3 < This discount Is for tomorrow Friday only and applies tof samples only rro Reclining GoCaris > 399- v ii Smartlooking stylish GoGarts X x > I 1i ceptionally well made and finely1 finished throughoutthe sort you 1 1 would willingly pay much mbre ii i than our price forall fitted with parasol and rubber tired t wheels special valued 3 99 41 tomorrow at P- Other r Specials to This Section White Mountain Ice Oream Freezers i qt 2 qt 3 qt 4 qL 6 qt p134 ii7a 9100 9232 9309 Arctic Ice Freezers aqt 3qt 4qt 6qtr 9134 91DO 9180 9234 Strong Willow Clothes Ham- per 118 Garden Trowels Bc 7c and 23c T Galvanised 36iwIdt 270- Qrqpe andlfl5 From the Grocery Store r The grocery always leader bargaingiving 1 I ing tomorrows will budget to is exceptionally perusal of lb101ljvr Aunf Sally Pancake Flour toe pkgs for Sc Uaraealoo Coffee splendid fla- vor ¬ and strength bean or ground per lb 12c Peaoerry Coffee rich very ex- cellent our regular 24c kind bean or per lb IDe Our SOc Mixed Tea or English Breakfast per Bile Preserved Strawberries ifb cans Oci alb cans lOc JamLarge 30c lOc Pearl or fine Sago half price per lb1 > 3c Prunes meaty SIbs for 17o Corn without skins can 12c- Succotash fine per can So Fancy Tomatoes Our 12C cans lOc Early June Peas tender fine flavor can Oo Laundry Starch Mb lie Vloomlnpdales Best Laundry Soap Blr cakes for Bo 20c Cloudy Ammonia full quarts Ufo White luft cakes 4o Pruning Shears 22c 34c and 49t Wire PoultrllNeto ting per roll of ISO feet 12 18 24 30 jm 04c 9130 184 9232 Shears I Garden Hose 25foot lengths 917B j Garden Hose 50foot lengths 1I0 and soQ Oronasneor MI21 aeuod 1 t I store is in items g good as a items prove ground Oolong Grape plump very cartons 8 a Our at Scouring Soap Large cakes Jk Swifts Washing PO Cdtrnoai pkgi ISe i SafetvJratcfa u best 144 boxes Se Cam MFor the kitcheq 6 long ones I Ie Wines and Liquors tJ Cognac Extn fine Preach > y Brandy Imported to sell fat 1 200 per bot B9t IAebtrauralic7sRhine WIne A WllbelmJ Hattenhelmi else twice price down B800 Wnkler Rhlrx Wlw Wl- helmJt t very excellent down i f4Mf Pommard Burgundy Chan- son ¬ I Pere lie Flu Dettiaevqtt 4h t I Chateau YQUim Vftrttln Mir vlelle Bordeaux cklleCousri OOcj iBClImltll Kv Whlsluy abso- lutely ¬ oJ pure old and rlcbi this md tbtwbtrr M t2 J t- DeclarUes I tkls salt full quarts 7k is- old z rfreM r 1115 bottle Grs1iriiir i J I 1 I liverie3OutolToWD I Thraa PfriU wruttcwau wICA umw M lfc we < llfr In ib- UX4lon I Uaa or ieaboat 1 All USMMf MtfBfU w 15 5 I Turk til lorti X dry iaeda la 1M iLllaetNeriiAi sil i I lag cauli fumltiu a4 racrl iu wrxxat t- ALL L pS tc S a CARS TRANSFER TO aLOOMNOIIAL P DLOOniNQDALBS I 3AVtMf f THE i < WQJRLJP IS THE STANDARD i a9t j Jt ri 4 1 i J i 1 h I t t4 t

Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-04-30 [p ].€¦ · oC the remarkable disaster a-f Trank B C have been working aU night to prevent an additional caw trophe Uit now threatens

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Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-04-30 [p ].€¦ · oC the remarkable disaster a-f Trank B C have been working aU night to prevent an additional caw trophe Uit now threatens

u c > >1 rIfJr f rqIlll lallT lC I







4cat Lake Has Formed Bacy of Dam Thrown Up by Strange

t Seismic Disturbance at FrankNWT4t


t identified Dead Already NumbeF ty Fifty arid Are Being Added tc

Hourly ca the Search for Bodle-jjj



P CAIXJART W T April SO Th-urrlyor

IoC the remarkable disaster a-

Trankf B C have been working aUnight to prevent an additional cawtrophe Uit now threatens the lecUon-Bf the town that Is left

c When the top of Turtle Mountaini blew off burying a large flection of the

urAlley under rock and ashes and killlag epa hundred perionj It threwILi 4m o rock and debrla acrossMan roVer a rapid and deep streamthat bad flowed past the town Thdam formed abovo the undestroyed secCon of the mining village and withinIx hours the water had filled the valley

I Jjack of the dam to a depth of 100 feeand extended back a mile or moreit became evident long before sunse-

lfesterdayLi that a way must toe found tolet the accumulated waters oft graduply or the suddenly created darn wouldvanish aa quickly as it wee formed 4ni-In a floodburst that would oweep awaYWhat Vas left of Prank

IVnter sun UlslnffAbout 4 oclock as many men a> could

work Mere set to dleelng at the side otthe dam furthest from the town In a-

fCort to provide a spillway for thewater About one hundred men were

i found who had sufficiently recoveraL from the demoralization caused by thec overwhelming disaster and they werikept hard at work until mldnlffht al

tiough at that time they had not ac-oomp1ihed much Then another shUt

I their places and worked throughI until this morning At latest advicethe water was still rising1 rapidly andtJ1otown was In ereat

I j Relief trains carrying doctors nureesend hospital supplies are bur ¬

17n Frank from McLood Cranbrook and Ferdinand Two at leut o t

J ttuso will reach there early todayThere la not likely to be great need for

f the doctors according to the meagreadvices here Death end not

I Injury WWI lice fate of all who wire intho district affeoted by the upheaval orlandslide The valley for scores of

1 miles about Is covered with mUll ofc Crocks and earth from six to fifty feel1 dej and few who were caught underthe tall lived to tell of It Tha railway for two miles Is covered fltty feetgt diftep with rock and late last nlchiUmea were still rolling down

i Bofetr In the MInet n If nojj certain that no mlria etpto

IIJ tan oa the disaster The mln areIntact and the majority of the surrIIr YOre are the men who ere worfclnafat thorn They felt no UI ex >erpt tbllt one arty of sixteen waa

4i trapped by debris covering the mouthof a mln This party cut Its way out-n feet of roolc-and timbering as It went

N LIke Lid of Giant TeakettlejL I The upheaval came without warnIngto the prosperous town at the foot olCgrtl Mountain The hill stoodabove the village rising at anaisle of forty ftve andtrough some subterranean convulsionI ta top was lifted oft and de-I xwlted in the valley There has been

10 opportunity so far to examine into< he exact nature of the action but theetaitropho Is the most remarkable Inhistory of Canada


1ePaaee Away at His Home In-

1 Brooklyn from an Attack of-

f Heat Failure1 Frederick A Ward who54 < erv d for ai tftott ttma on the Supreme Court n2x-

died suddenly of heart failure yMterday at hla home No 53 Remacn streetUrooklyn Mr Word was born In ParrJJI rlnrton Conn In 1811 lie was grad-hated from Yale when twentythreeyears old and took a course In theColumbia LaW Bohool

titer his admission to the bar heI hecarae njuriuelnz clprk of the firm of

Ik Bmmott Van Cott and Jenlu In ISMhe formed a partnership with the lateOranvllle T which continuedlateruntil the death of Mr Jenka dye yean

In 1K S Mr Ward waa apolnted byIi Oov Stack to Jill the vacancy on theSupreme Court Benoh by UI4I1 death of Justice Oabornetp Ur Ward Was President ofton Club a member of the BrSSRnJJ< Club the Twentieth Century Club thelAIIere Club and 3dent oT theAlumni Association He was af t director ot the l3rooklyn Library ABBO

4 1 ICIatlon the I JeJIIIJ1l BOr tAsty and he Philharmonic SocietyJ 1he11I114 rill will be held on Saturdayi4 afternoon It Grace ICplaoopabrooklyn I1 J htB

HEADACHExc ilanai4wi ISWfttirftom SkkbifebtD ui IwnIa visa aed Dun foue4 layp111 aIu be Wjs iaki JOur Ouxaxeu alakwp II Ice a 114

I aaiabi 7b iii d I4aL4ubdowl7QIemclac4IwIo do IpU I ef uslag hisfo 1ft IlqUall 11II aIIlIf ilL WJ odllupoll I lid544-


l t



PIIUl IPoDIre I oOrl 1 DoDml> lb 11II1 bl

SO La er GlatItIIDg1CmSc3yCSChICODy

I TEM MILUft lixEs-



l J




kk trei known the dead andinuedya v A-

M3ieilOTIV C a miner and Jillwife

UETTO AlLfflX a merchant witsand tour ions

CttiAsUC X laborer wlf and Rvchildren

BIJROI1A J driver I

QAiRAclc ANOTCEXW trapsr-WA1L4JS Gmlnr wits md

three childrenP

W nTQlNWJIIUrALkj minerwjfo and six children

YAW IPUBBX JOHN ca rpent rwife and two children




All minerQRAHAil JAME3 laborer and

wifeWATT R Ifbom-ROcttET1E B laborerDffi LAP THOMAS engineerTASHGIAN X WelshmanBRIGHTON JOSEPH6OOTT J 1-

VOUQIlON FRANKjrVEIOH JOHNUEONARD JAll mpioyecp of McVeigh a rail-

road contractorThe fatally Injured areWATKINS MBS JOHNJOHNSON JJ53TBR aged four-




aveD Hennen Morris and Wife Alienanderbllt 8hpp rd Parents

of the 510

The stork has left a boijnotnjr babyboy at tbe home of David Hennen ilorIll whose wIle w 0 Miss Alice VindajbShepard daughter of tha late ElliottF Shepard and granddaughter of thelate William H Vupdcrbilt-

If the little one llvts ha will laherttMorrlsBheptrd millions

Pour wcelcp oga Mrs Morrta wait ttsTwentieth Century emy prt 4 th0competition of the Womsns law classof the University of Now Torte TeeMorrJ tome is at No C63 West Sever ¬

tysecond etreeet They hay anotherolin > a girl born In ISOOU


Writing About

Paines Celery-

CompoundSays I was Benefited Be-


My ExpectationThe claim that paines Com-


li the only honest medicine inthe world for the cure of terrible neu ¬

ralgia nervous and blood diseases Isfully borne out by the strong and con ¬

vincing letters of testimony receivedevery day of the year by the proprietors-of the popular medicine Nothing elsehas ever possessed anything like thepower of Palnes Celery Compound torestore I healthy nervous tone to the





entire body and to thoroughly cleansethe blood making it Impossible forneuralgia or rheumatism to find a lodg

I merit in the system Ministers profesjlorial men generally newspaper menpublic officials and bralntworkers menwhose dally becauseof hard trying anxiousworfc1 Is excesslve find renewed nerve ancvitality in Paints Compound Itslisp dispels headaches dyspepsia hearttrouble general languorthat are so common In springtime RevJas Doherty Everett Pa writes thus

I used Paines Celery Com-pound for neuralgia and the blood Iwas my expectationIt Is Indeed the medicine for my systemIt keeps everything In good turn ThereIs no wornout feeling to theuser of the medicine who useIt and derive no benefit from it simplyabuse it

j ak tItUtpUttyWe Will Place fin SPECIL Sae FricJay


High Grade Shoes andOxfords for Men

Qf Patent Leather or Vlcl Kid button orlace style welt sole twenty new styles fromwhich to select embracing all the new lastsand toes sizes 5 to II widths B C Dand E

Some are worth 3001I Some Grit worth f Y Jur choice at225Some arc worth 8400-

We WiU Offer cjiM1 for Friday

Dainty VeilingsAbout forty different styles nil of which are im-ported


in Black or Magpie plain or fancy meshValue 35c per yard Special at 21C-

We will Offer SPECIAL for FridayI Exquisite Laces

Which include Imitation Duchess Platt Valsand Point d Esprit Vats from one to li incheswide in an unusual variety of dainty designs

Value 20c e ud Special nt 90Value 40c per yard Special at 190Value 60c per yard Special at 29o

We Will QffJcJAL for Fd4pyCarriage Bags-

Of Grain Walrus Leather in tan gray or blackmoire lined fitted with card case to match 8Inch frame n Special at 95o

m Qff r J JJAJ for Er9 Y

Fancy RibbonsB-

oth imported and domestic embracing PlpJdsRpirian Stripes Checks Dresden and openworkeffects from 3 4 to 15 Inched wide

Values 45c toSOc per yard Special at 29cValues 730 to fl00 per yard Sneclnl at AttnValues PIOO to f 165 per yrd Special at 58c

t4Ibktttty an tlt34f1J ttttt-r

iTjT51 Tc

T JL-44 IL r

Juu1 iii-

tt o 1MNtO-St All Cars Transfert to MV

S wFor the Housewifes Perusal

This portion of our store news will particularly attract the attention of thehousewife for the reason that it deals with items which are everyday needs and areoffered in special sale at prices not duplicable elsewhere for the same standardgoodsand this is done in the e of the fact of the increasing cost of such mer-chandiseYard Wide Ittislln Bleached

finished like cambric soft forthe needle excellent wearingquality value Soc specialyard Oc

Unbleached Sheeting 34 width I

good strong quality valueI6c per yard lOc

Sheets and Pillow Cases Thefamous New York Mills nonebetter made prices less thanwholesale cost none sold todealers

Sheets Pillow Cases54x903Se x3611c63x9038e 45x36 12c81x9048C 50x36 13c90x9003c 54x3614c

White Crochet lIed SpreadsFor single bed good qualitywere 69c each 40c

PUloiM Filled with soft hairand covered with good qualityticking weigh 3 Ibsl value lspecial each 40c

Sheets Good strong cotton Intwo sizes 54X90 regular

Value 35c special each lOcComfortable Made of fine

silkolliU weights to Suit allfran heavy to light summersort the very best sanitarycotton Is no odormany stores ask 125 forthese I our special price each 700

Turkey Red Fastcolors 1 size all prettydesigns regular price 60ceach special each 39c

Uti Ion Linen Table DamaskUnbleached dice patterns I 68to 70 Inchesselling price 4Sc yard spe-cial


yard JaDe

Womens 2 Oxfords 129F-our hundred pairs of first rate patent leather and Oxford dJColonial in the smartest and newest styles will placed sale

morrow all sizes ru Mtu H

M ib Shoes at 229Three hundred and sixty pairs mens fine dongola kid velour J

lace shoes Oxford ties nobby spring styles hand sewed welts 2go sale tomorrow all sizes GWII IOUI 11011011-


Boys Sturdy Suits 188T-

he wearwell kind firmly andlastingly sewed ready for roughusage boy gives his clothesThere are two stylesdouble breast-

ed jackets and nobby Norfolkjacket suits with plaited back

front the materials arebest and newest ofthis season sizes 7 1 88to 16 years

Boys Continuation Suits 395

Handsomely made and perfectfit also sailor suits in I large variety of styles

Tim COteft tetl-


Spring Underwear 59cThis is famous silkateen underwear which created such a-

stir when offered at this special price some days ago We fortunatelysecured another lot which fill go on sale tomorrow at the same ¬

gain price-Silkateen is material possessing soft silky sheen which will

be retained after innumerable washingsthe colors are plain pinkblue and whiteall sizesShirts and drawers regularly sold for glSo and 2your 59C

pick at per garment ricer eotn et section

Another Day ol Good Values1 in

Worthy Decorated PprcelainEach day adds newlaurels the splendid records of this sale of

decorated porcelain Never were values so exceptlon3ltygood andjudging from the of enthusiastic buyers values are thor

appreciate-dTodays are duplicated for tomorrow

Dinner Sets 100 Pieces 595Good American porcelain with neat blue decorations and gold

edges soup tureen and large size dishes included

Then These Pieces at Very Little Prices r-

5e jar decorated tea plates 4e jar decorated fruitsaucer-j7cfor decorated breakfast plates 9c for decorated tea cups and saucersBeor decorated dinner plates 2c for decorated individual butters8e jar decorated soupplates 13cor decorated meat dishes

IScfor decorated open vegetable dishes 7 inches

19cor decorated vegetable dishes 8 inches

69cJar white covered slop Jars medium size98c for covered slop large size

Third hoar tjti Slctlon

Wade Ai Butcher0

Razors 25cThese celebrated razors are of the finest tern

rn steel and every one is set ready for use andIncased in neat cover

I OUter Razor Specials iiWade Butcher Razors 48c and 69c

Herbrand Razors 48cGao Wostenholm Son Razors

48c 58c and 68cSchaff Sterling Worcester Korten Anchor

J9c 59c 69c 89c and 98cMiln rioor C9lh ttlo-




Avenue S9th and fioth Streets ULOOniNQDALES


Llntn NaniDIe patternsslfe all hemmed ready for

use special each Ielnfort lluck Various

sizes the quality usually soldfor bc and I2c alt ateach ScNew Embroidered Scarfs andfiAams lkimlltched and ruf-fled


In all white also withlight blue and red em ¬

broider value 39c to 49cjspecial each lOc

Turkish Bath Matsis pinklight blue and gold 26xInches regular price 49cspecial each 20c

Bath Toireltsize heavy the kind thatmakes a good afterbath rub

pleasure very absorbentusual price 35c special each lOc

Uiln Floor Nil r Uotnaii

kid and 29ties be on to

at 08eoat tm nm

of and 29calf and i to

on i a pair pjoor tJ r

thethe I


and the






a a




I a

II e

i I

a rr





New Light-

UnderwcnrSpecial jar Women and

Children IDainty new and desirable

Underwear for womenand fine Balbriggan Shirts andDrawers for children offered atrare are the special-inducements the Underwear Storeoffers tomorrow

39cFor Womens Silk Vests

Excellent quality vega silkribbedtests to sell at 91 each allprettily trimmed with silk lace andribbon at neck and armholes madelow neck and sleeveless style col-ors

¬light blue lavender black

cream and white aU sizes

25cFor the Childrens

Finely made Trench BalbrIggan shirtsand drawers the latter made withdouble seats i splendid quality allsizes actual value Soc

Mite Floor B9th St fiMUm

Bicycle SundriesHeres a short list of specially

opportune values inneeds each one a moneysaver Inthe truest sense of the word20th Century Bicycle Oil Lamp

Nlckelled or gun metalspecial 6Dc

Zr rf W Luggapt CarriersSpecial lOc

B A Z Brush ChainLubrfcantSoecial 2

Bicycle Saddles An assortedlot regularly sold from Jl50to each special 50C

Ground Floor eotb el etctfeo

Awnings MadeLet us estimate on your workour prices are the lowest for

firstclass workAwnings Made from 82 Upward

Orders taken now awningsdelivered when wanted

Tlrd Pleat 6Ot1I II Sctica

Slip Covers 798-We will make to your entire sails ¬

faction a suit of new coverings foryour furniture allowing20 yards of 30Inch ma 7 Qfiterlal for FYoull pay 20 tot the same work

elsewhereSend us a posts our representa ¬

live will call with samplesTMfd riotr to aLatA

Curtains andBlankets Cleaned

lIvery part of the fabric Is goneover by hand no machines usedthus saving the curtains or blanketsfrom tearing

Nottingham Curtains cttaneJ pair SOcOlhtrjhs curtauu ckintd pair 6St

and 75cBlanktts cltantd pair 75cGoods stored till autumn upon re¬

quest Send postal and our wagonWill Call llilu Visor Nur Holuad-


3d Avenue 59tb and 60th Stress J


LT J p iT I A r tBrimful of-

MnyDayEcol1omiesfiThese columns of Bargain Friday storenev s

mirror the interest in every nook and corner of VS

great busy storeAs brimful of pertinent timely Jupfleya1ng

chances as are these columns so will the storemorrow our first May day of 1903 > So dont mlssi


shopping here if youre on economy bent 1 tf

T pppp pS

Mens Suits and Overcoats1

Men who are good dressers andhave found out how to dress well on t jlittle outlay are the ones who havemade our mens clothing store thepopular place it is

The values for tomorrow are in¬

stances of the moneysavings hereThe overcoats are Qf excellent J

quality covert cloth with serge body Jlining and satin sleeve lining wellmade and tailored SS ti-The suits are in the newest and most


14correct patterns and spring ma-terials

¬ 1fall perfectly tail-

ored¬ t r

throughout Suit 6S0 Aor overcoat tomorrow pfrm ho r Coin It CMttoi r <


SS sS T l f I

2Scro OK Couches-We


are overstocked with eoucheshave many morethan we can conveniently show to reduce the number we offerQlsample couch onour floor In the coverings named below at adI icount of 25 per cent from present ces for Friday only t

J5ru Oft All Denim Couches i I

35 OffAU Tapestry Couches i t

25 Off All Velour Couches I

25 Off All Verona Couchesy3<

This discount Is for tomorrow Friday only and applies tofsamples only rroReclining GoCaris> 399-

v iiSmartlooking stylish GoGarts Xx>I

1i ceptionally well made and finely1finished throughoutthe sort you 1 1would willingly pay much mbre ii i

than our price forall fitted withparasol and rubber tired t

wheels special valued3 9941 tomorrow at P-



Specials to This SectionWhite Mountain Ice Oream

Freezersi qt 2 qt 3 qt 4 qL 6 qt

p134 ii7a 9100 9232 9309Arctic Ice Freezers

aqt 3qt 4qt 6qtr

9134 91DO 9180 9234Strong Willow Clothes Ham-per 118

Garden Trowels Bc 7c and 23cT





From the Grocery Store rThe grocery always leader bargaingiving 1




tois exceptionally perusal of lb101ljvr

Aunf Sally Pancake Flourtoe pkgs for Sc

Uaraealoo Coffee splendid fla-


and strength bean orground per lb 12c

Peaoerry Coffee rich very ex-

cellent our regular 24c kindbean or per lb IDe

Our SOc Mixed Tea orEnglish Breakfast per Bile

Preserved Strawberries ifbcans Oci alb cans lOc

JamLarge 30c lOcPearl or fine Sago

half price per lb1 > 3cPrunes meaty SIbs

for 17oCorn without skins can 12c-Succotash fine per can SoFancy Tomatoes Our 12C cans lOcEarly June Peas tender fine

flavor can OoLaundry Starch Mb lieVloomlnpdales Best Laundry

Soap Blr cakes for Bo

20c Cloudy Ammoniafull quarts Ufo

White luft cakes 4o

Pruning Shears 22c 34c and 49tWire PoultrllNeto

ting per roll of ISO feet12 18 24 30


04c 9130 184 9232Shears I

Garden Hose 25foot lengths917B j

Garden Hose 50foot lengths1I0 and soQ

Oronasneor MI21 aeuod 1 t


store is in items ggood as a

items prove






8 aOur


Scouring Soap Large cakes JkSwifts Washing PO Cdtrnoai

pkgi ISe i

SafetvJratcfa u best 144 boxes SeCam MFor the kitcheq 6

long ones I IeWines and Liquors tJ

Cognac Extn fine Preach > yBrandy Imported to sell fat 1

200 per bot B9tIAebtrauralic7sRhine WIne A

WllbelmJ Hattenhelmi elsetwice price down

B800Wnkler Rhlrx Wlw Wl-


very excellent down i

f4MfPommard Burgundy Chan-son

¬ I

Pere lie Flu Dettiaevqtt 4h t I

Chateau YQUim Vftrttln Mirvlelle Bordeaux cklleCousri

OOcjiBClImltll Kv Whlsluy abso-

lutely¬ oJ

pure old and rlcbi thismd tbtwbtrr M t2 J t-


Itkls salt full quarts 7k is-

oldzrfreM r

1115 bottleGrs1iriiiri



I liverie3OutolToWDI Thraa PfriU wruttcwau wICA umw M lfc we <llfr In ib-

UX4lonI Uaa or ieaboat 1 All USMMf MtfBfU w 15 5I Turk til lorti X dry iaeda la 1M iLllaetNeriiAi sil iI lag cauli fumltiu a4 racrl iu wrxxat t-


LpS tcS a




THEi <

WQJRLJP IS THE STANDARDi a9t j Jt ri 4 1 i J i 1 h I t t4 t