K KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE-CI- TY. Rf f prtl, n, fbth Stres'. K7 ' MOtlHT HOPf. 34th Ward-I- xti on tlerrf ard 4' Br ?,0UiI ml'. r iiaautliul 11 nit I iramant-- . leeutllnl location, rait hi R' llVil Html .. Ii'tn l.'Cl!. an I Knlh Ha ft., i one blMk from " toiietrrf. Irollar caret N til 00 In ih, la'eiiieoii ninitt.e at lilt li aK i ceot.,ir fan (i I el.i oU hr lb inoulli tle bouaea mil I lio a. n to b at.yraclitr.l. Amil, on . k 1'"n' 'lo'i.Vv.V'.ndi'l';,.. R Can tin rwn n Sndi;. r til miaranleal hj " K! Gannin.Amerirari lit a l.naranue Uo. 1 aH.' fTFVKTiAiT iSTWard hmi.ee for al on mont e,.r ' Mill" lain do'n A.lilie.a nr rill, K'i afXTl'n. io;3 Home .L llG7th at.). I a.l.Mor. ' R ale.nli. N.Y.UtJ. . ? Kei 1"MIlhK.sf (tltV and ba.ement houae moat It anld f, ' thlawrek. IWIat at .r '.lh nml l III i.e. , , BBB. .err llllla can, innat b .enn to tie aplirrclatM i M. 1.I.II0U. J. C.IIOl'KJUN.I.I'.O.bol 1.M0 1 B0' V I785"CArll', i7 a month, all tin " L' or,,,.m,nt.,lroneortwolamilia,, 1 184 1 Intun 11 K are., naat H sin K IftaTKMTli. iliin raen, fl Rt mmiH;; Iota at " aE Knaibrl.l. .New (J. If. l.AUKl.M;t, H 110 W.t :llh at Hi' iOiil.J lii'a on Tilnllt, Wteloliaat.r a.n. A; S,lMin, 3d are, lot f I It cation imi.l ti ao'd. ' t t , 4t7iini Jl.rnom houea, all iniptoreine.ite. t P Jll. V'O- rt.alorj tUt tionaa. no b.treln. . C; 7 0 li 'n liar lioil.e lot .'i ll HI". ' Bli irt.uuill hiiraa 10JI are. Ironta :U a.e. L" 1h.f0'li Sd aro. Plol. I'.HJIiU. old hulldlnra J i3n,0ul) rnnltlln are. 'i.l IRiijvlio. K l5.ll,..ronallratfllAl'l'KI.I.,.S. .1.110 .Id a.e. 1 K. I'lll.rO.). IM'I.H' lN'n al.i. I AIH'i:iM, ehedee. 1; Jtc, altri.tl.e a d haai'inanl lioi.aa in 2 K.'' iwrlatit u ti t- - block, a, a:i an tin. a. K' l).NKIl, THTaat IJTth at. R K. 'JXilTK (OK BALl'.i nlilfli cnunT. on HlabMna r' it-.- . iU tan north ot Ua.ttl aa, , prlca K' 91,00 i acbi a,G50 taali m ca.h Jot. balanoa on . L bond and mortffaa B " , JOJIlN UA 1111. U 1535 Intataalaaaa. nfll wXtfO-Two.ai- ora "ba-- a naot brick and i tnmahiu.'.i;lililtl'rt (mllli,l.ar,i3.r, W' lotSJllOO. motta-ac- l.00 vrl.n .i..0U. , KV .1. li. f, liKl.ltV. Alnatoid nil ara. K attonalon fIO. turnaia m ca lat, ii;nilc" H gj.llii:!; ,tuvi ..,niln. .1. . I, r. IIV, JeS V K AbialarJitm av.i 7Ulh at. 4 kanrnTSiDiriiKK irifiVTrt'Av! HiHisr.S ' t(lr Iito famlllol, from H.Olll) to 0,U0il factl. 4 L HfCill1 KAII.-- . 177'J 8 ap. Hti .V.scnit'OH. A E?' AMt OM baa anouah anjof quiet IK" In ona 1 r' ol tha h ailhloM ot In Iho I'. K.tidnnra . K Inat to ka p hi mind butjr ralainir p.ai and Bi t hrka'ra Kbit lha robin alnra In tha app a Iraa. , r. H, 1 will aall him my homaitaa In atattdard lull ' t Vara, in Nau, N J., mi tnlnutra from N"tr fj IIK Tnrk Cltr. 3 bjocVa I10111 utl.Mi. lor I'.noiiii m- - Conlla'liia: ot an Indatm.iitant toar two anlatialf a fc alOi-- trloa ba.amanl ll'toom 0110 on J unniar . IIH.. Iota,. .11X100; wateri aa aort nai.'lmuaa aloiin roat mi 7.Iit0iJria nt icn w II atockail with frnll trata K? of ail aartaty In full baaring; battar daacrlptlon f W lira 1 tatballj. Addiaaa A. hot 10(1 World. LLLF iCHAScR; Volt KOlli: CNR! Am atolntr to 2 g; Raropal wil aall tnn tnnamanti. Want Itfitli at., , ' Hr OBkcorntr, Amttaraamaira.. ona rortiar, yd aaa,, ' ITnTnTnTnTnW? star 115th at. tarma to antt nnnclpala a Idraat " K' tlra. HllAW. tot Mil Wntl.l. uptown, K AT A BAIlOAIN-- A rornar prltata noma xltlia Kt alabla. ISAAC MA1IX. i,C, W'at 1'Jlth M. 7 IIH A'tiIttRE-r"AMII,- r'LAl'i food locatloti, naarir K, nawt rantad low at Si.rtoo par ai num. will aall r LwawV-- IHAAtl MAItX. (I Waatiatthat. LLB' AltAltriOIIAKO -- PKaTa lor"ararp1cc of propt a'aawKr artr, all rant t brlnra if7,344 par annum, will awVK?1. (all balsa 70.0IIII It aold nltnln too waaka. J K; JMAAO MAKX. 00 Waal liSllial. . LBt-- BROWM-KTON- IIDI'sn, HOthat., nar Madlaon ' , R ' , a aTa.,loraao rarr baap. aial 1 l.ili. lUUial.. awawVj? ' naar 7th ara., aaar tarma; 4 lota. llCtb at. Hr.! '. KW.WMt. 4 Waal IJId at. H' CinriCKHoMhTianil'ouia tratno dwrlllnir, two ' awawV ato'Iaa And batemant. nair vlaratad atatlani.c "J.t.fOU, ( Otll.Tlill. ;l:)B Ilroadwar. awawK'l WyKTi trnnn-t.u- .a Iron! Ci'uran f Br Anhouaai prlca 011,1100. 3115 Manhattan arr. LLB'f THllkK alatant dwal Inna for lata , mutt ba aoiil at ; ooca.loa. ana.uia. 1tKNNa.rr,lV(l llroadwai, ' t Cl.Oill)' CAHI - Htora propartri aood btialnaa awJvjYKL tbraa aiorlaat near alaaalad vtatkou; c tf.TMk i:.it;i.ri:lt, n.m iiiodair. iHi WfurnisheF houses to Let, 1 awawKL .CRXRLICjV'kVT, to at. 7 rooma'anJ t K hath. tA tESSTCUK BOUI.T.VaU . liifii ft7tll U rulu- - t Kl aita' O tr Hall i carat rlaar front t prlrata houaa ; J. atani apprtilitad, r LLKl LEXIXU'l-O- AYR . ili'iO -- rJMl montblr; month 1 K? fritatrlhh brlo4 dwelllnjrt bUli rrnuuJ i oor K looairt' Harlani ana I'antrat Tark. 0 H;1 ll iM.Ocf bl'., A'i "Tiam aoino.t. uaw, alayantl Bf daoorjtad houaa la Mntn Ward i portion ttontii fX hot .and onM watarl rangt prttata bntba and 1 nk cloactal no o llldrali t opon Sundaa t 0 lo 'J6. aBaHLf I'liTlaPror 1'irAOi'. Oil. aait of 3 j'aia , batwran 1 H 4d and 4Jaat.. tliraa-ator- anr Daaamnnl prl- - rTtta booaa, rant a)7od. Apply on praiulaat or j a'aawft' B booileld A Co., 0S1 Coluu.uaa ara., toriiar SSIbaf - K? WA8HIXOTON AVI'.. 1MI-- A houia. I'X rooma ,ftn4sarratt plotA4il03i rout VUii. ! aaK; iTTllrlT.. 911 Wi:.ST I.Vtt.ci. (1 In mil Kara I ftlf, naat door ownrr at raal Wftth at. K l'tl0Titst., Ill "tVKVt'-tu- no par yoan Hh , hnuaa, Park autranca ; wlda traeti new dnra. awawaW'' itOTHrlT. S31 thta.a"tory VJ bri04 tin bna.loa. SII3U. I'ctmlla. 138 W. tjlh. Hp 1'iirnfRT.. C.7 Wr.ST-lli- no. 13 rooma ant BmL latbl all Improrementa; larira jrarden t on blnok aVarawaC' fro rant rarr ni'Hlaraio. aara wltu jaullor lawawawL; otc.ri.ar lilt. .1. I.. liOr FMAA.N, 3U7 Hroadway, LwawaVi' cr 81 Ka.i lltlti t. "Al-A- .-TO LET. "TO LET.'; t jut n't sr 4HTII sr. i iB:;' ' Finest Private Block. iKo, t'0utunn root '0nc?, Hi ri'out.. tlpll for two ik? Uml'ti.1 ri.t ( cnotl i.rtr 41. "OU ttr annum. iKf AUAUIE UllANtM for no-- mm fk ntc thro in. b ilai it If it hu'itt opt n reta". Appl iHr' AFliUiVh.uKY It, ICK irirnt- linn., rmit iH' iftlKJ her mri can 'f .SunJif. Hd iK, lfutlsTf mo uh an ll'aili.Vith .labftt and Urn.: iK , urr Mini.l by 4 ii ImhI ltKint vifw of iEK 1h ltud-f- f. 'iJ lla lfin Hirrr: iittim tin .rnnio iK h pprteialili rout very iMiidTite. K Iritft iHf lr'dcria an I iiykmltt t. um (iioi-- frHi hi iH: wvhi4UtIin. J. C. llUl'l'.UA.NN, llriadHa. i. or 04 rait 11 Itli it. i LrW"Lf Compl-1"- r .r," iirixtit little iHH hj'iit. all Improvtiuic iu-- ij 8 loomn tiul iHvT Drir8lit ct. rUltioit. iJt l$t'l., M. A . Lot 'JJ3 iUS., Wif(l, Uptodii. iK Kos. 7i to hiVit l.Vni hi." " I, iKJT Vrur tttit tlite-.i-t- u hrnntoi fcnim, Vi'.ft , enh n t trlmul ihrnticlio t va iHBt tittof.. ir.tw tii'i tin Ik'r., nit Uni lundittuut iHfP 1.800 pr .Ip'i' lor iuiprcttuu, iHM! HUl-rA- 1MIDH AND ABH CO.. iHK cornrr Vt i a.e. mJ 1'iU t t. iBfV 5o LP.T ,l'br,-to- r i touti it luui e, iKV' ton vt., i t f?n I Utli ind 1 lftt'i it . alt tin- - iHk tjnt M. IIAl.l.lDAY.'a'HUn iBmf Voi.El iniiT'. liaiitTnuniti blip lion, Vrrnim, iBtEl. Itnlh, at m'Mlrri. i'liprnri'nftttl , rtnt per iH1 tnnnih. lnut ruG ra-- t Hitl ki. iBili Imprtftamepto, ntrn 1t crnun.i, pleiur vi iBn Jrit't anil fcliAiij trj i tMirtht omtr 17:1.1 t, HiiiiB' a"tt Wahiu;ton av. , rft.oua. la irnt, Ai u i in iV.t pr.-- i.ti iH? TORH.fl tnanrlrati 'ftn l J bilrk hou rf 0 iBfctf iojm nl h . Iiiit raTiMni na n l,"M)t tt . nr iBElr r' UinnU ,. m tt'fc mnt Iranttf i .u iBW' 't itfliat-- , Mltli tmii i.nmp crmiii.ln, eittll0iit vim of tli hud u. an I fj mui'teU.. 't1 ''ol tern-- f ff rf .taunj.it c lmjtnr I r iHlv , 1nr da a in , irmuvi, rr o( owce , IU3 r.ast fi'J.li iBffi-- " u 11 A- i, to 5 1. M, iH' TO nKNV-2i- ;7. o3n.briLk iHm mai.ti, jtia Uril, iK Itr. r,S rnnkfert it. iHijft S- - T Tl.' A. tW: I.M' lIi in;.r.T.Tnt-i- ; tHM,p rtiDt. 4411. 14 Hlin t.. nrr l.cst tf t u Kt Ate' A A OUt.r, ".in r, 1111 (,r ;MC i t. iK 0 A II, In'rt c ttrin , 7 r mm coithum, iHvX" ."r.,1. ' lu luui pUcr. Ultii iH iU, lOlli av. ; CU0 re'ut7vi roa i. iHq iHlftV' TO I.KASi-- llonnt, c, r m, Mlth icrwil rnnml, iKA mluuiaa' wo k Irnm I, o'ai iin, t If. pr mu'iih iHLj 1 r lu uriMailo . hiitiiiie ul 1'. H.t ll V. Ut- - iK land (, , fir uklui. " " B-4- ' FURNISH CD UCUSLS TO LET. fn all iJtiit4 .t if.) riiou., lu, tliruu iB:' tirwksyn. iB'A A'TLVIU ST , 2t; 'etwt.oi. He Kull ind Wil. HLl y'i nh-- o i t i ftm Uriel i.omr, w.tti LLLHK. pl'.r.r., ta- - loci i . tfi,', to t rl .u ur til ee prt Pr nioutu. n. nt.o lri.,r n! ClrtShiu. In i Tilrd l'u.:o, l It WANTED. rj. Ilrunwlin. 7n"Ti- - Ut l.Vll llrralwar. 1'r.oa yn. 'r h !! a bom '. r Ilu'tr a'id l.a.mitit to b I ea (tit li itlufsi. Apply to TO LET, : ast&iae. , ilvur la prlrat' DPnil.l 77nd 10 iinbrriM m, Bcrrlcn. a.t tinprommtnu, 315, cornt-riat- at.-- A it. it, (5 rcmii .a 1 bath .11 eirtatnr ni mraui lirat, rout 14) ihir. itniiaifto ttHaiii Iivatvil apirlmeiit of atu rout i.O tu tti'i. Apply bt-e- n 84ti anTpStH alaU 0 ruoua auJ tatb. un.ata mn. aar lffltn fati of vatrr 914 aid 1S. J,n, llrt, F,l0 Huttl IfODt JauKor, ooflifcituifs fLATS AND APAHTMEN72 TO LEh Unfurnished- tntt Sue ri! AVi: , no- thraat trntr 3.1 t -- eoml f.t rt la run 'ixlit r'Hn Kifaui he At. ltli tt?r. r li A'r , Iffif.n 13th and tHtbM.-.N- w flit, dm orated a imtir.ittiiienfn only .."' r if n . luui taiiiilia (n loiU", if i.t and A Jl. PI Ir to Jiil.N MrcAKtJlY. on pioniUaatopen jnJty. . ' )I'H 1ST . ifiSTlAHf llrpt tlno', G lltht rninai id tmrirnt ?ni4hlia . Ininifl datf pnialon. j;IIM.,'fllf'ft A.i&rt inputs of i hire f. onni ultii al Impr ivinnt. aih tur. it pro(aird raiei oca rt quired , tent ttl. linisV., f IT. iTr,, Uh T!ASr-i:- i.a t ilcfit. lltprrT4l and at'ict'y kept artl'm nU uf 4 n.a ljr reepeetabla sinaU Inmlliri taeieucea re Hired, till .T..0nj JlASf' l'leKant fniiit (lata. 4 ro unai ball, hitlruuin , ametit mil I famiheai il). 4 8 I. Tllhr..2y I, AM, ra ton .Natlf derrit-- d lUt, s nti'ii.. t . mantiea, m it rr n rinraj. renli rean"f ' le, .la Itur. Tl II SI'. .I'- -l r'Ahl", i.eir ttiynut I'ark lo let, unftirniahed, creator put nf .itorr n- ii'a, ioi lucatlou for ilrc tor or itreaainakr . arau Muii , - 'Til hT. 314 KAhT, neir Stuiye-an- t Very i1"itrb e Hta, 7 rm-- , all Inii r .MU"iita . 'ill t'.i, to iamtnr. or Hn.1.1' II At ttOI hlAdtlo .1, 00 Urn, riv, coM'f JJ I ' WI'II hT., 341 KANT- - Ver dMlrali e parlr llat.fi Iatfs liplit rooma, Immeditte pi,i'-.ai- i. Ap ly a H.tr, nr t I'lM.r.U A t O I'll I Ml II A M, j ltruadv4y, turner li at Dill M' . 424 Vt -.- NnuniP i!nr l'i prirata hiaitie I i r Tenitnl nenl? rnndatiM .'). if r II hi., 'AM I AST-Mi- llie Hoor of:! tiler, ll,ihl iooiiih and latU, rant leamnaiiif , tan trtt aecu tintla,. ATU ST . '.!IH I'.AST f. aid 4 Ht t tonma, with ImpriiTenienta, rent fl'i t't 16. ttanltfir. A I'll HT, , J. iAM-nr- .4 rooma, In b Tk lion, iomall family f adult. t trilM'.. 314 I.AhT I'loor In pdiate hoiiat; fiiur rooiTi., conrentenuea. would Mfido If party tits. i 01 II T , 220 KAHT, b- -l teen at anl 3d ?ea. - i lecant , tnUia ai.d all modern im- - roTnineipa rnt 1 4 'Jf. 7TII .ST., Tit I.Ar- - iV.uith flat, 5 rooma. rante and liniroferaeut, rent t 7 . huiriay. HTIl SI' , IMH i AHV-F'--mr frent rnimst InipritTenienta, naeorate 1 psrtor, naitittiba, uiiitiMttler, fioaetaj mnt 11?. 3TII MT.t K5 Eh1 Oimer fata. 0 totoa and Into, 'ilT-- lt ha.i, hot atrr fn m atanm oiler, eoulhern eipo-ture- i limn uate iio.aeaalu.it ent frae to Juty l(at,iall-- f Hats :iu . hall bur. nltor. I'TIl SI. 'a4TKAsr-il,aia- nt cond atnxle flat, 7 Ura rr. ni. 4, c:tolc h Ighuuruood , eievaUd tatfoncorner. 8 I'll M, 4 IS Flotr in priyatt bona; rent naicotblr, Cl 11 hT, 434 KAt-Kleg- aiit at am baited llati to lett itva rooma, rani ilC tu ilV inonth. in liiro'iprmUfla. 4 hi .Vf.. 11 .at, fine order, a't ImproTemanttt atio tbud, 20, very ca rat la. ai'l! .sT7.32TrTAiHT-pjrl- nr anrl Laaament fltor to let , II room anl btn . 41. a U m lHti k inr (.liri.'o inri Ant u tnii 7 room and balti, with iioprj? iiint. in goud iel(hborhoo J. 6TII 1iT.,I9J KAHP flita In let. aii1wpro?.v nirnte, all lu ood unirr, near l.atati'm. 'OTUhr., !d1 KVS'I lleaanlly ileourataT flat vl an rnoiui anJ bath , all npiovin nta , 'J2, la tlttaaa, IH'II STt, 17" apaclona parlor floor il, uneiiep Igoible locatloti. lr futta ,3tS Veit 40th at. I21 .ST , 104 KAhT--b- e ten lie tit rooma, with Lath, ni'wly datt rated, ail liupruTeinruta. In Itilra owner. '3. NT,, 342 h'AhT Elajfcnt tfat, 7 larfe. litfht louina, all imprfiTerneuU . ion rtuit tn r atatlun, I3U ST., ft 7 KAHl, Ancntta- -I hird i!at, four lilae rooma. t.atht ChMailan family, adulta; Blww&0i IminediAle poaealuu. 14 11 Ml , 004 Tiuilnnii-oin- i llcht (lata.' aernn riom ami all Improremanta Bin llurk lardt'a belt. t I4TI1 ST., 1C4 KAhT 7 and bath, 1R to 34. HIT 1 HI'.'.BVi IJaiST Harm larri to inn ati LatU, near atation i nil dfooratMi i 9a4 I8TU T.. KAhT-S- 4 rooma, newly paint el, , tnar atatlun and park. IHT1I hi',, 11X1 i:AST Ittn.abia llala of reorna and bathiall f24 to 131; adjoin n enrner I'ark a. lJhSi.Ull KAh'l -- An elijt ntl- d ateaiu baa ted alailt flat, A rnni a id btth , all lirflit. I7TI1 1ST , 140 I A HT- - I. jrirt, onol. bealthv mrner flat a, rive and all ru mat bath and private halls t .11 improvement, janit or' air toe. ewily a d$2l. irtTil 1ST , V02 KAHT Tbre and apart- mant a. 7.MI, 98, 4l ftO and Hill. AVJli hT., 1(18 KAHT Vlvrtlart rooma, near park, rent till 1, with aH Improte aianta. ill'jb hT . i3l "apartme nTa"; netalv painted 7 up, qnUtlamiMea-- , naar:hl avr. lUATIl lsr.,M I.Ahf -- Vlerint lll to foomi and ba h i decorated i reiricerator. beat, all Im it o amenta, pilw. 1111. Inquire Janitor, on trerni-6e- i'lOI'II ST.. lfift KAHT-- 16 It te. b and (J rnomaau bath, all Improvement! j large, ti(bt ooruai pennct order . near i. etatlan. 0"T1I HI'., 21 T KAHT-Tno- lre tlat of 0 rmiitu,' wttSimprovemriitai-- t IS, let to a family of a lulu ; io children allowed. (Inuer on tha premUea. 10 'J I'll hT. , 1'.7 KAHT-- llva rooma, ei" lenliin. batbrjom, refiUa.ator. awuinsa; lHi e. tn July, IOjTII HT.. CiT I.AS'l Ai'irtraeiitv 4 Urge, Tltiht r oti m. iinprovrnienta, V 1.1 to Hlfl , cummenca 15th. Janitor. IKiTU hT . I'U KKI' In profed apartintuta tu lot , 4 room, (lu. Appi) .anliur. lUfll hT., 73 nettly deco- - rnteii lUti, 0 room anil lath, man ma. rtiant entrance, aalat-t- ; 1H up, apetlal llMturrnt Hit a to aool ti unit a. Illllll ST., 112 KAST- - 3 and 4 room., newly piiit a I lmprovemiut, ient-- to ill- llll 11 hi'., C Sli ML If M rooma anil Latn. all linpri vetnanLo, iait 917 up. near M mi I inn are .lailtor. nr . lloCn.nu, .J7 lUI'll HI' , PI V.K T- llihd and lifih floora, all loum, rei.t troi to JUU If. IJ4TU HT., 7.1 - Fl noiiiia'd bath, all Intf rotemeiitai neely detotatatd, $10 up. Jan- itor lUril sr. 73 UhT-llando- tiie (lata. t rooma and I alb, bit light, with all ImpioTemanta. ilaultor. lUini hi'.. 7(1 lAHr "InnU "itat. fliri t rminC tath.wl e I Htrntful'i ''"l rtaainitdt term for daalraiita toanl t nnu't mini u t'ai. UBlllSl., U7 l"AM KSitiile hrat and reVMUtl Oat. olt rnuira, liktb, aeveu rouma, i ath , ntjar Mntioii. 1 111 I'll ".vr..".ipf"-1- flat a to rent j U rouma; it th all linpn.amn)a. ll'Jl II ST , . '22 I Ahl-- Sli ruottia, bath, all n u lankncea, ateaii bcato I llat. 123i T.. 2AI of A all li.lil rooma, i ath. li&iKiaomtrlt; iktural-'d- , 'J1. A. --- A. -- A. --A. -- A.. -- A. FflEE RENT 1 MONTH. to l.t.r- - it) i.kt -- id M. r. UW AM) 111)111 ST. VIIOM I8 TO f 30 ITU MONTH. The tvait b and 7 rn in anl tnth , all Improved ; ami ttrpt-- t t iHa nmlr i!p orated. Apnt tu janitu-- , 'JSt i 1 nit at t aTe.,bvtwceu 115th and Illiih it A. -E- XCELLENT LOCATION. Hien.ve tniio data, a liiniittT.il aula. Janitor lu 17(H) Ma .lam arc, new lloin at W. HAUrhK. AriltT'iU.NT- - TO li: a. ii irr Noa. "I'd a id .ttl 1 ate , I at Mean vd t and 4lb V'mir rooma ntll.lion a nl pl'intblti . hall- - and aia ci naid. valr r ti ,.1 tij altm pump. Apply t u 'pet on pmot.t-i- . r, imjI t.l. t I'M I AS r K.I II ST. It nt fret to it ily v'eaant apaMinent of 12 par fai'tl) i'ojht to mnt hiftUkooJ. imrrora , ttieatii haul, en vaior. Hour t rvlf. Ac. . laduO. lui(uire jau nor or riK'iu 21. 2i Ur a i a TI.K I i.o si.:. 114 Tail HI t at. A a nirli f r t Hat, H nom aiot i ath , lame, lisht, attain ti at. ban 'uiimij d u i at l, pm.tn aua, intrror. aa lot:" . u " A pplt ,Uitt. Tin. i. 'i;M? ami - Hi uorii.. 1.14 AMI I .id r.S" S1 il hi Kent finr to July . ct r. I apariui'Mi't if elxht liirtit ro' ut, a . har 3 wti.t.i. uurrora, duur im etc . A o hoi if s7.au, ln)uir. jauiwr or routa '.4, '.'JJ IT a lwa. A A -- NKll MiM'NT MOIOUS I'AHk, l.'.'l) hi., 15 i Af I - in Hat nn lire a, lijht r ."ii a bath . all impru emeuta . dt'ratpd J Uu' ke"i'i r. Y.a I' 10 .ST Tll.fi 10 Ver d'a. ir.nl. tU , , r h 1111 a .ti bait, 'tairj lieat a iriproTrnirnta M o w vnt il ol 1 .10 - r "t ft i 416 UP. d ffli.L: aiihon tiata, JC.Tui aic aetit iti , (.ct t i d4 ' rate I tl Uv, n'lir Kit, 7i Katt 14th at. UnfurntsheJWeit Stde, AMSTFUD.M AVB.. 745 IUtdomt ateanv li'iatet apartment of aii roctn ou the uat al1a a ,d cJ7 nil. ia ice. baa tnj, airy rooma bnaLtliin ie acruat H .tiaou ither, Jauiior, U4tl ft., baaaiuwnt, CIIAHf.l.h ST., 2H -- Aoartmanta.tmir rooma ach fr 'iiand b k,Btct n oor, l'orinua. OOI.UMIlUH AVK.. tr.1, near UMh M. - 1 JW'I t' r r"uju. al. 'pi'.iralrd f'M 1.1 tioiailMHfS 1 VT." "4U.I eue clat an.i"fid ela" - I Iff ait t UUt 4 rouiu. and baft . .11 uuproit. ineuta. 7th I. Maliou. ! .MCllUl.Ah, 14n. UroA.lwujr, naar 42d at , ur janitor. Ctil.lMm.S(ti.i A'l... 'Jl.i, h4if.n 105th am ldt-t- aia. . cl.amp Hat lit romtuleut locality DrtJO'io-- with iuipruTamenta 7 15 CUI.Lt1I11I'-aV1- ' ,f7j;b"tvT(ailO.la"ori03raT -- Mn,iuvel painted ruu 11., ltli t'liurovemant re'it Ml C rU dill S mVi '4 i -- A naat a,con3Bour tlaT fl rointi 4)17 Iniika on prcmiaet GIIKI .NWICII AVK . 110 hitteen 7tlTanTRtl B?-- a. HaDil.oniu y tuora al i. b alMfeb r)m atil bath, with all tmproiatnrnie, only toy ami Ua lit hout rent only to lauttor, -- Jl Wei9tbt.,cr V,K'l'ejtvu,.JC Utb HATS AND APAHTMENTS C0 LET. Unfurnished West Sde. HUDSON ST., r,f)l lArc-pur nr flmr, with bate inent. if rnjulred , ffuod lovettuu lor dn:tor or a rui 1' nt int. f.l.NKX A Vi .. ."144, naar U5th at -.- tenant HtC fltu lartra, llabt nniiua an bathj all liuprora-ineo- , i H) Janltrr. A MII.T.iSIt, 213 Writ 12.Mbft. MANHATTAN AVI. , 3R-- . near lUlh til- Kilri .urge ait ro ma , b.tlt. tiriralo ua It ataaru lief.t . reiat tetl tenant. MUliltN ST.. U ASH 11" riti'e light, airy Apart- ment a, at imtirotemanta , l i. jU lo ill'l. iVl. he janitor or h. K. JAY.S l! a CU 254 Wfd '.'.Id at. hi. Mi IIhLas AVl! . 1A7, nr llfth at -- We. nait tuaie I llat, 7 roouia an 1 balbt 3J. Jant tor, oj premiaiea. hi'. Mt UOI.AH AVK., 42 aS'II ;i4t, 5 blnukt from eietate I ftntlo' Meffetit (lata r f ft ruuina, nMiv p"ited. all inoilain imfirrivemrnia, , ln aHh, location . to be aeeu hum ja. time 17 tu 1V1 U'avkki.kV n.Aci:, 107 im tiuor, iioj.aii' improvententat hrstclaaa or .eri iorent lifht lniatiietia. or deBiilug. Janitor, or .Moueypenny, 178 f.lh ae. WAVi: I.HY IMMCK, 1 lf -- Four rooma and bath", all Improvement. ienta, H'J ia Mri, Apply to, Janllor. 41 II hT., UVJ llala to let near Oth ata r'1 luiprovamtuia. Apply on premlieaor H'.H Wrat 28th ai. 41 It 1.. 220 VT-Nle- ely derorilo I llala every (oiivaiiianu'i. rente fin to 917, fit). Janllor, CT AVK , 102 .lt lane', llthtt'tmr rnoma.anit able for licbt buntiea ur daltrigi tautral lota tlon, fillf AV:,', 38H- -1 Hit floor ti let. receutly eut. plormeut olfloe roil cheap, 71 It AV!" ., 'J.n-j- r Mlh at Convenlaiit to t.ata- - 11 in and al car Irtai larlur tloor 111 prliie boitae, watt ventilate I. with liiitroveinenta, anl bte for phymctan or iiaht bnainaaa alio upper (ut, 0 rooma, improveineiat, eeparately or tog ot t er. 711. aVc, neriheaat ci.rnrr Utth at I levant rnrner flat. Itjcnt ami batn . eiiiia bcateil try tmprovvtitrtil , newiy decorated , rent H'M. Janitor, "Ml AVf'., V If 5 hit larre in'mt and bath't boulfiard avart'i all Iniprovemrt'.a.ateirn tifar, Ac J4. Janlturor VUi0 A, M1I,I.KK,219 ai With at. 7I AVI' , antilh-r- -t rorner KlOtb at. Itfuullfiil roinar llala. ,(3 teat froutag- - bay wimiowa ale gatitly deo rat all Iniproteinantat reciutly rrno- - vate.l; 40 to ft. OuI t Mll.t.ril. 2J'J VTe.t 12Mh at QTUnAVP 0Af ltt elnrU flat of OllT AV. O'iU fl room, alt improva. mania. 2fl lo a).13 O. MCllUI.AM, 14HJ Itroa Iwar, itmr 42d t,. or Jmltor. Hi ll AVK., 702 llamlaoma, new toitrtoom Hat; r a. rie, btnU, . Hunt, decurated. dealtable, niol erit liuproverneutt if Id 'Jilt AVK.. 7.r, near4'Jtb at. Tlrat-rtaa- Imuae, 3 or 4 ruonta, linpitiveinnute, Sli. &U, 4UG.-- 0, loril HT., 149 WKhT-Nlo- ely furnlahe.l rooma, wltiigat An bath, for gentlemen, (2.60 per week. , 1QNIST., of 3 aitrl 4 runma, All InnTOvementei dneot aun lltht In every room rent C16 and 2i; referanta. lflf'Il h'f.. 'fit aNT) 2i WKSl-rto- yal and Peef. ieaafttnall famhv ilal. 3 and 4 rooma, batb, improvementaj tl t 4)26. 15TH si,. 227"AM1 29 WKSTiloyaT a"ndefr-ieia-rSma- family (lata. 3 and 4 ruomej bath, ImprnTMnant' , $10 to $25. 15TU hT , 233 0 Urbt rooma aud latn.all ImprovwmenUi 4J1 linmediata IMnaeaalon 17111 hi., .28 W'KaT-K- ia pleaaant rooma, Improvpmenta, mirn ri, uufurulnhed i choice al.b. furulahed alegantly. 4V. 10 Til SI , ftOM AND 010 WlM'-riir- ee itiiFronr lleht roiut., Improveramta, tu good ordar. ji.50 to f 13. f laiutor, or JOhl.I'lt LOltlllT A OO., 23d at. anil Uth are. 'JO I II ST.. 311 WKsr, near 8th are.. 3d floor-- & eitra tare rooma, rent 629, housekeeper 30TltThT ..10 ANU321 EST. nea r 7 tft a y e, Viry iltalrattle tlata of Ii rooma, bath t newly ptlnled, papered and douorated, alt lmprove"eata i atatlon-a- r tuba, ran im and be bot. 0. NIOitOLAH, 1483 ltrnadway, e.r 411 at., nr Jajittor. 21hT hi'., 311 WKHT Itandtotne new lUta'; batfiaT uaa, iftrigita, decoratlona, light, deatrable tooa ration . 2i, A J4. 3&TI1 HI., 220 ANlTs-ir- t WKhT- - Ade"iaand mall family flats, 4 rouma, til Improve- - mentii j2U in Jrt. 251 II T. 220 AND 23s'Vi lCst-Ad- alA and TfiT all faral y .lata, 4 rouraa; all lmprure-incntaij- JO toj!20. UOrUST. 3.6 t, 3 ulca light loniiia, Impioremeiita, not and ruid water, ataire tarpeied , private hall, 415 ta tfl7. Jaultor. VATIIST,. 3l3 VvKRIVl.Tvgant new apaitmvnte, 6 Aorna, al Improramieuta , 'JC heated, jr.fl I ST. 3fITrKsT-lerorai- ed apartmente. 0 rooma and Path i aTaa atovea , all iinprovrniuutai 24 toaJ7 27IIIHT., 128 wKK'f-1'r- ee "until June Y6. Tata f lleht itM ma, l.rtto 30 alma aud 4 rooma. ill! to 116. wltb impruventeuta, quiet buuac ; near Otti ave. Applr jaullor, oaPftHT., 411 WiCHV" Apaitmanta I room , itni (tl.MOaud $12 i deatrable huuaa 330 aST., 433 W Mi I'- ll d floor. 8 rooma i rent $23. 330 St.. 50o WHlUl'pttr light roonn, newly decnraieJ, tatlonary tuba ana range; lent $20. Janitor. 341 II ST.. 4C2 W ule a'evouti flat, C large light rooma; a tea in bat an I I at'l. 3ril hT.. 431 WKSI'- -0 tn 8 lifeftit roema.'wlth j impr'Vaiiitnti fAlJIto 27 80111 ST., 44. VlCsT 4 licit 00 ma. private hall and bath, In unlet, well-ke- vingle llat, Induce-rneu- ta price 10, 36l'H bT., S63 WEST Tito block a from a tat ten ; 4 rooma and 1 ath; all Improvement!, V.O aiidj33. Janitor. 30T11 ir,, 313 W Krit Handaoiue oiw four-roo- Hat, btth. light, decorated; deiirable, elegant eutraiuea, if, 20, 3QTH ST., 351 W KM -- Vand A nm aparttneuta. wltbali Imprnvemenii eicait bath, eitra large room aud hant kitul en rent $1H tu 31, tu email ami famlltna Iii,iilr janitor. 3D I'll SI'., vrw Wf.r'l' Four Urge," light rooma noil tatbriKm, all Improiamania, $22 to $j0. auttor 3UT1I hT , 'J;i WKST-h- lx elegant lare light rooma, bathruiiu lateat luitiruvemvnta; $3t. Ati, ntaeuiant, four rooint, tl4 5m 11 .T , 200 l.hT In Ift.cornar Uat,1j rooma; all ntlit. Apply to .Uultor. 40111 hT 225 Wl.hT t near HroaJwayi A r innia, deuoiaied, all Improvemeute, aivnloga. $23, t:H. Janitor, j 430 St.. 2.' ANO 358 WKST. uear Hmadway-Apartme- ota of tbrn and four ri inni modern roiivrmeiuea, rtnta Irjin $16 tu $2l, lu ulegaut llair. 4JO M'.. 352 Wi hT, near Ilroadway-Oeaira- bie alngle llat nt H rooma and bath, olecautlr decn ratetflu white ami gu.d: ateamneateJ ; 'Jd iluif. O. NKJUUL.AH, 1 ind liroadviay, Lear 43d ai., 01 Janitor. 4.10 ST .323 WKST, near It apanmentam niniiu, tiandaimIy urcurated tn wh te a id iot. , all light rot mil, a(Pimbeated; all liupi.'tmrnta. 70l thlidtlAt. ti. NICHOLAS, ItaJ Ittuadeay, near 42d at. , or Jaultoi, 4 JO ST., 22.1 WC.sr, near Hrnadway-Kieg- ant apartmanta of 0 rooma and bath, newly and painted In wnlte aud gold; all Improvea m 411 a ateaut heitrd, .Kl,4th a id Mil tlourv.Tb" It ftHO, fr e to J,i 1. I., .MC 11(11. AO, 148J llroad a , near 43d at,, or janitor, 430 ST , 425 VrST Vacant floor Ave rooma Aim batn muat t'e eog n In bo pprviate.l. 43t'll hi , t3:. vVihl'lbrae uit-e- ilglit rouiui reuta it's and lit. 45111 hT,, 543 Ml, WFSI -- 4 lo rooma reanecttv bo tenant a only, rent 13-- 1 18 llmiaeaaepf re, rr.l. I. IlltlCitl-- , t'olumbua it.,-- . r rtth at. art fll hT . 320 AW 3.K Wh.nl -- Kent, wort -l It gant tiata ti roo oa and bath, private halla boated halli, and all molern tmpruieinnnla, rente, J.Moi4,ui Jantiur ou premiara or MoOonuaca, On ( We-- t 54th at. 4.TH M.. 3.U Wl.hT Ore or to unlureiahed rooma. t'lo,ar, batn, ue of laumiry, 4 ST hi'., .107 ihl ry curable a room. nwie UM of 7 rof m n t bath beautifully oit" lated lu w lie ami go d , HHproTetnenti, h ntej li Mt llOhvS, 1481 hioalaiay, naar 4.'d at., u jauiior 4 S I ST. 415 Wl'hT-S- Ix rooma and lath; al tinpruTriuent. t'oal and wood furtilihed. 491 11 SI . 13 W1T- - Ihree Ian"- - rooma, toitethei or eiMTalfl) private home . all liuproveuiruta mitleiat, etii Sun da a. f'.'OSf.. MO S1- Klrat-- c floor an t aatiimut , 3 rtH'iut, ad imptt vimrut , l eut it 55 Janitor. i3I T. . :'t WI'Sl -- hp on lid list of 6 rouma a i bat h , tcyliiw rout Jan. to'. fttO M , 4.1 Ml'hl Mat. ai artnenta, reduo't ruta y, fit monttiij, 4 rio m tacti. every Im ptUTU'MtMll, . Still ST, 4itj WKM'-l'ar- iir flour, laaement aren 'UTj.e toonia nop uteu.euta, lulLaule (j boar Im. in (ult tOO . 54111 1.. 20i'"tvisl( 1(J nar7thav"t'.."lro,Ta ti or rornnr, an rooma, all lltht, 1 niiiiitlin. tnqiiiit Juin, u pranil taa 5.'iit.M'.. 12 W hT- - Smgln apariinaot Olirge ir tot rooma am. rf t J t. M It, 3d atiilr 5;TI( ST.. 3.- iv KM fauiiilir.l Hat. fnu rnoiui., t month . lio, void uater. AUK1 1.1. l.t flat. fiJO SI ., J10 WKsr-m-g- an't flatv 4 room. an. bath, ittrect, outaide .igtit , all mo leru Improve mmta. ' fi:i Sl, 1 07 Yi.m lour ruciui audTath l ewly dacuiaie I Jaullor. j tSOVl . HUU i .M flata, bi'i fi light rouma, piliat- - lul. bath - r m rafrigraior awrtng , laieat liuprufemeuta ; 427. iroe in July . 620 St., 149 VWiSr-- Sil large, . ja an, "iitff, . rcuta. Dutiable fur 'ar.e faintly ; reut very tea ami a b e, fidU hT., 132 Wrhf-- r .ant flat, batH eierr uvriil n,e, halta lira ted i velvet carpal j tl&. 910, 65111 hT.. fl WKhT-l.ieg- ant Ugbt flat, ituetn I aud bath. ; 74.11 ST.. 100 WKM t'orner flat, 0 aunuy 10010 and t'th at earn heat (4U, ' 84TII 81 , 25 W ftn light rooma ami batli rvrr cotivroleuv-- , at tam beated , lucatino uo a ir pa a ted rent a rii40, .J,U. ' OlsT ST;, 10-- YHT-raftWl- trt o70arra-7IT- n t.4'ond crocr flat for euramer; reaioiahla Le tr. t I OlsT ST.. 73 Wl ST A few handaome ipartment r to rent, t, 2d, 4th, 5ib tUora ; a team beat, pr FLATS AND APAHTMENTS TO LEI UnturntshQdWest Sid9 OfTIl BT., Ill WI'RT-rhyek- lan wtH let 5 roome. back part of flat, forimall, bnoftmlly. 97111 SI.. 170 WKHI-Klu- ely tlnttbed flau""6 rotnB, bath, private block; reduced reuta, Id d')om"uta, 05 TI ST., I07 WW.T-fti- tli flit. lArge roome and bath. Ail; fourth, t)22i tnontb Iraa. O'JIU Hl.TlOl' lug; vrri lUti of file room and bath mom, all llth and airy ; rent 917 an t JB. IO11TK hT 70 Ml Hi 'Slarge. llat ft rn'ime , bath rmi: 421t fourth, $19. I'ark eutrancet reduce I, lO'tTll KVM 74 WKST. corner Oth ave.-r"- lve larg light rooma, 3d flat; fl7. newly painted. Ja'tUor "lOUTU ST..T.'h Cd flat, Slarire. llcht looma, wul.kit noma C f,0. ,lanltrea 1051 , rJT ytiY-ti- S Ml teitectl lighiej noma, lath ntaam , aaleftort tenauta. i'l02O M'.. 70 WtaM Mu itrui'l Tat, thie window, ft rht ri'biidi near Letatloti and park ; i?32. 103') ttf..M wr,ST-Y:T- tra wide "flata; 7 and 8 room, from &?3up. i03OHT,.3 VBT. oprxlta Fafk entranre31i loomai impro amen tt $24 nn children . Induoe-manl- ti elctated aiatlon 104tt it. 10MII hT.,01 Wlhl-- Mt rntina atM bath, In". dtueiiietiti ore block hatttlon. 1 11. r II ST., 207 WI ST- - SlnalfttUt, 7 lare light rfnnia apt I ath all lmprnvotnentet 27, Jani- tor or WOOD A MlU1Vlt13l0 Weat 12fth at. HS'llT ST., 3J337f v ittta; aiT niinrnvamatita. rente $18, $21 peclat tnduoe mania todettrabta parttea. liO'll ST., 304 TO lil'C WfT-Ne- w flat; .net ompleteit, 0 rooma and bath. nandi"niy dtttMH raled all Improt-man- te ; from V- -i ti 9i&. NIKMOI.A.. 14H3 Uioid-a- y. near 42d at., nr janitor. 124TU St., 2lil W lh"T rnur and five ruomtmear liatatlon, rent $10 to $14 ur month. Apply to Janitor, tat flat, weal. l.lTlfsT.rSM, 354 and 350 WKST- -4 rooma and I'Atb . natnrated and all modern Improvetneutei rente tlO tn $'J0. Apply tn Janitor or owners, U J. Jenwlna A llro., .'0 laenni aye. 125T1I hT , 'jf.O WKST-Fl- ve rooina ant bath, al. tnipinTementa,ccjnfrnttint totne I, tatlon. rmt 12H per montll. Apply tu lOWLKit HKOIll- - I.HS, tirocera. All ftNTlON "liii.A'oUT-ATTKllO- Nl HIT. Wa5flthat ; rooma 18 to 112 llo Watrottiat, . roo-n- 11 to 10 220 Weit 0 Hi at, iroomi 7 to 10 340 Ue.t f 0th it t rooma 7 tu 10 711 Wm 8 Id at. 4 too no a 12 9611 Col tn Im a avp, ,5 ro una,,,., IS Apply to janitor, or rOTTKll X ItUO., 82d at., t'olumbtia a?j, and beat apartmenta for the money tn the oity; handaouialy dera-ate- d and auietb y ftvara heated; all Improve rneuta ; ate larA roome and batb , one block from new.!, atatlon naly $28 10 $31 free tn Aug. 1. Apply ty) on prrmftev. 105 Weat 1 2 Oth M. A. MANHATTAN AVK." 43ft. corner" 118th at- .- Sli handaome room And bath; at earn heat; deoo-lA'- ; Improvementat two bloeke from L atatlon; let And 2d flAta. 9&. Janitor or IL PArk Wad (8lh AeeJ. AL Alt AM A rent $3l per month; ti mime. Apply to WM. 11 K II K UN. 9 Weit 17th at,, from J to 4 p, M. or Janitor on premlaaa. 386 and 288 Lenoi ave., between 124th and 123th ete Al.t. LltlTiT teven room flata t lmnrovement; panere an I palatedt $26 to $30. Kenilwortb, 411 Weat Mat at. A DON .S, 3ft? WHt""ndTir ven roomeT I at'l eteam heat, electric ligbte; paeaenger ele-- eator treat 4 60. JiTRA P ! HT itOO MS oFPKHt-;0-3- . 4 and fT rooma, from 46.60 to 820 per month; good location, near 7th ave. Apply Uo Weat 28tb at. C'OkNF,tl rtAT. 0 Urge light 'roome and" bath rnrdern lmpiovementeirent 01 , alai inatde flat, eingl, 7 rooma and batb ; rent $.10. Aoply to Jam tor, 301 West 66th et.. corner 8th ave. COSiT l'i.A'TS; all'lniDroamenta;" 4 antt fc ronrr a aud bath t near all theatree and hotels; low tente: only $20 up. Apply Janitor. 2?5 Weat 40tb it., or I). kJ'.MPMiai A SON, 803 8tbave. t)lAMONlH. witobea. Jewelry tteltvere"i ; eaay payment: rcpreaentatlve will call with tamo lei, 'TliehfitdtcateMl hatl4tht. fil.KOANT A PA RTM fciTS. 17i Weal Mat "et.. 9 lltht roam a; hall boya; graudfet location; rente $63, 470. ,1. E. -- KlaUS, 6J4 (Jelumbue are. , cor. 86th et. FArfNO Till. PAHK The Harelhurtt. Croom flata; ateam heated, private halla; one block from - nation; 443 and 443 Central I'ark Weat, between 104th and 103tb ate. Kdward Knrntval. otflro tn building. Fl.ATrt Mm rooma. bath t eteatulieat; hot water; electric llehta; all Improvemauia; $30. 354 Wot 50tn et. TO'1iKT"on Broadway, between 4 let antt 42data.; n rooma. with Improvements ; rent $36 month; 2d flat. Apply 160 rteat 38tb it. Fll Ll. width iirat flat", $38; alt rooma and batb. in nlce order, 4'! 3 Weat 10th et. OttANOOOOUT- -7 rooma And" bath ; HolTlfihfi corner houae; elevator service, jaxltnr, liveried ha'l boy 4 : Incatlou; Wee. 78th et, J. A K. (X tlKl.UV, 088 Amsterdam ae. 70th at. JlANOSOMK flata, st. , 'near Plata MoteK furnished or unfuttilahed, will be rented by the year or summer moatha. Apply 24 West 60th at. 1. KliMPNftH A HON, HO? 8TII AVK.. l I.ATS AND APAKTMl.NTS TO LET. FLATH; 32H Wnat 37th St., 5 rooms $38 up V60 Wavat 30th at., 4 and 6 rooms i!4 up 'Jfl-- t Weat Hllth a(,, 6 rooma 30 up 205 Weat 40th at., 4 and 6 rooms 3d up 350 West 41it St.. 4 rooms,... 30 up APAUTMhNln: 317 West 41st at.,. roras $fl up 3J0 Woe 1 4 id it,- - 3 and 4 rooms,,.. 14 np :t(iH Wait 43d at,, 3 and 4 rooms 13.50 up :t 5 West 4Ud et., 8 rooms 13.50 337 M eat 4Ud at., and 4 rooms. 13 up 700 tth ave., 3 Aud 4 rooms., 11.60 up 803 Columbus Ave , tUt. only. . 17 Can be seen All (lata and aptrttteuW ta excellent ooadltloa. Apply to Jawltor onpremlees. Koitl IlKAST OOliNKil 8T1I a'VK. aod 118th et. Five Urge rooms and bath. $21; free to July. BPKt'I Al, INOUUK-tFNT- S FOU Till? SUMMKTt. 200 T 204 : 6 and 7 rooms and bath, all WKS1 C9111KT,,' Improvements, delightful 5 111 $35. nation near Ittverslde and Cen- -: trat Parks. 330 WKhT : 1.t4Tlt ST.. 0 rooms and bath; all TO $37. : provamanta. Apply to janltoror II A V KNH A nR.HK.18 WaU TIIItKl, large unfarutaheil roomi, atttTng-rooio- , bedroom, kitchen, bath And cloaets, one flight up; rent reaaouable.fAll 3jirt Wait ;t4tnat. 66MOHTON ST. TlaTa tTeoo7ated"to' suit tenant; ontstda light; all itnproyementatcUeapeat rente in the city. 3.tl "llUDhON HT.. rond7loor,Tift, 8 rooms; l 81 VandAtn at., first floor. 4 rooms. $34; 63 Down Ing st., liiver part, 0 rooms, $36. Cleary, 321 Uudaou at. Unfurnished Nortn of 125th Street AMSTF.HOAM AVK,, 1813. 14Bth And 160th st., candy store Three roome to let; rent $8, ATKTKltDM (lOitt) AVK,. 1R.7 tolHJJ. near llSlat at. Cbiap rente for cheerful And healthy flata; 5 large rooma and bathj all improvements; $16 to $lH;oible cars ase the dtor. t.KNOX AVr.l363rneaTl38tE' light rooma and bath, newly renovated, $30 i free to July. LK.NOX AVr,474-Sm- etl family can secure hand, aoiue tlat in qutet, virlt.kept bouse, with owner; 6 roome, bath, $21; 135th st, I. station t refer- ence. : 120TI1 ST., 634 TO666 WKhf. bat ween Amtter. dam are. Aud HoulevArd.une block from Hlverapia rark lla ouumely deciyated tlataof 6 large, light roomi ami batb, ateam Urated jconventent o 135th at halation and 8th ave.; also cable cars; rent $19 to $33 Inquire In ol.ee on premlaet. ; 127TM ST., rJi'WKSl-- lo let, brst-ci- a flat, 8 ; rooms and tatli, private balls; $21 to $33 per mouth, -- tanager, tiret floor. l.iirit ST,. 5H lST-sa- fy . Jane 7fee;"steam heated flat, hsnilautmely decorated, tiled man tlea, aaa loa, cbo'oe location, select tenant; oblltlng janltorowner 0u pietnlje. l.ijbN'T.,loV, 60J, nearAiuterdain ave.-Kl- e-1 vent Data of 4 au 1 6 rooms, bath, rente $15 to " $44 cue tnontlVs tentdreja. Janitor. r 134Ul hT. ivt W'FSl', near ith ave, .Sew nate.fi larie, light rooms anl batht beautifully d latetit tmoroveineuts , tint induceinautsj I rent t3U to 93J, open eveuingi. Janitor on premUea, r 134 r I i".ST87 WtST-- S Urge rooms and bath; hot water supplied , rent $ P. See jaultur. 13ti"U hi", 3 Wrfihfr 2Wl 6tT ave, Fl've light room an I batb, till decorated if Id to 'J1. 13SI ll ST., 0l KAHT, cunifrLstatlou-Hr- st anl afford tUt. five rooma and batb, all Ught , rent I $1 to rl3 Apply ou piemtaea, ultor 140ril ST.. 751 FtST-O- ul i water data; 6 rooics 1. rap rf ut upn block eivt of I, ft at ion, I 1551 II hT ti.rand" IlouleardJ-Kiea- nt .Ingli flata to let, all iiupruvenieuis. Inquire on prern- - UlV, ; Ono l3lock from L Statlbn. 'the Ura f ai flats of lUe roome anl lath, itY - diuns rotiui al light r.o na , decoratedaud heateil - Lalla , rente li .nl (22, can be ern evenmgi 5 and Sundays, imnfr and janitor on premUea, 10.1. 131 1. Vt Viat 134th au , ATTHAtTtVr.. reuu reduced, month Tree, 8 fI(C untroom, c33, $26 near stat io i, schod, 137 r i:Hdt. ATTlUonVl?. reduce.l'renta," $17, I9, montl frea, 6 room, lathrcoru i near atatlon, school, 4 Wmit 13tth st. A 5TU AVE. FLATS-Th- e handaumeat tlata, with ath, in the city for ll.e mooer. $23, ; I.UFlF.lt, 2155 6jtve.. nearljT.dat. . TllT. AFl'u'S, 3l0i (UTab.I ItouTevard (nltci i above cab.t) S rooma and batb. all im orovrtntnts , elegantly decorated , tuust be ar en t ; le apfreoiied; rent s)16 Jauitor or, J, ('-- 11 off man, 'iSJ lirouay. t $10, -- TOlrH huge rotHiiat country atr aWn, to oa aal houe, 8 rooma. reding terma diminutive . blrKka eat of 31 ave, trolley, near l$1d st. (iejrg. Hrltou, 3J44 At. St Jonn (jrlluvt bousvs), UnfurnishedUscellJneous. 9 flat. 4 roojis and bath, 918, J, A I . L, (ilif.lt Y, 3Sft AjnMerdam ave. VtiATh'flve room a, ji moaern tmproremeuta near the park, $.40 month. Apply 180 W. 2tttnf i TOP FI.OOH, 4 room-.T- private houae, pear 125tt t., $17 l,Ot)Ma fog flutl Harlem World. . V Otn.OOit. AT HtrrtK. vteuu the reft. Fair conoe to s ti llr.t'-claa- a ; tle. 13 to 22 Mit 106th sr., o rovinivan. batbtbuiTst m wah balna, trumtel mirrora, a 11 to 76 I ist lOOtbat., dtltot newly decorated. - 360 to 2 CO AY, t)6tb at, .dtltot eiegant.y planned, 9? Nwu sU FLATS AND APAHTMENTS TO LET. Unfurnished Brooklyn, ATLANTIC AVK.. 1084 Secon I llat, 4 r ooras, $0; talis futnlihed; Improvements. Janitor, 30H4t near Baratota station. . IOtlt)LA8.-- ST. 377 AM)370-- To let, flat room a ml bub, roomi all ventilated; all im provementsi 3tory fists; Oral floor, $17iarccnl, $10, luiM, $1H near two stallju on 6' ft ave. li and elretnuiara. O, DO, tint floor, .So. M70. JAV1S1,, 187, I.r. oklyn-Fo- ur large roina. wltb Improvements t private house; two rutautes walk from bridge. LOL'IS PLAOK. 31. 5artoi;a atatlin Kind t'oanty I. road, terty minutes from h prlvute out't, 6 Tooma aud batll all nipt oT in in la; tent 1 15 no children. NASSAU ST., 254 AND 26o.pear bridge, Mrooklyn -- Inlet, flat 4 lUbt room. 110 to$t3;tlnt-cU- s apartmetit-houto- . hi flurenno; Improve tuenta; aanitat-- pi unit ig eiei trie belle, carpeted hill. Aupir tu janitor, lat tl.it. or to Erueaiia (Juitck u t.o., 63 ourt at. I'OWKItsT.. HI. Hrouklvn. K. I). -S- econd floor; lz Utgn rooiois Iniproveinent; rent tl6. PUKhlOKNT ST.. 623a, naar Oth ave., 10 minute from bridge 110. 3d flat (ilngi). 5 reditu and batb. TKisaOYj 101 rt'evt liouievard, .Sew YorkN PUTNAM AV17., 1378-Tn- let, $13 per month, 3d floor, 4 room a with privilege oi batb; All im prorement: adulta u.ify, SANDS. ST , 43. Mrot.klyo, near the brldge-Kle-g- ait data to let, 3 aid 4 room, private hall, bat ti and all iinpruvemauta i rents low. Inquire jinltor, flat 3. IIIdiAIlV ST., 0 nvar Jay et., IlrooVlyn-To- ur large, llgnt rruniai alt Improvmeuta ; rent 17. IIHtiOKLVN FLAT Hve rooms, batb, Improve rneuta, ou line elevated road aud horae-t.r- In- quire 35 Held ave. f'OSl Y FOUlMtOOaM FLATS, $R, tlO; halls and eaira ilecorited ai-- carpeted, M0 mint ten (torn Ilrooklyn llridye, 30V4 Atlautto ave., bear Aura toga elevAted ttatlon. rl.A If $13 to $15, A rooms and lath; All Im prutements, handaomely ceoornted ; new carpet and ahaite t in the tine brick houses, latatette ae., iiesr 1'atohcn; ronveub'tt t bioadnar And lenngtfti ave. tlevated; poaaeaaion at once, Koji wiiti janitor, 31 l'atchen ave. HKWARD'H APAIll Al ''NTS, 03.103 DuftWd our or live rooma, improvetl; auprrlor to Any for tlnlah, aire and dot lit; eery flat a pr vte dwelllnK, 8 mi rate, walk to hrM; I alatlou and etieet car right by, $13, $13 and $10to $20. TO LLT Flat In the Florence, 6H2 Ibrnop ave.t steam besteil ; 8 and 0 t omv; all improveme'it ; fine janitor of vice; are Lelng painted an pi pared throuibouti tn every reapert lirat'Clat apart-- 1 tnent , convenient neighborhood. Inquire of Jin. tor on premUe or ZKNOKK A CO., JO Nut- - trand ave., llmklvn. TO L1IT Flata, 6 rooms and batb; a'l Improv- ement; tbeae aa have been thoroughly over . hauled and put in tine older ; to rent to small fami- lies at reaeonebU rent ; ooDveole&t neighborhood; 15 mluutee to uridge. ZKNDLlt ot CO.. 307 No trend ave.. lirooklyn. TO LCT-r'- aU. 128 and $30; elf cant flats of 0 room, tu the four bandaome t tick honse, 413 to 410 State at,, near Nevln. all Improvement; balls heated: n.w carpets and shades And newly decorated throughout; within 30 mlnutei nf City Hall, New York, Inquire of Janitor on premise", TWO Ft.OOKft, 4 room each, all lltht, to emaTl families only ; rent, $8 and $10; brat tnouth. rent free. Apply 168 tfoffato ave,, Brooklyn, Furnished East Side. 47TII ST.. 119 CAST, corner Lex ave- .- Part of nicety farnlabed 2d flat j bath : awnlnga. Whltrnayer. 47TII ST7llOK"AST-llouokeepl- ng part of"flat. conitlng of three room completely furnlahed. fiharjie. a IiANOSOMK furnfaBed llat In s neigh borboud; elevator In the house; rent reaaonabl for family of adults. Inquire Janitor, 104 Cast Klstst, COHNKft F'l'AT to rent furn"lehedor part sard uufurqiahed, nice location ; near park. Lextug ton, box 60 World. FOU HUMMKK-Fu- lly furnished single flatt fl t room and batb; piano; East H8th st., near t'en 'tral Par ; $45 monthly. Addreae Home, 173 bast 80th at, OAttbEN FLATS, 160, 162 Kaat 3ttH at , lurnlaheil, with bath; week or month; repectabte famllle OWNtift d house one door from Madison are.. be low 34th it., will rent furnished floor over par- lor for $60 a month. Douglas, box 328 World, uptown. TIIkITE HOOMH furnished for light houaeseep-ins- ; term reatonabl. Apply Janitor, 497 3d ave. TO It I. NT A furnished Apartment, corner MadH son ave. and 79tb it. ; urst floor to rent for the summer ; moderate. Apply on premises or 38 Pin at. i room 8. Furnished West Side. MANHATTAN AVE.. 388, near 116th St. -- $35 a cool flat, bath, private ball; fully fur niahedtpianot quiet ulgbborboodt near Morning- side Park. Flsber. 6TH AVK.,"244-FUta- ,7 room and batht hot ant cold water; for bueiness or re.tOeoce. 15TI1 $T.. 113 WKST, near 6th ave -- 6 rooms, lit fltor; together or separate. Inquire. nt ST.Vll VTKST"(The"fr!nceton)-- An elegant parlor suit, with private bath, other bandsom rooma, singly or en suite t summer rates, Applj manager. 50TII ST,'23 light apartment to let, furnlahed or nnfurniabed; turuiture foi ale ; exuellent opportunity ; family going Abroad. Apply rlrst apartment. 21bT ST., 221 WKBT-M- cly furnishe- d- flat, all r. oma aud batb, or portion, to rasponsible party reasouabte, Drlgge. 318T ST., 350 WEST-Coo- l second atory. well fur nihed, for summer month ; $55 moo to. 21ST rtV.", 9l9 Wl:sf-(J- oy fnrni-he- d flAtt AlTim proveuient ; In good neighborhood ; $10 pet weak, JAnltore beil. 32D ST.. 337 furnished nee flat; 0 light roome ; elegant bouse; ttne location $ 1 2. Jan Hor. 36Tl'rST.,'l20"WkfeT-Furnlh- ed ftatof 7 roornTi all ioiprovemeot; rent $50. lUiler. SirfTl ST., 250 WKST Furnished flat, ftverucma, bttb, piano, sliver, linen, do,; $10 weekly, t . iwfod' .'?',..., 40111 hi'.. 207 flat, "lW rooma and bAth; terms reaauuable. King Hem sen's beh. 40TII ST., 307 WKST-Pret- tily fumlthed llat, room And bath, 3d floor nr two trout rooma, Jaultrras. 40TH ST., 326 furnlahed; rooms and bath; silver and lloen. Hlug jaultor'i bell. 41ST ST.. 265 WKST-Fo- lly furnlahed ccrner flat ttve rooma, tatb, neit American Theatre. $4i month; alio thtae rooms, 368 Weat 43 J at., $30, Inquire janitors. 64 Til ST., 300 ESI. corner 7th a?e.,Ilroviay-Secon- d floor comer, all rooma, all !tgut, tor nlhel;$50 monthly. Inqiilre Jo iee, onprvmlaee 66Tfl"Sr. A'SiV Ei1 -- Furnished r uufLruiahei part tirst'CUss apartiueuta. For particulars In quire tlrat apartmeuL MTU ST.. '363 WKhT. statiou 69th Furntsbei corner llati; bay window front, all rooms, batb lluen, allver, ehina, kitchen war 1 445, $50, $00 170. JCIHiAlL 68Tllh'f 3(58 furul.heil flat whole or parti convenient to park and atatlon Kau. 681'tl ST.. 343 furnlahed flat elghi roome; ateam heat, elevator; ellver, china 61bT ST.. 27 itlv futntahed llat near Central Park; 8 light rooms; terms low T la ne. 8STU ST., V01 WKST-ror- usr furmahed flat o part. 1st lllglU; $6 to $7 week. llurnetU tfllD'sT., 03 list, 7" ruon.s and batb ball boy; coal, $45, or uBlurnlahed. 103O ST., 140 WC8T four room and bAth completely lurnibed , new, neat, clean recom flour, near atatlon; $36 monthly, permanent deeired. Bartlett' bed. 105TU ST.. 10ft" Wp8T-Ne- tun.lahed llat, roum and bath, $110 monthly, Janitor, 107. IT4 i ifST., 2J1 WrM'-Wh- oU or part furmhe 1st single flat, to responsible I artirs; rtaaonable 135TI1 HT , 114 WKST Handio.uelV TuruUhe. tU, $35; owner will reaerve room, SIMPSON. AT Till. WlNl.F.itMi'Hr. 4U0 WKTo7T rooms, studio ; furnished and uo ' fuiuUheq hen reatdeul ttgent. A.- - ALU or par) oTnicf ly f units hed fl"tto dIc couple. Inquire .Nelaon, 42 et t'.4tn at. rThOtAHLT OiHt.Nr.U. aeomf iTotir," fully Tin mailed eeven light rooma, t75 a iuo.it h (or tb auiumer monitia. Ibe Luring, 203 rat 74th at. cornei HoulerarL ' I Ll (. AN I LY f'irnlhed tlaf, blTabt room, piano Itnfii, ailver. Wtat 38th at. doodale n W,.4tn , TXi.tA.Tand handaomely furnlthe4 8toom ila o eat 125th at., 40 per month to reipjualbl party. l. , boa CO'J llariHin World, i:LKifA.ST furnlahed even-roo- flats, ad com t piote. tmprovemrnta ttperod uud paluted $45. Kvui wortn, 411 Weat Mat at, 1'LaTS furnlatied ; no rath required down; eaa wetfkly payment low pnves, - ltv,24. v 2.1 UaMOMILY FITt.MsHFD apartment froi June to Outot-a- at eat tbau uufuriitahed rental four outaide airy renma, tatb, ample cio .eta, e!t vatur, hall and chamoer aerrire rain and ij i rant In hui.ditK ue blrtck uum Central Park eaay rvacti of Huuievard, Mh aw, and e etate car, ltesponatbla arl.e only apply to Dr. WK1K ' Uotel llru. khulat. Hi Wen B5tb at. MYSTIl'. 123 WKST 30111 1ST -- Large,"" hai aoinely furiilibet llat for summer or luuger, coin i P f'p'iif . ONI. Ut.o'CK FlTOM CTVeet 126th U, 2d flour-- Six toomi bath. beat, piano, $J. MlMJcK, ie2Jl. Nicholaaare. 5T W 1.1. li anjboard mr tady;"7 rooms, balhrooTi llneu, silver, crutkery, hoaa, 4i est 100th st I Furnished Miscellaneous BIO tirnrCTIONS Fully furnished flats, Urg and small, 0th to 126th ate., eat an t weal weekly, monthly. Immediate poaeealon, Partlot 1" IlKKNIlAKp, Sjl Weat 30th at IF YttJ r looVtng ior oleao, dalotliyurn'tsbsd Urge or email flata at aummer price. 1 can prot ably auit you . t acb llat la completely equipped. ' FlaAtttt ilOO furnlahed tlata). 313 ft est 2id st lWnV'rsivriittiy lurnfahed flat. rTweelTT month summer priors, Addreae It. tt., 37 W eat 3d l et, RENT LOW" to Mj-- w desirable Uuaat until Uu otei ch'loe, tool flat at Ceotial Para, a. 11,, boa 37 Wcrld, ujitowo. &KVCN fUlVNl3UKDU06iJK, Oroveave.. Aoci iwAfitacAf cue door iroatliouUtard, MoVa, FLATS AND APAHTMENTS WANTED. Unfurnished FOU it II OO MS and bath t quiet house; rent mod- erate; weat Ride, Above 14th; to adults. A. C, B., box 33 J, World, uptown, t MAN AND W1FI' desire a am 11 light flat lnell kept bouse north of JOith at. .rent not over $23; have lived 10 year In pre. ent place aud can give beat of reference; no children. Pi.lt MAN I. .NT. box 490 World. WANTKIX-W- at or floor, unfurnished, for tmall adult family, near 328 West fllst at.; state par- - tlaii'ar. . -- - - WANTED, In Brooklyn, a rdgU or double flatoa eaty terms. Send particulars to Fiat, World, Urouxlyn, YOUNG married couple with 4 rooms aod bath. . O'.U . box 125 Wqrldj YOU.NO conplo wants four room, pritate house, east 'I do. Address Rooms, 214 Kait Slat tU Furnished, SMALL furnished Tat, or part, wanted by f amily. 3 fhlldreu. New ork or Jlrooktyu. rental about $2C montbry, Adilreai Thomas, box 303 World. WANTED ThtA" or four furnlahed or partly fur- nished room for family of three i t.itcheu or board; 80th to 100th it., west. A. Z box 470 World, UNFURNISHED ROOMSJ'O LET. 33 D ST., Iftl WEST Unfurnished targe handsome room; second rorr; two cloaetn water; mod- erate to piinianent parly. 38TII ST , 14f large and a in all roon1-- . $1.60 up; near Uraud central Depot. 4 2D ST.. Slit offi'oe AuiT7arn1shed room to lett opposite Itryint park, 83D 'r., 61 WI ST A private family will let one Urite room, unfurnished t beat and gait refer- - entee, O.tD r.T., S0VF.ST-Inltg- ht, sunny "flat, 2 room I heated; private balls i us of kitchen; $18. rill AP llOOMH TO LET for colored people" on 7th itr. end 41stit.;2.3 and 4 rooma; rent f fi.ao to $15 per month. Apply ICO Weat 33th at. UNFURNISHED H00MS WANTED. ROOM tiv eamatrerii home evenln:; location muat be good , $5 month; D,, box 34s World. HINtJIaE MAN want one cr two aauny rooms. $6 moithly; above wOth it. Addreis Koi, 330 lit avo. WANTED, unfurntabed, one d and ball room connecting, with running water and Are- - In a reafenahle houae, between 8th and Jiaoe, 3d and 4th aves.l rent not to exceed $11 per month, Inondlnr ira- -i references given. Ad dreea Comfort, box 373 World. WANTED 5ne or two unf'urnlariad roomi' In prT vale houae, between 45th and 1.6th sti,, west side. It. CtarkWorldJtraoch, 1)0 Hth ave. YOUNU MAN desires unfurnished large room. rnnning water, hiat, gas anl bath; term moder- ate. Addreae Permanent, toi 212 World, uptown. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. East Side. CLINTON PLACE, fnrnlabed front jrwm for 3 genii-m- or houaekeepinf. CLINTON PLACE, 31- -A large furnished room for housekeeping, $..76, two gentlemen, $3.50. 171VINO PL ACT, nicely furnished front rooms. $3.60 up; also fr.nt onlce. LKXINOTON AVr.. 186fl, corner 116th parlor; running water; $4; also -- mailer room; private bouro LKXINOTON AVF.. 413, near 42d iurnlbed r torn si convenient to Uiani Cetitrallepor; tenna moderate. tKXItilON AViC.." 710, one door from " the rorner ol 38th St. unw deiirable hall room to let. LKXINOTONAVk.,1358, one door from tfOth Bt Neatly furnUbed front room; gentlemen only; 3d flat. LFXINOION AVK.." CL corner 35th furnished front room $.1.60; hAlMuotnu$2. KtXIMlTON AV.. elegantly furnlahed room ; reflDOd Jewish family ; two baths adolnlng borne prlvilegea.Levy, LKXINOTON AVK.. rooms, front and back ; gentlemen ; re aaonable. MADlsON ST., "39 Clean, comfortable Front room I $1.60 and $3; private house; housekeep- ing. $360. PA'UK AVK . 949 Nice, cooT. square roomiwU- -- out board $3; table board If desired. UNION SOUARE. 34 - Uandaomeif furnlahed room to let. large, small, from $3 to $10 up ward monthly. 3D" iVF-- T 3J4 Large and small o'ean fur- nished room to let. 3D AVE., 1 8 hle gently furnlibetl rooms to let to gentlemen. &D AVK. 204, corner 31it Two elegant corner rooms, 1st floor, all conveniences; suitable for ' light office business; also other rooms; reliable people only. 31) AVE. , 300 Parlor And bdroom; ell Accommo-- 1 dation! piano; also sma room. ItuneH'a bell. r 5b IVi-- T 1556 Nicely turnbTtied parlor and bed room to let In flat. App y MreF. Kouow. 4T1I AVE., furniahed rooms; light faaCKCP,paT L'all all weekj 4TU"AVFT, 63. betieeo Otb and 10th t.-M- fiirnUbedjooms.d floor; terma reaionable. $Tlf AVK., 274 Tolt, nlce'y furniVhed front rooms, batb and gas; married conple or gentle- men. 9Tir&T 49 EAbtT neanfroidway-Permane- nt or transient parties tan secure Urge and small fur- - ; nia hed room. fcTIl ST, 33 E"Af.r."Dryden"Coart-SeTe- rat room vacant In this eletant new bouse; large aud small; summer price; board cptioiiAl; parlor piano ; speaking tubes. ! Vl II ST.. 48CA&f. near iiroad fur- nlahed front parlor ; permanent or tranaleut. 9TU St.. 34 EAST Larger aquare' room, flrat ' floor; tront basement; suitable lor physician's i OtHce. .OTH STr, 86 EAST NtcelyTurnlahed robmi,5 to $2. 50. . TlTlFhT., 232 EAST A Targe furnished room, 2 oonnecting rooma. tojrme or two centlemen. ' 11111 hi., 25 ..ASF,"" ucaToth are. -i- TonnactTni( , room on parlor flour, also small rooms tu let. f Tii'U S.. 38 EAST Few door' from Broadway, moderate charge and comfort. r lafll Si,,141, corner 3d ave. Nicely furnlahed rooms for one ort wo gentlemen t $1.60, $3.00. 13 TU ST7, 135 rooms to let on Pror t,oor- j i 14T1I ST.. uo F.AST-sic- e'y furnished light room, $3; 3d floor Dillon. ' HTh ST,, 245 EAST 2 etegantTy furnished oon-- I nectlng front parlors ; 1 large room , board If de- - ' ilred. ' i4TH ,ST.,05 furnished par-lo- r and bedroom, aiogly or together; gentlemen ' on,'i MfOlory iOlU ST;, MPKAST-Ueautl- rul froTt"roomsl single, double; every convenience; gentlemen 0"l'iife-r-DC'- "' Mr1, w',,ter' i?TU ST.. 137 ERT Extra lge, halJdBomeTy i furnished eeuond-tloo- r front rcom, $6.60; others . cheaper. 17TU ST.. 14S EAST LArge. front perlor;7o"id. inc-be- bath; gas; $4; suitable for two gentle ". mn. Noble. ln'TIl ST.. 237" TCAST lifegauT coniiecTTni and ainsle loom . gas. lath, ruuulng water; Urg " cln.eta; line locality ; reierence. To I'll ST., 16 K AST.l etwfeii Broadway and CtE ave. turnisiied rooma; very reasonable , 18TII ST., 22:1 K AST Three idegautly fnrolshed parlors, aingly or together; aiiKable tor two 01 more gentlemen or lamiiy ba anil li.ith. r 19 1 11 hT, , 314 HAS.' Square rooms ; aTPconvenT eocea; gentleman; $2.60, $3; ruuulng water, I rath, Ac. lUTIt S1. 43 LAST, near Broadwsy llandaomeT furnished large and tmall front rooms; southern in"urf- - 1 1 19TM ST., 329 EAST-I.s- rge and email room- - ht rrannabltt prices; large clcseta; 4 hot and cold water In alt looms ; private tiouae. - 19TH ST.. 3- I.ANT Niosiy furnished rooms 1 light housekeeping or gentleman; all convea- - encea. 1 20TII ST., 46 KAhT A furnished ball room'bV. tMoeu U road way aud 4th avii Z V'iO hf.. lf.4KAhT Large room, ample clo.et; gentUmen or light bouaekeeplug ; reapeotable - people only neud apply. 22D ST.. "215 WKST-L- arg aud .matTrwrail reasonable pi Ire. ST., 12 IIAST-lar- ge parlor Tedrcom. atac front baaerqeut, private Owner. 2ilM', 1 1 '1 HST-Par- !or tloor, couafatiugl lae furnished room', aUo large 2d story baok ; roum , hot and cold water, tath, largo doaote , hT.. 124 1. AST Two connec7lncroorai" 01 jatlor.oor; also 2d story back roomi reference. 23 D Sl. 3d "KAhT, oi posit "Madlaon "Square ; Park Handaome connecting rocma, with prl vate bathroom. 4Tli ST.. 231 TaAST-Sic- ely fiirnUhed" unnj large frout room for housekeeping. 241 ll ST., U7 "fiAsT-P-eai- aut lurniiliedToVm near to all car n JiTl! ST.. ;iU I AhT, 3d beTl-L- frotfo3ir ' on ur ,w gentlemen, Mrs. Weber, -- 7Tll ST., Uti r.AST-Squ- are room, flrat floor, hogifkfepltiK, alio flat, three rooms; buuee-- keapioT ci gentlemen 27TifhT , Uu KMST.ntarMiidiBOuhquare-lia"- nd , somely lurmsbei front parlor, with bedroom large and small room. 27TII.VT..3 i.AST-l.ieg- snt newly furniahed room - PtUile bath; beat attendance; All convenience. " 37TU ST,. 212 K AST-Fr- hall room, nicely fur" maned. In a quiet bouaowith email family: goo! - home for working girt. Mrs. Waller, 37111 ST . 220 bed room foMady, Oirey bell, 28TUhT.. 14 EAST, between 6th aod Madisot avo, Handaome sunny parlor with private bath aliu other; breakfast whea deeired; euuimei e prices, ref jrrnc ea. ;i 2JTU Kt.. J"18 KAhT To let. furuTshed room ample oloaet roomi bouee newly ri novated breiUaat aerved. 56YII SrVHtJ KAhT-Nea- tly forniahetl parlor an. ii droo m for $5 per week . brat Hour, M. l n r u 50Tit hT., 227 iiASf-l-a- rg e and email furnfcTu ;r room. 0 1JTU hT., JU5 fa rn lined bar! parmr a'so un!uri.lalied room ; private lathi al 7 ooovoelencej, 6 32D hTm raiEXs- t- Furnlahed roome to 1st. tT 82D ST., 44 EAST-Lar- ge. airy room for hgb . boukpiig or i9 ptrao&f ( real FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. East Side. 83D 8T., 213 RAflT-Nlc- ely fnrnlibed momai second floor Urge And email private boute. 34TII ST., gentjeinjsn convenient tn L atatlon. 134TU hT.,14f. KAhTatiear Lexington avo, Finest oioi stroet In the cltyi eool. Airy, elegantly fur- nished room, reasonable prices, window awulugl on southern exposure. 38111 ST , 303 ed front room fori gent'emeu or geutlemin and wlio) alt nr, bOTil'SL, 211 KAN T Large and email well lur- - tilabed rnomn ininmer prices; all Improvement; nb e location. aorifh'T . 204 EAST-Lar- ge, nicely lurnisbed room, suitable for one or two. 4TbT ST., 334 KAST-Nle- etr furnished front room for tight housekeeping; All couTAiiteuoei; termi reasonable. ' D ST.. 323TTAH front TiAaeraent; ' other roomi; $J up; bouaekeeplug ur gentlemen ; no children. 44 HI ST., iSf 'RA'Br-M- cfl J luroUhed medium iUedroom. Thomson. 45TI1 ST., 119 room, with dreaalrg-roo- Attached; amallerjronm, 49TII8T., 144 i:AhT-S- 4, well fiirnhhed large front room, Also small room, $1.60; private house. sO'IlPsT.. 04 "AST-"$- 3r weskly end" upward t elegantly furnished rooms, pleasantly Uoatvd, near Madlaou Ave. 48TUST.. 138 KAStT rge and small front rooms. 3d floor, nicely furnished; every Improvement. 40111 ST., 807 us of front room, to two gentlemen; $10 monthly. King 6th ball. &0TII ST.. 240 hed rooms, strictly private hou-e- ; Imp rove me nt. 241 HasT-- A larae sunny room; alio amall rooms . all cnnvenla'ife. moderate term. eiD'hT ., 2T0lAhtI-age-, '.uralilied room, suit- - able for two or ilngly; private boua; moderate rent, 54T11 ST,, 114 hed room for gentle men; alcove, front; use of parlor; bath; pleas- ant, hbepard. 58Tii ST -- 23"EASr-Choice. r cool, well furnished room In private honei terma mid' rite. 6 OTH ST., lf.o"fiAhT-Nice- Ty furnlahed room for gentlemen, $d; lei floor. C3o!rr7o5 EAST Nicely furnished room, light hiuaeteeping; every aouom tnodatlon and atte idance. eallSr.", 20;l EAST-Lat- giT furnlahed room to let for two gentlemen or dreiatnaker. CO fll sl'a, 20b HasT, ground floor 1 wo neatly furnished front room. OCT II ST., 323 hed rooms"'tolet; reference). Mri. Perkins. 76TU 8K,'401 EAST. rear-T- wo Ttg ht afrTlur". nisbed rooms for light houtekeeptog or two men cheap. 7f.Tlt M..T94 i:Asf-Nic- ey lurnlahed parlor and bedroom, flrat floor; near elevated itatloq. Olirk. 83h ST., 6'J9 EAST'urnlihed room, or wonld room aud board two youug ladloi. Mrs. Flor- ence. 83D STTTllO bedroom and kitfihen ou parlor tloor fn private cottage. Call Monday. 831) ST.. 140 BAM To let, nliely furnlahed cool room; private houae; gentleman. FtVTll ST., 329 I.AhT Ele ant fu"rmabed"?ront room; lult&ble for two; private bouse; near L station. 8GTII ST"217T.AST-'Eregan- tly fnrnliHe'd room; private bonce ; naar L etatton. 57TU ST. ,241 Younr" man, occupying bachelor apartment, fitrniabud, will abate wltu not hen nv xie rate. t arte ton. TllTU ST.. IS newly parlur and bedroom; bloc trom t entrat Park; airy, healthy; excellent urlithborhood; d man or woman pieterret, or couple, noctill- - ' drt u ; (juiet. eafe, tlealrablo home; tn eatisfactorv party only $4.60 weekly. Apply htleniuau, first i flat. 112TI1 ST.. 75 FAST Nicely furnished aqunre t euros, K3 to 13 weekly; breakfast ;geutlemeu only. I113TU ST" fur-- it lshe tut taut for physlcU'i ; moderate rent. UCTtT ST., 120 EAST-Sec- aud tbtrd atory front room; newly furnished: private houae; p'easantly situated ; at moderate flgurra; uear ele vated atatlon. lir.Tllsr.. 170 EAST, half block or 3d ave. ti- - vAteJ furnlahed room and bath ; privatboui 118T1I ST.. 239 furnished tront roomi Mrery couvanleuce: private houie; excellent neighborhood ; fury reatonabte. UOTlt ST., 312 FAST, 3d flat-Ni- fuyifshed joomstilet. Andrews. 110T11 ST., 130 CAsT Nice parlor aud hall roomT Khnek, J 121hT feT., 424 furnlsbedfrout room. ; every convenience; bouaekeeping, Owner.one ttlglit. ST., 230 room to let; ' light, pleasant, private houae, !3D ST., 54 rooms; every 00L-- I venlence j reasonable. h hT , V15 A I Housekeeping room, wittt . foldlng-bedialt- hah rorm.jrheap. a ENTlklC l'Lt)OIt 1' LLT lu private Jew" lah family; terms mode ate. Apply 115 laat 70th st. I'.LMJA.NT furniibed"room. steam heat, from 3 t to $5 per week, at bbelburne Hotel, 34th t. aud I 3d ave MUItltAY (uruli'hed, newly decorated Urge equare rooma t also halt room. j Owner, 3C3 I.eitugton av.. TO RENT for summer month, to bachelor, ele-- I gently furnished atttdio; bedroom attached; ttne location ; 23th at, and 4th ave. Apply F. K. Baruea, 344 4th a , Wesf She. AMSTERDAM AVK., corner 9Ath it., 17.1 West Llgut, cool, nicely furmshe parlor, tonneottng 1 edroora, batb, 2d flat, front . uue or two gentle- men; leteroncr, term moderate. AMST"KHDM AVF., 1712, corner 14301 ir.. two flights up Furnlahed roum to let! plea.aut Io- cs tluo. Uoaelte. bNlfTsT.. "isroppveile WaveVley pta'ce-NIc- ely furnuhfd comifctine aud slnale rooms for n or light housekeeping ; gaa, lath, all con-- 1 venlenres, bAUKoW ST?, 19- -A largo Trent room, suitable for two gent emeu ; convenient to Oth ao. liLlTETREK ST". 219 (privateTTuVrei-New- ly fur- nished iront ro mi gentlemen only; icferenoe required ; may call hundaj. CLINTON P..A6E, 111, between 6th and Gtli avea. Largo and small rooms, light huusekeep Inr or gentlemen, CLINTON PLACK,"i07"-FirnlB- hed rooms ; gentle- - man, $1.26 ; two gnu tlemen, $3. 60 ball room, 5HFKNWICH AVK., 51-- furnished room; with all conveniences, for gentlemen or house- keeping; $2 upward. OKOVK ST., 65 t ront roo ; light Houso kef ping or gent'emen ; $.i per week. HOUATIO hT., 00 T woiront ball riom-T- , eulTabf for one or two gentleman; uaa, bathreot low, llOUS)N""S"r., "16 d 'WES I --Large front rooniT newlr furniahed, suitable for two gentlemen ; no housekeoplng. f'arroll. JAM7 STKE1.T, wo furnished conueJTeTl light rooms to let ; private famty; all tmpruve-tnen- t. MACDOUljAL ST., lce furnished roornTTo let, itable for ho uekeeplng: Jront $2.60 up. AlHitCLH ST., 308. near 8th st, auu "ltroad ell., on ttUted. Urge furnished fr nt room, ga. bath, $.i. HkeJ.ton- - PMtllV ST , 30 two nicely furnished room to let. together or separate. WASiriN(iTtiNTLC(:. an double rt'oma, neatly lurulshed; strictly reapectaule; gent'emen only; summer ratea. WASHINGTON FLACK. UO, near Otb ve7 Itooma frr bouaekeeping, $3, $3.60; Urge aud small hall room. WAVKIILEY PLACK, Tl7. nearCth are.-Lar- feT H'ont room, $ ; back room, $4. VAVPalit.Y PLaTjK. 174,'lST H.OOK-U- rg front ruom, idcalr furnished for house-oepln- ' 4TH AVR. Hi First-cU- furuTshed roomVficra if.3.r-'- to 1,50, d'lUho'iar 4TH ht.. .78 Wl ST, near Weat 11th at. rnlabed room, light housekeeping $.'.76 weekly; hall room, $1.76. 4TH ST., 369 WlJST-Nea- itly furnTIKVd room t.n that floor for two gentlemen or mau aud wife, term moderat. Inquire iu etore. ' CTH AVL," 403 Funilahed or uiifurnUheTTfont ball ruom; tint floor; htilnea person preierred, VrifAVR.," 43S uear 26th st. -- Parlor "and" be;.- - ruom, nn tim iln&rj alao large aquare room. CTil AVE.."ii49-Larg- e, cbesrfuT front room, fur- - ntvbcd suitable for two. 6TH AV.., 86f ,c oe to elivste.T "natlon-Nlc- ely lurnisbeit halt room to let, King Morton, bell, . OTifAVK.. 004, thltd bell.iuare aud adjoining rooms ; runnlog water ; ail convenience ; u turner pricea. CTH AVE.. 741, iiT.lVeit 42l iTT- -' mailed rooms; Urge and sm-- 1 ; convenienrea; weekly, dally ' 7TH AVK.r75", near 14th furuTaTie! rooms, img'y or en suite t bath; running water; ; good locality, BTH AVF., 0S0, ne.r 41sf at, t hallroomj water, ga. large closet, 3, 2d bell, 8TU AVI.. rooms" for light housekeeping Irom 2. JO to $1. Ml, fJ'TII AVE., 344 -- Lurge. uitciy furnished Ball rooms, ftl.60up, other rooms also. VI 11 ST.. C2t frontTliirte ; roum. suitable tor two or three gentlemen; eeo. arate beds ; third story, baok, tame suite o? par-- j lors, sunny exteaalon ; closet, with running water; suitable for doctor, dentist or patvate family; an mite or ilugly. OTH bT., 34 WF.ST-Lar- ce, baoiiBomo co"nneo lug and square rooms, also medium: att con venfences ; term reaaonable. ' 10TII HI., 158 WKST-iueT- furnished large and rmall rooma; all convenle?ncvi, terms moderate: noi.ill, 101 H AVE.. front room for one respectable girl, $ 1. 611 per week. .Mrs. Carlaon. 7 IOTHST.. 148 WiSt-Fl- at of 3 rooma, nicely t furnished for boosekee, tng; ring outaide bell. . UTH ST., 361 WLST-Nlc- eiy furnished ballroom I lu prlvite botiae, Klug 2 bella. l Tli ST, -- OOVEhf-Larae furnlihe," rooma 1 oltn Uattil houaakaepliif, ball loom, , bathl teriniraaionatila. 11TII ST . 71 Two oonpactlnt room, i alao I ball roomi aommar rrira Call.iw.k. . 13 111 .ST.. l'4 wKr-Sma- ll, air room, oomluiH ablj furul.h.dl rafarancaa. r nTinnlYrBtlT-..l- r. bl. iron, ball ,oonT ti,'B,i,r5 bu " : FURNISHED ROOMS TO try. H'est Smb. 1STH BT. . 521 WFST-Nlta- la. lornlihM I rooma. tof elbar or aanaraUi llht bo l,tk!fl" impl.cloaatai ,aa, lath. i.HTirTTr2:J6WrSl'-N.atrrfiitnl.- l,., t.'v. houaakaaplnt or aantlaru.o i fl.is w.,w " a rn HT..1W WR5iti;nVnT.hTno,,t ka, , moSthlV " P"lor,l 18 to ij 14T1I NfrTaTT'WKRftarja anl"T,TnS- - f olcelj fiirnlttiaili ilanrabla locailoni ir,I?!3 irrommndataiti tarma rr.onatla. """'aa i UTllIRT.. 145 Wi of "h.wnn-- ; ' nlabeil rooma i prl.ale balhi lantlamtn ob al UTll W., 23rt WK.ST-Sac- on4 floor, lar.rl I inall roomi tj t llallh r,Til HT., 24"& Wl ra. roomTTfoTnTJs unfnrnl,hiliUibta.rtlraaulr.di ralfr,";," f friTll ST.. aMWk5T-i'laO- Bt fronTu, fumliliedi n.at and rlaani booaekaapln. ohJ t lsa, nochljilrani retarancaa. I IS t" fit., 230 'WEsT-.".NTr- elr Vnrnlihad trtu?-itb1.'- .," """ '" j 18TI1 HT ailJ WiiNT,' corner Hth Vf..JSr, furnlahad hill roomi 01. 25irlril twice ?' lnrit St.. 16S and banronTSnr! ' ' ballroom nlcaly fiirolahadt bath. Janitor ai iCTIt ST..30:l roo"nTM,' I, tanlent tor two, with batb and all luipt. prlrate hoaja. 10TII itr.. 241 Vi:8T-La- rf. Iront ball lathi t2jrrapectiblr, parmanant. qulat pin. IflTll ST. , 30" Wu rTK.wl forniaK. I lai.r, j il, rmall rooma all oooTeiilai.oaal tarma raia'aibl. lehnad nel.hborhootl. inTllc.T.,2J7"wr?',l-rio- nt room. aulubiTf, i, twot private family, tin, oil'-.- l ntinir., 3ia WkfrKrrnTTh.'d room, withT tl Tit. famlljr In llat. 41.60 per week. Mr,. iLl r Bttlr- -. 1 Jl 17TH KT.. :a WES Ur. parlor. han0,or7i Sl turnlahadi told ni b.di bath, hot, cold iuli 4.6Ui priia'.e borne. j 17TII ST.. 22R WEST-Na- wl fnrnlatTed r , with a .mall private famllj. a 171'ii St.. r.rwfST-- Front' parlor,' newly (o H nlahed; suitable for two gentlemen i - tl wife. Janltor. unr lOTU'ST,, .13 WEhT-Plea- ant largreftC suitable for two, $2.50 bath on flooi UBe, flno 10T1I ST., 333 WKST-Iar- ee square i, i. thtr floor freut i terran reasoLable. OTH ST . 60 WiTST-La- rge and mf Ja" newly furnlahed; hot and cold water. bunco rOTilST.. 343 EST-N- iclr furnlitjlack IIf room; runnlog water, gas, bathtrcair fcaa 19TU ST., 350 WEST-La- rge front a?Pleta 8as second floor, $G, square room, $4; il i njnce. 01 20TH ST.." "133 WliflT-Newl- furoH tawl rooms bath; folding-bed- souther 1 .rr refere ices; summer price. , mtt, 2lTn M'.7203 vVEST-H- ght rooms Water, ,plei men; $1.60 a week. M. fc. Dowd; 'ijrim for 20THlHT.. 43 WEHT-La- rge rooms, J 0u u"', end elegently furulihed. port 20T1I ST.. 40 ble room. ' ton I. table anexcepllooali transient acoi the I Thjr 21ST ST., 200 WEST-Lar- ge front fleet gaa; young men ; homelike; $6 per lynnM for Farrell. r 21ST ST.. 36 WEST-Ne- wly furnliheW you Jet to gentlemen; singly or en aolte, ft.tl g 21ST ST., 221 WEST-Per- lor And betro ADU convenlenca; very dealrable. Dflggia 9 j0 21STSTri4TWEhT-Nlcela7iAnj'i- m,t .eM- ail conveniences ; ladles or gentlemen; 1, ana tent r Accommodated. 22 D ST., 0 WEST-Ex- tra Urge, beintifolly furnished rooma i alao spleodtd emplarconifor 4 gentlemen; for thoe only wishing first clan ae commodatlons; summer ratef. t 220 ST.. 13" W'KS furnlihea room for gentlemen; $4jand $0 p: 23D ST.. 360 WFST. rear, 1st floor-Lar- ge, llf.t 4, furnished room tor two respectable gentlemeuet ldl'B.li. O, Strom. 23 D ST.. 336 Wl ST-f- wo large, pleaaant, fat- - i nlbed rooms, with running water; light bom kepinc if deal red. 22D" ST., 240 WLhTTarge, cool, clean, airy front room; desirable lor two; $4; amall ona 1. 22D"ST, 474 rooms for bit I housekeeping low rent to desirable party. Seat Monday, 221) ST., 470 WESTNfcely furnished or nofai. niahed snuare room i also furniahed ball rootx; 4; light housekeeping; Improvement. 22D ST., 1C7 ely' "furnT.hVl 4; rooms, large and small; hot and cold water and bAtb r, 22 1) ST., 155 WEST DeslrAble. well furuishtd parlor and bedroom ; piano; breakfast Ifde.Ired. cl Condit. . 22D ST.. 117 WEST-Nlc- ely furnished roomi board iptiona'i transl-nt- n accommodated. tc 22D ST., 4t also desirable large room ; with or v? Itbbut board 22D ST., 303 WKST-'l'- wo nltely furniVhed ce T nectlng room-- ., $6 per week. 22D ST.. 206 WHsr-Newly- hed front room 41 atb adjoining; email room; running water; 13 every oon vein on te. 41 D ST., 152 one fllghT; al convenience jone or two gentlemen only, in ST.. 327 WKST-Lar- ge, newfy fnrnlsliei r 10m ; running water, tath; toutbern exposnri 7 Luju quiet and attractive, 20TH ST.7140 WEST-T- ret ly furnished room; w beth; private fumllv. Samaon. . 2 ID ST.. 312 WrjiTTIfiiant rc ms In well-ke- ho.iae; every coiivenlence; terms moderate-- j 23 11 ST., 243 WEST- -I luinlali 'flats'comniet- -ft small weekly payments; nothing donFIgg. 0 5!i I) ST., 200 W all and Urg roomie 4 lortably furnlahed; private bath aud utoveat-- 1 eitfi jreasoi ablo rent. I -- 3D ST., 4.19 Wi ST Nicely fnrnshed hallb-J- -l room, second floor, fror.t, $3 'per weektsUil larue, handtomely lurni-ho- rooms, wltb or wttb-- ont hoard, I 2.0 ST., 314 WP.hT-Cent- ral Focatlon"; fonilihelBf ronnis: convenient to car lines and restaurant)!' r fa eute. 230 ST , 405" WKHT-Par- lcr floor and other del ' eirablo vavancUa; bill room; $3 upward; boar. Optional, I 23D ST., '320 WKST-.Ne- furuished large"aall. einall looms; o.rd uptional. I 23D ST., 157 WLHT-lIoo- Urge andsmefljl every convenlente; neatuess unsurpassed; 'IU 23D ST., 4 47 "W KS T 1 wo lergf, hAnTsomeTyTof H nlahfdsti'iy fruut rooms, L station; privsfB family; references. I H 24TH ST.," 15 W EST, near 'Mad I ion square. Fll K nutlding Han laorcety lurulshed rooms; batbl aummer ratee; referiices. J -- 4TU hT.7"202 WlMT, ponvetiieot to"lPs tlon Klegai.tly furniahed rooms; all conr leucoi; aummer prtcor. 24rilST.. 211 E T N ice Urge furnished rooa airy and 11. ht, for 3 or light boa keeping; also large rarlor. 24TH ST.. 360 WEST-Nlc- furnished frooj ' rooms, flrat floor; tath; ronTenleooei; llgot housfkeeplng; terms moderate, 241 11 hT., 2llf iArge, ele- - I gant front room, one flight; aHo small roomi $..60up . 241 ll hTT. 243 WKST-Hoot- office, recentlj ) vacated by prominent physician; extension par lor optional; running water. H 2&TH ST., 224 WKST-U- rre handsomely far niahed rooms; private batht All convenience! private house; Urni low. 25TH ST.. 203 WEbT-Cho- ico of pleasAnt room! atmionary basins large closet ; summer price. i2CTli ST. ,"32 WES!-Ta- rge, bandauroety fo- - niahed room, second tloorj bath; every convsa le:ioe; newly decorete 1 ; references. M 201 H ST.. 60 WEST-Lar- ge parlor; hot and cold water suitable tortwo; summer prlcei. 2CTII STi, ,r0 furoisneJ rooms, en suite or singly; referencee. 2tTlH"hT,, 260 t EST Neatly fnrntahed room, light houiekeeplng; plenty closet room also p lor; terms mud urate, 27 fll ST.. 312 couple I set of three or four rooms, nicely furnished, wits gaa, Latb, I ot and cold water, for bouackeepiuO lor the mouth July aud August; term modersts. A. Dellocbea. I I 27TH ST., 4!i WKST. The Wf furnishel parlor ml ts; tholceor others; btni every acuominjjdation , reducett ratei. r i7TirST.;334 WhST Largt pleaiant room, oe room cennecting, furniahed for light hou.ekeep tng; very convenient, $4 H 37TU StT, 46 VVKST- -' Parlor, with bedrooir ao4 othrr rooms, large and small, with or wltova 27 TU M'., WV S T Comfortable auit. nuri and hall room; Also front parlor; every con lenience. 28 TU ST., 121 WKST-Meil- ura elred furnlbei loomi all cnnveuieu.ee; toot L atationt one sliglorooiu. J at kion. - 28 NI '&iT.. "402 WrBT-Lri:- e3 and 3 front room for huuiekevpmg from $3.60 upward. 28T1I ST., 337 eery lre Iront room: folding bed; mnuiu water, excel H lent Accunimndattoiia tor bouseseeping, , Stiff! ST., 62 furnlahed room". withgan, bath, large ctuseU, at moderate pncesi m central locatlin. -- b'Ttl ST., Ill VtKST, near 6tli ave. Ltati-- J large light. roomi but aud r nn tug wjteri gentleman only, - 23 Til ST.. 318 rooroi la private family for geotl?men only references ei changed, - I 29TU"ST. 333 WICST-Ntc- ely furnlehei I'f fp front room $ J ; also ball room light boukep- - w tDg; gAB, bath. 39 Til HT. , 43 W"EST- -A numbefo7pIcei7foruUn4 rooms. - aoTli ST.. 303 WRST-Nlc- ely fnrulshed rooms oa brst and euoud doors ; geutleuieu or bousexeepa ingi d up. 818TST., 3C2 WEST-Nlc- ely lurnisbed Urge front alcove roomi gjod oloaet , running water; bouse- - keeping or gentlemen. 3IST SfT326 WEST-t- 4t nicely furnished front basement! all roqvenleuoea (or bouskeepmii gas,bslbample closfta. - 31S1 ST, 306 s4 M ond floor front; rnnning water t light bousekasp- - lug or gentlemen; gas, bath. V 226"'WllT.an. airy furnubejl rooji for gentUmen ; can he seen Sunday t 2d m 8iD St., 604 Wtsf - Uaadaomei tC rooma; till convnUnees B 83DhTd6 WlJsilcflf farnlsbed fronfqH room, edit able for 2 gentlemen t ytT H S I TillrttTVrvt&? T near BroA JH eomsiy ttir&ifa4 rooBJ Alio tlaf l$ irH $5cu, j :rAwBB iHilfllBH

Evening World. (New York, NY) 1893-06-05 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1893-06-05/ed-3/seq-6.pdf · 91,00 i acbi a,G50 taali m ca.h Jot. balanoa on. BL bond and

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Rf f prtl, n, fbth Stres'.K7 ' MOtlHT HOPf. 34th Ward-I- xti on tlerrf ard 4'

Br ?,0UiI ml'. r iiaautliul 11

nit I iramant-- . leeutllnl location, rait hi

R' llVil Html .. Ii'tn l.'Cl!. an I KnlhHa ft., i one blMk from " toiietrrf. Irollar caret N

til 00 In ih, la'eiiieoii ninitt.e at lilt liaK i ceot.,ir fan (i I el.i oU hr lb inoulli tlebouaea mil I lio a. n to b at.yraclitr.l. Amil, on .

k 1'"n' 'lo'i.Vv.V'.ndi'l';,..R Can tin rwn n Sndi;. r til miaranleal hj "K! Gannin.Amerirari lit a l.naranue Uo. 1

aH.' fTFVKTiAiT iSTWard hmi.ee for al on mont e,.r 'Mill" lain do'n A.lilie.a nr rill,K'i afXTl'n. io;3 Home .L llG7th at.). I a.l.Mor. 'R ale.nli. N.Y.UtJ. . ?

Kei 1"MIlhK.sf (tltV and ba.ement houae moat It anldf, ' thlawrek. IWIat at .r '.lh nml l III i.e. , ,

BBB. .err llllla can, innat b .enn to tie aplirrclatM i

M. 1.I.II0U. J. C.IIOl'KJUN.I.I'.O.bol 1.M0 1

B0'V I785"CArll', i7 a month, all tin "L' or,,,.m,nt.,lroneortwolamilia,, 1 184 1 Intun 11

K are., naat H sinK IftaTKMTli. iliin raen, fl Rt mmiH;; Iota at

"aE Knaibrl.l. .New (J. If. l.AUKl.M;t,H 110 W.t :llh at

Hi' iOiil.J lii'a on Tilnllt, Wteloliaat.r a.n.A; S,lMin, 3d are, lot f I It cation imi.l ti ao'd. ' tt , 4t7iini Jl.rnom houea, all iniptoreine.ite. t

P Jll. V'O- rt.alorj tUt tionaa. no b.treln. .C; 7 0 li 'n liar lioil.e lot .'i ll HI". '

Bli irt.uuill hiiraa 10JI are. Ironta :U a.e.L" 1h.f0'li Sd aro. Plol. I'.HJIiU. old hulldlnra J

i3n,0ul) rnnltlln are. 'i.l IRiijvlio.K l5.ll,..ronallratfllAl'l'KI.I.,.S. .1.110 .Id a.e. 1

K. I'lll.rO.). IM'I.H' lN'n al.i. I AIH'i:iM, ehedee.1; Jtc, altri.tl.e a d haai'inanl lioi.aa in 2

K.'' iwrlatit u ti t- - block, a, a:i an tin. a.

K' l).NKIl, THTaat IJTth at. R

K. 'JXilTK (OK BALl'.i nlilfli cnunT. on HlabMnar' it-.- . iU tan north ot Ua.ttl aa, , prlca

K' 91,00 i acbi a,G50 taali m ca.h Jot. balanoa on .L bond and mortffaaB "

, JOJIlN UA 1111. U 1535 Intataalaaaa.nfll wXtfO-Two.ai- ora "ba-- a naot brick and

i tnmahiu.'.i;lililtl'rt (mllli,l.ar,i3.r,W' lotSJllOO. motta-ac- l.00 vrl.n .i..0U. ,

KV .1. li. f, liKl.ltV. Alnatoid nil ara.

K attonalon fIO. turnaia m ca lat, ii;nilc"H gj.llii:!; ,tuvi ..,niln. .1. . I, r. IIV, JeS V

K AbialarJitm av.i 7Ulh at. 4

kanrnTSiDiriiKK irifiVTrt'Av! HiHisr.S' t(lr Iito famlllol, from H.Olll) to 0,U0il factl. 4

L HfCill1 KAII.-- . 177'J 8 ap.

Hti .V.scnit'OH.A

E?' AMt OM baa anouah anjof quiet IK" In ona 1

r' ol tha h ailhloM ot In Iho I'. K.tidnnra .

K Inat to ka p hi mind butjr ralainir p.ai andBi t hrka'ra Kbit lha robin alnra In tha app a Iraa. , r.

H, 1 will aall him my homaitaa In atattdard lull 't Vara, in Nau, N J., mi tnlnutra from N"tr fj

IIK Tnrk Cltr. 3 bjocVa I10111 utl.Mi. lor I'.noiiiim- - Conlla'liia: ot an Indatm.iitant toar two anlatialf a

fc alOi-- trloa ba.amanl ll'toom 0110 on J unniar .

IIH.. Iota,. .11X100; wateri aa aort nai.'lmuaa aloiin roatmi 7.Iit0iJria nt icn w II atockail with frnll trataK? of ail aartaty In full baaring; battar daacrlptlon fW lira 1 tatballj. Addiaaa A. hot 10(1 World.

LLLF iCHAScR; Volt KOlli: CNR! Am atolntr to 2

g; Raropal wil aall tnn tnnamanti. Want Itfitli at., , 'Hr OBkcorntr, Amttaraamaira.. ona rortiar, yd aaa,, '

ITnTnTnTnTnW? star 115th at. tarma to antt nnnclpala a Idraat "

K' tlra. HllAW. tot Mil Wntl.l. uptown,K AT A BAIlOAIN-- A rornar prltata noma xltliaKt alabla. ISAAC MA1IX. i,C, W'at 1'Jlth M. 7

IIH A'tiIttRE-r"AMII,- r'LAl'i food locatloti, naarirK, nawt rantad low at Si.rtoo par ai num. will aall r

LwawV-- IHAAtl MAItX. (I Waatiatthat.LLB' AltAltriOIIAKO -- PKaTa lor"ararp1cc of propta'aawKr artr, all rant t brlnra if7,344 par annum, willawVK?1. (all balsa 70.0IIII It aold nltnln too waaka. J

K; JMAAO MAKX. 00 Waal liSllial. .LBt-- BROWM-KTON- IIDI'sn, HOthat., nar Madlaon ' ,

R ' , a aTa.,loraao rarr baap. aial 1 l.ili. lUUial..awawVj? ' naar 7th ara., aaar tarma; 4 lota. llCtb at.Hr.! '. KW.WMt. 4 Waal IJId at.

H' CinriCKHoMhTianil'ouia tratno dwrlllnir, two 'awawV ato'Iaa And batemant. nair vlaratad atatlani.c

"J.t.fOU, ( Otll.Tlill. ;l:)B Ilroadwar.awawK'l WyKTi trnnn-t.u- .a Iron! Ci'uran f

Br Anhouaai prlca 011,1100. 3115 Manhattan arr.LLB'f THllkK alatant dwal Inna for lata , mutt ba aoiil at ;

ooca.loa. ana.uia. 1tKNNa.rr,lV(l llroadwai, 't Cl.Oill)' CAHI - Htora propartri aood btialnaa

awJvjYKL tbraa aiorlaat near alaaalad vtatkou; ctf.TMk i:.it;i.ri:lt, n.m iiiodair.

iHi WfurnisheF houses to Let, 1

awawKL .CRXRLICjV'kVT, to at. 7 rooma'anJ tK hath.

tA tESSTCUK BOUI.T.VaU . liifii ft7tll U rulu- - tKl aita' O tr Hall i carat rlaar front t prlrata houaa ;

J. atani apprtilitad, r

LLKl LEXIXU'l-O- AYR . ili'iO -- rJMl montblr; month 1

K? fritatrlhh brlo4 dwelllnjrt bUli rrnuuJ i oorK looairt' Harlani ana I'antrat Tark. 0

H;1 ll iM.Ocf bl'., A'i "Tiam aoino.t. uaw, alayantlBf daoorjtad houaa la Mntn Ward i portion ttontiifX hot .and onM watarl rangt prttata bntba and 1

nk cloactal no o llldrali t opon Sundaa t 0 lo 'J6.

aBaHLf I'liTlaPror 1'irAOi'. Oil. aait of 3 j'aia , batwran 1

H 4d and 4Jaat.. tliraa-ator- anr Daaamnnl prl- -rTtta booaa, rant a)7od. Apply on praiulaat or j

a'aawft' B booileld A Co., 0S1 Coluu.uaa ara., toriiarSSIbaf -

K? WA8HIXOTON AVI'.. 1MI-- A houia. I'X rooma,ftn4sarratt plotA4il03i rout VUii. !aaK; iTTllrlT.. 911 Wi:.ST I.Vtt.ci. (1 In mil Kara I

ftlf, naat door ownrr at raal Wftth at.K l'tl0Titst., Ill "tVKVt'-tu- no par yoan

Hh , hnuaa, Park autranca ; wlda traeti new dnra.awawaW'' itOTHrlT. S31 thta.a"tory

VJ bri04 tin bna.loa. SII3U. I'ctmlla. 138 W. tjlh.Hp 1'iirnfRT.. C.7 Wr.ST-lli- no. 13 rooma ant

BmL latbl all Improrementa; larira jrarden t on blnokaVarawaC' fro rant rarr ni'Hlaraio. aara wltu jaullorlawawawL; otc.ri.ar lilt. .1. I.. liOr FMAA.N, 3U7 Hroadway,LwawaVi' cr 81 Ka.i lltlti t.

"Al-A- .-TO LET. "TO LET.';t jut n't sr 4HTII sr. i

iB:;' ' Finest Private Block.

iKo, t'0utunn root '0nc?, Hi ri'out.. tlpll for twoik? Uml'ti.1 ri.t ( cnotl i.rtr 41. "OU ttr annum.

iKf AUAUIE UllANtM for no-- mm fk ntc throin. b ilai it If it hu'itt opt n reta". Appl

iHr' AFliUiVh.uKY It, ICK irirnt- linn., rmitiH' iftlKJ her mri can 'f .SunJif. Hd

iK, lfutlsTf mo uh an ll'aili.Vith .labftt and Urn.:iK , urr Mini.l by 4 ii ImhI ltKint vifw ofiEK 1h ltud-f- f. 'iJ lla lfin Hirrr: iittim tin .rnnioiK h pprteialili rout very iMiidTite. K IritftiHf lr'dcria an I iiykmltt t. um (iioi-- frHi hiiH: wvhi4UtIin. J. C. llUl'l'.UA.NN, llriadHa.i. or 04 rait 11 Itli it.i LrW"Lf Compl-1"- r .r," iirixtit littleiHH hj'iit. all Improvtiuic iu-- i j 8 loomn tiuliHvT Drir8lit ct. rUltioit. iJt l$t'l., M. A . Lot 'JJ3iUS., Wif(l, Uptodii.iK Kos. 7i to hiVit l.Vni hi." " I,

iKJT Vrur tttit tlite-.i-t- u hrnntoifcnim, Vi'.ft , enh n t trlmul ihrnticlio t vaiHBt tittof.. ir.tw tii'i tin Ik'r., nit Uni lundittuutiHfP 1.800 pr .Ip'i' lor iuiprcttuu,

iHM! HUl-rA- 1MIDH AND ABH CO..iHK cornrr Vt i a.e. mJ 1'iU t t.

iBfV 5o LP.T ,l'br,-to- r i touti it luui e,iKV' ton vt., i t f?n I Utli ind 1 lftt'i it . alt tin- -iHk tjnt M. IIAl.l.lDAY.'a'HUn

iBmf Voi.El iniiT'. liaiitTnuniti blip lion, Vrrnim,iBtEl. Itnlh, at m'Mlrri. i'liprnri'nftttl , rtnt periH1 tnnnih. lnut ruG ra-- t Hitl ki.

iBili Imprtftamepto, ntrn 1t crnun.i, pleiur viiBn Jrit't anil fcliAiij trj i tMirtht omtr 17:1.1 t,HiiiiB' a"tt Wahiu;ton av. , rft.oua. la irnt, Ai u i iniV.t pr.-- i.tiiH? TORH.fl tnanrlrati 'ftn l J bilrk hou rf 0iBfctf iojm nl h . Iiiit raTiMni na n l,"M)t tt . nriBElr r' UinnU ,. m tt'fc mnt Iranttf i .uiBW' 't itfliat-- , Mltli tmii i.nmp crmiii.ln,

eittll0iit vim of tli hud u. an I fj mui'teU..'t1 ''ol tern-- f ff rf .taunj.it c lmjtnr I riHlv , 1nr da a in , irmuvi, rr o( owce , IU3 r.ast fi'J.li

iBffi-- " u 11 A- i, to 5 1. M,iH' TO nKNV-2i- ;7. o3n.briLkiHm mai.ti, jtia Uril,iK Itr. r,S rnnkfert it.iHijft S- - T Tl.' A. tW: I.M' lIi in;.r.T.Tnt-i- ;tHM,p rtiDt. 4411. 14 Hlin t.. nrr l.cst tf t u

Kt Ate' A A OUt.r, ".in r, 1111 (,r ;MC i t.iK 0 A II, In'rt c ttrin , 7 r mm coithum,iHvX" ."r.,1. ' lu luui pUcr. UltiiiH iU, lOlli av. ; CU0 re'ut7vi roa i.

iHqiHlftV' TO I.KASi-- llonnt, c, r m, Mlth icrwil rnnml,iKA mluuiaa' wo k Irnm I, o'ai iin, t If. pr mu'iihiHLj 1 r lu uriMailo . hiitiiiie ul 1'. H.t ll V. Ut- -iK land (, , fir uklui.


fn all iJtiit4 .t if.) riiou., lu, tliruu

iB:' tirwksyn.iB'A A'TLVIU ST , 2t; 'etwt.oi. He Kull ind Wil.HLl y'i nh-- o i t i ftm Uriel i.omr, w.ttiLLLHK. pl'.r.r., ta- - loci i . tfi,', to t r l .u ur til eeprt Pr nioutu. n.

nt.o lri.,r n! ClrtShiu.In i Tilrd l'u.:o,


rj. Ilrunwlin. 7n"Ti- -Ut

l.Vll llrralwar. 1'r.oa yn.'r h !! a bom '.

r Ilu'tr a'id l.a.mitit to bI ea (tit li itlufsi. Apply to



ast&iae., ilvur la prlrat'

DPnil.l 77nd 10 iinbrriM m,Bcrrlcn. a.t tinprommtnu,

315, cornt-riat- at.-- A it.it, (5 rcmii .a 1 bath .11eirtatnr ni mraui lirat,

rout 14) ihir. itniiaiftottHaiii Iivatvil apirlmeiit ofatu rout i.O tu tti'i. Apply

bt-e- n 84ti anTpStH alaU0 ruoua auJ tatb. un.ata

mn. aar lffltn fati ofvatrr 914 aid 1S.

J,n, llrt, F,l0 Huttl IfODtJauKor, ooflifcituifs


Unfurnished- tntt Sueri! AVi: , no- thraat trntr 3.1 t -- eoml f.trt la run 'ixlit r'Hn Kifaui he At. ltli tt?r.r li A'r , Iffif.n 13th and tHtbM.-.N- wflit, dm orated a imtir.ittiiienfn only .."' rif n . luui taiiiilia (n loiU", if i.t and A Jl.PI Ir to Jiil.N MrcAKtJlY. on pioniUaatopenjnJty. . '

)I'H 1ST . ifiSTlAHf llrpt tlno', G lltht rninaiid tmrirnt ?ni4hlia . Ininifl datf pnialon.j;IIM.,'fllf'ft A.i&rt inputs of i hire f. onniultii al Impr ivinnt. aih tur. it

pro(aird raiei oca rt quired , tent ttl.linisV., f IT. iTr,, Uh T!ASr-i:- i.a t ilcfit.lltprrT4l and at'ict'y kept artl'm nU uf 4

n.a ljr reepeetabla sinaU Inmlliri taeieucea reHired,

till .T..0nj JlASf' l'leKant fniiit (lata. 4 ro unaiball, hitlruuin , ametit mil I famiheai

il). 4 8 I.

Tllhr..2y I, AM, ra ton .Natlf derrit-- d

lUt, s nti'ii.. t . mantiea, m it rr n

rinraj. renli rean"f ' le, .la Itur.Tl II SI'. .I'--l r'Ahl", i.eir ttiynut I'ark lolet, unftirniahed, creator put nf .itorr n- ii'a,ioi lucatlou for ilrc tor or itreaainakr . arau Muii

, -'Til hT. 314 KAhT, neir Stuiye-an- tVery i1"itrb e Hta, 7 rm-- , all Inii r .MU"iita .

'ill t'.i, to iamtnr. or Hn.1.1' II AtttOI hlAdtlo .1, 00 Urn, riv, coM'f J J I '

WI'II hT., 341 KANT- - Ver dMlrali e parlr llat.fiIatfs liplit rooma, Immeditte pi,i'-.ai- i. Aply a H.tr, nr t I'lM.r.U A t O I'll I Ml II A M, j

ltruadv4y, turner li at

Dill M' . 424 Vt -.- NnuniP i!nr l'i priratahiaitie I i r Tenitnl nenl? rnndatiM .').

if r II hi., 'AM I AST-Mi- llie Hoor of:! tiler, ll,ihliooiiih and latU, rant leamnaiiif , tan trtt aecutintla,.ATU ST . '.!IH I'.AST f. aid 4 Ht t tonma, withImpriiTenienta, rent fl'i t't 16. ttanltfir.

A I'll HT, , J. iAM-nr- .4 rooma, In b Tk

lion, iomall family f adult. t

trilM'.. 314 I.AhT I'loor In pdiate hoiiat;fiiur rooiTi., conrentenuea. would Mfido If partytits. i

01 II T , 220 KAHT, b- -l teen a t anl 3d ?ea. -i lecant , tnUia ai.d all modern im- -

roTnineipa rnt 1 4 'Jf.

7TII .ST., Tit I.Ar- - iV.uith flat, 5 rooma. ranteand liniroferaeut, rent t 7 . huiriay.

HTIl SI' , IMH i AHV-F'--mr frent rnimstInipritTenienta, naeorate 1 psrtor, naitittiba,uiiitiMttler, fioaetaj mnt 11?.

3TII MT.t K5 Eh1 Oimer fata. 0 totoa andInto, 'ilT-- lt ha.i, hot atrr fn m atanmoiler, eoulhern eipo-ture- i limn uate iio.aeaalu.itent frae to Juty l(at,iall-- f Hats :iu . hall bur.

nltor.I'TIl SI. 'a4TKAsr-il,aia- nt cond atnxle flat,7 Ura rr. ni. 4 , c:tolc h Ighuuruood , eievaUd

tatfoncorner.8 I'll M, 4 IS Flotr in priyatt bona; rentnaicotblr,

Cl 11 hT, 434 KAt-Kleg- aiit at am baited llatito lett itva rooma, rani ilC tu ilV inonth. in

liiro'iprmUfla.4 hi .Vf.. 11 .at, fine order, a'tImproTemanttt atio tbud, 20, very carat la.ai'l! .sT7.32TrTAiHT-pjrl- nr anrl Laaament fltorto let , II room anl btn . 41.

a U m lHti k inr (.liri.'o inri Ant u tnii7 room and balti, with iioprj? iiint. in goud

iel(hborhoo J.6TII 1iT.,I9J KAHP flita In let. aii1wpro?.vnirnte, all lu ood unirr, near l.atati'm.

'OTUhr., !d1 KVS'I lleaanlly ileourataT flat vlan rnoiui anJ bath , all npiovin nta , 'J2,

la tlttaaa,IH'II STt, 17" apaclona parlorfloor il, uneiiep Igoible locatloti. lr futta

,3tS Veit 40th at.I21 .ST , 104 KAhT--b- e ten lie tit rooma, with

Lath, ni'wly datt rated, ail liupruTeinruta. InItilra owner.'3. NT,, 342 h'AhT Elajfcnt tfat, 7 larfe. litfhtlouina, all imprfiTerneuU . ion rtuit tn r atatlun,

I3U ST., ft 7 KAHl, Ancntta- -I hird i!at, fourlilae rooma. t.atht ChMailan family, adulta;

Blww&0i IminediAle poaealuu.14 11 Ml , 004 Tiuilnnii-oin- i llcht (lata.'aernn riom ami all Improremanta Bin llurk

lardt'a belt. tI4TI1 ST., 1C4 KAhT 7 and bath, 1R to

34.HIT 1 HI'.'.BVi IJaiST Harm larri to inn ati LatU,near atation i nil dfooratMi i 9a4

I8TU T.. KAhT-S- 4 rooma, newlypaint el, , tnar atatlun and park.

IHT1I hi',, 11X1 i:AST Ittn.abia llala of reornaand bathiall f24 to 131; adjoin

n enrner I'ark a.lJhSi.Ull KAh'l -- An elijt ntl- d ateaiu

baa ted alailt flat, A rnni a id btth , all lirflit.I7TI1 1ST , 140 I A HT- - I. jrirt, onol. bealthv mrnerflat a, rive and all ru mat bath and private halls t

.11 improvement, janit or' air toe. ewily a d$2l.irtTil 1ST , V02 KAHT Tbre and apart-mant a. 7.MI, 98, 4l ftO and Hill.

AVJli hT., 1(18 KAHT Vlvrtlart rooma, near park,rent till 1, with aH Improte aianta.

ill'jb hT . i3l "apartme nTa";

netalv painted 7 up, qnUtlamiMea-- , naar:hl avr.lUATIl lsr.,M I.Ahf --Vlerint lll to foomi

and ba h i decorated i reiricerator. beat, all Imit o amenta, pilw. 1111. Inquire Janitor, ontrerni-6e-

i'lOI'II ST.. lfift KAHT-- 16 I t te. b and(J rnomaau bath, all Improvement! j large, ti(bt

ooruai pennct order . near i. etatlan.0"T1I HI'., 21 T KAHT-Tno- lre tlat of 0 rmiitu,'wttSimprovemriitai-- t IS, let to a family of a lulu ;

io children allowed. (Inuer on tha premUea.10 'J I'll hT. , 1'.7 KAHT-- llva rooma, ei"lenliin. batbrjom, refiUa.ator. awuinsa; lHie. tn July,

IOjTII HT.. CiT I.AS'l Ai'irtraeiitv 4 Urge, Tltihtroti m. iinprovrnienta, V 1.1 to Hlfl , cummenca

15th. Janitor.IKiTU hT . I'U KKI' In profed apartintuta tu

lot , 4 room, (lu. Appi) .anliur.lUfll hT., 73 nettly deco- -

rnteii lUti, 0 room anil lath, manma. rtiant entrance, aalat-t- ; 1H up, apetlalllMturrnt Hit a to aool ti unit a.

Illllll ST., 112 KAST- - 3 and 4 room., newlypiiit a I lmprovemiut, ient-- to ill-

llll 11 hi'., C Sli ML If M rooma anilLatn. all linpri vetnanLo, iait 917 up. near

M mi I inn are .lailtor. nr . lloCn.nu, .J7

lUI'll HI' , PI V.K T- llihd and lifih floora, allloum, rei.t troi to JUU If.

IJ4TU HT., 7.1 - Fl noiiiia'd bath, allIntf rotemeiitai neely detotatatd, $10 up. Jan-


lUril sr. 73 UhT-llando- tiie (lata. t roomaand I alb, bit light, with all ImpioTemanta.

ilaultor.lUini hi'.. 7(1 lAHr "InnU "itat. fliri t rminC

tath.wl e I Htrntful'i ''"l rtaainitdtterm for daalraiita toanl t nnu't mini u t'ai.UBlllSl., U7 l"AM KSitiile hrat and reVMUtl

Oat. olt rnuira, liktb, aeveu rouma, i ath , ntjarMntioii.1 111 I'll ".vr..".ipf"-1- flat a to

rent j U rouma; it th all linpn.amn)a.ll'Jl II ST , . '22 I Ahl-- Sli ruottia, bath, all n u

lankncea, ateaii bcato I llat.123i T.. 2AI of A all li.lil rooma,

i ath. li&iKiaomtrlt; iktural-'d- , 'J1.

A. --- A. --A. --A. -- A.. -- A.FflEE RENT 1 MONTH.

to l.t.r- - it) i.kt -- id M. r.

UW AM) 111)111 ST.

VIIOM I8 TO f 30 ITU MONTH.The tvait b and 7 rn in anl tnth , all Improved ;

ami ttrpt-- t t iHa nmlr i!p orated.Apnt tu janitu-- , 'JSt i 1 nit at t aTe.,bvtwceu 115thand Illiih itA. -E- XCELLENT LOCATION.

Hien.ve tniio data,a liiniittT.il aula.

Janitor lu 17(H) Ma .lam arc, new lloin atW. HAUrhK.

AriltT'iU.NT- - TO li: a.ii irrNoa. "I'd a id .ttl 1 ate ,

I at Mean vd t and 4lbV'mir rooma ntll.lion a nl pl'intblti .

hall- - and aia ci naid. valr r ti ,.1 tij altmpump. Apply t u 'pet on pmot.t-i- .

r, imjI t.l. tI'M I AS r K.I II ST.

It nt fret to it ily v'eaant apaMinent of 12 parfai'tl) i'ojht to mnt hiftUkooJ. imrrora , ttieatii haul,en vaior. Hour t rvlf. Ac. . laduO. lui(uire jaunor or riK'iu 21. 2i Ur a i a

TI.K I i.o si.:.114 Tail HI t at.

A a nirli f r t Hat, H nom aiot i ath , lame, lisht,attain ti at. ban 'uiimij d u i at l, pm.tn aua,intrror. a a lot:" . u " A pplt ,Uitt.

Tin. i. 'i;M? ami - Hi uorii..1.14 AMI I .id r.S" S1 il hiKent finr to July . c t r. I apariui'Mi't if elxht

liirtit ro' ut, a . har 3 wti.t.i. uurrora, duur im etc . A o

hoi if s7.au, ln)uir. jauiwr or routa '.4, '.'JJIT a lwa.A A -- NKll MiM'NT MOIOUS I'AHk,l.'.'l) hi., 15 i Af I - in Hat nn lire a,lijht r ."ii a bath . all impru emeuta . dt'ratpd

J Uu' ke"i'i r.Y.a I' 10 .ST Tll.fi 10 Ver d'a. ir.nl. tU , ,

r h 1111 a .ti bait, 'tairj lieat a iriproTrnirntaM o w vnt il ol 1 .10 - r "t ft i

416 UP. d ffli.L: aiihon tiata, JC.Tuiaic aetit iti , (.ct t i d4 ' rate I tl Uv,

n'lir Kit, 7i Katt 14th at.

UnfurntsheJWeit Stde,AMSTFUD.M AVB.. 745 IUtdomt ateanv

li'iatet apartment of aii roctn ou the uat al1aa ,d cJ7 nil. ia ice. baa tnj, airy rooma

bnaLtliin ie acruat H .tiaou ither, Jauiior, U4tlft., baaaiuwnt,CIIAHf.l.h ST., 2H -- Aoartmanta.tmir rooma ach

fr 'iiand b k,Btct n oor, l'orinua.OOI.UMIlUH AVK.. tr.1, near UMh M. - 1JW'I t' r r"uju. al. 'pi'.iralrd f'M 1.1

tioiailMHfS 1 VT." "4U.I eue clat an.i"fid ela"- I Iff ait t UUt 4 rouiu. and baft . .11 uuproit.ineuta. 7th I. Maliou. ! .MCllUl.Ah, 14n.UroA.lwujr, naar 42d at , ur janitor.Ctil.lMm.S(ti.i A'l... 'Jl.i, h4if.n 105th am

ldt-t- aia. . cl.amp Hat lit romtuleut localityDrtJO'io-- with iuipruTamenta 7 15CUI.Lt1I11I'-aV1- ' ,f7j;b"tvT(ailO.la"ori03raT

-- Mn,iuvel painted ruu 11., ltli t'liurovemantre'it MlC rU dill S mVi '4 i -- A naat a,con3Bour tlaT

fl rointi 4)17 Iniika on prcmiaetGIIKI .NWICII AVK . 110 hitteen 7tlTanTRtl

B?-- a. HaDil.oniu y tuora a l i. b alMfebr)m atil bath, with all tmproiatnrnie, only toyami Ua lit hout rent only to lauttor,

-- Jl Wei9tbt.,cr V,K'l'ejtvu,.JC Utb


Unfurnished West Sde.

HUDSON ST., r,f)l lArc-pur nr flmr, with bateinent. if rnjulred , ffuod lovettuu lor dn:tor or a

rui 1 ' nt int.f.l.NKX A Vi .. ."144, naar U5th at -.- tenant HtC

fltu lartra, llabt nniiua an bathj all liuprora-ineo-, i H) Janltrr.

A MII.T.iSIt, 213 Writ 12.Mbft.MANHATTAN AVI. , 3R-- . near lUlh til-

Kilri .urge ait ro ma , b.tlt. tiriralo ua It ataarulief.t . reiat tetl tenant.MUliltN ST.. U ASH 11" riti'e light, airy Apart-

ment a, at imtirotemanta , l i. jU loill'l. iVl. he janitor or h. K. JAY.S l! a CU 254Wfd '.'.Id at.hi. Mi IIhLas AVl! . 1A7, nr llfth at -- We.

nait tuaie I llat, 7 roouia an 1 balbt 3J. Janttor, oj premiaiea.hi'. Mt UOI.AH AVK., 42 aS'II ;i4t, 5 blnukt

from eietate I ftntlo' Meffetit (lata r f ft ruuina,nMiv p"ited. all inoilain imfirrivemrnia, ,

ln aHh, location . to be aeeu hum ja. time 17 tu1V1U'avkki.kV n.Aci:, 107 im tiuor, iioj.aii'

improvententat hrstclaaa or .eri iorent lifhtlniatiietia. or deBiilug. Janitor, or .Moueypenny, 178f.lh ae.WAVi: I.HY IMMCK, 1 lf -- Four rooma and bath",

all Improvement. ienta, H'J ia Mri, Apply to,Janllor.41 II hT., UVJ llala to let near Oth

ata r'1 luiprovamtuia. Apply on premlieaorH'.H Wrat 28th ai.41 It 1.. 220 VT-Nle- ely derorilo I llala every

(oiivaiiianu'i. rente fin to 917, fit). Janllor,CT AVK , 102 .lt lane', llthtt'tmr rnoma.anit

able for licbt buntiea ur daltrigi tautral lotatlon,fillf AV:,', 38H- -1 Hit floor ti let. receutly eut.

plormeut olfloe roil cheap,71 It AV!" ., 'J.n-j- r Mlh at Convenlaiit to t.ata- -

11 in and al car Irtai larlur tloor 111 prliieboitae, watt ventilate I. with liiitroveinenta, anlbte for phymctan or iiaht bnainaaa alio upper (ut,0 rooma, improveineiat, eeparately or tog ot t er.711. aVc, neriheaat ci.rnrr Utth at I levant

rnrner flat. Itjcnt ami batn . eiiiiabcateil try tmprovvtitrtil , newiy decorated , rentH'M. Janitor,"Ml AVf'., V If 5 hit larre in'mt and bath't

boulfiard avart'i all Iniprovemrt'.a.ateirn tifar,Ac J4. Janlturor VUi0 A, M1I,I.KK,219 aiWith at.7 I AVI' , antilh-r- -t rorner KlOtb at. Itfuullfiil

roinar llala. ,(3 teat froutag- - bay wimiowa alegatitly deo rat all Iniproteinantat reciutly rrno- -vate.l; 40 to ft.

OuI t Mll.t.ril. 2J'J VTe.t 12Mh atQTUnAVP 0Af ltt elnrU flat ofOllT AV. O'iU fl room, alt improva.mania. 2fl lo a).13 O. MCllUI.AM, 14HJItroa Iwar, itmr 42d t,. or Jmltor.Hi ll AVK., 702 llamlaoma, new toitrtoom Hat;

r a. rie, btnU, . Hunt, decurated. dealtable, niolerit liuproverneutt if Id'Jilt AVK.. 7.r, near4'Jtb at. Tlrat-rtaa- Imuae,

3 or 4 ruonta, linpitiveinnute, Sli. &U, 4UG.-- 0,

loril HT., 149 WKhT-Nlo- ely furnlahe.l rooma,wltiigat An bath, for gentlemen, (2.60 per

week. ,

1QNIST.,of 3 aitrl 4 runma, All InnTOvementei dneot aun

lltht In every room rent C16 and 2i; referanta.lflf'Il h'f.. 'fit aNT) 2i WKSl-rto- yal and Peef.

ieaafttnall famhv ilal. 3 and 4 rooma, batb,improvementaj tl t 4)26.

15TH si,. 227"AM1 29 WKSTiloyaT a"ndefr-ieia-rSma-

family (lata. 3 and 4 ruomej bath,ImprnTMnant' , $10 to $25.15TU hT , 233 0 Urbt rooma

aud latn.all ImprovwmenUi 4J1 linmediataIMnaeaalon17111 hi., .28 W'KaT-K- ia pleaaant rooma,

Improvpmenta, mirn ri, uufurulnhed i choiceal.b. furulahed alegantly. 4V.10 Til SI , ftOM AND 010 WlM'-riir- ee itiiFronr

lleht roiut., Improveramta, tu good ordar. ji.50to f 13. f laiutor, or JOhl.I'lt LOltlllT A OO.,23d at. anil Uth are.'JO I II ST.. 311 WKsr, near 8th are.. 3d floor-- &

eitra tare rooma, rent 629, housekeeper30TltThT ..10 ANU321 EST. nea r 7 tft a y e, Viry

iltalrattle tlata of Ii rooma, bath t newly ptlnled,papered and douorated, alt lmprove"eata i atatlon-a- r

tuba, ran im and be bot. 0. NIOitOLAH, 1483ltrnadway, e.r 411 at., nr Jajittor.21hT hi'., 311 WKHT Itandtotne new lUta'; batfiaT

uaa, iftrigita, decoratlona, light, deatrable tooaration . 2i, A J4.3&TI1 HI., 220 ANlTs-ir- t WKhT- - Ade"iaand

mall family flats, 4 rouma, til Improve- -mentii j2U in Jrt.251 II T . 220 AND 23s'Vi lCst-Ad- alA and TfiT

all faral y .lata, 4 rouraa; all lmprure-incntaij-

JO toj!20.UOrUST. 3.6 t, 3 ulca light

loniiia, Impioremeiita, not and ruid water,ataire tarpeied , private hall, 415 ta tfl7.

Jaultor.VATIIST,. 3l3 VvKRIVl.Tvgant new apaitmvnte, 6

Aorna, al Improramieuta , 'JC heated,jr.fl I ST. 3fITrKsT-lerorai- ed apartmente.

0 rooma and Path i aTaa atovea , all iinprovrniuutai24 toaJ7

27IIIHT., 128 wKK'f-1'r- ee "until June Y6. Tata flleht itM ma, l.rtto 30 alma aud 4 rooma. ill!

to 116. wltb impruventeuta, quiet buuac ; near Ottiave. Applr jaullor,oaPftHT., 411 WiCHV" Apaitmanta I room , itni

(tl.MOaud $12 i deatrable huuaa330 aST., 433 W Mi I'-

ll d floor. 8 rooma i rent $23.330 St.. 50o WHlUl'pttr light roonn, newly

decnraieJ, tatlonary tuba ana range; lent $20.Janitor.341 II ST.. 4C2 W ule a'evouti flat, C large

light rooma; a tea in bat an I I at'l.3ril hT.. 431 WKSI'- -0 tn 8 lifeftit roema.'wlth

j impr'Vaiiitnti fAlJIto 2780111 ST., 44. VlCsT 4 licit 00 ma. private hall

and bath, In unlet, well-ke- vingle llat, Induce-rneu- ta

price 10,

36l'H bT., S63 WESTTito block a from a tat ten ; 4 rooma and 1 ath; all

Improvement!, V.O aiidj33. Janitor.30T11 ir,, 313 W Krit Handaoiue oiw four-roo-

Hat, btth. light, decorated; deiirable, eleganteutraiuea, if, 20,

3QTH ST., 351 W KM -- Vand A nm aparttneuta.wltbali Imprnvemenii eicait bath, eitra large

room aud hant kitul en rent $1H tu 31, tu emailami famlltna Iii,iilr janitor.3D I'll SI'., vrw Wf.r'l' Four Urge," light rooma

noil tatbriKm, all Improiamania, $22 to $j0.auttor

3UT1I hT , 'J;i WKST-h- lx elegant lare lightrooma, bathruiiu lateat luitiruvemvnta; $3t.

Ati, ntaeuiant, four rooint, tl45m 11 .T , 200 l.hT In Ift.cornar Uat,1j rooma;

all ntlit. Apply to .Uultor.40111 hT 225 Wl.hT t near HroaJwayi

A r innia, deuoiaied, all Improvemeute, aivnloga.$23, t:H. Janitor,

j 430 St.. 2.' ANO 358 WKST. uear Hmadway-Apartme- ota

of tbrn and four ri inni modernroiivrmeiuea, rtnta Irjin $16 tu $2l, lu ulegautllair.4JO M'.. 352 Wi hT, near Ilroadway-Oeaira- bie

alngle llat nt H rooma and bath, olecautlr decnratetflu white ami gu.d: ateamneateJ ; 'Jd iluif.O. NKJUUL.AH, 1 ind liroadviay, Lear 43d ai., 01Janitor.4.10 ST .323 WKST, near It

apanmentam niniiu, tiandaimIy urcurated tnwh te a id iot. , all light rot mil, a(Pimbeated; allliupi.'tmrnta. 70l thlidtlAt. ti. NICHOLAS,ItaJ Ittuadeay, near 42d at. , or Jaultoi,4 JO ST., 22.1 WC.sr, near Hrnadway-Kieg- ant

apartmanta of 0 rooma and bath, newlyand painted In wnlte aud gold; all Improvea

m 411 a ateaut heitrd, .Kl,4th a id Mil tlourv.Tb" ItftHO, fr e to J,i 1. I., .MC 11(11. AO, 148J llroad

a , near 43d at,, or janitor,430 ST , 425 VrST Vacant floor Ave rooma Aim

batn muat t'e eog n In bo pprviate.l.43t'll hi , t3:. vVihl'lbrae uit-e- ilglit rouiui

reuta it's and lit.45111 hT,, 543 Ml, WFSI -- 4 lo rooma reanecttv

b o tenant a only, rent 13-- 1 18 llmiaeaaepf re,rr.l. I. IlltlCitl-- , t'olumbua it.,-- . r rtth at.art fll hT . 320 AW 3.K Wh.nl -- Kent, wort -l It

gant tiata ti roo oa and bath, private hallaboated halli, and all molern tmpruieinnnla, rente,

J.Moi4,ui Jantiur ou premiara or MoOonuaca,On ( We-- t 54th at.

4.TH M.. 3.U Wl.hT Ore or tounlureiahed rooma. t'lo,ar, batn, ue of laumiry,4 ST hi'., .107 ihl ry curable a room.

nwie UM of 7 rof m n t bath beautifully oit"lated lu w lie ami go d , HHproTetnenti, h ntejli Mt llOhvS, 1481 hioalaiay, naar 4.'d at., ujauiior4 S I ST. 415 Wl'hT-S- Ix rooma and lath; al

tinpruTriuent. t'oal and wood furtilihed.491 11 SI . 13 W1T- - Ihree Ian"- - rooma, toitethei

or eiMTalfl) private home . all liuproveuirutamitleiat, etii Sun da a.

f'.'OSf.. MO S1- Klrat-- c floor ant aatiimut , 3 rtH'iut, ad imptt vimrut , l eut it 55

Janitor.i3I T. . :'t WI'Sl -- hp on lid list of 6 rouma a i

bat h , tcyliiw rout Jan. to'.fttO M , 4.1 Ml'hl Mat. ai artnenta, reduo't

ruta y, fit monttiij, 4 rio m tacti. every ImptUTU'MtMll,

. Still ST, 4itj WKM'-l'ar- iir flour, laaementaren 'UTj.e toonia nop uteu.euta, lulLaule (j

boar Im. in (ult tOO

. 54111 1.. 20i'"tvisl( 1(J nar7thav"t'.."lro,Tati or rornnr, an rooma, all lltht, 1

niiiiitlin. tnqiiiit Juin, u pranil taa

5.'iit.M'.. 12 W hT- - Smgln apariinaot Olirgeir tot rooma am. rf t J t. M It, 3d atiilr

5;TI( ST.. 3.- iv KM fauiiilir.l Hat. fnurnoiui., t month . lio, void uater. AUK1 1.1.

l.t flat.fiJO SI ., J10 WKsr-m-g- an't flatv 4 room. an.

bath, ittrect, outaide .igtit , all mo leru Improvemmta.

' fi:i Sl, 1 07 Yi.m lour ruciui audTathl ewly dacuiaie I Jaullor.

j tSOVl . HUU i .M flata, bi'ifi light rouma, piliat- - lul. bath

- r m rafrigraior awrtng , laieat liuprufemeuta; 427. iroe in July. 620 St., 149 VWiSr-- Sil large, . ja an, "iitff,. rcuta. Dutiable fur 'ar.e faintly ; reut very tea

ami a b e,fidU hT., 132 Wrhf-- r .ant flat, batH

eierr uvriil n,e, halta lira ted i velvet carpalj tl&. 910,

65111 hT.. fl WKhT-l.ieg- ant Ugbt flat, ituetnI aud bath.; 74.11 ST.. 100 WKM t'orner flat, 0 aunuy 10010

and t'th at earn heat (4U,' 84TII 81 , 25 W ftn light rooma ami batli

rvrr cotivroleuv-- , at tam beated , lucatino uoa ir pa a ted rent a rii40, .J,U.

' OlsT ST;, 10-- YHT-raftWl- trt o70arra-7IT- n

t.4'ond crocr flat for euramer; reaioiahlaLe tr.t

I OlsT ST.. 73 Wl ST A few handaome ipartmentr to rent, t, 2d, 4th, 5ib tUora ; a team beat, pr


UnturntshQdWest Sid9OfTIl BT., Ill WI'RT-rhyek- lan wtH let 5 roome.

back part of flat, forimall, bnoftmlly.97111 SI.. 170 WKHI-Klu- ely tlnttbed flau""6

rotnB, bath, private block; reduced reuta, Idd')om"uta,05 TI ST., I07 WW.T-fti- tli flit. lArge roome

and bath. Ail; fourth, t)22i tnontb Iraa.O'JIU Hl.TlOl'

lug; vrri lUti of file room and bathmom, all llth and airy ; rent 917 an t JB.

IO11TK hT 70 Ml Hi 'Slarge. llat ft rn'ime , bathrmi: 421t fourth, $19. I'ark eutrancet

reduce I,lO'tTll KVM 74 WKST. corner Oth ave.-r"- lve

larg light rooma, 3d flat; fl7. newly painted.Ja'tUor"lOUTU ST..T.'h Cd flat, Slarire.

llcht looma, wul.kit noma C f,0. ,lanltrea1051 , rJT ytiY-ti- S Ml teitectl lighiej

noma, lath ntaam , aaleftort tenauta.i'l02O M'.. 70 WtaM Mu itrui'l Tat, thie

window, ft rht ri'biidi near Letatloti and park ;


103') ttf..M wr,ST-Y:T- tra wide "flata; 7 and 8room, from &?3up.

i03OHT,.3 VBT. oprxlta Fafk entranre31iloomai impro amen tt $24 nn children . Induoe-manl- ti

elctated aiatlon 104tt it.10MII hT.,01 Wlhl-- Mt rntina atM bath, In".

dtueiiietiti ore block hatttlon.1 11. r II ST., 207 WI ST- - SlnalfttUt, 7 lare light

rfnnia apt I ath all lmprnvotnentet 27, Jani-tor or WOOD A MlU1Vlt13l0 Weat 12fth at.HS'llT ST., 3J337f v ittta; aiT

niinrnvamatita. rente $18, $21 peclat tnduoemania todettrabta parttea.liO'll ST., 304 TO lil'C WfT-Ne- w flat; .net

ompleteit, 0 rooma and bath. nandi"niy dtttMH

raled all Improt-man- te ; from V--i ti 9i&.NIKMOI.A.. 14H3 Uioid-a- y. near 42d at., nrjanitor.124TU St., 2lil W lh"T rnur and five ruomtmear

liatatlon, rent $10 to $14 ur month. Apply toJanitor, tat flat, weal.l.lTlfsT.rSM, 354 and 350 WKST- -4 rooma and

I'Atb . natnrated and all modern Improvetneuteirente tlO tn $'J0. Apply tn Janitor or owners, U J.Jenwlna A llro., .'0 laenni aye.125T1I hT , 'jf.O WKST-Fl- ve rooina ant bath, al.

tnipinTementa,ccjnfrnttint totne I, tatlon. rmt12H per montll. Apply tu lOWLKit HKOIll- -

I.HS, tirocera.All ftNTlON "liii.A'oUT-ATTKllO- NlHIT. Wa5flthat ; rooma 18 to 112llo Watrottiat, . roo-n- 11 to 10220 Weit 0 Hi at, iroomi 7 to 10340 Ue.t f 0th it t rooma 7 tu 10

711 Wm 8 Id at. 4 too no a 129611 Col tn Im a avp, , 5 ro una,,,., IS

Apply to janitor, or rOTTKll X ItUO., 82d at.,t'olumbtia a?j,

and beat apartmenta for themoney tn the oity; handaouialy dera-ate- d and

auietb y ftvara heated; all Improverneuta ; ate larA roome and batb , one block fromnew.!, atatlon naly $28 10 $31 free tn Aug. 1.Apply ty) on prrmftev. 105 Weat 1 2 Oth M.A. MANHATTAN AVK." 43ft. corner" 118th at- .-

Sli handaome room And bath; at earn heat; deoo-lA'-

; Improvementat two bloeke from L atatlon;let And 2d flAta. 9&. Janitor or IL

PArk Wad (8lh AeeJ.AL Alt AM A rent $3l per

month; ti mime. Apply to WM. 11 K II K UN. 9Weit 17th at,, from J to 4 p, M. or Janitor onpremlaaa. 386 and 288 Lenoi ave., between 124thand 123th eteAl.t. LltlTiT teven room flata t lmnrovement;

panere an I palatedt $26 to $30. Kenilwortb,411 Weat Mat at.A DON .S, 3ft? WHt""ndTir ven roomeT

I at'l eteam heat, electric ligbte; paeaenger ele--eator treat 4 60.JiTRA P ! H T itOO MS oFPKHt-;0-3- . 4 and fT rooma,

from 46.60 to 820 per month; good location,near 7th ave. Apply Uo Weat 28tb at.C'OkNF,tl rtAT. 0 Urge light 'roome and" bath

rnrdern lmpiovementeirent 01 , alai inatde flat,eingl, 7 rooma and batb ; rent $.10. Aoply to Jamtor, 301 West 66th et.. corner 8th ave.COSiT l'i.A'TS; all'lniDroamenta;"

4 antt fc ronrr a aud bath tnear all theatree and hotels;

low tente: only $20 up.Apply Janitor. 2?5 Weat 40tb it.,

or I). kJ'.MPMiai A SON, 803 8tbave.t)lAMONlH. witobea. Jewelry tteltvere"i ; eaay

payment: rcpreaentatlve will call with tamo lei,'TliehfitdtcateMl hatl4tht.

fil.KOANT A PA RTM fciTS. 17i Weal Mat "et.. 9lltht roam a; hall boya; graudfet location; rente

$63, 470. ,1. E. -- KlaUS, 6J4 (Jelumbue are. ,cor. 86th et.FArfNO Till. PAHK The Harelhurtt. Croom

flata; ateam heated, private halla; one blockfrom - nation; 443 and 443 Central I'ark Weat,between 104th and 103tb ate. Kdward Knrntval.otflro tn building.Fl.ATrt Mm rooma. bath t eteatulieat; hot water;

electric llehta; all Improvemauia; $30. 354Wot 50tn et.

TO'1iKT"on Broadway, between 4 let antt42data.; n rooma. with Improvements ; rent $36

month; 2d flat. Apply 160 rteat 38tb it.Fll Ll. width iirat flat", $38; alt rooma and batb. in

nlce order, 4'! 3 Weat 10th et.OttANOOOOUT- -7 rooma And" bath ; HolTlfihfi

corner houae; elevator service, jaxltnr, liveriedha'l boy 4 : Incatlou; Wee. 78th et, J. AK. (X tlKl.UV, 088 Amsterdam ae. 70th at.JlANOSOMK flata, st. , 'near Plata MoteK

furnished or unfuttilahed, will be rented by theyear or summer moatha. Apply 24 West 60th at.1. KliMPNftH A HON, HO? 8TII AVK..


32H Wnat 37th St., 5 rooms $38 upV60 Wavat 30th at., 4 and 6 rooms i!4 up'Jfl-- t Weat Hllth a(,, 6 rooma 30 up205 Weat 40th at., 4 and 6 rooms 3d up350 West 41it St.. 4 rooms,... 30 up

APAUTMhNln:317 West 41st at.,. roras $fl up3J0 Woe 1 4 id it,- - 3 and 4 rooms,,.. 14 np:t(iH Wait 43d at,, 3 and 4 rooms 13.50 up:t 5 West 4Ud et., 8 rooms 13.50337 M eat 4Ud at., and 4 rooms. 13 up700 tth ave., 3 Aud 4 rooms., 11.60 up803 Columbus Ave , tUt. only. . 17

Can be seenAll (lata and aptrttteuW ta excellent ooadltloa.

Apply to Jawltor onpremlees.Koitl IlKAST OOliNKil 8T1I a'VK. aod 118th et.

Five Urge rooms and bath. $21; free to July.BPKt'I Al, INOUUK-tFNT- S FOU Till? SUMMKTt.

200 T 204 : 6 and 7 rooms and bath, allWKS1 C9111KT,,' Improvements, delightful 5

111 $35. nation near Ittverslde and Cen- -:

trat Parks.330 WKhT :

1.t4Tlt ST.. 0 rooms and bath; allTO $37. : provamanta.

Apply to janltoror II A V KNH A nR.HK.18 WaUTIIItKl, large unfarutaheil roomi, atttTng-rooio- ,

bedroom, kitchen, bath And cloaets, one flightup; rent reaaouable.fAll 3jirt Wait ;t4tnat.66MOHTON ST. TlaTa tTeoo7ated"to' suit tenant;

ontstda light; all itnproyementatcUeapeat rentein the city.3.tl "llUDhON HT.. rond7loor,Tift, 8 rooms;l 81

VandAtn at., first floor. 4 rooms. $34; 63 DownIng st., liiver part, 0 rooms, $36. Cleary, 321Uudaou at.

Unfurnished Nortn of 125th StreetAMSTF.HOAM AVK,, 1813. 14Bth And 160th st.,

candy store Three roome to let; rent $8,ATKTKltDM (lOitt) AVK,. 1R.7 tolHJJ. near

llSlat at. Cbiap rente for cheerful And healthyflata; 5 large rooma and bathj all improvements;$16 to $lH;oible cars ase the dtor.t.KNOX AVr.l363rneaTl38tE' light

rooma and bath, newly renovated, $30 i free toJuly.LK.NOX AVr,474-Sm- etl family can secure hand,

aoiue tlat in qutet, virlt.kept bouse, with owner;6 roome, bath, $21; 135th st, I. station t refer-ence.

: 120TI1 ST., 634 TO666 WKhf. bat ween Amtter.dam are. Aud HoulevArd.une block from Hlverapia

rark lla ouumely deciyated tlataof 6 large, lightroomi ami batb, ateam Urated jconventent o 135that halation and 8th ave.; also cable cars; rent$19 to $33 Inquire In ol.ee on premlaet.

; 127TM ST., rJi'WKSl-- lo let, brst-ci- a flat, 8; rooms and tatli, private balls; $21 to $33 per

mouth, -- tanager, tiret floor.l.iirit ST,. 5H lST-sa- fy . Jane 7fee;"steam

heated flat, hsnilautmely decorated, tiled mantlea, aaa loa, cbo'oe location, select tenant;oblltlng janltorowner 0u pietnlje.l.ijbN'T.,loV, 60J, nearAiuterdain ave.-Kl- e-1

vent Data of 4 au 1 6 rooms, bath, rente $15 to" $44 cue tnontlVs tentdreja. Janitor.r 134Ul hT. ivt W'FSl', near ith ave, .Sew nate.fi

larie, light rooms anl batht beautifully dlatetit tmoroveineuts , tint induceinautsj

I rent t3U to 93J, open eveuingi. Janitor onpremUea,

r 134 r I i".ST87 WtST-- S Urge rooms and bath;hot water supplied , rent $ P. See jaultur.

13ti"U hi", 3 Wrfihfr 2Wl 6tT ave, Fl've lightroom an I batb, till decorated if Id to 'J1.

13SI ll ST., 0l KAHT, cunifrLstatlou-Hr- st anlafford tUt. five rooma and batb, all Ught , rent

I $1 to rl3 Apply ou piemtaea, ultor140ril ST.. 751 FtST-O- ul i water data; 6 rooics

1. rap rf ut upn block eivt of I, ft at ion,I 1551 II hT ti.rand" IlouleardJ-Kiea- nt .Ingli

flata to let, all iiupruvenieuis. Inquire on prern-- UlV,

; Ono l3lock from L Statlbn.'the Ura fai flats of lUe roome anl lath, itY

- diuns rotiui al light r.o na , decoratedaud heateil- Lalla , rente li .nl (22, can be ern evenmgi5 and Sundays, imnfr and janitor on premUea,

10.1. 131 1. Vt Viat 134th au, ATTHAtTtVr.. reuu reduced, month Tree, 8 fI(C

untroom, c33, $26 near stat io i, schod, 137r i:Hdt.

ATTlUonVl?. reduce.l'renta," $17, I9, montlfrea, 6 room, lathrcoru i near atatlon, school,

4 Wmit 13tth st.A 5TU AVE. FLATS-Th- e handaumeat

tlata, with ath, in the city for ll.e mooer. $23,; I.UFlF.lt, 2155 6jtve.. nearljT.dat.. TllT. AFl'u'S, 3l0i (UTab.I ItouTevard (nltcii above cab.t) S rooma and batb. all im

orovrtntnts , elegantly decorated , tuust be ar en t; le apfreoiied; rent s)16 Jauitor or, J, ('-- 11 off

man, 'iSJ lirouay.t $10, -- TOlrH huge rotHiiat country atr aWn, to oa

aal houe, 8 rooma. reding terma diminutive .

blrKka eat of 31 ave, trolley, near l$1d st. (iejrg.Hrltou, 3J44 At. St Jonn (jrlluvt bousvs),


flat. 4 roojis and bath, 918, J,A I . L, (ilif.lt Y, 3Sft AjnMerdam ave.

VtiATh'flve room a, ji moaern tmproremeutanear the park, $.40 month. Apply 180 W. 2tttnf

i TOP FI.OOH, 4 room-.T- private houae, pear 125ttt., $17 l,Ot)Ma fog flutl Harlem World.. V Otn.OOit. AT HtrrtK. vteuu the reft.Fair conoe to s ti llr.t'-claa- a ; tle.

13 to 22 Mit 106th sr., o rovinivan. batbtbuiTstm wah balna, trumtel mirrora,a 11 to 76 I ist lOOtbat., dtltot newly decorated.- 360 to 2 CO AY, t)6tb at, .dtltot eiegant.y planned,

9? Nwu sU


Unfurnished Brooklyn,ATLANTIC AVK.. 1084 Secon I llat, 4 rooras,

$0; talis futnlihed; Improvements. Janitor,30H4t near Baratota station. .

IOtlt)LA8.-- ST. 377 AM)370-- To let, flatroom a ml bub, roomi all ventilated; all im

provementsi 3tory fists; Oral floor, $17iarccnl,$10, luiM, $1H near two stallju on 6' ft ave.li and elretnuiara. O, DO, tint floor, .So. M70.

JAV1S1,, 187, I.r. oklyn-Fo- ur large roina. wltbImprovements t private house; two rutautes walk

from bridge.LOL'IS PLAOK. 31. 5artoi;a atatlin Kind

t'oanty I. road, terty minutes fromh prlvute out't, 6 Tooma aud batll

all nipt oT in in la; tent 1 15 no children.

NASSAU ST., 254 AND 26o.pear bridge, Mrooklyn-- Inlet, flat 4 lUbt room. 110 to$t3;tlnt-cU- s

apartmetit-houto- . hi flurenno; Improvetuenta; aanitat-- pi unit ig eiei trie belle, carpetedhill. Aupir tu janitor, lat tl.it. or to Erueaiia(Juitck u t.o., 63 ourt at.

I'OWKItsT.. HI. Hrouklvn. K. I). -S- econd floor;lz Utgn rooiois Iniproveinent; rent tl6.

PUKhlOKNT ST.. 623a, naar Oth ave., 10 minutefrom bridge 110. 3d flat (ilngi). 5 reditu and

batb. TKisaOYj 101 rt'evt liouievard, .Sew YorkN

PUTNAM AV17., 1378-Tn- let, $13 per month, 3dfloor, 4 room a with privilege oi batb; All im

prorement: adulta u.ify,

SANDS. ST , 43. Mrot.klyo, near the brldge-Kle-g- aitdata to let, 3 aid 4 room, private hall,

bat ti and all iinpruvemauta i rents low. Inquirejinltor, flat 3.

IIIdiAIlV ST., 0 nvar Jay et., IlrooVlyn-To- urlarge, llgnt rruniai alt Improvmeuta ; rent 17.

IIHtiOKLVN FLAT Hve rooms, batb, Improverneuta, ou line elevated road aud horae-t.r- In-

quire 35 Held ave.f'OSl Y FOUlMtOOaM FLATS, $R, tlO; halls and

eaira ilecorited ai-- carpeted, M0 mint ten (tornIlrooklyn llridye, 30V4 Atlautto ave., bear Auratoga elevAted ttatlon.rl.A If $13 to $15, A rooms and lath; All Im

prutements, handaomely ceoornted ; new carpetand ahaite t in the tine brick houses, latatetteae., iiesr 1'atohcn; ronveub'tt t bioadnar Andlenngtfti ave. tlevated; poaaeaaion at once, Kojiwiiti janitor, 31 l'atchen ave.HKWARD'H APAIll Al ''NTS, 03.103 DuftWd our

or live rooma, improvetl; auprrlor to Anyfor tlnlah, aire and dot lit; eery flat a pr vtedwelllnK, 8 mi rate, walk to hrM; I alatlou andetieet car right by, $13, $13 and $10to $20.

TO LLT Flat In the Florence, 6H2 Ibrnop ave.tsteam besteil ; 8 and 0 t omv; all improveme'it ;

fine janitor of vice; are Lelng painted an pi paredthrouibouti tn every reapert lirat'Clat apart-- 1

tnent , convenient neighborhood. Inquire ofJin. tor on premUe or ZKNOKK A CO., JO Nut- -

trand ave., llmklvn.TO L1IT Flata, 6 rooms and batb; a'l Improv-

ement; tbeae a a have been thoroughly over. hauled and put in tine older ; to rent to small fami-

lies at reaeonebU rent ; ooDveole&t neighborhood;15 mluutee to uridge.

ZKNDLlt ot CO.. 307 No trend ave.. lirooklyn.

TO LCT-r'- aU. 128 and $30; elf cant flats of0 room, tu the four bandaome t tick honse, 413

to 410 State at,, near Nevln. all Improvement;balls heated: n.w carpets and shades And newlydecorated throughout; within 30 mlnutei nf CityHall, New York, Inquire of Janitor on premise",TWO Ft.OOKft, 4 room each, all lltht, to emaTl

families only ; rent, $8 and $10; brat tnouth.rent free. Apply 168 tfoffato ave,, Brooklyn,

Furnished East Side.47TII ST.. 119 CAST, corner Lex ave- .-

Part of nicety farnlabed 2d flat j bath : awnlnga.Whltrnayer.47TII ST7llOK"AST-llouokeepl- ng part of"flat.

conitlng of three room completelyfurnlahed. fiharjie.a IiANOSOMK furnfaBed llat In s neigh

borboud; elevator In the house; rent reaaonablfor family of adults. Inquire Janitor, 104 CastKlstst,COHNKft F'l'AT to rent furn"lehedor part sard

uufurqiahed, nice location ; near park. Lextugton, box 60 World.FOU HUMMKK-Fu- lly furnished single flatt fl

t room and batb; piano; East H8th st., near t'en'tral Par ; $45 monthly. Addreae Home, 173 bast80th at,OAttbEN FLATS, 160, 162 Kaat 3ttH at ,

lurnlaheil, with bath; week or month;repectabte famllleOWNtift d house one door from Madison are.. be

low 34th it., will rent furnished floor over par-lor for $60 a month. Douglas, box 328 World,uptown.TIIkITE HOOMH furnished for light houaeseep-ins- ;

term reatonabl. Apply Janitor, 497 3dave.TO It I. NT A furnished Apartment, corner MadH

son ave. and 79tb it. ; urst floor to rent for thesummer ; moderate. Apply on premises or 38 Pinat. i room 8.

Furnished West Side.MANHATTAN AVE.. 388, near 116th St. -- $35

a cool flat, bath, private ball; fully furniahedtpianot quiet ulgbborboodt near Morning-side Park. Flsber.6TH AVK.,"244-FUta- ,7 room and batht hot ant

cold water; for bueiness or re.tOeoce.15TI1 $T.. 113 WKST, near 6th ave --6 rooms, lit

fltor; together or separate. Inquire.nt ST.Vll VTKST"(The"fr!nceton)-- An elegant

parlor suit, with private bath, other bandsomrooma, singly or en suite t summer rates, Appljmanager.50TII ST,'23 light apartment

to let, furnlahed or nnfurniabed; turuiture foiale ; exuellent opportunity ; family going Abroad.

Apply rlrst apartment.21bT ST., 221 WKBT-M- cly furnishe-d-

flat, allr. oma aud batb, or portion, to rasponsible party

reasouabte, Drlgge.318T ST., 350 WEST-Coo- l second atory. well furnihed, for summer month ; $55 moo to.21ST rtV.", 9l9 Wl:sf-(J- oy fnrni-he- d flAtt AlTim

proveuient ; In good neighborhood ; $10 petweak, JAnltore beil.

32D ST.. 337 furnished neeflat; 0 light roome ; elegant bouse; ttne location

$ 1 2. Jan Hor.36Tl'rST.,'l20"WkfeT-Furnlh- ed ftatof 7 roornTi

all ioiprovemeot; rent $50. lUiler.SirfTl ST., 250 WKST Furnished flat, ftverucma,

bttb, piano, sliver, linen, do,; $10 weekly,t . iwfod' .'?',...,40111 hi'.. 207 flat, "lW

rooma and bAth; terms reaauuable. King Hemsen's beh.40TII ST., 307 WKST-Pret- tily fumlthed llat,

room And bath, 3d floor nr two trout rooma,Jaultrras.40TH ST., 326 furnlahed;

rooms and bath; silver and lloen. Hlug jaultor'ibell.41ST ST.. 265 WKST-Fo- lly furnlahed ccrner flat

ttve rooma, tatb, neit American Theatre. $4imonth; alio thtae rooms, 368 Weat 43 J at., $30,Inquire janitors.64 Til ST., 300 ESI. corner 7th a?e.,Ilroviay-Secon- d

floor comer, all rooma, all !tgut, tornlhel;$50 monthly. Inqiilre Jo iee, onprvmlaee66Tfl"Sr. A'SiV Ei1 -- Furnished r uufLruiahei

part tirst'CUss apartiueuta. For particulars Inquire tlrat apartmeuLMTU ST.. '363 WKhT. statiou 69th Furntsbei

corner llati; bay window front, all rooms, batblluen, allver, ehina, kitchen war 1 445, $50, $00170. JCIHiAlL68Tllh'f 3(58 furul.heil flat

whole or parti convenient to park and atatlonKau.681'tl ST.. 343 furnlahed flat

elghi roome; ateam heat, elevator; ellver, china61bT ST.. 27 itlv futntahed llat

near Central Park; 8 light rooms; terms lowT la ne.8STU ST., V01 WKST-ror- usr furmahed flat o

part. 1st lllglU; $6 to $7 week. llurnetUtfllD'sT., 03 list, 7" ruon.s and batb

ball boy; coal, $45, or uBlurnlahed.

103O ST., 140 WC8T four room and bAthcompletely lurnibed , new, neat, clean recom

flour, near atatlon; $36 monthly, permanentdeeired. Bartlett' bed.105TU ST.. 10ft" Wp8T-Ne- tun.lahed llat,

roum and bath, $110 monthly, Janitor, 107.IT4 i ifST., 2J1 WrM'-Wh- oU or part furmhe

1st single flat, to responsible I artirs; rtaaonable135TI1 HT , 114 WKST Handio.uelV TuruUhe.

tU, $35; owner will reaerve room, SIMPSON.AT Till. WlNl.F.itMi'Hr. 4U0 WKTo7T

rooms, studio ; furnished and uo' fuiuUheq hen reatdeul ttgent.

A.- - ALU or par) oTnicf ly f units hed fl"tto dIccouple. Inquire .Nelaon, 42 et t'.4tn at.

rThOtAHLT OiHt.Nr.U. aeomf iTotir," fully Tinmailed eeven light rooma, t75 a iuo.it h (or tb

auiumer monitia. Ibe Luring, 203 rat 74th at.cornei HoulerarL

' I Ll (. AN I LY f'irnlhed tlaf, blTabt room, pianoItnfii, ailver. Wtat 38th at. doodale n W,.4tn

, TXi.tA.Tand handaomely furnlthe4 8toom ilao eat 125th at., 40 per month to reipjualbl

party. l. , boa CO'J llariHin World,i:LKifA.ST furnlahed even-roo- flats, ad com

t piote. tmprovemrnta ttperod uud paluted$45. Kvui wortn, 411 Weat Mat at,1'LaTS furnlatied ; no rath required down; eaa

wetfkly payment low pnves, - ltv,24. v 2.1

UaMOMILY FITt.MsHFD apartment froiJune to Outot-a- at eat tbau uufuriitahed rental

four outaide airy renma, tatb, ample cio .eta, e!tvatur, hall and chamoer aerrire rain and ij

i rant In hui.ditK ue blrtck uum Central Parkeaay rvacti of Huuievard, Mh aw, and e etatecar, ltesponatbla arl.e only apply to Dr. WK1K

' Uotel llru. khulat. Hi Wen B5tb at.MYSTIl'. 123 WKST 30111 1ST --Large,"" hai

aoinely furiilibet llat for summer or luuger, coini P f'p'iif. ONI. Ut.o'CK FlTOM CTVeet 126th U, 2d flour--

Six toomi bath. beat, piano, $J.MlMJcK, ie2Jl. Nicholaaare.5T W 1.1. li anjboard mr tady;"7 rooms, balhrooTi

llneu, silver, crutkery, hoaa, 4i est 100th stI

Furnished MiscellaneousBIO tirnrCTIONS Fully furnished flats, Urg

and small, 0th to 126th ate., eat an t wealweekly, monthly. Immediate poaeealon, Partlot1" IlKKNIlAKp, Sjl Weat 30th atIF YttJ r looVtng ior oleao, dalotliyurn'tsbsd

Urge or email flata at aummer price. 1 can protably auit you . t acb llat la completely equipped.' FlaAtttt ilOO furnlahed tlata). 313 ft est 2id stlWnV'rsivriittiy lurnfahed flat. rTweelTT

month summer priors, Addreae It. tt., 37W eat 3d l et,RENT LOW" to Mj-- w

desirable Uuaat until Uu oteich'loe, tool flat at Ceotial Para, a. 11,, boa 37

Wcrld, ujitowo.&KVCN fUlVNl3UKDU06iJK, Oroveave.. Aoci

iwAfitacAf cue door iroatliouUtard, MoVa,


UnfurnishedFOU it II OO MS and bath t quiet house; rent mod-

erate; weat Ride, Above 14th; to adults. A. C,B., box 33 J, World, uptown,


MAN AND W1FI' desire a am 11 light flat lnellkept bouse north of JOith at. .rent not over $23;

have lived 10 year In pre. ent place aud can givebeat of reference; no children. Pi.ltMAN I. .NT. box 490 World.WANTKIX-W- at or floor, unfurnished, for tmall

adult family, near 328 West fllst at.; state par- -

tlaii'ar. .-- - -

WANTED, In Brooklyn, a rdgU or double flatoaeaty terms. Send particulars to Fiat, World,


YOUNG married couple with 4 rooms aod bath.. O'.U . box 125 WqrldjYOU.NO conplo wants four room, pritate house,

east 'I do. Address Rooms, 214 Kait Slat tU

Furnished,SMALL furnished Tat, or part, wanted by f amily.

3 fhlldreu. New ork or Jlrooktyu. rental about$2C montbry, Adilreai Thomas, box 303 World.

WANTED ThtA" or four furnlahed or partly fur-nished room for family of three i t.itcheu or

board; 80th to 100th it., west. A. Z box 470World,


33 D ST., Iftl WEST Unfurnished targe handsomeroom; second rorr; two cloaetn water; mod-

erate to piinianent parly.38TII ST , 14f large and

a in all roon1--. $1.60 up; near Uraud central

Depot.4 2D ST.. Slit offi'oe AuiT7arn1shed

room to lett opposite Itryint park,83D 'r., 61 WI ST A private family will let one

Urite room, unfurnished t beat and gait refer- -entee,O.tD r.T., S0VF.ST-Inltg- ht, sunny "flat, 2 room I

heated; private balls i us of kitchen; $18.rill AP llOOMH TO LET for colored people" on

7th itr. end 41stit.;2.3 and 4 rooma; rentf fi.ao to $15 per month. Apply ICO Weat 33th at.


ROOM tiv eamatrerii home evenln:; locationmuat be good , $5 month; D,, box 34s World.

HINtJIaE MAN want one cr two aauny rooms. $6moithly; above wOth it. Addreis Koi, 330 lit

avo.WANTED, unfurntabed, one d and ball

room connecting, with running water and Are- -In a reafenahle houae, between 8th andJiaoe, 3d and 4th aves.l rent not to exceed $11

per month, Inondlnr ira- -i references given. Addreea Comfort, box 373 World.WANTED 5ne or two unf'urnlariad roomi' In prT

vale houae, between 45th and 1.6th sti,, westside. It. CtarkWorldJtraoch, 1)0 Hth ave.YOUNU MAN desires unfurnished large room.

rnnning water, hiat, gas anl bath; term moder-ate. Addreae Permanent, toi 212 World, uptown.


East Side.CLINTON PLACE, fnrnlabed frontjrwm for 3 genii-m- or houaekeepinf.

CLINTON PLACE, 31- -A large furnished roomfor housekeeping, $..76, two gentlemen, $3.50.

171VINO PL ACT, nicely furnishedfront rooms. $3.60 up; also fr.nt onlce.

LKXINOTON AVr.. 186fl, corner 116thparlor; running water; $4; also -- mailer

room; private bouroLKXINOTON AVF.. 413, near 42d

iurnlbed r torn si convenient to UianiCetitrallepor; tenna moderate.tKXItilON AViC.." 710, one door from


rorner ol 38th St. unw deiirable hall room to let.LKXINOTONAVk.,1358, one door from tfOth Bt

Neatly furnUbed front room; gentlemen only; 3dflat.LFXINOION AVK.." CL corner 35th

furnished front room $.1.60; hAlMuotnu$2.KtXIMlTON AV.. elegantly

furnlahed room ; reflDOd Jewish family ; twobaths adolnlng borne prlvilegea.Levy,LKXINOTON AVK.. rooms,

front and back ; gentlemen ; re aaonable.MADlsON ST., "39 Clean, comfortable Front

room I $1.60 and $3; private house; housekeep-ing. $360.PA'UK AVK . 949 Nice, cooT. square roomiwU- --

out board $3; table board If desired.UNION SOUARE. 34 - Uandaomeif furnlahed

room to let. large, small, from $3 to $10 upward monthly.3D" iVF-- T 3J4 Large and small o'ean fur-

nished room to let.3D AVE., 1 8 hle gently furnlibetl rooms to let

to gentlemen.&D AVK. 204, corner 31it Two elegant corner

rooms, 1st floor, all conveniences; suitable for' light office business; also other rooms; reliablepeople only.31) AVE. , 300 Parlor And bdroom; ell Accommo-- 1

dation! piano; also sma room. ItuneH'a bell.r 5b IVi-- T 1556 Nicely turnbTtied parlor and bed

room to let In flat. App y MreF. Kouow.4T1I AVE., furniahed rooms; light

faaCKCP,paT L'all all weekj4TU"AVFT, 63. betieeo Otb and 10th t.-M-

fiirnUbedjooms.d floor; terma reaionable.$Tlf AVK., 274 Tolt, nlce'y furniVhed front

rooms, batb and gas; married conple or gentle-men.9Tir&T 49 EAbtT neanfroidway-Permane- nt or

transient parties tan secure Urge and small fur- -; nia hed room.

fcTIl ST, 33 E"Af.r."Dryden"Coart-SeTe- rat roomvacant In this eletant new bouse; large aud

small; summer price; board cptioiiAl; parlorpiano ; speaking tubes.

! Vl II ST.. 48CA&f. near iiroad fur-nlahed front parlor ; permanent or tranaleut.

9TU St.. 34 EAST Larger aquare' room, flrat' floor; tront basement; suitable lor physician'si OtHce.

.OTH STr, 86 EAST NtcelyTurnlahed robmi,5to $2. 50.

. TlTlFhT., 232 EAST A Targe furnished room, 2oonnecting rooma. tojrme or two centlemen.

' 11111 hi., 25 ..ASF,"" ucaToth are. -i- TonnactTni(, room on parlor flour, also small rooms tu let.f Tii'U S.. 38 EAST Few door' from Broadway,

moderate charge and comfort.r lafll Si,,141, corner 3d ave. Nicely furnlahed

rooms for one ort wo gentlemen t $1.60, $3.00.13 TU ST7, 135 rooms to let on

Pror t,oor-ji 14T1I ST.. uo F.AST-sic- e'y furnished light

room, $3; 3d floor Dillon.' HTh ST,, 245 EAST 2 etegantTy furnished oon-- I

nectlng front parlors ; 1 large room , board If de- -' ilred.' i4TH ,ST.,05 furnished par-lo- r

and bedroom, aiogly or together; gentlemen' on,'i MfOloryiOlU ST;, MPKAST-Ueautl- rul froTt"roomsl

single, double; every convenience; gentlemen0"l'iife-r-DC'-

"'Mr1, w',,ter'

i?TU ST.. 137 ERT Extra lge, halJdBomeTyi furnished eeuond-tloo- r front rcom, $6.60; others. cheaper.

17TU ST.. 14S EAST LArge. front perlor;7o"id.inc-be- bath; gas; $4; suitable for two gentle

". mn. Noble.ln'TIl ST.. 237" TCAST lifegauT coniiecTTni and

ainsle loom . gas. lath, ruuulng water; Urg" cln.eta; line locality ; reierence.

To I'll ST., 16 K AST.l etwfeii Broadway and CtEave. turnisiied rooma; very reasonable

, 18TII ST., 22:1 K AST Three idegautly fnrolshedparlors, aingly or together; aiiKable tor two 01

more gentlemen or lamiiy ba anil li.ith.r 19 1 11 hT, , 314 HAS.' Square rooms ; aTPconvenTeocea; gentleman; $2.60, $3; ruuulng water,

I rath, Ac.lUTIt S1. 43 LAST, near Broadwsy llandaomeT

furnished large and tmall front rooms; southernin"urf- -


1 19TM ST., 329 EAST-I.s- rge and emailroom- - ht rrannabltt prices; large clcseta;

4 hot and cold water In alt looms ; private tiouae.- 19TH ST.. 3- I.ANT Niosiy furnished rooms1 light housekeeping or gentleman; all convea- -

encea.1 20TII ST., 46 KAhT A furnished ball room'bV.

tMoeu U road way aud 4th aviiZ V'iO hf.. lf.4KAhT Large room, ample clo.et;gentUmen or light bouaekeeplug ; reapeotable- people only neud apply.

22D ST.. "215 WKST-L- arg aud .matTrwrailreasonable pi Ire.

ST., 12 IIAST-lar- ge parlor Tedrcom. atacfront baaerqeut, private Owner.

2ilM', 1 1 '1 HST-Par- !or tloor, couafatiugllae furnished room', aUo large 2d story baok

; roum , hot and cold water, tath, largo doaote, hT.. 124 1. AST Two connec7lncroorai" 01

jatlor.oor; also 2d story back roomi reference.23 D Sl. 3d "KAhT, oi posit "Madlaon "Square

; Park Handaome connecting rocma, with prlvate bathroom.

4Tli ST.. 231 TaAST-Sic- ely fiirnUhed" unnjlarge frout room for housekeeping.241 ll ST., U7 "fiAsT-P-eai- aut lurniiliedToVm

near to all carnJiTl! ST.. ;iU I AhT, 3d beTl-L- frotfo3ir

' on ur ,w gentlemen, Mrs. Weber,-- 7Tll ST., Uti r.AST-Squ- are room, flrat floor,

hogifkfepltiK, alio flat, three rooms; buuee--keapioT ci gentlemen27TifhT , Uu KMST.ntarMiidiBOuhquare-lia"- nd, somely lurmsbei front parlor, with bedroomlarge and small room.27TII.VT..3 i.AST-l.ieg- snt newly furniahed room

- PtUile bath; beat attendance; All convenience." 37TU ST,. 212 K AST-Fr- hall room, nicely fur"

maned. In a quiet bouaowith email family: goo!- home for working girt. Mrs. Waller,37111 ST . 220 bed room foMady,

Oirey bell,28TUhT.. 14 EAST, between 6th aod Madisot

avo, Handaome sunny parlor with private bathaliu other; breakfast whea deeired; euuimeie prices, ref jrrnc ea.

;i 2JTU Kt.. J"18 KAhT To let. furuTshed roomample oloaet roomi bouee newly ri novated

breiUaat aerved.56YII SrVHtJ KAhT-Nea- tly forniahetl parlor an.ii droo m for $5 per week . brat Hour, M. l n r

u 50Tit hT., 227 iiASf-l-a- rg e and email furnfcTu;r room.0 1JTU hT., JU5 fa rn lined bar!

parmr a'so un!uri.lalied room ; private lathi al7 ooovoelencej,6 32D hTm raiEXs- t-

Furnlahed roome to 1st.tT 82D ST., 44 EAST-Lar- ge. airy room for hgb. boukpiig or i9 ptrao&f ( real


East Side.83D 8T., 213 RAflT-Nlc- ely fnrnlibed momai

second floor Urge And email private boute.34TII ST.,

gentjeinjsn convenient tn L atatlon.134TU hT.,14f. KAhTatiear Lexington avo, Finest

oioi stroet In the cltyi eool. Airy, elegantly fur-nished room, reasonable prices, window awuluglon southern exposure.38111 ST , 303 ed front room fori

gent'emeu or geutlemin and wlio) altnr,bOTil'SL, 211 KAN T Large and email well lur- -

tilabed rnomn ininmer prices; all Improvement;nb e location.aorifh'T . 204 EAST-Lar- ge, nicely lurnisbed

room, suitable for one or two.4TbT ST., 334 KAST-Nle- etr furnished front room

for tight housekeeping; All couTAiiteuoei; termireasonable. '

D ST.. 323TTAH front TiAaeraent; '

other roomi; $J up; bouaekeeplug ur gentlemen ;no children.44 HI ST., iSf 'RA'Br-M- cfl J luroUhed medium

iUedroom. Thomson.45TI1 ST., 119 room, with

dreaalrg-roo- Attached; amallerjronm,49TII8T., 144 i:AhT-S- 4, well fiirnhhed large

front room, Also small room, $1.60; privatehouse.sO'IlPsT.. 04 "AST-"$- 3r weskly end" upward t

elegantly furnished rooms, pleasantly Uoatvd,near Madlaou Ave.

48TUST.. 138 KAStT rge

and small front rooms. 3d floor, nicely furnished;every Improvement.40111 ST., 807

us of front room, to two gentlemen; $10monthly. King 6th ball.&0TII ST.. 240 hed rooms, strictly

private hou-e- ; Imp rove me nt.241 HasT-- A larae sunny room; alio

amall rooms . all cnnvenla'ife. moderate term.eiD'hT ., 2T0lAhtI-age-, '.uralilied room, suit- -

able for two or ilngly; private boua; moderaterent,54T11 ST,, 114 hed room for gentle

men; alcove, front; use of parlor; bath; pleas-ant, hbepard.58Tii ST -- 23"EASr-Choice.

rcool, well furnished

room In private honei terma mid' rite.6 OTH ST., lf.o"fiAhT-Nice- Ty furnlahed room for

gentlemen, $d; lei floor.C3o!rr7o5 EAST Nicely furnished room,

light hiuaeteeping; every aouomtnodatlon and atte idance.eallSr.", 20;l EAST-Lat- giT furnlahed room to let

for two gentlemen or dreiatnaker.CO fll sl'a, 20b HasT, ground floor 1 wo neatly

furnished front room.OCT II ST., 323 hed rooms"'tolet;

reference). Mri. Perkins.76TU 8K,'401 EAST. rear-T- wo Ttg ht afrTlur".

nisbed rooms for light houtekeeptog or two mencheap.7f.Tlt M..T94 i:Asf-Nic- ey lurnlahed parlor and

bedroom, flrat floor; near elevated itatloq. Olirk.83h ST., 6'J9 EAST'urnlihed room, or wonld

room aud board two youug ladloi. Mrs. Flor-ence.83D STTTllO bedroom and

kitfihen ou parlor tloor fn private cottage. CallMonday.831) ST.. 140 BAM To let, nliely furnlahed cool

room; private houae; gentleman.FtVTll ST., 329 I.AhT Ele ant fu"rmabed"?ront

room; lult&ble for two; private bouse; near Lstation.8GTII ST"217T.AST-'Eregan- tly fnrnliHe'd room;

private bonce ; naar L etatton.57TU ST. ,241 Younr" man, occupying

bachelor apartment, fitrniabud, will abate wltunot hen nv xie rate. tarte ton.

TllTU ST.. IS newlyparlur and bedroom; bloc trom t entrat

Park; airy, healthy; excellent urlithborhood; d

man or woman pieterret, or couple, noctill- -' drt u ; (juiet. eafe, tlealrablo home; tn eatisfactorv

party only $4.60 weekly. Apply htleniuau, first i


112TI1 ST.. 75 FAST Nicely furnished aqunret euros, K3 to 13 weekly; breakfast ;geutlemeu

only.I113TU ST" fur-- it

lshe tut taut for physlcU'i ; moderate rent.UCTtT ST., 120 EAST-Sec- aud tbtrd atory

front room; newly furnished: private houae;p'easantly situated ; at moderate flgurra; uear elevated atatlon.lir.Tllsr.. 170 EAST, half block or 3d ave. ti- -

vAteJ furnlahed room and bath ; privatboui118T1I ST.. 239 furnished

tront roomi Mrery couvanleuce: private houie;excellent neighborhood ; fury reatonabte.UOTlt ST., 312 FAST, 3d flat-Ni- fuyifshedjoomstilet. Andrews.

110T11 ST., 130 CAsT Nice parlor aud hall roomTKhnek, J

121hT feT., 424 furnlsbedfroutroom. ; every convenience; bouaekeeping,

Owner.one ttlglit.ST., 230 room to let;

' light, pleasant, private houae,!3D ST., 54 rooms; every 00L-- I

venlence j reasonable.h hT , V15 A I Housekeeping room, wittt

. foldlng-bedialt- hah rorm.jrheap.a ENTlklC l'Lt)OIt 1' LLT lu private Jew"

lah family; terms mode ate. Apply 115 laat70th st.I'.LMJA.NT furniibed"room. steam heat, from 3

t to $5 per week, at bbelburne Hotel, 34th t. audI 3d ave

MUItltAY (uruli'hed, newlydecorated Urge equare rooma t also halt room.

j Owner, 3C3 I.eitugton av..TO RENT for summer month, to bachelor, ele-- I

gently furnished atttdio; bedroom attached; ttnelocation ; 23th at, and 4th ave. Apply F. K. Baruea,344 4th a ,

Wesf She.AMSTERDAM AVK., corner 9Ath it., 17.1 West

Llgut, cool, nicely furmshe parlor, tonneottng1 edroora, batb, 2d flat, front . uue or two gentle-men; leteroncr, term moderate.AMST"KHDM AVF., 1712, corner 14301 ir.. two

flights up Furnlahed roum to let! plea.aut Io-

cs tluo. Uoaelte.bNlfTsT.. "isroppveile WaveVley pta'ce-NIc- ely

furnuhfd comifctine aud slnale rooms for n

or light housekeeping ; gaa, lath, all con-- 1

venlenres,bAUKoW ST?, 19- -A largo Trent room, suitable

for two gent emeu ; convenient to Oth ao.liLlTETREK ST". 219 (privateTTuVrei-New- ly fur-

nished iront ro mi gentlemen only; icferenoerequired ; may call hundaj.CLINTON P..A6E, 111, between 6th and Gtli

avea. Largo and small rooms, light huusekeepInr or gentlemen,CLINTON PLACK,"i07"-FirnlB- hed rooms ; gentle- -

man, $1.26 ; two gnu tlemen, $3. 60 ball room,5HFKNWICH AVK., 51-- furnished room;

with all conveniences, for gentlemen or house-keeping; $2 upward.OKOVK ST., 65 t ront roo ; light Houso

kef ping or gent'emen ; $.i per week.HOUATIO hT., 00 T woiront ball riom-T- , eulTabf

for one or two gentleman; uaa, bathreot low,llOUS)N""S"r., "16 d 'WES I --Large front rooniT

newlr furniahed, suitable for two gentlemen ; nohousekeoplng. f'arroll.JAM7 STKE1.T, wo furnished conueJTeTl

light rooms to let ; private famty; all tmpruve-tnen- t.

MACDOUljAL ST., lce furnished roornTTolet, itable for ho uekeeplng: Jront $2.60 up.

AlHitCLH ST., 308. near 8th st, auu "ltroad ell.,

on ttUted. Urge furnished fr nt room,ga. bath, $.i. HkeJ.ton- -

PMtllV ST , 30 two nicely furnished room tolet. together or separate.

WASiriN(iTtiNTLC(:. an doublert'oma, neatly lurulshed; strictly reapectaule;

gent'emen only; summer ratea.WASHINGTON FLACK. UO, near Otb ve7

Itooma frr bouaekeeping, $3, $3.60; Urge audsmall hall room.WAVKIILEY PLACK, Tl7. nearCth are.-Lar- feT

H'ont room, $ ; back room, $4.VAVPalit.Y PLaTjK. 174,'lST H.OOK-U- rg

front ruom, idcalr furnished for house-oepln-

' 4TH AVR. Hi First-cU- furuTshed roomVficraif.3.r-'- to 1,50, d'lUho'iar

4TH ht.. .78 Wl ST, near Weat 11th at. rnlabed

room, light housekeeping $.'.76 weekly;hall room, $1.76.4TH ST., 369 WlJST-Nea- itly furnTIKVd room t.n

that floor for two gentlemen or mau aud wife,term moderat. Inquire iu etore.

' CTH AVL," 403 Funilahed or uiifurnUheTTfontball ruom; tint floor; htilnea person preierred,

VrifAVR.," 43S uear 26th st. -- Parlor "and" be;.- -ruom, nn tim iln&rj alao large aquare room.

CTil AVE.."ii49-Larg- e, cbesrfuT front room, fur- -ntvbcd suitable for two.

6TH AV.., 86f , c oe to elivste.T "natlon-Nlc- ely

lurnisbeit halt room to let, King Morton, bell,. OTifAVK.. 004, thltd bell.iuare aud adjoining

rooms ; runnlog water ; ail convenience ; u turnerpricea.CTH AVE.. 741, iiT.lVeit 42l iTT--'

mailed rooms; Urge and sm-- 1 ; convenienrea;weekly, dally

' 7TH AVK.r75", near 14th furuTaTie!rooms, img'y or en suite t bath; running water;

; good locality,BTH AVF., 0S0, ne.r 41sf at,

t hallroomj water, ga. large closet, 3, 2d bell,8TU AVI.. rooms" for light

housekeeping Irom 2. JO to $1. Ml,fJ'TII AVE., 344 -- Lurge. uitciy furnished Ball

rooms, ftl.60up, other rooms also.VI 11 ST.. C2t frontTliirte

; roum. suitable tor two or three gentlemen; eeo.arate beds ; third story, baok, tame suite o? par-- jlors, sunny exteaalon ; closet, with running water;suitable for doctor, dentist or patvate family; anmite or ilugly.OTH bT., 34 WF.ST-Lar- ce, baoiiBomo co"nneo

lug and square rooms, also medium: att convenfences ; term reaaonable.

' 10TII HI., 158 WKST-iueT- furnished large andrmall rooma; all convenle?ncvi, terms moderate:noi.ill,101 H AVE.. front room for onerespectable girl, $ 1. 611 per week. .Mrs. Carlaon.

7 IOTHST.. 148 WiSt-Fl-at of 3 rooma, nicelyt furnished for boosekee, tng; ring outaide bell.. UTH ST., 361 WLST-Nlc- eiy furnished ballroomI lu prlvite botiae, Klug 2 bella.l Tli ST, -- OOVEhf-Larae furnlihe," rooma1 oltn Uattil houaakaepliif, ball loom, , bathlteriniraaionatila.

11TII ST . 71 Two oonpactlnt room, i alaoI ball roomi aommar rrira Call.iw.k.. 13 111 .ST.. l'4 wKr-Sma-ll, air room, oomluiHablj furul.h.dl rafarancaa.r nTinnlYrBtlT-..l- r. bl. iron, ball ,oonT

ti,'B,i,r5 bu " :


1STH BT. . 521 WFST-Nlta- la. lornlihM Irooma. tof elbar or aanaraUi llht bo l,tk!fl"impl.cloaatai ,aa, lath.i.HTirTTr2:J6WrSl'-N.atrrfiitnl.- l,., t.'v.houaakaaplnt or aantlaru.o i fl.is w.,w " arn HT..1W WR5iti;nVnT.hTno,,t ka, ,moSthlV " P"lor,l 18 to ij

14T1I NfrTaTT'WKRftarja anl"T,TnS- - folcelj fiirnlttiaili ilanrabla locailoni ir,I?!3

irrommndataiti tarma rr.onatla. """'aa iUTllIRT.. 145 Wi of "h.wnn--; '

nlabeil rooma i prl.ale balhi lantlamtn ob alUTll W., 23rt WK.ST-Sac- on4 floor, lar.rl Iinall roomi tj t llallhr,Til HT., 24"& Wl ra. roomTTfoTnTJsunfnrnl,hiliUibta.rtlraaulr.di ralfr,";," ffriTll ST.. aMWk5T-i'laO- Bt fronTu,

fumliliedi n.at and rlaani booaekaapln. ohJ tlsa, nochljilrani retarancaa. IIS t" fit., 230 'WEsT-.".NTr- elr Vnrnlihadtrtu?-itb1.'- .,"

""" '" j18TI1 HT ailJ WiiNT,' corner Hth Vf..JSr,

furnlahad hill roomi 01. 25irlril twice ?'lnrit St.. 16S and banronTSnr!

' 'ballroom nlcaly fiirolahadt bath. Janitor aiiCTIt ST..30:l roo"nTM,' I,tanlent tor two, with batb and all luipt.

prlrate hoaja.10TII itr.. 241 Vi:8T-La- rf. Iront ball

lathi t2jrrapectiblr, parmanant. qulat pin.IflTll ST. , 30" Wu rTK.wl forniaK. I lai.r,j il,

rmall rooma all oooTeiilai.oaal tarma raia'aibl.lehnad nel.hborhootl.inTllc.T.,2J7"wr?',l-rio- nt room. aulubiTf, i,twot private family, tin, oil'-.- lntinir., 3ia WkfrKrrnTTh.'d room, withT tl

Tit. famlljr In llat. 41.60 per week. Mr,. iLl rBttlr- -. 1 Jl

17TH KT.. :a WES Ur. parlor. han0,or7i Sl

turnlahadi told ni b.di bath, hot, cold iuli4.6Ui priia'.e borne. j17TII ST.. 22R WEST-Na- wl fnrnlatTed r ,

with a .mall private famllj. a171'ii St.. r.rwfST--Front' parlor,' newly (o H

nlahed; suitable for two gentlemen i - tlwife. Janltor. unrlOTU'ST,, .13 WEhT-Plea- ant largreftC

suitable for two, $2.50 bath on flooi UBe, flno10T1I ST., 333 WKST-Iar- ee square i, i. thtr

floor freut i terran reasoLable.OTH ST . 60 WiTST-La- rge and mf Ja"newly furnlahed; hot and cold water. bunco

rOTilST.. 343 EST-N- iclr furnlitjlack IIfroom; runnlog water, gas, bathtrcair fcaa

19TU ST., 350 WEST-La- rge front a?Pleta 8assecond floor, $G, square room, $4; il i

njnce. 01

20TH ST.." "133 WliflT-Newl- furoH tawlrooms bath; folding-bed- souther 1 .rrrefere ices; summer price. , mtt,

2lTn M'.7203 vVEST-H- ght rooms Water, ,pleimen; $1.60 a week. M. fc. Dowd; 'ijrim for

20THlHT.. 43 WEHT-La- rge rooms, J 0u u"',end elegently furulihed. port

20T1I ST.. 40 ble room. ' ton I.

table anexcepllooali transient acoi theI Thjr21ST ST., 200 WEST-Lar- ge front fleet

gaa; young men ; homelike; $6 per lynnM forFarrell. r21ST ST.. 36 WEST-Ne- wly furnliheW youJet to gentlemen; singly or en aolte, ft.tl g

21ST ST., 221 WEST-Per- lor And betro ADUconvenlenca; very dealrable. Dflggia

9 j021STSTri4TWEhT-Nlcela7iAnj'i- m,t .eM-

ail conveniences ; ladles or gentlemen; 1, ana tent rAccommodated.22 D ST., 0 WEST-Ex- tra Urge, beintifolly

furnished rooma i alao spleodtd emplarconifor 4gentlemen; for thoe only wishing first clan aecommodatlons; summer ratef. t220 ST.. 13" W'KS furnlihea

room for gentlemen; $4jand $0 p:

23D ST.. 360 WFST. rear, 1st floor-Lar- ge, llf.t 4,furnished room tor two respectable gentlemeuetldl'B.li. O, Strom.23 D ST.. 336 Wl ST-f- wo large, pleaaant, fat-- i

nlbed rooms, with running water; light bomkepinc if deal red.22D" ST., 240 WLhTTarge, cool, clean, airy

front room; desirable lor two; $4; amall ona 1.

22D"ST, 474 rooms for bit Ihousekeeping low rent to desirable party. Seat

Monday,221) ST., 470 WESTNfcely furnished or nofai.

niahed snuare room i also furniahed ball rootx; 4;light housekeeping; Improvement.22D ST., 1C7 ely' "furnT.hVl 4;

rooms, large and small; hot and cold water andbAtb r,22 1) ST., 155 WEST DeslrAble. well furuishtd

parlor and bedroom ; piano; breakfast Ifde.Ired. clCondit. .

22D ST.. 117 WEST-Nlc- ely furnished roomiboard iptiona'i transl-nt- n accommodated. tc

22D ST., 4talso desirable large room ; with or v? Itbbut board

22D ST., 303 WKST-'l'- wo nltely furniVhed ce Tnectlng room-- ., $6 per week.

22D ST.. 206 WHsr-Newly- hed front room 41atb adjoining; email room; running water; 13

every oon vein on te. 41D ST., 152 one fllghT; alconvenience jone or two gentlemen only,

in ST.. 327 WKST-Lar- ge, newfy fnrnlslieir 10m ; running water, tath; toutbern exposnri 7Luju quiet and attractive,

20TH ST.7140 WEST-T- ret ly furnished room; wbeth; private fumllv. Samaon. .

2 ID ST.. 312 WrjiTTIfiiant rc ms In well-ke-

ho.iae; every coiivenlence; terms moderate-- j23 11 ST., 243 WEST- -I luinlali 'flats'comniet- -ft

small weekly payments; nothing donFIgg. 05!i I) ST., 200 W all and Urg roomie 4

lortably furnlahed; private bath aud utoveat-- 1

eitfi jreasoi ablo rent. I-- 3D ST., 4.19 Wi ST Nicely fnrnshed hallb-J- -l

room, second floor, fror.t, $3 'per weektsUillarue, handtomely lurni-ho- rooms, wltb or wttb--

ont hoard, I2.0 ST., 314 WP.hT-Cent- ral Focatlon"; fonilihelBf

ronnis: convenient to car lines and restaurant)!'r fa eute.230 ST , 405" WKHT-Par- lcr floor and other del '

eirablo vavancUa; bill room; $3 upward; boar.Optional, I23D ST., '320 WKST-.Ne- furuished large"aall.

einall looms; o.rd uptional. I23D ST., 157 WLHT-lIoo- Urge andsmefljl

every convenlente; neatuess unsurpassed; 'IU23D ST., 4 47 "W KS T 1 wo lergf, hAnTsomeTyTof H

nlahfdsti'iy fruut rooms, L station; privsfBfamily; references. I H24TH ST.," 15 W EST, near 'Mad I ion square. Fll Knutlding Han laorcety lurulshed rooms; batblaummer ratee; referiices. J-- 4TU hT.7"202 WlMT, ponvetiieot to"lPs

tlon Klegai.tly furniahed rooms; all conrleucoi; aummer prtcor.24rilST.. 211 E T N ice Urge furnished rooa

airy and 11. ht, for 3 or light boakeeping; also large rarlor.24TH ST.. 360 WEST-Nlc- furnished frooj '

rooms, flrat floor; tath; ronTenleooei; llgothousfkeeplng; terms moderate,241 11 hT., 2llf iArge, ele- - Igant front room, one flight; aHo small roomi$..60up .241 ll hTT. 243 WKST-Hoot- office, recentlj )

vacated by prominent physician; extension parlor optional; running water. H2&TH ST., 224 WKST-U- rre handsomely far

niahed rooms; private batht All convenience!private house; Urni low.25TH ST.. 203 WEbT-Cho- ico of pleasAnt room!

atmionary basins large closet ; summer price.i2CTli ST. ,"32 WES!-Ta-

rge,bandauroety fo- -

niahed room, second tloorj bath; every convsale:ioe; newly decorete 1 ; references. M201 H ST.. 60 WEST-Lar- ge parlor; hot and cold

water suitable tortwo; summer prlcei.2CTII STi, ,r0 furoisneJ

rooms, en suite or singly; referencee.2tTlH"hT,, 260 t EST Neatly fnrntahed room,

light houiekeeplng; plenty closet room also plor; terms mud urate,27 fll ST.. 312 couple I

set of three or four rooms, nicely furnished, witsgaa, Latb, I ot and cold water, for bouackeepiuOlor the mouth July aud August; term modersts.A. Dellocbea. II27TH ST., 4!i WKST. The Wf

furnishel parlor ml ts; tholceor others; btnievery acuominjjdation , reducett ratei. ri7TirST.;334 WhST Largt pleaiant room, oe

room cennecting, furniahed for light hou.ekeeptng; very convenient, $4 H37TU StT, 46 VVKST- -' Parlor, with bedrooir ao4

othrr rooms, large and small, with or wltova

27 TU M'., WV S T Comfortable auit. nuriand hall room; Also front parlor; every con

lenience.28 TU ST., 121 WKST-Meil- ura elred furnlbei

loomi all cnnveuieu.ee; toot L atationt one

sliglorooiu. J at kion. -28 NI '&iT.. "402 WrBT-Lri:- e3 and 3 front room

for huuiekevpmg from $3.60 upward.

28T1I ST., 337 eery lreIront room: folding bed; mnuiu water, excel H

lent Accunimndattoiia tor bouseseeping, ,

Stiff! ST., 62 furnlahed room".withgan, bath, large ctuseU, at moderate pncesi m

central locatlin.-- b'Ttl ST., Ill VtKST, near 6tli ave. Ltati-- J

large light. roomi but audr nn tug wjteri gentleman only, -23 Til ST.. 318 rooroi la

private family for geotl?men only references eichanged, - I29TU"ST. 333 WICST-Ntc- ely furnlehei I'f fp

front room $J ; also ball room light boukep-- wtDg; gAB, bath.39 Til HT. , 43 W"EST- -A numbefo7pIcei7foruUn4

rooms. -aoTli ST.. 303 WRST-Nlc- ely fnrulshed rooms oa

brst and euoud doors ; geutleuieu or bousexeepaingi d up.

818TST., 3C2 WEST-Nlc- ely lurnisbed Urge frontalcove roomi gjod oloaet , running water; bouse- -

keeping or gentlemen.3IST SfT326 WEST-t- 4t nicely furnished front

basement! all roqvenleuoea (or bouskeepmiigas,bslbample closfta. -31S1 ST, 306 s4 M

ond floor front; rnnning water t light bousekasp--lug or gentlemen; gas, bath. V

226"'WllT.an. airy furnubejl roojifor gentUmen ; can he seen Sunday t 2d m

8iD St., 604 Wtsf - Uaadaomei tC

rooma; till convnUnees B83DhTd6 WlJsilcflf farnlsbed fronfqH

room, edit able for 2 gentlemen t ytT HS ITillrttTVrvt&? T near BroA JHeomsiy ttir&ifa4 rooBJ Alio tlaf l$ irH$5cu, j :rAwBBiHilfllBH