*vr: -*v r - » A 4 .r r jr.* J- ' /T ' .... ~ Vi/*' . . f ¦> S ' . >¦*' ' *.¦ r II rte: . /# *%gf Mh f- V ./* - . Si,. ,r %'- j »t» ** v «: * > »ar.< ?. s ~ ^1' ' ;> C,.^ K<, ,4 ? [%K :v 5**v Hi- / V'M I" ^ xli //:i!r\ INTERVIEWS With Dis¬ tinguished Naturalists on the Much-mooted Question. Scientific Statistics Showing That August Is Sea Serpent Month Along Our Coasts. Varying Evidence as to What the Sea Serpent Really Is. Some Believe Him to Be a Monster as Yet Unstudied Which Now and Then Peeps Up From Deep Sea Abysses .Others Think Him a Sur¬ vival of Some Mammoth Species of Past Ages. r.Y FJ.FRKTII WAT KINS. AN the sea serpent bo longer denied? Is it the remnant of a monstrous speck's supposedly extinct, or some adventurer from the d**ep sea lair of a modern race of leviathans as yet undiscovered by science? Such queries I have been flinging at some distinguished naturalists, with widely varying results, which T shall proceed to report at once, especially inasmuch as my investigation brings to light the scientifically estab¬ lished fact that August is our sea serpent month par excellence. "I Incline rather to belief than to un¬ belief in the monster." Director 'Fred¬ erick A. Lucas of the American Museum of Natural History, told me- "The big¬ gest sea serpents we know of lived in the eocene period," says he. "Take, for in¬ stance. the zeuglodon. He would tally perfectly with some of the most sensa¬ tional sea serpent descriptions which we hear year after year. The zeuglodon grew as large as seventy feet in length and eight feet in diameter. His head was small and pointed. His jaws were well .rmed with grasping and cutting teeth. Just back of his head he carried a pair of short paddles, not unlike those of a fur seal. * * * "He must have reared at least a third of his great length out of the water, to take a comprehensive view of the sur¬ roundings. His tail must have propelled him at a spe»d of from twenty to thirty miles an hour. "Zeuglodons were once very numerous in the Gulf of Mexico, also the old seas of southern Europe. They have been called 'whalelike king lizards,' but in reality were mammals, not reptiles. The xeuglodon is usually thought to be the an¬ cestor of the whale, but I think he died without issue. "There is no apparent inherent impos- kibllty that the zeuglodon does exist to¬ day. * Hut we don't find him.that is all. If a fish of such ancient lineage as the gar pikf.going back to the days when the zeuglodon flourished.is so common as to be a nuisance, why may there not be a few zeuglodons, plesiosaurs or mosa- saurs somewhere in the depths of t.ie ocean ?" One recent sea-serpent story in which Dirt-' tor Lucas takes some stock is that of the captain of the British ship Fly, who states that while becalmed in the Gulf of California, in twelve fathoms of remarkably clear water, he saw crawling over the bottom an extraordinary lizard- like monster, with long, serpentlike neck, short tail and four flippers, like those of a turtle The naturalist regards it as Isita'eutna'nt Ot-Onx. Ot tutsi sitcies? iu^tidsa.m ( ^ itosaSaur c £-igm , laxl-^ps cceintthi^ remarkable, to say the least, that this skipper, who doubtless had never heard of a plesiosaur, should thus describe one with amazing accuracy, both as to form and probable habit. The director regards it as just as possible for the plesiosaur to survive as for some of our sharks, which date back to the same geologic period. Some naturalists have estimated that these monstrous, serpent-headed, dutk-necked marine lizards grew to be 100 feet in length and had eyes a yard in diameter. And, in Air. Lucas' opinion, there is no more reason for admitting t*»e survival of the plesiosaur than for as¬ suming that a mosasjfcjr and its not-dis¬ tant relative, the elasmosaur, still live. * ** In the accompanying group of three gi¬ gantic sea lizards you will perceive in the left foreground this terrible elasmosaur, the most colossal and most serpentlike of all that ancient group. With its whale¬ like body, long and flexible neck, short paddles and serpentine tail it would an¬ swer well to popular descriptions of the sea serpent. Its tremendous size is at¬ tested by its vertebrae, some of which, now preserved, are nearly as large as those of the elephant. In the right back¬ ground of the picture is its cousin, the mosasaur, of which no fewer than ten species are known to have inhabited this part of the world, six having been found in New Jersey. This terrible sea lizard at¬ tained a length of forty feet. Its head was flat and pointed and its lower jaw- was provided with an attachment of car- tilege by which it could open its mouth to an enormous extent in the same manner as the modern snake. The central figure in this group is another of these crea¬ tures known as the laelops, a great kangaroolike lizard which frequented the land. "There are no monster sea serpents," was the emphatic reply of Dr. Theodore X. Gill, the distinguished Ichthyologist of the Smithsonian Institution. "There is no animal of gigantic size now living in the sea which could be properly classed a a serpent, or even a reptile.. "It is possible that a great selachian related to the frilled shark of Japan may be found in the seas. This would have an eellike body, a fln back of the head and. If very long, would agree to some extent with descriptions of the 'great sea sehpent-' As a matter of fact there was discovered not many years ago a small, a05^CE= lKbcjts"H^rj)RARCKus' or"Sxa Kitvg Fnakelike shark, resembling the grap sharks found in the Pacific." ? * * Dr. Gill regarded the survival of a zeuglodon or of such a monster sea liz¬ ard as a plesiosaur, after many millions of year;;, as a possibility. "But/' he added, "there is no prob¬ ability that any one will ever enjoy the fight of such a possibility. Yet nfh.ny able scientists, including Agassiz, have said that such a creature as the plesiosaur may jrtill survive." "Do you regard all reports of monster sea serpents as pure figments of the Imagination?" I asked Dr. Gill. "Most of the wonderful creatures made the subject of sea serpent stories doubt¬ less are living animals of some sort," he replied. "I will give some examples. Let us dispose of one of the most conspicu¬ ous pictures of the ca serpent yet print¬ ed. This is given in a work by Erik Pontoppidan, Bishop of Bergen. Norway, who wrote more than a century and a half ago describing giant sea serpents and mermaids, which he believed really ex¬ isted. Ho. being a godly man, should not be distrusted entirely. "This monster was represented with its front portion out of water and as having a large frill about its neck. Its tail was long and tapering, and ended in a spiral curve. Prom its mouth issued a jet of water or vapor. Now, certainly, such a form does not exist, but what was it? "Well, now let's look at the cuttlefish, or squid. Some of these have been found as long as sixty feet. The tail of such a giant cuttlefish may have been taken for the head of this monster serpent, the fins of the tail corresponding to the frills described. The spiral tail might easily have been one of the great cuttlefish's curved arms appearing out of water, and the jet of water might have been the siphon of the cuttlefish, by which it propels itself in the water. How much imagination would be required to add the unreasonable features of this picture? "Or, suppose that a summer tourist or superstitious mariner should catch sight of a giant basking shark, such aa in¬ habits the North sea. These are often more than thirty feet in length and fre¬ quently travel in pairs, one following the other. * * * "The front portion of one and the head portion of the other appearing above water at the same time would be sug- fieient to scare any unsuspecting ob¬ server. There are even larger sharks in tropical seas. Take, for instance, the rhinodon. the large warm sea shark, sometimes fifty feet long, or the galeo- cerdo, a large shark found in most seas, often forty feet long, or again the car- charodon, or man-eater, sometimes sixty feet long and occasionally reaching our shores. "What would be the effect upon the imagination of a person who should see one of these fellows diving among the billows? Why he would come home and tell the most outlandish sea serpent stories you ever heard." What proved for a time to be the most successful sea serpent hoax on record, according to Dr. Gill, was perpetrated in New York by a pseudo-scientist. Dr. All>ert C. Koch, in 1S45. He exhibited on Broadway the skeleton of an alleged fossil monster which he named the "hydrarchos" or "sea king." The re¬ mains, including the head and vertebrae, measured no less than 114 feet over all, and the people of New York, as well as of other American cities visited, were greatly excited over the discovery of tangible proof that the long-suspected sea serpent existed. But finally Prof. Wy« man, a naturalist of considerable eircum- Ol ZiiTJGLODON~ fr* TTaJIi.TRAJ, TMXJSXUTC "Dois This Survive. ^ The MaRij^x Lizard loo Fi.lt Long spection. examined the skeleton and dis¬ covered it to be a composite, including the bones of several zeuglodons strung together. When last heard of by Dr. Gin this "sea serpent" was sold by Koch to the museum of I>resden. The accom¬ panying photograph of the skeleton of a zeuglodon properly mounted has been furnished me by Dr. Gill, and was made from the unequa'ed specimen obtained by tire Smithsonian some time ago from our southern coast. Mixed with these bones when dug up were the shell of a turtle three feet long and part of the backbone of a watersnake, which in life must have measured twenty-five feet from head to tail. If this great zeuglodon were alive it would very nicely fit many popular descriptions of the "sea serpent." . * * The federal bureau of fisheries has been hunting the Sea serpent ever since it was founded Its second officer in com¬ mand, Dr. Hugh M. Smith, I'nited States deputy commissioner of fisheries, told me yesterday how he has personally followed to their lairs two or three of the most horrible of these creatures. One was a monster found drifting some years ago in Nantucket sound, in the vicinity of Hyannis, Mass. It having been described at great length by the Boston papers. Dr. Smith, then at the fisheries laboratory at Woods Hole, nearby, pro¬ ceeded to investigate it. He says he found the monster in a marsh, where it had lodged after having been turned adrift by the fishermen who had caught it. It was both horrible and grotesque to behold, indeed.a large, bad¬ ly decomposed shark, whose skin had fallen away from parts of the fins, leav¬ ing only stumps, which suggested feet. The second sea serpent investigated by Dr. Smith was, he said, exhibited upon a pier at Atlantic City in July, 1!»04 It was advertised as "a genuine sea ser¬ pent," and sensational accounts of its be¬ havior before falling a victim to the brave fishermen who caught it were pub- lished. Dr. Smith found it to consist of an imperfect skeleton, about ten and on»-- ha!f feet long:, stretched at full length upon a plain. The parts present were a skull, stumps of fins and a backbone, which, with a short section missing from the tail end, contained 274 vertebrae. The creature appeared so hideou"s and mon¬ strous to some scribes assigned to the story that they hinted in their papers that the "serpent" was not a bona fide but a manufactured product * * * I>r. Smith discovered that the car¬ cass had been snagged by a '.ne fish¬ erman a few miles off A^!«mtic City. But, as the specimen was a paying at¬ traction, it could not be obtained for study. However, Dr. Smith had made a series of drawings and photographs of detailed portions of the skeleton, and these, with several vertebrae, he brought to the Smithsonian Institution and sub¬ mitted to Dr. Gill, the above-quoted, who lost no time in identifying the "monster'" as a thresher shark. The third monster investigated by Dr. Smith was a huge, serpentlike creature seen floating in Ixing Island sound some summers ago. by thousands of excur¬ sionists. It proved to be the carcass of a huge python, which had died on board a ship from the East Indies. After hav¬ ing been skinned, it was thrown over¬ board. While scientists are not in accord on the question. Dr. Smith thinks that some circumstantial evidence recently gathered "will perhaps weaken the be¬ lief of some intelligent persons, who have heretofore denied the possibiity of the ex¬ istence at this day of marine monsters comparable to those of geological times." However, this may be, he said, there are now in the seas well known mem¬ bers of the fish class large enough to he regarded as monsters and td afford the basis of some sea serpent stories. AmoiiK these are not unh the big yii:irk* mentioned by Dr. <JUI, but such event ires as the skatelike. bat-shaped. two-horned "devil fish" or "'ocean vampire," a Kiant ray, which ventures a.s far north in At¬ lantic waters as Cape May, and which at¬ tains a weight of six tons, also a breadth of thirty feet; the ocean sunflsh, of both Atlantic and Facitlc waters, found weigh¬ ing as much me> 1.900 pounds; the "tuna." "great tunny" or "horse mackerel." a so of both ocea'is. which reaches* I .."Ml pounds in weight, and fifteen feet in length; the tawrish. which grows to be over twenty feet long- Such of these creatures as science has seen have been found dead or dying at the surface of the water, and zoologists have shown no activity in finding their lairs. "This suggests. ' said Dr. Smith, "how fragmentary must be our knowledge of the larger animals of the oceanic abyss and how possible it might be for un¬ known monsters to exist there in abun¬ dance." * ** This view is held also by Dr Tarleton H. Bean, late director of the New York a<|uarlum and now state fish culturalist of New York. He does not doubt that in the deep abysses of the sea are living monsters unknown to science, which come occasionally to the surface and give foun¬ dation to sea serpent stories. A zealous champion of the sea serpent's reality is I>r. A. C. Oudemans, the well known zoologist. After collecting all ob¬ tainable reports of sea serpent visitations along our eastern coast and throwing out palpable "cheats and hoaxes'' lie has ob¬ tained evidence of sixty-six such ti.ou¬ sters reported between Newfoundland and Florida within a period of ltt« years. These monsters, he says, are migratory, and that they do not like cold water is shown by the fact that none have been reported along our coasts between No¬ vember and January, inclusive, while only two have been seen during Feb¬ ruary. March and April.. Their return with warm weather, however, is shown by the record of three in May, nine in June, seven in July and finally a round couple of dozen in August, which, as stated, is our sea serpent month par ex¬ cellence. After this the visitations taper off.four in September, two in October and none in Novemh«*r. The fact that comparatively few of these monsters have been reported from our Pacific coast is, according to Dr. Oudemans, due to the fact that the greater ocean is far less frequented by ocean passengers rather than to the probable absence of such creatures from its waters. The sea serpent is a great mammal most nearly related to the sea bear, ac¬ cording to this naturalist. In the view of some zoologists the great zeuglodon was closely related to this same species, but its greatest known length, seventy feet, is far surpassed by the 2Tn> feet attributed by Dr. Oudemans to his hypothetical creature, which, he says, appears to have a head resembling that of the sea lion, an eel-like neck, a hairy seal-like trunk with two flippers on each sid«- and a tapering, pointed tail The males of this species, like those of the seal, he thinks, are probably a<1orn»''l with the mane which figures so persistently in sea serpent descriptions. (CopjTiffht 1MJ, hy .! -hu Klfn-ih Wu'LioaJ Y0SH1MT0, JAPAN'S NEW 1UILEE, BECAME SACKED WHEN HE TOOK THE THIONE TIEN* Yosnihltn be¬ came the reigning sovereign of Japan about two weeks ago he found him¬ self in a position comparable to that of no emperor on earth. Other em¬ perors, western and eastern, are but human. Yoshi- hlto in the eyes of his subjects is divine. The succession of other emperors is clondi-d and disconnected: that of Yoshi- hito If complete arid self-sufficient. One hundred and twenty-third sovereign of Ms iine. He traces his royal descent back to the mists of the world, back <100 years and more before the time of Christ, back, in fact, to the creat heroic age of Japan, when two gods were called upon to create a land from the liquid islands of the ait^-and they created Japan. Prom these gods he claims descent, and not even the most highly educated and sdentlticyjly minded Japanese will dis¬ pute it. That Is t he chord of belief which no modern sophistication can pierce. The dead Mutsahito has taken h!s harborage with his fellow-gods, and Yoshihito, reigning, is of his blood * * * Title, in part explains the attitude of veneration in which the Jepanese re¬ gard t^irir ruler, explains the sentiment which marks him forth from brother sov¬ ereigns. It is a sentiment which few Japanese will discuss. "It is a sentiment," said one to the writer, "which it is impossible for a Japanese to analyze. and which If an¬ alyzed no foreign mind could compre¬ hend " A Japanese resident here for a quar¬ ter of a century, however, attempted the tack. "It fmrlngs partly from the intense Idealism of the people," said he, "and is really a peculiar form of patriotism. It la as if the Japanese nation were rever¬ encing itself, for it believes that it, too. .prang from the gods and that it is of the family of the emperor. To a nation Which reverences its ancestors, the em¬ peror represents a link between the pres¬ ent Ja^>an and everything that has gone before.a link, perhaps, between the ma¬ terial and the spirit worlds. He is at lice jar, element of mysticism and the MafcodUneni of material national strength. 4 It is as If".the Japanese gentleman paused."you could merge the sentiment of a Roman Catholic for the Pope and the affection of a people for a great king." "Will the present emperor preserve for himself the full sentiment which the peo¬ ple had for his father?" was asked. The Japanese shrugged. "In a measure. j>erhaps. Wholly, per¬ haps not." he answered. That he will command a peculiar rev¬ erence is certain from the reasons I have given, which are inherent in the nation. That the affection of the people will be as great as that given to the late em¬ peror is doubtful. You see, the last sov¬ ereign i«ispired and controlled Japan from its Krowth from a feudal land to a world-wide nation. From the time the great princes or dalmios surrendered their powers and estates to the grant¬ ing of a modern and voluntary constitu¬ tion in 1S80, his was the initiative of each successive advance. He hail done more even than the na.tion expected.cer¬ tainly more than had ever been accom¬ plished for a nation before. That record was personal to him and is responsible for the personal love with which he is regarded. We honor and reverence the new sovereign.yes. lie is emperor, he is the embodied spirit of Japan. But, love? Kven an emperor must earn love for himself. Ho enters Yoshihito, the new emperor of Japan, upon his kingdom.the re¬ cipient, in western eyes, of strange marks of Japanese respect. For if the race follows the precedents given to Mutsuhito, Yoshihito's name will not be pronounced by any of his subjects. "Th« sovereign." "the emperor," he will be; never Yoshihito. To call the name of Yoshihito will be sacrilege. It would be as if a shrine had been as¬ sailed. And that is only a small indi¬ cation of the respect which the Japa¬ nese will give him as a sovereign. No man or woman will sit before him. None, if convention be maintained, will speak .directly to him, for it is the cus¬ tom to address the Kmperor of Japan only through members of his house¬ hold. In his presence even the great¬ est will look upon the ground, unless the emperor be placed at some eleva¬ tion. when it is permissible that the eyes be raised, and even this is a con¬ cession to the new world of things in Japan. * ? * For Mutsuhito. the dead emperor, passed the first sixteen years of life, unseen by any foreigner, unseen by any but his personal attendants, who were of his family. In conference even with the greatest of those who served him. his fac-e was never shown, for he sat hidden within a canopy, *n the low throne-platform from which his orders came. Till sixteen years of age he had never walked.and the art of walking was with him a stiff and harsh practice to the end. New, too. is the wild acclaim of innumerable "ban- aais" whenever the emperor's pres¬ ence is observed by the people.for it came into Japan within the last fif¬ teen years and in the skirts of prog¬ ress. Before that lime a dead silence had spoken national respect.a dead silence and eyes lowered and the shut¬ tered windows of houses along th<* street. * * * However, while the Japanese em¬ peror 110 longer lives in the dim re¬ ligious light by which once he was surrounded, a seclusion greater by far than any practiced by any other reign¬ ing sovereign will be his, for even yet it is not the sentiment of the royal race ttiat any of its members shall be¬ come the familiar of any among the people. It is the etiquette of the Jap¬ anese court that the emperor's public appearances shall be infrequent. Even tlie diplomatic corps sees him only at the New Year reception and at the spring and fall cherry blossom and chrysanthemum garden parties. Once or twice a year, perhaps, he will drive to the Aoyama plain to review the troops.if, at least, he follow the prece¬ dent of the late emperor. Here the lat¬ ter sat for the most part in a tent or ambled jerkily about the field on a much subdued and thoroughly domesticated Australian horse. In this respect, how¬ ever. Yoshihito will present a better ap¬ pearance than that of his father, for his military training began almost with in¬ fancy. and his equestrian performances greatly overshadow. Mwtsuhito's, who rode as he walked.stiffly and without ease. On rare occasions the court etiquette will doubtless lead the emperor to those infrequent state banquets to which are in¬ vited all the leading statesmen, diplo¬ matists, generals and admirals. Here the form of .etiquette is distinctively peculiar to Japan, for the emperor sits at a raised dais. In a seat apart, while at the long tables before him are his guests, whose portions wait in front of them, un¬ touched. till the emperor be finished. He remains only a short time, and eats lit¬ tle. Then the guests begin. To the rigid etiquette with which the members of the Japanese royal family are treated Yoshihito is accustomed as to that etiquette in turn due from him. Emperor of Japan, however, the fatigue® msitm rr YOSHIH1TO, J A PAX'S XEW EMPEROR. will easily balance his increased honors, rulers of Japan.of whom there are the In his visits to the shrine at Shiba Park, comfortable number of 122. Here to Shlba for instance, he will be immolated on the Park he goes in state at intervals, and in altar of etiquette in a manner unapproach- the fashion arranged by his elaborate ed by any reigning sovereign. I»or here ceremonial committee does his fitting rev- it Is that he pays his respects to the erence on. roughly. 122 occasions. memory of his ancestors.the precedent Aud the personality of this new ruler who commands medieval respect from a nation so ultra-modern as the Jap¬ anese? A slight, small-chested figure, of in- expansive shoulder and somewhat frail build.a figure with a bead abnormally large, coal black eyes, the coarse black hair, the somewhat somber expression, and the undershot jaw of the great em¬ peror, his father. In his august position today he seems somewhat of an anomaly to western eyes, for lie is not the son or the Empress of Japan, but of one £>t Mutsuhito's lesser wives, the Countess Yanagaware, and chosen by tlie last em¬ peror as that sovereign's successor under the law of Japan. He is thirty-one years old, and. with the exception of a recent illness, hardier than he has ever been. * * For Yosliihito lias been a frail figure since infancy.a sufferer from a con¬ stitutional complaint which carried off his elder brother, and which the un¬ usual size of his head sufficiently sug¬ gests. He is a sufferer from water on the brain, which, however, impairs his mental faculties not the least, hut only renders him unusually sensitive to nerv¬ ous diseases. He is spoken of as seri¬ ous and bright and with some prepense to social instincts unpossessed by his parent. Third among the sons, and one among the twelve children of the late emperor, Yoshihito had no greater reason to ex¬ pect a succession to sovereignty than had any of his brothers, had they lived, for it is the custom of the emperor to nominate his successor from the most likely ma¬ terial.being limited only by the fact that he must be of royal blood. The death of his two elder brothers, however, opened up vast royal perspectives to Yoshihito, and in 18«7 he was nominated heir ap¬ parent, being proclaimed crown prince in 18sy. Yoshihito's life in its earliest years re¬ flected the changed condition of Japan. He was brought up democratically, and attended school in the College of Peers, which is intended for. the education of princes and nobles, but which is open to all. Here he worked with the rest, pos¬ sessing no privileges unpossessed by the most obscure, and with a punctuality in¬ sisted upon, from even him, the descend¬ ant of the gods In this way came the comparative development of his social in¬ stincts. for. unlike Mutsuhito. he prefers to talk directly with his company than through the august intermediary of court officialdom. Later, however, he came un¬ der th« c»re of a tutqr. Gen. Oku, who wag assisted by a Mr. Adachl, who seems to have been linguistically inclined, for the present emperor speaks English and "French, as well as German. From Gen. Oku he studied military tactics and early proved that in Japan royalty Is something of a talisman. At thirteen he was a lieu¬ tenant, at sixteen colonel of the Japanese army. * * In these early years from our western viewpoint he lived a life of remarkable independence of parental control. He oc¬ cupied, almost from infancy, a palace of his own.not, however, distant from the emperor's and within that park which could comfortably accommodate the Vat¬ ican and Central Park and be sublimely unconscious of the assimilation. This, un¬ der the charge of a chamberlain and three assistants, and at a yearly expense of rrfMK#) yen, was his home throughout his years of schooling and early man¬ hood, and it contained everything that even a Crown Prince of Japan should have. It came perilously near the lux¬ uries offered by any ocean liner. The small and weakly prince had his gymna¬ sium, his bowling alley, his tennis and archery courts, his> stables, his riding pa¬ vilion. his tishing ponds. And these de¬ veloped in him an outdoor taste which today, at thirty-two, has given him. It not a rugged, at least a normal health. Here his youth was spent in the society mostly of royal relatives.the Japanese examples of his sister?" and his cousins and his aunts. As he grew his society ..hanged to that of the juvenile nobles lie met at school. A Japanese authority in New York describes this intimacy curi¬ ously. "It is," he says, "a blend of the intimacy of a young man and the pe¬ culiar veneration fur bit1 royalty whicb all Japanese possess." In the seclusion of his palace also Yoshihito developed a keen attachnier- for versification, which.even in modern Japan.Is deemed one of the most im¬ portant accomplishments in court circles. This poetry he writes both In Japant se and in Chinese.the last activity corre¬ sponding with that Latin verse which it was the joy of English scholars in other times to comj>ose. v * * In ino»>, when his three-storied palace was built, at a cost of $oOO.«KX>. it was European, rather than Japanese in char¬ acter. Even in his unofficial moments, too, he uses European dress. His matri¬ monial condition, also, is singular, in that it may only be referred to in the singu¬ lar; and he has beeu reputeA to con- sider thai a plurality of wives (twelv* hitherto has been the custom for an em¬ peror > is of modern Japan. In other re¬ gards he has conformed to an older spirit. I lis wife, the present empress, was chosen from a merely noble family--the quality of health entering appreciably into the choice She. indeed, is known for her physical vitality, and in her school days was a devotee of tennis. Such is a slight portrait of Yoshihito. new Emperor of Japan, who, presumably, will desert his own palace and Inherit that in which the late emperor lived Here the note Is Japanese, incongruously blended with the mechanical devices of the Occident, long and low as are it* labrynt'hs of buildings, andi t is «-hlefly remarkable for its covered parages and its covered courts. . * * The architecture is of the ancient Japanese style, with Itiglt roofs at fh: rp angles and heavy gray tiles. No whisper of the European speaks there. Inside are walls of plate glass and lacquer, which, rolled aside, open up vistas of tremendous rooms <Jenerally. here, visitors are im¬ pressed with the triumph of Japanese simplicity which characterizes It, though, strangely enough, the late emperor's and the empress" apartments are furnished with French rosewood furniture and rugs in the European style. Mutsuhito in¬ variably ate, as does the present emperor, at table, and with those everwldening in¬ fluences. knives and forks. Throughout the i>aiace, too. one finds, ew-n in a medieval environment, elocirlc lights.in the mystic covered courtyards. In the fascinating connecting passages which go up aud down, and.necessarily. in the very Frenchy modern dining room itself. But in his emperor's suite, in the midst of the many indications of western ' ways.in smoking rooms, libraries, billiard rooms, dressing rooms, stands one incon¬ gruity which seems Insensibly to creep into the blended civilization of the Jap¬ anese. It is the imperial bedroom, plain to barrenness, in its Japanese style, uli¬ ven t ilated, dark, window-less, and sur¬ rounded on every side by the rooms of the emperor's personal bodyguard. It in. indeed, in the heart of the palace. In Corn Time.- MRS. TAJT tells a story about a little country-weeker who sat under a tree one August afternoon with a strain¬ ed. anxious look on his face and both hands folded upon his small stomach. "What's the matter with him? Is he ill?" a visitor asked. "Oh, no, ma'am: he ain't 111," said farmer® wife; "hut no stomach of that size can stand eleven ears of corn. '

Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1912-08 ...That August Is Sea Serpent Month Along Our Coasts. Varying Evidence asto

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Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1912-08 ...That August Is Sea Serpent Month Along Our Coasts. Varying Evidence asto

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INTERVIEWS With Dis¬tinguished Naturalists on

the Much-mooted Question.Scientific Statistics ShowingThat August Is Sea SerpentMonth Along Our Coasts.Varying Evidence as to Whatthe Sea Serpent Really Is.Some Believe Him to Be a

Monster as Yet UnstudiedWhich Now and Then PeepsUp From Deep Sea Abysses.Others Think Him a Sur¬vival of Some MammothSpecies of Past Ages.


AN the sea serpentbo longer denied?

Is it the remnantof a monstrousspeck's supposedlyextinct, or some

adventurer fromthe d**ep sea lairof a modern raceof leviathans as

yet undiscoveredby science?Such queries I

have been flinging at some distinguishednaturalists, with widely varying results,which T shall proceed to report at once,

especially inasmuch as my investigationbrings to light the scientifically estab¬lished fact that August is our sea serpentmonth par excellence."I Incline rather to belief than to un¬

belief in the monster." Director 'Fred¬erick A. Lucas of the American Museumof Natural History, told me- "The big¬gest sea serpents we know of lived in theeocene period," says he. "Take, for in¬stance. the zeuglodon. He would tallyperfectly with some of the most sensa¬tional sea serpent descriptions which we

hear year after year. The zeuglodongrew as large as seventy feet in lengthand eight feet in diameter. His head wassmall and pointed. His jaws were well.rmed with grasping and cutting teeth.Just back of his head he carried a pairof short paddles, not unlike those of a

fur seal.*

* *

"He must have reared at least a thirdof his great length out of the water, totake a comprehensive view of the sur¬

roundings. His tail must have propelledhim at a spe»d of from twenty to thirtymiles an hour."Zeuglodons were once very numerous

in the Gulf of Mexico, also the old seasof southern Europe. They have beencalled 'whalelike king lizards,' but inreality were mammals, not reptiles. Thexeuglodon is usually thought to be the an¬cestor of the whale, but I think he diedwithout issue."There is no apparent inherent impos-

kibllty that the zeuglodon does exist to¬day.


Hut we don't find him.that is all.If a fish of such ancient lineage as thegar pikf.going back to the days whenthe zeuglodon flourished.is so common asto be a nuisance, why may there not bea few zeuglodons, plesiosaurs or mosa-saurs somewhere in the depths of t.ieocean ?"One recent sea-serpent story in which

Dirt-' tor Lucas takes some stock is thatof the captain of the British ship Fly,who states that while becalmed in theGulf of California, in twelve fathoms ofremarkably clear water, he saw crawlingover the bottom an extraordinary lizard-like monster, with long, serpentlike neck,short tail and four flippers, like those ofa turtle The naturalist regards it as

Isita'eutna'nt Ot-Onx. Ot tutsi sitcies?iu^tidsa.m (^itosaSaur c £-igm ,laxl-^ps cceintthi^

remarkable, to say the least, that thisskipper, who doubtless had never heardof a plesiosaur, should thus describe onewith amazing accuracy, both as to formand probable habit. The director regardsit as just as possible for the plesiosaurto survive as for some of our sharks,which date back to the same geologicperiod. Some naturalists have estimatedthat these monstrous, serpent-headed,dutk-necked marine lizards grew to be100 feet in length and had eyes a yardin diameter. And, in Air. Lucas' opinion,there is no more reason for admitting t*»esurvival of the plesiosaur than for as¬suming that a mosasjfcjr and its not-dis¬tant relative, the elasmosaur, still live.

** *

In the accompanying group of three gi¬gantic sea lizards you will perceive in theleft foreground this terrible elasmosaur,the most colossal and most serpentlikeof all that ancient group. With its whale¬like body, long and flexible neck, shortpaddles and serpentine tail it would an¬swer well to popular descriptions of thesea serpent. Its tremendous size is at¬tested by its vertebrae, some of which,now preserved, are nearly as large as

those of the elephant. In the right back¬ground of the picture is its cousin, themosasaur, of which no fewer than tenspecies are known to have inhabited thispart of the world, six having been foundin New Jersey. This terrible sea lizard at¬tained a length of forty feet. Its headwas flat and pointed and its lower jaw-was provided with an attachment of car-tilege by which it could open its mouth toan enormous extent in the same manneras the modern snake. The central figurein this group is another of these crea¬tures known as the laelops, a greatkangaroolike lizard which frequented theland."There are no monster sea serpents,"

was the emphatic reply of Dr. TheodoreX. Gill, the distinguished Ichthyologist ofthe Smithsonian Institution. "There isno animal of gigantic size now living inthe sea which could be properly classeda a serpent, or even a reptile.."It is possible that a great selachian

related to the frilled shark of Japan maybe found in the seas. This would havean eellike body, a fln back of the headand. If very long, would agree to someextent with descriptions of the 'great seasehpent-' As a matter of fact there wasdiscovered not many years ago a small,

a05^CE=lKbcjts"H^rj)RARCKus' or"Sxa Kitvg

Fnakelike shark, resembling the grapsharks found in the Pacific."

?* *

Dr. Gill regarded the survival of a

zeuglodon or of such a monster sea liz¬ard as a plesiosaur, after many millionsof year;;, as a possibility."But/' he added, "there is no prob¬

ability that any one will ever enjoy thefight of such a possibility. Yet nfh.nyable scientists, including Agassiz, havesaid that such a creature as theplesiosaur may jrtill survive.""Do you regard all reports of monster

sea serpents as pure figments of theImagination?" I asked Dr. Gill."Most of the wonderful creatures made

the subject of sea serpent stories doubt¬less are living animals of some sort," hereplied. "I will give some examples. Letus dispose of one of the most conspicu¬ous pictures of the ca serpent yet print¬ed. This is given in a work by ErikPontoppidan, Bishop of Bergen. Norway,who wrote more than a century and a

half ago describing giant sea serpents andmermaids, which he believed really ex¬isted. Ho. being a godly man, shouldnot be distrusted entirely."This monster was represented with its

front portion out of water and as havinga large frill about its neck. Its tail waslong and tapering, and ended in a spiralcurve. Prom its mouth issued a jet ofwater or vapor. Now, certainly, such aform does not exist, but what was it?"Well, now let's look at the cuttlefish,

or squid. Some of these have been foundas long as sixty feet. The tail of such agiant cuttlefish may have been taken forthe head of this monster serpent, thefins of the tail corresponding to the frillsdescribed. The spiral tail might easilyhave been one of the great cuttlefish'scurved arms appearing out of water, andthe jet of water might have been thesiphon of the cuttlefish, by which itpropels itself in the water. How muchimagination would be required to add theunreasonable features of this picture?"Or, suppose that a summer tourist or

superstitious mariner should catch sightof a giant basking shark, such aa in¬habits the North sea. These are oftenmore than thirty feet in length and fre¬quently travel in pairs, one following theother.

** *

"The front portion of one and the headportion of the other appearing abovewater at the same time would be sug-

fieient to scare any unsuspecting ob¬server. There are even larger sharks intropical seas. Take, for instance, therhinodon. the large warm sea shark,sometimes fifty feet long, or the galeo-cerdo, a large shark found in most seas,often forty feet long, or again the car-charodon, or man-eater, sometimes sixtyfeet long and occasionally reaching ourshores."What would be the effect upon theimagination of a person who should see

one of these fellows diving among thebillows? Why he would come home andtell the most outlandish sea serpentstories you ever heard."What proved for a time to be the most

successful sea serpent hoax on record,according to Dr. Gill, was perpetrated inNew York by a pseudo-scientist. Dr.All>ert C. Koch, in 1S45. He exhibited onBroadway the skeleton of an allegedfossil monster which he named the"hydrarchos" or "sea king." The re¬mains, including the head and vertebrae,measured no less than 114 feet over all,and the people of New York, as well asof other American cities visited, weregreatly excited over the discovery oftangible proof that the long-suspected seaserpent existed. But finally Prof. Wy«man, a naturalist of considerable eircum-


"Dois This Survive. ^ TheMaRij^x Lizard loo Fi.lt Long

spection. examined the skeleton and dis¬covered it to be a composite, includingthe bones of several zeuglodons strungtogether. When last heard of by Dr.Gin this "sea serpent" was sold by Kochto the museum of I>resden. The accom¬panying photograph of the skeleton of a

zeuglodon properly mounted has beenfurnished me by Dr. Gill, and was madefrom the unequa'ed specimen obtained bytire Smithsonian some time ago from our

southern coast. Mixed with these boneswhen dug up were the shell of a turtlethree feet long and part of the backboneof a watersnake, which in life must havemeasured twenty-five feet from head totail. If this great zeuglodon were aliveit would very nicely fit many populardescriptions of the "sea serpent."

.* *

The federal bureau of fisheries hasbeen hunting the Sea serpent ever sinceit was founded Its second officer in com¬

mand, Dr. Hugh M. Smith, I'nited Statesdeputy commissioner of fisheries, told me

yesterday how he has personally followedto their lairs two or three of the mosthorrible of these creatures.One was a monster found drifting some

years ago in Nantucket sound, in thevicinity of Hyannis, Mass. It having beendescribed at great length by the Bostonpapers. Dr. Smith, then at the fisherieslaboratory at Woods Hole, nearby, pro¬ceeded to investigate it.He says he found the monster in a

marsh, where it had lodged after havingbeen turned adrift by the fishermen whohad caught it. It was both horrible andgrotesque to behold, indeed.a large, bad¬ly decomposed shark, whose skin hadfallen away from parts of the fins, leav¬ing only stumps, which suggested feet.The second sea serpent investigated by

Dr. Smith was, he said, exhibited upona pier at Atlantic City in July, 1!»04 Itwas advertised as "a genuine sea ser¬pent," and sensational accounts of its be¬havior before falling a victim to thebrave fishermen who caught it were pub-

lished. Dr. Smith found it to consist ofan imperfect skeleton, about ten and on»--ha!f feet long:, stretched at full lengthupon a plain. The parts present were askull, stumps of fins and a backbone,which, with a short section missing fromthe tail end, contained 274 vertebrae. Thecreature appeared so hideou"s and mon¬strous to some scribes assigned to thestory that they hinted in their papers thatthe "serpent" was not a bona fide buta manufactured product

** *

I>r. Smith discovered that the car¬cass had been snagged by a '.ne fish¬erman a few miles off A^!«mtic City.But, as the specimen was a paying at¬traction, it could not be obtained forstudy. However, Dr. Smith had madea series of drawings and photographsof detailed portions of the skeleton, andthese, with several vertebrae, he broughtto the Smithsonian Institution and sub¬mitted to Dr. Gill, the above-quoted, wholost no time in identifying the "monster'"as a thresher shark.The third monster investigated by Dr.

Smith was a huge, serpentlike creatureseen floating in Ixing Island sound somesummers ago. by thousands of excur¬sionists. It proved to be the carcass of ahuge python, which had died on boarda ship from the East Indies. After hav¬ing been skinned, it was thrown over¬board.While scientists are not in accord on

the question. Dr. Smith thinks thatsome circumstantial evidence recentlygathered "will perhaps weaken the be¬lief of some intelligent persons, who haveheretofore denied the possibiity of the ex¬istence at this day of marine monsterscomparable to those of geological times."However, this may be, he said, there

are now in the seas well known mem¬bers of the fish class large enough tohe regarded as monsters and td affordthe basis of some sea serpent stories.

AmoiiK these are not unh the big yii:irk*mentioned by Dr. <JUI, but such event iresas the skatelike. bat-shaped. two-horned"devil fish" or "'ocean vampire," a Kiantray, which ventures a.s far north in At¬lantic waters as Cape May, and which at¬tains a weight of six tons, also a breadthof thirty feet; the ocean sunflsh, of bothAtlantic and Facitlc waters, found weigh¬ing as much me> 1.900 pounds; the "tuna.""great tunny" or "horse mackerel." a soof both ocea'is. which reaches* I .."Mlpounds in weight, and fifteen feet in

length; the tawrish. which grows to beover twenty feet long-Such of these creatures as science has

seen have been found dead or dying atthe surface of the water, and zoologistshave shown no activity in finding theirlairs."This suggests. ' said Dr. Smith, "how

fragmentary must be our knowledge ofthe larger animals of the oceanic abyssand how possible it might be for un¬known monsters to exist there in abun¬dance."

** *

This view is held also by Dr TarletonH. Bean, late director of the New Yorka<|uarlum and now state fish culturalistof New York. He does not doubt that inthe deep abysses of the sea are livingmonsters unknown to science, which come

occasionally to the surface and give foun¬dation to sea serpent stories.A zealous champion of the sea serpent's

reality is I>r. A. C. Oudemans, the wellknown zoologist. After collecting all ob¬tainable reports of sea serpent visitationsalong our eastern coast and throwing outpalpable "cheats and hoaxes'' lie has ob¬tained evidence of sixty-six such ti.ou¬sters reported between Newfoundlandand Florida within a period of ltt« years.These monsters, he says, are migratory,

and that they do not like cold water isshown by the fact that none have beenreported along our coasts between No¬vember and January, inclusive, whileonly two have been seen during Feb¬ruary. March and April.. Their returnwith warm weather, however, is shownby the record of three in May, nine inJune, seven in July and finally a roundcouple of dozen in August, which, asstated, is our sea serpent month par ex¬cellence. After this the visitations taperoff.four in September, two in Octoberand none in Novemh«*r. The fact thatcomparatively few of these monstershave been reported from our Pacific coastis, according to Dr. Oudemans, due tothe fact that the greater ocean is far lessfrequented by ocean passengers ratherthan to the probable absence of suchcreatures from its waters.The sea serpent is a great mammal

most nearly related to the sea bear, ac¬cording to this naturalist. In the view ofsome zoologists the great zeuglodon was

closely related to this same species, butits greatest known length, seventy feet,is far surpassed by the 2Tn> feet attributedby Dr. Oudemans to his hypotheticalcreature, which, he says, appears tohave a head resembling that of the sealion, an eel-like neck, a hairy seal-liketrunk with two flippers on each sid«- anda tapering, pointed tail The males ofthis species, like those of the seal, hethinks, are probably a<1orn»''l with themane which figures so persistently in seaserpent descriptions.(CopjTiffht 1MJ, hy .! -hu Klfn-ih Wu'LioaJ

Y0SH1MT0, JAPAN'S NEW 1UILEE, BECAME SACKED WHEN HE TOOK THE THIONETIEN* Yosnihltn be¬came the reigningsovereign of Japanabout two weeksago he found him¬self in a positioncomparable to thatof no emperor on

earth. Other em¬perors, westernand eastern, arebut human. Yoshi-hlto in the eyes of

his subjects is divine.The succession of other emperors is

clondi-d and disconnected: that of Yoshi-hito If complete arid self-sufficient. Onehundred and twenty-third sovereign ofMs iine. He traces his royal descent backto the mists of the world, back <100 yearsand more before the time of Christ,back, in fact, to the creat heroic age ofJapan, when two gods were called uponto create a land from the liquid islandsof the ait^-and they created Japan.Prom these gods he claims descent, and

not even the most highly educated andsdentlticyjly minded Japanese will dis¬pute it. That Is t he chord of belief whichno modern sophistication can pierce. Thedead Mutsahito has taken h!s harboragewith his fellow-gods, and Yoshihito,reigning, is of his blood

** *

Title, in part explains the attitude ofveneration in which the Jepanese re¬gard t^irir ruler, explains the sentimentwhich marks him forth from brother sov¬

ereigns. It is a sentiment which fewJapanese will discuss."It is a sentiment," said one to the

writer, "which it is impossible for aJapanese to analyze. and which If an¬alyzed no foreign mind could compre¬hend "

A Japanese resident here for a quar¬ter of a century, however, attempted thetack."It fmrlngs partly from the intense

Idealism of the people," said he, "and isreally a peculiar form of patriotism. Itla as if the Japanese nation were rever¬encing itself, for it believes that it, too..prang from the gods and that it is ofthe family of the emperor. To a nationWhich reverences its ancestors, the em¬peror represents a link between the pres¬ent Ja^>an and everything that has gonebefore.a link, perhaps, between the ma¬terial and the spirit worlds. He is atlice jar, element of mysticism and theMafcodUneni of material national strength.


It is as If".the Japanese gentlemanpaused."you could merge the sentimentof a Roman Catholic for the Pope andthe affection of a people for a greatking.""Will the present emperor preserve for

himself the full sentiment which the peo¬ple had for his father?" was asked.The Japanese shrugged."In a measure. j>erhaps. Wholly, per¬haps not." he answered.That he will command a peculiar rev¬

erence is certain from the reasons I havegiven, which are inherent in the nation.That the affection of the people will beas great as that given to the late em¬peror is doubtful. You see, the last sov¬ereign i«ispired and controlled Japanfrom its Krowth from a feudal land to aworld-wide nation. From the time thegreat princes or dalmios surrenderedtheir powers and estates to the grant¬ing of a modern and voluntary constitu¬tion in 1S80, his was the initiative ofeach successive advance. He hail donemore even than the na.tion expected.cer¬tainly more than had ever been accom¬plished for a nation before. That recordwas personal to him and is responsiblefor the personal love with which he isregarded. We honor and reverence thenew sovereign.yes. lie is emperor, heis the embodied spirit of Japan. But,love? Kven an emperor must earn lovefor himself.Ho enters Yoshihito, the new emperorof Japan, upon his kingdom.the re¬

cipient, in western eyes, of strangemarks of Japanese respect. For ifthe race follows the precedents givento Mutsuhito, Yoshihito's name will notbe pronounced by any of his subjects."Th« sovereign." "the emperor," he willbe; never Yoshihito. To call the nameof Yoshihito will be sacrilege. Itwould be as if a shrine had been as¬sailed. And that is only a small indi¬cation of the respect which the Japa¬nese will give him as a sovereign. Noman or woman will sit before him.None, if convention be maintained, willspeak .directly to him, for it is the cus¬tom to address the Kmperor of Japanonly through members of his house¬hold. In his presence even the great¬est will look upon the ground, unlessthe emperor be placed at some eleva¬tion. when it is permissible that theeyes be raised, and even this is a con¬cession to the new world of things inJapan.

*? *

For Mutsuhito. the dead emperor,passed the first sixteen years of life,unseen by any foreigner, unseen byany but his personal attendants, whowere of his family. In conference evenwith the greatest of those who served

him. his fac-e was never shown, for hesat hidden within a canopy, *n the lowthrone-platform from which his orderscame. Till sixteen years of age hehad never walked.and the art ofwalking was with him a stiff andharsh practice to the end. New, too. isthe wild acclaim of innumerable "ban-aais" whenever the emperor's pres¬ence is observed by the people.for itcame into Japan within the last fif¬teen years and in the skirts of prog¬ress. Before that lime a dead silencehad spoken national respect.a deadsilence and eyes lowered and the shut¬tered windows of houses along th<*street.

** *

However, while the Japanese em¬

peror 110 longer lives in the dim re¬

ligious light by which once he was

surrounded, a seclusion greater by farthan any practiced by any other reign¬ing sovereign will be his, for even yetit is not the sentiment of the royalrace ttiat any of its members shall be¬come the familiar of any among thepeople. It is the etiquette of the Jap¬anese court that the emperor's publicappearances shall be infrequent. Eventlie diplomatic corps sees him only atthe New Year reception and at thespring and fall cherry blossom andchrysanthemum garden parties.Once or twice a year, perhaps, he will

drive to the Aoyama plain to review thetroops.if, at least, he follow the prece¬dent of the late emperor. Here the lat¬ter sat for the most part in a tent orambled jerkily about the field on a muchsubdued and thoroughly domesticatedAustralian horse. In this respect, how¬ever. Yoshihito will present a better ap¬pearance than that of his father, for hismilitary training began almost with in¬fancy. and his equestrian performancesgreatly overshadow. Mwtsuhito's, who rodeas he walked.stiffly and without ease.On rare occasions the court etiquette

will doubtless lead the emperor to thoseinfrequent state banquets to which are in¬vited all the leading statesmen, diplo¬matists, generals and admirals. Herethe form of .etiquette is distinctivelypeculiar to Japan, for the emperor sits ata raised dais. In a seat apart, while at thelong tables before him are his guests,whose portions wait in front of them, un¬touched. till the emperor be finished. Heremains only a short time, and eats lit¬tle. Then the guests begin.To the rigid etiquette with which the

members of the Japanese royal family aretreated Yoshihito is accustomed as tothat etiquette in turn due from him. A«Emperor of Japan, however, the fatigue®


will easily balance his increased honors, rulers of Japan.of whom there are theIn his visits to the shrine at Shiba Park, comfortable number of 122. Here to Shlbafor instance, he will be immolated on the Park he goes in state at intervals, and inaltar of etiquette in a manner unapproach- the fashion arranged by his elaborateed by any reigning sovereign. I»or here ceremonial committee does his fitting rev-it Is that he pays his respects to the erence on. roughly. 122 occasions.memory of his ancestors.the precedent Aud the personality of this new ruler

who commands medieval respect froma nation so ultra-modern as the Jap¬anese?A slight, small-chested figure, of in-

expansive shoulder and somewhat frailbuild.a figure with a bead abnormallylarge, coal black eyes, the coarse blackhair, the somewhat somber expression,and the undershot jaw of the great em¬peror, his father. In his august positiontoday he seems somewhat of an anomalyto western eyes, for lie is not the son orthe Empress of Japan, but of one £>tMutsuhito's lesser wives, the CountessYanagaware, and chosen by tlie last em¬peror as that sovereign's successor underthe law of Japan. He is thirty-one yearsold, and. with the exception of a recentillness, hardier than he has ever been.

* *For Yosliihito lias been a frail figure

since infancy.a sufferer from a con¬stitutional complaint which carried offhis elder brother, and which the un¬usual size of his head sufficiently sug¬gests. He is a sufferer from water onthe brain, which, however, impairs hismental faculties not the least, hut onlyrenders him unusually sensitive to nerv¬ous diseases. He is spoken of as seri¬ous and bright and with some prepense tosocial instincts unpossessed by his parent.Third among the sons, and one among

the twelve children of the late emperor,Yoshihito had no greater reason to ex¬

pect a succession to sovereignty than hadany of his brothers, had they lived, for it isthe custom of the emperor to nominatehis successor from the most likely ma¬

terial.being limited only by the fact thathe must be of royal blood. The death ofhis two elder brothers, however, openedup vast royal perspectives to Yoshihito,and in 18«7 he was nominated heir ap¬parent, being proclaimed crown princein 18sy.Yoshihito's life in its earliest years re¬

flected the changed condition of Japan.He was brought up democratically, andattended school in the College of Peers,which is intended for. the education ofprinces and nobles, but which is open toall. Here he worked with the rest, pos¬sessing no privileges unpossessed by themost obscure, and with a punctuality in¬sisted upon, from even him, the descend¬ant of the gods In this way came thecomparative development of his social in¬stincts. for. unlike Mutsuhito. he prefersto talk directly with his company thanthrough the august intermediary of courtofficialdom. Later, however, he came un¬der th« c»re of a tutqr. Gen. Oku, whowag assisted by a Mr. Adachl, who seems

to have been linguistically inclined, forthe present emperor speaks English and"French, as well as German. From Gen.Oku he studied military tactics and earlyproved that in Japan royalty Is somethingof a talisman. At thirteen he was a lieu¬tenant, at sixteen colonel of the Japanesearmy.

* *In these early years from our western

viewpoint he lived a life of remarkableindependence of parental control. He oc¬

cupied, almost from infancy, a palaceof his own.not, however, distant fromthe emperor's and within that park whichcould comfortably accommodate the Vat¬ican and Central Park and be sublimelyunconscious of the assimilation. This, un¬der the charge of a chamberlain andthree assistants, and at a yearly expenseof rrfMK#) yen, was his home throughouthis years of schooling and early man¬

hood, and it contained everything thateven a Crown Prince of Japan shouldhave. It came perilously near the lux¬uries offered by any ocean liner. Thesmall and weakly prince had his gymna¬sium, his bowling alley, his tennis andarchery courts, his> stables, his riding pa¬vilion. his tishing ponds. And these de¬veloped in him an outdoor taste whichtoday, at thirty-two, has given him. Itnot a rugged, at least a normal health.Here his youth was spent in the societymostly of royal relatives.the Japaneseexamples of his sister?" and his cousinsand his aunts. As he grew his society..hanged to that of the juvenile nobleslie met at school. A Japanese authorityin New York describes this intimacy curi¬ously. "It is," he says, "a blend of theintimacy of a young man and the pe¬culiar veneration fur bit1 royalty whicball Japanese possess."In the seclusion of his palace also

Yoshihito developed a keen attachnier-for versification, which.even in modernJapan.Is deemed one of the most im¬portant accomplishments in court circles.This poetry he writes both In Japant seand in Chinese.the last activity corre¬sponding with that Latin verse which itwas the joy of English scholars in othertimes to comj>ose.

v* *

In ino»>, when his three-storied palacewas built, at a cost of $oOO.«KX>. it was

European, rather than Japanese in char¬acter. Even in his unofficial moments,too, he uses European dress. His matri¬monial condition, also, is singular, in thatit may only be referred to in the singu¬lar; and he has beeu reputeA to con-

sider thai a plurality of wives (twelv*hitherto has been the custom for an em¬

peror > is of modern Japan. In other re¬

gards he has conformed to an older spirit.I lis wife, the present empress, was chosenfrom a merely noble family--the qualityof health entering appreciably into thechoice She. indeed, is known for herphysical vitality, and in her school dayswas a devotee of tennis.Such is a slight portrait of Yoshihito.

new Emperor of Japan, who, presumably,will desert his own palace and Inheritthat in which the late emperor livedHere the note Is Japanese, incongruouslyblended with the mechanical devices ofthe Occident, long and low as are it*labrynt'hs of buildings, andi t is «-hleflyremarkable for its covered parages andits covered courts.

.* *

The architecture is of the ancientJapanese style, with Itiglt roofs at fh: rpangles and heavy gray tiles. No whisperof the European speaks there. Inside arewalls of plate glass and lacquer, which,rolled aside, open up vistas of tremendousrooms <Jenerally. here, visitors are im¬pressed with the triumph of Japanesesimplicity which characterizes It, though,strangely enough, the late emperor's andthe empress" apartments are furnishedwith French rosewood furniture and rugsin the European style. Mutsuhito in¬

variably ate, as does the present emperor,at table, and with those everwldening in¬fluences. knives and forks.Throughout the i>aiace, too. one finds,

ew-n in a medieval environment, elocirlclights.in the mystic covered courtyards.In the fascinating connecting passageswhich go up aud down, and.necessarily.in the very Frenchy modern dining roomitself. But in his emperor's suite, in themidst of the many indications of western '

ways.in smoking rooms, libraries, billiardrooms, dressing rooms, stands one incon¬gruity which seems Insensibly to creepinto the blended civilization of the Jap¬anese. It is the imperial bedroom, plainto barrenness, in its Japanese style, uli¬vent ilated, dark, window-less, and sur¬rounded on every side by the rooms ofthe emperor's personal bodyguard. It in.indeed, in the heart of the palace.

In Corn Time.-MRS. TAJT tells a story about a little

country-weeker who sat under a

tree one August afternoon with a strain¬ed. anxious look on his face and bothhands folded upon his small stomach."What's the matter with him? Is he

ill?" a visitor asked."Oh, no, ma'am: he ain't 111," said

farmer® wife; "hut no stomach of thatsize can stand eleven ears of corn. '